2729\27290049.jpg,0,"Glastonbury Abbey in Glastonbury, Somerset, England, is the site of one of the first Christian churches in England. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#BelΘm Monastery
#Chartreuse, La Grande
#Escorial, El
#Fountains Abbey
#O'Casey, Sean
#Synge, J(ohn) M(illington)
#Netherlands Antilles
#Saud, al-
#Obadiah, Book of
#Amanullah Khan
#Charles X
#Constantine I (of Greece)
#Edward II
#Edward VIII
#Farouk I
#Mary, Queen of Scots
#Michael (of Romania)
#Napoleon I
#Nicholas II
#Umberto II
#Wilhelmina (Helena Pauline Maria)
#William II (of Germany), Ger Wilhelm, known as Kaiser Wilhelm
naoy\naoy0086.jpg,0,"Abdomen \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Heimlich manoeuvre
#Amulets In The Bible
#Adam and Eve
#Old Testament
100a\100a0209.jpg,0,"John Jacob Abel \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
1635\16350003.jpg,0,"Aboriginal man in ceremonial costume \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
0124\01240019.jpg,0,"Aboriginal girl, central Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2046\20460015.jpg,,"Women from the Walpiri tribe take part in traditional corroboree, Mt Allan, central desert, Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
3210\32100013.jpg,,"Aboriginal canoe \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Aboriginal Art: Namatjira School
#Aboriginal Burials
#Aboriginal land rights
#Aboriginal Who Sold Thousands Of Shirts
#An Aborigine's Grave In Britain
#Archaeology and Minority Groups
#Archaeology and the Australian Aborigine
#Archaeology: Aborigines and Maoris
#Australia, Changes Since 1975
#Australia, Early Inhabitants of
#Australian Archaeology in the 20th Century
#Australian languages
#Barak And His Meandering Gravestone
#Buried By His Rescuer
#Cooee Corner
#Disease, The Spread of
#Dreamtime or The Dreaming
#Early Sport in Australia
#Hand as an Amulet
#Kngwarreye, Emily Kame
#Last King Of His Tribe
#Mabo, Eddie Koiki
#Myall Creek massacre
#O'Shane, Pat(ricia) June
#Participated In Historic Expeditions
#Perkins, Charles (Nelson)
#Yunupingu, Mandawuy
100a\100a110e.jpg,0,"Battle of the Nile \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Napoleon I
#Nelson, Horatio
#Nile, Battle of the
#Villeneuve, Pierre (Charles Jean Baptiste Sylvestre) de
#Abarbanel, Isaac ben Jehudah
#Sarah or Sarai
#covenant (religion)
#Montcalm (de Saint Veran), Louis Joseph de Montcalm-Grozon, marquis de
#Wolfe, James
#Abraham, Abram, or Ibrahiz
spd1\spd10021.jpg,0,"Sand -- a naturally occurring abrasive substance \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Abarbanel, Isaac ben Jehudah
#deciduous plants
humidity levels and temperature.tbl,0,"Temperature change and humidity levels. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#strict liability
star magnitudes.tbl,0,"Stars and their magnitudes. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#relative magnitude
#absolute zero
#absolute temperature
#isothermal process
fa06\fa060022.jpg,0,"Jesus Christ -- an icon of Christian worship \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#confession (of sin)
#Give Short Shrift
#Divine Right of Kings
#Louis XIV
#radioactivity units
#Doppler effect or shift
stpd\stpd0058.jpg,0,"Abstract art \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Contemporary Art
#action painting
#biomorphic art
#concrete art
#De Stijl
#figurative art
#Op Art
#Arp, Jean or Hans
#Brancusi, Constantin
#Kandinsky, Wasily
#Mir≤, Joan
#Mondrian, Piet
#Moore, Henry (Spencer)
#Pevsner, Antoine
#action painting
#Beckett, Samuel (Barclay)
#Camus, Albert
#Ionesco, Eugene
#Pinter, Harold
#Ayn, al-
#United Arab Emirates
2068\20680001.jpg,0,"Temple of Abu Simbel was moved block by block out of danger from the rising waters of the Aswan High Dam, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#Egyptian Archaeology: Inherent Problems
#Aswan High Dam
#Rameses or Ramses II
#Koran or Qu'ran
#Mohammed or Mahomet
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Abuja, approximate location"
#civil law
#civil law, also known as domestic law
#criminal law
#abyssal plains
#oceanic ridges
#continental margin
#island arc
#Abyssinian Crisis 1935
#Abyssinian Crisis Aftermath
0724\07240010.jpg,0,"Mozarteum Academy, Salzburg, Austria -- a place of learning \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Oscar: Origin of the Name
#Motion Picture Academy Awards Winners
pdp1\pdp10156.jpg,0,"Otter cliffs at Acadia \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10117.jpg,0,"Sand beach at Acadia \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Champlain, Samuel de
caoy\caoy0239.jpg,0,"Florentine door-knocker from the 16th century featuring a stylized acanthus leaf at the top of the artifact. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
diag\diag0058.jpg,0,"Acid rain -- the chain from pollutants to acidified lakes and dying trees. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#fossil fuel
#greenhouse effect
#nitric acid
#sulphuric / sulfuric acid
#winter aconite
pnwe\pnwe0238.jpg,,"Oak trees -- the acorn creators \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#local area network (LAN)
2257\22570004.jpg,0,"Acoustics are of great importance in the Vienna State Opera House, Austria \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#anechoic chamber
#loudspeaker or speaker
#sound intensity level
#Lamarck, Jean Baptiste (Pierre Antoine) de Monet, Chevalier de
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Acre, approximate location"
#base (chemistry)
#coal tar
#growth hormone (GH)
#pituitary gland
1202\12020012.jpg,0,"Acropolis, Athens \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Archaeology in Greece
#carboxylic acids
fp03\fp03063.jpg,0,"Northern Coat of Arms. Entered according to Act of Congress in 1864 by J. E. Gutzer in the clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fa06\fa060057.jpg,0,"Christ with children \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Jesus Christ
#Luke, Gospel according to
#New Testament
#bodily harm
#servo system
#criminal law
#intent / intention
scan\scan0096.jpg,0,"Acupressure is a treatment in which practitioners use their thumbs and fingers to stimulate acupuncture points on the bodies of their patients \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#alternative medicine
#tai chi chuan
#alternative medicine
#Alternative Medicines
#auricular therapy
#Medicine, Complementary
#traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
#yin and yang
#functional group
#organic chemistry
#Babbage, Charles
#programming language
#real-time computing
#Gulf War
#Gulf War (Jan-Feb 1991)
#Piper Alpha
#missions, Christian
3607\36070041.jpg,0,"European painting of Adam and Eve from the Renaissance period \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
fa06\fa060002.jpg,,"The Creation of Eve \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Adam's Apple: Origin of the Name
#Apples on Gravestones
#Banished From Paradise
#Genesis, Book of
#Green Apples
#Man's Less Rib
#Nudity And Morals
#Sri Lanka
#Columba, St
#French literature
#Eisenhower, Dwight D(avid)
#Adams, John
#Adams, John Quincy
#Adams, John, U.S. president
#Sinn FΘin
#Leverrier, Urbain Jean Joseph
#Neptune (astronomy)
1601\16010022.jpg,0,"John Quincy Adams (Painting by Alonzo Chappel) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020022.jpg,,"John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010068.jpg,,"John Quincy Adams (Painting by C. W. Peale) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Adams, Abigail
#Adams, John, U.S. president
#Declaration of Independence
#Federalist Papers
#John Adams, Novanglus (February 6, 1775)
#Monroe Doctrine
#United States Politics, Early Factionalism
#Adams, Abigail
#Adams, John Quincy
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Marshall, John
#United States Government History, President John Adams
1639\16390010.jpg,0,"Formula One racing cars at the Australian Formula One Grand Prix, held in Adelaide every year from 1985 to 1995. Since 1996, the Australian Grand Prix has been held in Melbourne. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
spd1\spd10077.jpg,0,"Adoption has given many children and many parents a loving family environment. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#court of law
fa06\fa060021.jpg,0,"Jesus Christ ù the theory that he was adopted by God caused controversy in the 4th and 8th centuries \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Jesus Christ
#Lombard, Peter
#Frankfurt School
#Horkheimer, Max
#Marcuse, Herbert
#Habermas, Jⁿrgen
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Voyager project
#Glands (Ductless), Functions Discovered
#Addison's disease
#adrenaline or adrenalin
#Cushing's disease
#endocrine glands
#adrenal glands
#noradrenaline (UK)
#adrenal glands
#pituitary gland
#Henry II (of England)
#Alexander III, originally Orlando Bandinelli\
#Roman history
3606\36060015.jpg,0,"Adriatic coastal town; note the fortifications to repel early invaders. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Mediterranean Sea
#gas, chemistry
1635\16350061.jpg,0,"Adult education at the University of Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#community school / college
#distance education
#further education
wrpd\wrpd0276.jpg,,"Advent -- a period of penitence and preparation for the celebration of the first coming of Christ at Christmas. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Advent Meanings
#Jesus Christ
#Sanitarium Products And Kellogg's Cereals
#Jesus Christ
#proportional representation
3218\32180057.jpg,0,"Advertisement for soft drink, Hebei province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190097.jpg,0,"Billboard advertisement, Hebei province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3214\32140028.jpg,0,"Roadside advertising, Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Soap Opera
#Madison Avenue
#Saatchi & Saatchi
#subliminal advertising
#Devil's Advocate
#court of law
#yellow fever
#Medicine, Tropical (Imperialist Era)
3607\36070008.jpg,0,"Aegean coastline today \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Minoan civilization
#Mycenaean / Mycenean civilization
3607\36070007.jpg,0,"View of the Aegean Sea from one of the Aegean islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Aegean Sea
3607\36070011.jpg,0,"Coastline along the Aegean Sea \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Mediterranean Sea
#Athene or Athena
#long-tailed tit
will\will0076.jpg,0,"Owlet-nightjars are small, nocturnal, insect-eating birds restricted to the Australasian region. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#owlet nightjar
#English literature
#Old English
#Ailred of Rievaulx, St
#Roman roads
#Romulus and Remus
#Trojan War
#Virgil or Vergil
#sand dune
#Greek history
#elephant bird
#antenna (technology)
2052\20520077.jpg,0,"Aerial photographs, like this one, provide a 'bird's-eye view' of the Earth's surface. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380073.jpg,0,"Aerosols are sprayed on some planes to stop the spreading of any foreign micro-organisms across borders. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Indian Subcontinent (Travel Health Tips) (Date last rev'd: 7 November 1996)
#American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL / CIO)
mapl\maplafr.jpg,0,"Africa - map \H"
3451\34510097.jpg,0,"Masai tribe dressed in brightly coloured traditional African clothing. \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
2184\21840011.jpg,0,"Samburu warriors in traditional dress \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2184\21840021.jpg,0,"Ruined hut in a deserted village, Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
3452\34520042.jpg,0,"Zebras in the Masai Mara \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3452\34520019.jpg,0,"African animals including gazelles and gnus \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3451\34510079.jpg,0,"Lioness guarding her cubs, Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3451\34510010.jpg,0,"Cheetahs take turns feasting on an impala, Africa. \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3451\34510093.jpg,0,"African lion family resting in the bush \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
vas6\vas60261.jpg,0,"African plain \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2184\21840027.jpg,,"Nyangombe Falls, Tanzania \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
yaoy\yaoy0259.jpg,,"Pre-historic rock painting from southern Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
1765\17650014.jpg,,"Mtarazi Falls in Zimbabwe, the highest waterfall in Africa. \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Africa, Partition of
#African Archaeology
#African art
#African dance
#African history
#African languages
#African literature
#African music
#Archaeology in Africa
#Archaeology: Exploration and Ethnology in Africa
#Bleek and the African Bushmen
#East Africa (Travel Health Tips)
#Rift Valley
#Sahara Desert
#Organization of African Unity (OAU)
#slave trade
yaoy\yaoy0259.jpg,0,"Pre-historic rock painting from Southern Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
yaoy\yaoy0353.jpg,,"Northern Africa pre-historic rock painting \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Archaeology: Exploration and Ethnology in Africa
#Igbo Ukwu
3451\34510096.jpg,clt1tr13.wav,"Masai tribe in ritual jumping dance\p\BSound\b - Night in Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Caribbean dance
ampd\ampd0076.jpg,0,"African map from 1719 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2060\20600053.jpg,0,"Warrior, Samburu, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Archaeology in Africa
#Africa, Partition of
#Bantu-speaking peoples
#Benin (former kingdom)
#Boer Wars
#British South Africa Company
#Great Trek
#Great Zimbabwe
#Luba-Lunda Kingdoms
#Masai or Maasai
#Mau Mau
#oral history
#slave trade
#Zanzibar (island)
scan\scan0236.jpg,0,"African hunting dog \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#Afro-Asiatic languages
#Niger-Congo languages
#African history
#African literature
#Bantu-speaking peoples
#evergreen plants
#Achebe, Chinua
#CΘsaire, Aime (Fernand)
#Coetzee, John Michael
#Gordimer, Nadine
#Soyinka, Wole
#pop music
#Mandela, Nelson (Rolihlahla)
#South Africa
#North African Campaign
#Rommel, Erwin (Johannes Eugen)
#World War II
#Germanic languages
#Boer Wars
#Great Trek
#Smuts, Jan (Christiaan)
#African languages
#family of languages
#Tigray or Tigre
#Ijsselmeer or Ysselmeer
#jet engine
#armoured fighting vehicle (AFV)
0721\07210078.jpg,0,"Aga Khan burial place on the western bank of the Nile in Aswan, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#League of Nations
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Agadir, approximate location"
#Greek Civilization, Theatres
#Trojan War
#bearded lizard
#flying lizard
#frilled lizard
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Aga±a, approximate location"
#African lily
1261\12610063.jpg,0,"Seaweed is used to produce agar \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#ice age
3209\32090014.jpg,0,"Onyx is often used to create stunning pieces like this one. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3209\32090012.jpg,0,"Agate \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3209\32090006.jpg,0,"Crazy lace agate \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#century plant
#evergreen plants
#fibre / fiber
3451\34510098.jpg,,"Age-sets are best known among E African peoples such as the Masai. \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#initiation rites
#Masai or Maasai
#American literature
2068\20680003.jpg,0,"Crowd of people in New Delhi, India, 1993 \H\BPhotograph:\b Unesco"
2882\28820079.jpg,0,"Public audience hall, Red Fort, Agra \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840081.jpg,0,"Public audience hall, Red Fort, Agra \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2882\28820059.jpg,,"Taj Mahal, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Akbar the Great
#Taj Mahal
#Uttar Pradesh
1412\14120059.jpg,0,"Farming is one part of agribusiness \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
iaoy\iaoy0331.jpg,0,"Illustration from \IDe Re Metallica\i by Georgius Agricola, published posthumously in 1556. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Britain, Roman
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Britian: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Luther, Martin
#Industrial Revolution
1412\14120060.jpg,0,"Wheat field \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120059.jpg,0,"Harvesting a rice field \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
2185\21850060.jpg,,"Rice plantation, Sigatoka River, Fiji \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Disease, Prehistoric Farming and
#Farming, The Earliest Farmers
#Farming: The Origins
#Agricultural Revolution
#arable farming
#Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
#crop rotation
#livestock farming
#soil science
#subsistence agriculture
#sustainable agriculture
#Herod Agrippa I
#Herod Agrippa II
#Actium, Battle of
#Augustus, (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
#Julia, Roman Noblewoman
#Maecenas, Gaius (Cilnius)
0172\01720050.jpg,0,"Worker in a tea tree plantation, Seychelles \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#alley farming
#climax vegetation
#sustainable agriculture
1412\14120060.jpg,0,"Agronomy -- the theory and practice of field-crop production and soil management. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#arable farming
#soil science
1602\16020059.jpg,0,"Emilio Aguinaldo (seated third from right) and other insurgent leaders (Filipino insurrection, January 21, 1899) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Kings, Books of
#Moabite Stone
#Berry's phase
#magnetic vector potential
#quantum mechanics
#Gandhi, (Mohandas Karamchand)
#Gandhi, Indira (Priyadarshini)
#Gandhi, Rajiv
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ahmadabad or Ahmedabad, approximate location"
#Gandhi, (Mohandas Karamchand)
#Egyptian history, Ancient
#Ahura Mazda
#Mazda Globes
#Bothnia, Gulf of
#artificial intelligence (AI)
#missions, Christian
pdmt\pdmt0022.jpg,0,"Microscopic HIV \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0003.jpg,0,"Equipment used to test for AIDS \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#AIDS Updates
#Disease in The Modern World
#Drug Solution To AIDS?
#HIV Infection and AIDS, General Recommendations to Traveller
#Infections, Wiping Out
#Latex Allergy
#Medicine, Unanswered Questions
#Modified Virus To Fight AIDS?
#New drugs
#WHO Blood Transfusion Guidelines for International Travellers
#martial arts
0154\01540088.jpg,0,"Hovercraft leaving Dover Harbour for France \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Cockerell, Sir Christopher (Sydney)
pss1\pss10021.jpg,0,"AV8B Harrier \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pss1\pss10114.jpg,0,"Bearcat \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pss1\pss10115.jpg,0,"Hellcat \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pss1\pss10101.jpg,0,"F16 \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pss1\pss10081.jpg,0,"F117 \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pss1\pss10084.jpg,0,"F14 \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pss1\pss10043.jpg,0,"B52 \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0004.jpg,0,"Airborne Corporal Ike jackets from World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0894\08940084.jpg,0,"F111 \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0894\08940033.jpg,0,"Macchi jet trainer at Richmond airbase NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0894\08940027.jpg,0,"Hercules at Richmond airbase NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0894\08940082.jpg,,"Australian Air Force display team (The Roulettes) \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0894\08940035.jpg,,"Air force jets refuelling in mid-air over Richmond, NSW, Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0894\08940090.jpg,,"Air Force Caribou \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
mssg\mssg0039.jpg,0,"Picturesque Jasper in Alberta, Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
mssg\mssg0009.jpg,0,"Bow Lake, Alberta, Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
mssg\mssg0050.jpg,,"Mount Norquay, Alberta, Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
mssg\mssg0087.jpg,,"Sunset on Lake Alberta \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
mssg\mssg0089.jpg,,"Tamaracks, Alberta, Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Hudson's Bay Company
aaoy\aaoy0034.jpg,0,"Part of the facade of the Palazzo Rucellai at Florence, c.1445-1470 by Leon Battista Alberti \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
aaoy\aaoy0013.jpg,0,"Gate of Santa Maria Novella at Florence (church of the Dominicans) by Leon Battista Alberti \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Renaissance, Men
#Aquinas, St Thomas
#soul (religion)
2061\20610034.jpg,0,"Albino child, Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
vam1\vam10032.jpg,,"Albino peacock \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0281\02810016.jpg,,"Close-up of an alpaca's fleece \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2184\21840096.jpg,,"Alpaca at an alternative agriculture show \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#alpha particle
#nucleus (physics)
#Radioactive Decay
#alpha decay
#particle physics
#Rutherford (of Nelson), Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron
#Beginnings of Writing
#Alphabet Origins
#Mind One's Ps and Qs
#X - The Unknown Quantity
#Thorn In The Alphabet
#Greek 'T' on a Headstone
#Alpha And Omega
#Nato Alphabet
#Cyrillic alphabet
#Semitic alphabets
#writing systems
#graphology, linguistics
#Universe: Ever-Expanding
#Bethe, Hans (Albrecht)
#big bang
#Gamow, George
#Alfonso I or Alfonso Henriques
#harmonic series
spd1\spd10145.jpg,0,"Vegetation which grows on alpine ranges must withstand extremes of heat and cold. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1405\14050054.jpg,,"Alpine flowers found near Innsbruck, Austria \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060063.jpg,0,"Field overshadowed by the Alps in the French region. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060058.jpg,0,"Luc Serre Poncon in French Alps region \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060053.jpg,0,"Gliding over the Alps, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
3607\36070046.jpg,0,"Swiss Alps silhouetted behind a village \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Allgau Alps
#Bavarian Alps
#Bernese Alps
#Brenner Pass
#Carnic Alps
#Cottian Alps
#Dinaric Alps
#Graian Alps
#Julian Alps
#Karawanken Alps
#Lechtal Alps
#Nordliche Kalkalpen
#Salzburg Alps
#Simplon Pass
#St Bernard's Passes
#St Gotthard Pass
#Stubai Alps
#Zillertal Alps
aaoy\aaoy0231.jpg,0,"Ruins of the Castle St Ulrich near Rappoltsweiler, now RibeauvillΘ, in the Alsace region of France. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#German shepherd
#modern dance
#Rambert Dance Company
#Belukha, Mount
#family of languages
#lingua franca
#Aquila (astronomy)
#Altamira and the Discovery of Cave Art
#Stone Age Prehistory
#Three Age System
#Baroque (art and architecture)
stpd\stpd0115.jpg,0,"Altazimuth ù this radio telescope has an altazimuth mount \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2038\20380085.jpg,0,"The largest river system in the world snakes its way through the Amazon rainforest. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
1749\17490037.jpg,0,"Amazon River, near Manßos, Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
pdmt\pdmt0245.jpg,,"Amazon River -- aerial view of the mouth of the Amazon \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1749\17490038.jpg,,"Giant water lily pads, Amazon River \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490042.jpg,,"Felled timber ready to be floated down the river for building. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490044.jpg,,"Village on the Amazon riverbank \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490045.jpg,,"Amazon River village local children \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490043.jpg,,"Amazon riverbank home, built on stilts to combat floods (river levels vary by up to 10 metres throughout the year). \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490039.jpg,,"Pet crocodile living along the Amazon River \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Manaus or Manßos
#Herodotos or Herodotus
#diplomatic service
#High Commissioner
#sperm whale
#spy story
#Augustine, St, originally Aurelius Augustinus, also known as Augustine of Hippo
#amoeba / ameba
#Ahmose I
#Egyptian history, Ancient
#Thebes (Egypt)
#Cushing's disease
#History of the America's Cup
#black bear
#civil rights
cwm1\cwm10043.jpg,0,"Hat, knapsack and canteen \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10048.jpg,0,"Jeb Stuart's hat, sword and gloves \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10075.jpg,0,"Shoes from the Civil War \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10009.jpg,0,"American Civil War drums and bugle \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10087.jpg,0,"Sword, knife and pistol \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10019.jpg,0,"American Civil War uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10091.jpg,,"Union bugler uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Fought In The American Civil War
#Chattanooga Campaign
#Confederate States of America
#Fort Sumter
#Gettysburg Address
#Peninsular Campaign
#Bull Run, Battles of
#Cold Harbor, Battles of
#Fredericksburg, Battle of
#Gettysburg, Battle of
#Seven Days' Battles
#Grant, Ulysses S(impson)
#Lee, Robert E(dward)
#Lincoln, Abraham
#McClellan, George B(rinton)
#Sheridan, Philip H(enry)
#Sherman, William Tecumseh
#Harrison, Benjamin, 23rd U.S. president
#abolitionist movement
#Unlucky 13
#bald eagle
#Gompers, Samuel
#Teamsters' Union
#Trades Union Congress (TUC)
#Industrial Workers, United States, Late 19th Century
#Unions, Rise of in United States
srpd\srpd0102.jpg,0,"American football \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Blanda, (George) Frederick
#Brown, Jim
#Earliest Origins of Football
#Marino, Dan
#Meanings Behind Football
#Montana, Joe
#Namath, Joe
3611\36110036.jpg,0,"American Indian \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3611\36110035.jpg,0,"American Indian \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3611\36110034.jpg,0,"Gourd dancing in remembrance of fallen comrades. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#American Indian Warrior Societies
#American Indians and European Settlement
#American Indians and their Horses
#American Indians Today
#American Indians: Reservation Life
#Athabascan or Athapascan
#Bering Land Bridge and the Native Americans
#Bombardment of Tenochtitlan
#Californian Indians
#Chaco Canyon and Pueblo Bonito
#Cheyenne (Indians)
#Colonial Wars
#Crow (anthropology)
#East Woodland Indians
#Eastern Woodlands Indians
#Fox (anthropology)
#Incas or Inka
#Indian Reservations
#Indian Wars
#Little Bighorn, Battle of the (1876)
#Mound Builders and Pueblos
#Native Americans, The Plight of the Indians
#Navajo or Navaho
#North America: The First People
#North America: The Struggle for Land
#North American Indian Tribes
#Northwest Coast Indians
#Omaha (Indians)
#Powhatan Confederacy
#Pueblo Bonito
#Sioux Indians
#Sioux Nation
#Southwest Indians
#United States Movements 1960 - 1980
#Royal British Legion
#York, Alvin (Cullum)
fp03\fp03088.jpg,0,"Stephen Crane (1871-1900) wrote \IThe Red Badge of Courage\i. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Ashbery, John (Lawrence)
#Baldwin, James (Arthur)
#Barth, John (Simmons)
#beat generation
#Bellow, Saul
#Berryman, John
#Black Mountain poetry
#Capote, Truman
#Cooper, James Fenimore
#Dickinson, Emily (Elizabeth)
#Dreiser, Theodore (Herman Albert)
#Eliot, T(homas) S(tearns)
#Emerson, Ralph Waldo
#Faulkner or Falkner, William (Harrison)
#Fitzgerald, F(rancis) Scott (Key)
#Franklin, Benjamin
#Frost, Robert (Lee)
#Hawthorne, Nathaniel
#Hemingway, Ernest (Miller)
#Irving, Washington
#James, Henry
#London, Jack
#Lowell, Robert (Traill Spence), Jr
#Mailer, Norman
#Malamud, Bernard
#Melville, Herman
#Miller, Arthur
#Morrison, Toni
#O'Neill, Eugene (Gladstone)
#Plath, Sylvia
#Poe, Edgar Allan
#Pound, Ezra (Loomis)
#Pynchon, Thomas
#Roth, Philip (Milton)
#Stein, Gertrude
#Stevens, Wallace
#Stowe, Harriet (Elizabeth) Beecher
#Thoreau, Henry (David)
#Twain, Mark
#Updike, John (Hoyer)
#Vidal, Gore (Eugene Luther, Jr)
#Wharton, Edith (Newbold)
#Whitman, Walt(er)
#Williams, Tennessee
#Wolfe, Thomas (Clayton)
#British Medical Association (BMA)
1601\16010070.jpg,0,"Alexander Hamilton \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
#Constitution (September 19, 1787), The
#Constitution of the United States
#Constitutional Convention
#Hamilton, Alexander
#Letter of Transmittal (September 17, 1787), The
#Madison, James
#New York City or New York
#Washington, George
#Black Muslims
#America, Road to Independence
#Annapolis Convention
#Boston Massacre
#Brandywine, Battle of the
#Bunker Hill, Battle of
#Camden, Battle of
#Charleston, Battles of
#Committees of Correspondence
#Concord Hymn (July 4, 1837)
#Constitutional Convention
#Cowpens, Battle of
#Green Mountain Boys
#Lexington and Concord, Battle of
#Loyalists During The American Revolution
#Monmouth, Battle of
#Paris Peace Treaty (September 3, 1783)
#Revolutionary War in America
#Saratoga, Battle of
#Sons of Liberty
#Stamp Act
#Sugar Act
#The Concord Hymn (July 4, 1837)
#The Paris Peace Treaty (September 3, 1783)
#Thirteen Colonies
#Townshend Acts
#Ulysses Project
#Valley Forge
#Yorktown Campaign
#Pago For Pango - A Printing Exigency
#American Samoa (Atlas)
#United States of America (USA)
#sign language
#veterinary science
#tulip tree
#American Sign Language (ASL)
3209\32090011.jpg,0,"Amethyst \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Semitic languages
#Tigray or Tigre
#Fermat, Pierre de
#Hebrew literature
wrpd\wrpd0004.jpg,,"Jewish Torah, prayer shawl, matzo, and dreidel \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#carboxylic acids
0,amiens.avi,"The Amiens cathedral features magnificent Gothic architecture with a 370 feet high spire. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
maoy\maoy0001.jpg,0,"Panels of ivory and wood mosaic (intarsia), from the Sikh Golden Temple (the Haramandir) at Amritsar, the holiest site in the Sikh religion. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
vam5\vam50211.jpg,0,"Canada geese -- The Canada was once restricted to North America but it has now been introduced to other parts of the world. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50223.jpg,0,"Mandarin drake \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0247.jpg,0,"Trumpeter swan \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40212.jpg,0,"Mute Swan -- Easily identified by its knobbed black and orange bill, the mute swan is a native of northern Eurasia but has been widely introduced elsewhere in the world, especially as an ornamental bird on ponds in city parks and gardens. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0245.jpg,0,"Great White-fronted geese \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10028.jpg,0,"Gadwall \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10025.jpg,0,"Common Goldeneyes in courtship \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10030.jpg,0,"Bufflehead \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10029.jpg,0,"Wood Duck \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10026.jpg,0,"Common Merganser -- A female Common Merganser with chicks (called goosegander in Europe). \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
elpd\elpd0286.jpg,0,"Parador on bluff, Andalusia, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0285.jpg,0,"Felipe V gate, Andalusia, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Costa de la Luz
#Costa del Sol
#silicate minerals
#Ayeyarwady, River
#Indian Ocean
#spectacled bear
#World War II
#Danish literature
#Dirac, Paul A(drien) M(aurice)
#women's liberation movement
#American literature
fp03\fp03029.jpg,0,"Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941), US writer \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
0739\07390094.jpg,0,"Andes mountain range, South America \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Aconcagua, Cerro
#Ampato, Nevado de
#Bolφvar, Pico
#Crist≤bal Col≤n, Pico
#Illampu, Nevado de
#Incahuasi, Cerro
#Llullaillaco, Cerro
#Mercedario, Cerro
#Ojos del Salado, Cerro
#Payachata, Nevados de
#Pissis, Monte
#Ruiz, Nevado del
#Salcantay, Nevado
#South America
#Tupungato, Cerro
#continental margin
#feldspar or felspar
#igneous rock
#Hyderabad (India)
0154\01540081.jpg,0,"Ordino village in Andorra \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540082.jpg,0,"Gorge de Sant Antoni, road tunnel in Andorra \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540078.jpg,0,"Lake view from Pyrenees in Andorra \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540080.jpg,,"Sant Miguel Chapel on the mountaintops of Andorra \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Andorra (Atlas)
#Andorra la Vella
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Andorra la Vella, approximate location"
#Arnold, Benedict
#American Revolution
#Sarto, Andrea del
whal\whalandr.jpg,0,"Andrew's Beaked Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#New Testament
#Peter, St
#Authorized Version of the Bible
#Church of England
#Tolstoy, Count Leo Nikolayevich
#Shaw, George Bernard
#anabolic steroids
#oestrogens / estrogens
#robotics (cybernetics)
#Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich
#Hungarian uprising
#Andropov and Gorbachev
#Welsh literature
diag\diag0007.jpg,0,"Anemometer measuring the wind speed \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Pitot tube
#Venturi tube
0285\02850050.jpg,0,"Anemone, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
a154\a1540020.jpg,0,"Sea anemone with anemone fish \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#anaesthetics / anesthetics, general
#anaesthetics / anesthetics, local
#blood vessels
#RNA or ribonucleic acid
wrpd\wrpd0267.jpg,0,"Angels from an ornately crafted stained glass window. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0221.jpg,0,"Stone carving of an angel \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
fa06\fa060054.jpg,,"Angel at the Well \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0023.jpg,,"Detail of angel from the \ISistine Madonna\i by Raphael \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
fa06\fa060049.jpg,,"Angels playing for Christ and Mary \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
cast\castl117.jpg,,"\IAdoration of the Cross by Angels\i, St Thomas's Church, New York, USA. \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Anaesthesia and Antisepsis, The Age of
#hallucinogens or psychotomimetic drugs
ssuw\ssuw0058.jpg,0,"Angelfish are recognizable by their bright colours and distinctive flattened bodies. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0084.jpg,0,"Koran angelfish \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0061.jpg,0,"Angelfish are popular in marine aquariums. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40235.jpg,0,"Queen angelfish \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
eaoy\eaoy0035.jpg,0,"Fresco by Fra Angelico \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0036.jpg,,"From Fra Angelico's \ICrucifixion\i in the Chapter-Hall of the Convent of Santa Marco in Florence. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Italian art
#civil rights
#Henry II (of England)
#Louis IX, St
#Sicilian Vespers
#Fulk Nerra's Net of Stone Castles
#blood vessels
#Predicting Heart Attacks
#blood vessels
#balloon angioplasty
wrpd\wrpd0108.jpg,0,"Temple of Angkor Wat \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0109.jpg,0,"Detail of sculpture in Angkor Wat temple. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0110.jpg,0,"Carving in Angkor Wat temple. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
maoy\maoy0086.jpg,0,"Details of carved decoration from the 10th century temple of Angkor Wat. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
maoy\maoy0056.jpg,0,"Details of carved decoration from temple of Angkor Wat. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
maoy\maoy0013.jpg,0,"Apsaras (celestial dancing girls) from the temple of Angkor Wat. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
indi\indi0052.jpg,0,"Mount Annapurna, Himalayas, Nepal \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
1278\12780065.jpg,0,"View over Nudanda Annapurna Trek, Nepal \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
indi\indi0002.jpg,0,"Annapurna ranges, Himalayas, Nepal \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
2883\28830029.jpg,,"Annapurna region, Nepal \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Jesus Christ
#Josephus, Flavius
#New Testament
#Peter, St
100a\100a1014.jpg,,"Coach, time of Queen Anne \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a1013.jpg,0,"Queen Anne \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Godolphin, Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of
#Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of
#Spanish Succession, War of the
rssg\rssg0031.jpg,0,"Daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Princess Anne \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
rssg\rssg0035.jpg,,"Princess Anne \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
rssg\rssg0034.jpg,,"Princess Anne is a noted horsewoman and has ridden in the British Equestrian Team. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Elizabeth II
#Boleyn, Anne
#Louis XIII
#Mazarin, Jules
#Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, duc de (Duke of)
#Richard II
#Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex
#Henry VIII
#James I
#James I, England
#glass, general
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Annecy, approximate location"
#St Bernard's Passes
#sea mouse
#Italian art
pdp1\pdp10104.jpg,0,"Hibiscus plants are annuals. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdec\pdec0010.jpg,0,"Tree rings -- one ring marks one year's growth. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#root (botany)
#stem (botany)
#vascular tissue
#life insurance
eppd\eppd0009.jpg,0,"\IAnnunciation, The\i - Konrad Witz's c.1446 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Jesus Christ
#New Testament
#d'Annunzio, Gabriele
#water buffalo
#thermionic valve
#Orthodox Church or Eastern Orthodox Church
#Roman Catholicism
#Durkheim, Emile
#mental disorders
#Malaria and the Anopheles Mosquito
#Malaria, Protection Against
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
#amenorrhoea / amenorrhea
#bulimia nervosa
#mental disorders
#Giraudoux, (Hippolyte) Jean
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#Anura or Anoura
#Hitler, Adolf
#Schuschnigg, Kurt von
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Hitler: The Rhineland and Austria
#Augustine, St, originally Aurelius Augustinus, also known as Augustine of Hippo
#Henry I
#ontological argument
1256\12560030.jpg,0,"Magpie Goose -- Sole member of the Anseranatidae, the Magpie Goose is abundant in tropical lagoons and billabongs in northern Australia and New Guinea. Unlike other wildfowl, it molts its flight feathers gradually rather than at once. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovich
#missions, Christian
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Anshan or An-shan, approximate location"
1262\12620034.jpg,0,"Sugar ants \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
2046\20460007.jpg,,"Ant nests in central Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
ssuw\ssuw0179.jpg,0,"Starfish, which are echinoderms, have radial symmetry so they cannot be described as having anterior and posterior regions \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#national anthem
#Purcell, Henry
#Queen Charlotte Islands
#Antony or Anthony of Padua, St
fp03\fp03008.jpg,0,"Susan Brownell Anthony (1820-1906) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#United States History, Social Reform
#women's liberation movement
#aromatic compound
#coal tar
#scintillation counter
#Germ Theory of Disease
#Pasteur and the Anthrax Vaccine
#Disease, The Germ Theory of
#Pasteur, Louis
#Anthrax-Contaminated Goatskin Handicrafts
#forces of nature
#Gaia hypothesis
#grand unified theories (GUTs)
#Hoyle, Sir Fred(erick)
#many worlds interpretation
nwte\nwte0057.jpg,0,"Chimpanzees are part of the Anthropoidea group of primates. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#primate (biology)
0,mudmenv.avi,"New Guinea mudmen \H\BVideo:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#Oceania: The Discovery
#Bleek and the African Bushmen
#Processual Archaeology
#archaeology / archeology
#cognitive anthropology
#Three Worlds theory
#Bertillon, Alphonse
#weight for height
#Steiner, Rudolph
#guided missile
#Abyssinian Crisis Aftermath
#Bright, John
#Corn Laws
#Peel, Sir Robert
#Hasek, Jaroslav
#Heller, Joseph
#literary criticism
#Sterne, Laurence
#guided missile
#nuclear disarmament
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Antibes, approximate location"
#Napoleon I
100a\100a010e.jpg,0,"Louis Pasteur recorded that anthrax bacilli grew rapidly in sterile urine \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Antibiosis and Penicillin
#Chemotherapy of Cancer
#drug resistance
#Pasteur, Louis
#Resistant Antibiotics
#sulphonamides / sulfonamides
#Vancomycin Unravelled
pdmt\pdmt0042.jpg,0,"Bottles of immunoglobulin \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Antibodies: Development
#cell (biology)
#gamma globulins
#Immunity in Early Human Development
#Immunology and Antibodies
#Monoclonal Antibodies
#Monoclonal Antibody Technology
#Number Of The Beast: 666
#John, Letters of
#Anticoagulants: the Discovery
#atmospheric pressure
#depression (meteorology)
#general circulation models
#depression (psychiatry)
#circadian rhythm
#diabetes insipidus
#pituitary gland
ulpd\ulpd0056.jpg,0,"Burnside Bridge, Antietam Battlefield in Maryland, USA. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#American Civil War
#American Civil War in the East
#American Civil War, Advance and Stalemate
#Chamberlain, Joshua, Brevet Major General, US Volunteers
#Confederate States of America
#Polynices or Polyneices
#Seven against Thebes
#Alexander the Great
#Seleucus I Nicator (Conqueror)
#Antigua And Barbuda (Atlas)
#Antigua and Barbuda Political Rulers and Leaders
#Caribbean Sea
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Antigua or Antigua Guatemala, approximate location"
1750\17500021.jpg,0,"Ruins of the Convent of Mercy, destroyed by earthquake in the 18th century, Antigua. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#spark ignition engine
#Caribbean Sea
#chemical elements
#elements (continued)
#tartaric acid
#Agricola, Johann
#Luther, Martin
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Antioch, approximate location"
#Seleucus I Nicator (Conqueror)
#Ptolemy I Soter (Saviour)
#Inflammation, Traditional Treatment of
#ascorbic acid
#Dirac, Paul A(drien) M(aurice)
#particle physics
#relativistic quantum mechanics
#Herod Agrippa I
#Alexander the Great
#Lamian War
#Philip II (of Macedon)
#Greek history
#Psalms, Book of
#latitude and longitude
#Alexander III, originally Orlando Bandinelli\
#particle physics
#Mental Illness, Greek Understanding
#Germ Theory of Disease
#Lister, Joseph Jackson
#Diogenes LΣertius
#antitank missile
#guided missile
#reactive armour
nwte\nwte0069.jpg,0,"Antlers -- The white tailed deer buck grows magnificent antlers. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0721\07210003.jpg,0,"St Antony Monastery in Egypt with a view of the mountain in which he lived. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210017.jpg,,"St Antony's dwelling under the ground in Upper Egypt. He lived in this hole before retreating to the desert. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210018.jpg,,"St Antony's Church in Upper Egypt was built over the place the saint dwelt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210084.jpg,,"Burial place of St Antony \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Giant's Causeway
#Northern Ireland
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Antwerp, Flemish Antwerpen, French Anvers, approximate location"
elpd\elpd0094.jpg,0,"Facade of ornate building in Antwerp, Belgium. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1202\12020087.jpg,0,"Antwerp Cathedral, Belgium \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Rubens, (Peter Paul)
#van Dyck, Sir Anthony
nwte\nwte0187.jpg,0,"Frog with inflated vocal sac. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam1\vam10042.jpg,0,"Gorilla, one of the great apes. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pnwe\pnwe0280.jpg,,"Orang-utans swinging through the trees. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#primate (biology)
#European Union
#North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
#Australia telescope
#radio astronomy
#Ryle, Sir Martin
#bug (entomology)
#life cycle
#Spanish fly
#Venus (mythology)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Apia, approximate location"
0661\06610023.jpg,0,"Apia Island Resort, Western Samoa \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
0661\06610071.jpg,,"Apia, Western Samoa \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
0661\06610022.jpg,,"Samoan police in Apia, Western Samoa \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#Western Samoa
3210\32100069.jpg,0,"Bee-keeping for the production of honey and wax from hives like this one is known as apiculture. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#programming language
#Blake, William
#Coppola, Francis Ford
#Lawrence D(avid) H(erbert Richard)
#Revelation, Book of
#science fiction
#Yeats, W(illiam) B(utler)
#Revelation, Book of
#Apocrypha, Old Testament
#Ecclesiasticus, Book of
#Esdras, Books of
#Esdras, the First Book of
#Esdras, The Second Book of
#Esther, Book of
#Gospels, apocryphal
#Judith, Book of
#Maccabees or Machabees, Books of the
#Nag Hammadi texts
#New Testament
#Tobit or Tobias, Book of
#Azariah, Prayer of
#Bel and the Dragon
#Jeremiah, Letter of
#Manasseh, Prayer of
#Old Testament
#Song of the Three Young Men
#Susanna, Book of
#Wisdom of Solomon or Book of Wisdom
#French literature
#astronomical unit (AU)
0,apollov.avi,"Apollo 11 space mission \H\BVideo:\b ABC"
scan\scan0107.jpg,0,"Fruit of the tree, an apple. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vam1\vam10165.jpg,0,"Pinkish apple blossoms \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fss1\fss10002.jpg,,"White apple blossoms \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Apple Pie Order
#Baubles And Apples
#Big Apple
#deciduous plants
#Granny Smith Apples
#Green Apples
#Appleton, Sir Edward (Victor)
#radio waves
#Appleton layer
#speech pathology
#American Civil War
#speech pathology
3214\32140003.jpg,0,"Dried apricots \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#April 1
#February Revolution (Russia)
#July Days
#Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
#October Revolution
#Russian Revolution
#theatre / theater
faoy\faoy0250.jpg,0,"Kiwis are mainly nocturnal, solitary, and territorial. Little is known about their behaviour in the wild. \H\BDrawing:\b All Our Yesterdays"
1406\14060024.jpg,0,"Fish in aquarium on Cook Islands. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0153\01530054.jpg,,"Walkway at aquarium in Auckland, New Zealand. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
scan\scan0185.jpg,0,"Zodiac sign for Aquarius \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Aquarius - the Water-carrier
#Goya (y Lucientes), Francisco (Jose) de
#Picasso, Pablo
iaoy\iaoy0313.jpg,0,"19th century German engraving of an aqueduct carrying water from a distant reservoir to a city. This construction is modeled on the ancient Roman aqueducts. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
1262\12620006.jpg,0,"Sandstone -- a common aquifer, or water-bearing rock strata. \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#artesian basin
#Albertus Magnus, St, Graf von (Count of) Bollstadt
#Duns Scotus, Johannes
#Marcos, Ferdinand (Edralin)
#Henry II (of France)
#Hundred Years' War
#Gulf War
#Gulf War (Jan-Feb 1991)
#PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
0,palestv.avi,"Palestine conflict \H\BVideo:\b United Nations"
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#Camp David Accords
#Cold War and the Middle East
#English history
#Gaza Strip
#Golan or Golan Heights
#Nasser, Gamal Abdel
#Suez Canal
#West Bank
#Wingate, Orde (Charles)
#Yom Kippur
wrpd\wrpd0049.jpg,0,"Arabesque-style windows in an Islamic mosque. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Celtic art
#Islamic art
ampd\ampd0094.jpg,0,"Arabia and West Africa, 1858 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Archaeology: Levant and Arabia
#Gulf, the
#Gulf, the
#Indian Ocean
issg\issg0038.jpg,0,"Arabic inscription on a doorway in Jerusalem. The language is written from right to left. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Afro-Asiatic languages
#Arabic literature
#Koran or Qu'ran
#Persian literature
vas6\vas60033.jpg,0,"Lettuce farming \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#crop rotation
2052\20520050.jpg,0,"Arab sailors \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#polyunsaturated fatty acids
#Athene or Athena
nwte\nwte0182.jpg,0,"Spiders are arachnids. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
naoy\naoy0141.jpg,,"Archimedes, who worked out the principle of the lever and other simple machines, once said of the principle of leverage ù 'Give me where to stand and I will move the earth'. \H\BDiagram:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Archimedes screw
#fluid mechanics
2266\22660061.jpg,0,"East Berlin Cathedral, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
1406\14060092.jpg,0,"Greek architecture - Parthenon \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
3214\32140039.jpg,,"Detail of Sydney Opera House, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2258\22580017.jpg,,"Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0542\05420024.jpg,,"Great Egret -- The Great Egret is common to wetlands of all kinds almost throughout the world. The spearing action of its bill is aided by an unusual trigger-like modification between two of its neck vertebrae, resulting in a distinctive kink in its long, slender neck. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
vam5\vam50194.jpg,,"Snowy Egret chicks \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1749\17490010.jpg,0,"Main plaza in Arequipa, Peru; many of the city's buildings are made out of a local white volcanic rock. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490013.jpg,,"Santa Catalina convent, Arequipa, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490012.jpg,,"Inside Santa Catalina convent, Arequipa, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490011.jpg,,"Ornately carved church front, Arequipa, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Mars (mythology)
#Italian literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Arezzo, approximate location"
#Guido d'Arezzo
#Per≤n Deposed (1976)
#Argentina (Atlas)
#Argentina Political Rulers and Leaders
#Buenos Aires
#Chaco War
#Falklands War
#Gran Chaco
#Plate, River
#Tierra del Fuego
#chemical elements
#elements (continued)
#noble gases
#paper nautilus
#Golden Fleece
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Argos, approximate location"
#Sparta (Greek history)
#Io (mythology)
#Peacock Feathers in the Home
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"┼rhus or Aarhus, approximate location"
#Baroque (music)
#European Space Agency (ESA)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Arica, approximate location"
0124\01240020.jpg,0,"Arid desert area in northern Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King / Webster Publishing"
#Uranus (astronomy)
scan\scan0184.jpg,0,"Zodiac sign for Aries. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Aries - The Ram
#precession of the equinoxes
vas6\vas60103.jpg,0,"Aril - the outgrowth surrounding a fertilized seed or ovule. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Boiardo, Matteo Maria, conte di (Count of) Scandiano
#Italian literature
#Aristarchus and the Motion of the Earth
#Aristarchus and the Distances of the Sun and the Moon
#Delian League
#Marathon, Battle of
#Persian Wars
#Salamis (Greece)
#hedonism, ethics
#Greek literature
1406\14060079.jpg,0,"Birthplace of Aristotle, Stagira, Macedonia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060080.jpg,0,"Statue of Aristotle, Stagira, Macedonia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Be A Brick
#Learn By Heart
#Only Laughing Animal
#Sinister Side of Life
#Aristotle's Teaching on Comets
#Anatomy in Greek Medicine
#Alexander the Great
#Aquinas, St Thomas
#number theory
#geometric sequence
#elder (religion)
#Nicaea, Council of
#Nicaea, Council of (325)
mapl\maplaz.jpg,0,"Arizona - map \H"
nssg\nssg0051.jpg,0,"Havasu Falls, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0064.jpg,0,"Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0068.jpg,0,"Painted Desert, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0058.jpg,0,"Meteor crater, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0043.jpg,0,"Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nwte\nwte0248.jpg,0,"Lake Powell, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3611\36110064.jpg,0,"Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3611\36110025.jpg,0,"Kachina dolls at the Hubble Trading Post in Ganado, Arizona. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
0888\08880041.jpg,0,"Saguaro cacti are commonly found in Arizona. \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#American Indians
#Grand Canyon
#Phoenix (USA)
#United States of America (USA)
#Bhagavadgita or Bhagavad Gita
#Ark of the Covenant
#Old Testament
#Solomon (Hebrew Bible)
#Ten Commandments or Decalogue
mapl\maplar.jpg,0,"Arkansas - map (large) \H"
#civil rights
#Little Rock
#United States of America (USA)
#United States of America (USA)
#Cartwright, Edmund
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Arles, approximate location"
cast\castl095.jpg,0,"Cloitre St Trophisme, Arles, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl096.jpg,0,"Coliseum at Arles, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl097.jpg,0,"Roman theatre at Arles, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Gauguin, (EugΦne Henri) Paul
#van Gogh, Vincent (Willem)
ulpd\ulpd0079.jpg,0,"Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam2\vam20024.jpg,,"Soldiers at practice. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2068\20680029.jpg,,"Army soldiers \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0007.jpg,,"Army nurse recruitment poster from World War II. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#Armies, Rise of Professional
#Armies: 16th Century Uniforms and Equipment
#Black Watch
#Foreign Legion
#French Revolution, Citizen Soldiers
#Gurkhas, military
#Hand Salute
#Horse Guards
#Indenture, Origins of
#Medieval Army
#Military Staff
#Napolean's Grande ArmΘe
#Red Army (China)
#Red Army (USSR)
#Senior Service
#women's services
#WWI: The West at War
#Jansen, Cornelius (Otto)
#Port Royal
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Arnhem, approximate location"
#Netherlands, The
#WWII: Allied Landing in France, 1944
1639\16390053.jpg,0,"Sand dunes on the Arnhem Land coast in north Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1639\16390040.jpg,0,"Arnhem Land coast sand dunes, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1639\16390049.jpg,0,"Arnhem Land coastline, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1639\16390048.jpg,0,"Aboriginal rangers at Smith Point, Arnhem Land, Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1636\16360075.jpg,0,"Aboriginal rangers in Arnhem Land, Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Archaeology: Aborigines and Maoris
#water buffalo
#Abelard, Peter
#Frederick I (Emperor), known as Frederick Barbarossa ('Redbeard')
1602\16020025.jpg,0,"Benedict Arnold (1741-1801) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#American Revolution
#AndrΘ, John
#British Culture in the 20th Century
#English literature
#literary criticism
#Arnold, Matthew
caoy\caoy0150.jpg,0,"Arnolfo di Cambio sculpted Madonna from the Tomb of Cardinal de Braye at Orvieto in the late 13th century. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
whal\whalarnb.jpg,0,"Arnoux's Beaked Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#alternative medicine
#Alternative Medicines
#steam distillation
#traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
#aliphatic compound
#French art
#Spanish literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Arras, approximate location"
#Robespierre, Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore de
#Vimy Ridge
#digital computer
#civil law
#civil law, also known as domestic law
#criminal law
#greenhouse effect
#Opium Wars
3210\32100002.jpg,0,"Poison-arrow frog (\IDentrobates tinctorius\i), used to poison the tips of arrow-heads for hunting. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Arrowroot: Origin of the Name
#root (botany)
#ars nova
#ars antiqua
#Machaut, Guillaume de
#chemical elements
#elements (continued)
#Penicillin and Chemotherapy
#Syphilis, The Origin of
#Antibiosis and Penicillin
#Ehrlich, Paul
#Marsh test
eppd\eppd0095.jpg,0,"\IThe Farewell of the Conscripts for the War of 1866\i by Gerolamo Induno \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0090.jpg,0,"\IRenaissance Garden of Lovers\i by Emile Bernard \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0085.jpg,0,"\IThe Hay Harvest\i by Segantini \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0039.jpg,0,"\ICaprice with Portico on the Lakeshore\i by Giacomo Guardi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0065.jpg,0,"\IPack of Hounds at Rest\i by Filippo Palizzi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0068.jpg,0,"\IChildren, Chicks and Cats\i by Gaetano Chierici \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#St Helena
#Holy Spirit
#Jesus Christ
3214\32140016.jpg,0,"Asceticism often involves meditation \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Hebrew literature
#Role Of Archery in British History
#English literature
#alphanumeric characters
#EBCDIC code
#parity check
#cup fungus
pdp1\pdp10001.jpg,0,"Ascorbic acid is found in citrus fruits \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Disease, the History of
#Diseases, Nutritional
#Scurvy, An Early Clinical Trial
#antisubmarine warfare
#Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
stpd\stpd0041.jpg,0,"Asepsis -- this ideal state is rarely achieved in surgical operations, although sterilization procedures are designed to this end. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Surgery, Traditional
#deciduous plants
#Palm Sunday
#Wolseley, Garnet (Joseph) Wolseley, 1st Viscount
#American literature
#Dunning, John, 1st Baron Ashburton
#Bellows, George (Wesley)
#genre painting
#Gielgud, Sir (Arthur) John
#theatre / theater
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ashdod, approximate location"
#Liberal Party (UK)
#Israel, tribes of
#Embroidered The Bag For 'The Ashes'
#cricket (sport)
#Francis Xavier, St
#Kamakura shogunate
#Nobunaga, Oda
#Zen Buddhism
#Oxford University
#Ashmore And Cartier Islands (Atlas)
#Northern Territory
#Gandhi, (Mohandas Karamchand)
#Rambert Dance Company
#Royal Ballet
#Minor Muslim Festivals#Islam
#Assurbanipal or Ashurbanipal
mapl\maplas1.jpg,,"Asia - map 1 \H"
mapl\maplas2.jpg,,"Asia - map 2 \H"
mapl\maplas3.jpg,,"Asia - map 3 \H"
wrpd\wrpd0066.jpg,edtr15.wav,"That Thanom, Asian Buddhist statues\p\BSound\b - The Pacific Rim \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
wrpd\wrpd0067.jpg,0,"Asian spirit house offerings \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1203\12030087.jpg,,"Nets over rice harvest in Japan to protect it from birds. \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1204\12040078.jpg,,"Lhasa, capital of Tibet \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1203\12030095.jpg,,"Festival in Tokyo, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1204\12040076.jpg,,"Himalayas from the air \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1203\12030026.jpg,,"Festival mask, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Archaeology in Asia
#Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
#Europe: Early contact with the East
#Ural Mountains
#black bear
#Przewalski's horse
#science fiction
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Asmara or Asmera, approximate location"
0123\01230066.jpg,0,"Egyptian cobra, also known as an asp. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#climbing plant
#wide-screen cinema
assg\assg0005.jpg,0,"Aspen trees \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
assg\assg0004.jpg,0,"Trunks of aspen trees. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10149.jpg,0,"Aspen trees in winter. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Protection and Precaution From The Vampire
#Camp David
#bitumen (petroleum derivative)
#bog asphodel
#evergreen plants
stpd\stpd0064.jpg,0,"Aspirin crystal as viewed through a microscope. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Headaches and Fever, Help For
#Medications Invented (1800-1900s)
#salicylic acid
#Liberal Party (UK)
#Lloyd-George (of Dwyfor), David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl
pdis\pdis0094.jpg,0,"Soccer game \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Football League
#Gascoigne, Paul
#Heysel stadium
#Jennings, Pat(rick)
#Maradona, Diego
#Matthews, Sir Stanley
#Moore, Bobby
#Paisley, Bob
#Premier Division
#Rush, Ian
#Shankly, Bill
#UEFA (Union of European Football Associations)
#water polo
#Wembley Stadium
#World Cup
#Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
#commutative operation
#distributive operation
fa06\fa060009.jpg,,"Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Pius XII
#Civilization, Law-making and war-making
#Archaeology: Discovering the Sumerians
#Archaeology: The Roots of Civilization
#Warfare in the Third Millenium BC
#Archaeology: Discovering the Sumerians
#Sumerian and Assyrian architecture
maoy\maoy0006.jpg,0,"Assyrian ornament c.1300BC. Assyria is an ancient kingdom in Mesopotamia (modern day northern Iraq and south-eastern Turkey) which lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Archaeology: Discovering the Sumerians
#Babylonian art
#Egyptian art
0201\02010079.jpg,0,"Fred Astaire, actor and dancer \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos/Lambert"
vam5\vam50294.jpg,0,"Violet asters \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fss1\fss10001.jpg,0,"Cluster of purple asters \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Michaelmas daisy
#Plough, the
nasa\nasa0001.jpg,0,"Image of asteroid 951, Gaspra, obtained by the \IGalileo\i spacecraft, 1991. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Asteroid Fact Table
#Asteroid in Earth's Lagrangian Points
#Asteroid Photo Gallery
#Asteroids Discovered by the Hundred
#Astronomers Track Down Asteroids in Hubble Archive (9 March, 1998)
#Death By Asteroid
#Galileo Project
#Hubble Reveals Huge Crater on the Surface of the Asteroid Vesta (4 September, 1997)
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mathilde--Not Your Average Asteroid?
#NASA And Japan To Cooperate On Asteroid Sample Return Mission (14 May, 1997)
#Planetary Astronomers Start Year With Two Discoveries (29 January, 1997)
#Red Centaur Asteroids Spark Interest
#Science Team Chosen For Mission To Explore Asteroid (29 September, 1997)
vam4\vam40287.jpg,0,"Astrology is a system of knowledge whereby human nature can be understood in terms of the heavens. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Aquarius - the Water-carrier
#Aries - The Ram
#Astrological Star Signs
#Astrology In Myth And History
#Cancer - The Crab
#Capricorn - The Goat
#Days of the Week
#Earliest Observatories And Their Priests
#Early Astrology
#Gemini - The Twins
#Hebrew Bible and Astrology
#Leo - The Lion
#Libra - the Scales
#Origins Of Astrology
#Pisces - The Fish
#Sagittarius - The Archer
#Scorpio - The Scorpion
#Star of Bethlehem
#Star of Bethlehem Theories
#Stars In Our Speech
#Taurus - The Bull
#Virgo - The Virgin
#Where Astrology And Astronomy Meet And Part
#Zodiac's Origins
ssp1\ssp10017.jpg,0,"On the moon. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10013.jpg,0,"Astronaut in saddle. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10027.jpg,0,"Astronauts working on the satellite. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10021.jpg,0,"Inside the hatch. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10002.jpg,0,"Making adjustments for satellite release. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10111.jpg,,"Satellite being retrieved by astronaut. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdmt\pdmt0230.jpg,0,"Astronaut and telescope. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0237.jpg,,"Astronaut and cloud coverage. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0234.jpg,,"Astronauts on a mission. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0232.jpg,,"Astronaut at shuttle cargo bay. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ssp1\ssp10006.jpg,,"Astronaut below the hatch. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#space exploration
#space physiology and medicine
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
#space station
#World's First Astronaut (1961)
#light year
#Solar System
stpd\stpd0181.jpg,0,"Planets, stars and meteors \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0037.jpg,0,"Time-lapse photograph showing star trails behind a transmission tower. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Andromeda Nebula Discoveries
#Arabic Planetary Astronomy
#Astrophysics, Origins of 1800-90
#Astrophysics, the Rise of
#Chinese astronomy
#Copernican system
#Copernicus and Sun-Centred Astronomy
#Descartes and the Geometers' Universe
#Galaxy, Studies of the Structure
#gamma-ray astronomy
#Greek Astronomy: The Heavenly Spheres
#Herschel and the Construction of the Heavens
#Hooke's Suppositions
#infrared astronomy
#International Astronomical Union
#Kepler and the Introduction of Dynamics
#Medieval Latin Astronomy
#Messier, Charles
#Neptune Discovered
#neutrino astronomy
#New General Catalogue (NGC)
#Newton and Newtonianism
#Newton's Principia; the Impact
#Numbering of Years
#Observatories in Islam, Emergence of
#Pioneer Astronomer - John Tebbutt
#Pluto, Discovery of
#Printing and Early Astronomy
#Ptolemy's Contribution to Astronomy
#radar astronomy
#radio astronomy
#Radio Astronomy and the Spiral Structure of the Galaxy
#Reflecting Telescope, History of
#Southern Skies, Early Observations of
#Space, Discovery of Exotic Objects
#stellar evolution
#Sunspot Cycle, Discovery of (1843)
#Telescope, 17th Century
#ultraviolet astronomy
#Universe of Stars: The Structure and History of
#Uranus Discovered
#Where Astrology And Astronomy Meet And Part
#X-ray astronomy
nas2\nas20068.jpg,0,"Astrophysics is the application of physical laws and theories to stars and galaxies \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Andromeda Nebula Discoveries
#Astrophysics, Origins of 1800-90
#Astrophysics, the Rise of
#Astrophysics: The Galaxy
#Galaxy (astronomy)
#H-R Diagram
#Stars and Nebulae, Solar System Studies
#Stars: Astrophysical Studies
#Universe Expansion and Theories of Relativity
#Latin-American literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Aswan, approximate location"
0721\07210079.jpg,0,"Sunset on the River Nile in Aswan, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Aswan High Dam
0721\07210086.jpg,0,"Looking over the Aswan High Dam \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210081.jpg,,"Monument built in commemoration of the friendship between the Russians and Egyptians in the building of the Aswan High Dam in Aswan, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0069\00690083.jpg,truman.wav,"Atomic mushroom cloud over Hiroshima at 8:17pm, 2 minutes after the bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945.\h\H\BSound:\b - Truman (US President) telling the world about the first war-time atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima, Japan. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations/M. Matsushige \BSound:\b ABC"
#Atomic bomb
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#critical mass
#Goeppert-Mayer, Maria
#hydrogen bomb
#Manhattan project
#neutron bomb
#nuclear fission
#nuclear weapons
#World War II: Overview
#WWII: Dropping the Bomb
#atomic physics
#mass (physics)
#proton number
#atomic force microscope
#atomic mass unit (amu)
#atomic spectra
#atom trap
#Auger effect
#ion trap
#Bohr, Niels (Henrik David)
#kinetic theory of gases
#nucleon number
#periodic table
#proton number
#quantum mechanics
#Raman scattering
#Rutherford (of Nelson), Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron
#Stars: Astrophysical Studies
#energy levels
#nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
#Dulong-Petit 'law
#relative atomic mass
#Boyle, Robert
#Gassendi, Pierre
#particle physics
#mode (music)
#Schoenberg, Arnold
#Abelard, Peter
#Anselm, St
#Irenaeus, St
#Yom Kippur
#antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
will\will0118.jpg,0,"Rufous Scrub-bird has an extensive but fragmented distribution in the mountains of north-eastern New South Wales and far south-eastern Queensland. \H\BPhotograph:\b William Bourke"
#Roman architecture
#Atropine and Mythology
#Moerae or Moirai
#developmental psychology
#essential oil
#Attenborough, Sir Richard (Samuel), Baron
#Attenborough, Sir David (Frederick)
#cognitive psychology
3214\32140051.jpg,0,"Sunlight is attenuated by clouds. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2038\20380035.jpg,0,"Australia's First Fleet Re-enactment Expedition sails into Sydney Harbour on Australia Day, 1988. This was a re-enactment of the first British fleet to arrive in Australia in 1788. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
1203\12030058.jpg,0,"Part of the international fleet for the bicentennial celebrations in Sydney, 1988. \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0155\01550029.jpg,,"Australia Day 1988 at Watson's Bay, New South Wales. \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#January 26
#aperture synthesis
#radio astronomy
#Great Dividing Range
#Aboriginal art
#Drysdale, Russell
#Nolan, Sir Sidney (Robert)
#Roberts, Tom
#Australian Industrial Disputes
#Australian Labor Party (ALP)
#Australia's Identity Develops, 20th Century
mapl\maplact.jpg,0,"Australian Capital Territory - map \H"
1639\16390065.jpg,0,"High Court building, Canberra, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
caoy\caoy0099.jpg,,"Austrian artifact -- ministerial chalice of the close of the 12th century found at Wilton in the Tyrol. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
1405\14050055.jpg,0,"Austrian chalet near Innsbruck. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Austria (Atlas)
#Austria Political Rulers and Leaders
#Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy of
#Austro-Prussian War
#Danube, River
#Hitler: The Rhineland and Austria
#World War I: Origins
#WWI: 1916, Russian Offensive
#WWI: Count-Down to War
#WWI: The Gathering Storm
#Charles I (of Austria-Hungary)
#Charles I, (of Austria-Hungary)
#Francis Joseph I
#World War I: Origins
#World War I: Overview
#Hayek, Friedrich A(ugust von)
#market forces or market mechanism
#English Warfare 1689-1783
#Elizabeth Petrovna
#Frederick II (of Prussia), known as the Great
#George II
#Jenkins' Ear, War of
#Maria Theresa
#Saxe, (Hermann) Maurice, comte de (Count of)
#family of languages
#family of languages
#Truffaut, Francois
#Put On The Spot
#James I
#James I, England
#Reformation, The Catholic Revival
#kinetic art
#MS Cure in Mice
#charge-coupled device
#on-line processing
#exposure (photography)
ssas\ssas0102.jpg,0,"Automatic pilot devices are fitted to many aircraft \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#medium (parapsychology)
#control engineering
#office automation
#robotics (cybernetics)
#motor insurance
#ganglion, anatomy
#nervous system
#DNA profiling
#meadow saffron
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Auxerre, approximate location"
#Gothic architecture
#artificial language
#lingua franca
#backing store
vas6\vas60073.jpg,,"Auxins are vital in controlling the growth and formation of fruit. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#nastic movement
#Northwest Territories
#East India Company, British
#Indian Mutiny
#indri or indris
#Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh)
#cinema verite
#French literature
#nouvelle vague
#Russian literature
#Hail Mary
2249\22490078.jpg,0,"Avebury stone circle \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
3214\32140048.jpg,,"Bagpipes with traditional Scottish kilt \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Bagpipes' History
#reed instrument
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Baguio, approximate location"
vam1\vam10266.jpg,0,"Baha'i temple dome \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdmt\pdmt0246.jpg,0,"Bahamas -- aerial view of the Bahamas \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Andros (Bahamas)
#Grand Bahama
#Nassau (Bahamas)
#New Providence
#The Bahamas (Atlas)
#The Bahamas Political Rulers and Leaders
#Malay (language)
#Cabral or Cabrera, Pedro Alvarez
#Bahrain (Atlas)
#Bahrain Political Rulers and Leaders
whal\whalbeij.jpg,0,"Baiji \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Trans-Siberian Railway
#Russian Space Agency
#court of law
#criminal law
#bridge (engineering)
#county court
whal\whalbair.jpg,0,"Baird's Beaked Whale \H\BPhotograph:\b Larry Foster"
0281\02810042.jpg,0,"Bear-baiting began in England as an exclusive aristocratic pastime. \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
vam1\vam10288.jpg,0,"Baja at sunset \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Bayezit I
#Mulligan, Gerry
#Britten (of Aldeburgh), (Edward) Benjamin Britten, Baron
#Bush, George (Herbert Walker)
#Ford, Gerald R(udolph)
#Reagan, Ronald (Wilson)
#Aswan High Dam
#bridge (engineering)
#Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovich
#theatre / theater
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Baku, approximate location"
#Marx, Karl (Heinrich)
#Charge of the Light Brigade
#Crimean War
will\will0029.jpg,0,"Shoebill -- The Shoebill or Whale-headed Stork, inhabits tropical East Africa, from eastern Zaire to northern Uganda and southern Sudan. \H\BVideo:\b William Bourke"
#folk music
#Ballets Russes
#swamp cypress
vam1\vam10001.jpg,0,"Bald eagle \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50217.jpg,0,"Bald eagle \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
spd1\spd10031.jpg,0,"Bald eagle on post \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pnwe\pnwe0147.jpg,0,"Bald eagle, a close-up view \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
hssg\hssg0012.jpg,0,"Cane field \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2882\28820004.jpg,,"Bamboo, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1406\14060005.jpg,0,"Bananas being packed for export, Cook Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1412\14120066.jpg,0,"Big Banana at Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1406\14060006.jpg,0,"Banana boat ready to travel, Cook Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Benares or Banares
#theatre / theater
#Wilton, Marie (Effie)
#Geldof, Bob
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Bandar Seri Begawan, approximate location"
#Sri Lanka
#Latin-American literature
#slave trade
caoy\caoy0217.jpg,0,"Relief in marble by Baccio Bandinelli. Michelangelo was one of Bandinelli's strongest influences. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
cast\castl131.jpg,0,"Feast at a Baron's Keep. (Illustration by Howard Pyle) \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Barons and Knights in the Middle Ages
#Sirloin and Baron of Beef
#Government and Politics in England 1154-1272
#Henry III (of England)
#Magna Carta
#Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester
#Oxford, Provisions of
#Alexander II, (of Scotland)
eppd\eppd0046.jpg,0,"\IMassacre of the Innocents\i by Reni \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
caoy\caoy0008.jpg,,"Rococo frame for a painting, early 18th century Venice. Rococo was a late baroque style of decoration used throughout Europe. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
#Borromini, Francesco
#Le Vau or Levau, Louis
#Renaissance architecture
#Rubens, (Peter Paul)
#mode (music)
#Bach, Johann Sebastian
#Handel, George Frideric
#Lully, Jean Baptiste
#Monteverdi, Claudio
#Purcell, Henry
#Rameau, Jean Philippe
#Scarlatti, (Pietro) Alessandro (Gaspare)
#Scarlatti, (Giuseppe) Domenico
#Vivaldi, Antonio (Lucio)
2184\21840056.jpg,0,"View of farm land in the Barossa Valley. \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0623\06230011.jpg,0,"Barossa Valley, South Australia - aerial photograph \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
2038\20380093.jpg,0,"Tall ship sails past New York, USA, Columbus Re-enactment voyage 1992. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#sailing rig
0128\01280004.jpg,0,"Barracuda \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
0128\01280066.jpg,,"Barracuda \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
scan\scan0225.jpg,0,"Beauceron \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
beaufort number and the wind.tbl,0,"Beaufort number and the effects of the wind. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Arctic Ocean
#Henry VI
nscn\nscn0009.jpg,0,"St. John's College Chapel Cambridge; Lady Margaret Beaufort was the founder of this college. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Caxton, William
#Henry VII
#French Revolution
#Napoleon III
#Massif Central
#French literature
#English literature
#Fletcher, John
cwm1\cwm10004.jpg,0,"Beauregard's hat and accessories \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10005.jpg,,"Beauregard's Civil War uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
issg\issg0043.jpg,0,"Beersheba market, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
issg\issg0049.jpg,,"Beersheba \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#root (botany)
#virus yellows
elpd\elpd0110.jpg,beetson2.mid,"Beethoven statue at Munster Platz, Bonn, Germany\p\BSound\b - \IMoonlight Sonata\i by Beethoven \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc \h\H\BSound:\b Webster Publishing"
2257\22570005.jpg,cl2tr2.wav,"Beethoven statue in Vienna, Austria\p\BSound\b - \IFur Elise\i by Beethoven \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#classical music
vam1\vam10063.jpg,0,"Rhinoceros beetle \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nwte\nwte0286.jpg,0,"Deforestation in Belize, Central America. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Belize (Atlas)
#Belize Political Rulers and Leaders
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Belize City, approximate location"
1407\14070002.jpg,0,"Bell ringing in the morning in Ydra, Greece. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
wrpd\wrpd0176.jpg,,"Greek church bell \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#change ringing
#Church Bells
#Ring The Changes
#Rings A Bell
#tubular bells
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#central nervous system (CNS)
#Brontδ, Anne
#Brontδ, Charlotte
#Brontδ, Emily (Jane)
psfp\psfp0016.jpg,0,"Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Marconi and Radiocommunication
#Bell, Alexander Melville
fss1\fss10006.jpg,0,"Campanula bell-flowers \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10169.jpg,0,"Yellow bell-flower \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10164.jpg,0,"Bluebell \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Canterbury bell
#herbaceous plant
#change ringing
#conservation (earth sciences)
#Galileo Deploys the Telescope
#French literature
#PlΘiade, La
#Pegasus (mythology)
eaoy\eaoy0008.jpg,0,"\ISanta Conversazione\i by Giovanni Bellini \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0007.jpg,0,"\IS Lorenzo Giustiniana\i from a painting by Gentile Bellini, brother of the celebrated Giovanni. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eppd\eppd0012.jpg,0,"\IMadonna and Child (Madonna of the Pear)\i by Giovanni Bellini \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
dog0\dog0061.jpg,0,"Bernese mountain dog \H\BPhotograph:\b ⌐ Cabal"
#theatre / theater
aaoy\aaoy0007.jpg,0,"Interior of the Palazzo Doria on the Piazza Del Collegio Romano, attributed to Lorenzo Bernini. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0221.jpg,0,"Fountain on the Piazza Navona at Rome by Lorenzo Bernini \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
srpd\srpd0247.jpg,0,"Cross-country skiing is included in a biathlon. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Biathlon World Championship Winners
wrpd\wrpd0232.jpg,0,"Man reading from the Bible \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0721\07210031.jpg,0,"Coptic painting depicting the Holy Family's flight into Egypt, as told in the Bible. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210087.jpg,,"Washing the feet of Jesus as told in the Bible. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210060.jpg,,"Altar in the centre of Egypt (Maharraq monastery) which is mentioned in the Bible - Isaiah 19:19 'In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
caoy\caoy0119.jpg,,"Binding of a Bible, c.1490 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
2060\20600004.jpg,0,"Body painting, Kayapo women, Xingu National Park, Brazil. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
a154\a1540010.jpg,0,"Tahitians traditionally decorate their bodies with tattoos. \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
2060\20600003.jpg,0,"Kayapo mother putting ear plugs in her child's ears as tribal decoration, Xingu National Park, Brazil. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Minimal art
#modern art
#Knuckle Under
#Tongue In Cheek
#non-verbal communication (NVC)
#weight for height
#street dance
#B÷hme or B÷ehme, Jakob
#Thebes (Greece)
scan\scan0021.jpg,0,"Boer War \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#British Warfare and Relations with Europe 1783-1901
caoy\caoy0114.jpg,0,"Gothic Monstrance, Castle Sedletz, Bohemia, 15th century. A monstrance is a receptacle honouring someone, often carried in a procession. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Czech Republic
#Huss or Hus, John
#Alexius I Comnenus
#Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
#Strauss, Richard
#Boehm or B÷hm, Theobald
#Aharonov-Bohm effect
#Bohr, Niels (Henrik David)
#magnetic moment
#quantum mechanics
#atomic bomb
#Balmer, Johann Jakob
#Einstein and the Photon
#quantum field theory
#Ariosto, Ludovico
#Italian literature
#literary criticism
stpd\stpd0164.jpg,0,"Liquid at boiling point \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#latent heat
#phases of matter
#vapour pressure
#Water, Treatment for Safe Consumption
#nuclear reactor
#Hyde Park
#Paris (France), ancient Lutetia
#Glands (Ductless), Functions Discovered
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Boise, approximate location"
#Henry VIII, Master of Church and State
#Henry VIII
#Henry IV (of England), originally Henry Bolingbroke
#Bolivia (Atlas)
#Bolivia Political Rulers and Leaders
#Bolφvar, Sim≤n
#Incas or Inka
#La Paz
#German literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Bologna, approximate location"
caoy\caoy0140.jpg,0,"Intarsias from the stalls in the church of San Petronio at Bologna, by Giacomo de' Marchis, c.1495. (An intarsia is a wood inlay.) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Marconi, Guglielmo
#Pasolini, Pier Paolo
caoy\caoy0049.jpg,0,"Venetian bronze door or gate knocker made using the lost wax process by Giovanni da Bologna. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0215.jpg,,"Fountain at Bologna by Giovanni da Bologna \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Russian Revolution
#April Theses
#Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
#July Days
#October Revolution
#WWI: 1917, Collapse of Russia
#English literature
#Avogadro's constant
#Boltzmann, Ludwig (Eduard)
#gas, chemistry
#statistical mechanics
#blackbody radiation
#Boltzmann constant
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Bolzano, approximate location"
1750\17500058.jpg,0,"Smart bomb television guidance system - used by American forces in the Gulf War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
1750\17500057.jpg,0,"Gulf War bombs used by the US forces, Explosive Ordinance Disposal Museum at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, USA. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
psfp\psfp0021.jpg,0,"Bomb exploding during WWI \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0020.jpg,0,"Bomb exploding during WWI \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
1105\11050059.jpg,0,"Bomb shell from WWII \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1105\11050054.jpg,0,"Disposing old WWII bombs \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#atomic bomb
#hydrogen bomb
#incendiary bomb
#mortar (military)
#neutron bomb
#WWII: Battle of Britain
#WWII: Battle of the Atlantic
#WWII: Dropping the Bomb
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Bombay, approximate location"
indi\indi0023.jpg,,"Mumbai - the coastal city formerly known as Bombay. \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0006.jpg,0,"Bombay (now known as Mumbai) rests on the Arabian Sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0043.jpg,,"Mumbai - the coastal city formerly known as Bombay. \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
#East India Company, British
#Netherlands Antilles
#Napoleon I
#Napoleon III
#Napoleon I
#Bonaparte's Tools of War (French Revolution)
#Napolean's Grande ArmΘe
#France's 'Russian Haemorrhage' (Warfare)
#premium bond
scan\scan0055.jpg,0,"Alan Bond \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#English literature
1203\12030014.jpg,0,"Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0155\01550035.jpg,0,"Fisherman at Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
spd1\spd10035.jpg,,"Bleached cow head \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
spd1\spd10025.jpg,,"Carved bone fishhook \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1636\16360084.jpg,,"Ancient human bones found near Mungo National Park, NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#bone marrow
#brittle bone syndrome
#Building Better Bones
#dislocation (medicine)
#fracture (medicine)
#Funny Bone
#Make No Bones
#orthopaedics / orthopedics
#Paget's disease
#synovial fluid
pdmt\pdmt0013.jpg,0,"Microscopic bone marrow \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#cell (biology)
#gene therapy
#Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
#death of God theology
#secular Christianity
#Annapurna, Mount
#Everest, Mount
0128\01280085.jpg,0,"Pacific bonito \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
1005\10050056.jpg,boutros.wav,"Boutros Boutros Ghali\p\BSound\b - Boutros Boutros Ghali speaking about the UN \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations/M Grant \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Rwandan War Escalates (1994)
#United Nations (UN)
#Dutch art
#Weyden, Rogier van der
dog0\dog0091.jpg,0,"Bouvier des Flandres \H\BPhotograph:\b ⌐ Cabal"
#string instrument
#sulphonamides / sulfonamides
nwte\nwte0026.jpg,0,"Giraffe -- A member of the Bovidae family. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0052.jpg,0,"Impalas are members of the Bovidae family. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
whal\whalbowh.jpg,0,"Bowhead Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Bowie, Jim
pdis\pdis0331.jpg,0,"Ten-pin bowling requires the knocking down of pins by rolling a large, heavy ball from a certain distance. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Early Ten-Pin Bowling
#German Influence On Ten-Pin Bowling
#Ten-Pin Bowling Origins in the USA
#Ten-Pin Bowling Terminology
#Tenpin Bowling World Championship Winners
spd1\spd10092.jpg,0,"Lawn bowlers \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
diag\diag0050.jpg,0,"Brake examples -- in a drum brake (a), all the brake lining material is on the one side of a rotating drum fixed to the axle. In a disc brake (b), the brake lining is fixed on both sides of a rotating disc fixed to the axle. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#lock (security)
aaoy\aaoy0043.jpg,0,"Palazzo Giraud at Rome, designed by Donato Bramante. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
aaoy\aaoy0136.jpg,,"Renaissance ornament in Santa Maria della Pace at Rome by Donato Bramante. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Italian art
#fibre / fiber
#Thompson, Emma
#fairy shrimp
#tadpole shrimp
#water flea
#abstract art
#Rodin, (Rene Francois) Auguste
fp03\fp03007.jpg,0,"Louis Brandeis, US Supreme Court justice \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Supreme Court
2266\22660053.jpg,0,"Brandenburg Gate, Berlin \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2266\22660019.jpg,,"Brandenburg Gate, Berlin \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Unter den Linden
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Brandenburg or Brandenburg an der Havel, approximate location"
caoy\caoy0113.jpg,0,"Bronze Baptismal Font, Church of St Catherine at Brandenburg, c.1440. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Method, the
#Ray, Man
#aqua vitae
#Firing The Pudding
#American Revolution
#Howe, William Howe, 5th Viscount
#Washington, George
#American Revolution, Defeats and Victories
#brent goose
#brent goose
#French art
#Picasso, Pablo
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Brasov, approximate location"
#Cold Enough To Freeze The Balls Off A Brass Monkey
0152\01520003.jpg,0,"Brass band \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
elpd\elpd0135.jpg,0,"Apartment blocks, Bratislava, Slovak Republic \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Slovak Republic
#Bardeen, John
#Shockley, William B(radford)
#Hitler, Adolf
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
1749\17490055.jpg,0,"Brazil -- Houseboat with many Brazilian icons. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
2060\20600007.jpg,0,"Brazil -- Jangadeiros raft fishermen making a Jangada (balsa log raft). \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600012.jpg,0,"Brazil -- Father teaching son to make an anchor. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600006.jpg,0,"Brazil -- Macumban trance dance, NE coast of Brazil, near Recife. Macumban is a religion brought here by African slaves. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600005.jpg,0,"Brazil -- Supplication to Yemanga (goddess of the sea), Macumban religious ceremony, NE coast of Brazil, near Recife. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
vam2\vam20103.jpg,0,"Brick home \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60001.jpg,0,"Bricklayer \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Be A Brick
#Make Bricks Without Straw
#Bridget, Brigid, or Bride, St
2184\21840091.jpg,0,"Sydney Harbour Bridge with fireworks celebrating New Year's Eve, NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0710\07100002.jpg,0,"Tower Bridge, London \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
pdp1\pdp10088.jpg,0,"Red truss bridge \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10087.jpg,0,"Foot bridge \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60131.jpg,0,"Stone bridge over river \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0722\07220021.jpg,0,"Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220018.jpg,0,"Queensboro Bridge, New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
diag\diag0051.jpg,0,"Bridge examples of arch, girder and suspension. The arrows show the forces exerted by the load. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
1105\11050068.jpg,0,"Timber built suspension bridge \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
#Bosporus Bridge
#Bridge of Sighs
#Brooklyn Bridge
#Golden Gate Bridge
#Humber Bridge
#Kintai Bridge
#London Bridge
#Ponte Vecchio
#pontoon bridge
#Rialto Bridge
#Sydney Harbour Bridge
#Tower Bridge
#Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
#playing cards
2729\27290006.jpg,0,"Bridge of Sighs, Venice, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
ssuw\ssuw0198.jpg,0,"Bristleworm \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#parchment worm
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Bristol, approximate location"
1766\17660038.jpg,0,"Bristol city from Clifton area, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
#slave trade
#Severn, River
#British Economy 1783-1901
#British Urbanization 1783-1901
#Britain in the 20th Century
#British Society in the 20th Century
#World War I: Origins
#United Kingdom (UK)
#Great Depression in Britain
#Nazi-Soviet Pact
psfp\psfp0019.jpg,0,"Battle of Britain -- the London Blitz, 1940. \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0035.jpg,0,"Battle of Britain -- St Paul's Cathedral was ringed by fires on the night of 'The Great Blitz'. \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
vas6\vas60178.jpg,,"Hurricane fighter, as used in the Battle of Britain. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#air force
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Royal Air Force (RAF)
#World War II
#WWII: Battle of Britain
#Antonine Wall
#Britain: Early Culture and Religion
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#Hadrian's Wall
#Roman history
#Roman roads
#Celtic languages
#Graham Land
#South Orkney Islands
#South Shetland Islands
#Royal Society (RS)
#International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF)
assg\assg0014.jpg,0,"British Columbia, Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
yaoy\yaoy0328.jpg,,"British Columbian Indian drawing of a wolf swallowing a human being. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
mssg\mssg0012.jpg,,"British Columbia, Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)
#Cook, James
#Fraser River
#Panama Canal
#Victoria (Canada)
#Commonwealth (British)
#Britannia: Mistress of Commerce and Empire
#British Non-European Conflicts, 19th Century
#Colonial Conquest, 18th Century
#Commonwealth (British)
#De-colonization and the collapse of European Empires
ww1m\ww1m0019.jpg,0,"Browning .50 calibre M2 \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0020.jpg,0,"Browning light machine gun \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Browning, Robert
#English literature
#Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
#English literature
#Nazi Party
#Rohm, Ernst
#Desmond, Paul
#Milhaud, Darius
#modern dance
#Rambert Dance Company
#Nile, River
#Ancestor of Robert the Bruce
#Edward I
#Wallace, Sir William
#avant garde
#Blaue Reiter, der
#German art
#Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
#Nolde, Emil
2257\22570007.jpg,0,"Bruckner bust, Vienna, Austria \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
eaoy\eaoy0048.jpg,0,"\IComposition\i by Pieter Brueghel \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Flemish art
#genre painting
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Bruges, approximate location"
#Hanseatic League
#blood vessels
#Antheil, George
#electronic music
#Earth Summit
#Brunei (Atlas)
#Brunei Political Rulers and Leaders
#Bandar Seri Begawan
#bridge (engineering)
#Brunel, Sir Marc Isambard
#Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
aaoy\aaoy0042.jpg,0,"Palazzo Pitti at Florence by Brunelleschi, completed in 1402 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0166.jpg,,"\IThe Sacrifice of Isaac\i -- a relief in bronze by Filippo Brunelleschi (completed in 1402), one of the pioneers of early Renaissance art and architecture. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
2729\27290043.jpg,0,"Caernarfon Castle in north west Wales, investiture of Prince Charles as The Prince of Wales in 1969. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2729\27290022.jpg,,"Caernarfon Castle in north west Wales \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Castles as Strongholds
#Castles: The Rise and Fall 1066 - 1087
#Charles (Philip Arthur George), Prince of Wales
#Menai Straits
#Augustus, (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
#Britain, Roman
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Britian: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Brutus, Marcus Junius
#Gallic Wars
#March 15
#Roman history
#Sherry: the History
#Tossing A Coin
#First Caesarean
#labour / labor
3214\32140007.jpg,0,"Coffee - ground, granules, and beans \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
spd1\spd10050.jpg,0,"Two caimans \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Amulets In The Bible
#Raise Cain
#Adam and Eve
#Cenozoic era
#fox (mammal)
#Ben Macdhui
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Cairns, approximate location"
0130\01300033.jpg,0,"Cairns city, Queensland, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
1639\16390074.jpg,0,"Rainforest near Cairns, Queensland, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Great Barrier Reef
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Cairo, approximate location"
0721\07210085.jpg,0,"Cairo, as seen from the Great Pyramids \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210025.jpg,0,"Sphinx in El Giza, Cairo, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
2728\27280021.jpg,,"The Sphinx and Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
0721\07210066.jpg,0,"Streets of Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
2728\27280016.jpg,,"Egyptian mummy in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1203\12030070.jpg,,"Mohammed Ali Mosque, Cairo, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1203\12030074.jpg,,"Mohammed Ali Mosque, Cairo, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Memphis (ancient Egypt)
#decompression sickness
nscn\nscn0008.jpg,0,"Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; John Caius became the first Master of Gonville and Caius College in 1559. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#computer-aided instruction (CAI)
#climbing plant
#evergreen plants
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Calais, approximate location"
#English Warfare 1450-1625
#Rodin, (Rene Francois) Auguste
fss1\fss10150.jpg,0,"Calceolaria varieties \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Trojan War
3209\32090004.jpg,0,"Calcite \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#thyroid gland
#bleaching powder
#chemical elements
#elements (continued 2)
scan\scan0094.jpg,0,"Modern calculators \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
will\will0143.jpg,0,"Saddleback -- The endangered Saddlebacks are now reduced to a distribution on about six offshore islands of New Zealand. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#Labour Party
#Wilson (of Rievaulx), (James) Harold Wilson, Baron
#Hemingway, Ernest (Miller)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Callao, approximate location"
#El Ni±o
2720\27200003.jpg,0,"Calligraphy ù A painting and calligraphy family \H\BPhotograph:\b Mr Xiong, China National Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
#Dot On The 'i'
#Greek literature
#Greek art
#orders of architecture
#Galileo Mission Finds Strange Interior of Jovian Moon
#Jupiter Update (May 97)
#Galileo Mission Finds Strange Interior of Jovian Moon
100a\100a0716.jpg,0,"John Calvin \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Calvin and his Creed
#Farel, Guillaume
#Puritan Churches
0725\07250010.jpg,0,"Heidelberg, centre of German Calvinism in the 16th century \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Barth, Karl
#Calvin and his Creed
#Calvin, John
#Calvinism, Spread of
#Church of Scotland
#Dutch Reformed Church
#English Government and Politics 1553-1625
#Knox, John
#Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers
#Puritan Churches
#Reformed Churches
#Italian literature
#Saturn (astronomy)
#computer-aided manufacture (CAM)
#Rh⌠ne, River
#Code NapolΘon
#cell (biology)
#vascular tissue
1005\10050025.jpg,0,"Riverside village in Cambodia, 1992 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050059.jpg,,"Young children at the 'Killing Fields' memorial, located on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, 1993 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
#Cambodia (Atlas)
#Cambodia (Kampuchea) Political Rulers and Leaders
#Angkor Thom
#Khmer Empire
#Khmer Rouge
#Phnom Penh
#Pol Pot
#TonlΘ Sap
#Austro-Asiatic languages
#geological time scale
#Palaeozoic / Paleozoic era
#Cudworth, Ralph
#More, Henry
#Whichcote, Benjamin
#local area network (LAN)
#network topology
#ring (computing)
cambridge university colleges.tbl,0,"Cambridge University Colleges \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0006.jpg,,"KingÆs College and KingÆs College Chapel, Cambridge; KingÆs College dates from 1441 and was founded by King Henry VI. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0007.jpg,,"The Old Schools building, in the foreground, is the historical centre of the University of Cambridge; it incorporates buildings begun in about the year 1350. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0010.jpg,,"Clare College, Cambridge (middleground), as seen from the tower of Great St. MaryÆs Church; founded in 1326, this college is the second oldest in Cambridge. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0011.jpg,,"A front view of KingÆs College Chapel, Cambridge; construction began in 1446 and took 80 years to complete. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0002.jpg,,"KingÆs College, Cambridge, as seen from the tower of Great St. MaryÆs Church; this college dates from 1441 and was founded by King Henry VI. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
0124\01240049.jpg,0,"Painting of Cape Town, 1788 (First Fleet stop-over) \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
0154\01540062.jpg,,"Simon's Town Beach and naval base, Cape Town, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540051.jpg,,"Devil's Peak, Cape Town, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540052.jpg,,"Cape Town at the foot of Table Mountain \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Cape provinces
#South Africa
#Table Mountain
#Cape Verde (Atlas)
#Cape Verde Political Rulers and Leaders
#Sπo Tiago
#Czech and Slovak literature
#robotics (cybernetics)
#deciduous plants
#Capet, Hugo or Hugh
#Philip II (of France), known as Philip Augustus
#Louis IX, St
#surface tension
#blood vessels
#equity (economics)
wrpd\wrpd0146.jpg,0,"Gargoyle on building capital \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#orders of architecture
#Killers And Their Victims
#Executions At Dawn
#inheritance tax
1602\16020019.jpg,,"Ruins of the Capitol after the fire in 1814 when the British took city of Washington and the Capitol burned. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
vam2\vam20077.jpg,,"Capitol building, Washington, DC, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20074.jpg,0,"Capitol building, Washington, DC, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20081.jpg,,"Capitol building, inside dome \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20078.jpg,,"Capitol sidewalk, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cast\castl206.jpg,,"United States Capitol building, Washington, DC, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Bulfinch, Charles
#Latrobe, Benjamin (Henry)
will\will0100.jpg,0,"Red-and-yellow Barbet -- The Red-and-yellow Barbet lives in groups and nests in termite mounds \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
3871\38710023.jpg,0,"Carnation -- With an elegant flower shape, the carnation displays a limitless variety of shades, layer upon layer of petals and petal margins from smooth to serrated bordering. The makes the carnation very popular in flower arrangements. \H\BPhotograph:\b China National Tourist Office refer David Ireland"
3871\38710022.jpg,0,"Carnation -- The carnation is the rising star in Taiwan's cut-flower market \H\BPhotograph:\b China National Tourist Office refer David Ireland"
#Clair, RenΘ
0723\07230089.jpg,0,"Carnegie Hall, New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#foundation, philanthropic
#United States, Coming of Age (1865-1914)
#breast milk
#Shrove Tuesday
#Mardi Gras
nwte\nwte0194.jpg,0,"Polar bears are carnivorous \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3451\34510015.jpg,0,"Carnivorous cheetahs feast on their kill \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#hyena or hyaena
2046\20460063.jpg,0,"Low's pitcher plant, Mt Kinabalu, Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460064.jpg,,"Low's pitcher plant, Mt Kinabalu, Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#pitcher plant
#Venus's fly trap
diag\diag0052.jpg,0,"Carnot cycle examples. Explanations of the top diagram are as follows:\p\p(1) A weighted piston moves in a cylinder filled with a theoretically ideal gas whose P, T and V are continuously measured. Heat is added to the gas at a constant T expanding the gas, decreasing its P and lifting the piston.\p\p(2) The addition of heat to the gas ceases, but it continues to expand, at the same time lifting the piston, while dropping its T and P.\p\p(3) Heat is then taken out of the gas at constant T by means of a suitable heat sink, the V decreases, the piston moves downwards, and the P of the gas increases.\p\p(4) Heat ceases to be taken from the gas, the P and T increase, the V decreases, and the piston continues to move downwards (4 to 1), until the arrangement is ready to start the cycle again.\p\pIn the bottom diagram (5), the results of this cycle are pictured on a P/V diagram, with the area enclosed by the orange lines representing the useful work done. The Carnot cycle demonstrates that no engine can ever be 100% efficient. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
#adiabatic process
#isothermal process
#thermal efficiency
#Carnot cycle
#evergreen plants
#false acacia
#Ottoman Empire
dog0\dog0492.jpg,0,"Carolina dog \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#George II
#Walpole, Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford
#George IV
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#classical revival
#French art
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#Norman architecture
#Roman architecture
#Romanesque architecture
saoy\saoy0018.jpg,0,"Fashion in Carolingian France, 750-800 AD \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#Charles Martel
#Muslim Conquest of Eastern Roman Empire
#Medieval Military Earthworks
#colouring / coloring agents
1105\11050004.jpg,0,"Carp \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1203\12030086.jpg,,"Carp with swans \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
eppd\eppd0062.jpg,0,"\IBirth of Mary\i by Carpaccio \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Italian art
#Beskids or Beskydy
#Tatra Mountains
#Transylvanian Alps
vam2\vam20254.jpg,0,"Carpel is also known as the pistil \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Tasman, Abel Janszoon
3209\32090039.jpg,0,"Rolls of ornately patterned carpets \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Magic Carpet
#fibres / fibers
#American Civil War
eppd\eppd0044.jpg,0,"\IToilet of Venus\i by Annibale Carracci \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Italian art
#Seaborne Empires, Europe's First
#Ireland (republic)
#blood vessels
#Conservative Party
#Falklands War
#crow (ornithology)
#Dutchman's pipe
vam5\vam50295.jpg,0,"Carrots \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Carson City, approximate location"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Cartagena (de los Indes), approximate location"
#Drake, Sir Francis
#D'Oyly Carte, Richard
#OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
#English literature
#Goodman, Benny
#Henderson, Fletcher
#Boulanger, Nadia
#Tutankhamen's Tomb Discovered
#Petrie, Sir (William Matthew) Flinders
#Tutankhamen or Tut'ankhamun
0201\02010042.jpg,0,"Jimmy Carter (1924-) \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
0147\01470046.jpg,0,"Carter's 1976 campaign headquarters, Plains, Georgia, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1600\16000019.jpg,0,"James E. Carter (1924-) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#United States Foreign Policy, Post Vietnam
#United States in the 70's, Ford and Carter
#Pelham (-Holles), Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle
#Walpole, Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford
#analytic / analytical geometry
#Descartes, Rene
#polar co-ordinates
#analytic / analytical geometry
#Descartes, Rene
#Punic Wars
#Andalusian horse
aaoy\aaoy0298.jpg,0,"Part of the facade of the Certosa di Pavia (a Carthusian monastery in the Lombardy region near Milan) begun in 1473 by Ambrogio Borgognone. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
mssg\mssg0016.jpg,0,"Cascade Mountains (from Oregon) \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0324.jpg,,"Cascade Range, North America \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
mssg\mssg0017.jpg,,"Cascade Mountains (from Washington) \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Crater Lake (USA)
#St Helens, Mount
#United States of America (USA)
#inflecting language
#Sinn FΘin
0123\01230091.jpg,0,"Cashew nuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1749\17490036.jpg,,"Cashew fruit (the yellow portion called the 'cashew apple' can be used to make drinks and jams). \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
2060\20600013.jpg,,"Cashew nut fruits for sale, NE coast, Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#evergreen plants
#Bardeen, John
1412\14120072.jpg,0,"Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast, Qld, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
chargaff's data on dna structure.tbl,0,"The table contains Chargaff's data on DNA structure. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#molecular biology
#Coulomb's law
#current (electricity)
#credit card
#Balaclava, Battle of
#Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of
#Raglan (of Raglan), Lord Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, Baron
#Chad, Lake
100a\100a1022.jpg,0,"Charing Cross \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Eleanor of Castile
#Holy Spirit
aaoy\aaoy0147.jpg,0,"View of Charlemagne's Chapel. Charlemagne was the first ruler to unite what is now Western Europe. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
vam5\vam50094.jpg,0,"Winter scene in Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Taoism or Daoism
#Jiang Qing
#Jiang Jieshi
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Chiang Mai, approximate location"
3611\36110012.jpg,0,"Trishaws in Chiang Mai, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3611\36110013.jpg,,"Chiang Mai, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3611\36110014.jpg,,"Traditional dancing in Chiang Mai, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
eppd\eppd0034.jpg,0,"Chiaroscuro technique accents the figures in Leonardo da Vinci's painting, \ILeda and her Two Sons Caster and Pollux\i. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Baroque (art and architecture)
#Leonardo da Vinci
#Rembrandt (Harmenszoon van Rijn)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Chiba, approximate location"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Chicago, approximate location"
ulpd\ulpd0146.jpg,0,"Chicago's Buckingham Fountain, Illinois, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0147.jpg,0,"Chicago and Lake Michigan aerial view, Illinois, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
totw\totw0013.jpg,0,"Chicago's transport system, Illinois, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0145.jpg,0,"Chicago's skyscrapers, Illinois, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Michigan, Lake
#Sears Tower
#curtain wall
#Sullivan, Louis (Henry)
#Friedman, Milton
1749\17490079.jpg,0,"\IEl Castillo\i, the main pyramid, with a statue to Mayan rain god Chacmool in the foreground - the hands of the statue are holding a flat dish, thought to have held the hearts of human sacrifice victims. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490078.jpg,0,"ChichΘn Itzß's main pyramid, \IEl Castillo\i, lit up for a tourist show \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490077.jpg,0,"ChichΘn Itzß ballcourt used for \Itlachtli\i, a ball game in which the losers were sacrificed. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490076.jpg,0,"\ITzompantli\i, 'The Wall of the Skulls,' Aztec racks displaying the skulls of sacrificial victims at ChichΘn Itzß \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490075.jpg,0,"ChichΘn Itzß colonnade \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0,china.avi,"Covering over 9 million kilometres, China boasts some of the most fascinating monuments, including the Great Wall of China. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
3219\32190027.jpg,,"Statue of guard, Great Wall of China, Badeling Pass, Hebei province \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190086.jpg,,"Backstreet markets, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190098.jpg,,"Pheasants on bicycle cart in Hebei province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190089.jpg,,"Street sweepers, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190014.jpg,,"Jade mummy - Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD220) Tombs, between Baoding and Shijiuzhuang, Hebei province, China. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190018.jpg,,"Entrance bridge to Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) Tombs, near Baoding, Hebei province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190025.jpg,,"Emperor and Empress Yung Zheng, Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) Tombs, near Baoding, Hebei province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
2881\28810056.jpg,,"Typical house in southern China \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
3219\32190035.jpg,,"Forbidden City, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190040.jpg,,"Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190052.jpg,,"Peak hour, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190071.jpg,0,"Fishing on frozen river, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
2052\20520053.jpg,0,"Chinese junk \IHuan Hong Kong\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3219\32190083.jpg,0,"Traditional Chinese costume \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190069.jpg,,"Ice-skating, Chinese style, Beijing \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190062.jpg,,"Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190005.jpg,,"Great Wall of China, Badeling Pass, N of Beijing, Hebei province \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
2052\20520086.jpg,0,"Choir \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Inflammation, Traditional Treatment of
#gall bladder
#alimentary canal
#British Urbanization 1783-1901
#Cholera (Travel Information)
#diarrhoea / diarrhea
#Food, Precautions for Traveller
#Snow, John
#Yellow Fever and Cholera from 1600-1800s
#coronary heart disease
#fatty acids
#plasma (physiology)
#transformational grammar
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Chongqing or Chungking, approximate location"
#Sino-Japanese Wars
carr\carrmusi.jpg,cl2tr1.wav,"\BSound\b - \BMinuet Waltz\b by Chopin \H \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Wilson, Edmund
3214\32140011.jpg,0,"Wooden chopsticks and rice \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Origins of Chopsticks
ssuw\ssuw0192.jpg,0,"Tunicate close-up \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60110.jpg,0,"Piano \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#keyboard instrument
#musical instruments
#string instrument
#Huntington's chorea
#rheumatic fever
#Sydenham's chorea
2166\21660041.jpg,0,"Manora dancers, dancing on a stone wall, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Ashton, Sir Frederick (William Mallandaine)
#country dance
#dance notation
#Fokine, Michel
#Macmillan, Sir Kenneth
#modern dance
#Petipa, Marius
#postmodern dance
3612\36120059.jpg,0,"Immunolocalization of Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein-A (PAPP-A) to syncytiotrophoblast cells (outer) of the chorionic villus of term human placenta. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
caoy\caoy0083.jpg,,"Christian Cross from the catacombs of Santa Ponziano, Italy (c.450). During this period, early Christian converts were forced underground by Roman pagans. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Byzantine art
#Italian art
#Christian Democrats
#Roman Catholicism
#Eddy, Mary Baker
#Christian Democrats
#World War II
#Bligh, William
issg\issg0028.jpg,0,"Christian procession, Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0721\07210052.jpg,0,"Crucifixion of Christ as depicted in a statue in St Catherine's Catholic Church in Alexandria, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
vam1\vam10300.jpg,0,"Christmas bauble \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0200.jpg,0,"Christmas decorations lit up \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0276.jpg,,"Elaborate altar displays like this one are found in many churches at Christmas. In this display, the statue of the Jesus Child is silhouetted by a decorated Christmas tree. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Candles at Christmas
#Carol Singing
#Christmas Cake
#Christmas Cards
#Christmas Gifts
#Christmas Parties And Party Hats
#Christmas Tree Origins
#Christ's Mass
#Coin In The Pudding
#Derivation Of 'Noel'
#First Father Christmas
#Good King Wenceslas
#Hogmanay Origins
#Jesus Christ
#Jingle Bells
#Mince Pies
#Nativity Scene
#O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree)
#Origins Of 'Xmas'
#Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
#Santa Claus
#Significance Of The Yule Log
#Silent Night
#Sleigh And Reindeer
#Three Kings Of The East
#Twelve Days Of Christmas
#White Christmas
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), approximate location"
#Christmas Island (Atlas)
#Indian Ocean
#Christmas Tree Origins
#Star on the Christmas Tree
#Symbolism Of Tinsel
#O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree)
#Norway spruce
#Toussaint L'Ouverture
wrpd\wrpd0207.jpg,0,"St Christopher medal worn by travellers for protection \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#St Christopher Medal
#Jesus Christ
#Clinton, Bill
#blue-backing shot
#achromatic lens
#Schoenberg, Arnold
#cell (biology)
#cell (biology)
#colour / color television
#chemical elements
#elements (continued 2)
#conjugation (chemistry)
#Amniocentesis, Screening for Defects
#cell (biology)
#DNA and Genetics
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#Entire Human Chromosome in a Mouse
#Mendel's laws
#nucleus (biology)
#sex chromosome
#sex linkage
#X Chromosomes Mutate More
#corona (astronomy)
#solar prominence
#Brecht, (Eugene) Bertolt (Friedrich)
#Hardy, Thomas
#Marlowe, Christopher
#Shakespeare, William
#Ezra, Book of
#Kings, Books of
#Nehemiah, Book of
#Samuel, Books of
#Old Testament
#Temple, Jerusalem
fss1\fss10029.jpg,0,"Yellow chrysanthemum \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
spd1\spd10065.jpg,0,"Silver white chrysanthemum \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0275.jpg,0,"Yellow chrysanthemum \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0273.jpg,0,"Pink chrysanthemum \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3209\32090015.jpg,0,"Chrysoprase \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
elpd\elpd0162.jpg,,"Church of Apostles Paul and Peter \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0179.jpg,,"Church in the Swiss Alps \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
cast\castl146.jpg,,"Plain of Assemblage from the Convent of St Catherine, Sinai \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#baptistery / baptistry
#Churches: Architecture Throughout History
#hall church
#Poor As Church Mice
#Romanesque architecture
#Weakest Go To The Wall
#Church of England
#Henry VIII, Master of Church and State
#English Revolution, the
#Anglican Communion
#Book of Common Prayer
#Henry VIII
#Lambeth Conferences
#Thirty-Nine Articles
#Knox, John
#Reformed Churches
#Slavic or Slavonic languages
#Conservative Party
psfp\psfp0028.jpg,churchil.wav,"Churchill (centre) at the Allied Force Headquarters during the Allied Planning Conference, North Africa 1943.\p\BSound\b - Churchill talking about the pressures of war \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
0147\01470032.jpg,vl42tr8.wav,"Chartwell, Churchill's country home\p\BSound\b - Churchill's address to the nation on the RAF, June 18, 1940 \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
0147\01470031.jpg,0,"Churchill's study at Chartwell \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0147\01470029.jpg,0,"Churchill Statue \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
psfp\psfp0029.jpg,0,"Churchill inspecting the RAF Guard of Honour \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0027.jpg,0,"Churchill visiting America \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Atlantic Charter
#Atlantic Charter (August 14, 1941), The
#Boer Wars
#Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville
#Conservative Party
#Liberal Party (UK)
#World War II
#WWI: The Arms Race Begins
#WWI: Gallipoli Campaign
#Truk or Chuuk
#Boxer Rising
#Guangxu or Kuang-hsu
#Hundred Days of Reform
#Kang Youwei
#Qing dynasty
#Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
#Mussolini, Benito (Amilcare Andrea)
#English literature
#theatre / theater
0888\08880047.jpg,cicad890.wav,"Green grocer cicada\p\BSound\b - Cicada \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO \h\H\BSound:\b Production Music Services Pty Ltd"
1262\12620096.jpg,,"Cicada ù Black Prince (male) \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0894\08940079.jpg,0,"Preparing for cement pour for tunnel construction \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#common law
#immunity, diplomatic
#Roman Law
#strict liability
#abuse of process
#Admiralty Court
#Code NapolΘon
#compensation order
#court of law
#criminal law
#international law
#Legal Aid
#strict liability
#civil rights
#Crown Estate
fp03\fp03062.jpg,0,"Civil rights bill -- Emancipation proclamation, 1 January 1863 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Civil Rights Movement 1960 - 1980
#United States Movements 1960 - 1980
#American Civil War
#English Civil War
#Russian Civil War
#Spanish Civil War
#water flea
#Bernard of Clairvaux, St
#Gypsy Fortune Telling and Music
#Crystal Gazing
#extrasensory perception (ESP)
ssuw\ssuw0127.jpg,0,"Lima clam close-up \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#giant clam
#Church of England
#Wilberforce, William
#film production
#editing, film
#rhythm and blues
#rock music
#Ireland (republic)
#English literature
100a\100a0909.jpg,0,"Cavalier, Musketeer, Pikeman \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Image"
#Corporation Act
#English and Welsh Government and Politics 1625-1701
#Becket, St Thomas α
#Henry II (of England)
#English Civil War
#Boehm or B÷hm, Theobald
#reed instrument
#transposing instrument
#woodwind instrument
#motor racing
#Lewis, Meriwether
#Blow, John
#Grave Of A Figure Of Fiction
#Australian literature
2246\22460081.jpg,0,"In western societies, class distinctions are often made in relation to the type of cars people own \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Upper Crust
#Call Girl
#social mobility
#social stratification
#Classical Civilizations
#Classical Archaeology
#Classical Archaeology in the 20th Century
#Greek architecture
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#orders of architecture
#Renaissance architecture
#Roman architecture
#Classical Archaeology
#Classical Archaeology in the 20th Century
#Greek art
#Roman art
#Classical Greek Archaeology
#Greek literature
#Latin literature
2246\22460070.jpg,0,"Famous classical composer, Beethoven, was born here, Bonn, Germany in 1770 \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#ars antiqua
#ars nova
#Baroque (music)
#Impressionism (music)
#Neoclassicism (music)
#Romanticism (music)
#Bach, Johann Sebastian
#Beethoven, Ludwig van
#Brahms, Johannes
#Haydn, Franz Joseph
#Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
#Schubert, Franz (Peter)
eppd\eppd0042.jpg,0,"Neoclassical painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, entitled \IThe Hermit\i \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Classical Archaeology
#Carolingian art
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
2068\20680025.jpg,0,"Preserving and restoring a classical sculpture \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
#classical revival
#Greek art
#Latin literature
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#Roman art
#David, Jacques Louis
#Poussin, Nicolas
#Virgil or Vergil
#Winckelmann, Johann (Joachim)
#Origins of Famous Horse Races
#Bowler And The Derby
#horse racing
#Triple Crown
#chemical bond
#French art
#landscape painting
#French literature
#Latin literature
#Agrippina, known as Agrippina the Younger
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Britian: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Roman history
#Appian Way
#Gneisenau, August (Wilhelm Anton), Graf (Count) Neithardt von
#Gunpowder Revolution and Strategy
#keyboard instrument
#limb girdle
2881\28810084.jpg,0,"Clay pots in Nepal \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#clay minerals
#silicate minerals
#graphology, handwriting
#Ali, Muhammad
fp03\fp03013.jpg,0,"Henry Clay (1777-1852), 'The Great Compromiser' \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#War of 1812
#Zeno of Citium
#Clergy Reserves
#cheque (UK) or check (US)
3612\36120050.jpg,0,"Immunofluorescence of a blastocyst stage embryo after \Iin vivo\i (spontaneous) conception \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#cell (biology)
#Monty Python
#Palin, Michael Edward
#congenital abnormality
#English literature
vas6\vas60284.jpg,0,"Clematis \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#climbing plant
#Treaty of Versailles 1919
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
#Big Three
#Peace Treaties of 1919-23: Overview
1601\16010039.jpg,0,"Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Fathers of the Church
#Fathers of the Church
#Knights Templars
100a\100a0704.jpg,0,"Clement VII \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Bourbon, Charles de
#Henry VIII
2258\22580095.jpg,clementi.mid,"Rome, the birthplace of Clementi\p\BSound\b - \ISonata in G\i by Clementi \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Webster Publishing"
1600\16000015.jpg,0,"Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Harrison, Benjamin, 23rd U.S. president
#Monroe Doctrine
#Bleek and the African Bushmen
#clinical psychology
#Rogers, Carl R(ansom)
#computer network
ulpd\ulpd0199.jpg,0,"Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde, Colorado, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Mesa Verde (in detail)
ampd\ampd0073.jpg,0,"Climatic zones of the Earth as seen in an 1858 map \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#general circulation models
#palaeoclimatology / paleoclimatology
spd1\spd10135.jpg,0,"Rainforest \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#vegetation succession
vam2\vam20243.jpg,0,"Morning glory \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#speech pathology
#behaviour / behavior therapy
#client-centred / centered therapy
#cognitive therapy
#Gestalt therapy
2919\29190048.jpg,clinton.wav,"Bill Clinton wins a second term in office in November 1996.\p\BSound\b - Bill Clinton speaking on the peace process in Bosnia \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
2919\29190046.jpg,0","Bill Clinton \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
fp03\fp03091.jpg,,"Bill Clinton \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#1996 State of the Union Address of President William J. Clinton, The
#1997 State of the Union Address of President William J. Clinton, The
#Bush, George (Herbert Walker)
#Dole, Bob
#Gore, Al(bert)
#North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
#United States 1992 Presidential Election
#Black Hole of Calcutta
#East India Company, British
#alimentary canal
#urinary system
elpd\elpd0002.jpg,0,"Selfridges Clock in London, England \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0228.jpg,0,"Clock face in Siena, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0125.jpg,0,"Ornate clock in Prague, Czech Republic \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1406\14060096.jpg,0,"Clock tower, northern Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
caoy\caoy0017.jpg,,"Clock (c.1760) from France made during the reign of Louis XV. Here the clock is a globe representing the world, supported by the three elements of Greek classical antiquity, air, fire and water. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
2728\27280097.jpg,0,"Hindu temple in Colombo, Sri Lanka \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2727\27270007.jpg,,"Street scene in Colombo, Sri Lanka \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Colombo Plan
#Sri Lanka
#Commonwealth (British)
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Commonwealth (British)
#British Empire
#Britain in the 20th Century
2266\22660085.jpg,0,"Colonnade in Marienbad, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2266\22660087.jpg,,"Colonnade in Marienbad, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
#Columba, St
2185\21850084.jpg,0,"Portuguese memorial to commemorate the colonization of South America \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#associated state
#De-colonization and the collapse of European Empires
#America, First Settlements
#America, The Colonial Period
#Colonial America, Society, Schools and Culture
#America, Colonial Self-government
#America, Road to Independence, Taxation
#complementary colour / color
#primary colours
mapl\maplco.jpg,0,"Colorado - map \H"
nssg\nssg0012.jpg,0,"Bear Lake, Colorado, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3611\36110028.jpg,0,"Durango and Silverton steam train, Colorado, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
nssg\nssg0057.jpg,,"Maroon Lake (near Aspen), Colorado, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0029.jpg,,"Cimarron River, Colorado, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0013.jpg,0,"Black Canyon, Gunnison, Colorado, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
3611\36110029.jpg,,"Silverton Church, Colorado, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Louisiana Purchase
#United States of America (USA)
#Great Basin
nssg\nssg0033.jpg,0,"Colorado River \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3217\32170020.jpg,0,"Colorado River \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
nssg\nssg0030.jpg,0,"Colorado River \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Grand Canyon
#United States of America (USA)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Colorado Springs, approximate location"
#colour / color photography
#Ephesians, Letter to the
#New Testament
#Paul, St
#Pauline Letters or Pauline Epistles
#Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
#Immunity in Early Human Development
#breast milk
#complementary colour / color
#primary colours
#colour / color vision
#colour / color photography
#colour / color photography
#carbro process
#integral tripack
#reversal process
#computer printer
#laser printer
diag\diag0054.jpg,0,"Colour / Color television camera -- light through the camera lens is divided by a beam-splitting prism system to separate red, green and blue sensors. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
pdmt\pdmt0311.jpg,0,"Computer memory -- integrated circuitry allows very rapid transfer between the memory and the central processing unit. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam5\vam50269.jpg,0,"Green pine cones \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60275.jpg,0,"Cone \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40300.jpg,0,"Cone shell \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#rods and cones
ulpd\ulpd0049.jpg,0,"Coney Island shop front, New York City, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Long Island
#New York
#Confederate States of America
fp03\fp03065.jpg,0,"The Southern Confederacy -- Senate Chamber during open session in the Capitol at Montgomery, Alabama, the Hon. Howell Cobb presiding \H\BPhotograph:\b The Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03075.jpg,,"The Outbreak of the Rebellion in the United States, 1861. (Lithograph) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#American Civil War
#Davis, Jefferson
#Secession and Civil War
#slave trade
cwm1\cwm10021.jpg,0,"Confederate accessories \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Napoleonic Wars
#Articles of Confederation
#Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
#Barth, Karl
#Nazi Party
#Augsburg Confession
#Westminster Confession of Faith
#Give Short Shrift
#Lowell, Robert (Traill Spence), Jr
#Plath, Sylvia
#Shakespeare, William
#particle physics
#editing, film
2882\28820097.jpg,0,"Confucian monastery, Seoul, South Korea \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Book of Changes
#Chinese philosophy
#cleft lip and palate
#club foot
#genetically determined disease
#spina bifida
#Amniocentesis, Screening for Defects
#Congo (Atlas)
#Congo Political Rulers and Leaders
#Congo Crisis 1960-64
#Zaire, River
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Congonhas do Campo, approximate location"
#Rev William Pascoe Crook
#Browne, Robert
#missions, Christian
#Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers
#American Constitution, The Drafting
#Poland, Partitions of
#Russian history
#Vienna, Congress of
#Alexander I, (of Russia)
#black power
#civil rights
#Innis, (Emile Alfredo) Roy
#Dryden, John
#English literature
#congruent triangles
#Gauss, (Johann) Carl Friedrich
#triangle (mathematics)
diag\diag0055.jpg,0,"Conic sections -- cone (sometimes double) cut by a plane in (a) a single point, (b) a pair of straight lines, (c) a hyperbola, (d) a parabola, (e) a circle and (f) an ellipse. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
assg\assg0055.jpg,0,"Cypress pines \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1105\11050015.jpg,0,"Norfolk pine \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#hemlock, tree
#Campbell, Sir Malcolm
#Lake District
#Ruskin, John
#Goldbach's conjecture
#Riemann, (Georg Friedrich) Bernhard
#Conjugal Rights
#Ireland (republic)
#Connacht or Connaught
mapl\maplct.jpg,0,"Connecticut - map (large) \H"
ulpd\ulpd0031.jpg,0,"Mystic seaport, Connecticut, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#United States of America (USA)
#Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (January 14, 1639), The
diag\diag0056.jpg,0,"Constituent analysis example \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#bill of rights
#Constitution of the United States
#America, Formation of Government
#American Constitution, The Drafting
#Bill of Rights (March 4, 1789), The
1602\16020099.jpg,,"Scene at the signing of the Constitution of the United States \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
fp03\fp03048.jpg,0,"Constitution of the United States -- part of the actual document \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03051.jpg,0,"One of the first newspaper printings of the Constitution of the United States -- \IThe Pennsylvania Packet, and Daily Advertiser\i 19 September 1787 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03066.jpg,0,"Cupid presenting the Constitution to Concord in front of temple with 13 pillars, Cilio inscribing message 'Behold a Fabric now to Freedom rear'd...' (Etching by Trenchard (1788) -- frontispiece, \IThe Columbian Magazine, or Monthly Miscellany\i) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03090.jpg,,"Constitution of the United States -- portraits of Generals Sherman, Meade, Grant, Thomas and Sheridan formed by some of the words. (Lithograph by Duval and Co., 1865) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03101.jpg,,"Constitutional Centennial March in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. (Music cover illustration with portrait busts of Washington, Madison, Hamilton, Cleveland and prominent officials of the Constitutional Centennial Commission) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#American Constitution, Federal Convention 1787
#Articles of Confederation
#Articles of Confederation (July 9, 1778), The
#bill of rights
#Bill of Rights (March 4, 1789), The
#civil rights
#Constitutional Amendments
#Declaration of Independence
#Supreme Court
1601\16010001.jpg,0,"Signing the Constitution -- painting by Christy \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020099.jpg,,"Scene at the signing of the Constitution of the United States \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03048.jpg,,"Constitution of the United States -- part of the actual document \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03051.jpg,,"One of the first newspaper printings of the Constitution -- \IThe Pennsylvania Packet, and Daily Advertiser\i, 19 September 1787 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Articles of Confederation (July 9, 1778), The
#Articles of Confederation (July 9, 1778), The
#Articles of Confederation (July 9, 1778), The
fp03\fp03085.jpg,0,"George Washington Presiding in the Convention, 1787. (Engraving by J. Rogers after Wageman) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03050.jpg,0,"Constitutional Convention. Drafting in Benjamin Franklin's garden, (Philadelphia). Left to right: A. Hamilton, J. Wilson, J. Madison and B. Franklin \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03099.jpg,,"Convention at Philadelphia, 1787. Engraving and title page of \IA History of the United States\i by Rev. Charles A. Goodrick (1823). \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#American Constitution, Federal Convention 1787
#American Constitution, The Drafting
#American Revolution
#Annapolis Convention
#Annapolis Convention (September 14, 1786), The
#Clarendon, Constitutions of
0123\01230060.jpg,0,"Boa constrictor \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#abstract art
#concrete art
#Gabo, Naum
#Pevsner, Antoine
#Luther, Martin
#cursus honorum
#Roman history
#retail price index (RPI)
#Nader, Ralph
#consumer protection
#consumer society
#electromotive force
#thermoelectric effects
vas6\vas60028.jpg,,"Container ship \IChallenger\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10057.jpg,,"Container ship \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#domino theory
#Cold War, The Origins
#Cold War: Overview
#nuclear reactor
#court of law
#Continents Of Europe And Asia
#Continents: General Data
#Continental Drift: Wegener's Theory
#Plate Tectonics (in detail)
#continental drift
#continental margin
#plate tectonics
1601\16010076.jpg,0,"Second Congress voting for independence \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#American Revolution
#Articles of Confederation
#Coercive Acts, The
#Declaration of Independence
#Ordinance of 1787
mssg\mssg0043.jpg,0,"Moraine Lake in the Rocky Mountains, northern Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Rocky Mountains or Rockies
#Continental Drift: Wegener's Theory
#Earth's Structure
#Plate Tectonic Theory
#plate tectonics
#Plate Tectonics (in detail)
#Wegener, Alfred (Lothar)
#neritic zone
#Pacific Ocean
#submarine canyon
#Napoleonic Wars
#France's 'Russian Haemorrhage' (Warfare)
#adult education
#Baroque (music)
#Jesus Christ
#Latex Allergy
#Malthus' Birth Control
#Malthus, Thomas Robert
#oestrogens / estrogens
#Pincus, Gregory (Goodwin)
#Sanger, Margaret (Louise)
#covenant, also known as a deed
#exemption clause or exclusion clause
#Contract Bridge Champions
#bridge (recreation)
#servo system
#experimenter effect
#thermal conduction
#condensation (physics)
#cumulonimbus clouds
#standard language
#discourse analysis
#Hogarth, William
#word class
#mental disorders
#land registration
#Church of England
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Conwy, approximate location"
#Castles: The Rise and Fall 1066 - 1087
1406\14060017.jpg,0,"Cook Islands Christian church, Aitutaki \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060020.jpg,0,"Gravesite, Rarotonga, Cook Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060021.jpg,0,"Rarotonga, Cook Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Lincoln's America, Peace Democrats, and Draft Riots
#pit viper
0154\01540038.jpg,0,"Husking and shelling coconuts for copra \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#coconut palm
0721\07210047.jpg,0,"Seven Archangels painted in Coptic art style by the nuns at the St Dimiana's convent, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210050.jpg,,"Dome of St Mina's Coptic Orthodox monastery, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Byzantine art
#Egyptian art
0721\07210056.jpg,0,"Shenouda III, Pope -- The current patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and the See of St Mark. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210045.jpg,0,"Coptic Orthodox Church papal residency and the cathedral of St Mark in Cairo, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Athanasius, St
#Chalcedon, Council of
#Clement of Alexandria, St
#Mark, St
#First U.S. Copyright Law (July 17, 1790), The
#reed instrument
#transposing instrument
#woodwind instrument
ssuw\ssuw0004.jpg,0,"Cactus coral \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0735\07350021.jpg,0,"Soft corals, Taveuni Island, Fiji \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
vam1\vam10011.jpg,0,"Cormorant \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60099.jpg,0,"Corn cobs \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1750\17500003.jpg,0,"Corn field outside Quetzaltenango, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#corn belt
#Corn Plant's Defence
#Corn Spirit And Lammas
#Middle West or Midwest
#British Government and Politics 1783-1846
#Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of
#Peel, Sir Robert
#French literature
#deciduous plants
#German art
#Nazarenes (German Artists)
#brass instrument
#Bach, Johann Sebastian
#brass instrument
#woodwind instrument
#Celtic languages
2249\22490064.jpg,0,"King Arthur's Castle ruins in Cornwall, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2249\22490060.jpg,0,"Cornwall, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2249\22490058.jpg,0,"Cornwall, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2729\27290070.jpg,0,"St Michael's Mount across from Penzance in Cornwall, England, is the site of a mediaeval monastery \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2729\27290047.jpg,0,"Land's End in Cornwall, represents the western extremity of England \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
iaoy\iaoy0279.jpg,,"Cornish Man Engine - a device for lowering tin miners down a shaft. Cornwall was a major producer of tin over three millennia. In the middle ages tin mining was so important that the miners of Cornwall were granted special privileges and placed under the separate legal jurisdiction of the stannary (tin mine) courts. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Duchy of Cornwall
#American Revolution
#Tippoo Sultßn
#Nathanael Greene's South Carolina Campaign
#American Revolution, Victory and Independence
stpd\stpd0223.jpg,0,"Corona of the Sun \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ssp1\ssp10199.jpg,0,"Corona of the Sun \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#solar wind
vam1\vam10192.jpg,0,"Daffodil field \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Milky Way
#heart disease
#myocardial infarction
#polyunsaturated fatty acids
#procurator fiscal
eaoy\eaoy0010.jpg,0,"Jean Baptiste Camille Corot's \IA Flood\i \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Barbizon School
#French art
#landscape painting
#Church of England
#Clarendon Code
#canon law
#Codex Juris Canonici
#Justinian Code
#ovarian follicle
#Italian art
correlation results.tbl,0,"Correlation results concocted from genuine Australian data. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Mendel, Gregor (Johann)
#quantum mechanics
#Northern Ireland
#civil law
#civil law, also known as domestic law
#criminal law
2046\20460014.jpg,0,"Aboriginal women from the Walpiri tribe take part in traditional corroboree, Mt Allan, Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
1636\16360079.jpg,0,"Preparing for a corroboree, Northern Territory, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1636\16360076.jpg,,"Aboriginal women's corroboree, Ayers Rock, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
fa05\fa050004.jpg,0,"Walking the plank \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Kidd, William
#Napoleon I
#Franco (Bahamonde), Francisco
#New Spain
#adrenal glands
#adrenal glands
#adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
#Cortisone: the Discovery
#adrenal glands
#biological rhythm or biorhythm
aaoy\aaoy0008.jpg,0,"Cloister of Santa Maria Della Pace in Rome. Among the artists and architects who worked on this building were Pietro Di Cortona and Francesco Albani. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eppd\eppd0041.jpg,,"\IDetail of Fresco in the Hall of Venus\i by Pietro Da Cortona \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Baroque (art and architecture)
#Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
#Guercino, Il
3209\32090009.jpg,0,"Corundum \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Corunna, approximate location"
#Drake, Sir Francis
#Moore, Sir John
#Spanish Armada
ssas\ssas0236.jpg,0,"American Crow -- Crows favor open country \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10034.jpg,,"Grey Jay \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Asclepios or Asclepius
#Fine Gael
#Sinn FΘin
0231\02310040.jpg,0,"Cosmetics \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0231\02310001.jpg,0,"Face-painting \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1750\17500043.jpg,0,"Painted cartwheel - Costa Rica is famous for its painted decorations on everyday objects \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500042.jpg,0,"Church in Alajuela, Costa Rica \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500039.jpg,0,"Costa Rican countryside, on the road to Iraz· volcano \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500046.jpg,,"Topiary garden in Zarcero, Costa Rica \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500040.jpg,,"Rim of Iraz· Volcano - this volcano reaches 3,400 m in height and last erupted in the early 1960s). \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Costa Rica (Atlas)
#Costa Rica Political Rulers and Leaders
#Pan-American Highway
#San Jose (Costa Rica)
#pop music
#Abbott and Costello
saoy\saoy0010.jpg,0,"Costume mid-1400s, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
2046\20460031.jpg,0,"Costume mid-1400s, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
3219\32190083.jpg,,"Chinese traditional costume \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#English art
#miniature painting
#sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
#cock of the rock
#umbrella bird
vam5\vam50213.jpg,0,"Andean Cock-of-the-rock -- The Andean Cock-of-the-rock incubates its eggs for 42-44 days \H\BDiagram:\b William Bourke"
#English art
#landscape painting
#Norwich School
#deciduous plants
#evergreen plants
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Cotonou, approximate location"
#Porto Novo
0122\01220027.jpg,0,"Cotton field, Louisiana, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1411\14110051.jpg,0,"Cotton bales, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1411\14110050.jpg,0,"Cotton field \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1411\14110047.jpg,0,"Cotton being harvested \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
0069\00690068.jpg,0,"Flags representing country members of the United Nations, outside the UN headquarters in New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#United Nations (UN)
#pop music
#traditional dance
#National Party
#National Park
#Scottish National Heritage
#local government
#High Court (of Justice)
#colour / color photography
#Baroque (music)
#French art
#marrow (botany)
#Greyhound Racing Origins
#Dog Racing Clubs
#blood sports
3606\36060026.jpg,0,"Traditional court house, Lincoln, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#county court
#High Court (of Justice)
#House of Lords
#Supreme Court
#European Union
#European Union
#Admiralty Court
#Assize Court
#civil law
#civil law, also known as domestic law
#Court of Appeal
#Court of Justice of the European Communities
#Court of Session
#criminal law
#Divisional Court
#First Court Reporter
#High Court (of Justice)
#Lords, House of
#Principle Of Representation
#Supreme Court
#Court of Appeal
#High Court (of Justice)
scan\scan0053.jpg,0,"Australian tennis champion Margaret Court \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Connolly, Maureen (Catherine)
fa05\fa050017.jpg,0,"Courtly love \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0128\01280026.jpg,0,"Mangrove (mud) crab \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
ssuw\ssuw0035.jpg,0,"Porcelain crab \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0028.jpg,0,"Arrow crab in anemone \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0027.jpg,0,"Arrow crab \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0739\07390069.jpg,0,"Sally light-foot crab, Galapagos Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
ssuw\ssuw0033.jpg,0,"King crab \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3210\32100026.jpg,0,"Desert freshwater crab \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#fiddler crab
#hermit crab
#horseshoe crab
#land crab
#pea crab
#robber crab
#spider crab
nas2\nas20140.jpg,0,"The Crab Nebula, M1, as imaged by Hubble Space Telescope and the Mount Palomar telescope. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#neutron star
#Burke, Edmund
#English literature
#seal (biology)
#drug addiction or drug dependence
#Krak≤w or Cracow
#Irving, Sir Henry
#theatre / theater
#Traveller's Diarrhoea
#German art
#evergreen plants
vam5\vam50227.jpg,0,"Crane -- Sandhill cranes \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0122\01220073.jpg,0,"Crane -- Crowned cranes, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720077.jpg,0,"Crane -- young crowned crane, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#whooping crane
spd1\spd10198.jpg,0,"Container crane \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
iaoy\iaoy0077.jpg,,"Movable crane, 19th century \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
iaoy\iaoy0078.jpg,,"Overhead crane, 19th century \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#American literature
fp03\fp03088.jpg,0,"Stephen Crane (1871-1900) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#American literature
#herb Robert
#cephalic index
nscn\nscn0022.jpg,0,"This plaque sits in the wall in Broad Street, Oxford, commemorating the burning at the stake of Bishops Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer in 1555 and 1556 \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
diag\diag0059.jpg,0,"Crystal defects - possible defects in a crystal; dislocation in a crystal (a), corresponding to an extra half-plane of atoms (b). \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
stpd\stpd0200.jpg,0,"Vitamin C crystal \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Great Exhibition
#Paxton, Sir Joseph
3209\32090011.jpg,0,"Amethyst is said to ease pain and encourage sleep. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
cast\castl119.jpg,0,"Morro Castle, Cuba \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl118.jpg,,"Courtyard of a Cuban villa \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Batista (y Zaldivar), Fulgencio
#Bay of Pigs
#Bay of Pigs (1961)
#Castro (Ruz), Fidel
#Cuba (Atlas)
#Cuba Political Rulers and Leaders
#Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
#Cuban missile crisis (in detail)
#Cuban Revolution (1959)
#United States History, Foreign Affairs, Late 19th Century
0201\02010076.jpg,jkenedy.wav,"John F Kennedy was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.\p\BSound\b - Kennedy speaking about the crisis \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich
#Cuban missile crisis (in detail)
#Cold War and the Middle East
#Communism: US containment
#abstract art
#Braque, Georges
#modern art
#Picasso, Pablo
0147\01470066.jpg,cukoo810.wav,"Roadrunner in Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA.\p\BSound\b - Cuckoo \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor \h\H\BSound:\b Production Music Services Pty Ltd"
#climbing plant
#squirting cucumber
#Cambridge Platonists
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Cuenca, approximate location"
elpd\elpd0293.jpg,0,"Facade of cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1261\12610003.jpg,0,"Fly \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Malaria, Protection Against
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
#crown jewels
#Forty-five Rebellion
#Stuart or Stewart, Prince Charles Edward (Louis Philip Casimir)
1203\12030039.jpg,0,"Cult followers in Tokyo, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Druids' Name
#cargo cult
#vegetative reproduction
#culture (anthropology)
#Burckhardt, Jacob (Christopher)
#culture (anthropology)
#Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
#pluralism (philosophy)
#Gang of Four
#Mao Zedong
#Red Army (China)
#Red Guards
#Gang of Four, China
#Communist China
1766\17660049.jpg,0,"Village chief with floating stone, Fiji \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#cultural evolution
#cultural history
3612\36120055.jpg,0,"Viability stain on an \Iin vitro\i cultured guinea pig embryo \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Allegheny Mountains
#Boone, Daniel
#Austrian Succession, War of the
#Culloden Moor, Battle of
#Seven Years' War
0154\01540096.jpg,0,"Brough Castle remains, Cumbria, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
vas6\vas60267.jpg,0,"Cumulus clouds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#altocumulus clouds
#cirrocumulus clouds
#cumulonimbus clouds
#stratocumulus clouds
#Civilization, Egypt
#Archaeology and Orientalism
#Cuneiform Deciphered
#Rich, Claudius James
#Gilgamesh: The Search for Answers
#Hittite Empire Discovered
#writing systems
#Graham, Martha
#modern dance
#postmodern dance
caoy\caoy0062.jpg,0,"\ILove Reviving Life,\i a figure sculptured by Finelli c.1880. Here Cupid gives life back to a butterfly with a kiss. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Eros (mythology)
wrpd\wrpd0308.jpg,0,"Silhouetted cupola of a Catholic cathedral \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
3209\32090001.jpg,0,"Cuprite \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
stpd\stpd0042.jpg,0,"Current flowing through braided copper wire \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#alternating current (AC)
#battery (electricity)
#direct current
#electric grid
#electrical power
#skin effect
#thermohaline circulation
#angle of repose
#core curriculum
#national curriculum
#new mathematics
3209\32090085.jpg,0,"Curry leaf, \IMurraya koenigii\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Hot Curry
#Australian Labor Party (ALP)
#general relativity
#Minkowski space
#tonic sol-fa
#Curzon Line
#Kitchener (of Khartoum and of Broome), (Horatio) Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl
#Curzon (of Kedleston), George Nathaniel Curzon, Marquess
#Yalta Conference
#Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#adrenal glands
#amenorrhoea / amenorrhea
#Cushing, Harvey Williams
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#Cushing's disease
#pituitary gland
#African history
#Gothic architecture
#deciduous plants
1601\16010082.jpg,0,"Major General George Custer (1839-76) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
ulpd\ulpd0176.jpg,0,"Custer battlefield site, Little Bighorn, Montana, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Indian Wars
#Little Bighorn, Battle of the (1876)
#separation, judicial
#wardship proceedings
#customs and excise
#European Economic Community (EEC)
#Solomon, professional name of Solomon Cutner
#vegetative reproduction
0128\01280045.jpg,0,"Cuttlefish \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
ssuw\ssuw0072.jpg,0,"Cuttlefish \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0073.jpg,0,"Cuttlefish at the bottom of the sea \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
whal\whalcuvi.jpg,0,"Cuvier's Beaked Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
100a\100a0222.jpg,0,"Georges Cuvier \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#palaeontology / paleontology
eaoy\eaoy0092.jpg,0,"\ICattle at the Pond\i by Albert Cuyp \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Dutch art
#landscape painting
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Cuzco, approximate location"
0739\07390096.jpg,0,"Cuzco, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390095.jpg,0,"View of Cuzco city, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390097.jpg,,"Indian woman with llama in Cuzco's central plaza (cathedral in the background was designed by Francisco Becerra and was completed over 250 years) \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490021.jpg,,"Indians hawking their crafts at the railway station, Cuzco, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Incas or Inka
#amyl nitrite
#hydrocyanic acid
#anaemia / anemia
#gas, chemistry
#blue-green bacteria
#Attis or Atys
#computer science
#Wiener, Norbert
1260\12600018.jpg,0,"Cycad \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Palaeozoic / Paleozoic era
#sago palm
#seed fern
#Aegean Sea
1639\16390015.jpg,0,"Cycling as a sport \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
srpd\srpd0046.jpg,0,"Cycling at a velodrome \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
carr\carrmusi.jpg,cl2tr4.wav,"\BSound\b - \IArabesque\i by Debussy \H \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Impressionism (music)
#English literature
#French literature
#Baudelaire, Charles (Pierre)
#English literature
#French literature
#Huysmans, Joris Karl
#Mallarme, Stephane
#Rimbaud, (Jean Nicolas) Arthur
#Verlaine, Paul (Marie)
#Ten Commandments or Decalogue
#Boccaccio, Giovanni
#Chaucer, Geoffrey
#Italian literature
vam1\vam10217.jpg,0,"Crabs belong to the Decapoda order of marine crustaceans \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0034.jpg,,"King crab \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#discus throw
#high jump
#javelin throw
#long jump
#pole vault
#shot put
#War of 1812
#mean life
#Alexander I
#Russian history
#Alexander I, (of Russia)
#Bell, Alexander Graham
vas6\vas60249.jpg,0,"Deciduous plants shed their leaves in Autumn (Fall) \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2728\27280054.jpg,0,"Some trees turn brown in Autumn when shedding their leaves \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nssg\nssg0008.jpg,0,"Changing colours of deciduous trees \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
assg\assg0007.jpg,0,"Autumn colours \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
assg\assg0008.jpg,0,"Autumn leaves \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#abscission layer
#evergreen plants
#base (mathematics)
#game theory
#probability theory
#risk analysis
1602\16020010.jpg,0,"Drafting the Declaration of Independence. The Committee: Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Livingston, and Sherman \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#A Hand-Written Receipt for Nine Guns and Nine Bayonets (July 5, 1776)
#Adams, John Quincy
#American Revolution, Common Sense and Independence
#Continental Congress
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Jefferson's Draft of the Declaration of Independence
#July 4
#A Hand-Written Receipt for Nine Guns and Nine Bayonets (July 5, 1776)
#Jefferson's Draft of the Declaration of Independence
#A Hand-Written Receipt for Nine Guns and Nine Bayonets (July 5, 1776)
#Jefferson's Draft of the Declaration of Independence
#A Hand-Written Receipt for Nine Guns and Nine Bayonets (July 5, 1776)
#Jefferson's Draft of the Declaration of Independence
#bill of rights
#Declaration of Rights (October 14, 1774), The
#James II
#James II, England
#William III
#ancien rΘgime
#French Revolution
#programming language
#celestial equator
#latitude and longitude
#right ascension
vam5\vam50260.jpg,0,"Leaves begin to decompose after falling from the tree \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0044.jpg,0,"Deep sea divers take all precautions to prevent decompression sickness \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#deep sea diving
#occupational diseases
#Derrida, Jacques
#de Man, Paul
#literary criticism
#Early English Style
#Gothic architecture
#Perpendicular Style
ww1m\ww1m0057.jpg,0,"High Command Vehicle Pennant from World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0018.jpg,0,"Bronze Star Purple Heart medal \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Albert Medal
#Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
#Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
#George Cross (GC)
#George Medal (GM)
#honours list
#Iron Cross
#Legion d'Honneur
#Medal of Honor (MH, MOH)
#Presidential Medal of Freedom
#Purple Heart
#Victoria Cross (VC)
#Memorial Day
vas6\vas60015.jpg,0,"Potter's wheel, used to mould clay to make ceramic pieces - a decorative art form \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#theatre / theater
#Hanukkah or Chanukah
#covenant, also known as a deed
ssuw\ssuw0046.jpg,0,"Deep sea divers with potato cods \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#decompression sickness
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#Solar System
#space exploration
#Chomsky, (Avram) Noam
#generative grammar
#First Frozen Food
#food preservation
#English literature
1405\14050085.jpg,deer.wav,"Mule deer, Rocky Mountains, Canada\p\BSound\b - Mule Deer \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
vam5\vam50166.jpg,0,"Blacktail deer \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50144.jpg,0,"Young deer \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50147.jpg,0,"Blacktail deer \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60045.jpg,0,"True deer are the only deer to have antlers \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20227.jpg,,"Doe (female deer) in forest \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50141.jpg,,"Fawn (baby deer) \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#fallow deer
#Horned Helmets
#muntjac or muntjak
#musk deer
#Pere David's deer
#red deer
#roe deer
#water deer
#mouse (zoology)
#defaecation / defecation
#Freud, Anna
#Freud, Sigmund
#World War I
#court of law
#Henry VIII, Renaissance Prince
#Henry VIII
#Luther, Martin
100a\100a1006.jpg,0,"Daniel Defoe \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
0069\00690058.jpg,0,"Deforestation \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1412\14120060.jpg,0,"Deforestation occurred here to make use of the land for agriculture \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
nwte\nwte0288.jpg,,"Effects of clear cutting \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0205.jpg,0,"\IFemme a sa Toilette\i by Degas \H"
#French art
#Impressionism (art)
#Gauss, (Johann) Carl Friedrich
#diabetes mellitus
#Mars (astronomy)
#English literature
scan\scan0212.jpg,0,"\ILiberty Guiding the People\i by Delacroix \H"
#French art
#French art
#Blaue Reiter, der
#French art
mapl\mapldr.jpg,0,"Delaware - map (large) \H"
#Dover (USA)
#Du Pont
#United States of America (USA)
#United States of America (USA)
#Bohr, Niels (Henrik David)
#molecular biology
#judicial review
#Revolutions of 1848
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Delft, approximate location"
#Netherlands, The
#Vermeer, Jan
#William I (of the Netherlands), Prince of Orange, known as William the Silent
caoy\caoy0060.jpg,0,"Delft vase (c.1850) depicting an underwater scene with two Tritons supporting the vase. Delft is a tin-glazed pottery known as Majolica in Spain and Fayence in Italy. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Delhi, approximate location"
indi\indi0034.jpg,0,"Delhi child by roadside, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0011.jpg,0,"Delhi, India - swarm of 600,000 people gather for a political rally \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
#Gandhi, (Mohandas Karamchand)
#Lutyens, Sir Edwin Landseer
#Qutb Minar or Kutab Minar
#Shah Jahan
#Mughal or Mogul Empire
#Greek Civilization, Athens the Splendid
#Greek history
#Persian Wars
#Aristides, Athenian soldier and statesman
#duplication of the cube
#Judges, Book of
#delirium tremens
#European Community (EC)
#European Union
#Mitterrand, Francois (Maurice Marie)
3607\36070001.jpg,0,"Ruins of a building in Delphi, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Leave No Stone Unturned
#Apollo, (Phoebus)
#Delphi, Oracle of
#Delphi, oracle of
#Civilization, Early Greek, All Greeks
#Pythian Games
#Ganges, River
#Mississippi River
#Nile, River
#Flood, the
#Chirico, Giorgio de
#Magritte, Rene (Francois Ghislain)
#elasticity (economics)
#supply and demand
#Alzheimer's disease
#mental disorders
#Ceres (mythology)
#opinion poll
#opposition (politics)
#pluralism (politics)
#American Constitution, The Drafting
#Australian Labor Party (ALP)
#Federalist Party
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Republican Party
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#Whig Party
#United States Political History, Whigs, Democrats and 'Know-Nothings'
#Lincoln's America, Peace Democrats, and Draft Riots
2068\20680015.jpg,0,"Desertification, land degradation \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
#Dust Bowl
#sustainable agriculture
caoy\caoy0185.jpg,0,"Tomb of Carlo Marzuppini, executed in marble by Desiderio da Settignano in Santa Croce, the church of the Franciscan order at Florence. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Florentine School
#Italian art
pnwe\pnwe0006.jpg,0,"Zebra -- A zebra's coat has a naturally intricate design. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Parkinson's disease
#computer package
#laser printer
#personal computer (PC)
#Quark XPress
#Ventura Publisher
#mole (zoology)
#Elizabeth I
#Brubeck, Dave
#French Revolution
#Josquin des Prez or PrΘs
#Toussaint L'Ouverture
#Christie, Dame Agatha (Mary Clarissa)
#Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
#Poe, Edgar Allan
#spy story
#Cold War
#Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich
#Helsinki Conference
#Nixon Administration, United States History
#young offender institution
#oil (earth sciences)
#Calvin, John
#free will
#Heisenberg uncertainty principle
#arms race
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Detroit, approximate location"
ulpd\ulpd0138.jpg,0,"Detroit skyline over the Great Lakes, Michigan, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Latin literature
#Plautus, Titus Maccius
#Shakespeare, William
#heavy water
#nuclear fusion
#Deuteronomy, Book of
#Joshua or Josue, Book of
#Judges, Book of
#Kings, Books of
#Samuel, Books of
#Old Testament
#Deuteronomistic History
#Old Testament
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#balance of payments
#European Monetary System (EMS)
#exchange rates
#Maskelyne family
2881\28810079.jpg,0,"India is considered a developing country \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Alliance for Progress
#Christian Aid
#development economics
#Three Worlds theory
#latent image
#less developed countries (LDCs)
#educational psychology
#Piagetian psychology
fa06\fa060059.jpg,0,"Christ and the Devil \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2166\21660030.jpg,0,"Devil man at Lai Vinyan ceremony on Koh Yo, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Beelzebub as the Devil
#Deuce Meanings
#Gog and Magog
#How Satan Came Into The World
#Lucifer's Origins
#Number Of The Beast: 666
#Old Harry
#Old Nick
#Pan - the Goat God
#Powers Of Evil
#Satan's Alias - The Devil
#manta ray
#rove beetle
#Salut, Iles du
vas6\vas60262.jpg,0,"Devil's Tower is made from volcanic rock \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0190.jpg,0,"Devil's Tower, Wyoming, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#English Stage Company
#theatre / theater
#Wolfenden, John (Frederick) Wolfenden, Baron
#McAliskey, Bernadette (Josephine)
#home rule
#Leopold I (Emperor)
#Louis XIV
2729\27290053.jpg,0,"Devon countryside, southern England \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#geological time scale
#Pleistocene epoch
#American literature
pnwe\pnwe0002.jpg,0,"Dew -- Spider web covered in dew \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0222.jpg,0,"Diana ù 1997 tour of Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
scan\scan0223.jpg,0,"Diana ù Moorong Spinal Rehabilitation Centre, Australia with Ben Robertson \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
scan\scan0220.jpg,0,"Diana ù Visiting St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, Australia 1997 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
scan\scan0219.jpg,0,"Diana ù Visiting Sacred Heart Hospice in Darlinghurst, Australia 1997 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
nscn\nscn0014.jpg,,"Floral tributes to Diana outside Buckingham Palace \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#defaecation / defecation
#calf scour
#Traveller's Diarrhoea
#Oropouche Virus Disease (Travel Information)
#plate tectonics
#Cabral or Cabrera, Pedro Alvarez
#Gama, Vasco da
srpd\srpd0110.jpg,0,"Dice are used in games of chance \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Early Dice
#First Game of Hazard
100a\100a1219.jpg,0,"Charles Dickens \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#English literature
#American literature
#American literature
#John Dickinson - Letters from a farmer (1767 - 1768)
#flowering plants
#vascular tissue
#White Australia Policy
#Webster, Noah
#Gospels, canonical
#Chambers, Ephraim
#French literature
2046\20460008.jpg,0,"David Gulpilil (left) and Aboriginal friends playing the didgeridoo, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
3210\32100018.jpg,0,"Australian didgeridoo used by Aborigines \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#dumb cane
#electric dipole moment
#Tasman, Abel Janszoon
#pineal gland
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Dieppe, approximate location"
#Carnot cycle
#Diesel, Rudolph (Christian Carl)
#diesel engine
food and its content.tbl,0,"Food and its content \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
calories used in activities.tbl,,"Calories used in everyday activities \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#First Diet
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#Scurvy, An Early Clinical Trial
#Worms, Diet of
#Holy Roman Empire
#diabetes mellitus
#integral calculus
#Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
#Newton, Isaac
#electron diffraction
#neutron diffraction
#X-ray diffraction
#Brownian movement or motion
#kinetic theory of gases
#culture (anthropology)
#filter, photography
#English Civil War
diag\diag0025.jpg,,"Digestive system diagram \H\BDiagram:\b TechPool Studios / Webster Publishing"
#alimentary canal
#cell (biology)
#Commonwealth (English history)
#English Society 1625-1783
#computer memory
#compact disc (CD)
#sound recording
#digital-to-analog conversion
#Witches and Medicine
#Medications Invented (1800-1900s)
#heart disease
#oedema / edema
#tartaric acid
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Dijon, approximate location"
#Gothic architecture
#Kant, Immanuel
#chemical reaction
#life imprisonment
#marginal productivity
#Blixen, Karen, Baroness
#Cultural Revolution
0285\02850078.jpg,0,"Dingoes are native Australian dogs \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
0285\02850080.jpg,0,"Dingo \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
1262\12620030.jpg,0,"Dingo-proof electric fence in Yathong Nature Reserve, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
3402\34020067.jpg,0,"Fossilized dinosaur skeleton \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2046\20460004.jpg,0,"Dolphins ù two little girls befriend the dolphins in Monkey Mia, Shark Bay, Western Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460005.jpg,0,"Dolphin ù man plays a tune to an attentive wild dolphin, Monkey Mia, Shark Bay, Western Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
1279\12790024.jpg,0,"Dolphins at Seaworld, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Albertus Magnus, St, Graf von (Count of) Bollstadt
#Aquinas, St Thomas
#Dominic, St
#Roman Catholicism
#Canada Day
#Eisenhower, Dwight D(avid)
#rock music
#Agricola, Gnaeus Julius
#Roman history
#Truth Stranger Than Fiction
caoy\caoy0173.jpg,0,"Donatello, \IGroup of Angels\i (marble relief) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0176.jpg,0,"Donatello, \IDescent from the Cross\i, bronze relief \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0175.jpg,0,"\ISt George\i, marble statue by Donatello \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0174.jpg,0,"\IAnnunciation\i, relief by Donatello in Santa Croce church, Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0171.jpg,0,"\ISt Cecilia\i, bust in relief by Donatello (St Cecilia was one of the first martyrs of the Roman church and patron saint of music and musicians). \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0169.jpg,0,"\ISt Peter\i, marble statue by Donatello in the San Michele, Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Italian art
#Renaissance art
#Augustine, St, originally Aurelius Augustinus, also known as Augustine of Hippo
2046\20460023.jpg,0,"Aboriginal artist Jagamarra Maloney from the Walpiri tribe, painting a goanna in traditional Aboriginal style, Central Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#American Civil War
#Supreme Court
#Slavery, United States, A Divided Nation
fp03\fp03041.jpg,0,"Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#American literature
will\will0178.jpg,0,"Iiwi \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Dresden, approximate location"
2249\22490011.jpg,0,"Dresden from the Elbe River \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
1005\10050068.jpg,0,"Signing the Earth Pledge at the Earth Summit to 'help make the Earth a secure and hospitable home for present and future generations', Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June, 1992. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Tzovaras"
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
#sustainable development
#World Commission on Environment and Development
stpd\stpd0154.jpg,0,"Earthquake fault line \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Earthquake Severity: Mercalli Scale
#Earthquake Victims
#Kobe Earthquake (1995)
#Los Angeles Earthquake (1994)
#Plate Tectonic Theory
#plate tectonics
#Richter scale
#San Francisco Earthquake (1906)
#San Francisco Earthquake (1989)
#Tokyo Earthquake (1923)
#Conceptual Art
#Minimal Art
#modern art
3210\32100073.jpg,0,"Earthworm \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#adverse possession
#restrictive covenant
#West Bank
#English Pre-Industrial Economy 1450-1625
#Europe: Early contact with India
#Britannia: Mistress of Commerce and Empire
#Boston 'Tea Party'
#East India Company, British
#Sussex, East
3607\36070031.jpg,0,"This medieval mosaic shows the resurrection of Christ. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Bird Droppings
#Season of Lent
#Palm Sunday
#Maundy Thursday
#Hot Cross Buns
#Easter Egg
#Painted Eggs
#New Clothes For Easter
#Easter Bunny
2060\20600030.jpg,0,"Rainbow over a \Imoai\i - giant stone statues, Rano Raraku. Easter Island is known to Polynesians as Rapa Nui.\H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
wrpd\wrpd0158.jpg,0,"Easter Island statue \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2060\20600034.jpg,0,"Crater, Rano Kau, Easter Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600029.jpg,0,"Ancient \Imoai\i statues look out to sea, outside Hangaroa \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600040.jpg,,"Blowing shell at crater, Rano Kau, Easter Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600039.jpg,,"Horse-riding through statues, Rano Raraku, Easter Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600037.jpg,,"Easter Islander blowing the ancient stone trumpet \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600032.jpg,,"Fire ceremony during the re-enactment of a traditional battle, Easter Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
wrpd\wrpd0159.jpg,,"\IMoai\i statues on Easter Island \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2060\20600033.jpg,,"Easter Island sculptor \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600036.jpg,,"Sculptor carving statue with bird man motifs, Easter Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
nwte\nwte0006.jpg,0,"Lion killing a zebra -- Ecology is the study of interaction between living organisms in their environment. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#conservation (earth sciences)
#environmental studies
#United Nations (UN)
#Friedman, Milton
#development economics
#economic history
#equilibrium (economics)
#Keynes (of Tilton), John Maynard Keynes, Baron
#Smith, Adam
#social science
#welfare economics
nwte\nwte0016.jpg,0,"Cheetah -- All living creatures make up the ecosystem of the area they live in. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2185\21850018.jpg,0,"Waterfall near Sydney in NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#food chain
#designer drugs
#hallucinogens or psychotomimetic drugs
#uterine tubes
#medium (parapsychology)
#European Monetary System (EMS)
0739\07390091.jpg,0,"Otavalo, a town in the Andean highlands in north-central Ecuador, elevation 2573m \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390093.jpg,0,"Otavalo's famous weekly Indian market, in which the whole town participates. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390083.jpg,0,"Street corner at Riobamba, Ecuador \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Ecuador (Atlas)
#Ecuador Political Rulers and Leaders
#Galapagos Islands
#Gran Colombia
#Incas or Inka
#Council of the Church
#World Council of Churches
#glass, manufactured
#soil science
#Icelandic literature
#Norwegian literature
#Snorri Sturluson
#Stars: Astrophysical Studies
#general relativity
#stellar evolution
#electromagnetic induction
100a\100a0214.jpg,0,"Mary Baker Eddy \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
vam5\vam50207.jpg,,"Snowy egrets displaying \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0122\01220034.jpg,,"White egret, Everglades, Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0,egypt.avi,"The shape and positioning of Egypt's pyramids has led to much speculation. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
0721\07210009.jpg,0,"Cairo from the Pyramids at El Giza \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210066.jpg,0,"Heliopolis in Cairo \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210023.jpg,0,"Inside Cheops, the largest pyramid. Cheops is the Greek translation for Khufu, who was the second king of the 4th Dynasty of Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210083.jpg,0,"Mediterranean coastline in Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210027.jpg,0,"St Abraam Church dome interior, Fayoum, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
2728\27280018.jpg,0,"Mosque in Cairo, interior grounds \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280004.jpg,0,"Great Pyramid of Cheops, 146m/450ft high, is located on the outskirts of Cairo in Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280016.jpg,,"Egyptian mummy in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
0721\07210074.jpg,,"Mummified crocodile in the temple of Kom Ombo on the eastern bank of the Nile River between Luxor and Aswan, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210080.jpg,,"Monument at the High Dam in Aswan, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#Archaeology: Americans in the Near East
#Aswan High Dam
#British Non-European Conflicts, 19th Century
#Civilization, Egypt
#Civilizations, The Early Egyptians
#Egypt (Atlas)
#Egypt Political Rulers and Leaders
#Egyptian architecture
#Egyptian art
#Egyptian history, Ancient
#Egyptian religion
#Farouk I
#Nasser, Gamal Abdel
#Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
#Sadat, (Mohammed) Anwar el-
#Suez Canal
#Warfare in the Third Millenium BC
#WWII: War in the Balkans
#Afro-Asiatic languages
#Coptic Orthodox Church
0721\07210076.jpg,0,"Philae temples, south of Aswan in Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210005.jpg,0,"Chephren, the medium-sized pyramid at Giza in Egypt. Chephren is the Greek translation for Khafre, who was the fourth king in the 4th Dynasty of Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210026.jpg,,"Hanging church in Old Egypt. This church hangs over one of the towers of an old Roman fortress. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
wrpd\wrpd0139.jpg,0,"Avenue of sphinxes, Egyptian sculptures \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
caoy\caoy0066.jpg,0,"Egyptian gold necklace, c.200 BC \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Archaeology and Ancient Egypt
#Archaeology in Egypt
#Coptic art
dynasties of rulers: ancient egypt.tbl,0,"Dynasties of Rulers: Ancient Egypt \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Ancient Egypt: Night-time by the Stars
#Ancient Egyptian Life
#Archaeology and Ancient Egypt
#Calendars of Ancient Egypt
#Dynasties of Rulers: Ancient Egypt
#Memphis (ancient Egypt)
#Ptolemy I Soter (Saviour)
#Punt, land of
#Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
#Thebes (Egypt)
#ichneumon (mammal)
#Mummies of Ancient Egyptian
#Ancient Egyptian Life
#Pyramids: The Planning Stages
#Egyptian history, Ancient
#Russian literature
100a\100a0213.jpg,0,"Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), pioneer of chemotherapy \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Antibodies: Development
#Chemotherapy, The Start of
#haematology / hematology
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#Penicillin and Chemotherapy
#Syphilis, The Origin of
#exposure index (EI)
#Nazi Party
#Id al-Adha
#Id al-Fitr
#diving duck
#projection television
elpd\elpd0272.jpg,0,"Eiffel Tower at dusk \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3452\34520050.jpg,0,"Eiffel Tower, Paris \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King / Webster Publishing"
#Eiffel, (Alexandre) Gustave
3452\34520051.jpg,0,"Gustave Eiffel wax model \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#Eiffel Tower
#Ashcan School
3218\32180037.jpg,0,"Tibetan Buddhist monks chant in the early morning in the Temple of Universal Peace, Chengde, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Four Noble Truths
#Red Army (China)
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Eilat or Elat, approximate location"
2919\29190091.jpg,0,"Albert Einstein \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Quantum Physics
#Einstein and the Photon
#Einstein's Theoretical Physics
#Ether and Light
#Einstein's Theories of Relativity
#Big Bang Theory
#Universe: Early Theories
#general relativity
#mass-energy relation
#Planck, Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig)
psfp\psfp0033.jpg,eisenhow.wav,"Eisenhower addressing men of the US 351st Regiment, 88th Division\p\BSound\b - Eisenhower making his US Presidential inauguration speech \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
1602\16020088.jpg,vl16tr9.wav,"General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander\p\BSound\b - Eisenhower, 'People of Western Europe...', June 6, 1944 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Berlin Wall (in detail)
#civil rights
#Eisenhower and The Cold War
#Korean War: Chinese intervention
#MacArthur, Douglas
#Republican Party
#United States, Postwar, Eisenhower's Approach
#Vietnam War
#World War II
#WWII: Allied Landing in France, 1944
#Yekaterinburg or Ekaterinburg
#North African Campaign
#Cid, El
#Incas or Inka
#New Granada
#Raleigh, Sir Walter
#Greco, El
#current (oceanography)
#Satellite Measurements Suggest El Nino Is Brewing Again (29 May, 1997)
william odling's elements.tbl,0,"Table of William Odling's elements. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
mendeleyev's successful predictions.tbl,,"Table of Mendeleyev's successful predictions. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
trace elements (table).tbl,,"Table of definite, likely and possible candidates for trace elements in human nutrition. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#chemical elements
bismuth composition.tbl,,"Bismuth composition in various alloys. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
vas6\vas60056.jpg,seal1.wav,"Elephant seals on beach\p\BSound\b - Elephant Seal \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
#mystery religions
#axonometric and isometric projection
#Otis, Elisha (Graves)
#comprehensive school
#grammar school
#Acropolis, The
#Kings, Books of
#chemical reaction
#military intelligence
#English literature
#British Culture in the 20th Century
#Bloomsbury Group
#English literature
#Kings, Books of
rssg\rssg0084.jpg,0,"Elizabeth the Queen Mother celebrating her 87th birthday \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#George VI
#English Revolution, the
#Church of England
#Mary, Queen of Scots
#Spanish Armada
rssg\rssg0074.jpg,0,"Queen Elizabeth II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
rssg\rssg0068.jpg,,"Queen Elizabeth II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
rssg\rssg0069.jpg,,"Queen Elizabeth II saluting on horseback \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#York, Duke of
#Anne (Elizabeth Alice Louise), Princess
#Charles (Philip Arthur George), Prince of Wales
#Edinburgh, Prince Philip, Duke of
#Edward (Antony Richard Louis), Prince
#Austrian Succession, War of the
#Peter I
#Seven Years' War
#Elizabeth I
#Jacobean Style
#Renaissance architecture
pdp1\pdp10033.jpg,moose.wav,"Elk at Jasper National Park, Rocky Mountains, Canada\p\BSound\b - Elk \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
0723\07230093.jpg,0,"Ellis Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
ulpd\ulpd0044.jpg,0,"Ellis Island Museum \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Liberty, Statue of
#New York City or New York
#Immigration and United States History
#American literature
#Kailasa Temple
#deciduous plants
#Dutch elm disease
#slippery elm
#Dutch elm disease
#Hamlet At Elsinore
#French literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ely, approximate location"
#English literature
#Paris (France), ancient Lutetia
#Champs ElysΘes
fp03\fp03044.jpg,0,"'The Proclamation of Emancipation' - oil painting by Francis Bicknell Carpenter, Architect of the Capitol Collection \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03062.jpg,,"'Slavery is Dead'. Emancipation proclamation. (Wood engraving in \IHarper's Weekly\i, 12 January 1867) \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#American Civil War
#American Civil War, Advance and Stalemate
#Emancipation Proclamation (1864), The
#Lincoln, Abraham
#Cabral or Cabrera, Pedro Alvarez
#Gama, Vasco da
#Whitsunday or Whit Sunday
#theatre / theater
#blood vessels
#pulmonary embolism
3612\36120053.jpg,0,"Transmission microscopy of two-cell guinea pig embryos - spontaneous conception. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#fetus / foetus
3612\36120051.jpg,0,"Transmission microscopy of two-cell guinea pig embryos - spontaneous conception. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3612\36120052.jpg,,"Transmission microscopy of 4 to 8-cell guinea pig embryos - spontaneous conception. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3612\36120054.jpg,,"Transmission microscopy of 8 to 16-cell guinea pig embryos - spontaneous conception. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Fifty-fifth Anniversary
#American literature
#Better Mousetrap
#Carlyle, Thomas
#Transcendentalism (19th-c)
#migration (population)
#Beside Oneself
#Stiff Upper Lip
#cognitive psychology
#James, William
#hercules emperor moth
#Chicken Virus Attacks Emperor Penguins
#Commonwealth Day
ulpd\ulpd0047.jpg,0,"Empire State Building \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0723\07230077.jpg,,"Empire State Building foyer \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0723\07230082.jpg,,"Empire State Building lobby \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#New York City or New York
#French art
#ormolu or ormulu
#chemical formula
#Hume, David
#Locke, John
#logical positivism
#Mill, John Stuart
#rationalism (philosophy)
#Ci-Xi or Tz'u-hsi
#literary criticism
#Franco-Prussian War
#William I (of Germany), Ger Wilhelm
1279\12790011.jpg,0,"Emu head \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#entity-attribute-relationship-model (EAR-model or ER model)
#geological time scale
100a\100a0122.jpg,0,"Desiderius Erasmus \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Lutheran Revolt, the
#Jerome, St
#Luther, Martin
#New Testament
#Church of England
#Hooker, Richard
aaoy\aaoy0074.jpg,0,"North-eastern view of the Erechtheum, the Temple of Athena built 421-405 BC on the Acropolis at Athens \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Acropolis, The
#Athene or Athena
#Elgin Marbles
#Ionic order
#Peloponnesian War
aaoy\aaoy0074.jpg,0,"North-eastern view of the Erechtheum, the Temple of Athena built 421-405 BC on the Acropolis at Athens \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Acropolis, The
#Athene or Athena
#Elgin Marbles
#Ionic order
#Peloponnesian War
#Persian Wars (Early Civilization)
#Persian Wars
pdmt\pdmt0268.jpg,0,"Ergonomically designed computer keyboard \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#facilities management
#occupational psychology
#Adenauer, Konrad
#Christian Democrats
#Erie, Lake
#New York
#Erie Canal
#Great Lakes
#Index Librorum Prohibitorum
#Middle Ages
#From Iceland to Greenland#saga
#America, The First Europeans
#Alcmaeon (mythology)
#Paris (mythology)
1005\10050069.jpg,0,"Eritrean women dance and throw popcorn in celebration of the 1993 United Nations supervised referendum. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Grant"
#Eritrea (Atlas)
#Eritrea Political Rulers and Leaders
#Danakil Depression
#Roman roads
#German art
#Earth Swingby Puts NEAR Spacecraft on Final Approach to Eros (20 January, 1998)
ulpd\ulpd0248.jpg,0,"Arches National Park, Utah, USA - an example of erosion \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
assg\assg0028.jpg,0,"Erosion \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0156\01560023.jpg,0,"Coral that has been eroded by sea, wind and rain - Nauru, Micronesia \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140055.jpg,0,"Example of soil erosion \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Ziaur Rahman
#bone marrow
#haemoglobin / hemoglobin
#European Space Agency (ESA)
#Assurbanipal or Ashurbanipal
#Mess Of Pottage
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Esbjerg, approximate location"
#acceleration due to gravity
#geosynchronous Earth orbit
#gravity assist
#low Earth orbit (LEO)
#Schelde or Scheldt, River
#Food and Drink, Risks to Traveller
#Escherichia coli 0157:H7 (Travel Information)
#Philip II (of Spain)
#Apocrypha, New Testament
#Ezra the Scribe
#Ezra, Book of
#Apocrypha, New Testament
#Ezra the Scribe
#Ezra, Book of
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Esfahan, approximate location"
scan\scan0229.jpg,0,"Eskimo dog \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
vam2\vam20042.jpg,0,"Eskimos in boat \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
yaoy\yaoy0304.jpg,,"Inuit animal painting \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
yaoy\yaoy0306.jpg,,"Inuit spirit \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#East Woodland Indians
#oesophagus / esophagus
#extrasensory perception (ESP)
#artificial language
#Zamenhof, L(azarus) L(udwig)
#Alvey programme
#European Community (EC)
#Framework programme
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Essen, approximate location"
caoy\caoy0090.jpg,0,"Candelabrum in the Minster at Essen, c. 1000. (A candelabrum is an ornamented candlestick with multiple arms for holding candles.) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Augustine, St, also known as Augustine of Canterbury
#Canute or Cnut
#Edmund II
#Sweyn or Svein
#Ailred of Rievaulx, St
#Anaesthesia and Antisepsis, The Age of
#anaesthetics / anesthetics, general
#Chemistry, Developments in 19th Century
#Michelson, A(lbert) A(braham)
#electromagnetic radiation
#Ether and Light
#Michelson, A(lbert) A(braham)
#English literature
#coaxial cable
#local area network (LAN)
#hedonism, ethics
#Surgery, The 'Golden Age' of
1005\10050038.jpg,0,"British Red Cross worker assisting drought victims in a camp in Ethiopia \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#Ethiopia (Atlas)
#Ethiopia Political Rulers and Leaders
#Addis Ababa or Adis Abeba
#Mengistu, Haile Mariam
#Haile Selassie I
#Tigray or Tigre
#Coptic Orthodox Church
#Black Zionism
3606\36060054.jpg,0,"Ethnic costume, Russia \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3607\36070023.jpg,0,"Greek Arabs, a distinct ethnic group \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#ethnic relations
1005\10050069.jpg,0,"Costume can often serve to distinguish people from the same ethnic culture. \H\BPhotograph:\b UN"
#ethnic group
#ethnic relations
1005\10050072.jpg,0,"People often evaluate other cultures as being less valid than their own from a lack of understanding. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050071.jpg,0,"Ethnography is the study of the culture of a society. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#Archaeology and Analogy
#ethnography of communication
1005\10050034.jpg,0,"Ethnography of communication includes the study of ethnic behaviour, including religious rituals and wedding ceremonies. \H\BPhotograph:\b UN"
#African history
#culture (anthropology)
#symbolic interactionism
#African music
#Chinese music
#folk music
#Japanese music
#Javanese music
#Lorenz, Konrad (Zacharias)
#Tinbergen, Nikolaas
#Windsor (UK)
#Etruscan Pottery
#Etruscan Pottery
#Greek Pots and Potters
#Italian art
#Etruscan Pottery
#Etruscan art
#English art
#Venetian School
#Aegean Sea
#gum tree
#cell (biology)
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#nucleus (biology)
#procaryote or prokaryote
wrpd\wrpd0226.jpg,0,"Minister handing out communion to congregation \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Communion Service
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#Jesus Christ
#real presence
#geometries, non-Euclidean
#Greek Astronomy: The Heavenly Spheres
#Augsburg, League of
#Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of
#Spanish Succession, War of the
#Eugenics Movement
#Eugenics Society
#Galton, Sir Francis
#Genetics News
#Eugenics Movement
#Napoleon III
#green algae
#eucaryote or eukaryote
diag\diag0063.jpg,0,"Euler line -- OG:GH = 1:2 \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Axelrod, Julius
#Katz, Sir Bernard
#noradrenaline (UK)
#Euler, Leonhard
#least-action principle
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Eupen, approximate location"
#brass instrument
#epipelagic environments
#European Economic Community (EEC)
#nuclear reactor
#Australian gold rush
#Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile
#Greek literature
#Euromoney or Eurocurrency
#Euromoney or Eurocurrency
#air force
nas2\nas20053.jpg,0,"Europa, with gridlines and bearings superimposed. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Background on Europa Data From The Galileo Mission To Jupiter (2 March, 1998)
#Closest Europa Flyby Marks Start of Galileo Mission 'Part II' (16 December, 1997)
#Detailed Images From Europa Point To Slush Below Surface (2 March, 1998)
#Europa is Seismic
#Europa's Ocean
#Galilean moons
#Galileo Images Hint At History For Europa
#Galileo Mission Status (1)
#Galileo Returns New Insights Into Callisto and Europa
elpd\elpd0084.jpg,,"Canal in Amsterdam, Holland \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0093.jpg,,"Windmill in Belgium \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Astronomy in Prehistoric Europe
#European Commission
#European Community (EC)
#European Council
#European Economic Community (EEC)
#European Parliament
#European Union
#Medieval Kings
#Post WWI: The World in Conflict
#Reformation Europe
#Renaissance 'Nation-states' of Europe
#Seven Years War (1756-63)
#War, the Industrialization of
#WWI, Towards Armageddon
#WWI: The Arms Race Begins
#WWI: The Gathering Storm
#WWI: Warplans of the Great Powers
#WWII: The Aftermath
#European Community (EC)
#European Economic Community (EEC)
#European Community (EC)
#European Council
#European Parliament
#European Union
#Council of Ministers
#Court of Auditors
#Court of Justice of the European Communities
#European Commission
#European Council
#European Economic Community (EEC)
#European Monetary System (EMS)
#European Parliament
#European Union
#Council of Ministers
#de Gaulle, Charles (Andre Joseph Marie)
#European Community (EC)
#European Union
#traditional dance
#Court of Justice of the European Communities
#European Monetary System (EMS)
elpd\elpd0091.jpg,0,"European Economic Community building, Brussels, Belgium \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
#customs union
#European Commission
#European Community (EC)
#European Council
#European Monetary System (EMS)
#European Parliament
#European Economic Community (EEC)
#European Union
#European Economic Community (EEC)
#European Monetary Institute
#exchange rates
#European Community (EC)
#European Union
#Marshall Plan
#Marshall Plan (in detail)
#Giotto project
#launch vehicle
#space exploration
#Ulysses project
#European Community (EC)
#European Union (EU) Political Rulers and Leaders
#European Community (EC)
#Maastricht Treaty
#pop music
will\will0106.jpg,0,"Green Broadbills of the genus Calyptomena differ from all other broadbills in feeding on fruit rather than insects. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#Ordovician period
#Palaeozoic / Paleozoic era
#Athanasius, St
#auditory tube
#English art
#Pasmore, (Edwin John) Victor
#school (art)
#Medicine, Ethical Issues
#Euthanasia, Voluntary
#Broads, the
#Jesus Christ
#British Culture: Revolution, Romanticism and Victorianism
#Graham, Billy
#John, St
#missions, Christian
#Davis, Miles (Dewey)
#theatre / theater
#Davis, Miles (Dewey)
#steam engine
#Archaeology and the Minoan Civilization
#archaeology / archeology
#Christie, John Reginald Halliday
#Agee, James
#Adam and Eve
#black hole
2881\28810076.jpg,0,"Mt Everest from the Tibetan side \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Hillary, Sir Edmund (Percival)
#Hunt (of Llanfair Waterdine), (Henry Cecil) John Hunt, Baron
#snail kite
0147\01470061.jpg,0,"Everglades landscape, Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
assg\assg0085.jpg,0,"Sunset over the Everglades \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0147\01470088.jpg,,"Everglades at dusk \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0147\01470037.jpg,,"Fishing in the Everglades \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Florida Keys
vam5\vam50254.jpg,0,"Young evergreen tree \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#deciduous plants
#hemlock, tree
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Evesham, approximate location"
#Hereford and Worcester
#Rules And Exceptions
#burden of proof
#DNA profiling
#exclusionary rule
#forensic medicine
#right to silence
#Per≤n, (Maria) Eva (Duarte de)
#Archaeology: Was Eve and African?
#Boucher de Perthes, Jacques
#convergence (biology)
#Fallacies About Evolution
#Laetoli Footprints
#Lartet and the Search for Human Origins
#Lungfish Our Nearest Relative?
#Piltdown Hoax
#Prehistoric Archaeology
#United States, Post World War 1
#Archaeology and Evolution
#Archaeology: Was Eve and African?
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Evora, approximate location"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Evreux, approximate location"
#Danish literature
#Benin (former kingdom)
#A level
#continuous assessment
#eleven-plus examination
#International Baccalaureate
#SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
#SAT (Standard Assessment Task)
#school (education)
#European Monetary System (EMS)
#purchase tax
#energy levels
#Pauli exclusion principle
#Constitution of the United States
#computer program
#will (law)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Exeter, approximate location"
#Britain, Roman
#English Civil War
#Bultmann, Rudolf (Karl)
#Camus, Albert
#Heidegger, Martin
#Kierkegaard, Soren (Aabye)
#rationalism (philosophy)
#Sartre, Jean-Paul
#Exmoor pony
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Exmouth, approximate location"
#ALH84001 Less Likely To Contain Signs of Life
#space exploration
#Sinai, Mount
#Ten Commandments or Decalogue
#endothermic reaction
#garden city
#new town
#big bang
materials and expansion.tbl,0,"Materials and their various expansion coefficients. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#experimenter effect
#control group
#experimental psychology
#artificial intelligence (AI)
#knowledge-based system
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#solar wind
#Van Allen radiation belts
1750\17500056.jpg,0,"Explosive Ordinance Disposal Museum at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, USA û rifles, grenades and mortars. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#propellant (explosives)
#Euler, Leonhard
#automatic exposure
#exposure index (EI)
#radioactivity units
#ISO speed rating
scan\scan0193.jpg,0,"\IStarry Night\i, an Expressionist painting by Vincent van Gogh \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#action painting
#Blaue Reiter, der
#Brucke, die
#Ensor, James (Sydney) Ensor, Baron
#Gauguin, (EugΦne Henri) Paul
#German art
#Joyce, James (Augustine Aloysius)
#Kafka, Franz
#modern art
#Munch, Edvard
#Neue Sachlichkeit
#organic architecture
#van Gogh, Vincent (Willem)
#intensive farming
#homeostasis / homoeostasis
#plasma (physiology)
#transcellular fluid
#psychokinesis (PK)
#introversion / extraversion
elpd\elpd0294.jpg,0,"Puente Romana, sheep and donkey, Extremadura \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
caoy\caoy0156.jpg,0,"Faience vase c.1580. Faience is the French name for a style of tin-glazed porcelain remarkable for its fastness of color over hundreds of years. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
0281\02810038.jpg,0,"Desert fox \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#fox (mammal)
#Bedford Level
#Wash, the
#pit viper
#Holy League
#Holy League (1571)
#Isabella I
#Renaissance 'Nation-states' of Europe
#Napoleonic Wars
#French Revolutionary Wars
#Vienna, Congress of
#Firdausi or Ferd(a)usi
#Han dynasty
#Silk Road
#York, Duke of
#Northern Ireland
#Fermat, Pierre de
#Fermat's Last Case?
diag\diag0064.jpg,0,"Fermat's principle -- the dotted line shows the shortest path between A and B. A light beam follows the solid line, consistent with the laws of refraction, because the velocity of light in the glass is less than in air. The solid line is the path of least time. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
#Fermat, Pierre de
#least-action principle
#Fermat's last theorem
#Fermat's principle
#Fermentation and the Micro-organism
#Pasteur and Fermentation
#lactic acid
#yogurt or yoghurt
#Fermi-Dirac statistics
#nuclear physics
#Bose-Einstein statistics
#Dirac, Paul A(drien) M(aurice)
#electronic structure of solids
#Fermi, Enrico
#statistical mechanics
#Fermi, Enrico
#Fermi-Dirac statistics
#particle physics
#Pauli exclusion principle
vam1\vam10201.jpg,0,"Fern tree \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10185.jpg,0,"Ferns and bunchberry \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0735\07350004.jpg,,"Wooden mask from Viti Levu Island, Fiji \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
2060\20600042.jpg,,"Fijian traditional male costume of a meke dancer \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
1406\14060029.jpg,,"Hat weaving - a popular craft in Fiji \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Fiji (Atlas)
#Fiji Political Rulers and Leaders
#Archaeology: Colonizing the Pacific
#Vanua Levu
#Viti Levu
#Filariasis, lymphatic (Travel Information)
#Senate (USA)
#Holy Spirit
#Nicene Creed
#Orthodox Church or Eastern Orthodox Church
#Roman Catholicism
2185\21850027.jpg,0,"Film crew, on location in central Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2038\20380069.jpg,0,"Film crew on board Australia's First Fleet Re-enactment Expedition, 1987-88. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
1262\12620053.jpg,0,"Film crew shooting footage, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0739\07390001.jpg,,"Universal Studios, California, USA (the bus is a film prop used in the movie \IThe Great Muppet Caper\i) \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
2185\21850027.jpg,,"Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) students filming in the desert \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0739\07390002.jpg,,"Universal Studios, California, USA (the futuristic vehicle and robot are film props) \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#camera operator
#editing, film
stpd\stpd0110.jpg,0,"Sun viewed through filter \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#diffusion (photography)
#diffusion (photography)
0759\07590023.jpg,0,"Cobbler Wobbegong, displaying median and lateral fins \H\BDrawing:\b Webster Publishing"
whal\whalfinw.jpg,0,"Fin Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
3735\37350058.jpg,finch822.wav,"Black-throated finches\p\BSound\b - Cassin's finch \H\BPhotograph:\b Taronga Zoo \h\H\BSound:\b Production Music Services Pty Ltd"
faoy\faoy0009.jpg,finch.wav,"Hand-coloured engraving of finches\p\BSound\b - Finch \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
1105\11050071.jpg,0,"River in Fiordland, New Zealand \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#New Zealand
#silver fir
#Persian literature
100a\100a0917.jpg,0,"Fire of London \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#St Paul's Cathedral
#Wren, Sir Christopher
#Victim Of A Gun Shot
#Owen Gun Inventor
#Percussion Lock
#percussion cap
#coal mining
#safety lamp
#Firefly Not a Fly
#evergreen plants
#rosebay willow-herb
spd1\spd10162.jpg,0,"Fireworks over Sydney Harbour, Australia, on New Year's Eve \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#November 5
#December 31
#Catherine Wheel
#Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
#artificial respiration
#cardiac resuscitation
#Heimlich manoeuvre
#cosmological argument
0124\01240047.jpg,0,"Mauritius, Indian Ocean, 1790s (First Fleet stop-over) \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
1635\16350007.jpg,,"Square-rigged sailing ship in harbour \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
2038\20380026.jpg,,"First Fleet Re-enactment Expedition departs London, April 1987. The \ITucker Thompson\i sails past Tower Bridge. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380025.jpg,,"First Fleet Re-enactment Expedition departs Portsmouth May 13, 1987, exactly 200 years to the day the original first fleet left Portsmouth. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380035.jpg,,"First Fleet Re-enactment Expedition arrives in Sydney Harbour on Australia Day, January 26, 1988, exactly two hundred years after the original fleet. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
1766\17660027.jpg,,"First Fleet Re-enactment Expedition at Farm Cove, Sydney. \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0124\01240046.jpg,,"Governor Arthur Phillip, First Fleet captain and first governor of Australia, 1788-1792 \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Australia Day
#Australia Re-enacts Founding Voyage (1988)
#Australia, First European Settlement
#Botany Bay
#Governor King's Headstone - 180 Years Later
#American Indians
#Mercredi, Ovide
#celestial equator
#Hipparchos / Hipparchus
#precession of the equinoxes
#Three Worlds theory
#World War I
#Slovo, Joe
#computer generations
#strategic capability
#balance of payments
#stabilizers (economics)
#Baroque (art and architecture)
#organic chemistry
0128\01280087.jpg,0,"Lion fish \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
0130\01300090.jpg,0,"Barramundi \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
ssuw\ssuw0078.jpg,0,"Grasby \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0087.jpg,0,"Lion fish close-up \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2060\20600049.jpg,0,"Coconut palm leaf basket full of fresh Fijian fish \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
1204\12040025.jpg,0,"Tuna for sashimi \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0130\01300091.jpg,0,"Dolphinfish \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
#bony fish
#cartilaginous fish
#Drink Like A Fish
#Fish on Friday
#Fish Symbol
#Fishy Business
#Food, Precautions for Traveller
#Gefilte Fish
#John Dory's Markings
#Pretty Kettle Of Fish
#sea eagle
0172\01720063.jpg,0,"Fish owl, Jurong Bird Park, Singapore \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Britain, Roman
#British society in the Iron Age
#Church of England
#Henry VIII
#More, Sir Thomas
srpd\srpd0180.jpg,0,"Karate as seen through a fisheye lens. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Northern Ireland
#Omar Khayyßm
#American literature
#Fine Gael
#Ether and Light
#Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
#special relativity
#American Indians
#Wu Yue or Wu Yⁿeh
#Balakirev, Mili Alekseyevich
#Borodin, Alexander Porfiryevich
#Moussorgsky, Modest (Petrovich)
#Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai (Andreyevich)
#Doppler effect or shift
#Foucault, (Jean Bernard) LΘon
#velocity of light
0172\01720023.jpg,0,"Fjord at Sorstraumen, Norway \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1202\12020073.jpg,0,"Fjord near Flam, Norway \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2883\28830036.jpg,,"Fishing boat on a fjord in Norway \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#iris (botany)
vam2\vam20004.jpg,,"Young American boy with flag - the 'stars and stripes' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3219\32190031.jpg,,"Communist flags, entrance to Forbidden City, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Flag Origins
#Australian Flag
#Stars and Stripes
#Israeli Flag
#Red Flag
#Take Down A Peg
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
#cell (biology)
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
#eucaryote or eukaryote
#woodwind instrument
#Wagner, (Wilhelm) Richard
#Gothic architecture
assg\assg0032.jpg,0,"Flame tree, or flamboyant tree \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#deciduous plants
#flamboyant tree
#folk music
0,flamingo.avi,"The flamingo spends much of its life feeding and wading in shallow water. Consequently, its young can swim well at an early age. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
vam5\vam50208.jpg,0,"Flamingos \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3451\34510038.jpg,0,"Flamingos in Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
0739\07390075.jpg,0,"Pink flamingo walking in the water \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0172\01720071.jpg,0,"Flamingos in Jurong Bird Park, Singapore \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0128\01280054.jpg,0,"Flathead \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
0128\01280084.jpg,,"Flathead \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
#American Indians
ssuw\ssuw0119.jpg,0,"Flatworm, yellow \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0118.jpg,0,"Flatworm, magenta \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0117.jpg,0,"Flatworm \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#blood fluke
#French literature
#monosodium glutamate (MSG)
#English art
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#Wedgwood, Josiah
pdmt\pdmt0031.jpg,0,"Flea under microscope \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Flea Market
#Plague, The Cause of
#Put a Flea in One's Ear
#English literature
#Campin, Robert
diag\diag0001.jpg,0,"Fleming's rules examples. Left hand (a) -- a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field undergoes motion in the direction indicated. Right hand (b) -- a moving wire in a magnetic field produces a current flowing in the direction indicated. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Fleming, Sir John Ambrose
#Amis, Sir Kingsley
#spy story
#Stephenson, Sir William
#Fleming and Penicillin
#Penicillin: the Discovery
#Sir Alexander Fleming
#Syphilis, The Origin of
#thermionic valve
caoy\caoy0002.jpg,0,"Flemish Renaissance artifact originally carved in oak in 1540. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
2258\22580067.jpg,0,"Ponte Vecchio and Arvo, Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2258\22580066.jpg,0,"San Marco (St Mark's), Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2883\28830071.jpg,0,"Ponte Vecchio, Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
caoy\caoy0176.jpg,,"Illustration of \IDescent from the Cross\i, a relief in bronze by Donatello at San Lorenzo in Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
cast\castl039.jpg,0,"Tower of the Vacca, Piazza Della Signoria, Florence, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl041.jpg,0,"Loggia Dei Lanzi, or Dell'Orcagna, Florence, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
caoy\caoy0181.jpg,,"Illustration of \IBoy with the Dolphin\i, a figure by Andrea del Verrocchio, on a fountain in the court of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0185.jpg,,"Illustration of the Tomb of Carlo Marzuppini, carved in marble by Desiderio da Settignano in Santa Croce, the church of the Franciscan order in Florence, and a fine example of the Italian Gothic architectural style. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0174.jpg,,"\IAnnunciation\i, a relief by Donatello in Santa Croce, the church of the Franciscan order in Florence - another fine example of the Italian Gothic style. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0175.jpg,,"\ISt George\i, a marble statue by Donatello (1386-1466) at San Michele in Florence. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
elpd\elpd0220.jpg,,"Replica of \IDavid\i at Palazzo Vecchio, Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0222.jpg,,"Cityscape of Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2258\22580070.jpg,,"Bell tower of the Duomo in Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Brunelleschi, Filippo
#Dante (Alighieri)
#Florentine School
#Machiavelli, Niccol. (di Bernardo dei)
#Merchant Cities of Europe in the Middle Ages
#Pitti Palace
#Ponte Vecchio
3607\36070044.jpg,0,"Giotto, who painted \IDeath of St Dominic\i (shown here), was the founder of the Florentine School of painting. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"#classical revival
#Italian art
#Renaissance art
#school (art)
#Angelico, Fra
#Brunelleschi, Filippo
#Ghirlandaio, Domenico
#Giotto (di Bondone)
#Leonardo da Vinci
#Vasari, Giorgio
#Verrocchio, Andrea del
fss1\fss10040.jpg,0,"Daisies \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3210\32100082.jpg,stv5tr34.wav,"Flute (wooden)\p\BSound\b - Song of the Spirit World \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#recorder (music)
#woodwind instrument
#orders of architecture
#electric field
#Gauss's law
#magnetic flux
#BCS theory
1765\17650023.jpg,0,"Fly -- Spanish fly \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
vam4\vam40284.jpg,0,"Plate of prawns \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3214\32140004.jpg,,"Pasta varieties \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vas6\vas60078.jpg,,"Fish and chips \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60088.jpg,,"Maruchan noodles \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60092.jpg,,"Fruit-filled pastries \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Food Wonderful Food
#Take Pot Luck
#Cordon Bleu
#Waffle's Accidental Invention
#Iron Ration
#Table Manners and Eating Habits
#Three Daily Meals
#Tinned Food
#Eating The Proper Way
#Setting The Table
#Washing Hands Prior To Eating
#Food and its Content
#food fortification
#food labelling
#food poisoning
#food preservation
#Traveller's Diarrhoea
#food sensitivity
3451\34510014.jpg,0,"Cheetah -- In the food chain, carnivores like the cheetah form one of the top trophic levels as they feast on other animals. \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#goitre / goiter
#Food, Precautions for Traveller
#cold storage
#freeze drying
#lyophilization or freeze drying
#sorbic acid
#food allergy
naoy\naoy0087.jpg,0,"Foot \H\BDiagram:\b All Our Yesterdays"
3214\32140023.jpg,0,"Footprint in sand \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1203\12030055.jpg,,"Japanese workman's boots \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#club foot
#flat foot
#Good Footing
#Marching Orders - Left Foot First
#Right Foot First
#Bevan, Aneurin
#Labour Party
#Heysel stadium
#Association football
#El Salvador
#amoeba / ameba
3219\32190030.jpg,0,"Morning mist over the Forbidden City \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190037.jpg,,"Internal courtyard, Forbidden City \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190035.jpg,,"Inside the Forbidden City \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190043.jpg,,"Dragon statue, Forbidden City \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190044.jpg,,"Good luck figures to ward off evil spirits (rooftop, Forbidden City) \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190041.jpg,,"Turtle statue, symbol of longevity, Forbidden City \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190032.jpg,,"Lion statue and Mao Zedong portrait, main gate, Forbidden City \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190031.jpg,,"Communist flags fly outside the main entrance to the Forbidden City \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Qing dynasty
#forces of nature
#Newton's laws
#vector (mathematics)
forces of nature - table.tbl,0,"Forces of nature \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
#Forces of Nature - Table
#fifth force
#grand unified theories (GUTs)
#strong interaction
#weak interaction
#Ford, Henry
#foundation, philanthropic
#English literature
1600\16000018.jpg,,"Gerald R. Ford (1913-) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Nixon, Richard M(ilhous)
#United States in the 70's, Ford and Carter
fp03\fp03003.jpg,0,"Henry Ford and his first car \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
vam4\vam40110.jpg,0,"Ford's 1930 Model A Ford coupΘ \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40112.jpg,,"1932 Ford 5 window coupΘ \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10248.jpg,,"Ford's company has lived on and is known today as one of the world's top car producers. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0201\02010067.jpg,,"Henry Ford \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#History Is Bunk
#Burton, Robert
#Chatterton, Thomas
#Dekker, Thomas
#English literature
#Webster, John
#DNA Fingerprinting
#DNA profiling
#Baroque (art and architecture)
#African buffalo
#English literature
0894\08940099.jpg,0,"Forestry rangers at West Pennant Hills, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
vam2\vam20059.jpg,,"Timber worker with a rough cut log. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
stpd\stpd0015.jpg,,"Measuring tree regrowth after a volcanic eruption \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#criminal law
vam4\vam40244.jpg,0,"Chinese forget-me-not \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
iaoy\iaoy0253.jpg,0,"Roll forging iron in a 19th-century forge \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Jakobson, Roman (Osipovich)
#literary criticism
#New Criticism
#Balearic Islands
#carboxylic acids
will\will0112.jpg,0,"Chestnut-tailed Antbird -- Antbirds are so-called from their persistent habit of associating with columns of army ants. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
diag\diag0002.jpg,0,"Four colours are needed to colour a map. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#graph theory
#Carnot cycle
#two-stroke engine
#wave motion
#Treaty of Versailles 1919
#Atlantic Charter
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
#World War I
#Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
#Big Three
#Treaty of Versailles
#United States Enters World War 1
#July 4
#computer generations
#Hoyle, Sir Fred(erick)
#stellar evolution
#English literature
#Pinter, Harold
scan\scan0241.jpg,0,"Keokuk (Chief of the Sauk and Fox nation) as painted by Charles Bird King. \H"
#American Indians
nwte\nwte0110.jpg,0,"Red fox \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0111.jpg,0,"Red fox pup \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ssas\ssas0226.jpg,,"Fox \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Arctic fox
#fennec fox
#red fox
#Jack Russell
#French Revolution
#North, Frederick, 8th Baron North
#Pitt, William
#Friends, Society of
vam1\vam10184.jpg,0,"Foxglove \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fss1\fss10125.jpg,0,"Pink foxglove \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40240.jpg,0,"Red foxglove \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fss1\fss10051.jpg,0,"Purple foxglove \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Foxglove's Unusual Name
#Witches and Medicine
#Medications Invented (1800-1900s)
#Medications Invented (1800-1900s)
#deciduous plants
#fox (mammal)
#blood sports
#Ireland (island)
#chaos (physics)
#Mandelbrot, Benoit
#elasticity (physics)
#plastic deformation
#tensile strength
#European Union
#English art
1204\12040042.jpg,,"Paris from the Eiffel Tower \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
vas6\vas60202.jpg,,"Arc de Triomphe, Paris \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2068\20680020.jpg,0,"Mont Saint Michel, France \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
1406\14060057.jpg,0,"Chateau, Thiviers area, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060050.jpg,0,"Honffalize, France, site of the 'Battle of the Bulge' during World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2264\22640056.jpg,0,"Palace of the Popes, Avignon, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
elpd\elpd0237.jpg,,"Chenonceaux Chateau on the River Cher \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0236.jpg,,"Chateau and reflection, France \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0277.jpg,,"Rooftops and sailing boats in the south of France \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0239.jpg,,"Villandry Chateau and gardens, France \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0247.jpg,,"\IGallΘon Neptune\i, France \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#French Nuclear Tests End (1996)
#Socialists Claim France (1981)
#French Pastry
#July 14
#France (Atlas)
#France Political Rulers and Leaders
#de Gaulle, Charles (Andre Joseph Marie)
#French art
#French history
#French literature
#French Revolution
#French Revolutionary Wars
#Hundred Years' War
#Louis XIV
#Napoleon I
#Napoleon III
#Religion, Wars of
#Roman history
#Great Depression in France
#Dreyfus, Alfred
#French literature
#Dante (Alighieri)
3611\36110090.jpg,0,"McDonald's franchise on the Mississippi River in the USA, a ferry steamer serving all the McDonald's favourites \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#British Government and Politics 1846-1901
#proportional representation
#United States Politics, Early Factionalism
#America Post Civil War
#Renaissance, Wars
#Charles V (Emperor)
#Metternich, Klemens (Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar), Furst von (Prince of)
#Napoleonic Wars
#Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy of
2883\28830033.jpg,0,"Church in Assisi, Italy, the city where St Francis was born and founded the Franciscan order \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Friars in the Middle Ages
#missions, Christian
#missions, Christian
issg\issg0091.jpg,0,"Franciscans Church in Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1636\16360028.jpg,0,"Boats docked at Fremantle, Western Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Perth (Australia)
#Western Australia
#Buchanan, James
#Lincoln, Abraham
#Romance languages
#French and Indian War
#Wolfe, James
#Montcalm (de Saint Veran), Louis Joseph de Montcalm-Grozon, marquis de
#French history
#English history
#America, French and Indian War
caoy\caoy0057.jpg,0,"French artifact - metal incense-burner in the Islamic style (c.1870) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0079.jpg,,"French artifact from the 11th century. Wooden ambo (stand from which the Gospel is read during the service) made from wood and covered in copper. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
ampd\ampd0089.jpg,0,"Kingdom of France 1775 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1406\14060051.jpg,0,"France's rich history is still very much alive in its architecture, such as in this ancient walled city. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Angevin Empire
#Renaissance 'Nation-states' of Europe
#Renaissance, Wars
#Hundred Years War 1337-1453
#French Revolution
#Hundred Years War, Tactics
#Louis XIV in Arms
#Battle of Blenheim 1704
#French and Indian War
#French Revolution, Citizen Soldiers
#French Revolution, the Battlefield
#Bonaparte's Tools of War (French Revolution)
#Napolean's Grande ArmΘe
#France's 'Spanish Ulcer' (Warfare)
#France's 'Russian Haemorrhage' (Warfare)
#Locarno Conference 1925
#Crimean War
#Franco-Prussian War
#WWI: The Arms Race Begins
#WWI: The Opening Moves
#WWII: Fall of France
#Vietnam, Part 1: The Thirty Years War
#Algerian War
#Tactics of the French Army, 18th Century
#Post WWI: The World in Conflict
#America, French and Indian War
#American Revolution, Defeats and Victories
#chansons de geste
#Latin literature
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#Balzac, Honore de
#Baudelaire, Charles (Pierre)
#Beckett, Samuel (Barclay)
#Boileau(-Despreaux), Nicolas
#Camus, Albert
#Claudel, Paul
#Corneille, Pierre
#Diderot, Denis
#Flaubert, Gustave
#Genet, Jean
#Ionesco, Eugene
#La Fontaine, Jean de
#Lamartine, Alphonse (Marie Louis) de
#La Rochefoucauld, Francois, duc de (Duke of)
#Mallarme, Stephane
#Maritain, Jacques
#Musset, (Louis Charles) Alfred de
#Proust, Marcel
#Rabelais, Francois
#Racine, Jean (Baptiste)
#Rimbaud, (Jean Nicolas) Arthur
#Ronsard, Pierre de
#Rousseau, Jean Jacques
#Sarraute, Nathalie
#Sartre, Jean-Paul
#Verlaine, Paul (Marie)
#Vigny, Alfred Victor, comte de (Count of)
#Villon, Francois
#Zola, Emile
#Dumas, Alexandre
#African marigold
#French Polynesia (Atlas)
#Marquesas Islands
#Society Islands
#Tuamotu Archipelago
#Tubuai Islands
#French Revolution
#Thermidor coup
french revolution - events.tbl,0,"French Revolution - Events \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#French Revolution - Events
#ancien regime
#French Republican calendar
#French Revolutionary Wars
#Jacobins (French history)
#Mountain, the
#Plain, the
#Public Safety, Committee of
#Reign of Terror
#Babeuf, Francois-Noel
#Barere (de Vieuzac), Bertrand
#Barnave, Antoine (Pierre Joseph Marie)
#Barras, Paul Francois Jean Nicolas, comte de (Count of)
#Beauharnais, Alexandre, vicomte de (Viscount of)
#Blanqui, (Louis) Auguste
#Brissot (de Warville), Jacques Pierre
#Carnot, Lazare (Nicolas Marguerite)
#Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de (Marquess of)
#Corday (d'Armont), (Marie) Charlotte
#Danton, Georges (Jacques)
#Desmoulins, (Lucie Simplice) Camille (Benoist)
#Fouche, Joseph, duc d'Otrante (Duke of Otranto)
#Hebert, Jacques Rene
#Louis XVI
#Marat, Jean Paul
#Marie Antoinette (Josephe Jeanne)
#Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Riqueti, comte de (Count of)
#Napoleon I
#OrlΘans, Charles, duc d' (Duke of)
#Paine, Thomas
#Robespierre, Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore de
#Rousseau, Jean Jacques
#Saint-Just, Louis (Antoine Leon Florelle) de
#Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph, comte de (Count of)
#Talleyrand (-Perigord), Charles Maurice de
#Tallien, Jean Lambert
#French Revolution, Citizen Soldiers
#French Revolution, the Battlefield
#Bonaparte's Tools of War (French Revolution)
#British Warfare and Relations with Europe 1783-1901
#Dumouriez, Charles Francois (du Perier)
#French Revolution
#Mortier, Edouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph, duc de Trevise (Duke of Treviso)
#Murat, Joachim
#Napoleonic Wars
#Ferdinand I, King of Naples
#AdΘlie Land
#French Southern and Antarctic Lands (Atlas)
#French Community
#Trust Territory
#British Expeditionary Force (BEF)
#World War I
#American Revolution
#frequency modulation (FM)
#wave motion
#amplitude modulation (AM)
#radio waves
#wave motion
vam4\vam40075.jpg,0,"Fresco on a domed ceiling \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
eaoy\eaoy0124.jpg,0,"\IMarket Cart\i by Thomas Gainsborough \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#English art
#landscape painting
#Bevan, Aneurin
#Eden, Sir (Robert) Anthony, 1st Earl of Avon
#Labour Party
#left wing
#nuclear disarmament
#Suez Crisis
#Wilson (of Rievaulx), (James) Harold Wilson, Baron
#open cluster
#Grail, Holy or Sangreal
#Lancelot, Sir
eppd\eppd0013.jpg,0,"Raphael's painting showing Galatea from the Renaissance period \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#New Testament
#Pauline Letters or Pauline Epistles
#Paul, St
nas2\nas20068.jpg,0,"Image of the rich galaxy cluster, Abell 2218. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20069.jpg,,"True color image of faint blue galaxies taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The distance is approximately 3 to 8 billion light years. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#active galaxy
#Andromeda Nebula Discoveries
#Astrophysics: The Galaxy
#Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory
#Canes Venatici
#Dreyer, John (Louis Emil)
#Galaxy, Studies of the Structure
#globular cluster
#Herschel and the Construction of the Heavens
#Herschel's Map of the Galaxy
#intergalactic medium
#Local Group
#Magellanic Clouds
#Markarian galaxy
#Messier, Charles
#Milky Way
#nucleus (astronomy)
#Radio Astronomy and the Spiral Structure of the Galaxy
#radio galaxy
#Seyfert, Carl
#Solar System
#star cluster
#Very Large Array
#World's Most Powerful Telescopes To Discover Farthest Galaxy in the Universe (30 July, 1997)
#Zwicky, Fritz
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
will\will0102.jpg,0,"Purple-necked Jacamar -- Jacamars are confined to tropical parts of continental Central and South America. \H\BPhotograph:\b William Bourke"
#Galen of Pergamum
3209\32090010.jpg,0,"Galena \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Pants: Origin of the Name
#Castile or Castille
nas2\nas20059.jpg,0,"The volcano Ra Patera on Io, as seen from Galileo. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20060.jpg,,"Galileo photo of the volcano Loki Patera on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20061.jpg,,"The volcano Eu boea Fluctus on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20062.jpg,,"Volcanic features on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Background on Europa Data From The Galileo Mission To Jupiter (2 March, 1998)
#Detailed Images From Europa Point To Slush Below Surface (2 March, 1998)
#Europa is Seismic
#Europa's Ocean
#Galileo Mission Finds Strange Interior of Jovian Moon
#Galileo project
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Voyager project
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#Jesus Christ
#Tiberias, Lake or Sea of Galilee
100a\100a0108.jpg,0,"Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#And Yet It Does Move
#Astronomy and the Distances of Stars
#Copernican system
#Galileo Deploys the Telescope
#Galileo project
#Galileo Project Information
#Refracting Telescope in the 17th Century
nasa\nasa0001.jpg,0,"Image of an asteroid from the Galileo spacecraft \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Cassini To Survey Worlds of Saturn and Titan (3 September, 1997)
#Closest Europa Flyby Marks Start of Galileo Mission 'Part II' (16 December, 1997)
#Countdown Test Reveals Fuel Leaks On Cassini Mission Centaur Upper Stage (7 August, 1997)
#Galileo Project Information
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#NASA Receives Approval To Launch Cassini Mission (3 October, 1997)
#Repair Work on Cassini Huygens Probe Completed Successfully (12 September, 1997)
#Voyager project
#biliary system
#Adams, John Couch
#Leverrier, Urbain Jean Joseph
#Neptune (astronomy)
fa05\fa050005.jpg,0,"Galleon, attack on \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Galleys and Gunpowder
#Britain, Roman
#Roman history
#domestic fowl
psfp\psfp0041.jpg,0,"Gallipoli during WWI \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0054.jpg,0,"Gallipoli landing during WWI - April 25, 1915 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0080.jpg,,"Turkish soldiers in Gallipoli during WWI \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0081.jpg,,"Turkish soldiers in Gallipoli during WWI \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#He Died At Gallipoli
#Gallipoli campaign
#World War I
psfp\psfp0054.jpg,0,"Gallipoli landing - April 25, 1915 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0007.jpg,,"WWI - Australian battery barrage fire on enemy trenches \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0079.jpg,,"Gallipoli - Australian soldiers in position at 'The Death Trap' \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0009.jpg,,"Gallipoli - landing and charging up the beach \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0082.jpg,,"Turkish soldiers in Gallipoli during WWI \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0074.jpg,,"Gallipoli trench - a digger under fire \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Dardanelles or Hellespont
#World War I
#WWI: Gallipoli Campaign
#chemical elements
#Measurement: Imperial Units and their Metric Equivalents
#Dumfries and Galloway
#biliary system
#gall bladder
#English literature
#Eugenics Society
#Eugenics Movement
#Darwin, Charles (Robert)
#Browning, Robert
#Galvani, Luigi
#current (electricity)
2728\27280046.jpg,0,"Irish country scenery on the outskirts of the town of Galway, Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
fss1\fss10192.jpg,0,"Gardenia \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Cape jasmin
#evergreen plants
#Edward VI
#Henry VIII
#Mary I, Tudor
#Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal
1600\16000006.jpg,0,"James A. Garfield (1831-1881) \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Simon, Paul
wrpd\wrpd0284.jpg,0,"Gargoyle sculpture looking over cathedral \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3452\34520054.jpg,0,"Gargoyles on a French cathedral \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
wrpd\wrpd0146.jpg,0,"Gargoyle on building capital \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3214\32140024.jpg,0,"Gargoyle \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Gothic architecture
#Mazzini, Giuseppe
#Thousand, Expedition of the
#Minnelli, Liza (May)
0123\01230095.jpg,0,"Garlic \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Bridal Bouquet
#Countermeasures Against The Evil Eye
#silicate minerals
#Johnson, Samuel
#Johnson, Samuel, poet
#theatre / theater
#evergreen plants
1601\16010087.jpg,0,"William Lloyd Garrison (1805-79) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#abolitionist movement
#slave trade
#United States History, Slavery and Abolitionists
#Highland pony
ampd\ampd0041.jpg,0,"Order of the Garter medal \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Origin of the Royal Garter
#internal combustion engine
#Murdock, William
#Boyle, Robert
#Charles's Law
#gas, chemistry
#ideal gas
#jet engine
#chemical warfare
pdmt\pdmt0143.jpg,0,"Gas analysis of packed meat \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Boltzmann constant
#Charles, Jacques Alexandre CΘsar
#Dalton's law of partial pressures
#First to Introduce Gas Light - James Bryan
#gas laws
#Henry, William
#Henry's law
#ideal gas
#Jeans, Sir James (Hopwood)
#Joule-Thomson effect
#natural gas
#nitric oxide
#noble gases
#phases of matter
#Porter, Sir George
#producer gas
#sublimation (chemistry)
#town gas
#van der Waals, Johannes Diderik
#vapour pressure
#water gas
#coal gas
#First to Introduce Gas Light - James Bryan
#natural gas
#nuclear reactor
#Association football
#Football League
#English literature
#octane number
#petrol (UK) or gasoline (US)
#Christian Democrats
#Mussolini, Benito (Amilcare Andrea)
#Descartes, Rene
#Kepler, Johannes
#anaemia / anemia
#mucous membrane
#alimentary canal
#food poisoning
#typhoid fever
#alimentary canal
#Traveller's Diarrhoea
ssuw\ssuw0135.jpg,0,"\IDorid nudibranch\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0134.jpg,0,"\IDorid nudibranch\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#sea slug
#slug (biology)
#American Revolution
#American Revolution, Defeats and Victories
#computer network
#General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
#abstract art
#London Group
#Glashow-Weinberg-Salam theory
#quantum chromodynamics
#quantum field theory
scan\scan0194.jpg,0,"\IBarbarian Tales\i, by Gauguin \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2060\20600062.jpg,0,"Gauguin's grave, Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands. Gauguin spent the last years of his life in Hiva Oa. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#French art
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#Clovis I
#Roman history
#Warfare: Romano-German Armies (Fifth Century)
#Celtic languages
#de Gaulle, Charles (Andre Joseph Marie)
#European Union
#John of Gaunt
vam2\vam20230.jpg,0,"Bison \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#flux (physics)
#Gauss, (Johann) Carl Friedrich
#French literature
#Border, Allan (Robert)
#cricket (sport)
#Lancelot, Sir
#English literature
#Pope, Alexander
#Charles's Law
#Gaza Strip (Atlas)
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#West Bank
#South Africa
1766\17660072.jpg,0,"Gazelle -- Grants gazelle (\IGazella granti\i) \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
pnwe\pnwe0294.jpg,0,"Gazelle -- Thompson gazelle, a close-up view \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1601\16010043.jpg,,"Geronimo (Goyathlay), a Chiricahua Apache, 1887 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Indian Wars
#Gershwin, Ira
#Gershwin, George
#Council of the Church
whal\whalgerv.jpg,0,"Gervais' Beaked Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Wagner, (Wilhelm) Richard
#Gestalt therapy
#Koffka, Kurt
#K÷hler, Wolfgang
#Gestalt psychology
#Goering or Goring, Hermann (Wilhelm)
#Himmler, Heinrich
0721\07210040.jpg,0,"Jesus and His disciples as depicted in a carving in a section of the Mokutum Mountain in Gethsemane, Israel. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
issg\issg0050.jpg,,"Gethsemane Church garden, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Jesus Christ
#Olives, Mount of or Mount Olivet
1601\16010028.jpg,0,"Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg, 19 November 1863 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
3611\36110070.jpg,0,"American civil war cannons in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#American Civil War
#Gettysburg To Appomottox
#Gettysburg, Battle of
#History of the Gettysburg Address
#Lincoln, Abraham
ulpd\ulpd0075.jpg,0,"Gettysburg battlefield, Pennsylvania, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#American Civil War
#Lee, Robert E(dward)
#Chamberlain, Joshua, Brevet Major General, US Volunteers
#Gettysburg To Appomottox
#Descartes, Rene
vam5\vam50123.jpg,0,"Old Faithful geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0188.jpg,,"Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam1\vam10112.jpg,0,"Geyser deposits \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0889\08890013.jpg,,"Geyser, Rotorua, New Zealand \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#geothermal energy
#hot spring
#Yangtze River
#Prehistory in Southern Europe
#Three Age System
#Ghana (Atlas)
#Ghana Political Rulers and Leaders
#Volta, River
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ghent, approximate location"
#Holy Roman Empire
caoy\caoy0172.jpg,0,"\ISt Matthew\i, from Lorenzo Ghiberti's first bronze Baptistery Gate at Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0170.jpg,0,"\ICreation of Eve\i, from Lorenzo Ghiberti's second bronze Baptistery Gate at Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0168.jpg,0,"Bronze Statue by Lorenzo Ghiberti in the San Michele at Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0165.jpg,0,"\ISacrifice of Isaac\i, a relief in bronze (1402 by Lorenzo Ghiberti). \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0164.jpg,0,"Relief on bronze from Lorenzo Ghiberti's first Baptistery Gate at Florence, between 1403 and 1424. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
1406\14060010.jpg,,"Torch ginger, Rarotonga Botanical Gardens, Cook Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#vegetative reproduction
#deciduous plants
whal\whalgink.jpg,0,"Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#beat generation
#Italian art
#oil painting
eaoy\eaoy0009.jpg,0,"Giorgione - Giorgio Barbarelli's \IThe Madonna Enthroned\i \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0006.jpg,0,"\IFamily of Giorgione\i by Giorgione - Giorgio Barbarelli \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
aaoy\aaoy0300.jpg,0,"Cathedral of Florence. The campanile (bell tower) at the left was designed by Giotto with work commencing in 1334. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0027.jpg,,"\IDeath of St. John, the Baptist\i by Giotto \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0029.jpg,,"\IJoachim and the Shepherds\i by Giotto \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0028.jpg,,"\IRaising of Lazarus\i by Giotto \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Florentine School
#Italian art
#European Space Agency (ESA)
#Giotto Mission
#Halley's comet
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#VEGA project
#Victoria (Australia)
0,giraffev.avi,"Giraffes in Kenya, Africa \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
1766\17660021.jpg,,"Southern giraffe \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2052\20520084.jpg,0,"East coast, north of Gisborne, North Island, New Zealand \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2052\20520061.jpg,0,"Gisborne, New Zealand, aerial view \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Cook, James
#New Zealand
#Mitterrand, Francois (Maurice Marie)
#English literature
#string instrument
#Italian art
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Giza, approximate location"
0721\07210004.jpg,0,"Giza, Egypt, view of the city \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210006.jpg,0,"Camel rides at the pyramids in Giza, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
1202\12020080.jpg,0,"Pyramids at Giza, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
wrpd\wrpd0141.jpg,,"Giza pyramids at sunrise \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2728\27280013.jpg,,"Ancient cemetery in Giza, near the Egyptian pyramids and close to Cairo \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Flinders Petrie in the Near East
#Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
#hanging valley
#Ice Age
#Ice Ages Theory Gains Ground
#Pleistocene epoch
#till or boulder clay
vam5\vam50128.jpg,0,"Glacier and rock \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
assg\assg0001.jpg,0,"Glacier \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40198.jpg,,"Glacier on icepack \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Roman Holiday
3871\38710015.jpg,0,"Gladiolus -- The gladiolus ranks as Taiwan's No. 2 cut flower in production, next only to the chrysanthemums \H\BPhotograph:\b China National Tourist Office refer David Ireland"
#zygomorphic flower
#Gladstone Bag
#Conservative Party
#Liberal Party (UK)
#Palmerston (of Palmerston), Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount
#Peel, Sir Robert
#Mid Glamorgan
#South Glamorgan
#West Glamorgan
#Glands (Ductless), Functions Discovered
#adrenal glands
#endocrine glands
#parathyroid glands
#pituitary gland
#prostate gland
#salivary glands
#glandular fever
#ME syndrome
#bubble chamber
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Glasgow, approximate location"
2728\27280008.jpg,0,"Northwest of Glasgow, Scotland, near Loch Lomond \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Gorbals, The
#gauge theory
#quantum field theory
#Salam, Abdus
#spontaneous symmetry breaking
#weak interaction
#W particle
#Z particle
#USSR's Glasnost (1987)
#Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich
#musical glasses
#amorphous solid
#lime (chemistry)
#metallic glass
#Origins of Glass
#press-moulded glass
#ED glass
#Fifteenth Anniversary
#flint glass
#metallic glass
#press-moulded glass
#reverberatory furnace
#stained glass
#Boulanger, Nadia
#Swiss lake dwellings
#oil painting
#Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai (Andreyevich)
#Henry IV (of England), originally Henry Bolingbroke
ssas\ssas0069.jpg,0,"Golden Gate Bridge, California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0068.jpg,0,"Golden Gate Bridge in clouds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0067.jpg,0,"Golden Gate Bridge, California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#bridge (engineering)
#San Francisco
#Russian history
3402\34020017.jpg,0,"Golden retriever \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Jesus Christ
#Sermon on the Mount or Plain
#pride of India
vam1\vam10025.jpg,0,"Goldeneye ducks \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#diving duck
carr\carrmusi.jpg,goldfin.wav,"\BSound\b - American goldfinch \H \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
vas6\vas60051.jpg,0,"Goldfish \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20236.jpg,,"Goldfish close-up \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#English literature
#commedia dell'arte
#opera buffa
#English literature
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Republican Party
1262\12620022.jpg,0,"Teeing off \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
srpd\srpd0122.jpg,,"Sand bunker on a golf course \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1262\12620080.jpg,,"Putting on a golf green \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Golf Beginnings
#Golf Club
#Golf Bag
#Golf Ball
#Golf Tee
#Golf Cup
#Eighteen Holes
#Origins of the Caddie
#Golf Champions
#Open Golf Championship
#Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (R & A)
#Ryder Cup
#Ballesteros, Sevvy
#Faldo, Nick
#Hogan, (William) Ben(jamin)
#Jacklin, Tony
#Jones, Bobby
#Nicklaus, Jack (William)
#Norman, Greg(ory John)
#Palmer, Arnold (Daniel)
#Player, Gary (Jim)
#Watson, Tom
#Whitworth, Kathy
#computer printer
#cell (biology)
#eucaryote or eukaryote
#Golgi, Camillo
#Golgi body
#French literature
fa05\fa050036.jpg,0,"David and Goliath \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Samuel, Books of
#American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL / CIO)
#sugar palm
#sex hormones
#superovulation syndrome
#French literature
#Fasil Ghebbi
#continental drift
#Australia, Formation of
#gong chime
#urinary system
#venereal disease (VD)
#Infectious Diseases, Emerging
#cricket (sport)
3607\36070050.jpg,0,"Renaissance painting depicting the crucifixion of Christ \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Maundy Thursday
#Hot Cross Buns
#Jesus Christ
#Vulcanized Rubber
#Bentine, Michael
#Milligan, Spike
#Secombe, Sir Harry (Donald)
#Sellers, Peter
#diving duck
vam4\vam40210.jpg,geese701.wav,"Canada geese chicks\p\BSound\b - Goose \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Production Music Services Pty Ltd"
vam5\vam50211.jpg,0,"Canada geese loafing \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50210.jpg,0,"Canada goose eggs \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0245.jpg,0,"Great white-fronted geese \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
caoy\caoy0063.jpg,0,"Relief from the pulpit in Santa Croce, the church of the Franciscan order at Florence -- a fine example of Gothic architectural style, by Benedetto da Majano (1442-1498). \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0132.jpg,,"Gothic revolving chair, German (c.1500) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0129.jpg,,"Gothic reading-desk in bronze from the Minster at Aix-la-Chapelle \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Churches: Architecture Throughout History
#Decorated Style
#Early English Style
#English Architecture and Art of the Middle Ages
#Gothic Revival
#Medieval Architecture
#Norman architecture
#Perpendicular Style
#Romanesque architecture
eppd\eppd0002.jpg,0,"\IAdoration of the Magi and the Circumcision\i, artist unknown \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0007.jpg,,"\IThe Flight into Egypt and the Dispute of Jesus in the Temple\i, artist unknown \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0006.jpg,,"\ISt George and the Dragon\i by Vitale Da Bologna \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0005.jpg,,"\IMadonna with Child and Angels\i by Duccio di Buoninsegna \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
caoy\caoy0080.jpg,,"Gothic style silver crucifix from 12th century Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0003.jpg,,"Gothic style cup \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Gothic architecture
#International Gothic
#Medieval Architecture
#Austen, Jane
#Le Fanu, (Joseph) Sheridan
#Lewis, M(atthew) G(regory)
#Radcliffe, Ann
#rationalism (philosophy)
#Stoker, Bram
3452\34520053.jpg,0,"Gothic style architecture revived in the 19th century \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#Arts and Crafts Movement
#British Culture: Revolution, Romanticism and Victorianism
#Gothic architecture
#Pugin, Augustus (Welby Northmore)
#Queen Anne Style
#Ruskin, John
#Roman history
yaoy\yaoy0269.jpg,0,"Gotland pre-historic rock engravings \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
yaoy\yaoy0268.jpg,0,"Pre-historic rock engravings from a cave on the island of Gotland \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#French art
2061\20610004.jpg,0,"Old woman collecting salt water in gourds to take home, Dani tribe, Baliem Valley, Highlands of Irian Jaya. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#calabash tree
#Rich Man's Disease
#Disease and Myth
#uric acid
#ground elder
#cricket (sport)
#Gooch, Graham (Alan)
#Chaucer, Geoffrey
#English literature
#Tyler, Wat
#Spanish art
eaoy\eaoy0095.jpg,0,"\IOn the Shores of the River Meuse\i by Jan van Goyen \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#landscape painting
#commedia dell'arte
#Italian literature
#rift valley
#Roman history
#Scipio Aemilianus
#Jesus Christ
#Trent, Council of
#cricket (sport)
eppd\eppd0033.jpg,0,"The Graces, dressed in flowing white dresses and holding hands in Botticelli's painting \IAllegory of Spring\i \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#theatre / theater
#straight line
1412\14120100.jpg,0,"Steffi Graf in the 1983 Ford Tennis Open, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#sgraffito or graffito
#vascular tissue
#British Antarctic Territory
0201\02010043.jpg,0,"Billy Graham \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos/Bernard Gotfryd"
#modern dance
#Milne, A(lan) A(lexander)
#Perseus (mythology)
#Jesus Christ
2883\28830044.jpg,0,"Grain and beans in the marketplace in Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Glamor of Grammar
#constituent analysis
#generative grammar
#morphology (linguistics)
#word class
#comprehensive school
#secondary modern school
#pop music
#record player
#sound recording
2729\27290065.jpg,0,"Scottish countryside in Upper Deeside, Grampian, Scotland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2729\27290056.jpg,0,"Close to Balmoral Castle in Grampian, Scotland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1636\16360066.jpg,0,"Lake Wartook in Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1636\16360067.jpg,0,"Serra Range in the Grampians, Victoria, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1636\16360068.jpg,,"Grazing land near Grampian Ranges, Victoria, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Great Dividing Range
#Ben Macdhui
#Ben Nevis
#Cairngorms or Cairngorm Mountains
#killer whale
#Risso's Dolphin
#Mussolini, Benito (Amilcare Andrea)
#Canary Islands
#Chaco War
#Bolφvar, Sim≤n
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Granada, approximate location"
#Isabella I
#passion flower
#Seven Years' War
#Napoleonic Wars
#American Civil War
#Atlantic Ocean
#Sui dynasty
#Yangtze River
#Yellow River
0739\07390004.jpg,0,"Looking over the majestic Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0122\01220014.jpg,0,"Grand Canyon at sunset, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
vas6\vas60233.jpg,0,"Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0045.jpg,0,"Grand Canyon \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0044.jpg,0,"Grand Canyon \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0227.jpg,0,"Rainbow in the Grand Canyon \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nssg\nssg0047.jpg,0,"Grand Canyon \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0147\01470094.jpg,,"Grand Canyon \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
3217\32170021.jpg,,"View out the airplane window flying over the canyon's snowy forests \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Colorado River
#Hell's Canyon or Grand Canyon of the Snake
#Colorado River
#theatre / theater
#Red Rum
#steeplechase (equestrian)
#Charles I (of England)
#Long Parliament
#anthropic principle
#forces of nature
#Glashow-Weinberg-Salam theory
#Kaluza-Klein theory
#quantum chromodynamics
#quantum gravity
#co-operative society
#Populist Party
#United States, Discontent and Reform
pdp1\pdp10126.jpg,0,"Green water and granite \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60162.jpg,,"Granite \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2046\20460071.jpg,,"Detail of granite rocks, Mt Kinabalu, North Borneo \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#feldspar or felspar
#igneous rock
#Hawks, Howard (Winchester)
#Hitchcock, Sir Alfred (Joseph)
#English art
#Fry, Roger (Eliot)
#American Civil War
#American Civil War in the West
#American Civil War: Defeat of the South
#American Civil War: Grant Takes Charge
#school (education)
#Adi Granth
#Shakespeare, William
#theatre / theater
#Carteret, John, 1st Earl Granville
vas6\vas60074.jpg,0,"Grapes \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1407\14070006.jpg,0,"Greek island of Ydra \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060078.jpg,0,"Authentic caique, island of Ydra, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060084.jpg,0,"Fishing fleet and church, Mihanionia, northern Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060082.jpg,0,"Fisherman in Mihanionia, northern Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060086.jpg,0,"Shopping in Salonika, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060085.jpg,0,"Sithonia peninsula, Halkidiki region, northern Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2884\28840025.jpg,0,"Rhodes Harbour, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1406\14060094.jpg,0,"Island of Poros, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060075.jpg,,"Chateau Carras, Porto Carras, northern Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060083.jpg,0,"Athos monastery, Halkidiki region, northern Greece has been barred to women since 1060. While men are taken to the Athos peninsula by boat, women must wait in a separate boat 300m off shore. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060081.jpg,0,"Athos monastery fresco \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Greece (Atlas)
#Greece Political Rulers and Leaders
#Greek architecture
#Greek art
#Greek history
#Greek language
#Greek literature
#Greek Orthodox Church
#Greek religion
#Ionian Islands
#Mount Athos
#Olympia (Greece), Gr Olimbia
#Persian Wars
#WWII: War in the Balkans
1406\14060064.jpg,0,"Greek church \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060092.jpg,0,"Parthenon, Athens, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
3607\36070002.jpg,0,"Ruins of a temple in Delphi, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
100a\100a0724.jpg,0,"Lady Jane Grey's reluctance to accept the crown \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0803.jpg,0,"Lady Jane Grey's execution \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0723.jpg,0,"Lady Jane Grey \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Edward VI
#Dog Racing Clubs
#Greyhound Racing Champions
#Greyhound Racing Origins
#Pharaoh hound
#turbidity current
#National Grid Reference System
#bodily harm
maoy\maoy0011.jpg,0,"Griffin or gryphon - a fabulous animal with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle who guarded the 'gold of the north'. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
1749\17490067.jpg,0,"Guadalajara University Law School building, viewed from the University Administration Building, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1105\11050055.jpg,0,"Japanese anti-aircraft gun at Red Beach, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1105\11050056.jpg,0,"Japanese bunker from WWII, Guadalcanal \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1105\11050053.jpg,0,"Japanese war memorial at Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
eppd\eppd0052.jpg,0,"\ISan Giorgio Maggiore with the Tip of the Giudecca\i by Francesco Guardi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Italian art
#High Court (of Justice)
#Italian literature
#Italian literature
#Baroque (art and architecture)
#Borromini, Francesco
1750\17500019.jpg,0,"Guatemalan mother and child dressed in traditional colourful clothing and headwear, Chichicastenango, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500015.jpg,0,"Market day outside the Church of the Indians, Chichicastenango, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500018.jpg,0,"Market day stall filled with hand-crafted wooden masks, pottery, etc., Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500016.jpg,0,"Market day viewed from the steps of the church, Chichicastenango. (The fire is being used to burn religious offerings. Indians still practice pagan rites outside Guatemalan churches.) \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500031.jpg,0,"Guatemalan soldiers checking identity cards of bus travellers. (Buses are commonly stopped for checks because of the many guerrilla groups.) \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500001.jpg,0,"Huehuetenango main plaza, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500002.jpg,,"Zaculeu archaeological site (ruins of an ancient Indian centre), Huehuetenango, Guatemala. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500030.jpg,,"Guatemalan homes near Tikal \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500032.jpg,,"Lake PetΘn, Flores, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500010.jpg,,"Lake Atitlßn, between Sololoß and Panajachel, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
cast\castl128.jpg,,"Public Laundry of the Calvario, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
1750\17500036.jpg,,"Santa Marφa volcano, Guatemala, an active Pacaya volcano with small eruptions several times an hour. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Guatemala (Atlas)
#Guatemala City or Guatemala
#Guatemala Political Rulers and Leaders
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Guatemala City or Guatemala, approximate location"
cast\castl178.jpg,0,"The Drapers' Guild Garden, London, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl179.jpg,,"The Guildhall, London, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl187.jpg,,"The Skinners' Guild Courtroom, London, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl180.jpg,,"Door of the Brewers' Guild, London, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Craft Guilds
#Medieval Craftsmen
#Merchant Adventurers
#Merchant Guilds
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Guilin, Kuei-lin, or Kweilin, approximate location"
#Ming dynasty
#Tang or T'ang dynasty
#French literature
#Jean de Meung
#ars nova
#Chaucer, Geoffrey
ssas\ssas0252.jpg,0,"Common guillemot, or \Bmurre.\b \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Guillotin, Joseph Ignace
#guinea pig
#Guinea (Atlas)
#Guinea Political Rulers and Leaders
#fritillary (botany)
3451\34510053.jpg,0,"Guinea fowl looking for food, Kenya, Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3451\34510054.jpg,,"Group of guinea fowl, Masai Mara Game Park, Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#Atlantic Ocean
#Guinea-Bissau (Atlas)
#Guinea-Bissau Political Rulers and Leaders
#courtly love
#Lancelot, Sir
#Malory, Sir Thomas
#theatre / theater
#Alexius I Comnenus
#Coligny, Gaspard II de, seigneur de (Lord of) Chatillon
#Religion, Wars of
vas6\vas60108.jpg,clt1tr4.wav,"Guitars\p\BSound\b - Spanish Steel \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
vas6\vas60109.jpg,mx14tr10.wav,"Electric guitars\p\BSound\b - Midsummer's Dream \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Hawaiian guitar
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Guiyang or Kuei-yang, approximate location"
indi\indi0064.jpg,0,"Dwarka locals in the state of Gujarat, Pakistan \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0008.jpg,0,"Gujarat locals in Dwarka, Pakistan \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0030.jpg,,"Gujarat child, Pakistan \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0049.jpg,,"Deer in the Gir Ranges in Gujarat, Pakistan \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0040.jpg,,"Gujarat street, Pakistan \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
0,kuwaitv.avi,"Kuwaiti crisis 1991 \H\BVideo:\b United Nations"
#Adair, Red
#Arab League
#Desert Shield / Storm
#Gulf War (1980-8)
#Gulf War (1991)
#Gulf Wars
#Hormuz, Strait of
#Hussein, Saddam
#oil pollution
3735\37350047.jpg,gulls840.wav,"Red billed gull\p\BSound\b - California gull \H\BPhotograph:\b Taronga Zoo \h\H\BSound:\b Production Music Services Pty Ltd"
3402\34020037.jpg,gull.wav,"Seagulls (on surf beach) \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
0739\07390081.jpg,0","Swallow-tailed gull \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
spd1\spd10037.jpg,0","Laughing gulls on shore \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10022.jpg,0","Bonapartes gulls \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
100a\100a1103.jpg,heller.mid,"Handel \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
2245\22450074.jpg,heller.mid,"House where Handel was born, Halle, Germany\p\BSound\b - \IAllegretto con moto\i by Handel \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Webster Publishing"
#Hallelujah Chorus
#deciduous plants
1257\12570027.jpg,0,"Hang glider, Long Reef, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
0124\01240084.jpg,0,"Hang glider over Rio de Janeiro \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Callaghan (of Cardiff), (Leonard) James Callaghan, Baron
#Labour Party
#Sea Peoples
#Fianna Fail
#Fitzgerald, Garrett (Michael)
#Lynch, Jack
#German literature
#lingua franca
#Paris (France), ancient Lutetia
#parasitic plant
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Havana, approximate location"
1749\17490090.jpg,0,"Havana -- local children \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490091.jpg,0,"Havana door sign reads \IMuerte Invasor\i (Death to the Invader) in reference to the United States \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490092.jpg,0,"Old waterfront fort lined with war-time cannonballs, Havana \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490093.jpg,0,"Short cannons used to fire grenade-type cannonballs, Havana \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490094.jpg,0,"Havana Cathedral and Plaza, completed in 1777 \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490084.jpg,0,"El Capitolio, a copy of United States' White House in Washington DC, finished 1929 \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490088.jpg,,"Lenin monument carved from stone, Lenin Park, Havana \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490089.jpg,,"Steam train, Lenin Park, Havana \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490087.jpg,,"Very few new cars have come into Cuba since 1959 and many locals still drive pre-revolution cars. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1602\16020053.jpg,,"Havana, Cuba -- the \IMaine\i entering the harbour, January 1898 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Siamese cat
#Joyce, William
1407\14070010.jpg,0,"Rainbow Falls, Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1407\14070014.jpg,0,"Kaimu black sand beach, Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1407\14070013.jpg,0,"Kilauea crater, Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2060\20600023.jpg,,"Hawaiian boat \IHokule'a\i is a replica of the traditional Polynesian double hulled canoes used for ocean exploration. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
1407\14070015.jpg,,"Hawaiian coastline \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
vam4\vam40031.jpg,0,"Hawaiian men with fishing nets \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0083.jpg,0,"Hawaii -- Pololo Valley \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0008.jpg,0,"Hawaii -- Mauna Kea Bay \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1407\14070024.jpg,0,"Hawaii -- City of Refuge; historically, slaves that made it to the City of Refuge were granted freedom \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
hssg\hssg0016.jpg,0,"Hawaii -- City of Refuge beach house \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0004.jpg,0,"Hawaii -- Amitabha Buddha \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10038.jpg,,"Hawk ù Red-tailed hawk \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#bird of prey
#harrier (ornithology)
#kite, bird
#marsh harrier
#dove (politics)
#death's-head moth
#Australian Labor Party (ALP)
#Keating, Paul (John)
#black hole
#Black Hole Discovered in February
#Hawking, Stephen (William)
#quantum field theory
#big bang
#Hawking radiation
#Hawkyns or Hawkins, Sir John
#turtle (biology)
#Drake, Sir Francis
#Spanish Armada
#experimenter effect
#American literature
#short story
0154\01540079.jpg,0,"Pollen in the air from grasses is a common cause of hay fever. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Lincoln, Abraham
#McKinley, William
#Roosevelt, Theodore
#Australian Labor Party (ALP)
#Hawke, Bob
#Whitlam, (Edward) Gough
2257\22570025.jpg,0,"Haydn's birthplace, Rohrau, Austria \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Austrian School
#Myrdal, (Karl) Gunnar
1601\16010021.jpg,0,"Inauguration of the 19th president of the United States, Rutherford Hayes, seen in front of the Capitol at Washington DC. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1600\16000012.jpg,0,"Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-93) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
will\will0042.jpg,0,"Finfoot -- Sometimes also called the American Finfoot, the Sungrebe of South America has some features in common with both grebes and rails. \H\BDrawing:\b Webster Publishing"
#evergreen plants
#chemical elements
#noble gases
#Snake River
#Christmas rose
wrpd\wrpd0038.jpg,0,"Mosque in Alexandria \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3209\32090071.jpg,0,"Henna shrub \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#evergreen plants
#English Civil War
#William I (of England), known as the Conquerer
#Becket, St Thomas α
#Clarendon, Constitutions of
#William I (of Scotland), known as William the Lion
#Alexander III, originally Orlando Bandinelli\
#Catherine de' Medici
#Charles V (Emperor)
#English Government and Politics 1272-1450
#Barons' Wars
#Edward I
#Magna Carta
#Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester
#Oxford, Provisions of
#Alexander II, (of Scotland)
#Charles IX
#Religion, Wars of
#Glendower, Owen
#Richard II
#Nantes, Edict of
#Religion, Wars of
#Sully, Maximilien de BΘthune, duc de (Duke of)
#Moore, Henry (Spencer)
#Frederick I (Emperor), known as Frederick Barbarossa ('Redbeard')
#Agincourt, Battle of
#Hundred Years' War
nscn\nscn0006.jpg,0,"KingÆs College and KingÆs College Chapel, Cambridge; KingÆs College dates from 1441 and was founded by King Henry VI. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
100a\100a0516.jpg,0,"Coronation Henry VI \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0517.jpg,0,"Henry VI -- Costumes in the time of Henry VI \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0520.jpg,,"Henry VI \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Charles VII
#Edward IV
#Henry V
#Hundred Years' War
#Roses, Wars of the
#Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl
100a\100a0611.jpg,0,"Henry VII \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Tudor Monarchy in England, the
#Tudor Monarchy in England
#Bosworth Field, Battle of
#Richard III
#Warbeck, Perkin
nscn\nscn0003.jpg,0,"Trinity College, Cambridge, as seen from the tower off Great St MaryÆs Church; founded in 1546 by King Henry VIII, Trinity is the largest and wealthiest of the Colleges. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
100a\100a0708.jpg,0,"Trial of the marriage of Henry VIII \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
saoy\saoy0061.jpg,0,"Henry VIII with his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, whom he married in 1540 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Anne of Cleves
#Boleyn, Anne
#Castles and Cathedrals: The Construction Processes
#Castles: The Rise and Fall 1066 - 1087
#Catherine of Aragon
#Church of England
#Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex
#Fisher, John, St
#Henry VIII, Master of Church and State
#Henry VIII, Renaissance Prince
#Howard, Catherine
#Monasteries: Their Dissolution
#More, Sir Thomas
#Parr, Catherine
#Role Of Archery in British History
#Seymour, Jane
#Sirloin and Baron of Beef
#Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal
#gas, chemistry
#Henry, William
#Faraday, Michael
#American literature
#short story
#American Revolution
#Continental Congress
#bill of rights
#Bill of Rights (March 4, 1789), The
#Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death (March 23, 1775)
1202\12020039.jpg,0,"Site of ground zero of atomic bomb, Hiroshima \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1203\12030052.jpg,,"A-bomb dome, Hiroshima, Japan. The gentleman in this picture told the photographer that he was standing at this spot on 6 August, 1945 -- the day that the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1601\16010037.jpg,,"Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Jr, pilot of the \IEnola Gay\i, the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, waves from his cockpit before take-off, 6 August 1945. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#atomic bomb
#Peace Memorial Museum
#World War II: Overview
#WWII: Dropping the Bomb
#Puerto Rico
#United States of America (USA)
#United States Movements 1960 - 1980
#Dominican Republic
#McCarthy, Joseph R(aymond)
#amino acids
#Transplants of Fetal Tissue
#cell (biology)
#cell (biology)
#family reconstitution
#Collingwood, R(obin) G(eorge)
#Popper, Sir Karl (Raimund)
#Rorty, Richard (McKay)
#Spengler, Oswald
#Toynbee, Arnold (Joseph)
2166\21660028.jpg,0,"Museums contain a wealth of historic artifacts (Songkla National Museum, Thailand) \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#African history
#Egyptian history, Ancient
#English history
#French history
#Greek history
#Roman history
#Russian history
#comparative history
#cultural history
#economic history
#historical demography
#historical materialism
#oral history
#social history
#Book of Changes
#Chinese historical writing
#Luoyang or Loyang
#Zhou or Chou dynasty
carr\carrastr.jpg,bint018.wav,"History of Astronomy \H"
0,hitlerv.avi,"Adolf Hitler \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
psfp\psfp0045.jpg,hitler.wav,"Hitler receiving guests at the Berlin Olympic Games, 1936\p\BSound\b - Hitler addressing a rally \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
psfp\psfp0044.jpg,vl16tr5.wav,"Hitler receiving flowers from Tyrolian children in traditional costumes\p\BSound\b - Hilter, Danzig speech excerpts, September 19, 1939 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
psfp\psfp0046.jpg,0,"Adolf Hitler (far right) \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
1602\16020087.jpg,,"Hitler and Mussolini in Munich \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Braun, Eva
#Goebbels or Gobels, (Paul) Joseph
#Great Depression in Germany
#Hess, (Walter Richard) Rudolf
#Hindenburg, Paul (Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und) von
#Hitler and the Nazis
#Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany (1933)
#Hitler: The Rhineland and Austria
#Hitler's war
#Munich Crisis
#Nazi-Soviet Pact
#Nazi-Soviet Pact: Preceding events
#Night of the Long Knives
#Stauffenberg, Claus, Graf von (Count of)
#World War II
#World War II: Overview
#WWII: Barbarossa
#WWII: Eastern Front
#WWII: The End in Europe
#WWII: The Road to War
#WWII: War in the Balkans
#Origins Of Archery
#Hittite Empire Discovered
#Archaeology in Northern Mesopotamia
#Archaeology: The Roots of Civilization
#Indo-European languages
#Sea Peoples
#Warfare in the Third Millenium BC
pdmt\pdmt0019.jpg,0,"Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) under a microscope \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#AIDS Updates
#Disease in The Modern World
#Drug Solution To AIDS?
#HIV Infection and AIDS, General Recommendations to Traveller
#Latex Allergy
#Medicine, Unanswered Questions
#Modified Virus To Fight AIDS?
#New drugs
#human leucocyte antigens (HLA)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ho Chi Minh City, approximate location"
0739\07390008.jpg,0,"Hollywood's Mann's Chinese Theater, USA (formerly Grauman's) \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390009.jpg,0,"Sidewalk of hand imprints from Hollywood's biggest stars, outside Mann's Chinese Theater, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390007.jpg,0,"Hollywood Boulevard, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
ulpd\ulpd0267.jpg,0,"Hollywood, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0269.jpg,,"Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#From Hollywood To St Helena
#Los Angeles
#Sutcliffe, Peter
#Tyson, Mike
#Holocaust and its Meaning
#Babi Yar
#Nazi Party
#World War II
#World War II: Overview
#geological time scale
#Quaternary period
#Gabor, Dennis
#sea cucumber
#Monument Below Sea-level
#Liberal Party (Australia)
#Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon
#Czech and Slovak literature
#Holy Spirit
#Charles V (Emperor)
#Louis XII
#Ark of the Covenant
#Temple, Jerusalem
#Orders, Holy
Holy Roman Empire.tbl,0,"Holy Roman Empire"
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#Frederick I (Emperor), known as Frederick Barbarossa ('Redbeard')
#Frederick II (Emperor)
#Reformation Europe
#Swabian League
#Jesus Christ
#radiocarbon dating
issg\issg0069.jpg,0,"Holy fire ceremony \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50019.jpg,0,"Horsepower is a unit of measurement originally based on the power of one horse. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Horsepower and James Watt
#power (physics)
vam1\vam10186.jpg,0,"Horsetail buttercups \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Carboniferous period
#Axis Powers
#Kun, BΘla
pdec\pdec0145.jpg,0,"Horticulture is the growing of fruit, vegetables, flowers and shrubs for pleasure or for commercial marketing. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3606\36060059.jpg,,"Ornamental gardens, St Petersburg, Russia \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#landscape gardening
#market gardening
#Old Testament
1766\17660039.jpg,0,"Nurse and patient, NME Hospital, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
stpd\stpd0158.jpg,0,"Neonatal clinic and equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1765\17650037.jpg,0,"CAT scan room, NME Hospital (UK) \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
3611\36110040.jpg,vl42tr13.wav,"Memorial to those killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall, Germany.\p\BSound\b - Ronald Reagan speaking about the Berlin Wall and freedom, June 12, 1987 \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Amnesty International
#civil liberties
#civil rights
#Erasmus, Desiderius
#More, Sir Thomas
#Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, comte (Count)
#bridge (engineering)
#Humber, River
#Humber Bridge
#Hull (UK), properly Kingston-upon-Hull
#Humber Bridge
100a\100a0119.jpg,0,"Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#comparative linguistics
100a\100a1110.jpg,0,"David Hume \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#English Culture 1625-1783
#Berkeley, George
#Locke, John
#condensation (physics)
#dew point temperature
#vapour pressure
vas6\vas60070.jpg,0,"Hummingbird -- Annas hummingbird \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
indi\indi0013.jpg,0,"Hyderabad markets \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
#Andhra Pradesh
#climbing plant
#deciduous plants
#evergreen plants
#addition reaction
#fluid mechanics
#hydraulic machinery
#aliphatic compound
#aromatic compound
#cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
#fluid mechanics
pdmt\pdmt0171.jpg,0,"Hydroelectric dam \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0008.jpg,0,"Dam power plant, Grand Coulee, Washington, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0007.jpg,0,"Hydroelectric dam \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0119.jpg,,"Hydroelectric dam control room \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#alternative energy
#Itaipu Dam
#renewable resources
vam2\vam20051.jpg,0,"Hydrofoil designed for racing \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#air cushion vehicle (ACV)
#gas, fuel
#chemical elements
diag\diag0076.jpg,0,"Schematic diagram of a hydrogen bomb. The top portion is a fission (atomic) bomb, used to initiate the lower fusion section. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Hans Bethe Speaks Against Hydrogen Bomb
#nuclear fission
#nuclear fusion
#nuclear weapons
#chemical bond
nwte\nwte0251.jpg,0,"Fresh water \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#condensation (chemistry)
3870\38700018.jpg,0,"Hydroponics -- Many flowering plants can be cultivated in greenhouses, where the temperature and humidity are regulated through the control of the environment. The quality is upgraded and production increased. \H\BPhotograph:\b China National Tourist Office refer David Ireland"
#fluid mechanics
#benthic or benthonic environments
#oceanic ridges
#base (chemistry)
#malic acid
#lactic acid
#medusa (biology)
#polyp (marine biology)
#Hydra (astronomy) (Lat 'sea serpent')
0,hyena.avi,"The hyena has a very keen sense of hearing and smell, as well as strong neck and jaws. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
3451\34510063.jpg,hyena.wav,"Hyena in the Masai Mara Game Park, Kenya, Africa\p\BSound\b - Hyena \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
3451\34510061.jpg,0,"Hyena in the African bush \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#Asclepios or Asclepius
#Amontons, Guillaume
#Egyptian history, Ancient
nwte\nwte0180.jpg,0,"Bees make up part of the Hymenoptera order. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3218\32180025.jpg,0,"Ice skating in Chengde, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3218\32180027.jpg,0,"Ice skating in Chengde, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Ice Skating Origins
#Improvements In Ice Skating
#Important People in Ice Skating's History
#Ice Skating World Championship Winners
0069\00690043.jpg,0,"Icebergs in Antarctica \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
vam2\vam20201.jpg,0,"Floating mass of ice \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20202.jpg,0,"Ice waterways require icebreakers to clear them \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#haemoglobin / hemoglobin
pdp1\pdp10178.jpg,0,"Gullfoss, Iceland \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Greenland And Iceland: Origins of their Names
#From Iceland to Greenland
#Iceland (Atlas)
#Iceland Political Rulers and Leaders
#Surtsey Island
#Germanic languages
#Icelandic literature
#Scandinavian languages
#Danish literature
#Laxness, Halldor (Gudjonsson Kiljan)
#Laxness, Halldor (GuSjonsson Kiljan)
#Norwegian literature
#skaldic poetry
#Swedish literature
#Britain, Roman
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#Jurassic period
#Roman roads
#Salisbury Plain
#motor racing
eppd\eppd0003.jpg,0,"Icon panel of Madonna, child, and saints, by Bartolo di Fredi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Byzantine art
#Orthodox Church or Eastern Orthodox Church
#graphic user interface (GUI)
#mouse (computing)
#icon (art / religion)
#Ten Commandments or Decalogue
eppd\eppd0021.jpg,0,"Iconography studies the use of symbolism in painting. In this painting, art historians would question the significance or symbolism of the quail in relation to Mary and Jesus. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Id al-Adha Festival
#Abraham, Abram, or Ibrahiz
mapl\maplida.jpg,0,"Idaho - map \H"
ulpd\ulpd0192.jpg,0,"Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0193.jpg,,"Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdp1\pdp10123.jpg,,"Pend Oreille Lake, Idaho, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Hell's Canyon or Grand Canyon of the Snake
#Lewis, Meriwether
#United States of America (USA)
#Charles's law
#gas laws
#gas, chemistry
#kinetic theory of gases
#statistical mechanics
#Bradley, F(rancis) H(erbert)
#Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
#Kant, Immanuel
#Berlioz, (Louis-)Hector
#gong chime
#jew's harp
#musical glasses
#musical instruments
#saw, musical
#tuning fork
#Trojan War
#Ypres, Battles of
#African history
#Benin (former kingdom)
#Igbo Ukwu
#Niger-Congo languages
#Loyola, Ignatius of, St
#extrusive rock
#intrusive rock
pnwe\pnwe0056.jpg,0,"Iguacu Falls between Argentina and Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam5\vam50241.jpg,0,"Iguana \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2068\20680024.jpg,0,"Iguana on Galapagos Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0739\07390078.jpg,0,"Iguana -- Marine iguana \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
vam1\vam10057.jpg,,"Iguana \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0146.jpg,0,"Buckingham Fountain, Chicago, Illinois, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0145.jpg,0,"Chicago, Illinois, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Lincoln, Abraham
#Springfield (Illinois)
#United States of America (USA)
#Drink Like A Fish
#Twinkling Stars
3608\36080041.jpg,0,"In this photograph the use of perspective, light and shade create slight illusions for the viewer's eye \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
stpd\stpd0190.jpg,0,"Immune system cells \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Immunity in Early Human Development
#Immunology and Antibodies
#Antibodies: Development
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#self / not-self
#severe combined immunodeficiency (SCI)
#civil law
#civil law (codified law)
#criminal law
#international law
#Infections, Wiping Out
#Monoclonal Antibodies
#Immunology and Antibodies
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#auto-immune diseases
#self / not-self
#computer printer
0,impala.avi,"The impala exists in herds of up to 100 animals which are mainly composed of females. Dominant males have their own territory and have access to the females in it. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
wssg\wssg0046.jpg,0,"Impala \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1405\14050058.jpg,0,"Impalas drinking at Kruger National Park, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1405\14050072.jpg,,"Impala grazing, Kruger National Park, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
3451\34510020.jpg,,"Impalas are an important food source in the Masai Mara Game Park, Kenya. \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
wssg\wssg0049.jpg,,"Impala ram \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#oil painting
vas6\vas60288.jpg,0,"Impatiens with poinsettias \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0269.jpg,0,"Red impatiens \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#zygomorphic flower
#Johnson, Andrew
#Nixon, Richard M(ilhous)
#alternating current (AC)
#complex number
#Colonial and Imperial Conferences
0711\07110056.jpg,0,"Imperial War Museum, London \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0711\07110058.jpg,,"Tank outside the Imperial War Museum, London \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Commonwealth Institute
#Crystal Palace
a154\a1540007.jpg,0,"Tahiti was colonized by the French \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#Boer War
#Britain in the 20th Century
#Britain: The Industrial Revolution to Imperialism
#British Government and Politics 1846-1901
#British Non-European Conflicts, 19th Century
#Castles as Strongholds
#De-colonization and the collapse of European Empires
#Decolonization: The British Experience
#indirect rule
#United States History, Foreign Affairs, Late 19th Century
scan\scan0189.jpg,0,"\IWater Lilies\i, an Impressionist painting by Claude Monet \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#French art
#landscape painting
#Ming dynasty
#modern art
#Monet, Claude
#Pissarro, Camille
#Renoir, Pierre Auguste
#Sisley, Alfred
#stream of consciousness
#Debussy, Claude (Achille)
#Romanticism (music)
#aleatory music
#cricket (sport)
#Surgery, The 'Golden Age' of
#Medicine, Ethical Issues
#test-tube baby
#Jesus Christ
#Astronomy in The Americas
#Ancient Amercia: 19th Century Exploration
#Bingham and the Inkas
#Spaniard Conquest of the Incas
#Pizarro, Francisco
#World War II
3218\32180041.jpg,0,"Incense burning outside Temple of Universal Peace, Chengde, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
wrpd\wrpd0089.jpg,0,"Coils with burning incense \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Incubi and Succubi - The Source of All Nightmares
#Fourth of July, July Fourth, or Independence Day
1601\16010077.jpg,0,"Independence Hall, Philadelphia \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Declaration of Independence
#Hardie, (James) Keir
#Labour Party
#maintained school
#public school
#Federal Reserve System (FRS)
#Dow Jones Index
#FT-SE Index (Financial Times-Stock Exchange Index)
#stock market
#Roman Catholicism
#Dow Jones Index
#FT-SE Index (Financial Times-Stock Exchange Index)
#retail price index (RPI)
#retail price index (RPI)
wrpd\wrpd0042.jpg,0,"Index of world religions \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#library science
2882\28820080.jpg,edtr21.wav,"Hawa Mahal in Jaipur, India\p\BSound\b - Bombay \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
2882\28820066.jpg,0,"Ellora Cave Temples, West India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840027.jpg,0,"View over Jaisalmer, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
indi\indi0041.jpg,0,"Indian streets \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
1278\12780011.jpg,0,"Dye and incense seller in Mysore, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840017.jpg,0,"Selling prepared food in Mysore, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
indi\indi0025.jpg,0,"Elephants are used in India by people for laborious work. Here we see a young elephant chained at the foot being led into the water. \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
2883\28830090.jpg,0,"India -- 'Havalis' Jaisalmer \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
indi\indi0017.jpg,0,"Indian holy man in Pushkar \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
1202\12020030.jpg,0,"Alleppey inland waterway, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2881\28810088.jpg,0,"Boats on Ganges River \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2881\28810100.jpg,0,"Desert dwellings in Rajasthan, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1278\12780016.jpg,0,"Lake Palace Hotel, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840079.jpg,0,"Buddhist monk in Manali, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
indi\indi0010.jpg,0,"Indian Saddhu (holy man) \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0019.jpg,0,"Marijuana seller in Rishikesh on the Ganges River, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
#Archaeology: India and the Mediterranean
#Britannia: Mistress of Commerce and Empire
#Colonial Conquest, 18th Century
#East India Company, British
#Europe: Early contact with India
#Gandhi, (Mohandas Karamchand)
#Gandhi, Indira (Priyadarshini)
#India (Atlas)
#India Political Rulers and Leaders
#India: Archaeological Investigations
#Indian architecture
#Indian art
#Indian dance
#Indian literature
#Indian Mutiny
#Indian National Congress
#Indian theatre / theater
#Mughal or Mogul Empire
#Origins Of Hindu Celebrations
#Origins of the Bungalow
#Punjab (India)
#Sepoys, the Conquest of India
indi\indi0057.jpg,0,"Indian architecture \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0054.jpg,0,"Indian architecture \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0033.jpg,0,"Indian architecture \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0038.jpg,0,"Indian architecture \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
indi\indi0050.jpg,0,"Indian architecture is often influenced by religion, as seen here in this temple in Konarak, India. \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
#Europe: Early contact with India
#India: Archaeological Investigations
#Islamic architecture
#Mughal or Mogul Empire
#Taj Mahal
indi\indi0035.jpg,0,"Indian sculptures on a temple in Konarak, near the Bay of Bengal \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
caoy\caoy0065.jpg,,"Indian koftgari vessel (steel inlaid with gold) c.1800 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0047.jpg,,"Indian artifact - metal bottle c.1840 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Europe: Early contact with India
#India: Archaeological Investigations
#Indian architecture
#Mughal or Mogul Empire
#deciduous plants
1278\12780069.jpg,clt1tr28.wav,"Kathakali dancer preparing for a performance.\p\BSound\b - Eastern Indian \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Bharata Natyam
#Dravidian languages
#Indo-Aryan languages
#Iqbal, Sir Mohammed
#Tagore, Rabindranath
ampd\ampd0079.jpg,0,"Map of the Anglo-Indian Empire, 1858 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#East India Company, British
indi\indi0011.jpg,0,"Political rallies in India can be attended by hundreds of thousands of people \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
mayf\mayf27.jpg,0,"Indian village in New Plymouth, 1620 \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
#Five Civilized Tribes
1278\12780069.jpg,clt1tr38.wav,"Kathakali dancer, India\p\BSound\b - First day in Bombay \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#American Indians and European Settlement
#Sioux on the War Path
#Colonial Wars
#America, Colonial-Indian Relations
#British Colonies in America
#Governor Glen, The Role of the Indians in the Rivalry Between France, Spain, and England (1761)
#American Indians
#Bureau of Indian Affairs
#Iroquois Confederacy
#King Philip's War
#Little Bighorn, Battle of the
#Pontiac's Conspiracy or Rebellion
#Powhatan Confederacy
mapl\maplina.jpg,0,"Indiana - map \H"
ulpd\ulpd0140.jpg,0,"Sim Smith's Bridge, Indiana, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Indian Wars
#La Salle, Rene Robert Cavelier, sieur de (Lord of)
will\will0098.jpg,0,"Immature Greater Honeyguide -- Almost all honeyguides are host-parasites like cuckoos, laying their eggs in the nests of other birds. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
table of indicators.tbl,0,"List of common indicators, and the amounts of indicator and ethanol required to make up one litre of the solution. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Crown Court
#justice of the peace (JP)
#summary trial
#Environmental Effects on Traveller's Health
1635\16350007.jpg,0,"Australia was still under colonial rule from Britain when it was colonized by the British. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Indo-European languages
#Baltic languages
#Celtic languages
#comparative linguistics
#family of languages
#Germanic languages
#Indo-Aryan languages
#Iranian languages
#Romance languages
#Slavic or Slavonic languages
#Tocharian or Tokharian
#Indo-Aryan languages
#Indo-European languages
#Iranian languages
#Austronesian languages
scan\scan0061.jpg,0,"Rice paddy in Bali, Indonesia \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
0889\08890059.jpg,0,"Rubber production hut, Bintan, Indonesia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
2061\20610063.jpg,,"Village elder weaving, Sumba, Indonesia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610056.jpg,,"Bodies await a burial ceremony in Sumba, Indonesia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
scan\scan0065.jpg,,"Tanah Lot in Bali, Indonesia -- one of the most photographed temples in all of Asia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2061\20610060.jpg,,"Thatched roof home in Sumba, Indonesia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610064.jpg,,"Indonesian women performing traditional dance, Sumba, Indonesia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610059.jpg,,"Indonesian beaded bag \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610055.jpg,,"Indonesian boy using horse to carry supplies, Sumba \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610057.jpg,,"Carving detail in Sumba, Indonesia - animals play an important role in Indonesian culture and religion. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Indonesia (Atlas)
#Indonesia Political Rulers and Leaders
#Irian Jaya
#Jakarta or Djakarta
#Sunda Islands
#Bahasa Indonesia
whal\whalinhu.jpg,0,"Indopacific Hump-backed Dolphin \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Oligocene epoch
#electromagnetic induction
#electromotive force
3612\36120046.jpg,0,"Immunofluorescence of a pronuclear stage embryo after \Iin vivo\i (spontaneous) conception \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#cell (biology)
#labour / labor
#electromagnetic induction
#Lutheran Revolt, the
#Jesus Christ
#Luther, Martin
#Roman Catholicism
#Archaeology in Persia and Central Asia
#Indus Valley Civilization (in detail)
whal\whalindu.jpg,0,"Indus River Dolphin \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Indus Valley Civilization (in detail)
#Indus Valley Civilization
#strike (economics)
#trade union
caoy\caoy0013.jpg,0,"Wedgwood coffee pot c. 1780. This style of porcelain was first manufactured in 1760 at Staffordshire, England by Josiah Wedgwood. It quickly captured a world market and remains to this day one of the greatest of all English exports. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Art Deco
#Arts and Crafts Movement
#functionalism (art and architecture)
#Disease in The Modern World
#occupational diseases
#Industrial Workers, United States, Late 19th Century
#industrial action
#trade union
#English Economy: Towards Industrialization
#Britain: The Industrial Revolution to Imperialism
#British Urbanization 1783-1901
#War, the Industrialization of
#Industrial Workers, United States, Late 19th Century
#Debs, Eugene V(ictor)
#Haywood, William D(udley)
pdec\pdec0008.jpg,0,"Forestry is regarded as a primary industry. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#noble gases
#Mach's principle
#moment of inertia
#Newton's laws
scan\scan0028.jpg,0,"Pope John Paul II in Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Council of the Church
#Holy Spirit
#Roman Catholicism
#Vatican Councils
#middle school
#primary education
#Germ Theory of Disease
#Medical Practice Before 1900s
#Anaesthesia and Antisepsis, The Age of
#Chemotherapy, The Start of
#Infections, Wiping Out
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
#Joseph Lister and the First Antiseptic Operation
#communicable disease
#isolation unit
#induction (logic)
3612\36120050.jpg,0,"Immunofluorescence of a blastocyst stage embryo after \Iin vivo\i (spontaneous) conception \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#artificial insemination (AI)
#gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
#test-tube baby
#uterine tubes
#Cantor, Georg (Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp)
#Inflammation, Traditional Treatment of
#fiscal drag
#prices and incomes policy
#retail price index (RPI)
#big bang
#grand unified theories (GUTs)
#fusional language
#fusional language
psfp\psfp0069.jpg,0,"Flu epidemic - Red Cross workers making masks \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Disease, The Spread of
#cat flu
#equine flu
#information technology
#cognitive psychology
#computer-aided software engineering (CASE)
#very large scale integration (VLSI)
#communication theory
#computer science
#International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN)
#electromagnetic radiation
#infrared astronomy
#infrared radiation
pdmt\pdmt0257.jpg,0,"Infrared image of head \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#infrared radiation
#electromagnetic radiation
#Herschel, Sir William (Frederick)
#infrared astronomy
#infrared photography
#data communications
#David, Jacques Louis
#French art
#capital transfer tax (CTT)
stpd\stpd0174.jpg,0,"Syringes in a laboratory \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1262\12620084.jpg,0,"Hypodermic needle and syringe \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
nas2\nas20059.jpg,,"The volcano Ra Patera on Io, as seen from Galileo. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20060.jpg,,"Galileo photo of the volcano Loki Patera on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20061.jpg,,"The volcano Eu boea Fluctus on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20062.jpg,,"Volcanic features on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20065.jpg,,"Color and enhanced Galileo images of three areas on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Galilean moons
#Galileo Finds Arizona-Sized Volcanic Deposit on Io (5 November, 1997)
#Galileo Spacecraft Sees Volcanic Fireworks On Jupiter's Moon Io
#Hubble Captures Volcanic Eruption Plume From Io
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Voyager project
eaoy\eaoy0001.jpg,0,"Io, guarded by Argus and liberated by Hermes. Mural painting from the Palatine (Palace) at Rome. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Argus, the Watchman (mythology)
#Water, Treatment for Safe Consumption
#chemical elements
#goitre / goiter
#action potential
#extracellular fluid (ECF)
#ion trap
#atom trap
#laser cooling
#Columba, St
#theatre / theater
#Mediterranean Sea
#chemical bond
#Greek architecture
#orders of architecture
#Roman architecture
#Marconi and Radiocommunication
#aurora (lights)
#radio waves
#Watson-Watt, Sir Robert Alexander
mapl\mapliow.jpg,0,"Iowa - map \H"
ulpd\ulpd0153.jpg,0,"Iowa, USA corn fields \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Des Moines
#Louisiana Purchase
#United States of America (USA)
#Medicines, New From Overseas
#root (botany)
#Trojan War
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ipswich, approximate location"
#Gainsborough, Thomas
#Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal
#Indian literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Iquique, approximate location"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Iquitos, approximate location"
#Mountbatten Assassinated (1979)
#Civil War Continues in Ireland (1920)
#Anglo-Irish Relations 1901-1975
#Northern Ireland
#Sinn Fein
#Europe: Early contact with the East
#Gulf War
#Gulf War (1980-8)
#Gulf Wars
#Iran (Atlas)
#Iran (Persia) Political Rulers and Leaders
#Iranian Revolution
#Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
#Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza
#Persian architecture
#Persian art
#Persian Empire
#Persian literature
#Source of All Magic
#Tehran or Teheran
#Irangate Scandal (1987)
#United States Foreign Affairs in the 1980s
#North, Oliver
#Reagan, Ronald (Wilson)
#Gulf War
#Gulf War (1980-8)
#Iran-Contra scandal
#Indo-Iranian languages
#Bani-Sadr, Abolhassan
#Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
#Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza
#Euphrates, River
#Gulf War
#Gulf War (1980-8)
#Gulf War (Jan-Feb 1991)
#Gulf Wars
#Iraq (Atlas)
#Iraq Invades Kuwait (1990)
#Iraq Political Rulers and Leaders
2728\27280039.jpg,0,"Scenery between Belfast, Northern Ireland and Galway, Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Gladstone, W(illiam) E(wart)
#Ireland (republic)
#Northern Ireland
elpd\elpd0044.jpg,0,"Country house in Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2728\27280089.jpg,0,"Scenery near Blarney Castle, Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280080.jpg,0,"Ancient ruins in the south of Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2727\27270004.jpg,0,"Landscape between Cork and Waterford, Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280030.jpg,0,"Irish countryside near Tipperary, Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280006.jpg,0,"Irish scenery near Galway, Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Anglo-Irish Agreement
#Britain and Ireland 1625-1783
#Claddagh Ring
#Cromwell, Oliver
#Grattan, Henry
#Henry II (of England)
#Henry VIII
#Ireland (Atlas)
#Ireland (island)
#Ireland 1625-1783
#Ireland Political Rulers and Leaders
#Irish Coffee
#Irish Counties
#Irish Famine
#Irish literature
#Land League
#March 17
#Northern Ireland
#O'Connell, Daniel
#Paddy - the Irishman
#Paddy Wagon
#Parnell, Charles Stewart
#Patrick, St
#Sinn Fein
#Wearing the Green
#William III
#Young Ireland
#missions, Christian
#Charles I (of England)
#Cromwell, Oliver
#English Civil War
#Begin, Menachem (Wolfovitch)
2060\20600094.jpg,0,"Asmat war canoes and warriors, Irian Jaya \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610018.jpg,,"Carving a pole, Asmat tribe, SW coastal swamplands of Irian Jaya \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610020.jpg,,"Mother and child fishing with woven basket, Asmat tribe, SW coastal swamplands, Irian Jaya\H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610019.jpg,0,"Agats: the first Asmat police in their headquarters, Asmat tribe, SW coastal swamplands of Irian Jaya, Indonesian territory \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610007.jpg,,"Dani tribesmen cutting up pig meat with a bamboo knife, Baliem Valley, Highlands of Irian Jaya \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
whal\whaliraw.jpg,0,"Irrawaddy Dolphin \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Ayeyarwady, River
pdec\pdec0143.jpg,0,"Irrigating a field \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Ob, River
#rugby football
#Peacock Feathers In The Theater
#Terry, Dame (Alice) Ellen
#theatre / theater
1601\16010055.jpg,0,"Washington Irving (1783-1859) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#American literature
caoy\caoy0166.jpg,0,"Sacrifice of Isaac, a relief in bronze by Filippo Brunelleschi, completed in 1402. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Abraham, Abram, or Ibrahiz
#Renaissance 'Nation-states' of Europe
#Columbus, Christopher
vam2\vam20091.jpg,0,"Queen Isabella's castle, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Edward II
#Edward III
#Isaiah, Heb Jeshaiah
#Micah, Book of
#Old Testament
#Isaiah or Isaias, Book of
#Isaiah or Isaias, Book of
#International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN)
#coronary heart disease
#Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh)
#English literature
#Abraham, Abram, or Ibrahiz
#Kaba, Kaaba, or Kabah
#Tammuz or Thammuz
#Council of the Church
#Meeting a Black Cat
issg\issg0019.jpg,0,"Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is a masterpiece of Muslim architecture. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0046.jpg,0,"Muslim women praying \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0721\07210078.jpg,0,"Islamic mosque built as a burial place for the spiritual leader Aga Khan, on the western bank of the Nile in Aswan, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
2728\27280099.jpg,0,"Islamic mosque in Cairo, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2884\28840026.jpg,0,"View of Istanbul from Bosporus, Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2883\28830070.jpg,0,"Street musician in Istanbul, Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1202\12020065.jpg,0,"Istanbul street scene \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
fa06\fa060094.jpg,0,"Sulaiman -- the Mosque of Sulaiman at Istanbul \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1202\12020062.jpg,0,"Housing in Istanbul, Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Bosporus Bridge
#Commemorative Origins
#Constantine I (Emperor)
#Hagia Sophia
#Last Crusade
#Olympia (Greece), Gr Olimbia
#Pythian Games
3611\36110041.jpg,0,"Deserted stone cottage in Susnjevica, Istria \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Yugoslavia or Jugoslavia
#Paranß, River
#Italian literature
#Romance languages
3607\36070043.jpg,0,"Unfinished sculpture by Michelangelo, Italian artist of the 15th and 16th centuries \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
eppd\eppd0032.jpg,0,"Botticelli's \IThe Madonna of the Pomegranate\i - Botticelli was one of Italy's great Renaissance artists. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2729\27290040.jpg,0,"Colosseum in Rome, Italy, completed around 80 AD \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280072.jpg,0,"Ruins of Pompeii, Italy, damaged by an earthquake in AD 63 and totally covered in AD 79 by the great eruption of Mount Vesuvius. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2264\22640017.jpg,0,"Ancient site of Pantheon in Rome, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
1407\14070080.jpg,0,"Stelvio Pass, northern Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2264\22640001.jpg,0,"St Peters Square, Vatican City, Rome \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2264\22640011.jpg,0,"Piazza del Popoli in Rome, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2883\28830058.jpg,0,"Gondola in Venice, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2883\28830040.jpg,0,"San Gimignano, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2264\22640003.jpg,0,"St Peters Dome, Vatican City, Rome \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
1407\14070073.jpg,,"Church on Stelvio Pass, northern Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Cavour, Camillo Benso, conte di (Count of)
#Garibaldi, Giuseppe
#Holy Roman Empire
#Italian art
#Italian literature
#Italy (Atlas)
#Italy Political Rulers and Leaders
#Mussolini, Benito (Amilcare Andrea)
#Po, River
#Renaissance, Italy
#Roman history
#Strategy, Mediterranean and Allied
#Victor Emmanuel II
#WWII: War in the Balkans
#Seven-year Itch
#lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's)
#Meiji Restoration (1868)
#Jupiter (mythology) or Iuppiter
#Russian history
#Russian history
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ivanovo, approximate location"
#Novello, Ivor
3451\34510025.jpg,0,"Ivory tusk of an African elephant, Masai Mara Game Park, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
caoy\caoy0026.jpg,,"Tankard, carved in ivory, (c.1600) depicting a Bacchanalian procession. The design is probably that of Rubens or another painter of the Flemish Baroque school. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#C⌠te d'Ivoire
fss1\fss10062.jpg,0,"Window box with ivy \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50046.jpg,0,"Ivy covered church \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0231\02310084.jpg,,"Ivy covered tower, Wodonga, NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Ivy on Gravestones
#climbing plant
#evergreen plants
ivy league colleges.tbl,0,"Ivy League Colleges \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
ulpd\ulpd0084.jpg,0,"Jamestown settlement with ships, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0082.jpg,0,"US monument in Jamestown, Virginia, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#America, The First Europeans
#America, First Settlements
2881\28810091.jpg,0,"Kashmiri family, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2881\28810092.jpg,,"Floating markets, Kashmir, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840072.jpg,,"Dal Lake, Kashmir, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1202\12020015.jpg,,"Srinigar, Kashmir, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Brahmaputra, River
#Jan Mayen (Atlas)
#Joint Academic Network (JANET)
#Roman Catholicism
#Jansky, Karl (Guthe)
#radio astronomy
#radio astronomy
#Saturn (astronomy)
3611\36110088.jpg,edtr35.wav,"Temple in Nikko in Japan\p\BSound\b - Mist of Fujiyama \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
1203\12030047.jpg,0,"Lake Towada, Northern Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1204\12040017.jpg,0,"Winter in Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0124\01240006.jpg,0,"Temple on lake, Kyoto, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2884\28840023.jpg,0,"Hiking trails, North Honshu, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840009.jpg,0,"Japanese theatre performance \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2754\27540017.jpg,0,"Japanese Festival of Masks (Tokyo) \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
ssas\ssas0291.jpg,0,"Japanese tea garden \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2754\27540019.jpg,0,"Japanese festival (Tokyo) \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1105\11050053.jpg,0,"Japanese war memorial \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Archaeology in Asia
#Bon Festival
#Far Eastern Archaeology Today
#Festival of Bonten
#Hadaka Matsuri
#Japan (Atlas)
#Japan Political Rulers and Leaders
#Japanese Festivals
#Kurama No-Hi-Matsuri
#Nebuta Festival
#Reasons For Japanese Celebrations
#Russo-Japanese War
#Sake's History
#WWII: Dropping the Bomb
#WWII: Japan's Defeat
#WWII: Japan's Expansion
#WWII: The Aftermath
#Yuki Matsuri
#Ashikaga shogunate
#Fuji, Mount
#Heian Period
#Japanese architecture
#Japanese art
#Japanese literature
#Japanese music
#Kamakura shogunate
#Meiji Restoration (1868)
#Nara Period
#Nobunaga, Oda
#Tokugawa shogunate
#World War II
#Pacific Ocean
fss1\fss10137.jpg,0,"Traditional Japanese bridge \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Japanese literature
0155\01550065.jpg,0,"Traditional Japanese restaurant \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1203\12030091.jpg,0,"Japanese country house \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
fss1\fss10137.jpg,0,"Japanese bridge \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1202\12020035.jpg,0,"Traditional Japanese house \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1203\12030037.jpg,,"Kannon Temple, Tokyo, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Chinese architecture
#Far Eastern Archaeology Today
#Wright, Frank Lloyd
wrpd\wrpd0102.jpg,0,"Japanese mask in traditional strong colours \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1203\12030046.jpg,0,"Japanese ice sculpture \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1203\12030065.jpg,0,"Japanese garden \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
caoy\caoy0226.jpg,,"Japanese vessel made of Satsuma porcelain from the province of Satsuma (c.1750) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0019.jpg,,"Japanese artifact - bronze candlestick (c.1875) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
0147\01470086.jpg,jay.wav,"Jay perched in tree\p\BSound\b - Stellar's jay \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
vam1\vam10034.jpg,0,"Grey jay in fir tree \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#crow (ornithology)
#United States Government History, Citizen Genet and Foreign Policy
1601\16010031.jpg,0,"John Jay, first US Supreme Court chief justice \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#United States Government History, Citizen Genet and Foreign Policy
#American Revolution
#Jay's Treaty
#Sri Lanka
#Armstrong, Louis
#Basie, Count
#Bechet, Sidney
#Beiderbecke, Bix
#Brubeck, Dave
#cool jazz
#Davis, Miles (Dewey)
#Ellington, Duke
#Evans, Bill
#Fitzgerald, Ella
#Goodman, Benny
#Hawkins, Coleman
#Marsalis, Wynton
#Morton, Jelly Roll
#Oliver, King
#Parker, Charlie
#rhythm and blues
#Smith, Bessie
#third stream
#Waller, Fats
#African dance
#Caribbean dance
#gas, chemistry
#quantum field theory
#stellar evolution
#dorcas gazelle
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Jedda or Jeddah, approximate location"
#Saudi Arabia
0894\08940036.jpg,0,"Police 4WD, NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
ulpd\ulpd0239.jpg,0,"People with jeep \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Jeep Origins
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Jefferson City, approximate location"
1600\16000001.jpg,0,"Thomas Jefferson, US president 1801-1809 (Painting by Thomas Sully) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
1601\16010073.jpg,0,"Thomas Jefferson (Charcoal drawing) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
fp03\fp03095.jpg,0,"Thomas Jefferson served as President of the United States from 1801-1809. During this time the United States doubled in size due to the Louisiana Purchase, which he authorized. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03078.jpg,,"Jefferson's arrival at the White House for Inauguration \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Adams, John, U.S. president
#American Revolution, Common Sense and Independence
#Draft for a Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom, by Jefferson (1779)
#Jefferson's Draft of the Declaration of Independence
#Letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Hammond. (September 5, 1793)
#Letters of Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), The
#Louisiana Purchase
#Thomas Jefferson on Slavery
#United States Government History, Hamilton vs. Jefferson
#United States Government History, President John Adams
#United States Government History, President Thomas Jefferson
1602\16020024.jpg,0,"Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US president \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
fp03\fp03078.jpg,0,"Thomas Jefferson's arrival at the White House for Inauguration \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Bloody Assizes
#James II
#James II, England
#Popish Plot
#Blanchard, Jean Pierre Francois
#WWI: The War at Sea, 1914-1918
#Boxer Rising
#World War I
vam5\vam50238.jpg,0,"Jellyfish \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
issg\issg0012.jpg,0,"Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
issg\issg0036.jpg,0,"Jerusalem at night (Israel) \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0168.jpg,0,"Armenian church in Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0169.jpg,0,"Armenian church detail, Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0026.jpg,0,"The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
cast\castl191.jpg,,"Damascus Gate, Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
1203\12030069.jpg,0,"Jerusalem from Mount Olivet (Israel) \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2882\28820050.jpg,0,"Dome of The Rock, Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2754\27540083.jpg,0,"Soldier in Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
issg\issg0013.jpg,,"Holy Sepulchre Church, Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cast\castl204.jpg,,"Summit of Mount Moriah, Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Dome of the Rock
#Olives, Mount of or Mount Olivet
#Palestine: Archaeological Investigations
#Temple, Jerusalem
#Western Wall
#Jerusalem Artichoke: Origin of the Name
#globe artichoke
#Jesuits, the
#Loyola, Ignatius of, St
#missions, Christian
#Roman Catholicism
wrpd\wrpd0292.jpg,0,"Christ statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0721\07210044.jpg,0,"Picture of Jesus Christ that survived a fire in which most of the inside of a church was destroyed, near Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
wrpd\wrpd0222.jpg,,"Stone statue of Jesus Christ \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2185\21850083.jpg,,"Christo Rei, statue of Christ overlooking Lisbon, Portugal \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
wrpd\wrpd0218.jpg,,"Jesus the Good Shepherd \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2883\28830010.jpg,0,"Kendo student in Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#martial arts
#Australian literature
#Australian republicanism
#Apollo Missions Contents
#Apollo programme
#Key Documents from the Apollo Space Program
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#Democratic Party
1600\16000022.jpg,vl16tr17.wav,"John F. Kennedy, 35th US president\p\BSound\b - Kennedy, 'Oath of office...', January 20, 1961 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
0201\02010076.jpg,vl16tr19.wav,"John F Kennedy (1917-63)\p\BSound\b - Kennedy, 'Let every nation know...', January 20, 1961 \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Bay of Pigs
#Berlin Wall (in detail)
#civil rights
#Cuban missile crisis (in detail)
#Kennedy, Robert F(rancis)
#Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
#Oswald, Lee Harvey
#United States, Decades of Change
#Vietnam War: Reasons for US involvement
0201\02010076.jpg,vl16tr23.wav,"John F. Kennedy\p\BSound\b - John F. Kennedy, 'ask not what your country...' January 20, 1961 \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Kennedy Assassinated (1963)
#Kennedy, Edward M(oore)
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#Kennedy, Robert F(rancis)
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#Grappelli, StΘphane
#Menuhin, Yehudi Menuhin, Baron
carr\carrmusi.jpg,vl42tr12.wav,"\BSound\b - Edward Kennedy's eulogy for Robert Kennedy, 8 June, 1968 \H\BPhotograph:\b Valentino, Inc \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#civil rights
#Cold War and the Middle East
#Cuban missile crisis (in detail)
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#Heaviside layer
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Kensington and Chelsea, approximate location"
0147\01470026.jpg,0,"Leafy lane in Kent, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
elpd\elpd0020.jpg,0,"QEII Road Bridge in Kent, England \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0724\07240076.jpg,0,"Leeds Castle in Kent, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
elpd\elpd0022.jpg,,"Autumn landscape in Kent, England \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0021.jpg,,"Canterbury Cathedral in Kent, England \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Britain, occupation by Saxons, Danes and Normans 409-1154
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#Alexandra, Princess, the Hon Lady Ogilvy
#Kent, Prince Michael of
rssg\rssg0028.jpg,0,"Princess and Prince Michael of Kent \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
rssg\rssg0027.jpg,0,"Prince Michael of Kent \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Kent, Edward (George Nicholas Paul Patrick), Duke of
mapl\maplky.jpg,0,"Kentucky - map \H"
ulpd\ulpd0087.jpg,0,"Winchester horse farm in Kentucky, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Boone, Daniel
#Mammoth Cave
#United States of America (USA)
#Virginia Resolution (1798)
#Alien and Sedition Acts
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Madison, James
2060\20600057.jpg,0,"Young warriors, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600056.jpg,0,"Vibrant colours of the traditional Samburu tribe, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600055.jpg,0,"Samburu tribesmen, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
3452\34520020.jpg,0,"Masai Mara Game Park, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3451\34510035.jpg,0,"Flamingoes on Lake Naivasha, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3451\34510012.jpg,0,"Cheetahs feasting on their kill in the Masai Mara Game Park, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3451\34510081.jpg,0,"Lion cubs in the Masai Mara Game Park, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
2060\20600052.jpg,0,"Elaborate decoration of Samburu warrior, Kenya \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Kenya (Atlas)
#Kenya Political Rulers and Leaders
#Kenyatta, Jomo
#Leakey, L(ouis) S(eymour) B(azett)
#Mau Mau
#Moi, Daniel Arap
#Rift Valley
#Kenyatta, Jomo
#Moi, Daniel Arap
#Mau Mau
#Moi, Daniel Arap
#Newton and Newtonianism
#Kepler and the Introduction of Dynamics
#Kepler, Johannes
#Brahe, Tycho
#Newton, Isaac
#vector (mathematics)
100a\100a0104.jpg,0,"Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Brahe, Tycho
#Kepler's laws of planetary motion
#Refracting Telescope in the 17th Century
2884\28840091.jpg,0,"Fisherman at Kovalam Beach in Kerala, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840010.jpg,0,"Fishing nets in Kerala, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Trivandrum or Trivandram
#October Revolution
#Russian Revolution
#Punic Wars
#scale insect
#literary criticism
#Hammerstein, Oscar, II
#beat generation
#electro-optic effects
#Kelvin (of Largs), William Thomson, 1st Baron
#Fraser, (John) Malcolm
#Whitlam, (Edward) Gough
#Ireland (republic)
dog0\dog0262.jpg,0,"Kerry blue terrier \H\BPhotograph:\b ⌐ Cabal"
#Jesus Christ
#American literature
#air force
#World War II
#bird of prey
#botanical garden
vas6\vas60110.jpg,0,"Piano \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#ondes Martenot
#Treaty of Versailles
#International Monetary Fund (IMF)
#New Deal
#Chicago School (economics)
#Keynes (of Tilton), John Maynard Keynes, Baron
#Neo-Keynesianism or new Keynesianism
#Sennett, Mack
#Andropov and Gorbachev
#intelligence service
2708\27080079.jpg,0,"Khajuraho \H\BPhotograph:\b Alan Alcock, Adventure World, per David Ireland"
2708\27080051.jpg,0,"Khajuraho \H\BPhotograph:\b Alan Alcock, Adventure World, per David Ireland"
2708\27080017.jpg,0,"Khajuraho -- Exquisite Craftsmanship \H\BPhotograph:\b Courtesy of Mr Shankar Dhan, Government of India Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
3402\34020092.jpg,,"Lace \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdp1\pdp10044.jpg,,"Green lace \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10050.jpg,,"Blue lace pattern \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
maoy\maoy0279.jpg,,"Specimen of Honiton lace c.1830. Honiton is a town in Devonshire on the south-west coast of England, where lace has been made since the 17th century. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0010.jpg,0,"Example of a landscape painting \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0124.jpg,0,"Example of a landscape painting \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Barbizon School
#Chinese art
#Danube School
#Hudson River School
#Impressionism (art)
#seascape painting
eaoy\eaoy0120.jpg,0,"\ISuspense\i by Sir Edwin Landseer \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#English art
#Antibodies: Development
#blood group systems
#rhesus factor
#Sennett, Mack
#New Zealand
#English literature
#Magna Carta
#theatre / theater
#Fair Dinkum
#Languages: Most Common
#family of languages
#sign language
#Old World monkey
#proboscis monkey
1601\16010052.jpg,0,"Sidney Lanier \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#American literature
#metre (UK) / meter (US) (literature)
#Labour Party
#MacDonald, (James) Ramsay
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Lansing, approximate location"
#chemical elements
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Lanzhou, approximate location"
#Trojan Horse
#Ireland (republic)
1750\17500068.jpg,0,"Streets of SavannakhΘt, the second largest city in Laos \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
1750\17500071.jpg,0,"Buddhist prayer temple in SavannakhΘt, Laos \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0068.jpg,0,"Laotian house made of bamboo \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0072.jpg,0,"Muang Luang is a rural village in Laos \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0066.jpg,0,"Laotian school in Ban Keng Kuet \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0083.jpg,,"Laotian school interior \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0073.jpg,,"Market in SavannakhΘt, Laos \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0071.jpg,,"Nam Kok River, Laos \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0101.jpg,,"Buffalo on the Nam Kok River \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0078.jpg,,"Lao Tung village. The Tung people led the rebellion against the French. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0069.jpg,,"Garlic growing in an empty bomblet dispenser. The locals cultivate lots of garlic, and resourcefully make use of Vietnam War relics. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0075.jpg,,"Laos, overlooking the Ho Chi Minh trail. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0080.jpg,,"Laotian women pounding rice \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0081.jpg,,"Rockeye bomblet. Throughout Laos there is still much unexploded ammunition left from the Vietnam War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#Laos (Atlas)
#Laos Political Rulers and Leaders
#Taoism or Daoism
#silicate minerals
#Archaeology: Colonizing the Pacific
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Lagrange, Joseph Louis, comte de l'Empire (Count of the Empire)
#Solar System
1005\10050073.jpg,0,"Young boy and his reindeer in Lapland \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / O.Monsen"
3608\36080018.jpg,0,"Village by the water in Lapland \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3608\36080016.jpg,,"Laplander with reindeer \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3608\36080017.jpg,,"Shepherd's cottage in Lapland \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3608\36080015.jpg,,"Typical architecture found in Lapland \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
0739\07390012.jpg,,"Casinos line 'The Strip' \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390013.jpg,,"Every year, thousands of tourists 'tie the knot' in one of Las Vegas' many wedding chapels - some are even 'drive-throughs', so the happy couple never even have to leave their car. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Stone Age Prehistory
#Lascaux Caves
#Palaeolithic / Paleolithic art
#Three Age System
stpd\stpd0017.jpg,0,"Laser light on a test tube vial \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0113.jpg,,"Laser surgery \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0151.jpg,,"Steel-cutting laser device in action \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#chemical laser
#dye laser
#energy levels
#free electron laser
#laser cooling
#laser mass spectrometer
#laser printer
#laser scanning
#laser typesetter
#semiconductor laser
#X-ray laser
#atom trap
#ion trap
#mass spectrometer
#computer printer
#laterality or lateralization
#Marx, Karl (Heinrich)
#English literature
#Laski, Harold J(oseph)
#literary criticism
#Lassa Fever (Travel Information)
wrpd\wrpd0253.jpg,0,"Painting depicting the Last Supper, St Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Hocus Pocus
#Gospels, canonical
#Jesus Christ
#Black, Joseph
#boiling point
#isothermal process
#melting point
#de Bono, Edward (Francis Charles Publius)
#Roman Catholicism
#Council of the Church
#Papal States
#gutta percha
iaoy\iaoy0293.jpg,0,"18th century lathe \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#machine tools
nscn\nscn0024.jpg,0,"The MartyrsÆ Memorial in St. Giles, Oxford, erected in 1841-3 in memory of Bishops Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer. They were burned at the stake, opposite Balliol College, with Latimer and Ridley going first, in 1555. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Edward VI
#Henry VIII
#Mary I, Tudor
#Italic languages
#Latin literature
#Romance languages
#Latin American and the Monroe Doctrine
#Latin-American Free Trade Association (LAFTA)
#Latin-American literature
#Catullus, Gaius Valerius
#Cicero, Marcus Tullius
#Ennius, Quintus
#Greek literature
#Plautus, Titus Maccius
#Pliny (the Elder)
#Pliny (the Younger)
#Propertius, Sextus
#Tibullus, Albius
#Virgil or Vergil
#Amado, Jorge
#Borges, Jorge Luis
#Darφo, RubΘn
#Fuentes, Carlos
#Llosa, Mario Vargas
#Mßrquez, Gabriel Garcφa
#Mistral, Gabriela
#Neruda, Pablo (Neftali Reyes)
#Paz, Octavio
#Portuguese literature
#Spanish literature
#Virgil or Vergil
ampd\ampd0075.jpg,0,"Latitude and longitude are indicated by the horizontal and vertical lines on a map. Here we can see them on this map drawn in 1858. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam5\vam50287.jpg,,"Lichen \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1262\12620013.jpg,,"Lichen \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#blue-green bacteria
cast\castl148.jpg,0,"Lichfield Cathedral, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl149.jpg,,"Lichfield Cathedral by moonlight, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl154.jpg,,"Lichfield Cathedral -- the south side \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl155.jpg,,"Lichfield Cathedral -- doorway in the north transept \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl156.jpg,,"Lichfield Cathedral from the north-west \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl157.jpg,,"Lichfield Cathedral -- the main doorway in the west front \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl150.jpg,,"Lichfield Cathedral -- the nave and west end from within the choir \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl151.jpg,,"Lichfield Cathedral -- watching gallery over the sacristy door \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl152.jpg,,"Lichfield Cathedral -- the Lady Chapel from the high altar \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl153.jpg,,"Spires of Lichfield Cathedral \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Pop Art
#liquorice or licorice
#Korean War
#United Nations (UN)
#Medicine in the Laboratory
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis
vas6\vas60137.jpg,0,"Liechtenstein Castle \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Liechtenstein (Atlas)
#Liechtenstein Political Rulers and Leaders
#F÷hn / Foehn wind
#Brahms, Johannes
#Schubert, Franz (Peter)
#Schumann, Robert (Alexander)
#Wolf, Hugo (Philipp Jakob)
#Ballets Russes
#Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovich
#Birth and Its Customs
#life cycle
#nucleic acids
fss1\fss10023.jpg,0,"Butterfly \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#alternation of generations
#rape (law)
2038\20380057.jpg,0,"Lifeboat on \IEye of the Wind\i, a square-rigged sailing vessel shown here en route to Norfolk Island, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI)
#Dublin (city), Ir Baile Atha Cliath, ancient Eblana
#Dublin (county), Ir Baile Atha Cliath, ancient Eblana
#Ireland (republic)
#space shuttle
#co-ordination compounds
diag\diag0073.jpg,0,"Top figure - reflection at a mirror. The laws of reflection say that angles A and B are the same.\p\pMiddle figure - a double-convex converging lens.\p\pBottom figure - a double-concave diverging lens. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
3606\36060027.jpg,0,"Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Magna Carta
vas6\vas60198.jpg,0,"Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0062.jpg,0,"Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam4\vam40153.jpg,,"Lincoln statue at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Lincoln, Abraham
#Inns of Court
fp03\fp03059.jpg,0,"Lincoln as central figure, with Constitution in centre and angel above in Union. (Engraving by H. S. Sadd after T. H. Matteson, 1861) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
1600\16000010.jpg,0,"Abraham Lincoln c.1863 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010026.jpg,0,"Abraham Lincoln (1809-65) \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1601\16010088.jpg,,"Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
vam4\vam40153.jpg,0,"Abraham Lincoln memorial statue, Washington DC \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#American Civil War in the East
#Gettysburg To Appomottox
#Secession and Civil War
#Slavery, United States, A Divided Nation
#American Civil War
#Booth, John Wilkes
#Gettysburg Address
1601\16010090.jpg,0,"Abraham Lincoln, 16th US president \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1601\16010091.jpg,0,"Mary Lincoln, First Lady \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
3606\36060033.jpg,0,"Village of Kettlethorpe parish church in the county of Lincolnshire, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Fens, the or the Fen Country
#Lincoln (UK)
#Diseases, Nutritional
#Scurvy, An Early Clinical Trial
fp03\fp03014.jpg,0,"Charles Lindbergh and \IThe Spirit of St Louis\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#lime (botany)
#Aidan, St
#Cuthbert, St
#bog burials
#Davis, Joe
1601\16010050.jpg,0,"Vachel Lindsay (1879-1931) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#computer printer
#intaglio, printmaking
#Linear B Deciphered
#Linear B
#Minoan civilization
#Mycenaean / Mycenean civilization
#particle accelerators
#Linear B Deciphered
#Greek language
#Linear A
#Ventris, Michael (George Francis)
3402\34020083.jpg,0,"Linen \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3402\34020082.jpg,,"Linen \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Twelfth Anniversary
#auxiliary language
#analytic philosophy
#Austin, J(ohn) L(angshaw)
#Ryle, Gilbert
#Wittgenstein, Ludwig (Josef Johann)
#applied linguistics
#Chomsky, (Avram) Noam
#comparative linguistics
#computational linguistics
#mathematical linguistics
#Saussure, Ferdinand de
#statistical linguistics
#English literature
#arachidonic acid
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Linz, approximate location"
2246\22460022.jpg,0,"Linz street scene \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2246\22460024.jpg,,"Danube River flowing through Linz \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2246\22460023.jpg,,"Church in Linz \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Bruckner, Anton
vam5\vam50165.jpg,lions731.wav,"Lion ù The majestic lion, king of the jungle \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2184\21840095.jpg,lama.wav,"Llamas at an alternative agriculture show\p\BSound\b - Llama \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
1749\17490023.jpg,0,"Llama in front of Machu Picchu peak, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
spd1\spd10036.jpg,0,"Llama baby with mother \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Lloyd-George (of Dwyfor), David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl
#Treaties of Rapallo and Washington
#Peace Treaties of 1919-23: Overview
#Asquith, Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford
#Boer Wars
#Liberal Party (UK)
#Sinn FΘin
#World War I
#Edward I
#Henry III (of England)
#Magna Carta
#geometries, non-Euclidean
#pressure group
#bony fish
vam1\vam10181.jpg,0,"Lobelia \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#zygomorphic flower
vas6\vas60085.jpg,,"Lobster and crab \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0121.jpg,,"Spiny lobster \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0130\01300019.jpg,,"Southern rock lobsters, South Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
#Lobster AmΘricaine
#spiny lobster
#parrot's bill
#acoustic coupler
#electronic mail or e-mail
#packet switching
#wide area network (WAN)
#district council
#parish council
#Andromeda (astronomy)
#Galaxy (astronomy)
#Magellanic Clouds
#Milky Way
#Treaties of Rapallo and Washington
#Locarno Conference 1925
#Hitler: The Rhineland and Austria
#World War II: Preceding Years
#Ness, Loch
#German art
0725\07250005.jpg,0,"Ship safely passing through locks \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0725\07250006.jpg,0,"Ship passing through a lock \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
diag\diag0008.jpg,0,"Lock diagram - in a Yale lock devised by US locksmith Linus Yale Jr in the 1880s, a set of pins inside a cylinder is raised to a predetermined height by a key with a serrated edge. This enables the cylinder to be turned, and the lock opens. If the wrong key is used, the pins are not pushed to their correct heights, and the lock remains closed. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Bramah, Joseph
100a\100a1007.jpg,0,"John Locke \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#American Revolution, Common Sense and Independence
0724\07240055.jpg,0,"Westminster Abbey, London \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0147\01470018.jpg,0,"Home of Sherlock Holmes in London \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0710\07100013.jpg,0,"Nelson's Column, Trafalgar Square, London \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
elpd\elpd0011.jpg,,"Knightsbridge, Harrods (dusk), London \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0010.jpg,,"Big Ben, London, England \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0008.jpg,,"Langham Church and BBC House, London \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0006.jpg,,"Hyde Park gates, London, England \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Adam, Robert
#Big Ben
#Billingsgate Market
#Britain, Roman
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#British Museum
#Buckingham Palace
#Covent Garden
#Downing Street
#East End
#Hampton Court
#Houses of Parliament
#Hyde Park
#Imperial War Museum
#Inns of Court
#Jones, Inigo
#Kensington and Chelsea
#London Bridge
#London Contemporary Dance Theatre
#London Festival Ballet
#London Group
#London Museum
#London University
#Monument, the
#Nash, John
#National Gallery
#National Portrait Gallery
#Natural History Museum
#Old Bailey
#Oval, the
#Royal Opera House
#Science Museum
#St James's Palace
#St Paul's Cathedral
#Tate Gallery
#Temple Bar
#Tower Bridge
#Tower of London
#Victoria and Albert Museum
#Wembley Stadium
#Westminster Abbey
#Wren, Sir Christopher
0147\01470016.jpg,0,"London Bridge and guards \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
iaoy\iaoy0058.jpg,,"London Bridge over the River Thames, London, England was designed by the great Scottish engineer John Rennie, who also designed the original Waterloo Bridge. It was finished in 1831 and dismantled in 1968. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Cohan, Robert
#modern dance
#Markova, Dame Alicia
#English art
#Epstein, Sir Jacob
#Fry, Roger (Eliot)
#Nash, Paul
#plane tree
london university colleges.tbl,0,"London University colleges \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
#London University Colleges
#American literature
#Derry (city), official name Londonderry (but Derry City Council since 1984)
#co-ordination compounds
#hydrogen bond
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Long Beach, approximate location"
#American Revolution
#Howe, William Howe, 5th Viscount
#New York
#Washington, George
1635\16350040.jpg,0,"Long jump athlete preparing for take-off \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
psfp\psfp0053.jpg,,"Long jump legend American Jesse Owens \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#triple jump
#Jiang Jieshi
#Lin Biao or Lin Piao
#Mao Zedong
#Red Army (China)
#Zhu De
#Cromwell, Oliver
#Bishops' Wars
#Pride, Sir Thomas
#Rump Parliament
#New Deal
#local area network (LAN)
whal\whallfpi.jpg,0,"Long-finned Pilot Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Western Warfare in the Thirteenth Century
#Warfare and Weapons in the Middle Ages
#Bois de Boulogne
1601\16010065.jpg,0,"H. Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-82) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#American literature
eppd\eppd0072.jpg,0,"\IThe Reception in the Villa Bagnoli\i by Pietro Longhi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0054.jpg,0,"\IThe Visit to Grandmothers\i by Pietro Longhi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0265.jpg,0,"Los Angeles, California, from the air \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0266.jpg,0,"Venice Beach, Los Angeles \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0264.jpg,0,"Los Angeles at night \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0739\07390002.jpg,,"Universal Film Studios, a theme park giving visitors a glimpse into the magic of movie-making, Los Angeles \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
ssas\ssas0001.jpg,,"Olympic entrance, Los Angeles 1984 \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, duc de (Duke of)
#Thirty Years' War
#High Heels
#Role Of King Louis XIV in Billiards
#Louis XIV in Arms
#Anne of Austria
#Augsburg, League of
#Colbert, Jean Baptiste
#Dutch Wars
#Fouquet, Nicolas, vicomte de (Viscount of) Melun et de Vaux, Marquis de Belle-Isle
#Frondes, the
#Leopold I (Emperor)
#Louvois, Francois Michel le Tellier, marquis de
#Maintenon, Francoise d'AubignΘ, Marquise de (Marchioness of)
#Mazarin, Jules
#Philip V
#Spanish Succession, War of the
caoy\caoy0017.jpg,0,"Clock c. 1760 representing a globe -- a fine example of French workmanship in the reign of Louis XV. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0021.jpg,0,"SΦvres vase c. 1760. SΦvres was a suburb of Paris where this elegant and rare porcelain was manufactured in a factory established by Louis XV and his mistress Madame Pompadour. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Austrian Succession, War of the
#Choiseul(-Amboise), Etienne Francois, duc de (Duke of)
#du Barry, Marie Jeanne Gomard de Vaubernier, comtesse (Countess)
#Fleury, AndrΘ-Hercule de
#Poland, Partitions of
#Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de (Marchioness of)
#Seven Years' War
#French Revolution
#Marie Antoinette (JosΦphe Jeanne)
#Necker, Jacques
#Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques
#French Revolution
#Napoleon I
#Marciano, Rocky
#French Revolution
#Hundred Days
#Jacobins (French history)
#July Revolution
#Revolutions of 1848
#Papua New Guinea
mapl\maplla.jpg,0,"Louisiana - map \H"
ulpd\ulpd0131.jpg,0,"Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0127.jpg,0,"New Orleans, Louisiana, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0124.jpg,0,"New Orleans architecture, Louisiana, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Baton Rouge
#La Salle, RenΘ Robert Cavelier, sieur de (Lord of)
#Louisiana Purchase
#New Orleans
#United States of America (USA)
fp03\fp03095.jpg,0,"When Thomas Jefferson left office as President of the United States in 1809, the United States had doubled in size due to the Louisiana Purchase, which he authorized. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Jefferson, Thomas
#New Orleans
#United States Government History, President Thomas Jefferson
0152\01520098.jpg,0,"Crab-eating macaque \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Barbary ape
#Old World monkey
#rhesus monkey
psfp\psfp0050.jpg,macarthr.wav,"General Douglas MacArthur (standing behind microphone) while General Yoshijiro Umezo of Japan signs the WWII surrender document.\p\BSound\b - MacArthur speaking at the Japanese surrender at the end of World War I \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
1601\16010017.jpg,vl16tr12.wav,"General MacArthur wades ashore during initial landings at Leyte, October 1944.\p\BSound\b - MacArthur, 'In war there is no...', April 19, 1951 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
1602\16020090.jpg,vl16tr13.wav,"General Douglas MacArthur\p\BSound\b - MacArthur, 'Appeasement is a sham peace...', April 19, 1951 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Korean War
#Korean War: Chinese intervention
#Korean War: US involvement
#World War II
#WWII: Japan's Defeat
#WWII: War in the Pacific
#Makassar or Macassar Strait
#Ujung Padang
#English literature
vam2\vam20223.jpg,macaws.wav,"Macaw ù Blue and yellow macaw\p\BSound\b - Macaw \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
vam5\vam50204.jpg,0,"Macaw ù Scarlet macaws \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1105\11050007.jpg,0,"Macaws ù Blue and yellow macaws \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
ww1m\ww1m0047.jpg,0,"German MG-42 light machine-gun \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0045.jpg,0,"German mauser MG-34 machine-gun from World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0067.jpg,0,"Machine-gun ammunition belts \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0042.jpg,0,"German MP44F machine-gun \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Bren gun
#Browning automatic rifle
#Gatling, Richard Jordan
#Maxim, Sir Hiram (Stevens)
#dark matter
0739\07390099.jpg,0,"Machu Picchu archaeological site with the Machu Picchu peak in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390098.jpg,0,"Machu Picchu \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490026.jpg,0,"Machu Picchu archaeological site. The road winds from the railway station to the ruins above. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
2038\20380039.jpg,0,"Madeira islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Amazon, River
#Berio, Luciano
#electronic music
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Madison, approximate location"
#New York City or New York
1601\16010074.jpg,0,"James Madison (1751-1836) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#American Constitution, Federal Convention 1787
#Constitutional Convention
#War of 1812
0201\02010010.jpg,0,"Madonna in concert \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos/fotos international"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Madras, approximate location"
#Tamil Nadu
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Madrid, approximate location"
0154\01540074.jpg,0,"Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540064.jpg,0,"Madrid, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2265\22650022.jpg,,"Valley of the Fallen monument at El Escorial, just outside Madrid, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0154\01540075.jpg,,"Moorish church in Madrid, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Spanish Civil War
#Baroque (music)
#Byrd, William
#Byrd, William, composer
#Gabrieli, Andrea
#Gibbons, Orlando
#Lassus, Orlandus
#Monteverdi, Claudio
#Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
#Weelkes, Thomas
#Wilbye, John
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Madurai, approximate location"
2708\27080004.jpg,0,"Madurai -- The Famous Meenakshi Temple \H\BPhotograph:\b Courtesy of Mr Shankar Dhan, Government of India Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
#Tamil Nadu
#Austronesian languages
#Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius
#Augustus, (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
#Propertius, Sextus
#Roman history
#Virgil or Vergil
#chambered tomb
#genre painting
#Rembrandt (Harmenszoon van Rijn)
#van Dyck, Sir Anthony
#French literature
#Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, Baron
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#Venera Programme
#Venus (astronomy)
#Galaxy (astronomy)
#Magellan Program
#Magellan project
#Magellan, Ferdinand
#Milky Way
#Southern Skies, Early Observations of
#Star of David
#Medicines, Chemical Basis of
#Pharmacology Comes of Age
#nervous system
fa06\fa060046.jpg,0,"Wise Men with gifts \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
fa06\fa060008.jpg,,"Wise Men with gifts for Jesus \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#January 6
#Three Kings of the East
#Matthew, Gospel according to
3218\32180091.jpg,0,"Magician in Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Birthday Celebrations
#Closing Eyes To Wish
#Cross One's Fingers
#Salt On Bird's Tail
#Tree On The Roof
#Tying The Knot
#Bridal Bouquet
#First Footer
#New Year Gifts
#Iron Bars
#Source of All Magic
#Magic Shield
#Circles of Magic
#Pointing The Finger
#Hocus Pocus
#Tree Worship
#Magic In Names
#Sacred Three
#Magical Multiplication Table
#Twenty-one Guns
#Magical Renewal Of Life
#Revelation Of The Ritual
#Glamor of Grammar
#Magic Codes and the Golem of Prague
#Countermeasures Against The Evil Eye
#Original Witch
#Witches and Medicine
#Cat Myths
#Safeguards Against the Supernatural
#Unusual Objects
#Rules for Using Amulets
#Chip Off The Old Block
#Hand as an Amulet
#Pentacle - The Star Of The Magician
#Hexagram - The Star Of David
#Swastika and Magic
#Signet Ring
#Druids' Name
#Gypsy Fortune Telling and Music
#Gypsy's Names
#Power of the Rod
#Origins Of Archery
#Hume, David
#hallucinogens or psychotomimetic drugs
#nuclear structure
#Post WWI: The World in Conflict
#World War II
#justice of the peace (JP)
#stipendiary magistrate
#Three Age System
#igneous rock
#Barons' Wars
#Bottle Sizes
#Government and Politics in England 1154-1272
#Public Record Office (PRO)
#Greek history
#milk of magnesia
#chemical elements
#Grignard, (Francois Auguste) Victor
naoy\naoy0169.jpg,0,"Magnetic fields can be illustrated using magnets and iron filings. \H\BAnimation:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Magnetic Island
#magnetic monopole
#adiabatic process
#geomagnetic field
#geomagnetic field
#magnetic moment
#Bernoulli disk
#floppy disk or floppy
#hard disk
#magnetic tape
#magnetic tape (medium storage)
#Winchester disk
#magnetic moment
diag\diag0010.jpg,0,"Magnetic field circulating around a current-carrying wire \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Faraday and Electromagnetism
#Faraday's Discoveries
#Mars Global Surveyor Detects Martian Magnetic Field (17 September, 1997)
#Strongest Stellar Magnetic Field Yet Observed Confirms Existence of Magnetars (May 20, 1998)
#Sun's Magnetic Field
diag\diag0009.jpg,0,"Magnetism -- a permanent bar magnet showing lines of magnetic field; N and S denote north and south poles, respectively. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Faraday and Electromagnetism
#Faraday's Discoveries
#flux (physics)
#magnetic field
#character recognition
#Bohr magnetron
#gyromagnetic ratio
#magnetic domain
#magnetic resonance
#neutron diffraction
#Dirac, Paul A(drien) M(aurice)
#gauge theory
#grand unified theories (GUTs)
#geomagnetic field
#magnetic moment
#nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
#paramagnetic resonance
#nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
#aurora (lights)
#geomagnetic field
#access time
#backing store
#cartridge tape drive
#Dolby system
#magnetic disk
#sound recording
#tape recorder
#gauge theory
#magnetic field
magnetic discoveries.tbl,0,"Magnetic discoveries \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
vas6\vas60099.jpg,0,"Corn cobs \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Archaeology and Latin America
#Corn Plant's Defence
#F1 hybrid
0725\07250094.jpg,major.wav,"Houses of Parliament, Palace of Westminster, across the Thames River, London.\p\BSound\b - John Major speaking about the Northern Ireland crisis \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Conservative Party
#Lawson (of Blaby), Nigel, Baron
#Thatcher, Margaret (Hilda)
#Balearic Islands
#Palma (de Mallorca)
#graphology, linguistics
#Mekele or Makale
#Ujung Padang
#Bantu-speaking peoples
#Bantu-speaking peoples
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Malabo, approximate location"
#Equatorial Guinea
#coeliac / celiac disease
#Crohn's disease
0153\01530008.jpg,0,"Kampong (or village) in the centre of Malacca, South East Asia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0153\01530012.jpg,0,"Chinatown in Malacca, South East Asia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0153\01530009.jpg,0,"Street market in Malacca, South East Asia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1407\14070097.jpg,0,"Local children in Malacca, South East Asia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1278\12780045.jpg,0,"Malacca beach, South East Asia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Old Testament
3209\32090018.jpg,0,"Malachite \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Bernard of Clairvaux, St
#Austronesian languages
#American literature
#Alaskan malamute
#Hertzog, J(ames) B(arry) M(unnik)
#Night Air And Malaria
#Pioneer Medico And Malaria Fighter
#Malaria Disease
#Malaria and the Anopheles Mosquito
#Malaria, Protection Against
#African Diseases Enter The New World
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
#Mosquitoes and Other Arthropod Vectors, Protection Against
#Infectious Diseases, Emerging
#Malaria (Travel Information)
#blackwater fever
#Papal States
#Malawi (Atlas)
#Malawi Political Rulers and Leaders
#Banda, Hastings (Kamuzu)
#Livingstone, David
#Bahasa Indonesia
#Malay (people)
2881\28810046.jpg,0,"Hindu festival in Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1278\12780024.jpg,,"Muslim school children in north east Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Austronesian languages
#Malay (language)
#sun bear
#Dravidian languages
#Austronesian languages
2881\28810046.jpg,0,"Hindu festival in Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2881\28810050.jpg,,"Fishing village in Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1407\14070070.jpg,,"Long boat on the Tembeling River, Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1407\14070043.jpg,,"Pulau Rawa is an island off Malaysia's east coast \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1407\14070098.jpg,,"Boatsmen in the Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1203\12030006.jpg,,"Typical wooden house on the east coast of Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
pdec\pdec0185.jpg,0,"Manatee off the coast of Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Manaus or Manßos, approximate location"
1749\17490034.jpg,0,"Houses built on stilts in Manaus, Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490033.jpg,0,"Markets in Manaus, Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490032.jpg,0,"Teatro Amazonas (Amazon Theatre) in Manaus, Brazil was inaugurated in 1896 with a performance by Enrico Caruso \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490035.jpg,,"Church in Manaus, Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Amazon, River
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Manchester (New Hampshire), approximate location"
vam5\vam50223.jpg,0,"Mandarin duck hen \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#perching duck
#Treaty of Versailles 1919
#Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
#League of Nations
#United Nations (UN)
0,mandelav.avi,"Nelson Mandela's 1994 victory \H\BVideo:\b United Nations"
psfp\psfp0058.jpg,mandela.wav,"Nelson Mandela waving to his supporters.\p\BSound\b - Mandela speaking about his hopes for a new South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
caoy\caoy0218.jpg,0,"Baccio Bandinelli (1493-1560), of the mannerist school, sculpted this relief in marble. Michelangelo was one of this Florentine artist's biggest influences. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
2052\20520092.jpg,0,"Great Forsters English Manor House 1500s \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Lords in the Middle Ages
#Domesday Book
#Baroque (art and architecture)
#motor racing
#English literature
#Murry, John Middleton
#short story
#diminished responsibility
#Polanski, Roman
#devil ray
eaoy\eaoy0005.jpg,0,"\IMeeting of the Marchese Ludovico of Mantua and his Son, Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga.\i A fresco by Andrea Mantegna \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0004.jpg,0,"\IMadonna with St John and the Magdalen\i by Andrea Mantegna \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Italian art
#praying mantis
#Tuberculosis, The Rise and Fall of
#tuberculosis (TB)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Mantua, approximate location"
#Virgil or Vergil
#Emanuel or Manuel I
#green manure
#Aldus Manutius
#chaos (physics)
#statistical mechanics
#quantum mechanics
#Japanese literature
#Nara period
3219\32190047.jpg,0,"Mao Zedong portrait on Forbidden City wall in Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190038.jpg,0,"Forbidden City entrance with Mao Zedong portrait, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
aaoy\aaoy0128.jpg,0,"From the theatre of Marcellus in Rome which was begun by Julius Caesar and completed by the Emperor Augustus in 13BC. It was estimated to have had a capacity of between 11,000 and 40,000 people. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Augustus, (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
#Punic Wars
1750\17500060.jpg,0,"Soldiers on the march \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#White Flag
#Marching Orders
#Berlioz, (Louis-)Hector
#Elgar, Sir Edward
#Sousa, John Philip
#Mussolini, Benito (Amilcare Andrea)
#Sherman, William Tecumseh
#marquess or marquis
#Louis, Joe
#Polo, Marco
psfp\psfp0060.jpg,0,"Marconi with his wireless telegraph \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Marconi and Radiocommunication
#Aquino, Cory
#Frankfurt School
#libertarianism (philosophy)
#libertarianism (politics)
#Marx, Karl (Heinrich)
0124\01240088.jpg,0,"Carnival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#New Orleans
#Rio de Janeiro
#Shrove Tuesday
#Edgar the ╞theling (Prince)
#Malcolm III
rssg\rssg0045.jpg,0,"Princess Margaret \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
rssg\rssg0046.jpg,0,"Princess Margaret \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Snowdon, Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of
#Henry VI
#Roses, Wars of the
#Kalmar Union
#polyunsaturated fatty acids
#diminishing returns, law of
#ox-eye daisy
#Austrian Succession, War of the
#Frederick II (of Prussia), known as the Great
#Poland, Partitions of
#Seven Years' War
#Northern Mariana Islands (Atlas)
#United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
#Pacific Ocean
2185\21850073.jpg,0,"Fisherman mending nets, Portugal \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)
#Let Them Eat Cake
#French Revolution
#Louis XVI
#Mirabeau, HonorΘ Gabriel Riqueti, comte de (Count of)
#French literature
#Louis XIII
#Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, duc de (Duke of)
#Napoleon I
spd1\spd10055.jpg,0,"Shaded marigolds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60273.jpg,0,"Marigolds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Marigold: Origin of the Name
#African marigold
#corn marigold
#pot marigold
#Mariner Program
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#Solar System
1750\17500059.jpg,0,"Gulf War homecoming parade for the US Marines in Jacksonville, North Carolina, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vwar\vwar0136.jpg,0,"Marines in formation \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
psfp\psfp0085.jpg,,"US Marines embarking for their offensive against New Britain in WWII \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
0285\02850007.jpg,0,"Koala \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#honey possum
#marsupial mole
#Tasmanian devil
#mole (zoology)
#pine marten
#Latin literature
#Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, known as Seneca the Younger
3217\32170004.jpg,0,"Young students at martial arts school in Wu Qiao, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3217\32170003.jpg,0,"Demonstration by young female student at a martial arts school in China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3217\32170005.jpg,0,"Students demonstrate skill at Wu Qiao martial arts school in Wu Qiao, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
srpd\srpd0179.jpg,0,"Karate originated in Japan and is now popular throughout the world \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#kung fu
#tai chi chuan
#Martin: Origin of the Name
#French literature
2919\29190008.jpg,0,"Martin Luther King \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#King, Martin Luther, Jr
#Bessemer process
#Italian art
#Sienese School
#Martinique (Atlas)
#Pelee, Mount
#Windward Islands
#Windward Islands (Caribbean)
#English literature
#metaphysical poetry
#Milton, John
2245\22450073.jpg,0,"Marx University \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Engels, Friedrich
#Feuerbach, Ludwig (Andreas)
#Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
#Marxist Archaeology
#Marx, Karl (Heinrich)
0124\01240010.jpg,0,"Lenin poster, Moscow, 1967 \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
#Russian Revolution
0721\07210034.jpg,0,"St Mary's Church in Zeitun, Egypt. It is said she appeared between the two domes of the church in 1968. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210033.jpg,,"Interior of the dome of St Mary's Church in Zeitun, Egypt - decorated with a painting of Mary. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
fa06\fa060009.jpg,,"Madonna and Child with Cherubs \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
fa06\fa060003.jpg,,"Madonna and Child \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
fa06\fa060001.jpg,,"Christ and Mary \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0297.jpg,,"Statue of Mary \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0295.jpg,,"Roadside shrine to Mary \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
fa06\fa060004.jpg,,"Madonna and Child with Angels \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2256\22560061.jpg,0,"Mary Rose interior \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
100a\100a0806.jpg,0,"Mary Queen of Scots \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
saoy\saoy0103.jpg,0,"Mary Queen of Scots and her husband Lord Darnley, who was murdered under mysterious circumstances \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
100a\100a0808.jpg,0,"Execution of Mary Queen of Scots \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Babington, Antony
#Bothwell, James Hepburn, 4th Earl of
#Darnley, Henry Stewart, Lord
#Elizabeth I
#Morton, James Douglas, 4th Earl of
#Rizzio, David
mapl\maplmary.jpg,0,"Maryland map"
ulpd\ulpd0056.jpg,0,"Burnside Bridge, Maryland USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#American Civil War
#American Civil War in the East
#American Civil War, Advance and Stalemate
#Chamberlain, Joshua, Brevet Major General, US Volunteers
#Confederate States of America
#Florentine School
#Italian art
#Masolino (da Panicale)
#Israel: Digging for Roots
#Israeli Archaeology
#Masada and Political Excavation
#Roman history
0,maasiv.avi,"Masai tribe in Kenya, Africa \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
fp03\fp03102.jpg,0,"Cotton Mather (1663-1728) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Colonial America, Society, Schools and Culture
#Salem (Massachusetts)
#French art
#Impressionism (art)
#Cayley, Arthur
#Jordan, (Marie-Ennemond) Camille
#Markov chain
#Massys or Matsys, Quentin
#special effects
#particle physics
#phases of matter
3608\36080080.jpg,0,"Snow covered cabin at the top of the Swiss Alps with the spectacular Matterhorn in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Whymper, Edward
#Gospels, canonical
#Magi (Greek Term)
#Matthew, St
#New Testament
#Sermon on the Mount or Plain
#Jesus Christ
#Matthew, Gospel according to
#Association football
#Hunyady, Jßnos
#Charles (Philip Arthur George), Prince of Wales
#New Zealand
#Kenya African National Union (KANU)
#Kenyatta, Jomo
#Conservative Party
#Heath, Sir Edward (Richard George)
#English literature
#short story
vam1\vam10086.jpg,0,"Windsurfing in Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0331.jpg,0,"Haleakala National Park in Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
hssg\hssg0088.jpg,0,"Waianapanapa Park in Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0089.jpg,0,"Waianapanapa Park in Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0050.jpg,0,"Lahaina Harbor in Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0059.jpg,0,"Molokini Park in Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0085.jpg,0,"Wahikuli sunset, Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0332.jpg,0,"Seven Sacred Pools in Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
hssg\hssg0036.jpg,0,"Ioa Needle in Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10102.jpg,,"Porteas from Maui, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Hawaii (state)
hssg\hssg0055.jpg,,"Mauna Kea in Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0008.jpg,,"Bay near Mauna Kea, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0056.jpg,,"Mauna Kea beach in Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Hawaii (state)
#Mauna Kea Observatory
#Hawaii (state)
#Good Friday
#French literature
#short story
#Zola, Emile
#least-action principle
#Newton, Isaac
#French literature
#Roman Catholicism
#United Provinces of the Netherlands
#William I (of the Netherlands), Prince of Orange, known as William the Silent
#Day, Dorothy
#Jansen, Cornelius (Otto)
#Mauritania (Atlas)
#Mauritania Political Rulers and Leaders
#Sahara Desert
#Western Sahara
0124\01240047.jpg,0,"Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, 1790s \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
0154\01540044.jpg,,"Chief volcanic plug, Mauritius \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0153\01530051.jpg,,"Port Louis in Mauritius \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Mauritius (Atlas)
#Mauritius Political Rulers and Leaders
#Port Louis
#Rodrigues Island
#French literature
#Mitterrand, Francois (Maurice Marie)
#Gur Amir or Gur Emir
#Lenin Mausoleum
#Mausolus, Tomb of
#Mount Li
#Taj Mahal
aaoy\aaoy0078.jpg,0,"Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the tomb of King Mausolus of Caria in southwestern Asia Minor, c. 350 BC. This building was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It was destroyed by an earthquake sometime between the 11th and 15th century AD and was believed to be used as a quarry thereafter. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Roman architecture
#Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
caoy\caoy0116.jpg,0,"Seal of the Emperor Maximilian I \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Reformation Europe
#Holy Roman Empire
#Jußrez, Benito Pablo
#Napoleon III
#Davies, Sir Peter Maxwell
#kinetic theory of gases
#Faraday's Discoveries
#Maxwell's Electomagnetic Wave Theory
#Marconi and Radiocommunication
#Photoelectric Effect Discovered
#Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
#Boltzmann, Ludwig (Eduard)
#ideal gas
#kinetic theory of gases
#Maxwell, James C(lerk)
#statistical mechanics
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Russian literature
#Russian Revolution
wrpd\wrpd0152.jpg,0,"Mayan pyramids, Middle America \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1750\17500012.jpg,0,"Mayan wood carvings from the roots of coffee bushes, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
yaoy\yaoy0372.jpg,,"Death god from the Mayan religion \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
yaoy\yaoy0370.jpg,,"Rain god from the Mayan religion \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
yaoy\yaoy0368.jpg,,"Itzamnß, the chief god from the Mayan religion \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#New Worlds Discovered 1500-1760
#Mayan Civilization
#Archaeology: Researching the Americas
#Archaeology and Latin America
#Proskouriakoff and the Maya
#Mayan Almanacs
#American Indians
ulpd\ulpd0025.jpg,0,"\IMayflower\i at Plymouth, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2038\20380024.jpg,,"\IMayflower\i under full sail \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
mayf\mayf72.jpg,,"Mayflower on route to America \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
nasa\nasa0096.jpg,0,"Mosaic of one hemisphere of Mercury taken by the Mariner 10 spacecraft during its approach on 29 March 1974. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Merchandise, Merchants And Mercury
#NASA Mercury Project
#Mercury Photo Gallery
#Solar System
pdmt\pdmt0263.jpg,0,"Mercury, sometimes called quicksilver \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Medical Innovations
#Merchandise, Merchants And Mercury
#chemical elements
#Merchandise, Merchants And Mercury
#Hermes (mythology)
#Mercury Photo Gallery
#Apollo programme
#Gemini programme
#Glenn, John H(erschel)
#Shepard, Alan B(artlett)
#space physiology and medicine
#English literature
vam1\vam10026.jpg,0,"Merganser with chicks \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#diving duck
#Monopolies Commission or Monopolies and Mergers Commission
2185\21850061.jpg,0,"International date line 180th meridian marker, Fiji \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#latitude and longitude
#meridian circle
#Bizet, Georges
#French literature
#Beauvoir, Simone de
#Sartre, Jean-Paul
#Sea Peoples
#Clovis I
#Mersey, River
3611\36110084.jpg,0,"Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
will\will0047.jpg,0,"White-breasted Mesites are confined to Madagascar. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#North American Archaeology
#Mayan Civilization
#Archaeology: Researching the Americas
#Archaeology and Latin America
#ChichΘn Itzß
#Monte Albßn
#American Indians
#Three Age System (in detail)
#Paleolithic Archaeology
#Three Age System
#CP violation
#particle physics
#pelagic environments
whal\whalmeso.jpg,0,"Mesoplodon Species A \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Civilization, Egypt
#Literary Tradition: The Origins
#Mesopotamian Archaeology
#Gilgamesh: The Search for Answers
#Woolley and the Sumerians
#Archaeology in Northern Mesopotamia
#Archaeology: The Roots of Civilization
#Farming: The Origins
#Carboniferous period
#Permian period
#Cretaceous period
#geological time scale
#Jurassic period
#Triassic period
#Sparta (Greek history)
#Thebes (Greece)
wrpd\wrpd0217.jpg,0,"Statue of Jesus Christ \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Jesus Christ
#Temple, Jerusalem
#Galaxy (astronomy)
#star cluster
#metabolism, inborn error of
#specific dynamic action
#Japanese architecture
pdmt\pdmt0259.jpg,0,"Molten metal \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam2\vam20062.jpg,0,"Welder in protective clothing \H\BVideo:\b Seattle Support Group"
#chemical elements
#metallic glass
#amorphous solid
#glass, general
#glass, manufactured
#powder metallurgy
#electron microscope
#X-ray diffraction
#chemical elements
#Can't See The Wood For The Trees
#Clean As A Whistle
#Dot On The 'i'
#Every Dog Has Its Day
#Fight Like Kilkenny Cats
#Flash In The Pan
#From The Frying Pan Into The Fire
#Go In One Ear And Out The Other
#Grapevine: Origins of the Saying
#Green Fingers And Green Thumb
#Like A House On Fire
#Nine Day's Wonder
#Play Second Fiddle
#Read Between The Lines
#Skeleton In The Cupboard
#Spick And Span
#Spill The Beans
#Strike While The Iron Is Hot
#Tongue In Cheek
#Wet Blanket
#Whale Of A Time
#Cook One's Goose
#Hair Of The Dog That Bit You
#Feather In One's Cap
#Be A Brick
#Tying The Knot
#Lock, Stock, And Barrel
#Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
#Lick Into Shape
#Devil's Mark
#Red Tape
#Fit To A T
#Ivory Tower
#Blake, William
#figurative language
#Chirico, Giorgio de
#Italian art
#modern art
#Cowley, Abraham
#Crashaw, Richard
#Donne, John
#English literature
#Herbert, George
#Marvell, Andrew
#Vaughan Williams, Ralph
#Italian literature
#cancer (medical)
#Constantine I (of Greece)
#Mechnikov or Metchnikoff, Ilya
#Meteor Showers (Annual)
#Solar System Studies, 19th Century
#cosmic dust
#Tunguska event
#Life on Martian Meteorite?
#Meteor Crater or Barringer Crater
stpd\stpd0043.jpg,0,"Studying the clouds and sun \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0218.jpg,,"Meteorologist at work \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0098.jpg,,"Meteorology -- Satellites are now the main source of meteorological data, the first purpose-built device being the American 'Tiros I', launched in 1960. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#atmospheric pressure
#Stevenson screen
#synoptic charts
#metre (UK) / meter (US) (physics)
#gas, chemistry
#gas, fuel
#formic acid
#Anaesthesia and Antisepsis, The Age of
#methylated spirits
#Actors' Studio
#Brando, Marlon
#Strasberg, Lee
#English Society 1625-1783
#Church of England
#Episcopal Church, Protestant
#Wesley, John
#Cyril (c.827-69) and Methodius (c.825-85), Saints
#coureurs de bois
#North-West Rebellion
#Red River Colony
#Red River Rebellion
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#figurative language
#blank verse
#heroic couplet
#Metric System
#Measurement Conversion Factors: Imperial to Metric
#Measurement Conversion Factors: Metric to Imperial
#Measurement: Imperial Units and their Metric Equivalents
#Measurement: Metric Units and their Imperial Equivalents
#general relativity
#Minkowski space
#computer network
#local area network (LAN)
0722\07220007.jpg,0,"Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#New York City or New York
#Bing, Sir Rudolf
#Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
#Toscanini, Arturo
#Walter, Bruno
#Revolutions of 1848
#Vienna, Congress of
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Metz, approximate location"
#Holy Roman Empire
#World War II
#Jean de Meung
#Netherlands, The
0739\07390055.jpg,0,"Contrasting architecture in Guanajuato, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390053.jpg,0,"Mexican church in Guanajuato, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
wrpd\wrpd0303.jpg,,"Mexican church interior, showing simple white architectural style \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#International Style, architecture
#Mexican art
1749\17490096.jpg,0,"Sculpture of Christ child and Indian woman, showing the Mexican artistic tradition of mixing native icons with modern-day beliefs, Chetumal, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
wrpd\wrpd0298.jpg,0,"Colourful shrine for the 'day of the dead'. This November holiday celebrates Mexican ancestors with elaborate graveyard displays and village festivities. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1749\17490098.jpg,0,"Religious altar located in public market building, Isla Mujeres, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Pre-Columbian art and architecture
ampd\ampd0086.jpg,0,"Mexico as seen in 1858 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Texas and War with Mexico
#Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of
#Polk, James K(nox)
#Wilmot Proviso
1749\17490066.jpg,0,"Mexican woodturner making lidded containers for sale to tourists in Quiroga, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490065.jpg,0,"Street parade in Pßtzcuaro, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390051.jpg,0,"Guanjuato religious procession, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390057.jpg,0,"Religious procession through the streets of Guanajuato, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390059.jpg,0,"Entering the cathedral on a holy day in Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
wrpd\wrpd0299.jpg,,"Display for the 'day of the dead', a November holiday when all of Mexico pays homage to its ancestors with elaborate festival activities. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0739\07390066.jpg,,"Xochimilco canals near Mexico City \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390044.jpg,,"Guanajuato, Mexico, cemetery tombs are layered to save space \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490059.jpg,,"Monument to three Mexican heroes: Benito Jußrez, Father Hidalgo, and Venustiano Carranzo, Ensenada, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490095.jpg,,"The Fort of San Felipe was built in 1729 as protection against English pirates, Bacalar, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390047.jpg,,"Mexican street scene \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Conquest of the Americas: Stone and Bronze Weapons
#Maximilian, Ferdinand Joseph
#Mexican architecture
#Mexican art
#Mexican War
#Mexico (Atlas)
#Mexico City
#Mexico Political Rulers and Leaders
#New Worlds Discovered 1500-1760
#North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Mexico City, approximate location"
1749\17490072.jpg,0,"Mexico City Palace of Fine Arts, viewed from the top of the Latin American Tower \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390068.jpg,0,"Mexico City Cathedral is one of the largest churches in the Americas. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490081.jpg,,"Mexico city centre, damaged by the 1985 earthquake \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Rossini, Gioacchino (Antonio)
#theatre / theater
#deciduous plants
#oil painting
#PΦre David's deer
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Miami, approximate location"
0122\01220022.jpg,0,"Miami boardwalk in Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
ulpd\ulpd0112.jpg,0,"Miami skyline, Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0110.jpg,0,"Miami Strip in Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Miami Beach
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Miami Beach, approximate location"
ulpd\ulpd0121.jpg,0,"Miami Beach in Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0111.jpg,0,"Miami Beach in Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2720\27200050.jpg,0,"Miao -- Silver head decorations of Miao \H\BPhotograph:\b Mr Xiong, China National Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
2720\27200041.jpg,0,"Miao Girls \H\BPhotograph:\b Mr Xiong, China National Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
#Sino-Tibetan languages
#Medicine, Unanswered Questions
#alternative medicine
#Hahnemann, (Christian Friedrich) Samuel
#Isaiah or Isaias, Book of
#Old Testament
#silicate minerals
#Antonescu, Ion
#Carol II
#Micah, Book of
scan\scan0202.jpg,0,"\ICreation of Adam\i by Michelangelo \H"
caoy\caoy0206.jpg,0,"\IBattle of the Centaurs\i relief in marble by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0213.jpg,0,"\ITwilight,\i detail from the tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0212.jpg,0,"One of \IThe Two Slaves\i by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0211.jpg,0,"One of \IThe Two Slaves\i by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0207.jpg,0,"\ITomb of Giuliano de' Medici\i by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0205.jpg,0,"\IMoses,\i statue in marble by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0201.jpg,0,"\IMadonna of the Stairs,\i a relief in marble by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0202.jpg,0,"\IBacchus,\i a marble statue by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
scan\scan0073.jpg,0,"\IDavid,\i a marble statue by Michelangelo \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Horned Moses
#Renaissance art
#Ghirlandaio, Domenico
#Italian art
#Ether and Light
#ether, chemistry
#ether, physics
#special relativity
mapl\maplmic.jpg,0,"Michigan - map \H"
#United States of America (USA)
ulpd\ulpd0144.jpg,0,"Lake Michigan, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0139.jpg,0,"Lake Michigan, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
aaoy\aaoy0112.jpg,0,"Tomb of Midas (c.600 BC) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Dionysus or Dionysos
3607\36070070.jpg,0,"The Mediaeval period from the Middle Ages gave birth to the Byzantine era, from which this mosaic came from. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Medieval Church and Religion
#Bishops in the Middle Ages
#Charity in the Middle Ages
#Education in the Middle Ages
#England's Medieval Empire
#Classes in the Middle Ages
#Lords in the Middle Ages
#First Crusade
#Crusaders Defeated
#Third Estate in the Middle Ages
#Medieval Emergence of Towns
#Medieval Kings
#Castles: Their Many Purposes
#Castles: A Part of Medieval Life
#Castles as Strongholds
#Castles: The Decline
#Cathedrals: Centres of Prayer and Power
#Medieval Architects
#Archaeological Romanticism
#Medieval Architecture
#Health in the Middle Ages
#Astrolabe, the
#Mediaeval Archaeology
#Dark Ages
#mediaeval art
#Roman history
#Archaeology: Researching the Americas
mapl\maplmde.jpg,edtr1.wav,"Middle East - map \H"
wrpd\wrpd0032.jpg,edtr1.wav,"Middle East inhabitant\p\BSound\b - Sands of the Middle East \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Hubble Separates Stars in the Mira Binary System (6 August, 1997)
#red giant
#variable star
#French Revolution
#Louis XVI
#mystery play
#Fata Morgana
#Uranus (astronomy)
#Voyager project
#right to silence
pnwe\pnwe0037.jpg,0,"Pond -- This pond is mirroring the weeds and sky above. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Breaking of a Mirror
#Broken Mirror And Seven Years Bad Luck
#Turn Down a Proposal
#ballistic missile
#guided missile
#Trident missile
#Birmingham Six
#Christie, John Reginald Halliday
#Guildford Four
#Ward, Judith (Minna)
#summary trial
#Japanese literature
#Akiba ben Joseph
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Miskolc, approximate location"
#Roman Catholicism
#guided missile
#dark matter
cast\castl137.jpg,0,"Interior of La Purissima Mission, Spanish California, early 1800s \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl135.jpg,0,"In the mission garden, San Juan Batista, Spanish California, early 1800s \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
wrpd\wrpd0309.jpg,0,"Christian missionary church \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Adalbert, St (Benedictine missionary)
#Adalbert, St, known as the Apostle of the Prussians
#Allen, William (1532-94)
#Bruno, St, also known as Boniface
#Edwards, Jonathan, Protestant clergyman
#Paul, St
mapl\maplms.jpg,0,"Mississippi - map \H"
#civil rights
#United States of America (USA)
ulpd\ulpd0162.jpg,0,"Steamboat on the Mississippi River in Minnesota, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0155.jpg,0,"Mississippi River flowing through Iowa in the USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0158.jpg,,"Mississippi River, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Missouri River
#United States of America (USA)
#Carboniferous period
mapl\maplmo.jpg,0,"Missouri - map \H"
ulpd\ulpd0151.jpg,0,"Mark Twain's house in Missouri, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0152.jpg,,"Ozark Mountains, Missouri, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3611\36110075.jpg,,"Gateway Arch in Missouri, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Jefferson City
#Louisiana Purchase
#Missouri Compromise
#United States of America (USA)
#slave trade
#Mississippi River
#United States of America (USA)
#song thrush
#thrush (bird)
#Romantic Mistletoe Tradition
#New Year Gifts
#Druidic Survivals and Legacies
#deciduous plants
#evergreen plants
#parasitic plant
#katabatic wind
#French literature
#Latin-American literature
#Chomsky, (Avram) Noam
#generative grammar
#pop music
#spider mite
#English literature
#U and non-U
#Lucullus, Lucius Licinius
#Sulla, Lucius Cornelius
0739\07390061.jpg,0,"Mitla archaeological site in Mexico. The patterns on the walls are not carved but formed by individual stones. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
2881\28810048.jpg,0,"Buddhist monks in Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2185\21850098.jpg,,"View of monastery near Wat Arun, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
1202\12020070.jpg,,"Orthodox monk in Jerusalem, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1406\14060083.jpg,,"Monastery on Mount Athos in Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Monks and Monasteries in the Middle Ages
#Cathedrals: Centres of Prayer and Power
#Monks and Nuns in the Middle Ages
#Downside Abbey
#Mendicant Orders
#Monk or Monck, George, 1st Duke of Albemarle
#Solvay process
#sulphur / sulfur
#Carter, Jimmy
#Democratic Party
#Reagan, Ronald (Wilson)
scan\scan0218.jpg,0,"\ITableau No. 1\i by Mondrian \H"
#De Stijl
#Dutch art
scan\scan0190.jpg,0,"\IHaystack at the End of Summer\i, by Claude Monet \H"
scan\scan0189.jpg,,"\IWater Lilies\i, by Claude Monet \H"
#French art
#Impressionism (art)
#Pissarro, Camille
#Chicago School (economics)
#quantity theory of money
#green pound
3210\32100088.jpg,0,"Money \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Alimony Meaning
#Bankruptcy in the Early Days
#Britain: Early Economy
#Can't Have Your Cake And Eat It Too
#credit card
#Early Banks
#Filthy Lucre
#Money Is The Root Of All Evil
#money market
#money supply
#Money: Medieval Emergence
#Nest Egg
#Nick Of Time
#Play 'Ducks And Drakes'
#quantity theory of money
#Raking In The Shekels
#Rim on Coins
#Slush Fund
#Special Talents
#Talking Money
#discount house (UK)
#discount house (USA)
#discount houses
#interest, simple / compound
#quantity theory of money
#interest, simple / compound
#money market
#French Revolution
#Bantu-speaking peoples
#Zaire or Za∩re
#Cameroon, Mount
2720\27200072.jpg,0,"Mongolian milking girl \H\BPhotograph:\b Mr Xiong, China National Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
#Genghis Khan
#Gobi Desert
#Mongolia (Atlas)
#Mongolia Political Rulers and Leaders
#Przewalski's horse
#Down's syndrome
#Moon Festival
#Mongols and their Empire
#Genghis Khan
#Golden Horde
#Kublai Khan
#Yuan dynasty
indi\indi0063.jpg,0,"Mongoose and cobra fighting. The mongoose is one of the only animals fast enough to attack and kill a cobra without fatal consequences. \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
#pluralism (philosophy)
1262\12620088.jpg,lizard.wav,"Monitor lizard with handler\p\BSound\b - Water monitor \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
3611\36110061.jpg,0,"Goanna is another name for monitor lizards that inhabit Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Komodo dragon
#Egas Moniz, Ant≤nio (Caetano de Abreu Freire)
cast\castl143.jpg,0,"At Santa Barbara Mission, Spanish California, early 1800's \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Monks and Nuns in the Middle Ages
#Charles II
#Charles II (of England)
#Dutch Wars
#English Civil War
#English Revolution, Happy Restoration
0122\01220070.jpg,monkey1.wav,"Monkey at Victoria Falls in Africa\p\BSound\b - Red-belly monkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
#Monopolies Commission or Monopolies and Mergers Commission
totw\totw0028.jpg,0,"Monorail at Disneyland, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#condensation (chemistry)
#amino acids
#flavouring agent
#Maronite Church
0207\02070053.jpg,0,"Echidnas are native to Australia and are one of only two existing monotremes. The other is the platypus, also native to Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#duck-billed platypus
#echidna (mammal)
#Latin American and the Monroe Doctrine
#Adams, John Quincy
#Monroe, James
1601\16010100.jpg,0,"James Monroe (1758-1831) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Monroe Doctrine (December 2, 1823), The
#Monroe Doctrine
0201\02010028.jpg,0,"Marilyn Monroe \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
vam4\vam40128.jpg,0,"Race cars lined up to start \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40050.jpg,0,"Grand prix race car \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20049.jpg,0,"Racing cars \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1639\16390010.jpg,0,"Motor racing at the Australian Formula One Grand Prix, held in Adelaide from 1985-1995, then moved to Melbourne \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1635\16350009.jpg,0,"Indy car race on Queensland's Gold Coast, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
srpd\srpd0187.jpg,,"Grand prix race car \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam4\vam40051.jpg,,"Pits and race track \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0894\08940046.jpg,,"Open wheeler race at Amaroo, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Checkered Black And White Flag
#Be Flat Out
#Motor Racing Champions
#drag racing
#stock-car racing
ww1m\ww1m0026.jpg,0,"Famous James motorcycle from World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0156\01560038.jpg,0,"Motorcycle owner and his bike in Tahiti \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
vas6\vas60174.jpg,0,"Motorcycle wheels \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20047.jpg,0,"Harley Davidsons are a very popular brand of motorcycle \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20048.jpg,,"Harley Davidson riders \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40131.jpg,,"Harley Davidson motorcycle engine \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#internal combustion engine
#motorcycle racing
#motorcycle trials
1635\16350021.jpg,0,"Michael Doohan leads Kevin Schwantz in a round of the 500cc motorcycle grand prix \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
vam4\vam40053.jpg,,"Motorcycle racing \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0894\08940043.jpg,,"Veteran motorbike race at Amaroo raceway in NSW, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0894\08940042.jpg,,"Veteran racing Norton motorcycle \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Motor Cycling Champions
#motorcycle trials
#motorcycle racing
#Jackson, Michael
#rhythm and blues
#soul (music)
#Wonder, Stevie
fp03\fp03027.jpg,0,"Lucretia Mott (1793-1880) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#United States History, Frontier Settlers
#United States History, Social Reform
#Friends, Society of
#slave trade
#women's liberation movement
#Castles: The Rise and Fall 1066 - 1087
#Bayeux Tapestry
1406\14060083.jpg,0,"Part of the Mount Athos monastery, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Greek Orthodox Church
#Terracotta Army
#Great Wall of China
#Qin dynasty or Ch'in dynasty
#Qin Shihuangdi
#Olives, Mount of or Mount Olivet
#Schmidt telescope
#Holy Smoke
#Shavuot: The Feast of Weeks
#Sinai, Mount
#Washington, George
#evergreen plants
#Rocky Mountain goat
#evergreen plants
#French Revolution
#Jacobins (French history)
#Plain, the
#Robespierre, Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore de
pdis\pdis0036.jpg,0,"Rock climbing is a form of mountaineering \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0038.jpg,,"Rock climbing requires great strength \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0043.jpg,,"Rock climbing can be very dangerous and exciting \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0037.jpg,,"Mountaineering and rock climbing is a very precise sport involving immense concentration and strength \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Man And Mountain's History
#Mountaineering And Science
#Formation Of Mountaineering Clubs
0201\02010068.jpg,0,"Lord Louis Mountbatten \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Combined Operations Command
#Mountbatten Assassinated (1979)
#Slim (of Yarralumia and of Bishopston), William (Joseph) Slim, 1st Viscount
#World War II
#Edinburgh, Prince Philip, Duke of
vam4\vam40060.jpg,0,"Royal Canadian Mounted Police \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2728\27280034.jpg,0,"Mourne Mountains in County Down, Northern Ireland \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
vam4\vam40208.jpg,0,"Common mouse \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#deer mouse
#harvest mouse
#jumping mouse
#Poor As Church Mice
#Balakirev, Mili Alekseyevich
#Glinka, Mikhail (Ivanovich)
#Neanderthal Man
#Palaeolithic / Paleolithic
#Three Age System
#Stiff Upper Lip
#Hand in Front of Mouth When Yawning
#Butter Would Not Melt In His Mouth
#alimentary canal
#cleft lip and palate
#cold sore
#salivary glands
#artificial respiration
#sound film
#Surgery in Early India and China
#traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
#Democratic Party
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Nixon, Richard M(ilhous)
1005\10050082.jpg,,"Mozambicans wait to vote during UN-assisted elections, Xipamanine, Mozambique, 1994 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / P.S.Sudhakaran"
#Mozambique (Atlas)
#Mozambique Political Rulers and Leaders
0723\07230004.jpg,andante.mid,"Mozart statue in Salzburg, Austria\p\BSound\b - \IAndante\i by Mozart \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Webster Publishing"
0724\07240099.jpg,mozart2.mid,"Mozart's birthplace in Salzburg, Austria\p\BSound\b - \IPolonaise\i by Mozart \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Webster Publishing"
2257\22570014.jpg,sonatac.mid,"Mozart statue in Vienna, Austria\p\BSound\b - \ISonata in C\i by Mozart \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Webster Publishing"
carr\carrmusi.jpg,cl1tr8.wav,"\BSound\b - Marriage of Figaro, The by Mozart \H \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#K÷chel, Ludwig Ritter von
#word processor
#operating system
#personal computer (PC)
#Sadat, (Mohammed) Anwar el-
3612\36120056.jpg,0,"Microscopic view of cervical mucous membranes \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3214\32140001.jpg,0,"Muesli \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
indi\indi0051.jpg,0,"Mysore vultures \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
#morality play
#Eleusinian Mysteries
a154\a1540083.jpg,0,"Churches play a large part in the religious quest for spiritual enlightenment \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#Figuring It Out
#From Mazel Tov To Schlimazel
#Zohar - The Bible Of Mysticism
#Ten Sefirot
#Augustine, St, originally Aurelius Augustinus, also known as Augustine of Hippo
1601\16010035.jpg,0,"A dense column of smoke rises more than 60,000 feet into the air over the Japanese port of Nagasaki, the result of an atomic bomb, the second ever used in warfare, dropped on the industrial centre 8 August 1945, from a US B-29 Superfortress. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Tokugawa Shogunate
#WWII: Dropping the Bomb
#Armenia (republic), official name Republic of Armenia, Armenian Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nagoya, approximate location"
3611\36110087.jpg,0,"Geisha girls in Nagoya, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3611\36110086.jpg,0,"Nagoya Castle \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nagpur, approximate location"
#Hungarian Uprising (1956)
#Hungary and the Soviet Empire
#Hungarian uprising
#Kadar, Janos
#Kun, Bela
#Russian Revolution
#Old Testament
#nymph (mythology)
#trade union
#Painting of Nails
#White Spots On Fingernails
#Caribbean literature
#short story
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nairobi, approximate location"
#Reagan, Ronald (Wilson)
#American football
#Albert Namatjira
#Aboriginal Art: Namatjira School
1005\10050072.jpg,0,"Namibia -- family of the Ovahimbo Tribe relax outside their home, Northern Kaokoland, Namibia \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
nwte\nwte0199.jpg,,"Namibia -- seals at Cape Cross in Namibia \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Namib Desert
#Namibia (Atlas)
#Namibia Political Rulers and Leaders
#South Africa
#Southwest Africa People's Organization (SWAPO)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Namur, approximate location"
#Indian Mutiny
#Adi Granth
#autonomic nervous system (ANS)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nanchang or Nan-ch'ang, approximate location"
#Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)
#Han dynasty
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nancy, approximate location"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nanjing, approximate location"
#Ming dynasty
#Opium Wars
#Taiping Rebellion
#Yangtze River
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nanning or Nan-ning, approximate location"
#Yuan dynasty
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nantes, approximate location"
cast\castl071.jpg,0,"Nantes, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Gothic architecture
#Nantes, Edict of
#Verne, Jules
#Henry IV (of France), originally Henry of Navarre
#Louis XIV
#Religion, Wars of
#Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, duc de (Duke of)
#Old Testament
#Ruth, Book of
#Israel, tribes of
#Old Testament
#aliphatic compound
#aromatic compound
#aromatic compound
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Napier, approximate location"
#New Zealand
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Naples, approximate location"
2727\27270005.jpg,0,"Near Sorrento, below Naples in southern Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Merchant Cities of Europe in the Middle Ages
#Napoleon I
#See Naples And Die
100a\100a1511.jpg,,"Napoleon I \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
0124\01240041.jpg,0,"Napoleon 1800 \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Aboukir Bay, Battle of (Aug 1798)
#Alexander I, (of Russia)
#Blⁿcher, Gebhard Leberecht von, Fⁿrst von (Prince of) Wahlstadt
#Continental System
#French Revolution
#Hundred Days
#JosΘphine de Beauharnais
#Napoleon II
#Napoleon III
#Napoleonic Wars
#Nelson, Horatio
#Peninsular War
#Waterloo, Battle of
#Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of
#Napoleon I
100a\100a1211.jpg,0,"Napoleon III \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Franco-Prussian War
#Haussmann, Georges EugΦne, Baron
#Napoleon II
#Revolutions of 1848
#Alexander I
#Alexander I, (of Russia)
#Barclay de Tolly, Mikhail Bogdanovich, Knaz (Prince)
#Blⁿcher, Gebhard Leberecht von, Fⁿrst von (Prince of) Wahlstadt
#British Warfare and Relations with Europe 1783-1901
#Charles XIV
#Confederation of the Rhine
#Continental System
#Ferdinand I, King of Naples
#France's 'Russian Haemorrhage' (Warfare)
#Francis II
#Frederick William III
#Gneisenau, August (Wilhelm Anton), Graf (Count) Neithardt von
#Godoy, Manuel de
#Grand Alliance, War of the
#Hundred Days
#Kutuzov, Mikhail Ilarionovich, Knyaz (Prince)
#Leipzig, Battle of
#Louis XVIII
#MassΘna, AndrΘ
#Napoleon I
#Nelson, Horatio
#Ney, Michel, duc d' (Duke of) Elchingen
#Paris, Treaties of
#Paris, Treaties of (1814-15)
#Peninsular War
#Pius VII
#Soult, Nicolas Jean de Dieu
#Stein, (Heinrich Friedrich) Karl, Freiherr (Baron) vom
#Trafalgar, Battle of
#Vienna, Congress of
#Villeneuve, Pierre (Charles Jean Baptiste Sylvestre) de
ulpd\ulpd0169.jpg,0,"Eagle Rock, Nebraska, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nssg\nssg0010.jpg,0,"Badlands National Park, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Louisiana Purchase
#United States of America (USA)
#Hebrew Bible and Astrology
#Koldewey and Babylonian Archaeology
#Babylonian Exile
nas2\nas20141.jpg,0,"Star-forming region in the nebula NCG604, in the nearby spiral galaxy M33, as imaged by Hubble Space Telescope and the Mount Palomar telescope. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
2884\28840001.jpg,,"Swayambunath, Nepal\H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2881\28810087.jpg,,"Village central Nepal \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840094.jpg,,"Water porter, Nepal\H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Everest, Mount
#Gurkhas, dynasty
#Gurkhas, military
#Kathmandu or Katmandu
#Nepal (Atlas)
#Nepal Political Rulers and Leaders
#oedema / edema
#plasma (physiology)
nasa\nasa0118.jpg,0,"False color image of Neptune, taken by Voyager 2's wide-angle camera through an orange filter and two different methane filters. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
ssp1\ssp10102.jpg,,"Neptune \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10103.jpg,,"Neptune's rings \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Hubble Space Telescope Finds Evidence That Triton Is Warming Up (June 24, 1998)
#Leverrier, Urbain Jean Joseph
#Neptune Discovered
#Neptune Fact Table
#Neptune Photo Gallery
#Solar System
#Solar System Studies, 19th Century
#Triton (astronomy)
#Voyager - Neptune Encounter
#Voyager project
#Voyager Project Information
#Neptune Photo Gallery
#Oratorians (world)
#oceanic zone
#quantum field theory
#Origins of the Palace
#Nero's Fiddling
#Agrippina, known as Agrippina the Younger
#Poppaea Sabina
#Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, known as Seneca the Younger
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nijmegen or Nimeguen, approximate location"
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#Hanseatic League
#Netherlands, The
#Tokugawa shogunate
#Aboukir Bay, Battle of
#Aboukir Bay, Battle of (Aug 1798)
0721\07210077.jpg,0,"Traditional boats on the River Nile, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
2728\27280083.jpg,0,"River Nile, between Cairo and Port Said, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2754\27540087.jpg,0,"Aerial shot of the River Nile \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Pyramids: Transporting the Stone
#Egyptian Archaeology: Inherent Problems
#Albert Nile
#Aswan High Dam
#Blue Nile
#Bruce, James
#Speke, John Hanning
#Victoria Nile
#White Nile
#African history
#Wagner, (Wilhelm) Richard
#nimbus clouds
#stratus clouds
3607\36070068.jpg,0,"Angels in this religious mosaic have a halo or nimbus surrounding their heads \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Christian art
#Roman art
pdp1\pdp10154.jpg,0,"Cumulonimbus clouds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#cumulonimbus clouds
#nimbostratus clouds
#WWII: Japan's Defeat
#World War II
issg\issg0058.jpg,0,"Castle Nimrod \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Babel, Tower of
#Flood, the
maoy\maoy0038.jpg,0,"Painted ornaments from Nimrud \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
maoy\maoy0034.jpg,0,"Sacred tree from Nimrud (in modern Iraq) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Mesopotamian Archaeology
#New South Wales
#Lutheran Revolt, the
#Luther, Martin
#Mesopotamian Archaeology
#Archaeology in Northern Mesopotamia
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ningbo or Ning-po, approximate location"
#Ming dynasty
#Song or Sung dynasty
#martial arts
#El Ni±o
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Nis or Nish, approximate location"
#Yugoslavia or Jugoslavia
#patas monkey
#Nit Picking
#nitric acid
#aqua fortis
#gas, chemistry
#food preservation
#chemical elements
#gas, chemistry
#Haber-Bosch process
#nitrogen cycle
#nitrogen fixation
diag\diag0011.jpg,0,"Nitrogen cycle showing the dynamic system of changes that occur in the environment \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Crookes, Sir William
#Haber-Bosch process
#nitric acid
#Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
#Anaesthesia and Antisepsis, The Age of
#Chemistry, Developments in 19th Century
#anaesthetics / anesthetics, general
#anaesthetics / anesthetics, local
#Niue (Atlas)
#Cook, James
#New Zealand
#Pacific Ocean
0201\02010061.jpg,,"Richard Nixon, 37th US president \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
1600\16000017.jpg,vl16tr26.wav,"Richard M. Nixon (1913-94)\p\BSound\b - Nixon, 'I am not a crook...', November 11, 1973 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
3612\36120006.jpg,0,"Anti-nuclear protesters in Sydney Harbour \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#United States Foreign Affairs in the 1980s
#Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
#Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
#nuclear weapons
stpd\stpd0009.jpg,0,"Nuclear power plant \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0171.jpg,,"Inside a nuclear power plant \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#atomic bomb
#chain reaction
#Fermi, Enrico
#nuclear physics
#nuclear reactor
stpd\stpd0189.jpg,0,"Forming of the nucleus of an atom \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#cold fusion
#hydrogen bomb
#Joint European Torus (JET)
#nuclear physics
#plasma (physics)
#magnetic moment
#magnetic resonance
#Bohr magnetron
#atomic physics
#nuclear fission
#nuclear fusion
#nuclear structure
#nucleus (physics)
#Chernobyl, Health Risks to Travellers
#nuclear fission
#nuclear fusion
#nuclear reactor
diag\diag0012.jpg,0,"Nuclear reactor, showing an example of an advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR) section through an electricity-generating power station \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
vam4\vam40020.jpg,0,"Nurse and child \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50024.jpg,0,"Nurse attending a patient \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Nurse's Uniform
#Hospital, Traditional
#Nursing as a Religious Order
#Nursing Becomes Professional
#Nightingale, Florence
#St John ambulance brigade
0123\01230087.jpg,,"Pistachio nuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230088.jpg,,"Brazil nuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230089.jpg,,"Peanuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230090.jpg,,"Beer nuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230091.jpg,,"Cashews \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230092.jpg,,"Almonds \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230093.jpg,,"Pine nuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230094.jpg,,"Hazelnuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Nuts Not Nutty
#Nuts And Alcohol
#Brazil nut
#Bradley, James
pnwe\pnwe0069.jpg,0,"Nutcracker -- Clark's nutcracker of North America \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#crow (ornithology)
vam1\vam10033.jpg,0,"Nuthatch \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#evergreen plants
#Nutrition and Religion
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
#nutritional medicine
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
wssg\wssg0076.jpg,0,"Nyala \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Rift Valley
will\will0079.jpg,0,"Common Potoo -- Potoos rely so heavily on their disguise that they can sometimes be caught by hand. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#Arusha Declaration
3402\34020089.jpg,0,"Synthetic fibres \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
ulpd\ulpd0132.jpg,0,"Ohio farmland, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0147\01470095.jpg,0,"Ohio, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#America, Road to Independence
#La Salle, RenΘ Robert Cavelier, sieur de (Lord of)
#United States of America (USA)
#United States of America (USA)
#Meade, James Edward
#Klitzing constant
#Ohm, Georg Simon
#Ohm's law
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ohrid, approximate location"
0122\01220053.jpg,0,"St Clement Monastery, Ohrid, Macedonia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0122\01220058.jpg,,"Silversmith moulding Ohrid pearls into silver jewellery. Ohrid pearls are formed by combining winter-time Lake Ohrid shells with special fish scales. The oysterless pearls are a mystery known only to the few who manufacture them and they are of superb quality and high price. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0122\01220060.jpg,0,"Lake Ohrid at sunset, Ohrid, Macedonia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Kitchener (of Khartoum and of Broome), (Horatio) Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl
#Mohammed Ahmed
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Omsk, approximate location"
#Trans-Siberian Railway
#batch processing
#Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
fp03\fp03057.jpg,0,"Mrs John F. Kennedy (official photograph). The White House released this first official photograph of Mrs John F. Kennedy taken in the family living room of the White House by Mark Shaw of New York City. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#Onassis, Aristotle (Socrates)
#cancer (medical)
#cell (biology)
#cancer (medical)
#Boulez, Pierre
#keyboard instrument
#Messiaen, Olivier (EugΦne Prosper Charles)
#American Indians
#Iroquois Confederacy
0123\01230084.jpg,0,"Onion \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vam5\vam50296.jpg,,"Onions and radishes \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10007.jpg,,"Bag of onions \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Lennon, John
assg\assg0006.jpg,0,"Ausable River, Ontario, Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#American Revolution
#Great Lakes
#St Lawrence River
#Welland Ship Canal
#Anselm, St
#cosmological argument
#velvet worm
#astronomical unit (AU)
#Solar System
#abstract art
#modern art
3402\34020100.jpg,0,"Black opal \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
stpd\stpd0056.jpg,0,"Satellite in orbit \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Newton and Newtonianism
#Newton and the Dynamics of Elliptical Orbits
#conic sections
#Giotto (di Bondone)
#Italian art
gssg\gssg0009.jpg,cl1tr8.wav,"The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra\p\BSound\b - The Marriage of Figaro \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
ulpd\ulpd0306.jpg,0,"Oregon Trail marked by a weathered stone monument \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#North America: The Struggle for Land
#Stravinsky, Igor (Fyodorovich)
vas6\vas60111.jpg,0,"Pipe organ \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Pull Out All The Stops
#barrel organ
#calliope (music)
#keyboard instrument
#reed organ
3214\32140020.jpg,0,"Organic architecture \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Aalto, (Hugo Henrik) Alvar
#Art Nouveau
#Gaudφ (I Cornet), Antonio
3870\38700019.jpg,0,"Organic Farming -- Hydroponically grown vegetables have become popular as mineral solutions yield cleaner crops. \H\BPhotograph:\b China National Tourist Office refer David Ireland"
#particle accelerators
#particle physics
#Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC)
#Marshall Plan
#Organization for Economic Co-operation
#Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
#Africa, Partition of
#Pan-American Union
#United Nations (UN)
#OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
#Central America
organohalogens and their uses.tbl,0,"Organohalogens and their various uses. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#alternative medicine
#Freud, Sigmund
#Orienteering World Championship Winners
3210\32100081.jpg,0,"Origami art \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#January 6
#Three Kings Of The East
#Calvin and his Creed
#Puritan Churches
nas2\nas20138.jpg,0,"Mosaic of 45 images taken between Jan. 1994 and March 1995 of M42, the Orion Nebula. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#infrared radiation
#Pleiades (mythology)
2708\27080015.jpg,0,"Orissa -- Stately stripes of Konark Temple \H\BPhotograph:\b Courtesy of Mr Shankar Dhan, Government of India Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
#British Isles
#Skara Brae
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Orlando, approximate location"
#Disney, Walt(er Elias)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Orleans, approximate location"
#Hundred Years' War
#Joan of Arc, St
#Agincourt, Battle of
#French literature
#OrlΘans, Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d' (Duke of)
#French Revolution
#Louis XVI
#Marie Antoinette (JosΦphe Jeanne)
1766\17660074.jpg,0,"Black bellied korhaan \I(Eupodotis melanogaster)\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
1766\17660079.jpg,,"White backed vultures \I(Gyps africanus)\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
1766\17660078.jpg,,"Grey hornbill \I(Tocus nasutus epirhinus)\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
1766\17660076.jpg,,"Ostrich with chicks \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#igneous rock
#intrusive rock
#plate tectonics
#condensation (physics)
#F÷hn / Foehn wind
#Galla or Oromo
#Mexican art
eppd\eppd0047.jpg,0,"\IOrpheus and Eurydice\i by Titian Vecellio \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#abstract art
#Delaunay, Robert
#modern art
ampd\ampd0065.jpg,0,"Planisphere 1610 (square from a \IMap of Sacred Geography)\i by Ortelius \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#charge-coupled device
#feldspar or felspar
3611\36110004.jpg,0,"Russian Orthodox Church \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
wrpd\wrpd0167.jpg,0,"Orthodox church interior \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdp1\pdp10039.jpg,0,"Bustard -- Male bustards in nuptial plumage often have bold markings on the head, breast, or belly \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3451\34510004.jpg,,"Senegal Bustard in Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathon King"
vam5\vam50225.jpg,t_owl871.wav,"Owl ù Burrowing owl\p\BSound\b - Tawny owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Production Music Services Pty Ltd"
vam5\vam50201.jpg,owl.wav,"Great Grey owl\p\BSound\b - Great Horned Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
vam1\vam10005.jpg,0,"Barred owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20220.jpg,0,"Snowy Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50196.jpg,0,"Spotted owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
spd1\spd10042.jpg,0,"Owl in tree \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10008.jpg,0,"Owl \h\bphotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#barn owl
#bird of prey
#burrowing owl
#eagle owl
#fish owl
#grass owl
#hawk owl
#little owl
#owlet frogmouth
#scops owl
#tawny owl
#noctuid moth
#owlet frogmouth
2185\21850035.jpg,0,"Ox \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2882\28820072.jpg,0,"Ox cart, south east Sri Lanka \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0172\01720045.jpg,0,"Ox cart, La Digue, Seychelles \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0153\01530044.jpg,,"Ox wagon used to transport produce, Mauritius \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Hot Cross Buns
#banteng or banting
#bull (zoology)
#wood sorrel
#Gustav II Adolf or Gustavus Adolphus
#Thirty Years' War
#Three Worlds Theory
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Oxford, approximate location"
nscn\nscn0018.jpg,0,"Broad Street, Oxford; on the left you can see the 'EmperorsÆ Heads' (erected in 1669) sitting on the railings separating the street from the Sheldonian Theatre. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0026.jpg,0,"Bicycles are a very popular way, especially for students, in moving around Oxford. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0027.jpg,0,"The High Street, Oxford. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0029.jpg,0,"The Parish Church of St. Giles, Oxford, completed in the 12th century. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0030.jpg,0,"BlackwellÆs bookstore in Broad Street, Oxford, was opened in 1879. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0021.jpg,0,"St Mary Magdalen Church, Oxford. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0022.jpg,0,"This plaque sits in the wall in Broad Street, Oxford, commemorating the burning at the stake of Bishops Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer in 1555 and 1556 \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0025.jpg,0,"This plaque sits in a wall in the High Street, Oxford, commemorating the discoveries and inventions of Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1278\12780090.jpg,0,"Oxford, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2729\27290068.jpg,,"Near Oxford in England \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0024.jpg,,"The MartyrsÆ Memorial in St. Giles, Oxford, erected in 1841-3 in memory of Bishops Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer. They were burned at the stake, opposite Balliol College, with Latimer and Ridley going first, in 1555. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0023.jpg,,"The Radcliffe Camera, Oxford, part of the world-famous Oxford University Bodleian Library. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Ashmolean Museum
#Bodleian Library
#Oxford University
#Church of England
#Keble, John
#Newman, John Henry, Cardinal
#Pusey, E(dward) B(ouverie)
oxford university colleges.tbl,0,"Oxford University Colleges \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0020.jpg,0,"Balliol College, Oxford, reputed to be the oldest college in Oxford, being founded in 1263 \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0019.jpg,0,"Trinity College, Oxford, which dates back to 1286 \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0028.jpg,0,"St JohnÆs College, Oxford, founded in 1457 for Cistercian monks \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
0147\01470003.jpg,0,"Oxford University \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
cast\castl088.jpg,,"Magdalen College, Oxford, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl090.jpg,,"Merton College Chapel, Oxford, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl091.jpg,,"Magdalen College entrance gate, Oxford, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
cast\castl092.jpg,,"Oriel College, Oxford, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Ashmolean Museum
#Bodleian Library
#Oxford University Colleges
#Paris, University of
#Government and Politics in England 1154-1272
#Barons' Wars
#Henry III (of England)
2728\27280068.jpg,0,"Typical scenery in Oxfordshire, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280029.jpg,0,"Oxfordshire scenery, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Chiltern Hills
#Cotswold Hills or Cotswolds
#Joint European Torus (JET)
#Thames, River
#pyruvic acid
#Amudarya, River
#Oxygen: Origin of the Name
#Oxygen Discovered
#Phlogiston and the Discovery of Oxygen
#Lavoisier: Phlogiston Disproved
#ether, chemistry
#chemical elements
#oxygen cycle
#nitrogen cycle
0155\01550013.jpg,0,"Oyster leases in Japanese waters \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
ulpd\ulpd0152.jpg,0,"Ozark Mountains, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pnwe\pnwe0259.jpg,,"Stream in the Ozark Mountains \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#United States of America (USA)
#Oxygen Discovered
#ozone layer
pdmt\pdmt0219.jpg,0,"Ozone layer, computer aided design of \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Fire and Ice: Arctic Expedition Probes Roles of Clouds in Climate Change (May 29, 1998)
#greenhouse effect
#Increasing Greenhouse Gases May Be Worsening Arctic Ozone Depletion (8 April, 1998)
#nervous system
#Bach, Johann Sebastian
caoy\caoy0128.jpg,0,"Michael Pacher carved this Gothic altar for the Church of St Wolfgang in Upper Austria in 1481. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Jerome, St
2166\21660026.jpg,0,"Elephant and trainer in the street at Haad Yai, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
nwte\nwte0041.jpg,0,"Elephants in an African game park \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
vam4\vam40175.jpg,0,"Sunset over the Pacific \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0155\01550004.jpg,0,"Pacific Ocean on the New South Wales coast, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0156\01560009.jpg,,"Soft coral found on the bed of the Pacific Ocean, Micronesia \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#Naming of the Pacific Ocean
#Pacific Ocean (Atlas)
#continental drift
#plate tectonics
#Macdonald, Sir John A(lexander)
whal\whalpwsi.jpg,0,"Pacific White-sided Dolphin \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#International Packet Switching Service (IPSS)
#public switched telephone network (PSTN)
#Kellogg-Briand Pact
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Padang, approximate location"
#platform tennis
#Cretaceous period
#Eocene epoch
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Padua, approximate location"
#Antony or Anthony of Padua, St
#congenital abnormality
#desk-top publishing
#mobile communications
vas6\vas60121.jpg,0,"Pagoda at night \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Chinese architecture
#Mahamuni Pagoda or Arakan Pagoda
#Shwe Dagon Pagoda
#Shwezigon Pagoda
#Indo-Aryan languages
#Iranian Revolution
#Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
#Haul Over The Coals
#nervous system
#opioid peptides
#Pain and Suffering in Christianity
#substance P
#Thorn In One's Side
#American Revolution, Common Sense and Independence
#French Revolution
#Thomas Paine, The American Crisis (1780)
#Thomas Paine, The Rights Of Man (1791-1792)
vam4\vam40291.jpg,0,"Paint drop \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10042.jpg,0,"Paint splatter \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#acrylic painting
#bitumen (art)
#bitumen (petroleum derivative)
#medium (art)
#oil painting
#Paint The Town Red
#William Burbery's Paint Tools
eppd\eppd0084.jpg,0,"\IRice Weeding\i by Morbelli \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0075.jpg,0,"\IOld Sculptors Studio\i by Quadrone \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0077.jpg,0,"\IMonks in Cloister in Venice\i by Guardi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0051.jpg,0,"Portrait of a Seated Elderly Man by Moroni \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0036.jpg,0,"Portrait of a Girl with Fan by Ceruti, known as \IPitocchetto\i \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0035.jpg,0,"Portrait of a Young Woman by Palagi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0071.jpg,0,"\IThe Kiss\i by Hayez \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0082.jpg,0,"\ILinda of Chamonix\i by Induno \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0081.jpg,0,"\IPacific Railway\i by Previati \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0080.jpg,0,"\IPiazza Della Loggia Under the Snow\i by Inganni \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0079.jpg,0,"\IEntry to a Bazaar\i by Pasini \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Picture Falling Off Wall
#action painting
#cabinet picture
#genre painting
#landscape painting
#seascape painting
#still life
#gamma rays
#mass-energy relation
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Paisley, approximate location"
#Association football
#European Parliament
#American Indians
1005\10050074.jpg,0,"Turkmen Afghan fathers and sons in the Jalozai Refugee Camp, Peshawar, Pakistan, 1992. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / F.Charton"
#Pakistan (Atlas)
#Pakistan Political Rulers and Leaders
#Bhutto, Benazir
#Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali
#Indus Valley Civilization
#Mughal or Mogul Empire
#Zia ul-Haq, Muhammad
#colour / color television
2266\22660097.jpg,0,"Memorials to Jan Palach, Wenceslas Square, Prague \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#geological time scale
#Tertiary period
#archaeology / archeology
#Stone Age Archaeology
#Olduvai Gorge
#Three Age System
spd1\spd10169.jpg,0,"Animal petroglyphs decorating a rock wall \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1766\17660097.jpg,,"Rock paintings Lake MacIllwain, Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2185\21850026.jpg,,"Aboriginal ranger showing rock art at Motwingee, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
1105\11050082.jpg,,"Petroglyphs in the rocky ground \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Old Stone Age
#Altamira and the Discovery of Cave Art
#Prehistoric Archaeology
#Paleolithic Archaeology
#Archaeology: Aborigines and Maoris
#Breuil, Henri (Edouard Prosper)
#Three Age System
#Palaeolithic Archaeology in Eastern Europe
#bog burials
#geological time scale
#cleft lip and palate
aaoy\aaoy0232.jpg,0,"Castle Steinsburg in the Palatinate \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
0,mudmenv.avi,"Mudmen of Papua New Guinea \H\BVideo:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
0894\08940064.jpg,0,"Suspension bridge in Tari, Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
2060\20600099.jpg,,"Mud men tribal ceremony, Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600098.jpg,,"Girl guides (western influence), Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600095.jpg,0,"Mount Hagen show, Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610015.jpg,newgiun.wav,"Young Papua New Guinea tribesman in festival costume.\pSound - Traditional music from Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach \h\H\BSound:\b David Ireland"
1105\11050100.jpg,0,"Tari, Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1262\12620094.jpg,0,"Mapos burial ledges, Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1105\11050077.jpg,0,"Mapos burial ledges, Papua New Guinea \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
2060\20600100.jpg,,"Mount Hagen show (10th year of independence) \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600096.jpg,,"Western influence, cigarettes, Mount Hagen show \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
0,paris.avi,"Originally the home of the Kings of France, Paris was designed to be a symbol of France's supremacy over other nations. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
#Trojan War
#Brussels, Treaty of
#Brussels, Treaty of (1948)
#Big Three
#League of Nations
#Peace Treaties 1919-23
#Peace Treaties 1919-23: The Aftermath
#Peace Treaties of 1919-23: Overview
#Treaty of Versailles 1919
#Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
#Versailles, Treaty of
#World War I
#World Health Organization (WHO)
#World War II
#Matthew Paris
#French art
#modern art
#school (art)
#Seven Years' War
#Napoleonic Wars
#Toynbee, Arnold (Joseph)
#Medieval Latin Astronomy
#Paris (France), ancient Lutetia
#Lords in the Middle Ages
#local government
#purchasing power parity (PPP)
#CP violation
#quantum numbers
#weak interaction
#American literature
#Nosy Parker
#Church of England
#Elizabeth I
#Thirty-nine Articles
#central nervous system (CNS)
#Euthanasia, Voluntary
#Gene and Parkinson's Disease Link
#ancien rΘgime
2728\27280066.jpg,0,"Canadian House of Parliament in Ottawa, Canada \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1411\14110023.jpg,0,"Bob Hawke with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip outside Parliament House Canberra, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
2266\22660062.jpg,,"East Berlin Parliament (now demolished) \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration
#English Revolution, Revolution of 1688
#English Government and Politics 1272-1450
#America, Road to Independence, Taxation
#bicameral system
#Commons, House of
#Lords, House of
#unicameral system
#select committee
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Parma, approximate location"
aaoy\aaoy0247.jpg,0,"Facade of the Cathedral at Parma, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
psfp\psfp0014.jpg,0,"Banjo Paterson - this poster was used to advertise Paterson's lecture tours as he travelled across NSW. \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Man From Snowy River
#Australian literature
#Pashtun or Pathan
1765\17650036.jpg,0,"Pathology lab, NME Hospital (UK) \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Dissection, The Ceremony of
#English literature
#Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB)
#John, St
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Patna, approximate location"
#Bihar or Behar
#African literature
#March 17
#Paddy Wagon
#St Patrick's Snakes
#Wearing the Green
#missions, Christian
#Great Zimbabwe
#Kissinger, Henry (Alfred)
#Mugabe, Robert (Gabriel)
#Muzorewa, Abel (Tendekayi)
#Nkomo, Joshua (Mqabuko Nyongolo)
#Smith, Ian (Douglas)
#Fathers of the Church
#Granger movement
#character recognition
#WWII: The End in Europe
#Bulge, Battle of the
#Normandy Campaign
#World War II
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Pau, approximate location"
cast\castl110.jpg,0,"Chateau of Henri IV, Pau, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Charles XIV
#Henry IV (of France), originally Henry of Navarre
#World War II
#Henry VIII
#Trent, Council of
#Acts of the Apostles
#Apocrypha, New Testament
#New Testament
#Pauline Letters or Pauline Epistles
#Pauli, Wolfgang
#quantum mechanics
#Fermi, Enrico
#nuclear physics
#Pauli exclusion principle
#Colossians, Letter to the
#Corinthians, Letters to the
#Ephesians, Letter to the
#Galatians, Letter of Paul to the
#New Testament
#Pastoral Letters or Pastoral Epistles
#Paul, St
#Philemon, Letter to
#Philippians, Letter to the
#Romans, Letter to the
#Thessalonians, Letters to the
#valence or valency
#Italian literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Pavia, approximate location"
100a\100a0202.jpg,0,"Ivan Petrovich Pavlov \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#behaviourism / behaviorism
#Ballets Russes
#Fokine, Michel
#Pawnbroker's Three Brass Balls
#landscape gardening
#income tax
#American football
#Brown, Jim
#La Paz
#Latin-American literature
#Altai Mountains
#personal computer (PC)
#angel dust
0123\01230085.jpg,0,"Split peas \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#climbing plant
#Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
#left wing
#military science
fss1\fss10148.jpg,0,"Rose peach \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3452\34520059.jpg,0,"Pediment, National Assembly, Paris, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
will\will0050.jpg,0,"Plains-wanderers have decreased in numbers since European settlement in Australia, and are now quite rare. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#soil science
#paedophilia / pedophilia
#America: Early Human Occupation
#American Indians
#radiocarbon dating
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Peebles, approximate location"
#Chambers, Robert
#Chambers, William
#Scottish Borders
100a\100a1523.jpg,0,"Sir Robert Peel \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
2061\20610054.jpg,0,"Young Peruvian boy in traditional costume \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610048.jpg,,"Peruvian children in costume during the Inti Raymi Festival (June) \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
1749\17490006.jpg,,"Children playing outside their home, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490014.jpg,,"Uru Indian family outside their home on one of Lake Titicaca's reed islands. (The island is a floating mat of dried totora, a reed-like papyrus that grows in the shallows of the lake and is also used to make the houses and boats.) \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490009.jpg,,"Tricycle taxi service, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
2061\20610041.jpg,,"Vibrant colours of the markets, Pisac, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610045.jpg,,"Traditional dancers in Peru's town square \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
vam5\vam50052.jpg,,"Machu Picchu terraces, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2061\20610049.jpg,,"Peruvian playing the pan flute (an instrument famous for its Latin American origin). \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Andean Civilizations
#Bingham and the Inkas
#Conquest of the Americas: Stone and Bronze Weapons
#El Ni±o
#Incas or Inka
#Peru (Atlas)
#Peru Political Rulers and Leaders
#Peruvian Sol
#Sendero Luminoso
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Perugia, approximate location"
eaoy\eaoy0003.jpg,0,"\IChrist Mourned\i by Pietro Perugino \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
3209\32090073.jpg,0,"Grey-leafed cistus, a natural plant pesticide \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Laval, Pierre
#World War II
1105\11050012.jpg,0,"Rose \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
spd1\spd10004.jpg,0,"Pink petals close-up \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#St Petersburg
#Peter The Great (Warfare)
#Great Northern War
#Sophia Alexeyevna
#Lombard, Peter
#New Testament
#Peter, St
#Acts of the Apostles
#Apocrypha, New Testament
#Jesus Christ
#paul, st
#Peter, Letters of
#British Government and Politics 1783-1846
#Reform Acts
#map projection
#Mercator's map projection
#Crown Proceedings Act
#Revolutions of 1848
0,petra.avi,"Although well protected and accessible only through narrow ravines, Petra was conquered by the Romans in 200 AD. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0142.jpg,0,"Monastery at Petra, Jordan \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0143.jpg,,"Petra site for animal sacrifice, Jordan \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Palmyra (Roman history)
#Chaucer, Geoffrey
#Italian literature
#Stormy Petrel
#storm petrel
yaoy\yaoy0001.jpg,0,"Facsimile of a drawing compiled by Sir Flinders Petrie \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
yaoy\yaoy0135.jpg,,"Sea urchin compiled by Sir Flinders Petrie \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
yaoy\yaoy0163.jpg,,"Squid from a drawing by Sir Flinders Petrie \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Flinders Petrie in the Near East
#British Egyptology
#Palestine: Archaeological Investigations
#archaeology / archeology
stpd\stpd0126.jpg,0,"Petrified forest, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0122\01220008.jpg,0,"Petrified forest, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0122\01220007.jpg,0,"Petrified log, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
nssg\nssg0072.jpg,0,"Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#natural gas
#catalytic converter
#diesel engine
#internal combustion engine
#bitumen (petroleum derivative)
#oil (earth sciences)
3209\32090063.jpg,0,"Rocks, studied in petrology \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3209\32090062.jpg,,"Rust coloured rock formation \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Latin literature
#Australian Labor Party (ALP)
#Gabo, Naum
#hallucinogens or psychotomimetic drugs
#base (chemistry)
#Latin literature
#brown algae
#Medical Breakthroughs, 20th Century
3451\34510024.jpg,0,"Cormorants by the sea \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathon King"
0205\02050060.jpg,,"Little Black Cormorant \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
diag\diag0015.jpg,,"Phase diagram showing the phases of a substance for various temperatures and pressures. A substance melts from solid to liquid, for example, at temperatures and pressures defined by the fusion curve. The triple point is the only temperature and pressure where all three phases co-exist.\p\pLiquid and gas phases are distinct only for temperatures and pressures less than the critical point; at temperatures higher than this critical temperature, gas cannot be liquidified. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#critical phenomena
#gas, chemistry
vam1\vam10032.jpg,0,"Peacock -- White male Peacock displaying its tail feathers \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10016.jpg,0,"Ruffed Grouse -- Grouse courtship displays are usually sequences of sound, movement and posture \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0227\02270095.jpg,0,"Peacock -- A male Peacocks' amazing display of feathers \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
vam5\vam50203.jpg,0,"Peafowl -- A Peacock is a male peafowl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3218\32180075.jpg,0,"Pheasants and rabbits at markets, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
cast\castl009.jpg,,"Philadelphia Public Library, The Ridgway Branch \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
ulpd\ulpd0073.jpg,0,"John Barry Monument and Independence Hall, Philadelphia, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#American Revolution
#British Colonies in America
#Independence Hall
#Penn, William
#Street Names
#mock orange
#Blunt, (Sir) Anthony (Frederick)
#Burgess, Guy (Francis de Moncy)
#Maclean, Donald (Duart)
#Hermes (mythology)
#New Testament
#Paul, St
#Pauline Letters or Pauline Epistles
will\will0107.jpg,0,"Wattled False Sunbird -- The origins of asities are obscure; their closest relative appears to be the broadbills. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#Arthur, Prince, Duke of Brittany
#Alexander the Great
#Archaeology: Investigating the Classics
#Demosthenes, Greek orator
#Greek history
#Greek Warfare: From Phalanx to Legion
#Macedonian Mastery
#Reformation Europe, Wars of Religion
#Battle of Lepanto 1571
#Alva or Alba, Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo, duque d'(Duke of)
#Lepanto, Battle of
#Mary I, Tudor
#Revolt of the Netherlands
#Spanish Armada
#Henry V
#Hundred Years' War
#Black Death
#Edward III
#Hundred Years' War
#Salic Law
#Edinburgh, Prince Philip, Duke of
#Jesus Christ
#John, Gospel according to
#Antonius, Marcus
#New Testament
#Paul, St
#Pauline Letters or Pauline Epistles
#Demosthenes, Greek orator
#Marcos Flees (1986)
#Philippines (Atlas)
#Philippines Political Rulers and Leaders
#WWII: Japan's Defeat
#United States History, Foreign Affairs, Late 19th Century
#Aquino, Cory
#Magellan, Ferdinand
#Marcos, Ferdinand (Edralin)
#Spanish-American War
#Visayan Islands
#Israel, tribes of
#Anne (Elizabeth Alice Louise), Princess
#Clement I, St
#Trojan War
#climbing plant
#evergreen plants
#Alembert, Jean le Rond d'
#ancien rΘgime
#Diderot, Denis
#Encyclopaedists / Encyclopedists
#Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de la BrΦde et de
#Greek Civilization, Theatres
#Augustine, St, originally Aurelius Augustinus, also known as Augustine of Hippo
vas6\vas60110.jpg,cl2tr5.wav,"Piano keyboard\p\BSound\b - Revolutionary Etude by Chopin \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Cristofori, Bartolomeo
#keyboard instrument
#player piano
#prepared piano
#player piano
#crow (ornithology)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Piatra or Piatra-Neamt, approximate location"
will\will0144.jpg,0,"White-necked Rockfowl -- Rockfowl build bowl-shaped nests of mud, that they construct on vertical or overhanging rock faces several metres from the ground. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#transposing instrument
#woodwind instrument
#record player
#sound recording
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#space exploration
0722\07220014.jpg,0,"Picket outside 'News' building, New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#industrial action
#silent film
#Ficino, Marsilio
#graphology, handwriting
#Magellanic Clouds
#Antonine Wall
#Britain, occupation by Saxons, Danes and Normans 409-1154
#Britain, Roman
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Kenneth I
3608\36080006.jpg,0,"Picturesque lakeside village in Switzerland \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
vam1\vam10053.jpg,0,"Pika in rock cave \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#orders of architecture
0721\07210062.jpg,0,"Contemporary painting depicting the trial of Jesus Christ in front of Pontius Pilate in St Mary's Cathedral in Dronka, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Jesus Christ
#Roman history
#haemorrhoids / hemorrhoids
#Pol Pot
#Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages
#Henry VIII
#Henry VIII, Master of Church and State
#Monasteries: Their Dissolution
#Monesteries: Their Dissolution
0147\01470089.jpg,0,"Pilgrim cottage \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2038\20380019.jpg,0,"Pilgrims give thanks for the first harvest of 1621; origin of thanksgiving \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380015.jpg,0,"First American rock the Pilgrims stepped on when they landed in 1620. Also known as Plymouth Rock. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380010.jpg,0,"Typical 17th century Pilgrim home, New Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380009.jpg,0,"Old court house, New Plymouth; recalling the first Pilgrim settlement, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380004.jpg,0,"Monument to Samoset and his Indian friends Squanto and Chief Massasoit who befriended the Pilgrims in 1621. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380021.jpg,0,"Painting of wife of an early Pilgrim settler, illustrating the fashion of 1620 \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380018.jpg,0,"Remains of Pilgrim ship used to settle the shores of Plymouth Plantation in New Plymouth, Massachusetts, America. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Bradford, William (1590-1657)
#Mayflower Miracle - Escape from England
#Mayflower Miracle - Lying Low in Leyden (1608-1611)
#Mayflower Miracle - Lying Low in Leyden (1617)
#Mayflower Miracle - Lying Low in Leyden (1618-1620)
#Mayflower Miracle - Samoset and Squanto
#Mayflower Miracle - Winter of Death (December 1620)
#Plymouth (UK)
#Mediterranean Sea
#International Style
#International Style, architecture
#Le Corbusier
#Piltdown Hoax
#Pinang (city), or Penang, formerly George Town
#American Revolution
#Glands (Ductless), Functions Discovered
#Greek literature
1261\12610071.jpg,0,"Pine -- Norfolk pine \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
3402\34020074.jpg,0,"Pine -- Norfolk pine at sunset \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pnwe\pnwe0210.jpg,0,"Pine -- Bristlecone pine, a close-up view \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pnwe\pnwe0231.jpg,0,"Pine forest covered in frost \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#string instrument
#abstract art
#English art
#James, William
#medium (parapsychology)
vam5\vam50205.jpg,0,"Wire-tailed Manakin -- The Wire-tailed Manakin in display, faces away from his potential mate, quivers, elevates his tails, and lightly brushes her throat with the vibrating, wire-like tips of his tail-feathers \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#motor racing
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Piraeus, approximate location"
#Italian literature
#Italian art
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Pisa, approximate location"
2258\22580016.jpg,0,"Cathedral at Pisa, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
aaoy\aaoy0239.jpg,0,"Cathedral at Pisa, Italy, built by Busketus and Rainaldus, begun 1063 -- the leaning tower can be seen in the background. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
2258\22580015.jpg,0,"Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2258\22580018.jpg,0,"Cathedral at Pisa, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
caoy\caoy0143.jpg,,"Bronze artifact (late Gothic) from the main gate of the Baptistry at Pisa \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Leaning Tower
eppd\eppd0021.jpg,0,"\IMadonna of the Quail\i by Pisanello \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#International Gothic
#Italian art
caoy\caoy0151.jpg,0,"Relief by Andrea Pisano, Gate of the Baptistery at Florence - this work, completed in 1336 is but one small part of the massive doors for the Baptistery. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0155.jpg,,"Madonna in Santa Maria della Spina at Pisa by Nino Pisano - the artist and architect was the son of the sculptor Andrea Pisano. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Italian art
caoy\caoy0153.jpg,0,"\IThe Birth of Christ and Annunciation to the Shepherds\i. Giovanni Pisano helped his father, Niccol≥ Pisano, create this unique late Gothic style of sculpture in Italy at the dawn of the Renaissance. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0146.jpg,0,"Relief by Nicola Pisano \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0152.jpg,,"\IPresentation in the Temple, the Flight into Egypt,\i a relief on the pulpit in the Cathedral at Siena by Nicola Pisano c. 1268. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0153.jpg,,"\IBirth of Christ and Annunciation to The Shepherds\i by Giovanni Pisano and Nicola Pisano c. 1260. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Italian art
scan\scan0178.jpg,0,"Zodiac sign for Pisces \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Greek history
scan\scan0206.jpg,0,"\ILa Servante Assise Dans le Jardin D'eragny\i by Pissarro \H"
#Corot, (Jean Baptiste) Camille
#French art
#Impressionism (art)
0123\01230087.jpg,0,"Pistachio nuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#deciduous plants
ww1m\ww1m0013.jpg,0,"British army pistols \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Pistol Originally Not a Gun
#Colt, Samuel
#bull terrier
#Pitcairn Islands (Atlas)
#Bounty Mutiny
#Norfolk Island
#Pacific Ocean
#auditory perception
#igneous rock
2046\20460065.jpg,0,"Pitcher plant of the family Nepenthes \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
0889\08890026.jpg,0,"Pitcher plant, Riviere Bleue Forest Park, New Caledonia \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#carnivorous plant
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Pitesti, approximate location"
#Zhoukoudian or Choukoutien
#spelling reform
100a\100a1113.jpg,0,"William Pitt \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Fox, Charles James
#George III
#Napoleonic Wars
#Shelburne, William Petty Fitzmaurice, 2nd Earl of
#Smith, Adam
100a\100a1104.jpg,0,"William Pitt, Earl of Chatham \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
fp03\fp03031.jpg,0,"Pocahontas saving Captain John Smith in Cremeal Virginia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Powhatan Confederacy
#Rolfe, John (1585-1622)
#diving duck
#electro-optic effects
#Reform Acts
#rotten borough
#mobile communications
0207\02070042.jpg,0,"Tawny Frogmouth -- A nocturnal bird, the Tawny Frogmouth of Australia is common almost everywhere there are trees. It feeds mainly on large, ground-living insects such as cockroaches, as well as reptiles, and (occasionally) even small birds. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Poona or Pune, approximate location"
#Speenhamland system
#Johns, Jasper
#Lichtenstein, Roy
#Warhol, Andy
#Beach Boys, The
#Beatles, The
#keyboard instrument
#pop music
#Rolling Stones, The
#Sex Pistols, The
#Beatles, The
#country and western
#Eurovision Song Contest
#heavy metal music
#pop group
#punk rock
#rap music
#rhythm and blues
#rock music
#soul (music)
#pop music
0201\02010045.jpg,0,"Pope John Paul II \H\BPhotograph:\b Reuters/G. Hershorn/Archive Photos"
fa06\fa060034.jpg,,"Pope and cardinals \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Alexander III, originally Orlando Bandinelli\
#John Paul II Becomes Pope (1978)
#Popes of the Catholic Church
#Cardinals, College of
#Coptic Orthodox Church
#Roman Catholicism
#Vatican Councils
100a\100a1109.jpg,0,"Alexander Pope \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Danger Of A Little Knowledge
#English literature
#heroic couplet
#Charles II
#Charles II (of England)
#English and Welsh Government and Politics 1625-1701
#English Revolution, Happy Restoration
#James II
#James II, England
#Oates, Titus
vam1\vam10094.jpg,0,"Poplar trees \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#deciduous plants
#Lombardy poplar
#philosophy of science
#Vienna Circle
spd1\spd10070.jpg,0,"Orange poppies \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
spd1\spd10060.jpg,0,"Red poppy \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1407\14070027.jpg,0,"Flanders poppy \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
ssas\ssas0281.jpg,0,"Field of Californian poppies \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0280.jpg,0,"Californian poppy \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fss1\fss10007.jpg,0,"Meconopsis poppy \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10107.jpg,,"Red poppy \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"#Californian poppy
#corn poppy
#horned poppy
#opium poppy
#Welsh poppy
#World War II
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#migration (population)
#population biology
#population density
#population genetics
#World Population Estimates
#Haldane, J(ohn) B(urdon) S(anderson)
#recombinant DNA
#United States, Discontent and Reform
#United States, Discontent and Reform
#mackerel shark
caoy\caoy0060.jpg,0,"Majolica vase (c.1850). Two Tritons support the vase (in Greek mythology Tritons were children of the sea god, Poseidon) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0021.jpg,0,"SΦvres vase (c.1760). SΦvres was a suburb of Paris where this rare porcelain was manufactured in a factory established by Louis XV and his mistress Madame Pompadour. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0022.jpg,0,"Chelsea china vase (c.1760). Chelsea china is a soft-paste porcelain that is now extremely rare. It is named after the area of London in which the factory was located. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0001.jpg,0,"Persian fayence dish, 17th century. Fayence is the French name for a style of tin-glazed porcelain remarkable for its fastness of colour over hundreds of years. Italian manufacture was centred in the town of Faenza, near Bologna in north-eastern Italy. In Italy this style is known as Majolica and was introduced to Italy from Moorish Spain through the island of Majorca, thus its name. In Northern Europe and the UK, this style is known as Delft. This example comes from Persia, modern day Iran in south-western Asia. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
3870\38700005.jpg,0,"Printing Press -- a drawing of an ancient Chinese printing press \H\BPhotograph:\b China National Tourist Office refer David Ireland"
#Caxton, William
#Feel Out Of Sorts
#Gutenberg, Johannes (Gensfleisch)
#laser typesetter
#LED printer
#screen-process printing
#Prions--How They Work
#Yeast Prion Model
#Prions--How They Work
#Yeast Prion Model
#English literature
#Italic languages
diag\diag0074.jpg,0,"A beam of white light falling on to a prism splits into constituent colours (wavelengths), since the bending of light at an air-glass surface depends on the light wavelength, and white light comprises a mixture of colours. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
0122\01220033.jpg,0,"Alcatraz, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2266\22660072.jpg,0,"Spandau Prison, West Berlin, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2184\21840092.jpg,0,"Berrima Prison (1839), Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2184\21840064.jpg,0,"Inside the Old Melbourne Prison, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0207\02070094.jpg,,"Scarlet Macaw -- The Scarlet Macaw is well-known as a cagebird and in zoos around the world, but like many South American parrots, it is now rare in the wild, a victim of the global traffic in pet birds rather than habitat destruction \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Byzantine art
#Russian art
will\will0043.jpg,0,"Grey-winged Trumpeter -- Trumpeters are noisy birds that are strongly gregarious. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
ww1m\ww1m0018.jpg,0,"Bronze Star Purple Heart Medal \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#mucous membrane
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Pusan or Busan, approximate location"
#Korea or South Korea
#Newman, John Henry, Cardinal
#Oxford Movement
#Russian literature
#Germ Theory of Disease
#Dead As A Doornail
#French art
3219\32190026.jpg,0,"Puyi's grave in contrast with parents Qing tombs (background), hills near Baoding, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Forbidden City
#Manchukuo or Manzhouguo
#Sino-Japanese Wars
#polyvinylchloride (PVC)
#sea spider
#pelvis (abdomen)
#urinary system
fa05\fa050056.jpg,0,"Mythology -- Statue that has come to life. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Shaw, George Bernard
whal\whalpygm.jpg,0,"Pygmy Beaked Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
whal\whalpkil.jpg,0,"Pygmy Killer Whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
0721\07210021.jpg,,"Medium-sized pyramid at Giza, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
2728\27280095.jpg,0,"Great pyramid of Cheops viewed from The Sphinx, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
0721\07210012.jpg,0,"Camel riding through the ruins of the Pyramids in Giza at sunset, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210022.jpg,,"Steep climb towards the heart inside the largest pyramid Cheops, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Ancient Egyptian Life
#Pyramids: Transporting the Stone
#Pyramids: The Construction Process
#Pyramids: The Workmen
#Pyramids today
#Civilizations, The Early Egyptians
#Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
#Flinders Petrie in the Near East
#Egyptian architecture
#Pre-Columbian art and architecture
#pyramid healing
#Ship of Cheops
#Healers of Babylonia, Egypt and Greece
fa05\fa050072.jpg,0,"Mythology -- Man killing a lion \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0232.jpg,0,"Pyrenean shepherd \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#Thirty Years' War
#glass, general
#base (chemistry)
#amino acids
#depression (psychiatry)
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#RNA or ribonucleic acid
3209\32090019.jpg,0,"Pyrite \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#sulphur / sulfur
#electric dipole moment
#blackbody radiation
#silicate minerals
#scepticism / skepticism
#Alexander the Great
#Roman history
#lactic acid
#Dressed (Up) To The Nines
#How Numbers Count
#Sacred Three
#Seven - A Gift From Heaven
#Pentacle - The Star Of The Magician
#Third Time Lucky
#Pythagoras's theorem
diag\diag0017.jpg,0,"Pythagoras' theorem examples. In the left diagram, c squared equals a squared plus b squared. In the right diagram, AC squared equals AB squared plus BC squared. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#triangle (mathematics)
#Delphi, Oracle of
#Olympia (Greece), Gr Olφmbia
#Damon and Pythias
0123\01230067.jpg,0,"Burmese python \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230052.jpg,0,"Central carpet python \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
nwte\nwte0117.jpg,0,"Raccoon with young \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam4\vam40225.jpg,0,"Raccoon on the edge of the water \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0122\01220021.jpg,0,"Raccoon in Pennekamp State Park, Florida, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0888\08880071.jpg,0,"Raccoons at play \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
ssas\ssas0228.jpg,0,"Raccoon \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#fox (mammal)
#Framework programme
#Get One's Goat
#black snake
#Old Testament
1005\10050078.jpg,,"Nelson Mandela, a man who has fought racial discrimination throughout his life, speaks at a Cape Town rally the day before his inauguration as President of South Africa, May, 1994 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / C.Sattleburger"
#January 15
#French literature
1005\10050077.jpg,0,"Segregated seats for blacks and whites in a sports arena in Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1969 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / H.Vassal"
#political correctness
#racial discrimination
srpd\srpd0193.jpg,,"Racketball and racket \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Byron (of Rochdale), George (Gordon) Byron, 6th Baron
#English literature
#Gothic novel
#Shelley, Percy Bysshe
#Russian Revolution
#Stalin, Joseph
#Trotsky, Leon
diag\diag0018.jpg,0,"Radian example. The angle shown here is equal to one radian as it subtends an arc of length r (the radius). \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Marconi and Radiocommunication
#Curie, Marie and Pierre
#Radioactive Decay
#blackbody radiation
#electromagnetic radiation
#radiation sickness
#direct action
#left wing
#right wing
0231\02310041.jpg,0,"Radio (1930s model) \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vam2\vam20095.jpg,,"Radio tower \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#amplitude modulation (AM)
#citizens' band (CB) radio
#electromagnetic radiation
#First Radio Broadcast
#frequency modulation (FM)
#Heaviside, Oliver
#loudspeaker or speaker
#Marconi and Radiocommunication
#Marconi, Guglielmo
#Maxwell, James C(lerk)
#radio astronomy
#radio beacon
#radio galaxy
#radio waves
#thermionic valve
#back projection
#Radio Astronomy and the Spiral Structure of the Galaxy
vam5\vam50209.jpg,,"Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus -- Moorhens forage openly in grassy margins of lagoons and marshes, and even around ponds in parks of major cities \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#motor racing
#computer memory
#Id al-Fitr
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara (Venkata)
#Raman scattering
#Hardy, Godfrey (Harold)
#African National Congress (ANC)
#trade union
#Miocene epoch
#Indian literature
#Alston, Richard
#Rambert, Dame Marie
#Ballets Russes
#modern dance
#Rambert Dance Company
#Pennines or Pennine Chain
2254\22540100.jpg,rameau.mid,"Paris Opera House\p\BSound\b - \IGigue en Rondeau\i by Rameau \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Webster Publishing"
ssuw\ssuw0183.jpg,,"Spotted stingray \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#cartilaginous fish
#devil ray
#electric ray
3402\34020084.jpg,0,"Rayon \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3402\34020085.jpg,,"Rayon \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Rhazes or Razi
#Pugachev, Yemelyan Ivanovich
#alternating current (AC)
#complex number
#experimental psychology
#antitank missile
#kinetic energy weapons
#aesthetics / esthetics
#English literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Reading, approximate location"
#Henry I
#Duchamp, Marcel
#modern art
0201\02010038.jpg,reagan.wav,"Ronald Reagan\p\BSound\b - Ronald Reagan as US president talking about defense and nuclear weaponry. \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
1600\16000028.jpg,,"Ronald W. Reagan (1911-) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
2046\20460077.jpg,0,"Young children at Sao Jose markets, near Recife, Brazil \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600011.jpg,0,"Brazilian raft fishermen, the Jangadeiros make the most primitive boats in the world - simple balsa log rafts with stone anchors. The boats are called Jangadas and they fish off the coast around Recife in Brazil. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460083.jpg,,"Jangadeiros woman beating an octopus to tenderize it \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#free trade
#opera buffa
#opera seria
#Penicillin Developed
#DNA and Restriction Enzymes
#Restriction Enzymes Discovered
#Restriction Enzymes
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#haemophilia / hemophilia
#Huntington's chorea
#military intelligence
#America Post Civil War
#American Civil War
#Jim Crow Laws
#Ku Klux Klan
#Indo-European languages
#loudspeaker or speaker
#sound recording
#Crown Court
#woodwind instrument
#sound recording
#semiconductor diode
#Church of England
#Roman Catholicism
#alimentary canal
#defaecation / defecation
#haemorrhoids / hemorrhoids
vam5\vam50212.jpg,0,"American Avocets -- Avocets and stilts are among the most abundant and conspicuous of wetlands inhabitants \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0319.jpg,0,"Redwood Forest National Park, north California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3608\36080088.jpg,,"Large redwood tree in Redwood Forest National Park, California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King / Webster Publishing"
vam1\vam10075.jpg,0,"Canoe amongst the reeds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3214\32140056.jpg,0,"Reeds grow alongside a swamp \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
assg\assg0068.jpg,0,"Reed beds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#cor anglais
#reed organ
#woodwind instrument
#reed instrument
#yellow fever
pdp1\pdp10109.jpg,0,"Cat's tail \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Newton, Isaac (physicist)
0155\01550027.jpg,0,"Sydney Harbour Bridge reflected off the tinted glass of the Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
vas6\vas60264.jpg,,"Mountain light reflection \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0172\01720008.jpg,0,"Reindeer \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
pnwe\pnwe0086.jpg,0,"Caribou -- another name for reindeer \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0172\01720007.jpg,0,"Reindeer eating \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
#Sleigh And Reindeer
#Grappelli, StΘphane
#theatre / theater
100a\100a0120.jpg,0,"George Reisner (1867-1942) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Relapsing Fever (Travel Information)
#entity-attribute-relationship-model (EAR-model or ER model)
#nucleon number
#periodic table
#radioactivity units
#proof spirit
magnitude and brightness.tbl,0,"Brightness and magnitude difference. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#absolute magnitude
#Bohr magnetron
#Dirac equation
#Dirac, Paul A(drien) M(aurice)
#particle physics
#quantum field theory
#quantum mechanics
#general relativity
#special relativity
#solid-state device
#releasing hormone
#pituitary gland
caoy\caoy0099.jpg,0,"Ministerial chalice (a wine cup used in the communion service) of the late 12th century found at Wilten in the Tyrol. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
pssg\pssg0002.jpg,0,"18th Century German relic \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0243.jpg,0,"Light streaming through the windows of a Christian church \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1204\12040088.jpg,0,"Sera monastery, Tibet \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0155\01550075.jpg,0,"Statue of St Theresa \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2166\21660020.jpg,0,"Buddhist Monks, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0153\01530001.jpg,0,"Temple in Ipoh, Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Fish on Friday
#Wine And Religion
#United States History, War of 1812
#comparative religion
#Egyptian religion
#Germanic religion
#Greek religion
#Hare Krishna movement
#Jehovah's Witnesses
#mystery religions
#Roman religion
#Slavic religion
#Taoism or Daoism
#Reformation Europe, Wars of Religion
#Catherine de' Medici
#radioactivity units
#German literature
#World War I
eaoy\eaoy0068.jpg,0,"\IAnatomical Lecture by Doctor Tulp\i by Rembrandt van Rijn \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0069.jpg,0,"\IFrans Banning Cock's Company Marching Out\i (the Nightwatch) by Rembrandt van Rijn \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0071.jpg,0,"Rembrandt van Rijn's \IThe Descent from the Cross\i \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0018.jpg,0,"\ISelf-Portrait\i by Rembrandt van Rijn \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Rembrandt's Nightwatch
#bitumen (art)
#Dutch art
#Italian art
3612\36120035.jpg,0,"Eternal Flame monument in Paris. The Eternal Flame is the universal symbol for remembrance. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Veterans' Day
will\will0156.jpg,0,"Eurasian Penduline-tit -- Members of this family are active, extremely acrobatic birds that range from 8-14 cm in length. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#Arminius, Jacobus
#aerial photography
#weather satellite
caoy\caoy0034.jpg,,"Renaissance period, bronze drawer-handle made in Italy (c.1580) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
3607\36070030.jpg,0,"Renaissance period painting \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Henry VIII, Renaissance Prince
#Italian Renaissance, Diplomats
#Renaissance in England 1450-1625
#Renaissance 'Nation-states' of Europe
#Burckhardt, Jacob (Christopher)
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#Erasmus, Desiderius
#Machiavelli, Niccol. (di Bernardo dei)
#Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, comte (Count)
#Piero della Francesca
#Renaissance architecture
#Renaissance art
caoy\caoy0002.jpg,0,"Originally carved in oak, this panel is an example of the Flemish Renaissance style created in the year 1540. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Baroque (art and architecture)
#Elizabethan Style
#Greek architecture
#Jacobean Style
#Roman architecture
eppd\eppd0024.jpg,0,"\IMusical Cupid\i by Rosso Florentino \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0019.jpg,0,"\IPortrait of Giovanni Benedetto Caravaggi\i by Giovani Busi, known as Cariani \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0017.jpg,0,"\IPortrait of Federico II of Montefeltro\i by Piero della Francesca \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0008.jpg,0,"\IPortrait of Giuliano de' Medici\i by Botticelli \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0001.jpg,0,"\IPortrait of St Augustine c.1472\i by Antonello Da Messina \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0031.jpg,0,"\IPortrait of a Magistrate\i by Moroni \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0029.jpg,0,"\IRape of Ganymede c.1509-14\i by Peruzzi \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
caoy\caoy0004.jpg,,"Renaissance (Flemish) piece originally carved in oak in 1540. The influence of Italian art, particularly that of Raphael is present. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Brunelleschi, Filippo
#Florentine School
#Fontainebleau School
#Ghiberti, Lorenzo
#Italian art
#Leonardo da Vinci
#Mantegna, Andrea
#Piero della Francesca
#Venetian School
#Verrocchio, Andrea del
#detective story
#alternative energy
#hydroelectric power (HEP)
#non-renewable resources
#solar power
#archaeology / archeology
#Binford, Lewis (Roberts)
#Childe, (Vere) Gordon
#Maes Howe
eppd\eppd0040.jpg,0,"\IThe Victorious Samson\i by Guido Reni \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0027.jpg,0,"\IPortrait of his Mother\i by Reni \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
diag\diag0067.jpg,,"Respiratory system \H\BDiagram:\b TechPool Studios / Webster Publishing"
#artificial respiration
#diaphragm (anatomy)
#influenza or flu
#equity (law)
caoy\caoy0018.jpg,0,"Restoration cup (with cover) from England c.1650 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#covenant, also known as a deed
fa06\fa060015.jpg,,"Easter dawn -- the Resurrection \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3607\36070035.jpg,0,"Jesus Christ is believed to have been resurrected from the dead. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
fa06\fa060061.jpg,,"Resurrection of Christ \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Easter Egg
#Painted Eggs
#Pope's Fans
#Jesus Christ
#soul (religion)
#Magellanic Clouds
#Killer's Image On Pupil
#Mars (astronomy)
#RNA or ribonucleic acid
#Frondes, the
#Louis XIV
#Mazarin, Jules
#Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, duc de (Duke of)
#Joan of Arc, St
#Israel, tribes of
#Old Testament
#Mascarene Islands
#Reunion (Atlas)
#St-Denis (RΘunion)
#news agency
#Koran or Qu'ran
#New Testament
#blast furnace
#glass, manufactured
ulpd\ulpd0028.jpg,0,"Paul Revere Statue in Boston, Massachusetts, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1602\16020006.jpg,,"Paul Revere's Ride \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#American Revolution
#New English Bible
#Blood, Council of
#Charles V (Emperor)
#William I (of the Netherlands), Prince of Orange, known as William the Silent
#American Revolution
#Cultural Revolution
#February Revolution (France)
#February Revolution (Russia)
#French Revolution
#French Revolutionary Wars
#Glorious Revolution
#Iranian Revolution
#July Revolution
#October Revolution
#Revolution of 1905
#Russian Revolution
#Nicholas II
#Russian history
#Russian Revolution
#Delesclⁿze, (Louis) Charles
#Metternich, Klemens (Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar), Fⁿrst von (Prince of)
#Napoleon III
#Proudhon, Pierre Joseph
#Schwarzenberg, Felix (Ludwig Johann Friedrich)
#Wolfe, James
cwm1\cwm10099.jpg,0,"Various revolvers \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Colt, Samuel
#Siamese cat
#aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid
#fluid mechanics
#Haughey, Charles (James)
#English art
#Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza
will\will0163.jpg,0,"Plain-headed Creeper -- Confined to the Philippines, both species of creepers occur in rainforest, especially its edges and clearings \H\BDiagram:\b William Bourke"
0227\02270050.jpg,0,"Rhea -- Rheas are the largest and heaviest birds in the world \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Rheims, approximate location"
caoy\caoy0100.jpg,0,"Chalice of St. RΘmi from Rheims, France - (a wine cup used in the communion service) 13th century. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Gothic architecture
#Rhine, River
#mechanical properties of matter
#plastic deformation
#blood group systems
#Cicero, Marcus Tullius
rhine canals data.tbl,0,"Rhine Canal Systems \H"
#Rhine, River
2246\22460060.jpg,0,"Rhine River, Europe \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2246\22460054.jpg,0,"Rhine River flowing through Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2246\22460057.jpg,,"Old mansion/castle on the Rhine River in Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2246\22460055.jpg,,"Old castle on the banks of the Rhine River in Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
gssg\gssg0016.jpg,,"Banks of the Rhine River \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0154\01540061.jpg,rhino.wav,"Rhinoceros at Kyle National Park, Zimbabwe\p\BSound\b - Rhinoceros \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
vam5\vam50154.jpg,0,"Sumatran rhinoceros \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10027.jpg,0,"Rhinoceros ù young rhinoceros \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60065.jpg,0,"Rhinoceros \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2060\20600074.jpg,0,"Rhinoceros ù baby rhinoceros in Chitiran National Park, Nepal \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
pnwe\pnwe0204.jpg,,"Rhinoceros mother and baby \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam5\vam50155.jpg,,"Indian rhinoceros calf \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#White Rhinoceros
#woolly rhinoceros
will\will0116.jpg,0,"Black-throated Huet-huet. Many of the tapaculos resemble a rail or a tiny chicken in their general appearance and behavior. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
#root (botany)
#stem (botany)
#amoeba / ameba
mapl\maplpr.jpg,0,"Rhode Island - map \H"
ulpd\ulpd0033.jpg,0,"Rhode Island fishing village, New England, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
fss1\fss10142.jpg,0,"Pink rhododendron \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0288.jpg,0,"Rhododendron garden \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10161.jpg,0,"Red rhododendron \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#evergreen plants
ulpd\ulpd0283.jpg,0,"Indian rhubarb in waterfall \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Rhubarb's History
#Opium Wars
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Rhyl, approximate location"
#heroic couplet
#metre (UK) / meter (US) (literature)
#terza rima
#Blow A Raspberry
#Have Buckley's Chance
#igneous rock
#English literature
2046\20460022.jpg,0,"Rhythm is enhanced by the 'basic pulse' of the clap sticks played by Aboriginal actor David Gulpilil, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#metre (UK) / meter (US) (literature)
#rhythm and blues
#Charles, Ray
#Cooke, Sam
#pop group
#pop music
#rock music
#soul (music)
#Wonder, Stevie
3611\36110045.jpg,0,"Rialto Bridge, Grand Canal, Venice, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#bridge (engineering)
#Man's Less Rib
#Missing Rib
#muntjac or muntjak
#Nazi-Soviet Pact
#World War II
#Spanish art
#RNA or ribonucleic acid
#RNA or ribonucleic acid
#Smith, Adam
#Ming dynasty
#Italian art
#Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista
#Rizzio, David
3214\32140008.jpg,0,"White rice \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1407\14070058.jpg,,"Field worker planting rice in Kelantan, northeast Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1407\14070055.jpg,,"Ploughing rice paddy with water buffaloes in Kelantan, northeast, Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2754\27540046.jpg,,"Rice fields in Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0739\07390065.jpg,0,"Rivera's most famous mural \IThe History of Mexico\i, located in the Mexico City National Palace \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0147\01470066.jpg,0,"Roadrunner in Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Roanoke, approximate location"
#French literature
#nouveau roman
#Resnais, Alain
caoy\caoy0179.jpg,0,"Madonna, a relief in glazed terra-cotta by Luca della Robbia. The artist worked exclusively in marble and this is part of his most important work, begun in 1431. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0269.jpg,0,"Enamelled terra-cotta by Luca della Robbia \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0178.jpg,0,"Relief in marble by Luca della Robbia in the Cantoria (organ loft, singing gallery) created for the Cathedral at Florence. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#higher education
#Bernstein, Leonard
#Bruce, Robert
#Bruce, Robert
#David II
#Henry I
#Afghan Wars
#Boer Wars
#Indian Mutiny
#Kimberley, Siege of
#Australian art
#theatre / theater
#French Revolution
#Jacobins (French history)
#Mountain, the
#theatre / theater
3735\37350059.jpg,0,"Yellow robin \H\BPhotograph:\b Taronga Zoo"
spd1\spd10047.jpg,,"Robin at ground level \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1405\14050065.jpg,0,"Lilac breasted roller \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#crow (ornithology)
srpd\srpd0207.jpg,0,"Roller blading (in-line skating) is fast replacing traditional roller skating all over the world. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0212.jpg,,"In-line skating while walking the dog \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Invention Of Rollerskates
#Rollerskating World Championship Winners
#ice skating
#street hockey
#Beatles, The
#rock music
#Davis, Miles (Dewey)
#Parker, Charlie
#Rolls-Royce Radiator
#aeroplane / airplane
#Royce, Sir (Frederick) Henry
#Rolls-Royce Radiator
#Rolls, C(harles) S(tewart)
#Royce, Sir (Frederick) Henry
#Gypsy Fortune Telling and Music
#Gypsy's Names
#God's own Children and Devil Worshipers
#Gypsy Corner In The Cemetery
#French literature
vas6\vas60204.jpg,0,"Roman Colosseum \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1204\12040069.jpg,0,"Roman columns \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#amphitheatre / amphitheater
#Classical Civilizations
#Greek architecture
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#orders of architecture
#Renaissance architecture
#Romanesque architecture
#triumphal arch
caoy\caoy0050.jpg,0,"Italian vase (c.1780) most likely made of materials salvaged from the ruins of Rome and combined into a new form. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#classical revival
#Greek art
#Renaissance art
0721\07210053.jpg,0,"St Catherine's Catholic Church in Alexandria, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Popes in the Middle Ages
#Monks and Monasteries in the Middle Ages
#Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages
#Downside Abbey
#Allen, William (1532-94)
#Aquinas, St Thomas
#cardinal (religion)
#Council of the Church
#Holy Roman Empire
#Paul, St
#Peter, St
#Reformation, Catholic
#Stations of the Cross
#Vatican Councils
#Roman Catholicism
#Vatican City
#Galsworthy, John
#Powell, Anthony (Dymoke)
#Proust, Marcel
#Zola, Emile
#Actium, Battle of
#Augustus and the Bureaucracy of War
#Augustus, (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
#Britain, Roman
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Britian: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#Byzantine Empire
#Gallic Wars
#Marius, Gaius and the Roman Legionary
#Military Organization, Late Roman
#Punic Wars
#Roman Infrastructure of War
#Roman Legion: An Army for All Seasons
#Roman Military Strategy, Continuity of
#Roman Warfare: Legionary Genesis
#Roman Warfare: Rise of the Hired Armies
#Senate (Roman)
#civil law (codified law)
#Justinian Code
#Senate (Roman)
#Theodosian Code
#Twelve Tables
#Britian: Early Culture and Religion
#Britain: Early Culture and Religion
#Greek religion
#Britain, Roman
#British society in the Iron Age
#ske»ne»/scaenae frons
fa05\fa050052.jpg,0,"Love among rocks \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Apuleius, Lucius
#Cartland, (Mary) Barbara (Hamilton)
#chansons de geste
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#Cookson, Catherine (Ann)
#Sidney, Sir Philip
#French literature
#Indo-European languages
#Italian literature
#Latin literature
#Portuguese literature
#Spanish literature
caoy\caoy0095.jpg,,"Romanesque \Ipersisterium\i (a vessel for the reception of consecrated waters) from Germany c.1100 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0118.jpg,,"Romanesque folding chair from a convent on the Nonnberg near Salzburg, Austria (14th century) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0084.jpg,0,"Romanesque chandelier from the cathedral at Hildesheim, Germany (1044-1054) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0087.jpg,,"Romanesque cross from San Lorenzo at Rome (c.1150) \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Churches: Architecture Throughout History
#Gothic architecture
#Norman architecture
#Roman architecture
#Indo-Aryan languages
0172\01720038.jpg,0,"Romanian street scene \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720037.jpg,0,"Palace of Culture, Pitesti, Romania \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720036.jpg,0,"Village well, Romania \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720035.jpg,0,"Romanian street market \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720033.jpg,0,"Transport - Romanian style \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720031.jpg,,"Temonal Arch, Bucharest, Romania \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720034.jpg,,"Oradea, Romania \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Romania (Atlas)
#Romania Political Rulers and Leaders
#Soviet take-over of Eastern Europe
#WWII: War in the Balkans
#Carpathian Mountains
#Ceausescu, Nicolae
#Romance languages
#Flemish art
#Gossaert, Jan
#Renaissance art
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#British society in the Iron Age
#Britian: Early Culture and Religion
#Britian: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Britain: Early Culture and Religion
#Britain, Roman
#Senate (Roman)
#graphology, linguistics
#Alexander I, (of Russia)
#Alexander I
#Catherine II
#February Revolution (Russia)
#Nicholas I
#Nicholas II
#Peter I
#Revolution of 1905
#Russian history
#Russian Revolution
#Time of Troubles
#New Testament
#Paul, St
#Archaeological Romanticism
#Blake, William
#Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
#English literature
#French literature
#German literature
#Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
#Hugo, Victor (Marie)
#Kant, Immanuel
#Keats, John
#Rousseau, Jean Jacques
#Schiller, (Johann Christoph) Friedrich (von)
#Shelley, Percy Bysshe
#Wordsworth, William
#Constable, John
#David, Jacques Louis
#Delacroix, (Ferdinand Victor) EugΦne
#GΘricault, (Jean Louis AndrΘ) ThΘodore
#Gothic revival
#Goya (y Lucientes), Francisco (JosΘ) de
#Nazarenes (German Artists)
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#Turner, J(oseph) M(allord) W(illiam)
#West, Benjamin
#Beethoven, Ludwig van
#Berlioz, (Louis-)Hector
#Chopin, FrΘdΘric (Francois)
#classical music
#Impressionism (music)
#Liszt, Franz
#Mahler, Gustav
#programme music
#Puccini, Giacomo (Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria)
#Schumann, Robert (Alexander)
#symphonic poem
#Verdi, Giuseppe (Fortunino Francesco)
#Wagner, (Wilhelm) Richard
0,rome.avi,"Rome enjoys one of the world's richest architectural histories possessing monuments such as St. Peter's basilica. \H\BVideo:\b Grainger Television"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Rome, approximate location"
2729\27290040.jpg,0,"Colosseum in Rome, Italy, completed around AD 80. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
fp03\fp03094.jpg,0,"Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#New Deal
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
psfp\psfp0017.jpg,roosevlt.wav,"Franklin Roosevelt (middle) with Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill at the Tehran Conference.\p\BSound\b - Roosevelt speaking about World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
psfp\psfp0071.jpg,vl16tr8.wav,"Franklin Delano Roosevelt\p\BSound\b - Roosevelt, 'The hand that held the...', June 10, 1940 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
fp03\fp03056.jpg,vl16tr2.wav,"Franklin Roosevelt signing declaration of war against Germany and Italy, December 11, 1941.\p\BSound\b - Roosevelt, 'Policy of the good neighbor...', March 4, 1933 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
fp03\fp03092.jpg,vl16tr3.wav,"President Roosevelt signing the declaration of war against Germany and Italy (Washington DC, 1941).\p\BSound\b - Roosevelt, 'A stricken nation...', January 20, 1936 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
psfp\psfp0038.jpg,vl16tr4.wav,"Franklin D. Roosevelt\p\BSound\b - Roosevelt, 'Attack on my little dog Fala...', September 23, 1944 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
carr\carrmusi.jpg,vl16tr14.wav,"\BSound\b - Roosevelt, 'I have seen war...', August 14, 1936 \H\BPhotograph:\b Valentino, Inc \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Atlantic Charter (August 14, 1941), The
#Chamberlain and appeasement
#Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)
#F. D. Roosevelt's 'Four Freedoms' Speech (January 6, 1941)
#F. D. Roosevelt's Statement on North African Policy (November 17, 1942)
#Great Depression of America
#Hemispheric Defense (August 18, 1940)
#New Deal
#Roosevelt, (Anna) Eleanor
#Stalin, Joseph
#Strategy, Mediterranean and Allied
#United States History, The Second New Deal
#United States Politics, Third Party Candidates
#United States, The Great Depression
#United States, The New Deal and World War
#World War II
carr\carrmusi.jpg,vl16tr1.wav,"\BSound\b - Roosevelt, 'Only thing we have to fear...', March 4, 1933 \H \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
1602\16020057.jpg,,"Theodore Roosevelt, 1st Cavalry, U.S.R. Ca (Spanish-American war, 1898) \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1602\16020058.jpg,,"Theodore Roosevelt and his 'Rough Riders' at the top of the hill which they captured in battle. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#America and The Reform Impulse
#Spanish-American War
#Teddy Bear
#McKinley, William
#Republican Party
#Square Deal
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
3218\32180080.jpg,0,"Tree roots burst through wall, Ming Tombs, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
2266\22660029.jpg,,"Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Sound, The
#Malaria Disease
#Malaria and the Anopheles Mosquito
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
#Coriolis force
#depression (meteorology)
#general circulation models
#jet stream
#Bergman, Ingrid
caoy\caoy0186.jpg,0,"Tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, executed in marble by Antonio Rossellino at Santa Miniato near Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#English literature
#Oxford Movement
#Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB)
#Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
scan\scan0199.jpg,0,"\IDante's Dream\i by Rossetti \H"
#Lilith - The First Eve
#English art
#Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB)
carr\carrmusi.jpg,cl1tr1.wav,"\BSound\b - \IWilliam Tell Overture\i by Rossini \H \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Britten (of Aldeburgh), (Edward) Benjamin Britten, Baron
#cello or violoncello
#Mariana Islands
pdec\pdec0053.jpg,0,"Rotary International has instituted a plan of action to help reduce pollution and garbage, thus making the world more aware of the delicate balance of the environment. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0721\07210028.jpg,0,"Original coffin which contained the naturally preserved body of Saint Abramm in his church in Fayoum, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
1766\17660060.jpg,,"Sand dune, Mungo National Park, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Aeolian deposits
#angle of repose
#Sahara Desert
#Chopin, FrΘdΘric (Francois)
#French literature
#Musset, (Louis Charles) Alfred de
caoy\caoy0052.jpg,0,"Sandalwood candlestick carved in Italy in the 18th century \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#parasitic plant
#Faure, Edgar (Jean)
fp03\fp03004.jpg,0,"Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#American literature
#Somoza (Garcφa), Anastasio
#Yugoslavia or Jugoslavia
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Sandown, approximate location"
#Swinburne, Algernon Charles
#Wight, Isle of
vam2\vam20218.jpg,sandpip.wav,"Sandpipers on the rocks\p\BSound\b - Spotted sandpiper \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
vam2\vam20222.jpg,0,"Sandpipers in flight \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
100a\100a0312.jpg,0,"Margaret (Higgins) Sanger \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Moody, Dwight L(yman)
#St Gallen
#St Moritz
#French Revolution
#Jacobins (French history)
#Pundit#Indian literature
#Indo-Aryan languages
#Indo-European languages
#Indian literature
#Indian theatre / theater
caoy\caoy0188.jpg,0,"An Andrea Sansovino sculpture from the Tomb of Cardinal Sforza (1505) in Santa Maria del Popolo at Rome \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0191.jpg,,"\IThe Baptism of Christ\i -- a group in marble by Andrea Sansovino (1500) in the Baptistry at Florence \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0190.jpg,,"Group in marble by Andrea Sansovino (1512) at San Agostino at Rome \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0198.jpg,,"Relief by Jacopo Sansovino, \ISanta Antonio at Padua\i, c.1545-1550 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
aaoy\aaoy0052.jpg,,"Facade of the Library of San Marco at Venice by Jacopo Sansovino \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0199.jpg,,"\IApollo,\i statue in bronze by Jacopo Sansovino in the Logetta at Venice, 1540 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0196.jpg,,"\ISt John the Baptist,\i by Jacopo Sansovino from the baptismal font in Santa Maria del Frari at Venice, 1554 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0300.jpg,0,"Sappho sculpture, c. 1850 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Greek literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Sapporo, approximate location"
1204\12040006.jpg,0,"Traditional drum dance in front of snow sculpture, Sapporo, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1203\12030020.jpg,0,"Ice sculpture, Sapporo, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1204\12040009.jpg,0,"Ice sculpture, Sapporo, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0155\01550012.jpg,0,"Sapporo toy market, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1204\12040002.jpg,0,"Park in Sapporo, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Yuki Matsuri
vam5\vam50300.jpg,sapsuck.wav,"Sapsucker holes in a tree\p\BSound\b - Red-naped sapsucker \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
wrpd\wrpd0240.jpg,0,"Burning crosses are sometimes part of Satanic rituals. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nasa\nasa0046.jpg,0,"Three-colour filter image of Jupiter's satellite, Callisto \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0138.jpg,,"Image of Saturn's satellite, Rhea, computer enhanced to show colour and brightness variations. Image taken by Voyager 1 on November 12, 1980, at a distance of 1.3 million km (808,000 miles). \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0136.jpg,,"Image of Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, taken from Voyager 2, at a range of 4.5 million km (2.7 million miles). \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Solar System Studies, 19th Century
#USSR Launches First Sputnik (1957)
ssp1\ssp10108.jpg,0,"Orbiting satellite \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10120.jpg,,"Close-up of a satellite \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10019.jpg,,"Adjusting a satellite's shroud \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10151.jpg,,"Satellite's solar shield \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10142.jpg,,"Satellite panels \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10141.jpg,,"Satellite's solar panels \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10011.jpg,,"Astronauts releasing a satellite \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10104.jpg,,"Releasing the satellite \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10138.jpg,,"Orbiting satellite \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0172\01720039.jpg,0,"Launch from Loch Ness to Loch Oich, Scotland \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2728\27280085.jpg,0,"Loch Leven is the largest freshwater lake in lowland Scotland. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280027.jpg,0,"Loch Lomond is the largest lake in Scotland and the largest stretch of inland water in the UK. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1204\12040049.jpg,0,"Traditional cottage in Scottish Highlands \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2728\27280008.jpg,0,"Northwest of Glasgow, Scotland, near Loch Lomond \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Andrew, St
#Bagpipes' History
#British Government and Politics 1783-1846
#Bruce, Robert
#Kenneth I
#kilt's origin
#november 30
#Scotland 1625-1783
#Scotland in the Middle Ages
#Scotland Local Councils
#Scottish Ballet
#Scottish literature
#Scottish National Party (SNP)
#Scottish Politics since 1901
#Scottish reels
#Union, Acts of
#Special Branch
fp03\fp03018.jpg,0,"Dred Scott (c.1795-1858) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#English literature
2919\29190081.jpg,0,"Robert Scott \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
caoy\caoy0062.jpg,,"Sculpture by Finelli (c.1880) called 'Love Reviving Life' depicting Cupid giving life back to a butterfly with a kiss. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
ssas\ssas0035.jpg,,"Totem carving \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2060\20600036.jpg,,"Sculptor carving moai statue with bird man motifs, Easter Islands. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
ssas\ssas0034.jpg,,"Modern sculpture \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssuw\ssuw0161.jpg,0,"Sea urchin \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#heart urchin
#sand dollar
#international law
#oceanic ridges
#plate tectonics
ssas\ssas0231.jpg,seali760.wav,"Sea-lions\p\BSound\b - Sea-lions \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Production Music Services Pty Ltd"
vas6\vas60059.jpg,0,"Sea-lion resting \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#seal (biology)
#chemical elements
nwte\nwte0198.jpg,seal2.wav,"Cape fur seal\p\BSound\b - Seal \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
pdp1\pdp10031.jpg,0,"Seal pup \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60060.jpg,,"Seal pup on beach \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pnwe\pnwe0039.jpg,,"Harp seal \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#common seal
#crabeater seal
#elephant seal
#hooded seal
#leopard seal
mayf\mayf47.jpg,0,"Seal of the New England Colony 'Nova Anglia' \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
aaoy\aaoy0081.jpg,0,"Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the tomb of King Mausolus of Caria in southwestern Asia Minor, c.350 BC. This building was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was destroyed in an earthquake sometime between the 11th and 15th century AD and was likely used as a quarry thereafter. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
0721\07210007.jpg,0,"Great Pyramids at Giza are one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
0721\07210010.jpg,,"Camel driver at the Pyramids in Giza, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Colossus of Rhodes
#Mausolus, Tomb of
#Pharos of Alexandria
#Zeus, statue of
#America, French and Indian War
#Elizabeth Petrovna
#English Warfare 1689-1783
#Frederick II (of Prussia), known as the Great
#George II
#Granby, John Manners, Marquess of
#Louis XV
#Maria Theresa
#Montcalm (de Saint VΘran), Louis Joseph de Montcalm-Grozon, marquis de
#Paris, Treaties of
#Paris, Treaties of (1761-3)
#Seven Years War (1756-63)
#Vend⌠me, Louis Joseph, duc de (Duke of)
#Villars, Claude Louis Hector, duc de (Duke of)
#Italian art
2166\21660042.jpg,0,"Severn Bridge, suspension tower, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Bristol Channel
#Britain, Roman
#Leptis Magna or Lepcis Magna
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Seville, approximate location"
elpd\elpd0282.jpg,0,"Aerial view of Seville \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0283.jpg,0,"Piazza de Espana, Seville, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0281.jpg,,"Palm trees and tower, Seville, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Columbus, Christopher
#Murillo, BartolomΘ Esteban
#Velßzquez, Diego (Rodriguez de Silva)
2185\21850019.jpg,0,"Sewage plant, QLD, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
vam5\vam50063.jpg,,"Water treatment plant \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#English literature
#mountain beaver
#oestrogens / estrogens
#punk rock
#rock music
#History of Chauvinism
#gender (sociology)
#political correctness
#Hydra (astronomy) (Lat 'sea serpent')
stpd\stpd0048.jpg,0,"Man using sextant \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0279.jpg,,"Sierra ranges, California \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0278.jpg,,"Ebbets Pass, California \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#radioactivity units
nwte\nwte0064.jpg,0,"Lemur -- A sifaka lemur \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#seal (communications)
#Sri Lanka
#Huss or Hus, John
ulpd\ulpd0326.jpg,0,"American road sign for moose crossing \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Good Wine Needs No Bush
#R With A Stroke Through It
#Get One's Back Up
#X - The Unknown Quantity
#Red Light District
#Oak Leaves
#Symbol Of Silence
#Telling Gesture
#Pentacle - The Star Of The Magician
#Sioux Oral Tradition
#alternative and augmentative communication
#American Sign Language (ASL)
scan\scan0196.jpg,0,"\IAntibes, Le Nuage Rose\i by Signac \H"
#French art
#Impressionism (art)
#Seurat, Georges (Pierre)
#experimental psychology
#Italian art
#Brunhild, Brunhilde, or Brynhild
#Pol Pot
#red deer
100a\100a1205.jpg,0,"Sikhs \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
3612\36120073.jpg,0,"Sikh temple in Singapore \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Adi Granth
#Punjab (India)
#Pilsudski, J≤zef (Klemens)
#Britain, Roman
#Britain: Early Culture and Religion
#sound film
#Dionysus or Dionysos
#Czech Republic
2038\20380099.jpg,0,"Silhouette of a tall ship \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
wrpd\wrpd0321.jpg,0,"Silhouette of tree against sky \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Silhouette: Origins of the Name
3611\36110064.jpg,0,"Petrified wood occurs when the wood is gradually replaced by silica. Here we can see an example of petrification in the Petrified Forest, Arizona. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#glass, manufactured
#silicate minerals
1262\12620028.jpg,0,"Silicon wafers in a furnace \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#chemical elements
#silicate minerals
#silicon carbide
#silicon chip
#integrated circuit
#occupational diseases
2068\20680018.jpg,0,"Traditional silk production \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
2881\28810055.jpg,0,"Silk factory, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Fourth Anniversary
#fibre / fiber
#Archaeology in Asia
#Hexi Corridor
#kapok tree
#screen-process printing
2720\27200043.jpg,0,"Silkworms -- Raising Silkworms \H\BPhotograph:\b Mr Xiong, China National Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
vam1\vam10033.jpg,0,"Red-breasted Nuthatch -- The Red-breasted Nuthatch is common in northern fir and spruce forests across much of North America \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#English literature
#Sitwell, Sir Osbert
#Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell
#Walton, Sir William (Turner)
#English literature
#Sitwell, Dame Edith
#Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell
#English literature
#Sitwell, Dame Edith
#Sitwell, Sir Osbert
#Mughal or Mogul Empire
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#Auric, Georges
#Durey, Louis
#Honegger, Arthur
#Milhaud, Darius
#Poulenc, Francis
#nuclear reactor
#Atlantic Ocean
#Icelandic literature
#Norwegian literature
#Three Age System
pdis\pdis0126.jpg,0,"Skateboarder in motion \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0206.jpg,0,"Titanium fuel tanks attached to Skylab \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#launch vehicle
#Skylab I
#space station
ulpd\ulpd0203.jpg,0,"Skyscrapers in Denver \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1203\12030085.jpg,,"Skyscrapers in Hong Kong \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#C N Tower or Canadian National Tower
#Chicago School (architecture)
#curtain wall
#Sears Tower
#shifting cultivation
#metamorphic rock
#Knock Off Work
#African Diseases Enter The New World
#Wilberforce, William
#Amazon ant
fp03\fp03055.jpg,0,"Reward offered by W. M. Russell for apprehension of runaway slaves, St Louis, 1 October 1847 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03062.jpg,,"'Slavery is Dead'. Emancipation proclamation, 1 January 1863. (Wood engraving) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03074.jpg,,"'Am I not a man and a brother?' (Woodcut Rare Book Collection -- detail of broadside John Greenley Whittier's \IOur Countrymen in Chains\i, 1837) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#abolitionist movement
#America (early), Settlers, Slaves and Servants
#America Post Civil War
#American Civil War
#Dred Scott decision
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Knock Off Work
#slave trade
#Slavery, The Compromise of 1850
#Slavery, United States, A Divided Nation
#social stratification
#That Takes The Cake
#Thomas Jefferson on Slavery
#United States History, Slavery and Abolitionists
#United States History, Slavery and Sectionalism
#United States, Westward Expansion
#Baltic languages
#Cyrillic alphabet
#Czech and Slovak literature
#Indo-European languages
#Polish literature
#Russian literature
#Slavic or Slavonic languages
0155\01550099.jpg,0,"Sleeping child \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Incubi and Succubi - The Source of All Nightmares
0123\01230050.jpg,snake.wav,"Black Snake - one of the deadliest of the 2400 living varieties\p\BSound\b - Snake \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
caoy\caoy0162.jpg,0,"Judgement of Solomon, Palace of the Doges (Dukes) at Venice, c. 1400. Solomon is petitioned by two woman, each of whom claim to be the mother of a child. To unmask the false mother he declares that the child will be cut in half. The true mother immediately withdrew her claim to the child to save it. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Fly In The Ointment
#Proverbs, Book of
#Solomon, Psalms of
#Song of Solomon, Song of Songs, or Canticles
#Wisdom of Solomon or Book of Wisdom
0154\01540001.jpg,0,"Children, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540024.jpg,0,"Children, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720096.jpg,0,"Carving in stone, Malaita, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540011.jpg,0,"Cracking coconuts on Prince Vincent Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720098.jpg,0,"Awki fish market, Malaita \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720097.jpg,0,"Housing, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720100.jpg,0,"Traditional jewellery, Malaita, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720099.jpg,0,"Awki boat builder, Malaita, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720092.jpg,0,"Custom house, pagan village of Laulasi, Malaita, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
2060\20600050.jpg,0,"Making the holes in shells for traditional shell money necklaces \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
0154\01540006.jpg,,"Child eating with parrot, Malaita, Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Solomon Islands (Atlas)
#Solomon Islands Political Rulers and Leaders
#Coral Sea or Solomon Sea
#Solomon (Hebrew Bible)
#Draco (ancient Greece)
#History of the Solstice#midnight sun
#mole (physics)
stpd\stpd0035.jpg,0,"Solutions held in laboratory beakers and test tubes \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2729\27290049.jpg,0,"Glastonbury Abbey in Glastonbury, Somerset, the site of one of the first Christian churches in England \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#World War I: Overview
#WWI: The Somme
#Haig (of Bemersyde), Douglas Haig, 1st Earl
#Passchendaele, Battle of
#Somme, River
#World War I
#Somme, Battle of the
#sleep-walking or somnambulism
#Nicaragua War (1978)
#Marxists Seize Nicaragua (1979)
#Jesus Christ
#Baroque (music)
#Beethoven, Ludwig van
#Chopin, FrΘdΘric (Francois)
#Corelli, Arcangelo
#Handel, George Frideric
#Haydn, Franz Joseph
#Liszt, Franz
#Purcell, Henry
#Scarlatti, (Giuseppe) Domenico
#Babbitt, Milton
#Bernstein, Leonard
wrpd\wrpd0205.jpg,0,"Hawaiian wedding song \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Happy Birthday To You
#December 31: 'Auld Lang Syne'
#Do Re Mi Fa So....
#Dowland, John
#Eurovision Song Contest
#Handel, George Frideric
#Monteverdi, Claudio
#pop music
#Scarlatti, (Giuseppe) Domenico
#song cycle
#Britten (of Aldeburgh), (Edward) Benjamin Britten, Baron
#Mahler, Gustav
#Old Testament
#Solomon (Hebrew Bible)
#Apocrypha, Old Testament
#Azariah, Prayer of
#Daniel, Book of
#Kublai Khan
#Song Ziwen
#mistle thrush
#thrush (bird)
#Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)
#Jiang Jieshi
#Sun Yixian
nwte\nwte0174.jpg,0,"Barn swallows are songbirds \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1602\16020053.jpg,0,"Havana, Cuba, January 1898 -- the \IMaine\i entering the harbour \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020054.jpg,0,"Wreck of the \IMaine\i 1898 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020056.jpg,0,"Sinking of the Spanish Fleet at Santiago, Cuba, 1898 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020058.jpg,,"Theodore Roosevelt and his 'Rough Riders' at the top of Kettle Hill outside Santiago which they captured in battle. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020057.jpg,0,"Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, 1st Cavalry, U.S.R Ca \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Roosevelt, Theodore
#Santiago de Cuba
#Bolφvar, Sim≤n
#San Martφn, JosΘ de
#four-stroke engine
#internal combustion engine
#English literature
carr\carrmusi.jpg,sparrow.wav,"\BSound\b - Fox sparrow \H \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
#house sparrow
#Sparrows Not Dinosaurs After All
#hawk (bird)
#Greek Civilization, Sparta the grim
#Greek Civilization, The downfall of Sparta
#Greek history
#Lycurgus (Law-giver of Sparta)
#Peloponnesian War
#Persian Wars (Early Civilization)
#Persian Wars, The Aftermath
#Thebes (Greece)
#left wing
#Luxemburg, Rosa
#Russian Revolution
#Roman Warfare: Rise of the Hired Armies
#Appian Way
#Crassus, Marcus Licinius
#Servile Wars
#cerebral palsy
#First Speakers
#Commons, House of
#House of Representatives
#factor analysis
#Scotland Yard
#balance of payments
#International Monetary Fund (IMF)
#compensatory education
#blue-backing shot
#matte shot
#reflex projection
#travelling matte
#Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)
#World War II
diag\diag0037.jpg,0,"Special relativity -- in (a), bullet with velocity v is fired from a stationary car; in (b, a car is moving with velocity u, with a similar bullet fired in the same direction as the motion of the car. As seen by an observer, the bullet has a velocity of u + v. \p\p\pIn (c), a flash of light sent by a stationary car is measured by an observer as c, the standard velocity of light; in (d), a flash of light is sent from a car moving at velocity u. The observer measures the velocity of the flash and finds that it is c, not c + u. The velocity of light is alsways the same. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Einstein's Theories of Relativity
#clock paradox
#Einstein, Albert
#Lorentz contraction
#mass-energy relation
#Michelson, A(lbert) A(braham)
#Minkowski space
#Newton, Isaac
#time dilation
#fibres / fibers
#morphology (biology)
#relative density
#heat capacity
whal\whalspec.jpg,0,"Spectacled Porpoise \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
pdmt\pdmt0097.jpg,0,"This employee is having his eyes tested by the store nurse. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Origins of Spectacles
#pinhole glasses
#Wearing Other People's Glasses
#Stars and Nebulae, Solar System Studies
#atomic spectra
#Auger effect
#mass spectrometer
#M÷ssbauer effect
#nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
#photoemission spectroscopy
#Raman scattering
#resonant ionization spectroscopy
#secondary emission
3209\32090055.jpg,0,"Spectrum of colours in a rainbow \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdmt\pdmt0256.jpg,,"Spectrum of light \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Astrophysics, Origins of 1800-90
#atomic spectra
#electromagnetic radiation
#clinical linguistics
#speech pathology
#ISO speed rating
nwte\nwte0015.jpg,0,"Cheetahs are known as the fastest land animal. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam2\vam20050.jpg,0,"Racing cars are designed for speed. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#velocity of light
#Unusual Start Of Speedway
#Speedway World Championship Winners
#motorcycle racing
#Mayflower Miracle - Abandoning a Sinking Ship
#British Government and Politics 1783-1846
#Poor Laws
#Strategy, Mediterranean and Allied
#Hitler, Adolf
#Nazi Party
#Burton, Sir Richard (Francis)
#Nile, River
#speleology / spelaeology
#Darwin, Charles (Robert)
#Social Darwinism
#English art
#Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)
#Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh)
#Day-Lewis, C(ecil)
#English literature
#Nazi Party
#Going For A Song
#Elizabeth I
#English literature
whal\whalsper.jpg,0,"Sperm whale \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#sperm whale
#Romanesque architecture
1374\13740094.jpg,0,"Fiordland Penguin -- Fiordland Penguin of New Zealand \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1374\13740096.jpg,0,"Little Penguin -- The Little Penguin or Fairy Penguin is the smallest of the penguin species \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
vam4\vam40221.jpg,0,"Magellanic Penguin \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0721\07210013.jpg,0,"Sphinx and the smallest pyramid at Giza Mycerinus, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
2728\27280021.jpg,0,"Sphinx and Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
3402\34020020.jpg,0,"Staffordshire bull terrier \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#bull terrier
#Person: Origin of its Name
#Pull Up One's Socks
#In The Limelight
#On the Stage
#Whistling Backstage
#Fresh Flowers On Stage
#apron stage
#open stage
#theatre / theater in the round
#transverse stage
caoy\caoy0085.jpg,0,"Gothic sconce from Dortmund, Germany. A sconce is one of the earliest forms of public lighting as it was designed to be fixed to a wall. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
2184\21840068.jpg,0,"Stagecoach in main street of Sovereign Hill, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#supply-side economics
0122\01220062.jpg,0,"Stained glass window in a Croatian monastery \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1766\17660056.jpg,0,"Stained glass church window, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
wrpd\wrpd0265.jpg,0,"Stained glass window of Doubting Thomas \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
psfp\psfp0017.jpg,stalin.wav,"Joseph Stalin (left) with Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill at the Tehran Conference.\p\BSound\b - Stalin speaking about crushing the German troops in World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
psfp\psfp0077.jpg,vl16tr6.wav,"Joseph Stalin\p\BSound\b - Stalin, A rare recording of his speech, July 3, 1941 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
ssas\ssas0237.jpg,0,"Great Horned Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10005.jpg,0,"Barred Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20220.jpg,0,"Snowy Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1255\12550076.jpg,0,"Powerful Owl -- The largest and most formidable of Australian Owls, the Powerful Owl is confined to deep forests of the east and southeast, where it feeds largely on gliders and possums. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
vam5\vam50221.jpg,0,"Burrowing Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50215.jpg,0,"Great Grey Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50196.jpg,0,"Spotted Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Great British Coal Strike (1921)
#Killed Whilst On Picket Duty
#industrial action
#trade union
#dip and strike
#Swedish literature
vas6\vas60112.jpg,cl1tr12.wav,"String instrument maker\p\BSound\b - \IRide of the Valkyrie\i by Wagner \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#aeolian harp
#bow (music)
#cello or violoncello
#double bass
#Hawaiian guitar
#keyboard instrument
#string quartet
#viola da gamba
#Haydn, Franz Joseph
#string instrument
#gum tree
whal\whalstri.jpg,0,"Striped Dolphin \H\BDrawing:\b Larry Foster"
#Chaco War
#blood vessels
#cerebral haemorrhage / hemorrhage
#alpha decay
#forces of nature
#nuclear physics
#particle physics
#quantum chromodynamics
#strong interaction
#chemical elements
#nuclear fission
#Barthes, Roland (GΘrard)
#LΘvi-Strauss, Claude
#Saussure, Ferdinand de
#query language
#relational database
#systems analysis
vam1\vam10015.jpg,0,"Ostrich -- The closest relative to the ostrich are rheas and emus. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
100a\100a0310.jpg,0,"Otto Struve (1897-1963) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Alice Springs
#Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of
#Forty-five Rebellion
#James II, England
#Macdonald, Flora
#Fifteen Rebellion
#James II
#West, Benjamin
#Sturt, Charles
#English art
#India: Archaeological Investigations
0123\01230078.jpg,0,"Caviar \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
diag\diag0039.jpg,0,"Surface tension -- water rises up a narrow pipe by capillarity, a surface tension effect which can be explained in terms of pressure differences across a curved air-liquid boundary. \p\pThe curved liquid is called the meniscus. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
2185\21850006.jpg,0,"Swordfish caught off Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#deciduous plants
#rheumatic fever
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Sydney, approximate location"
1262\12620086.jpg,0,"Darling Harbour, Australia Day 1996 \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
3612\36120007.jpg,0,"Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour was originally used as a prison. Here it is used as part of the 1988 Australian Bicentennial celebrations. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
1636\16360100.jpg,0,"Old Sydney Town is a reproduction of Sydney's beginnings \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
0889\08890034.jpg,0,"Luna Park, Sydney \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
2184\21840084.jpg,0,"Art Gallery of New South Wales \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2184\21840083.jpg,0,"People playing giant chess in Hyde Park \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
1639\16390009.jpg,0,"Sydney to Hobart yacht race start. This is an annual event starting on Boxing Day each year. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
0124\01240056.jpg,0,"Early Sydney settlement, 1790s \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
0124\01240042.jpg,0,"Australia's first government house, Sydney, 1800 \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Australia, First European Settlement
#Botany Bay
#New South Wales
#Sydney Harbour Bridge
#Sydney Opera House
3214\32140045.jpg,0,"Sydney Harbour Bridge \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0894\08940003.jpg,0,"Sydney Harbour Bridge and the start of the Sydney - Hobart yacht race 1996 \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1635\16350005.jpg,0,"Sydney Harbour Bridge crossed by thousands \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
3214\32140044.jpg,0,"Sydney Harbour Bridge (Detail) \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0894\08940031.jpg,,"Sydney Harbour Tunnel runs under the Harbour Bridge \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#Francis Edward de Groot
#bridge (engineering)
#New Guard
1635\16350100.jpg,0,"Sydney Opera House at night during the bid for the Sydney 2000 Olympics. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
3214\32140032.jpg,0,"Sydney Opera House \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140035.jpg,0,"Sydney Opera House \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140031.jpg,0,"Sydney Opera House at sunset \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140039.jpg,,"Sydney Opera House \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140043.jpg,,"Sydney Opera House \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#feldspar or felspar
#igneous rock
#graphology, handwriting
#Frisian Islands
#Silvanus or Sylvanus
#Artificial Life By Way of Symbiosis
wrpd\wrpd0291.jpg,0,"Cross - the symbol of Christianity, associated with the death and rebirth of Christ \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Cross My Heart
#Good Wine Needs No Bush
#Dollar Symbol ($)
#Crossing of Knife and Fork
#Emblem of Staff and Serpent
#Blue for the First Prize
#Fish Symbol
#Crescent Moon
#X - The Unknown Quantity
#Thumbs Up
#Symbol Of Power
#Chip Off The Old Block
#Pentacle - The Star Of The Magician
#Hexagram - The Star Of David
#Meanings Of Symbols
#Clasped Hands
#Hourglass and Clockface Symbols on Tombstones
#Altar, Urn, Shroud, And Altar Cloth
#Hand Out Of Cloud
#Eggs And Arrows
#Shells on Gravestones
#National Symbols In The Cemetery
#Blessing Hands on a Headstone
#Claddagh Ring
#Eye Above The Pyramid
#mathematical logic
#English literature
#French literature
#Poe, Edgar Allan
#Swedenborg, Emanuel
#Baudelaire, Charles (Pierre)
#Denis, Maurice
#French literature
#Impressionism (literature)
#MallarmΘ, StΘphane
#Nabis, Les
#Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (CΘcile)
#Redon, Odilon
#Rimbaud, (Jean Nicolas) Arthur
#Verlaine, Paul (Marie)
#conservation laws
#spontaneous symmetry breaking
#spontaneous symmetry breaking
#autonomic nervous system (ANS)
#Franck, CΘsar (Auguste)
#Liszt, Franz
#programme music
#Romanticism (music)
#Smetana, Bedrich
#Strauss, Richard
2246\22460068.jpg,cl1tr7.wav,"Beethoven statue in Bonn, where he was born.\p\BSound\b - Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Beethoven, Ludwig van
#Haydn, Franz Joseph
#Mahler, Gustav
#Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
#programme music
#Sibelius, Jean (Julius Christian)
#symphonic poem
#Covering of Head in Synagogue
#Yom Kippur
#elder (religion)
#neurone / neuron
#asynchronous transmission
#particle accelerators
#synchrotron radiation
#particle accelerators
#X-ray diffraction
#Abbey Theatre
#Irish literature
#Yeats, W(illiam) B(utler)
#Gospels, canonical
#sports medicine
#Nuclear Waste Issues
#programming language
#keyboard instrument
stpd\stpd0142.jpg,0,"Laboratory technician and equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2061\20610080.jpg,0,"Tahitian children \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
0156\01560027.jpg,0,"Cooks Bay Resort, Moorea, Tahiti \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
2061\20610070.jpg,0,"Picturesque palms shade a Tahitian hut \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610079.jpg,0,"Music and dance are major characteristics of the French Polynesian culture \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610077.jpg,0,"Blowing the conch to call people together for the festival of traditional Polynesian canoes \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610074.jpg,0,"Rock lifting is a traditional Tahitian sport that is the ultimate test of strength. This 140kg rock has to be lifted onto the shoulders. Particularly popular in Rurutu, one of the southern Austral islands. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#French Polynesia
#C⌠te d'Ivoire
3219\32190022.jpg,0,"Chinese women practising tai chi, Qing Tombs gardens, near Baoding, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#alternative medicine
#martial arts
#Wu Yue or Wu Yⁿeh
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Taibei or Taipei, approximate location"
2068\20680035.jpg,0,"Technology in the twentieth century \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
tempering and quelching colours.tbl,,"The table gives European and American blacksmith's colours as they are used for quenching and tempering steel. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
stpd\stpd0019.jpg,,"Satellite communications tower, Arizona, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#British Non-European Conflicts, 19th Century
#United States, Coming of Age (1865-1914)
#War, the Industrialization of
#WWI: Pre-war Technology
0,platech.avi,"Techtonics ù Studying the structure of the Earth's crust. \H\BVideo:\b Webster Publishing"
#Plate Tectonic Theory
#plate tectonics
#American Civil War: Defeat of the South
#Indian Wars
#War of 1812
#air force
#World War II
#Tyne, River
#Cleveland (UK)
#Tees, River
teeth in humans.tbl,0,"Human teeth \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
psfp\psfp0017.jpg,0,"Tehran Conference - Russia's Joseph Stalin, US President Roosevelt and England's Winston Churchill \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#WWII, The Politics of War
#Cold War: Overview
#Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)
#Cold War
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#Stalin, Joseph
#Tehran or Teheran
#World War II
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Tehran or Teheran, approximate location"
#Cenozoic era
#palaeontology / paleontology
#French literature
#literary criticism
#cable television
#flying spot scanner
#electronic mail or e-mail
3214\32140018.jpg,0,"Telephone wire and pole \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140019.jpg,0,"Telegraph pole \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140014.jpg,0,"Telephone box \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Marconi, Guglielmo
#mobile communications
#optical fibres
#psychokinesis (PK)
2246\22460039.jpg,telemann.mid,"Old Opera House in Frankfurt, Germany\p\BSound\b - \ISonata in C Minor\i by Telemann \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Webster Publishing"
#design, argument from
#design, argument from
#bony fish
3214\32140018.jpg,0,"Telephone Wire, Telegraph Pole \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140019.jpg,0,"Telegraph Pole \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140014.jpg,0,"Telephone Box \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Bell, Alexander Graham
#Edison, Thomas (Alva)
#loudspeaker or speaker
0231\02310029.jpg,0,"Small telescope for viewing distant objects \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdmt\pdmt0253.jpg,0,"Telescope used to study the stars from home \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2882\28820089.jpg,,"Entrance to the Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Temples and Birds
#Greek Civilization, Buildings of Athens
#Acropolis, The
#Zeus, statue of
#Inns of Court
#Wren, Sir Christopher
3219\32190066.jpg,0,"Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190062.jpg,0,"Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190063.jpg,,"Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China (detail on gate) \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
2727\27270002.jpg,0,"Behind this curtain is enshrined the eye tooth of Buddha in the Temple of the Tooth, Kandy, Sri Lanka \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
issg\issg0017.jpg,0,"Western wall (part of the Second Temple of Jerusalem) with the Dome of the Rock in the background. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Holy of Holies
#Solomon (Hebrew Bible)
#William III
#Church of England
#Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion Winners
#Nobel Prizes
#Templeton, Sir John Marks
#Teresa (of Calcutta), Mother
#Templeton Prize
#Tempura's Introduction
fa06\fa060016.jpg,0,"Christ with commandments \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Ark of the Covenant
#covenant (religion)
#Sinai, Mount
#Israel, tribes of
#climbing plant
#Canary Islands
#Deng Xiaoping
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Tennant Creek, approximate location"
#Northern Territory
mapl\mapltn.jpg,0,"Tennessee - map \H"
nssg\nssg0040.jpg,0,"Fall Creek, Tennessee, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nssg\nssg0017.jpg,0,"Burgess Falls, Tennessee, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0097.jpg,,"Tennessee Pioneer Farmstead, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0096.jpg,,"Tennessee Road, Tennessee, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
mssg\mssg0091.jpg,,"Sunset over Tennessee, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#American Civil War
#Boone, Daniel
#Ku Klux Klan
#United States of America (USA)
#United States of America (USA)
#Carroll, Lewis
1639\16390020.jpg,0,"Tennis pro Gabrielle Sabatini at the Ford Australia Open, 1993 \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1639\16390019.jpg,0,"Todd Woodbridge uses a backhand return \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120100.jpg,0,"World Champion Steffi Graf returning a serve in the Ford Australian Open, 1993 \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1639\16390018.jpg,0,"Tennis champion John McEnroe serves the ball \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1639\16390011.jpg,0,"Nicole Provis at the Australian Open in Melbourne \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
0739\07390063.jpg,0,"Pyramid of the Sun, measuring 720 x 760 feet at the base and 216 feet in height, Teotihuacßn, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Pleistocene epoch
eaoy\eaoy0072.jpg,0,"\IPaternal Admonition\i by Gerard Terborch \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
eaoy\eaoy0070.jpg,0,"Gerard Terborch's \IThe Trumpeter\i \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
3612\36120044.jpg,0,"\IIn vitro\i fertilization of oocyte by microinjection of a single spermatozoon directly into ooplasm. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3612\36120047.jpg,,"Immunofluorescence of a two cell stage embryo after \Iin vivo\i (spontaneous) conception. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3612\36120049.jpg,,"Immunofluorescence of a morula stage embryo after \Iin vivo\i (spontaneous) conception. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Medicine, Ethical Issues
#uterine tubes
#continuous assessment
#criterion-referenced test
#norm-referenced test
#objective test
#SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
#SAT (Standard Assessment Task)
#Leydig cells
#Sertoli cells
#Leydig cells
#oestrogens / estrogens
#nervous system
#Saturn (astronomy)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"TΘtouan or Tetußn, approximate location"
#Antibiosis and Penicillin
#Grignard, (Francois Auguste) Victor
#petrol (UK) or gasoline (US)
#Lutheran Revolt, the
#Luther, Martin
#Livonian Knights
mapl\mapltx.jpg,0,"Texas - map \H"
ulpd\ulpd0206.jpg,0,"Dallas, Texas, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nssg\nssg0083.jpg,0,"Sandhill State Park, Texas, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0212.jpg,,"NASA Space Center, Houston, Texas, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0211.jpg,,"Fort Worth, Texas, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Mexican War
#Rio Grande
#Texas and War with Mexico
#United States of America (USA)
#discourse analysis
#literary criticism
100a\100a1220.jpg,0,"William Makepeace Thackeray \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#English literature
#Jude, St or Thaddeus
3611\36110021.jpg,0,"Grand Palace, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
0888\08880009.jpg,0,"Tourist boat in Phangana Bay, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0888\08880032.jpg,0,"Ang Thong Marine National Park, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0888\08880021.jpg,0,"Fishing boats in Ang Thong, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1203\12030009.jpg,0,"Chiang Mai, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0888\08880018.jpg,0,"Village houses in Chiang Mai, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
2881\28810048.jpg,0,"Thai Buddhist monks in southern Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1765\17650038.jpg,,"Men practising Thai boxing \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0888\08880006.jpg,,"Man training long-tailed macaque to collect coconuts at Monkey Training College in Suratthani, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1202\12020017.jpg,,"Ancient Pimai, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
wrpd\wrpd0081.jpg,,"Thai decorative art \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Thailand (Atlas)
#Thailand Political Rulers and Leaders
#anaemia / anemia
#haemoglobin / hemoglobin
#Thalia or Thaleia
fa05\fa050064.jpg,0,"Mythology -- Three Graces \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Thalidomide Disaster
#eucaryote or eukaryote
#root (botany)
#stem (botany)
2251\22510049.jpg,0,"Thames at night, London, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2251\22510051.jpg,0,"Thames at night, London, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
elpd\elpd0013.jpg,0,"Skyline, Thames/Waterloo bridge, England \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0724\07240001.jpg,0,"River Thames on a foggy day, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0713\07130036.jpg,0,"River Thames, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
iaoy\iaoy0019.jpg,0,"Steel engraving from a series of early Victorian concept drawings of a tunnel beneath the River Thames in London, England - the tunnel entrance. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
0124\01240059.jpg,0,"Convict hulk on River Thames, England, 1778 \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Set Fire To The Thames
#Second Monday In October
#Fourth Thursday in November
#First Thanksgiving Proclamation (June 20, 1676), The
#Andaman Sea
0069\00690064.jpg,0,"U Thant \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#Cuban Missile Crisis
#United Nations (UN)
#Cunningham, Merce
#Graham, Martha
#modern dance
#postmodern dance
0,environv.avi,"Margaret Thatcher speaking about the environment. \H\BVideo:\b United Nations"
2919\29190052.jpg,thatcher.wav,"Margaret Thatcher\p\BSound\b - Margaret Thatcher \H\BPhotograph:\b Reuters/Gary Hershorn/Archive \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
0124\01240095.jpg,0,"Horse racing (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
pdis\pdis0314.jpg,0,"Thoroughbred in training \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Thoroughbred not Pure-blooded
#Arab horse
#Liberal Party (UK)
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#Thutmose III
#Einstein, Albert
#equivalence principle
#Garibaldi, Giuseppe
0130\01300076.jpg,0,"Threadfin Salmon \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
#archaeology / archeology
#Archaeology: Building a Chronology
#Beaker culture
#Brain Surgery in Stone Age
#Farming, The Earliest Farmers
#Kurgan culture
#La TΦne
#Old Stone Age
#Palaeolithic / Paleolithic
#Three Age System (in detail)
#Warfare in the Bronze Age
#Zhoukoudian or Choukoutien
a154\a1540023.jpg,0,"Mother and child from the Chimbu tribe in Papua New Guinea, a Third World country \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
vam5\vam50179.jpg,,"Tiger ù Sumatran tiger \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10052.jpg,0,"Tabby cats are sometimes referred to as tiger cats \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#wild cat
0128\01280042.jpg,0,"Tiger shark \H\BPhotograph:\b Tim Simpson"
#cinnabar (entomology)
#Afro-Asiatic languages
#Shatt al-Arab
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Tijuana, approximate location"
1749\17490060.jpg,0,"USA/Mexico border at Tijuana, reputed to be the busiest international border in the world \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390043.jpg,,"Tijuana's Cultural Center, Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500028.jpg,0,"Tikal Mayan ruins located in the rainforest jungle, discovered in 1848 after more than 1000 years of abandonment, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500029.jpg,0,"View of ancient Mayan city, Tikal, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1750\17500024.jpg,0,"Tikal overnight shelters for hanging hammocks, Guatemala \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Cassini To Survey Worlds of Saturn and Titan (3 September, 1997)
#Saturn (astronomy)
#Voyager project
#Hyperion (mythology)
#Iapetus (mythology)
#Phoebe (mythology)
#Rhea or Rheia
#Herschel, Sir William (Frederick)
#Uranus (astronomy)
#Oberon (mythology)
#Titan (mythology)
psfp\psfp0078.jpg,0,"\ITitanic\i 1912 before she sunk \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
0713\07130040.jpg,0,"Titanic memorial, Southampton, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#chemical elements
#Tertiary period
#Church of England
#New World monkey
eppd\eppd0047.jpg,0,"Titian's famous work, \IOrpheus and Eurydice\i, commonly known as \IVenus of Urbino\i \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Italian art
#Venetian School
1749\17490003.jpg,0,"Amanta±i Island in Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca is the highest lake in the world that is navigable by large vessels. It lies at 3,800 m above sea level and straddles the border between Peru and Bolivia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490002.jpg,,"Amanta±i Island boat harbour in Lake Titicaca, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
1749\17490015.jpg,,"Boats made from totora reeds, Lake Titicaca, Peru \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Incas or Inka
#Bode's law or Titius-Bode law
titles between languages.tbl,0,"Title equivalents between different languages \H"
diag\diag0043.jpg,0,"Torque examples -- force acting through a fixed centre O will not cause the disc to rotate, whereas the force applied at points A and B will. Applied at point B, a given force produces torque larger than the torque through the same force applied at point A.\p\pA force applied at the outer edge of a disc thus sets the disc spinning more rapidly than the same force applied closer to the centre. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Torricelli, Evangelista
#South Australia
2061\20610089.jpg,0,"Vibrant colours of young islander with hibiscus behind her ear; a tradition originating in the Torres Strait Islands. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610084.jpg,0,"Impact of missionaries in the Torres Strait Islands has resulted in the majority of natives converting to Christianity. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610087.jpg,,"The crucifixion is integrated into traditional bark artwork \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610094.jpg,,"Graves on a hillside in the Torres Strait Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610090.jpg,,"Tropical colours of the Torres Strait surround Darnley Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610091.jpg,,"Small townships decorate Thursday Island \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610093.jpg,,"Traditional boat dance performed by the men of the tribe \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2061\20610085.jpg,,"Mills sisters performing their famous act, Torres Strait Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
spd1\spd10047.jpg,0,"American Robin -- American Robins are familiar garden birds across much of North America \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Dutch Wars
#Frondes, the
#Louis XIV
#Mazarin, Jules
#Thirty Years' War
#Russian literature
#Louis XVI
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Turin, approximate location"
1407\14070078.jpg,0,"Turin, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Holy Shroud or Shroud of Turin
#artificial intelligence (AI)
#Leakey, L(ouis) S(eymour) B(azett)
#Silk Road
2884\28840022.jpg,0,"Coast of Turkey, near Fethiye \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2883\28830092.jpg,0,"Uchisor, Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1202\12020031.jpg,0,"Village of Marmaris, Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1202\12020010.jpg,0,"Yacht in Marmaris, Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1202\12020064.jpg,0,"Turkish coast at sunset \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2754\27540080.jpg,0,"Backgammon game, central Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1202\12020063.jpg,,"Turkish soldiers \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2883\28830094.jpg,,"Old stone house in Urgup, Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2884\28840003.jpg,,"Fishing nets hanging on the trees, Fethiye, Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1202\12020050.jpg,,"Turkey, east coast \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#New Turkish Republic (1922)
#Turkish Bath
#Turkish Puzzle Ring
#Turkey (Atlas)
#Turkey Political Rulers and Leaders
#Ottoman Empire
#Seljuqs / Seljuks
#Sulaiman or Suleyman I
#Young Turks
0281\02810001.jpg,turky701.wav,"Turkey\p\BSound\b - Turkeys are generally very noisy birds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Production Music Services Pty Ltd"
vam5\vam50206.jpg,,"Turkey ù wild turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50192.jpg,0,"Turkey ù wild turkeys \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Thanksgiving Day
#Turkey For Dinner
#Turkeys from Mexico
#Turkmenistan (Atlas)
#Turkmenistan Political Rulers and Leaders
#Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
#Soviet Union
#Turks And Caicos Islands (Atlas)
#Caicos Islands
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Turku, approximate location"
2266\22660002.jpg,0,"Turku Cathedral, Finland \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Australian republicanism
#intelligence service
eaoy\eaoy0125.jpg,0,"\IVenice\i by J.M.W. Turner \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#English art
#Girtin, Thomas
#Impressionism (art)
#landscape painting
#slave trade
#Turnip: Origin of the Name
#root (botany)
#deciduous plants
#sumac or sumach
vam5\vam50242.jpg,0,"Turtles \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0152\01520073.jpg,0,"Broad-shelled river turtle \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1601\16010096.jpg,0,"John Tyler (1790-1862) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Confederate States of America
#Harrison, William Henry
#Peasants' Revolt
#Richard II
#theatre / theater
100a\100a0706.jpg,0,"Tyndale \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Stumbling Block
#Great Depression
#Industrial Revolution
#Newcastle (UK), in full Newcastle upon Tyne, Lat Pons Aelii
#Tyne, River
#Kielder Water
#Tees, River
#Newcastle (UK), in full Newcastle upon Tyne, Lat Pons Aelii
#Tyne and Wear
#Lower Case
#laser typesetter
#Sholes, Christopher Latham
#word processor
#Food and Drink, Risks to Traveller
#Typhoid Fever (Travel Information)
#paratyphoid fever
#Typhus Fever (Travel Information)
#Baskerville, John
#graphic design
#Cretaceous period
#Largest Specimen of Tyrannosaur Unearthed
#Greek history
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Tyre, approximate location"
#Dunlop, John Boyd
#Michelin, AndrΘ
#Tirol or Tyrol
#Northern Ireland
#Mediterranean Sea
1255\12550078.jpg,0,"Barn Owl -- Barn Owls rely on their exceptional hearing for catching prey \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
vam1\vam10004.jpg,,"Barn Owl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Tyumen, approximate location"
#Ci-Xi or Tz'u-hsi
#WWI: The War at Sea, 1914-1918
#WWII: Battle of the Atlantic
#videotape recorder (VTR)
#Zaire, River
#Amazon, River
eppd\eppd0010.jpg,0,"\IPortrait of a Youth\i by Paolo Uccello \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Florentine School
#Italian art
#string instrument
#English literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Udine, approximate location"
uefa finals.tbl,0,"UEFA finals to date \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Association football
#UEFA Finals
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Ufa, approximate location"
eppd\eppd0033.jpg,0,"Uffizi Museum is home to some of the world's most beautiful paintings, including this famous Botticelli work \IAllegory of Spring\i \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#radioisotope thermo-electric generator (RTG)
#John the Baptist, St
#hemlock, flower
#placenta (anatomy)
#Italian art
#Uranus (astronomy)
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Umeσ, approximate location"
#United Arab Emirates
#United States, The Cold War at Home
#House of Representatives
#McCarthy, Joseph R(aymond)
#Spanish literature
#Heisenberg uncertainty principle
#War of 1812
#United States of America (USA)
#Freud and Psychoanalysis
ulpd\ulpd0052.jpg,0,"New York subway, New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#black economy
#United States History, Slavery and Abolitionists
#Underwater Archaeology
#Norwegian literature
psfp\psfp0032.jpg,0,"Dole call in Australia during the Great Depression (photo 1936), during which mass unemployment was rife \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0084.jpg,,"Unemployed people stayed in homes such as this one in Sydney, Australia during the Great Depression. \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#On The Dole
#Get The Sack
#depression (economics)
#Neo-Keynesianism or new Keynesianism
#supply-side economics
2068\20680004.jpg,0,"UNESCO - founded by a joint assembly of forty-nine nations on 16 November 1945 \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
3452\34520069.jpg,,"UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
2068\20680007.jpg,,"UNESCO believes that education for all is the first condition for sustainable development. \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
2068\20680010.jpg,,"UNESCO education programs aim to eliminate illiteracy. \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
2068\20680035.jpg,,"UNESCO scientists studying video tape \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
2068\20680017.jpg,,"UNESCO programs promoting artistic and creative expression in children \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
#Italian literature
#Balenciaga, Crist≤bal
#Chubb Crater
#bicameral system
0,unchildv.avi,"Poverty-stricken children around the world. \H\BVideo:\b United Nations"
#United Nations (UN)
#Allende (Gossens), Salvador
#Hutton, James
#Lyell, Sir Charles
#Book of Common Prayer
#trade union
#Mosley, Sir Oswald (Ernald)
#UEFA (Union of European Football Associations)
#Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Political Rulers and Leaders
#Soviet Union
#United Kingdom (UK)
#Conservative Party
#velvet worm
#open-ended investment company
#Jesus Christ
#United Arab Emirates (Atlas)
#United Arab Emirates Political Rulers and Leaders
#Abu Dhabi or Abu Zabi
#Dubai or Dubayy
#Fujairah, al-
#Ras al-Khaimah
#Umm al-Qaiwain
#Reformed Churches
#Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)
#Sino-Japanese Wars
#Xian incident
#Nkrumah, Kwame
#French Revolution
elpd\elpd0030.jpg,0,"Stonehenge, Wiltshire, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0047.jpg,0,"Wales, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2728\27280015.jpg,0,"Mourne Mountains, Northern Ireland, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2728\27280010.jpg,0,"Near Dumfries, Scotland, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
cast\castl037.jpg,0,"St Woollos Church, England, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
elpd\elpd0040.jpg,0,"Isle of Wight, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0019.jpg,0,"Tower of London, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#British Counties (to 1 April 1996)
#British Isles
#British New Local Government Authorities (from April 1996)
#God Save the King / Queen
#Northern Ireland
#Role Of Archery in British History
#United Kingdom (Atlas)
#United Kingdom Political Rulers and Leaders
#International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
#nuclear reactor
0722\07220009.jpg,0,"General Assembly and Secretariat buildings \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220010.jpg,,"United Nations Security Council Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220012.jpg,,"United Nations General Assembly Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220013.jpg,,"United Nations with New York in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#United Nations Established (1945)
#Nuclear Treaty Extended (1995)
#UN Turns Fifty (1995)
#Israelis Attack UN Base (1996)
#October 24
#United Nations Membership
#United Nations Political Rulers and Leaders
#United Nations Specialized Agencies
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#League of Nations: The rise and fall
#Yalta Conference and the invasion of Warsaw
#Yalta Agreement
#United Nations: Overview
#UN and the Cold War
#UN in Korea
#Security Council and Communism
#Congo Crisis 1960-64
#WWII, United States Victory and The Bomb
#International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
#International Monetary Fund (IMF)
#United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
0722\07220009.jpg,0,"General Assembly and Secretariat buildings \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220010.jpg,,"United Nations Security Council Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220012.jpg,,"United Nations General Assembly Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220013.jpg,,"United Nations with New York in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#United Nations Established (1945)
#Nuclear Treaty Extended (1995)
#UN Turns Fifty (1995)
#Israelis Attack UN Base (1996)
#October 24
0722\07220009.jpg,0,"General Assembly and Secretariat buildings \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220010.jpg,,"United Nations Security Council Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220012.jpg,,"United Nations General Assembly Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220013.jpg,,"United Nations with New York in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#United Nations Established (1945)
#Nuclear Treaty Extended (1995)
#UN Turns Fifty (1995)
#Israelis Attack UN Base (1996)
#October 24
0722\07220009.jpg,0,"General Assembly and Secretariat buildings \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220010.jpg,,"United Nations Security Council Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220012.jpg,,"United Nations General Assembly Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220013.jpg,,"United Nations with New York in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#United Nations Established (1945)
#Nuclear Treaty Extended (1995)
#UN Turns Fifty (1995)
#Israelis Attack UN Base (1996)
#October 24
#United Nations (UN)
#United Nations (UN)
#French Revolutionary Wars
#Netherlands, Austrian and Spanish
#Salvation Army
#air force
ulpd\ulpd0068.jpg,0,"The White House in Washington DC, seat of American government \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam4\vam40283.jpg,0,"United States Flag, the 'stars and stripes' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ulpd\ulpd0052.jpg,,"New York subway \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0101.jpg,,"Cape Hatteras seashore, North Carolina \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0197.jpg,,"Train through Colorado \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#United States of America Political Rulers and Leaders
#American States: General Data
#Bering Land Bridge and the Native Americans
#East Woodland Indians
#Conquest of the Americas
#Revolutionary War in America
#Colonial Wars
#WWII: War in the Pacific
#WWII: Dropping the Bomb
#WWII: The Aftermath
#Korean War
#Gulf Wars
#America, The First Americans
#America, First Settlements
#British Colonies in America
#America, The Colonial Period
#America, Colonial Self-government
#America, French and Indian War
#America, Road to Independence
#American Revolution Begins
#America, Formation of Government
#American Constitution, The Drafting
#United States Politics, Early Factionalism
#United States History, Frontier Settlers
#United States, Sectional Conflict
#Texas and War with Mexico
#Secession and Civil War
#United States History, Railroads, Regulations and The Tariff
#United States History, Railroads, Revolution in Agriculture
#Wild West, The Last Frontier
#United States, Discontent and Reform
#Industrial Workers, United States, Late 19th Century
#America and The Reform Impulse
#Immigration and United States History
#United States, Post World War 1
#United States, The Great Depression
#United States, The New Deal and World War
#United States History, The Second New Deal
#United States, Eve of World War II
#Pearl Harbor, Japan, and War
#WWII, United States Victory and The Bomb
#United States, Post WWII
#Cold War, The Origins
#United States, Postwar Economy, 1945-1960
#Vietnam War, United States History
#Nixon Administration, United States History
#United States Movements 1960 - 1980
#United States Economy in the 1980s
#United States Foreign Affairs in the 1980s
#President George Bush
#Gulf War, United States History
#Panama and NAFTA
#Star Spangled Banner (September 20, 1814), The
#American Civil War
#American Indians
#American Revolution
#civil rights
#Indian Wars
#North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
#World War I
#World War II
pnwe\pnwe0068.jpg,0,"Driftwood on the beach \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1005\10050070.jpg,0,"Squamish Nation canoe at the Qatuwas Festival, a gathering of Pacific Rim indigenous peoples, Bella Bella, Heiltsuk Nation, 1993 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
0156\01560019.jpg,,"Nauru Island dancers, Micronesia \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#Mariana Islands
#Marshall Islands
#Micronesia, Federated States of
#Pacific Ocean
#Virgin Islands, United States
#Johnson, Samuel
#Johnson, Samuel, poet
#Neoclassicism (art and architecture)
#natural units
#United Nations (UN)
#Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
#solar time
#realism (philosophy)
#Sun Worshiping
#Big Bang Theory
#Universe: Ever-Expanding
#Universe: Early Theories
#Herschel and the Construction of the Heavens
#big bang
#inflationary universe
#microwave background radiation
#Olbers' paradox
1635\16350063.jpg,0,"University, seat of higher learning - shown here is the University of Sydney in Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1635\16350061.jpg,0,"University of Sydney grounds \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
issg\issg0047.jpg,0,"Hebrew University in Jerusalem \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Coaches in Sport
#Cambridge University
#degree (education)
#Ivy League
#London University
#new universities
#Open University
#Oxford University
#Paris, University of
#red-brick universities
#open systems interconnection (OSI)
#operating system
2254\22540089.jpg,0,"Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris, France, one of several such memorials around the world commemorating the soldiers who died during World War I \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#World War I
2266\22660060.jpg,0,"Unter den Linden in East Berlin, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Zeller See
#Indian literature
#evergreen plants
#American literature
#short story
#Burkina Faso
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Uppsala, approximate location"
#Gustav I
#Civilization, Egypt
#Abraham, Abram, or Ibrahiz
#kidney failure
#Trans-Siberian Railway
#Slavic or Slavonic languages
#pitchblende or uraninite
#Radioactivity of Uranium
#Curie, Marie and Pierre
#chemical elements
#nuclear reactor
#radiometric dating
stpd\stpd0193.jpg,0,"Illustration of nuclear starship over the planet Uranus \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#shepherd moons
#Solar System
#Solar System Studies, 19th Century
#Uranus and the 'Missing' Planets
#Uranus Discovered
#Uranus Fact Table
#Uranus Photo Gallery
#Voyager - Uranus Encounter
#Voyager project
#Voyager Project Information
#Voyager Space Mission (1977)
2166\21660011.jpg,0,"Haad Yai street at night, Thailand \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#British Urbanization 1783-1901
#Urban Archaeology
#Indo-Aryan languages
#urea formaldehyde resin
#urinary system
#Solar System
#space exploration
#French literature
#Toilet: Origins of the Name
#haematuria / hematuria
#urinary system
#Plough, the
#Ursula, St
#Uruguay (Atlas)
#Uruguay Political Rulers and Leaders
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Urumqi, approximate location"
vwar\vwar0133.jpg,0,"US marines on the USS Iwo Jima during the Gulf War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
2729\27290074.jpg,0,"One of the popular methods of transport in Venice is by water. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2729\27290006.jpg,0,"Bridge of Sighs, Venice, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1278\12780003.jpg,0,"Venice's main canal, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
aaoy\aaoy0046.jpg,,"Court of the Palace of the Doges at Venice, built by Antonio Brego after 1477 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0183.jpg,,"Bronze Equestrian Statue of Colleoni at Venice by Andrea del Verrocchio and completed by Alessandro Leopardi after 1479. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0184.jpg,0,"\IChrist and St Thomas\i, bronze group by Andrea del Verrocchio in the San Michele at Florence. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0183.jpg,0,"Bronze \IEquestrian Statue of Colleoni\i at Venice by Andrea del Verrocchio and completed by Alessandro Leopardi after 1479. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0182.jpg,0,"\IDavid\i, a statue in bronze by Andrea del Verrocchio. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0181.jpg,0,"\IBoy with the Dolphin\i, a figure by Andrea del Verrocchio on a fountain in the court of the Palazzo Vecchio at Florence. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Italian art
#Leonardo da Vinci
elpd\elpd0263.jpg,0,"Chateau de Versailles, Versailles, France \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Le Brun, Charles
#Le N⌠tre, AndrΘ
#Louis XIV
#Versailles, Treaty of
2256\22560033.jpg,0,"Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Palace of Versailles in Paris, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
psfp\psfp0063.jpg,0,"Treaty of Versailles inauguration celebrations at Sydney, Australia in 1919 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#League of Nations: Setting it up
#League of Nations: The rise and fall
#Paris Peace Conference (1919-20)
#Peace Treaties 1919-23
#Peace Treaties 1919-23: The Aftermath
#Post WWI: The World in Conflict
#Treaty of Versailles
#Treaty of Versailles 1919
#Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
#World War I
#metre (UK) / meter (US) (literature)
#Cap Vert
#vertebral column
#ankylosing spondylitis
#epidural anaesthesia
#lumbar puncture
#orthopaedics / orthopedics
#prolapsed intervertebral disc
#spina bifida
#spinal cord
#Britain, Roman
#British society in the Iron Age
1405\14050066.jpg,0,"Vervet monkey, Kruger National Park, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
naoy\naoy0002.jpg,0,"Illustration of a human skull by Andreas Vesalius of Brussels, Belgium. This image which Vesalius considered to be the 'normal' skull type, was published in 1543 in his landmark \IDe humani corporis fabrica libri septem\i (The construction of the human body). \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0158.jpg,,"Illustration of a human body, showing the major muscle groups, by Andreas Vesalius of Brussels, Belgium. This image was published in his landmark \IDe humani corporis fabrica libri septem\i (The construction of the human body) published at Basel, Switzerland in 1543. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0148.jpg,,"Illustration of a human skeleton, showing the major muscle groups. This image was published in Vesalius' landmark \IDe humani corporis fabrica libri septem\i (The construction of the human body) published at Basel, Switzerland in 1543. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Dissection, The Ceremony of
#Anatomical Foundations, Laying of
#Roman Catholicism
ampd\ampd0047.jpg,0,"Americas map, 1587 by Abraham Ortelius \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#America, The First Europeans
#America: Origin of the Name
#Columbus, Christopher
#Big Holes in Vesta
#Hubble Reveals Huge Crater on the Surface of the Asteroid Vesta (4 September, 1997)
#Vestal Virgins
#Vesta (mythology)
#morphology (biology)
#mitre / miter
#pallium or pall
#theatre / theater
2728\27280090.jpg,0,"Mount Vesuvius near Napoli, Italy viewed from Castellammare \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Archaeology: Pompeii and Herculaneum
#November 11
#Armistice Day
1262\12620016.jpg,0,"Vet with sick corella \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
laos\laos0092.jpg,0,"Vientiane Monument on Lane Xang Avenue, Vientiane, Laos \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0093.jpg,,"Vientiane Monument interior, Laos \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0094.jpg,,"Buddhist monastery, Vientiane, Laos \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#Vietnam War: US troops sent
#Vietnam, Part 2: The Thirty Years War
#Vietnam War
#Vietnam, Part 1: The Thirty Years War
#Vietnam, Part 2: The Thirty Years War
#Ho Chi-minh
#Vietnam War
2882\28820032.jpg,0,"Fishermen in Nha Trang, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2882\28820048.jpg,0,"Common mode of transport, Nha Trang, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2882\28820049.jpg,0,"Hoi Anh, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2882\28820025.jpg,0,"Halong Bay, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2882\28820013.jpg,0,"Nha Trang Port, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2882\28820002.jpg,0,"Hoi Anh, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
laos\laos0084.jpg,0,"Vietnam/Laos border on Route 9. Route 9 is part of the Ho Chi Minh trail. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
2882\28820028.jpg,,"Cu Chi tunnels, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Vietnam (Atlas)
#Vietnam Political Rulers and Leaders
#Archaeology in Asia
#WWII: Japan's Expansion
#Vietnam, Part 2: The Thirty Years War
#Boat People
#Han dynasty
#Ho Chi-minh
#Kublai Khan
#Meiji Restoration (1868)
#Ming dynasty
#Qing dynasty
#Vietnam War
laos\laos0111.jpg,johnson.wav,"Dragon tooth bomblets used during the Vietnam War to maim, not kill.\p\BSound\b - Lyndon Johnson, President of the USA, speaking about the Vietnam War \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
laos\laos0096.jpg,0,"Live ammunition can still be found throughout Vietnam and Laos. Here an explosive ordnance team has uncovered a live 750lb bomb. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0109.jpg,0,"This 750lb bomb was found at a school site in Laos. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0098.jpg,0,"Unexploded bombs from the Vietnam War can still be found in Vietnam and Laos. Locals are hired and trained to help locate unexploded bombs. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0097.jpg,0,"Ho Chi Minh trail - a sand bagged bomb found on the trail ready to be destroyed \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0089.jpg,0,"Xe Bang River in Laos played a large role during the Vietnam War û no other river on earth was bombed more. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0082.jpg,0,"Lao school on Route 911 was a heavily bombed site during the Vietnam War. Over the last couple of years an explosive ordnance disposal team has found over 20 bombs in this school's playground. Route 911 is an important sector of the Ho Chi Minh trail. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0070.jpg,0,"Nam Kok River, Laos. This river was an important North Vietnamese route for moving supplies to South Vietnam for the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0107.jpg,,"Vietnamese B40 rocket used during the Vietnam War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
laos\laos0104.jpg,,"Soviet mortars used during the Vietnam War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#Communism: US containment
#Ho Chi-minh
#My Lai incident
#My Lai incident strengthens anti-war protests
#Tonkin Gulf Resolution
#United States of America (USA)
#Viet Cong or Vietcong
#Viet Minh or Vietminh
#Vietnam War cease-fire: 1973
#Vietnam War, United States History
#Vietnam War: Reasons for US involvement
#Vietnam War: US calls for peace
#Vietnam War: US troops sent
#Vietnam, Part 1: The Thirty Years War
#Vietnam, Part 2: The Thirty Years War
#Austro-Asiatic languages
#French literature
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Vigo, approximate location"
stpd\stpd0130.jpg,0,"Viking lander on Mars \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0054.jpg,0,"Viking spacecraft exploring Mars \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Viking Mission to Mars
#Mars (astronomy)
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
2266\22660029.jpg,,"Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0172\01720013.jpg,,"Viking ship in Oslo Museum, Norway \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Horned Helmets
#Raising The Glass
#Vikings in North America: Archaeological Evidence
1602\16020064.jpg,0,"Pancho Villa and other 'Generals': General Fierro, General Villa, General Ortega and Colonel Medina \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020065.jpg,,"Pancho Villa and bandits \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020068.jpg,,"General John J. Perslung led a punitive expedition to capture Pancho Villa and other Mexican bandits. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
pdis\pdis0291.jpg,,"Beach volleyball has gained in popularity over the last few years and is now an official Olympic event. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2267\22670047.jpg,cl1tr12.wav,"Wahnfried House (and tomb) of Wagner, Germany.\p\BSound\b - \IRide of the Valkyrie\i by Wagner \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
2267\22670029.jpg,0,"Statue of Wagner in Bayreuth, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#International Style
#International Style, architecture
#Wood, Natalie
3735\37350063.jpg,0,"Wagtail feeding its young \H\BPhotograph:\b Taronga Zoo"
#Saud, al-
#Saudi Arabia
#New Zealand
hssg\hssg0093.jpg,0,"Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0094.jpg,0,"Surfing Waikiki Beach, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
hssg\hssg0091.jpg,0,"Waikiki Beach, Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0069\00690079.jpg,0,"Warsaw was reduced to rubble following a 3 week siege by German military forces in World War 1. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
psfp\psfp0061.jpg,0,"Warsaw was destroyed by the Germans during WWII in 1943 - this photo was used for evidence during the Nuremberg Trial, showing Jews being rounded up by the Germans. \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
wrpd\wrpd0332.jpg,,"Waves rolling into the shore \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#tidal wave
#wave motion
diag\diag0045.jpg,0,"Wave motion examples -- in (a), a wave at a fixed time, displaying amplitude and wavelength. In (b), a wave at a fixed position, displaying period, T. In (c), two sine waves out of phase, i.e. one leads the other. \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Doppler effect or shift
#Huygens' principle
#quantum mechanics
1636\16360032.jpg,0,"Wave Rock, Western Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Western Australia
#Einstein and the Photon
#Compton, Arthur (Holly)
#photoelectric effect
#quantum mechanics
#wave motion
#quantum mechanics
#Schr÷dinger's equation
#wave motion
#wave motion
#Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, 1st Viscount
#Rommel, Erwin (Johannes Eugen)
#World War II
3210\32100069.jpg,0,"Beeswax comes from honeycomb. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#carboxylic acids
#paraffin wax
#wax plant
#climbing plant
#evergreen plants
#zebra finch
#deciduous plants
fp03\fp03069.jpg,0,"Major General Anthony Wayne led American troops to victory against Indians at Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, which led to Indians signing Treaty of Greenville two years later. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03097.jpg,,"Treaty of Greenville, 1795. Major General Anthony Wayne led American troops to victory against Indians at Battle of Fallen Timbers. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03100.jpg,,"Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#American Revolution
0201\02010089.jpg,0,"John Wayne \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#beta decay
#CP violation
#Glashow-Weinberg-Salam theory
#parity (physics)
#particle physics
#weak interaction
stpd\stpd0053.jpg,0,"View of Earth's weather patterns \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam4\vam40047.jpg,0,"Colonial weaving, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1407\14070060.jpg,0,"Weaving a sari, Kelantan, north-east Malaysia \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1406\14060037.jpg,0,"Ancient loom (middle), Finland \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
pdp1\pdp10043.jpg,0,"Woven mat \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1766\17660086.jpg,0,"Woven mats, Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
vam2\vam20063.jpg,0,"Basket weaver \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Arkwright, Sir Richard
#Cartwright, Edmund
#Jacquard, Joseph Marie
#Fabian Society
#Apollo programme
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#Lloyd Webber, Sir Andrew
#magnetic flux
#Fechner, Gustav (Theodor)
#Protestant Ethic
#Schoenberg, Arnold
#twelve-tone music
#United States Political History, Whigs, Democrats and 'Know-Nothings'
#Dekker, Thomas
#English literature
#Lamb, Charles
#Atlantic Ocean
#German literature
caoy\caoy0035.jpg,0,"Wedgwood pedestal, c. 1770. This form of porcelain was first manufactured by Josiah Wedgwood. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
caoy\caoy0013.jpg,0,"Wedgwood coffee pot c. 1780 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Shabuoth or Shavuot(h)
#Weeping Willows on Gravestones
#boll weevil
#Pest Weevils
#Plate Tectonic Theory
#Continental Drift: Wegener's Theory
#continental drift
#Berliner Ensemble
#Brecht, (Eugene) Bertolt (Friedrich)
#deciduous plants
#acceleration due to gravity
scan\scan0195.jpg,0,"Weightlifting \H\BPhotograph:\b Roger Gould"
vam5\vam50071.jpg,0,"Windmills, old and new \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50070.jpg,0,"Desert windmills \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50055.jpg,0,"Windmill in Poland \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10091.jpg,0,"Nebraska windmill \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2264\22640069.jpg,0,"Windmills at Consuegra, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
iaoy\iaoy0207.jpg,0,"18th century windmill device. A device that uses sails on a rotating shaft to turn wind energy into mechanical energy. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Mannerheim, Carl Gustav (Emil), vapaaherra (Baron)
#Mountbatten (of Burma), Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl
#Munich Agreement
#Mussolini, Benito (Amilcare Andrea)
#Nimitz, Chester W(illiam)
#Normandy Campaign
#North African Campaign
#Nuremberg Trials
#Paris Peace Conference
#Paris Peace Conference (1946)
#Patton, George S(mith)
#Pearl Harbor
#Petain, (Henri) Philippe (Omer)
#Plate, River
#Potsdam Conference
#Quisling, Vidkun (Abraham Lauritz Jonsson)
#Raeder, Erich
#Ribbentrop, Joachim von
#Rommel, Erwin (Johannes Eugen)
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#Rundstedt, (Karl Rudolf) Gerd von
#Sino-Japanese Wars
#Slim (of Yarralumia and of Bishopston), William (Joseph) Slim, 1st Viscount
#Special Operations Executive (SOE)
#Stalin, Joseph
#Stalingrad, Battle of
#Stilwell, Joseph W(arren)
#Tedder (of Glenguin), Arthur William Tedder, Baron
#Tehran Conference
#Timoshenko, Semyon Konstantinovich
#Tojo, Hideki
#United Nations (UN)
#Wavell, Archibald Percival Wavell, 1st Earl
#WHO Blood Transfusion Guidelines for International Travellers
#Wilson (of Libya and of Stowlangtoft), Henry Maitland Wilson, Baron
#Wingate, Orde (Charles)
#Yalta Conference
#Zhukov, Giorgiy Konstantinovich
#conservation (earth sciences)
#United Nations (UN)
#veterinary science
ulpd\ulpd0042.jpg,0,"World Trade Center, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ulpd\ulpd0041.jpg,,"World Trade Center, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#New York City or New York
#General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
#veterinary science
vas6\vas60209.jpg,0,"World War I Air Museum \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
psfp\psfp0013.jpg,0,"World War I - Australian troops salvaging enemy ammunition \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0054.jpg,0,"Gallipoli landing - April 25, 1915 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0006.jpg,0,"WWI trench warfare in Europe \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0007.jpg,0,"WWI - Australian battery barrage fire on enemy trenches, 1916 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0009.jpg,0,"Gallipoli WWI, landing and charging up the beach \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0076.jpg,0,"Somme WWI - transport passing through a shell-smashed village \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
ww1m\ww1m0093.jpg,0,"USA GI uniform and equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0060.jpg,0,"Infantry hand weapons \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0044.jpg,0,"German mauser 98K rifle & gear \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0035.jpg,0,"German field cooling equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0033.jpg,0,"German anti-gas equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0036.jpg,0,"German field gear \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0054.jpg,0,"GI 2nd Infantry Division equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
psfp\psfp0065.jpg,,"WWI battlefield cemetery at Poperinghe \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby, 1st Viscount
#Assassination of Ferdinand (1914)
#Australia During World War I
#Beatty, David Beatty, 1st Earl
#Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald (Theodor Friedrich Alfred) von
#Big Three
#Byng (of Vimy), Julian Hedworth George Byng, 1st Viscount
#Central Powers
#End of First World War (1918)
#Foch, Ferdinand
#Fourteen Points
#French, John (Denton Pinkstone), Earl of Ypres
#Gallipoli campaign
#Haig (of Bemersyde), Douglas Haig, 1st Earl
#Hindenburg, Paul (Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und) von
#Jellicoe, John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Earl
#Joffre, Joseph Jacques CΘsaire
#Lloyd-George (of Dwyfor), David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl
#Ludendorff, Erich von
#Marne, Battle of the
#Paris Peace Conference (1919-20)
#Passchendaele, Battle of
#Pershing, John J(oseph)
#Schlieffen, Alfred, Graf von (Count of)
#Somme, Battle of the
#Tirpitz, Alfred (Friedrich) von
#Triple Entente
#United States Enters World War 1
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Vimy Ridge
#William II (of Germany), Ger Wilhelm, known as Kaiser Wilhelm
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
#World War I: Origins
#World War I: Overview
vwar\vwar0134.jpg,0,"WWII army tank in the US Army Museum in Aberdeen, Maryland, USA. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
psfp\psfp0003.jpg,0,"American troops in Australia during WWII \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0050.jpg,0,"Japanese surrender of WWII - General Yoshijiro Umezo signs while General MacArthur (at microphones) stands by \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0018.jpg,0,"WWII - Australian troops in Paris \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
0172\01720086.jpg,0,"Wartime USA bridge (now collapsed), Solomon Islands \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Talyor"
1105\11050054.jpg,0,"Disposing of WWII bombs \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
vwar\vwar0137.jpg,0,"World War II 29,000 lb bomb at the US Army Museum in Aberdeen, Maryland, USA. This bomb was used to bomb submarine pens. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#Afrika Korps
#Alanbrooke (of Brookeborough), Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscount
1405\14050077.jpg,0,"Xhosa huts, Transkei, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1405\14050076.jpg,,"Xhosians at bus stop, Umtata, Transkei, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Bantu-speaking peoples
#click language
#Egyptian history, Ancient
#oracle bones
#Shang or Yin dynasty
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Xiamen, Hsia-men, or Amoy, approximate location"
#Opium Wars
#Song or Sung dynasty
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Xian, approximate location"
#Han dynasty
#Mount Li
#Qin dynasty or Ch'in dynasty
#Sui dynasty
#Tang or T'ang dynasty
#Xian incident
#Zhou or Chou dynasty
#Jiang Jieshi
#United Fronts
#Zhou Enlai
#Chinese art
#oracle bones
#Shang or Yin dynasty
#Isabella I
2046\20460094.jpg,0,"Aerial view of Kayapo Indian village in Xingu \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460087.jpg,,"Kayapo chief in the Xingu \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460088.jpg,,"Kayapo men celebrate the killing of a jaguar \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460090.jpg,,"Kayapo Indians fishing with a bow and arrow, upper Xingu \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460079.jpg,,"Kayapo Indian mother and child \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460086.jpg,,"Typical Ywalipiti house in the upper Xingu \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460098.jpg,,"Kayapo Indian with a lip disc. Lip discs are a symbol of the most powerful and fearless leaders of the tribe. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460100.jpg,,"Young Kayapo girl digging for sweet potatoes \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2060\20600003.jpg,,"Kayapo mother putting ear plugs in her child's ears as tribal decoration, Xingu, Brazil. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"#Brazil
#Villas-Boas brothers
#news agency
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Xining, approximate location"
#An Lushan
#Li Po
#Ming dynasty
#vascular tissue
#coal tar
1639\16390009.jpg,0,"Start of Sydney-Hobart yacht race \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
0894\08940005.jpg,0,"Starting line for the Sydney-Hobart yacht race \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0894\08940002.jpg,0,"Yachts at the Sydney-Hobart yacht race \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
2727\27270019.jpg,0,"North Yorkshire as viewed from Bolton Abbey \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Fountains Abbey
#Brontδ, Anne
#Brontδ, Charlotte
#Brontδ, Emily (Jane)
#American Civil War
#American Revolution
#American Revolution
#Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess
#Washington, George
#African history
#African languages
#Benin (Atlas)
0739\07390032.jpg,0,"El Capitan, a granite buttress that rises 1098 m from the valley floor in Yosemite National Park, California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0739\07390035.jpg,0,"Merced River in Yosemite National Park, California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
0147\01470041.jpg,0,"Cold weather often freezes the streams in Yosemite National Park, California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
ulpd\ulpd0282.jpg,0,"Lower Falls in Yosemite National Park, California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0147\01470085.jpg,0,"Giant sequoia - 'Walk thru tree' - Yosemite National Park, California, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
nssg\nssg0099.jpg,0,"Yosemite Falls, the highest waterfall in North America \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Yoshkar Ola or Ioshkar Ola, approximate location"
#O'Connell, Daniel
#Union, Acts of
#Mazzini, Giuseppe
#care order
#juvenile court
#secure accommodation
#Enver Pasha
#Ottoman Empire
#elasticity (physics)
#Hooke's law
#mechanical properties of matter
#stress (physics)
#Young, Thomas
#civil rights
#Luther, Martin
0147\01470100.jpg,0,"Statue of Brigham Young in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Zhenjiang, Chen-chiang, or Chinkiang, approximate location"
#Grand Canal
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Zhitomir or Jitomir, approximate location"
#Cultural Revolution
#Jiang Jieshi
#Mao Zedong
#May Fourth Movement
#Xian incident
#Qin dynasty or Ch'in dynasty
#Shang or Yin dynasty
#Archaeological Finding in Beijing
#Archaeology in the Far East
#Three Age System
#Ming dynasty
#Zen Buddhism
#Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)
#Jiang Jieshi
#Long March
#Mao Zedong
#Red Army (China)
#Battle of Moscow
#Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich
#Stalingrad, Battle of
#World War II
#Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali
#Rahman, Shaikh Mujibur
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Zibo, approximate location"
#musical comedy
#theatre / theater
2184\21840014.jpg,0,"Harare, capital of Zimbabwe, from roof of Monomatapa Hotel \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0154\01540055.jpg,0,"Young herdsman on the road to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0154\01540059.jpg,0,"Lake Kyle, Zimbabwe \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720088.jpg,0,"Town on the banks of Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1765\17650002.jpg,0,"Great Zimbabwe ruins \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0154\01540045.jpg,0,"Memorial to Cecil Rhodes who led British occupation of South Africa and founded Rhodesia (present-day Zimbabwe) \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
0172\01720089.jpg,0,"Sunset over Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Zimbabwe (Atlas)
#Zimbabwe Political Rulers and Leaders
#Great Zimbabwe
#Livingstone, David
#Mugabe, Robert (Gabriel)
#Muzorewa, Abel (Tendekayi)
#Nkomo, Joshua (Mqabuko Nyongolo)
#Patriotic Front
#orthopaedics / orthopedics
#World War I
#chemical elements
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Zinder, approximate location"
#Leakey and Zinjanthropus Boise
#Kirov, Sergey Mironovich
#Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
#October Revolution
#Stalin, Joseph
#Moravian Brethren
#Temple, Jerusalem
#Herzl, Theodor
#Zion or Sion
#Huss or Hus, John
#string instrument
#Black Sea
#Aquarius - the Water-carrier
#Aries - The Ram
#Cancer - The Crab
#Capricorn - The Goat
#First Dozen
#Gemini - The Twins
#Leo - The Lion
#Libra - the Scales
#New Age
#Pisces - The Fish
#Sagittarius - The Archer
#Scorpio - The Scorpion
#Taurus - The Bull
#Virgo - The Virgin
#Zodiac's Origins
100a\100a0405.jpg,0,"Zodiacal light \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#interplanetary matter
#conversation piece
#English art
#Zohar - The Bible Of Mysticism
#mole rat
#Dreyfus, Alfred
#French literature
#customs union
0152\01520059.jpg,0,"Zookeeper feeding giraffes at Taronga Park Zoological Gardens in Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#biological sciences
#palaeozoology / paleozoology
stpd\stpd0036.jpg,0,"Zoom shot of control panel lights \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#varifocal lens
#electronic flash
#bee dancing
#Source of All Magic
#Mazda Globes
#Ahura Mazda
#Ahura Mazda
#Spanish literature
will\will0162.jpg,0,"Japanese White-eye -- White-eyes are forest birds, but most occur in gardens, parks, second-growth, shrubby thickets, weed tangles, and otherwise damaged woodlands of all kinds. \H\BDrawing:\b William Bourke"
100a\100a1213.jpg,0,"Zouave and Turk \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
elpd\elpd0194.jpg,0,"Church on River Limmat, Zⁿrich, Switzerland \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0193.jpg,0,"Trolley car passing below Swiss flag, Zⁿrich, Switzerland \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Sunspot Cycle, Discovery of (1843)
#Lechtal Alps
#German literature
#German literature
#short story
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Zwickau, approximate location"
#Schumann, Robert (Alexander)
#black hole
#Galaxy (astronomy)
#interstellar molecule
#neutron star
#Luther, Martin
#amino acids
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Zwolle, approximate location"
#Netherlands, The
#electron microscope
carr\carrorig.jpg,bint016.wav,"Dr R. Brasch's Library of Origins \H"
0889\08890033.jpg,0,"Ship in 'A.1.' condition \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0371\03710029.jpg,0,"Aboriginal art ù rock art, Northern Territory \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
3210\32100015.jpg,0,"Aboriginal bark painting \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3210\32100019.jpg,0,"Aboriginal art \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Australia: Early Archaeology
#Archaeology and the Australian Aborigine
#Archaeology and Minority Groups
2052\20520011.jpg,0,"Honesty is described by the phrase 'above board,' a phrase that may have originated from the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
scan\scan0133.jpg,0,"Aces \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#playing cards
3209\32090050.jpg,0,"Water has been called \IAdam's Ale\i. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Adam and Eve
3214\32140005.jpg,0,"Pepper is a common way of adding flavour to meals \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdp1\pdp10188.jpg,0,"Epitaphs mark the many gravestones in Arlington cemetery, Virginia, USA. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2038\20380029.jpg,0,"Ahoy, the pleasant sound now used to call ships, was once a much-feared war cry. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
spd1\spd10194.jpg,0,"Aeroplanes flying through cumulus clouds sometimes encounter currents that cause a sudden jolt, a phenomenon falsely blamed on 'air pockets.' \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3219\32190029.jpg,0,"Meat stall in Baoding, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Steak: Origin of the Name
#Abbatoir - A French Camouflage
#Meaty Language
#Give The Cold Shoulder
#Gone To Pot
#Bully Beef
#Raw Meat On Black Eye
#Eating Red Meat
#Food, Precautions for Traveller
2052\20520065.jpg,0,"Akubra hat \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
spd1\spd10049.jpg,,"Cats were worshiped by ancient Egyptians \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
scan\scan0137.jpg,0,"Alarm clock \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3735\37350071.jpg,0,"Albatross, sailors' most loyal companion \H\BPhotograph:\b Taronga Zoo"
#Namatjira, Albert
vas6\vas60080.jpg,0,"Wine, a beverage that actually cools the body \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Disinsection of Aircraft
wrpd\wrpd0245.jpg,0,"Altar covered with altar cloth and votive candles in a Catholic church \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vas6\vas60036.jpg,0,"Ambulance \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10244.jpg,0,"America's flag \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Vespucci, Amerigo
#United States of America (USA)
vam1\vam10097.jpg,0,"Fall colours reflecting in the lake \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vas6\vas60212.jpg,0,"Military cemetery for American GIs \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#World War II
#horse racing
scan\scan0152.jpg,0,"Coffee, an American favorite \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#amino acids
ww1m\ww1m0067.jpg,0,"Ammunition for a machine-gun \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10001.jpg,0,"Ammunition pouch from the American Civil War \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10208.jpg,,"Cowrie shell -- an amulet thought to possess life-giving power. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0069\00690037.jpg,0,"Volcanoes and other natural disasters are commonly described as 'acts of God'. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#Bruce, Robert
1749\17490077.jpg,0,"Ancient ball court at ChichΘn Itzß \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
pdis\pdis0138.jpg,0,"Swimming has been an important part of history. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
eppd\eppd0022.jpg,0,"Angels, similar to this detail from Raphael's painting \IThe Sistine Madonna\i, are a popular feature on many tombstones. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1750\17500055.jpg,0,"Caged monkey in Laos, for sale to tourists. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vas6\vas60046.jpg,0,"Animals, like the horse, have played a significant role in human life for thousands of years. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3219\32190043.jpg,0,"Chinese dragon, one of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
1262\12620034.jpg,0,"Sugar ant \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
psfp\psfp0005.jpg,0,"Anzacs marching, World War I \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#theatre / theater
pdp1\pdp10017.jpg,0,"Pupil, 'the apple of the eye' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fa05\fa050099.jpg,0,"Apples on tree \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#April Fool
eppd\eppd0006.jpg,0,"St George and the Dragon, shown in a painting by Bitale da Bologna \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#George, St
psfp\psfp0009.jpg,0,"Anzacs charging up the hill at Gallipoli, World War I \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
vam5\vam50161.jpg,0,"Rams, \IAries\i in Latin, have been recognized as sacred animals since ancient times. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fa05\fa050042.jpg,0,"Myth -- butterfly, ocean and sky \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#mental disorders
#Insane, Confinement of the
#Medicine for the Mad
#Asylum with a Difference
#Asylums in the 19th Century
#Asylum Management from 1830s
#Psychological Medicine, Modern
2052\20520052.jpg,0,"Leaders, especially politicians, often save the day by giving a critical speech at the eleventh hour just before a crisis or election. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Atlantic Ocean
#Atlas Mountains
ampd\ampd0074.jpg,0,"Atlas image of the world, 1719 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ampd\ampd0072.jpg,0,"Early atlas image of the Eastern Hemisphere, 1858 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Atlas (mythology)
#deadly nightshade
scan\scan0159.jpg,0,"Woman with auburn hair \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1412\14120090.jpg,0,"Australia-Japan World Cup show jumping \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120092.jpg,,"Eastern Creek motorcycle races, Sydney \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120093.jpg,,"Sydney to Hobart yacht race \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120094.jpg,,"Australian Formula One Grand Prix, held in Adelaide from 1985-1995, then moved to Melbourne \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120095.jpg,,"Racing on 1991 Caulfield Cup Day in Melbourne \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120096.jpg,,"VRC Oaks Stakes at Flemington \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120098.jpg,,"Australian Open 1988, Flinders Park National Tennis Centre \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1255\12550049.jpg,0,"Surf Life Saving Association competitions are a growing sport, frequently featuring beach running as part of the competition. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
srpd\srpd0273.jpg,0,"Growing popularity of surfing in Australia saw the creation of the first Surf and Life Saving Association. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Broken Hill
1411\14110004.jpg,0,"Australian flag \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1374\13740036.jpg,,"Australian flag flying high \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#flag (politics)
#Australia Develops in the 19th Century
#gold rush
pdis\pdis0313.jpg,0,"Automatic totalizators revolutionized horse racing throughout the world \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0084.jpg,0,"Red heads in some parts of the world still encounter prejudice that has survived since ancient times. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#board games
2754\27540080.jpg,0,"Backgammon game in Central Turkey \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
stpd\stpd0041.jpg,0,"Medicine has fascinated humans since ancient times. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3214\32140047.jpg,0,"Playing the bagpipes on the Sydney Opera House steps, Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vam5\vam50218.jpg,0,"Bald eagle, America's national anthem \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#bald eagle
srpd\srpd0315.jpg,0,"Social balls and the ballet can both trace their names back to a simple round ball, used in performance by an Italian boys' choir. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Adam and Eve
3218\32180055.jpg,0,"Traditional Chinese banquet, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
cast\castl020.jpg,,"Italian banquet hall \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Surgery, Traditional
#Medical Practice Before 1900s
#Bloodletting, Getting Rid of Poisons
#Surgery, Traditional
#Surgery's Rise In Status
#Surgery Becomes a Science
3452\34520046.jpg,0,"Barge on the water in Paris \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
srpd\srpd0021.jpg,0,"Baseball, though not originated in America, is widely considered America's national game. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0020.jpg,0,"Baseball player at base \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0065.jpg,,"Making the tag in baseball \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Ruth, Babe
vam1\vam10300.jpg,0,"Christmas bauble \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Lycurgus (Law-giver of Sparta)
1635\16350044.jpg,0,"Australian motor cars racing 'flat out' \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#motor racing
#depression (economics)
#stock market
#bear market
scan\scan0126.jpg,0,"Lipstick and other cosmetics have been used by women since the time of the ancient Egyptians. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0147\01470030.jpg,0,"Beefeaters guarding the Tower of London \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
1765\17650003.jpg,0,"Present-day beggar in South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
vam4\vam40205.jpg,0,"Cats are anything but 'catty.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
scan\scan0171.jpg,0,"Bell-bottom trousers, a fashion statement borrowed from sailors \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
srpd\srpd0008.jpg,0,"Shooting for the mark in archery \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0155.jpg,0,"Best man, standing next to the groom \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Emerson, Ralph Waldo
2038\20380033.jpg,0,"Sailors frequently find themselves caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380076.jpg,0,"Remote locations are described as places 'beyond the black stump'. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
0285\02850019.jpg,0,"New York, The Big Apple \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
vam2\vam20217.jpg,0,"Calling someone 'bird-brained' is not really an insult. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Jesus Christ
3217\32170027.jpg,0,"Manhattan skyline viewed from the Staten ferry \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#New York
scan\scan0085.jpg,0,"Birthday celebration with birthday cake and candles \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0144.jpg,0,"Birthday cards \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3607\36070053.jpg,0,"Soldiers defending castles in the nineteenth century used to literally 'bite the bullet' as they bit the head off their cartridges before using them. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Black Death
spd1\spd10049.jpg,0,"Black cats are associated with witches. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Great Depression
wrpd\wrpd0210.jpg,0,"Mourner dressed in black \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Black Sea
nwte\nwte0128.jpg,0,"Bats are not actually blind. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Bloomer, Amelia
#rhyming slang
#stock market
carr\carrmusi.jpg,cl1tr11.wav,"\IBlue Danube\i by Strauss \H \h\H\BSound:\b Free Up Down Under"
#Strauss, Johann, known as the younger
scan\scan0078.jpg,0,"Traditionally girls wear pink and boys wear blue. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#venereal disease (VD)
#Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, duc de (Duke of)
2052\20520047.jpg,0,"Safety is promised by the curious saying 'Bob's your uncle.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#dairy farming
nwte\nwte0109.jpg,0,"'Bone of contention' stems from the canine world. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
#horse racing
3210\32100021.jpg,0,"Aboriginal boomerangs (left) displayed in a museum \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0142.jpg,0,"Silver spoons, a symbol of wealth \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0176.jpg,0,"Bottle cork \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Magna Carta
elpd\elpd0001.jpg,0,"Bowler hat on an English gentleman, London, England \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Boxing Day
pdis\pdis0324.jpg,0,"Boxing gloves mark the grave of boxer Tom Laming. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0267.jpg,0,"Bread, as it is known today, was created by a baking accident. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vas6\vas60090.jpg,0,"Warm breakfast of waffles and syrup \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3214\32140001.jpg,0,"Bowl of cereal, a common breakfast food in some countries \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#breast cancer
scan\scan0163.jpg,0,"Bride carrying her bridal bouquet \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0157.jpg,0,"Bride wearing her veil \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#horse racing
#theatre / theater
pnwe\pnwe0133.jpg,0,"Sow and her piglets \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#body language
0529\05290072.jpg,0,"Brumbies running in the Northern Territory, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
3218\32180059.jpg,0,"Buddha statue, a place of homage on the day of the Buddhist New Year, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Chancellor of the Exchequer
#stock market
3611\36110037.jpg,0,"North American Indians literally 'buried the hatchet' as a symbolic end to tribal warfare. Today this gesture is used to describe making peace with an enemy. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#American Indians
1406\14060087.jpg,0,"Butcher shop in northern Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
scan\scan0121.jpg,0,"Butter, a food product accidentally discovered by camel riders \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0162.jpg,0,"Groom wearing a buttonhole \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
2038\20380043.jpg,0,"Sailors release the gaskets to unfurl the sails on the top gallant mast, preparing the ship to sail 'by and large,' (near to the wind). \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3606\36060041.jpg,0,"Cab riding through the English countryside \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
scan\scan0122.jpg,0,"Modern calendars \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Gregorian calendar
#Julian calendar
#Cambridge (UK), Lat Cantabrigia
2046\20460026.jpg,0,"Camels' humps store fat, not water \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2046\20460019.jpg,0,"Camels racing in Alice Springs, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
ww1m\ww1m0098.jpg,0,"Waffen-SS camouflage uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0888\08880078.jpg,0,"Chameleons are able to camouflage themselves by changing colour to blend in with their surroundings. \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
ww1m\ww1m0097.jpg,0,"Camouflage smock \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40267.jpg,0,"Concentrating on a single tree can distract you from seeing the whole autumn forest. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
srpd\srpd0168.jpg,0,"Lacrosse player \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0169.jpg,0,"Ice hockey player lining up for a shot at goal \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#ice hockey
#Mars (astronomy)
#Solar System Studies, 19th Century
0128\01280026.jpg,0,"Cancer and the crab are linked by their similar movement. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Cancer (astronomy)
wrpd\wrpd0170.jpg,0,"Candles have been associated with death since ancient times. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0150.jpg,0,"Assorted candies \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
hssg\hssg0069.jpg,0,"Capital originated as a measure of man's wealth based on the number of cattle he owned. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50137.jpg,0,"Climbing goat associated with Capricorn \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40116.jpg,0,"Classic Ford \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#cardinal (religion)
#Jesus Christ
#playing cards
ulpd\ulpd0254.jpg,0,"Casinos lining the Las Vegas strip, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0017.jpg,0,"Cheetah -- While a wild cat may also learn hunting skills from its mother, hunting skills are instinctive in both wild cats and domestic cats. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2249\22490017.jpg,0,"Champs ╔lysΘes from the Arc de Triomphe, Paris. \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Arc de Triomphe
wrpd\wrpd0019.jpg,0,"Chanukah menorah and other festive decorations \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Chartreuse, La Grande
#Chateaubriand, Franτois Auguste RenΘ, vicomte de (Viscount of)
#cheque (UK) or check (US)
#motor racing
eppd\eppd0037.jpg,0,"\IThe Chess Game\i, a painting by Gerolamo Induno \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Book of Changes
3218\32180063.jpg,0,"Red lanterns are displayed during Chinese holidays and festivals, as red is a symbol of good omens and happiness. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
spd1\spd10078.jpg,0,"Chinese dragon entertaining the crowd \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3218\32180024.jpg,0,"Chinese dragon grass hedge sculpture, commonly displayed during the Chinese New Year \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
srpd\srpd0105.jpg,0,"Chips at a casino \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdp1\pdp10003.jpg,0,"Chocolate, a drink that owes its popularity to religion. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#chocolate and cocoa
wrpd\wrpd0007.jpg,0,"Jewish rabbi, member of the Chosen People \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0097.jpg,0,"Christmas cards \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0203.jpg,0,"Christmas gift wrapped in festive paper \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0202.jpg,0,"Child opening Christmas gifts on Christmas morning \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0158.jpg,0,"Woman wearing Christmas party hat and blowing a party whistle at a festive Christmas party \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0199.jpg,0,"Christmas tree and lights \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0288.jpg,,"Church bell tower \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#fairy tales
#Servetus, Michael
#Harvey, William and Blood Circulation
#Harvey, William's Revolutionary Ideas
#Ireland (republic)
vas6\vas60187.jpg,0,"Young girl soon to be 'as clean as a whistle' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0236.jpg,0,"Many clergymen have enriched Australian history with unexpected and unique contributions. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0173.jpg,0,"Clinking glasses \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vam4\vam40294.jpg,0,"Street clock \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Astronomical Clocks
srpd\srpd0018.jpg,0,"Coach instructing a young baseball player \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ampd\ampd0060.jpg,0,"Coat of arms, Great Britain \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam2\vam20232.jpg,0,"Spider webs were once associated with the medicinal power to stop bleeding. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#domestic fowl
0231\02310038.jpg,0,"Cocktail with straws \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
ssuw\ssuw0093.jpg,0,"Cod (foreground), the fish that generated the nonsense word 'codswallop' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
scan\scan0177.jpg,0,"Coffee cannot reverse the effects of too much alcohol. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3214\32140009.jpg,0,"Coffee beans \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vas6\vas60076.jpg,0,"Coffee, once a Muslim drink, is now popular across the world. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2038\20380048.jpg,0,"Mast of a square rigged sailing vessel, the traditional location for placing a coin before sailing \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
vam2\vam20021.jpg,0,"Frigid weather 'cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1262\12620051.jpg,0,"Different coloured eggs making their way down a conveyer belt \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
#domestic fowl
#Trinidad and Tobago
#Rhode Island
wrpd\wrpd0228.jpg,0,"Minister handing out communion \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3209\32090097.jpg,0,"Company emblem hanging in a street window \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#conjugation (biology)
#beri beri
#Diseases, Nutritional
vam2\vam20012.jpg,0,"Contemplative young girl \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
stpd\stpd0058.jpg,0,"Contemporary art ironically resembles its most primitive ancestors. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#abstract art
3734\37340035.jpg,0,"Goose, the object of the popular metaphor 'cooking one's goose' \H\BPhotograph:\b Taronga Zoo"
stpd\stpd0074.jpg,0,"Fans 'cooling' the room \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Copernicus, Nicolas
#Copernicus and Sun-Centred Astronomy
0152\01520002.jpg,0,"Coppers leading the 1996 Tickertape parade for Olympic athletes, Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0100.jpg,0,"Corduroy \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vas6\vas60099.jpg,0,"Corn has traditionally symbolized rural life, peasants, and the ignorance assigned to country folk by their urban neighbors. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1105\11050048.jpg,0,"Counting sheep is a popular remedy for insomnia. \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
wrpd\wrpd0024.jpg,0,"Jewish man wearing yarmulke to cover head while praying \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2038\20380044.jpg,0,"Crew of tall ship up the rigging \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2038\20380055.jpg,0,"Crew hauling on lines \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
0368\03680082.jpg,0,"Saltwater crocodile, a dry-eyed animal \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0092.jpg,0,"Girl crossing fingers behind her back, hoping her wish will come true \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0109.jpg,0,"Knife and fork crossed on the plate, a polite indication that the guest is still hungry \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0098.jpg,0,"Crossword puzzles \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2038\20380045.jpg,0,"Sailor climbing up the rigging of a tall ship to reach the crow's nest \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#crow (ornithology)
#crow (ornithology)
wrpd\wrpd0172.jpg,0,"Crucial is a term that originated from the Latin word cross. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3209\32090017.jpg,0,"Crystal gazing has been used to induce clairvoyance since the distant past. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0138.jpg,0,"Cup and saucer \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
eppd\eppd0024.jpg,0,"Cupidity manifested from the greed of Cupid, pictured in Rosso Florentino's painting \IMusical Cupid\i. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0043.jpg,0,"Cycle racing today \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0150.jpg,,"Cycle racing inside a velodrome \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0048.jpg,0,"Cycling is a popular form of modern exercise and recreation all over the world. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0014.jpg,,"Cycling today employs technology never imagined by early cyclers. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0001.jpg,,"Cycling in the 'Golden Days' \H\BPhotograph:\b Mitchell Library NSW"
#Darwin (Australia), formerly Palmerston (to 1911), Port Darwin
#Pope, Alexander
#Darwin, Charles (Robert)
scan\scan0123.jpg,0,"Seven-day week, shown on a calendar \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2052\20520028.jpg,0,"Sailor navigating by a specialized system of measuring at sea, known in naval terminology as 'dead reckoning.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
wrpd\wrpd0210.jpg,0,"Mourning woman in a hilltop cemetery \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0154.jpg,0,"Cup of decaffeinated coffee \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Nobel Prizes
#Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
vam2\vam20294.jpg,0,"New Year's Eve fireworks, a popular way of welcoming in the new year \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Auld Lang Syne
vas6\vas60093.jpg,0,"Dessert trays \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdis\pdis0068.jpg,0,"Modern day baseball umpires enforce the games' rules on the playing field. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0035.jpg,0,"Rubber tire development revolutionized the sport of cycling and virtually created the bicycle as it is known today. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2038\20380032.jpg,0,"Multiple sails of a square-rigged sailing ship \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
pdis\pdis0180.jpg,,"Snowboarding, a sport that developed from skiing \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Whittington, Dick
#heat stroke
0711\07110018.jpg,0,"Australian diggers are commemorated in this Australian war monument located in France. The monument's emblem is the emblem of the 'diggers.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
1278\12780015.jpg,0,"Dirty pig and other verbal insults have promoted many misconceptions of the naturally fastidious pig. \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
3611\36110035.jpg,0,"Indian, a misnomer of the American natives, stemming from Columbus' belief that he had sailed around the world and reached India. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#United States of America (USA)
nwte\nwte0109.jpg,0,"'Dog in the manger' is based on one of Aesop's fables. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0231\02310087.jpg,0,"Dog on the tuckerbox, Sydney \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2038\20380049.jpg,0,"Ship's captain serving time on the 'dog watch' \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
0231\02310019.jpg,0,"Woman and her loyal bull terrier \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
srpd\srpd0160.jpg,0,"Since prehistoric times, dogs have aided humans in many aspects of daily living, particularly hunting for food. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0226.jpg,0,"Clergyman wearing his traditional 'dog-collar' \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0231\02310005.jpg,0,"Dog-eared pages in a book are named after the dog's ear. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0231\02310015.jpg,0,"Husbands 'in the doghouse' would sleep with the likes of this Jack Russell. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2704\27040006.jpg,0,"Dragon Boat Race \H\BPhotograph:\b Mr Ismail, Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board, per David Ireland"
2720\27200009.jpg,,"Dragon Boat race \H\BPhotograph:\b Mr Xiong, China National Tourist Office, per David Ireland"
3218\32180002.jpg,0,"Young girl 'dressed up to the nines' in elegant Chinese costume \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
ssuw\ssuw0078.jpg,0,"Fish 'drinking' as they swim \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2185\21850040.jpg,0,"Drinking has been incorporated into the customs of many cultures since ancient times, including this Yagona drinking ceremony in Fiji. \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2185\21850041.jpg,0,"Yagona drinking ceremony, Fiji \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
0154\01540064.jpg,0,"Driving down the right side of the road in Madrid \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Injuries While Abroad
#sonic boom
2046\20460006.jpg,0,"Despite the natural beauty of sand bars, including this example from Queensland, Australia, sailors must be alert when crossing the bar to avoid disaster. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Star of David
#Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
#Archaeological Romanticism
#Stonehenge (in detail)
#dry cleaning
#cricket (sport)
#Duns Scotus, Johannes
vam5\vam50255.jpg,0,"Dutch tulip garden \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1749\17490022.jpg,0,"Early observatory at Machu Picchu, thought to be used by the Incas for the study of astrology \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
srpd\srpd0097.jpg,0,"Modern day football appears to be a tame sport when compared to its brutal ancestors. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#American football
#Australian Rules football
#Rugby football
pdis\pdis0021.jpg,0,"Bicycles were known by many different names and terms prior to its common modern title. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Julian calendar
scan\scan0139.jpg,0,"Dice \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdis\pdis0094.jpg,0,"Early football clubs each played their own version of the now standardized game of soccer. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#horse racing
#Jockey Club
vam5\vam50024.jpg,0,"Modern day medicine \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Medicine, Traditional Practice
#Patient-As-A-Person Movement
#Olympic Games
ssas\ssas0005.jpg,0,"Modern day Los Angeles Olympic stadium, a far cry from the contests of the ancient Greeks \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdis\pdis0316.jpg,0,"Modern day polo equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0041.jpg,0,"Modern day surgery is motivated by scientific research, rather than the religious influences that affected early surgery. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0331.jpg,0,"Ten-pin bowling, no longer a religious test \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0140.jpg,0,"Earrings \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0194.jpg,0,"According to legend, the Easter Bunny fills baskets of candy for children to find on Easter morning. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0195.jpg,0,"Basket of Easter eggs \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ssas\ssas0236.jpg,0,"Crow, part of a humiliating old punishment that has evolved into everyday speech \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#War of 1812
#crow (ornithology)
0521\05210020.jpg,0,"Eating like a bird implies a person does not eat much, however birds eat small amounts almost constantly. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
nwte\nwte0133.jpg,0,"Bald eagle catching a fish \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2728\27280003.jpg,0,"Eating more in the cold, winter months is unnecessary with the help of modern technology. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
3218\32180044.jpg,0,"Eaves, the original place for eaves dropping, shown on the Temple of Universal Peace in Chengde, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Trafalgar, Battle of
pdis\pdis0296.jpg,0,"Playing one of eighteen holes \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#aeroplane / airplane
#Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
wrpd\wrpd0076.jpg,0,"Elephants are thought to serve as magic guardians against evil forces. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3451\34510031.jpg,0,"Elephants trunks are named after the noise they can make that sounds like a trumpet. \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3611\36110016.jpg,0,"Elephants are often used as 'work horses' because of their size, strength, and the capabilities of their trunks. However, the trunk is not used for drinking. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
3451\34510027.jpg,0,"Fearless elephant walking through an African park \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
3451\34510030.jpg,0,"Elephant, falsely credited with the ability to remember everything \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#Ashes, the
wrpd\wrpd0206.jpg,0,"Engagement ring sparkling with diamonds \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Kipling, (Joseph) Rudyard
2265\22650061.jpg,0,"Bullfighting, a sport filled with tradition and ritual \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
scan\scan0172.jpg,0,"Eternity ring, shown on a woman's hand \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0231\02310036.jpg,0,"Etiquette dictates many rules for dining, even rules about using your serviette/napkin. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Waterloo, Battle of
3402\34020015.jpg,0,"Shakespeare actually coined the hopeful saying 'every dog has its day.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Shakespeare, William
#Renaissance, Men
#capital punishment
#Josephus, Flavius
#Fallopius, Gabriel
wrpd\wrpd0211.jpg,0,"Vanity survives even through death on the faces of some gravestones. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam4\vam40012.jpg,0,"Young Seattle Seahawks' fan \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Madness, Medieval and Renaissance
#Madness in the Age of Reason
#Priestley, Joseph
spd1\spd10077.jpg,0,"Father's day celebrates the sacrifices that fathers around the world have made for their children. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Father's Day
0156\01560020.jpg,0,"Fathom is actually a romantic nautical unit for measuring depth of the ocean. \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
3218\32180063.jpg,0,"Vibrant red lantern hung outside a home in the Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
cwm1\cwm10031.jpg,0,"Soldier's cap from the American Civil War, decorated with a feather \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pnwe\pnwe0101.jpg,0,"Flowers are a popular gift on St Valentine's Day \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#St Valentine's Day
#Waitangi Day
#New Zealand
pdp1\pdp10004.jpg,0,"Feeding a cold is not sound medical advice. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10202.jpg,0,"Ferns \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Fez or Fes
#glass, general
#glass, manufactured
#fifth column
#Kilkenny (city), Ir Cill Choinnigh
#Kilkenny, capital
#Kilkenny, county
scan\scan0116.jpg,0,"Wallet and 'filthy lucre' \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
issg\issg0011.jpg,0,"Orthodox priest with beard, Jerusalem \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0124\01240082.jpg,0,"Bikinis, like the ones on this Rio de Janeiro beach, derived their name from an explosive source. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Marshall Islands
#caesarian / cesarian section
#cat's eyes
#court of law
#Santa Claus
2038\20380031.jpg,0,"\INew Endeavour\i, a replica of the First Fleet ship that carried Peter Hibbs to Australian soil \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#New Year's Day
#hearing aid
1635\16350026.jpg,0,"Early horse racing tracks would have horrified the jockeys and prize horses of the modern day sport. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#horse racing
1766\17660039.jpg,0,"Modern day hospitals, no longer a place of accommodation for travellers \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Labour / Labor Day
srpd\srpd0202.jpg,0,"Mountain climbing today is far removed from the earliest attempts. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Olympic Games
#Olympic Games
#Ouija board
3214\32140012.jpg,0,"Photography, invented by accident \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0231\02310041.jpg,0,"First radio broadcast extended Christmas wishes to its small audience. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
srpd\srpd0216.jpg,0,"Rowing has enjoyed continued improvement of equipment and technique over the years. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#horse racing
2258\22580060.jpg,0,"1960 Olympic stadium in Rome, Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Wembley Stadium
scan\scan0113.jpg,0,"Tea bags came about accidentally when tea leaves were packaged in small pouches \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#gas, chemistry
#gas, fuel
#Melbourne Cup
#horse racing
0172\01720046.jpg,0,"Fish for Friday \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
wrpd\wrpd0183.jpg,0,"Christian fish symbol \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0228.jpg,0,"Two beach runners are as 'fit as a fiddle.' \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1374\13740036.jpg,0,"Australian flag flying high \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1256\12560089.jpg,0,"Flat spins are a common crowd-pleaser in modern aerobatic displays, and the aviation term has even become part of English speech. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1083\10830058.jpg,0,"Flea market in the streets of Pakistan \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
fss1\fss10090.jpg,0,"Fleur-de-lis, France's mysterious emblem, may actually be some type of iris. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
spd1\spd10071.jpg,0,"Removing flowers from hospital rooms was thought to ward off evil spirits. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Solomon (Hebrew Bible)
#flying doctor service
#flying fish
3214\32140006.jpg,0,"Eating vegetarian foods can not guarantee a peaceful disposition. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vas6\vas60097.jpg,0,"Food wonderful food \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0179.jpg,0,"Tolling church bells were not a part of Francis Bond's death. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3210\32100074.jpg,0,"Fore! \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0182.jpg,0,"Nuns have been associated with death or sickness and have been a sign of bad luck since the time of the Black Plague. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Black Death
pdis\pdis0045.jpg,0,"Mountaineering clubs greatly influenced this conquest sport. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Hillary, Sir Edmund (Percival)
pdis\pdis0249.jpg,0,"Yachting and yachting clubs were once filled with strange rituals and restricted to the most elite social classes. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#American Civil War
#turkey (bird)
#Thanksgiving Day
#United States of America (USA)
vam4\vam40240.jpg,0,"Foxglove's unusual name is easily explained by a confusion of sounds. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Medications Invented (1800-1900s)
#Sydney Harbour Bridge
vas6\vas60095.jpg,0,"Franks and corn on the cob \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nwte\nwte0131.jpg,0,"Bald eagle in flight \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam1\vam10022.jpg,0,"Birds are not as free as humans may imagine. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdis\pdis0080.jpg,0,"Modern day tennis has greatly evolved since its religious beginnings. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#haricot bean
srpd\srpd0077.jpg,0,"French fashion had an uncanny influence on the sport of fencing. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vam2\vam20239.jpg,0,"Fresh daisies \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50249.jpg,0,"Fresh flowers on stage are forbidden by superstition and practical consideration. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3210\32100006.jpg,0,"Frogs commonly take the blame for human's croaky voices. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Helena, St
#Erik the Red
#Friends, Society of
0201\02010046.jpg,0,"Elvis Presley, adored by loyal fans all over the world \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Presley, Elvis (Aron)
fss1\fss10055.jpg,0,"Fuchsia, the unrecognized discovery of Charles Plumier \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0152\01520001.jpg,0,"Fuzz drive by a crowd in Sydney, Australia as they await a procession \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#gall bladder
#theatre / theater
2038\20380050.jpg,0,"Gangway, as it is known today \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3209\32090011.jpg,0,"Gems, like this amethyst, have been credited with mystical powers since ancient times. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
ww1m\ww1m0091.jpg,0,"Both guns and workers can 'get fired.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10166.jpg,0,"Gilding this beautiful lily would certainly be unnecessary decoration. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Shakespeare, William
#confession (of sin)
#Shrove Tuesday
scan\scan0160.jpg,0,"Young man 'giving the bride away' \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Gladstone, W(illiam) E(wart)
spd1\spd10049.jpg,0,"Glowing eyes of a black cat \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0124\01240017.jpg,0,"Farmers aiming to make money from wool sometimes shaved even the youngest 'hogs,' a practice that gave birth to the phrase 'go the whole hog.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Gobelins, Manufacture nationale des
rssg\rssg0049.jpg,0,"Britain's beloved queen, Elizabeth II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#God Save the King / Queen
#theatre / theater
#Spenser, Edmund
#senile dementia
3210\32100075.jpg,0,"Golf bag \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
srpd\srpd0118.jpg,0,"Golf ball rolling into the hole \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0117.jpg,0,"Golf today is a far more advanced game than its stick and stone beginnings. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3210\32100077.jpg,0,"Golfer putting with his club \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3210\32100079.jpg,0,"Golf cup marked by flag \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1262\12620022.jpg,0,"Teeing Off \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
srpd\srpd0125.jpg,,"Golf tee marker \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1278\12780063.jpg,0,"Gondolas in Venice \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1204\12040072.jpg,,"Gondola bows \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0231\02310006.jpg,0,"Canines have at times been feared and shunned animals, filled with disease and rabies and associated with death or bad times. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Fawkes, Guy
vam5\vam50186.jpg,0,"Gorilla, once mistaken for a savage human \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pss1\pss10023.jpg,0,"Hangar shown in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Wright brothers
cwm1\cwm10002.jpg,0,"Top hat, the original prize for completing a 'hat trick' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#rhyming slang
vam2\vam20022.jpg,0,"Fear of having kittens was once a reality for women. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#blood pressure
#Northern Territory
2052\20520032.jpg,0,"Sailor returning from 'the heads,' the sailing name for the below-deck lavatory that stems from old sailing days. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
pdis\pdis0024.jpg,0,"Health benefits of cycling are enjoyed by cycling enthusiasts worldwide. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0022.jpg,,"Cycling through difficult terrain \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#health insurance
3209\32090061.jpg,0,"Heap of rocks, a primitive form of the modern headstone \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Commons, House of
pdis\pdis0119.jpg,0,"Heat of runners ready to race \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0075.jpg,0,"Modern day cricket equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#cricket (sport)
srpd\srpd0171.jpg,0,"Preparing for a modern day lacrosse game, an ordered game far removed from its deadly ancestor. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0132.jpg,0,"Swimming has been a subject of literature for centuries. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#America's Cup
wrpd\wrpd0290.jpg,0,"Cross, one of the world's oldest and most universal symbols \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Gettysburg Address
wrpd\wrpd0188.jpg,0,"Rosary clasped in prayerful hands \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#hurling or hurley
3218\32180091.jpg,0,"Magician makes Chinese money disappear with the magic of 'hocus pocus.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Last Supper
1635\16350005.jpg,0,"Hoi polloi crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
0155\01550016.jpg,0,"Smoke has often been associated with religious rituals and biblical happenings, and therefore considered holy. \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Mount Sinai
vam2\vam20300.jpg,0,"Heading off on a honeymoon \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40019.jpg,0,"Honeymooning couple \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#criminal law
vam4\vam40285.jpg,0,"Platter of assorted hors d'oeuvres \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdp1\pdp10032.jpg,0,"Horses have endured a long history of associations with superstition. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0205\02050040.jpg,0,"Horsemeat, once consumed by pagans, is still not part of English dining. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Watt, James
vam2\vam20057.jpg,0,"Colonial blacksmith making horseshoes \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1262\12620017.jpg,0,"Horseshoe making demonstration \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
vas6\vas60079.jpg,0,"Continuing with ancient custom, courteous hosts still pour wine into their glass before the glass of their guest. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
srpd\srpd0001.jpg,0,"Balloon -- hot air balloon, the symbol engraved on the headstone of Thomas Downes \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
naoy\naoy0434.jpg,,"Balloon -- hot air balloon used in Paris in 1878 \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Good Friday
scan\scan0090.jpg,0,"House are identified by street numbers \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2038\20380094.jpg,0,"Sailing has enjoyed a prominent role in human history, possibly dating back to 5000 BC. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2265\22650055.jpg,0,"Matador and bull inside the bull ring \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2728\27280059.jpg,0,"Modern day bull ring in Barcelona, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Shakespeare, William
0542\05420072.jpg,0,"Australian cave painting showing an Aborigine hunting a kangaroo, an important means of survival for the Aborigine tribes. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
pnwe\pnwe0032.jpg,,"Cheetahs -- hunting for food \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Old Stone Age
#Sioux Indians and Buffalo
srpd\srpd0163.jpg,0,"Hunting animals of all sorts is a popular pastime throughout the world. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0225.jpg,0,"Hurricane viewed from space \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3209\32090049.jpg,0,"Magical water \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1083\10830024.jpg,0,"Hygiene is especially important in war-devastated Palestine, where unclean water may result in disease. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#Hippocratic oath
#Water, Precautions for Traveller
#Food, Precautions for Traveller
#disease frequency
pdis\pdis0167.jpg,0,"Modern day ice skating, possibly discovered by pure accident \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#ice skating
eppd\eppd0005.jpg,0,"Iconoclast was the term applied to a person who sought to destroy icons such as this one \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Id al-Adha
#Id al-Fitr Festival
#Jesus Christ
3218\32180020.jpg,0,"Chinese festival banners outside the Potala Palace, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
pdis\pdis0168.jpg,0,"Modern day ice skating owes much of its past to a few significant people. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#ice skating
#Henie, Sonja
srpd\srpd0166.jpg,0,"Speed skating was only made possible by the continuos improvement of ice skating. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#ice skating
#theatre / theater
#Salem (Massachusetts)
#La Paz
#non-verbal communication (NVC)
spd1\spd10080.jpg,0,"Infant playing \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#baby talk
#Shakespeare, William
1635\16350078.jpg,0,"Inn, a term commonly used to describe small hotels, owes its popularity to the story of Jesus' birth. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#public house
#public house
#cricket (entomology)
#cricket (sport)
vam2\vam20207.jpg,0,"Introducing llamas to Australia was the life-long work of Thomas Ledger. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#roller skating
spd1\spd10167.jpg,0,"Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, shares her namesake with several objects in the world of science. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Ireland (republic)
scan\scan0148.jpg,0,"Shot of Irish whiskey \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
flag\flag0147.jpg,0,"Turkish flag \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#isolation unit
#flag (politics)
#Star of David
#national anthem
3214\32140004.jpg,0,"Pasta, a Chinese specialty \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdis\pdis0334.jpg,0,"Basketball, a sport developed by James Naismith \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Janus (mythology)
vam5\vam50028.jpg,0,"All horses celebrate their official birthday on the first day of January. (In Australia it is the first day of August.) \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#racial discrimination
#King, Martin Luther, Jr
0124\01240046.jpg,0,"Captain Arthur Phillip \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
fa06\fa060047.jpg,0,"Wise men with gifts for the infant Jesus -- gold, frankincense and myrrh \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Disease, The Spread of
ssas\ssas0291.jpg,0,"Japanese tea garden \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0292.jpg,,"Japanese tea garden \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
scan\scan0170.jpg,0,"Jeans, a popular clothing item around the world \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3452\34520025.jpg,0,"Jeeps in a remote African park \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#Jerusalem artichoke
#jew's harp
2052\20520066.jpg,0,"Jockey in New Zealand \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2052\20520067.jpg,,"Maori jockey wearing traditional cap \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#horse racing
faoy\faoy0200.jpg,0,"Whale, the 'large fish' some say was responsible for swallowing Jonah \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Jonah or Jonas, Book of
#Jupiter (mythology) or Iuppiter
#electronic games
3606\36060043.jpg,0,"Judge wearing traditional full-bottom wig, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3606\36060044.jpg,,"Procession of British judges, UK \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Canada Day
2256\22560016.jpg,0,"Bastille Day celebrations in Paris \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Swithin or Swithun, St
#Declaration of Independence
#Fourth of July, July Fourth, or Independence Day
scan\scan0166.jpg,0,"Jumpers \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vam2\vam20238.jpg,0,"Flowers can contain symbolic messages \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#public house
#Bank of England
#Memorial Day
#United States of America (USA)
vam2\vam20283.jpg,0,"Devouring the last piece of bread is regarded unlucky. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam5\vam50210.jpg,0,"Eggs, because of their round shape, were associated with many sporting activities. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#cricket (sport)
#leap year
vam1\vam10007.jpg,0,"Raven - regarded as an ominous bird \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#lemon sole
3451\34510090.jpg,0,"Lions are the majestic animals associated with the Leo celestial sign. \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
vam1\vam10052.jpg,0,"By 'letting the cat out of the bag,' old English customers protected themselves from fraud. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Marie Antoinette (JosΦphe Jeanne)
nwte\nwte0124.jpg,0,"Bear cubs were once believed to be 'licked into shape'. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0026.jpg,0,"Lightning can strike the same place twice. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#labour / labor
#Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
fss1\fss10110.jpg,0,"White lily \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fss1\fss10111.jpg,0,"White brown lily \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
fss1\fss10109.jpg,0,"Lily of the valley \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Lincoln, Abraham
scan\scan0099.jpg,0,"Lingerie \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdp1\pdp10036.jpg,0,"Little bird, a common messenger of information \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20283.jpg,0,"Loaf of bread \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#LSD or lysergic acid diethylamide
pnwe\pnwe0121.jpg,0,"Breaking small sticks was once thought to drive away evil spirits. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
vas6\vas60229.jpg,0,"The Moon was once thought to inspire madness or 'lunacy' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Mental Illness, Greek Understanding
#Madness, Medieval and Renaissance
#Madness in the Age of Reason
#Insane, Confinement of the
#Psychiatric Techniques in the 18th Century
#Medicine for the Mad
#Asylum with a Difference
#Asylums in the 19th Century
#Asylum Management from 1830s
#Schizophrenia, Degeneration and
#Freud and Psychoanalysis
#Folly, In Praise of
stpd\stpd0155.jpg,0,"Moon, an object of observation and superstition since early times. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ssp1\ssp10099.jpg,,"Close-up of the Moon's surface \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
nwte\nwte0103.jpg,0,"Snowshoe hare \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#mental disorders
#Mental Illness, Greek Understanding
#Madness, Medieval and Renaissance
#Madness in the Age of Reason
#fairy tales
naoy\naoy0199.jpg,0,"Magic Lantern \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#cricket (sport)
wrpd\wrpd0107.jpg,0,"Religious offerings, or sacrifices, outside a temple \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2052\20520093.jpg,0,"Malthus' concerns about overpopulation unfairly dubbed him a great advocator of birth control. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Malthus, Thomas Robert
pdis\pdis0232.jpg,0,"Dogs have been serving humans in various roles for centuries. Here we see a pack of Huskies transporting people in a sled. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1204\12040045.jpg,,"Man and dog napping together in Paris \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
vam2\vam20003.jpg,,"Two kids cuddling their canine pets \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40006.jpg,,"Boy and his favourite playmate \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pdis\pdis0054.jpg,0,"Mountains have been a fascinating mystery to humans since the beginning of time. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2052\20520057.jpg,0,"Re-enactment of Banjo Paterson's poem, \IThe Man from Snowy River\i, performed 100 years after the poem's publishing date at The Man from Snowy River Centennial Celebrations, Corryong, NSW, 1995 \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2052\20520058.jpg,,"Australia's Best Horseman competition, made up of ten events, at The Man from Snowy River Centennial Celebrations, Corryong, NSW \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Paterson, A(ndrew) B(arton)
scan\scan0108.jpg,0,"Vegemite spread on a cracker \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3608\36080007.jpg,0,"Architecture - the reflection of man \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Adam and Eve
srpd\srpd0147.jpg,0,"Horses have played a role in history since prehistoric times. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0317.jpg,0,"Farmer using his horse for work purposes. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0226.jpg,0,"Hundreds of marathon runners \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Persian Wars (Early Civilization)
#Ireland (republic)
#Patrick, St
#Mars (mythology)
vam2\vam20028.jpg,0,"Marching soldiers \H\BVideo:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssas\ssas0279.jpg,0,"Marigolds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0029.jpg,0,"Gravestones mark the resting places of the deceased. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Mary, Queen of Scots
scan\scan0103.jpg,0,"Marriage certificate \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0305.jpg,0,"Marriage symbolizes two people finding their soul mate. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3608\36080013.jpg,0,"Buddhist temple with animal mascots \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
elpd\elpd0213.jpg,0,"Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel frescoes, a masterpiece of art \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#morse code
#Ahura Mazda
#Shakespeare, William
pdis\pdis0094.jpg,0,"Football was originally a term used to describe sports played 'on foot,' not the many sports that today claim its name. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#American football
#Australian Rules football
scan\scan0039.jpg,0,"Australia's oldest surviving Anzac from the first landing at Gallipoli, wearing his medals on the left \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
ssas\ssas0227.jpg,0,"Black cat \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Mendel's laws
#mercury (chemistry)
#Mercury (astronomy)
#Mercury (mythology) or Mercurius
#Medications Invented (1800-1900s)
#Mohammed or Mahomet
#Covent Garden
3210\32100036.jpg,0,"Caterpillar \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3209\32090021.jpg,0,"Alcohol \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0134.jpg,0,"Modern playing cards \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#playing cards
#Bacon, Francis
#Mohammed or Mahomet
#Mohammed or Mahomet
3210\32100088.jpg,0,"Money, blamed as 'the root of all evil' \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0136.jpg,0,"Monkey wrench \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
nwte\nwte0058.jpg,0,"Human concepts are mistakenly applied to the animal world. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0061.jpg,0,"Baboon grooming young baboon \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Holt, Harold (Edward)
spd1\spd10168.jpg,0,"Moon, once thought to control women's menstrual cycles \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
stpd\stpd0155.jpg,0,"Moon cakes, so called because of their round shape, are shared amongst family and friends during the Moon Festival. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Yuan dynasty
pdp1\pdp10165.jpg,0,"In the time of prohibition, 'moonshine' production began with the rising of the moon. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#morris dance
psfp\psfp0025.jpg,0,"Mortarboard, the academic cap \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#mortar (building)
3210\32100031.jpg,0,"Moths do not eat clothes, it is their larvae that do. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vam4\vam40016.jpg,0,"Mother's Day, a day of tribute to mothers all over the world \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Mother's Day
indi\indi0037.jpg,0,"Scientific research of mountains inspired the leisure sport of mountaineering. \H\BPhotograph:\b Luke Fallon"
vam2\vam20197.jpg,,"Scientists who reached the mountain tops for research motivated others to make the same trek for pleasure. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Roosevelt, Theodore
#America and The Reform Impulse
#criminal law
#Shakespeare, William
#Hawaii (island)
#mystery religions
wrpd\wrpd0210.jpg,0,"Death is a mystery that the living may never understand. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Jesus Christ
#Mars (mythology)
#Frigg or Frigga
#Saturn (mythology) or Saturnus
0155\01550004.jpg,0,"Pacific Ocean \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Pacific Ocean
srpd\srpd0023.jpg,0,"Baseball as it is known today was standardized by the National Association of Professional Baseball Players. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0071.jpg,0,"Baseball hitter and catcher watching the play \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Jesus Christ
3608\36080060.jpg,0,"Naval customs have influenced almost every aspect of human life, including everyday language. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Brindley, James
2052\20520046.jpg,0,"Naval officers in navy blue uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Alexander VI
#New Year's Day
#New Year's Day
#New Year's Day
#Malaria, Protection Against
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
ssas\ssas0050.jpg,0,"No place like home \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2038\20380078.jpg,0,"Possibly the seemingly cruel expression 'no room to swing a cat' originated with sailors and their hammocks. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3608\36080008.jpg,0,"Officer steering starboard, a naval term not related to stars but simply indicating a turn to the right. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Parker, Matthew
#Gunpowder Plot
#Fawkes, Guy
#Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
3612\36120035.jpg,0,"Eternal flame in Paris, a symbolic remembrance of war veterans \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Armistice Day
#World War I
#World War II
#Remembrance Sunday
#Veterans' Day
#Gunpowder Plot
#Fawkes, Guy
#Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
#Gunpowder Plot
#Fawkes, Guy
#Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
2046\20460004.jpg,0,"Naked young girls swimming without shame \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Adam and Eve
#Julian calendar
#Gregorian calendar
vam5\vam50024.jpg,0,"Nurse in her white uniform, originally modeled after nuns' habits \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Nursing Becomes Professional
0123\01230090.jpg,0,"Beer nuts and other nuts are traditionally served with drinks at cocktail parties. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
0123\01230086.jpg,0,"Nuts have inspired many familiar sayings. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0198.jpg,0,"Mother and son picking out their own \Itannenbaum\i \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Christmas tree
#Ellis, (Henry) Havelock
#William of Ockham or Occam
scan\scan0116.jpg,0,"Coins were once thought to ward off evil spirits. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0324.jpg,0,"Ocean at sunset \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0722\07220010.jpg,,"United Nations Security Council Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220013.jpg,,"United Nations with New York in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#League of Nations
#United Nations (UN)
#UN Turns Fifty (1995)
#All Saints' Day
#public school
#Olympic Games
2265\22650086.jpg,0,"1952 Olympic stadium in Helsinki, Finland, a legacy of the Modern Olympic Games \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Olympic Games
wrpd\wrpd0335.jpg,0,"On top of the clouds \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3209\32090039.jpg,0,"Minor officials were put 'on the carpet' when they were reprimanded in the offices of senior British Civil Servants. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
psfp\psfp0032.jpg,0,"Dole call during the Great Depression \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Great Depression
#Salvation Army
#cricket (sport)
#Waterloo, Battle of
scan\scan0167.jpg,0,"Opening an umbrella indoors \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
3611\36110054.jpg,0,"Cantonese opera, Hong Kong \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#court of law
#Apostles' Creed
2038\20380054.jpg,0,"Sailing developed its own measure of speed based on tying knots, a common task for sailors. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
ampd\ampd0041.jpg,0,"Order of the Garter medal \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Edward III
#Garter, the Most Noble Order of the (KG)
#horse racing
#steeplechase (athletics)
scan\scan0168.jpg,0,"Tie worn around a man's neck \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Toby jug
scan\scan0046.jpg,0,"Santa Claus, as he is known today, listening to children's Christmas wishes \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#horse racing
#Jockey Club
srpd\srpd0011.jpg,0,"Modern day archery tournament \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#American Indians
1635\16350011.jpg,0,"Australian Rules football \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Australian Rules football
scan\scan0149.jpg,0,"Beer, the world's oldest alcoholic drink \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdis\pdis0326.jpg,0,"Modern day boxing match \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2265\22650059.jpg,0,"Modern day bullfighting in Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#bull (zoology)
scan\scan0175.jpg,0,"Champagne, the drink of celebrations \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#horse racing
#Jockey Club
pdis\pdis0165.jpg,0,"Modern day fencing action \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#glass, general
pdis\pdis0169.jpg,0,"Ice hockey in modern times \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#ice hockey
#American Indians
srpd\srpd0144.jpg,0,"Modern day horse racing \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#horse racing
scan\scan0126.jpg,0,"Variety of lipsticks \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#national anthem
scan\scan0135.jpg,0,"Playing-cards \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#playing cards
pdis\pdis0315.jpg,0,"Modern day polo match \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0154.jpg,0,"Racquet ball, the modern day descendant of racquets \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#rackets (UK) / racquets (US)
wrpd\wrpd0206.jpg,0,"Woman wearing a ring, a custom dating back to ancient times \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1635\16350029.jpg,0,"Modern day Australian rugby league \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0012.jpg,0,"Rugby Union team from 1903, New South Wales, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Mitchell Library NSW"
srpd\srpd0222.jpg,0,"Modern rugby union huddle \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Rugby football
scan\scan0120.jpg,0,"Soap, though discovered in ancient times, was not used for bathing until thousands of years later. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1005\10050056.jpg,0,"Spectacles are worn today by many people, including Boutros Boutros-Ghali, United Nations Secretary General. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations/M. Grant"
#table tennis
#real tennis
pdis\pdis0073.jpg,0,"Modern day tennis game in progress \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0131.jpg,0,"Coasters, the modern version of their expensive ancestors \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1749\17490068.jpg,0,"Misunderstandings have linked the pig with whistling. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#public house
pdp1\pdp10037.jpg,0,"Pigeons, like other animals, have found their namesake incorporated into many English phrases. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20210.jpg,0,"Piggy banks have no real connection to the pig. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2060\20600024.jpg,0,"Pineapples were named because they resembled fir cones, known as \Ipina\i in Spanish. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Malaria, Protection Against
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
ssuw\ssuw0057.jpg,0,"Pisces gives the fish a place of recognition in the Zodiac. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0013.jpg,0,"Pistols \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#theatre / theater
#Catholic Church
pss1\pss10185.jpg,0,"Plane in the clouds, the image on Peter Chellas' headstone \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Plimsoll, Samuel
#Poet Laureate
#Apollo, (Phoebus)
1407\14070025.jpg,0,"Poinsettias \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#playing cards
1262\12620023.jpg,0,"Policeman \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#mouse (zoology)
nwte\nwte0145.jpg,0,"Pope's fans are made of either peacock or ostrich feathers. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#political science
#House of Representatives
2038\20380052.jpg,0,"Porthole were designed to let light and fresh air \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Madness in the Age of Reason
#oil (earth sciences)
#Cartwright, Edmund
2052\20520040.jpg,0,"Modern day prams \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#praying mantis
scan\scan0114.jpg,0,"Pretzels in a variety of shapes \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
pdis\pdis0329.jpg,0,"Modern day boxing ring \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#court of law
scan\scan0083.jpg,0,"Private in the Australian Army Corp \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Pinkerton, Allan
#alcohol strength
#Australian Capital Territory
pnwe\pnwe0089.jpg,0,"Aspen timber is said to have been used to make the cross on which Christ was crucified. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Medicine, Industry, and Liberalism
#Sanitary Reforms in Early 19th Century
#Health Services After WWII
#Shakespeare, William
3402\34020096.jpg,0,"Wool, once used in men's wigs, was literally pulled over the eyes to obstruct vision. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#domestic fowl
#pulse (physiology)
0231\02310038.jpg,0,"Glass of punch \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#punk rock
#Sex Pistols, The
1262\12620080.jpg,0,"Putting the golf ball \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
0123\01230051.jpg,0,"Central carpet python \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Friends, Society of
rssg\rssg0075.jpg,0,"Queen Elizabeth II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Malaria, Protection Against
#Malaria, The Puzzle of
100a\100a0717.jpg,0,"The Rack \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Australian Rules football
#Rugby football
pdp1\pdp10022.jpg,0,"Sisters reading in bed \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
wrpd\wrpd0087.jpg,0,"Group of grave markers, originally thought to prevent the escape of the dead. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
srpd\srpd0151.jpg,0,"Original rodeos belonged to cowboys' work \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Swammerdam, Jan
#flag (politics)
#Broken Hill
2265\22650060.jpg,0,"Red rag waving in front of bull, Spain \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0721\07210065.jpg,0,"Red Sea sunset viewed from Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Red Sea
#Red Square
1635\16350010.jpg,0,"Modern day regatta in action \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Grand Canal
eaoy\eaoy0069.jpg,0,"Rembrandt's painting \IThe Nightwatch\i \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Rembrandt (Harmenszoon van Rijn)
1411\14110010.jpg,,"Restaurant with outdoor tables \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
3608\36080009.jpg,,"Mediterranean restaurant \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Schweitzer, Albert
#political science
#right wing
#left wing
scan\scan0117.jpg,0,"Coins close-up, showing their milled edges \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1407\14070002.jpg,0,"Ringing the bell \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
wrpd\wrpd0029.jpg,0,"Gravestones are commonly marked with the letters RIP. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Robin Hood
#Morse code
#United Kingdom (UK)
#Henry VIII
#Ascham, Roger
#Louis XIV
#Rolls, C(harles) S(tewart)
#Royce, Sir (Frederick) Henry
srpd\srpd0149.jpg,0,"Australian cattlemen are credited with the word 'ropeable,' a modern day term describing anger. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0231\02310039.jpg,0,"Rosemary \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Remembrance Sunday
#Armistice Day
fss1\fss10149.jpg,0,"Roses, when shown on headstones, symbolize the perfection of the afterworld. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Hyde Park
pdis\pdis0267.jpg,0,"Modern day rowing \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
srpd\srpd0156.jpg,0,"Since early times, hunting rules have protected both the hunter and the hunted. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#triangle (mathematics)
2061\20610067.jpg,0,"Vanilla flower, a sacred plant to the Mexican Indians \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
2052\20520069.jpg,0,"Saddling a horse \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#horse racing
#Sahara Desert
2038\20380091.jpg,0,"Sailing has played a vital role in human life, even donating its vocabulary for use in everyday English. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2052\20520004.jpg,0,"Brightly coloured flags decorate ships in a harbour - in the past, pirates intentionally sailed with the wrong flags, not for decoration but to camouflage themselves in case of attack. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
srpd\srpd0051.jpg,0,"Sailing without sails \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2052\20520045.jpg,0,"Sailors in uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2052\20520014.jpg,0,"Sailor in his collared uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2052\20520045.jpg,0,"Sailors three stripes are merely for decoration \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Royal Navy (RN)
#St Paul
#Sπo Paulo
3214\32140002.jpg,0,"Salt was once believed to have magical qualities. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
2052\20520008.jpg,0,"Naval officers saluting the quarter deck \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
scan\scan0105.jpg,0,"Turkey salad sandwich \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th Earl of
#strike (economics)
0225\02250072.jpg,0,"Mistakes in translation turned the plight of an escape goat into the modern day word 'scapegoat.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#school (education)
pdis\pdis0076.jpg,0,"Tennis owes its scoring system to ancient Babylonian civilization. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0095.jpg,0,"Scotch tape \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Thanksgiving Day
#Columbus Day
#Trooping the Colour
#Queen's award
wrpd\wrpd0020.jpg,0,"Seder silver set \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0102.jpg,0,"Table setting \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Sukkoth or Succoth
#Pentecost (Christianity)
0713\07130090.jpg,0,"The Shambles - a street in York, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Mount Sinai
#Shabuoth or Shavuot(h)
3209\32090059.jpg,0,"Shells, a universal decoration for gravestones \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
vam5\vam50003.jpg,0,"Ships, when pictured on gravestones, wish the deceased a peaceful journey to the afterworld. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2052\20520033.jpg,0,"Ship's bell \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
scan\scan0101.jpg,0,"Shoes on the table, an omen of bad luck \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Siamese twins
#Burnside, Ambrose Everett
wrpd\wrpd0308.jpg,0,"Silhouetted church \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Fleming, Sir Alexander
#Florey (of Adelaide), Sir Howard Walter Florey, Baron
#Raleigh, Sir Walter
#Kelly, Ned
#Henry VIII
#baron / baroness
#Scurvy, An Early Clinical Trial
1405\14050084.jpg,0,"Sleepers play a major role in supporting the Rocky Mountain Express track in Canada. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Santa Claus
scan\scan0119.jpg,0,"Cigarettes \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Snowy Mountains Scheme
2184\21840018.jpg,0,"Soldiers marching in a Military Day Parade \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
2185\21850053.jpg,0,"Soldier in dress uniform outside Government house, Fiji \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
vam2\vam20055.jpg,0,"Colonial soldier charge \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam2\vam20027.jpg,0,"Soldiers at attention \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10039.jpg,0,"The phrase 'son of a gun' has disputed origins. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Royal Navy (RN)
#morse code
scan\scan0174.jpg,0,"Alcohol \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Butler, Samuel (1612û80)
0231\02310010.jpg,0,"Spaying dogs (or cats) does not automatically cause weight gain. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#United States, Post World War 1
0123\01230077.jpg,0,"Beans, the food of America's first people, has become a part of many common expressions. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0115.jpg,0,"Spilled salt \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Spilling Salt
srpd\srpd0233.jpg,0,"Sailing boats rigged with spinnakers \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Spooner, William Archibald
wrpd\wrpd0185.jpg,0,"Prayer actually multiplied disaster for many during the Plague. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
scan\scan0111.jpg,0,"Spuds \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Drake, Sir Francis
#horse racing
#Square Deal
0122\01220041.jpg,0,"Squirrel gathering nuts \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
3402\34020015.jpg,0,"St Bernard dog \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0207.jpg,0,"St Christopher medal \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Christopher, St
#Patrick, St
#stainless steels
#Star Chamber, Court of the
#Star of Bethlehem
wrpd\wrpd0028.jpg,0,"Star of David on a Jewish gravestone \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
wrpd\wrpd0199.jpg,0,"Christmas tree with star \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Christmas tree
vam4\vam40283.jpg,0,"America's star-spangled banner \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2046\20460004.jpg,0,"Stark naked girls swimming with the dolphins \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
flag\flag0080.jpg,0,"American flag \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#flag (politics)
#United States of America (USA)
pdis\pdis0218.jpg,0,"Modern day airborne skier \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdis\pdis0196.jpg,,"Show shoes may have been the first step in the invention of skis. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
elpd\elpd0009.jpg,0,"Statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus, London \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Eros (mythology)
vam4\vam40020.jpg,0,"Nurse showing child how to use stethoscope \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Medicine in the 19th Century
#stock market
#Santa Claus
vas6\vas60201.jpg,0,"Stonehenge, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3734\37340027.jpg,0,"Stork - the fictitious deliverer of babies \H\BPhotograph:\b Taronga Zoo"
2046\20460024.jpg,0,"Camels can carry an incredible amount of weight on their backs, but exceeding that limit can seriously injure the camel. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
scan\scan0091.jpg,0,"Street sign in New South Wales, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Penn, William
#strike (economics)
#Tyndale or Tindale, William
#Yom Kippur
#Sukkoth or Succoth
scan\scan0156.jpg,0,"Sun shining on the bride \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
pdp1\pdp10146.jpg,0,"Sun, an object worshiped by cultures since the beginning of time \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1279\12790090.jpg,0,"Beach packed with sun-bathers \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
1105\11050011.jpg,0,"Surfing, a sport developed in Hawaii \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
pdis\pdis0127.jpg,0,"Breaststroke, swimming's first racing stroke \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
cwm1\cwm10083.jpg,0,"Swords, used for centuries in a special salute \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Cicero, Marcus Tullius
#Jesus Christ
#Christmas tree
vam1\vam10052.jpg,0,"Tabby cat \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#flag (politics)
#Royal Navy (RN)
3209\32090041.jpg,0,"Long ago housewives kept a stew pot on the boil all the time in case friends dropped in. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
vas6\vas60173.jpg,0,"Victims of fraud describe their bad luck with the phrase 'taken for a ride.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Buenos Aires
#Los Angeles
srpd\srpd0272.jpg,0,"Surfer 'taming the waves' \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2251\22510054.jpg,0,"Tank \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
pss1\pss10063.jpg,0,"CF101 on the tarmac \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#McAdam, John Loudon
2061\20610075.jpg,0,"Tahitian man displaying his tattoos \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#public house
#public house
#income tax
ulpd\ulpd0048.jpg,0,"Taxi cabs in New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pss1\pss10062.jpg,0,"Plane taxiing down the runway \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
scan\scan0146.jpg,0,"Teddy bears \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Roosevelt, Theodore
1750\17500059.jpg,0,"Marines marching \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
a154\a1540001.jpg,0,"Theatre as it is known today originated from primitive rituals, performed for the gods. \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#theatre / theater
nwte\nwte0045.jpg,0,"People are said to have 'thick skin such as an elephant', which means nothing touches or upsets them. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Lincoln, Abraham
#Washington, George
1563\15630084.jpg,0,"Thistle, the Scots national symbol \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
0231\02310061.jpg,0,"Melbourne, Australia, founded by two people \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#bow (weaponry)
#War of 1812
#United States of America (USA)
2052\20520036.jpg,0,"Sailors caught 'under the weather' \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Kelly, Ned
flag\flag0149.jpg,0,"Union Jack \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
scan\scan0010.jpg,0,"Kaspar the wooden cat was kept at the Savoy Hotel, London in acknowledgment of the ominous power of '13'. \H\BPhotograph:\b Savoy Hotel, London"
#American eagle
2246\22460074.jpg,0,"One of society's 'upper crust' homes \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#St Valentine's Day
#venereal disease (VD)
#postal service
srpd\srpd0008.jpg,0,"Archery, a sport filled with terms that can not be understood literally \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
major volcanoes.tbl,0,"Major Volcanoes"
0156\01560042.jpg,,"Volcanic mountains in Tahiti \H\BPhotograph:\b David Ireland / Webster Publishing"
#Macintosh, Charles
#Goodyear, Charles
scan\scan0164.jpg,0,"Bride and her escort 'walking down the aisle' \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Dionysius the Elder
#Catherine de' Medici
2046\20460020.jpg,0,"One of Australia's last swagmen, Drew Kettle, carrying his swag/bed role. Swagmen are famous for drinking tea as the line from \IWaltzing Matilda\i states, 'and he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled.' \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Paterson, A(ndrew) B(arton)
0231\02310032.jpg,0,"Antique fob watch \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Shakespeare, William
#Ireland (republic)
#Patrick, St
scan\scan0104.jpg,0,"Married couple wearing their wedding rings \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#weeping willow
nwte\nwte0107.jpg,0,"Wolf -- The legend of the werewolf has become folklore in many nations. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0225\02250075.jpg,0,"Whales grow to such large sizes that they make the perfect metaphor for an enormously good time. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Walpole, Horace (or Horatio), 4th Earl of Orford
2264\22640006.jpg,0,"Rome, viewed from Castle St Angelo \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2038\20380095.jpg,0,"Whistling at sea could bring either pleasant or hazardous results. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Crosby, Bing
vam2\vam20212.jpg,0,"White feathers symbolize innocence and purity, but also cowardice. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#White House
vam5\vam50189.jpg,0,"White rhinoceroses \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Whitsunday or Whit Sunday
#Pentecost (Christianity)
wrpd\wrpd0206.jpg,0,"Diamond engagement ring \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2038\20380028.jpg,0,"Ships have been renowned as female for many centuries, possibly beginning with ancient ships who were dedicated to female goddesses. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
Cuba Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Cuba Political Rulers and Leaders"
Curling World Championship Winners.tbl,0,"Curling World Championship Winners"
Cycling Champions.tbl,0,"Cycling Champions"
Cyclo Cross World Championship Winners.tbl,0,"Cyclo Cross World Championship Winners"
Cyprus Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Cyprus Political Rulers and Leaders"
Czech Republic Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Czech Republic Political Rulers and Leaders"
#Czech Republic
Czechoslovakia Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Czechoslovakia Political Rulers and Leaders"
C⌠te D'Ivoire Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"C⌠te D'Ivoire Political Rulers and Leaders"
Dalai Lama.tbl,0,"Dalai Lama"
#Panchen Lama
Darts Champions.tbl,0,"Darts Champions"
de Morgan's Theorem.tbl,0,"de Morgan's Theorem"
December 1996 Space Events.tbl,0,"December 1996 Space Events"
December 1998 Space Events.tbl,0,"December 1998 Space Events"
Defense Expenditures as Share of GDP.tbl,0,"Defense Expenditures as Share of GDP"
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) Political Rulers and Leaders"
#Korea, North
Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Za∩re) Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Za∩re) Political Rulers and Leaders"
Denmark Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Denmark Political Rulers and Leaders"
Deserts (Largest).tbl,0,"Deserts (Largest)"
Dielectric Constants.tbl,0,"Dielectric Constants"
Djibouti Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Djibouti Political Rulers and Leaders"
Dominica Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Dominica Political Rulers and Leaders"
Dominican Republic Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Dominican Republic Political Rulers and Leaders"
Saudi Arabia Political Rulers and Leaders.tbl,0,"Saudi Arabia Political Rulers and Leaders"
#Saudi Arabia
Scientific Word Compositions.tbl,0,"Scientific Word Compositions"
Scotland Local Councils.tbl,0,"Scotland Local Councils"
Seas (Largest).tbl,0,"Seas (Largest)"
Selected Countries Participating in Major International Environmental Agreements.tbl,0,"Selected Countries Participating in Major International Environmental Agreements"
cfrd\cfrd0001.jpg,0,"Faraday's apparatus demonstrating electromagnetic rotation. On the left a pivoted magnet was made to rotate around a fixed wire when a current flowed through the apparatus; on the right, a freely suspended wire was made to rotate around a fixed magnet. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0002.jpg,,"Faraday's transformer. A current was passed through a coil of insulated wire (A) that was wrapped around an iron ring. By repeatedly switching this current on and off, a current was induced in the secondary coil (B) of insulated wire. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0003.jpg,,"Faraday's apparatus used to demonstrate magneto-electric induction. A magnet was moved in and out of a coil of wire that was connected to a galvanometer: this motion generated an electric current in the coil. \H\BVideo:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0004.jpg,,"Faraday's dynamo, in which a copper disc was rotated manually between the poles of a powerful magnet, generating a continuous electric current. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0007.jpg,0,"Cathode ray tube. The negative (cathode) and positive (anode) poles of an electricity supply were placed at opposite ends of a sealed glass vessel. When the electricity was switched on and the air evacuated from the vessel, a stream of electrons (cathode rays) was emitted by the cathode. These electrons impinged on the walls of the glass vessel, causing it to fluoresce. R÷ntgen discovered that X-rays were produced at the walls of the glass vessel at the point where cathode rays caused fluorescence. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Discovery of Radioactivity \H"
#Becquerel, (Antoine) Henri
100a\100a0216.jpg,0,"Marie Curie (middle) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Becquerel, (Antoine) Henri
#Curie, Marie
#alpha particle
#beta particle
#gamma rays
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Radioactivity and Quantum Physics \H"
#quantum mechanics
#Planck, Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig)
#Einstein, Albert
#Maxwell, James C(lerk)
cfrd\cfrd0008.jpg,0,"Blackbody model. Wilhelm Wien proposed that a container with a small hole in its walls would simulate a blackbody. Any light entering the container through the hole is absorbed by the inner walls. If light is initially reflected from the wall, it will eventually strike another part of the wall and be absorbed, since the chances of its leaving via the hole are negligibly small. If the container is then heated, blackbody radiation is emitted from the hole and its frequency and energy can be measured at different temperatures. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#big bang
#blackbody radiation
#electromagnetic radiation
#Kirchhoff, Gustav (Robert)
#Wien, Wilhelm (Carl Werner Otto Fritz Franz)
#Planck, Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig)
#blackbody radiation
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Einstein and the Photoelectric Effect \H"
cfrd\cfrd0009.jpg,0,"Photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect occurs when electrons are released from a metal surface as a result of light shining on that surface (a). If the intensity of the incident light is increased, more electrons are emitted (c). If the frequency of the incident light is increased, the same number of electrons is emitted, but they have a greater energy (b). These results are not explicable in terms of the classical wave theory of light, so Einstein proposed that light can be considered to be made up of particles (photons), and that each photon collides with an electron and ejects it from the metal surface (d). Increasing the intensity of the light increases the number of photons (and therefore the number of electrons emitted), whilst increasing the light's frequency raises the energy of each photon, causing the same number of higher energy electrons to be emitted. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#Bohr, Niels (Henrik David)
#Broglie, Louis (Victor Pierre Raymond), 7 duc de (7th Duke of)
#Einstein, Albert
#electromagnetic radiation
#electron microscope
#photoelectric effect
#Planck, Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig)
#wave-particle duality
#Einstein, Albert
#Newton, Isaac
#Newton's laws
#Newton, Isaac (physicist)
#velocity of light
#Michelson, A(lbert) A(braham)
#Fitzgerald, George Francis
#Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
#Lorentz contraction
#ether, physics
cfrd\cfrd0012.jpg,0,"Gravity as space-time curvature. Einstein considered gravity to be caused by matter influencing the curvature of space-time, rather than as a force of attraction. An analogy is that of a ball-bearing in the middle of an elastic sheet, causing the sheet to curve in its vicinity. A small spherical object rolled across the sheet would fall towards the ball-bearing because of the curvature of the sheet; in a similar way, objects 'fall' to Earth under the influence of the Earth's gravity. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#big bang
#Einstein, Albert
#equivalence principle
#general relativity
#special relativity
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Big Bang Theories Explained \H"
#big bang
#Einstein, Albert
#Olbers' paradox
#Einstein, Albert
#Hubble, Edwin (Powell)
cfrd\cfrd0014.jpg,0,"Expansion of the Universe. The expansion of the Universe can be compared loosely with an expanding currant bun. As the bun expands during cooking, the currants all move apart from each other. From the point of view of one currant, all the other currants are moving away from it. This is similar to the movement apart of the galaxies in the Universe, and explains why the vast majorities of galaxies show a red shift. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#Alpher, Ralph (Asher)
#background radiation
#big bang
#cosmic background radiation
#Gamow, George
#Hubble, Edwin (Powell)
#Lemaitre, Georges (Henri)
#Penzias, Arno (Allan)
#big bang
#cosmic background radiation
#background radiation
#blackbody radiation
#big bang
#background radiation
#cosmic background radiation
#Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)
#dark matter
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Discovery and use of Fullerenes \H"
#Kekule von Stradonitz, (Friedrich) August
cfrd\cfrd0015.jpg,0,"Structure of diamond. Diamond contains carbon atoms each linked to four other carbon atoms, to produce an extensive rigid structure. Carbon atoms are shown as black circles; linkages are shown as lines. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#red giant
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Plate Tectonic Theory Explained \H"
#Mapping Fossil Hot Spots
#big bang
#continental drift
#Mapping Fossil Hot Spots
#plate tectonics
#Wegener, Alfred (Lothar)
#continental drift
#plate tectonics
#Mohorovicic discontinuity
#earth sciences
#plate tectonics
cfrd\cfrd0018.jpg,0,"Collisions between tectonic plates. (a) Each plate consists of a region of the lithosphere (crust + upper part of the mantle) and floats on the underlying mantle (asthenosphere). Plates may contain either oceanic or continental crust, or both. (b) When both edges of each colliding plate contain ocean crust, one edge descends below the other. (c) When one edge contains oceanic crust and the other continental crust, the less buoyant oceanic edge descends below the continental edge. (d) When both edges are continental, mountains arise, since continental crust is too buoyant to be able to descend. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Spontaneous Generation and Germ Theory \H"
#spontaneous generation
#Helmont, Jan Baptista van
cfrd\cfrd0020.jpg,0,"Pasteur used flasks to refute the spontaneous generation theory. Flasks A, B and C each had curved necks and allowed air, but not bacteria, to enter: the broth in these flasks remained sterile. Flask D lacked a curved neck: its broth became infected with bacteria from the air. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#Pasteur, Louis
#Koch, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert
#Lister (of Lyme Regis), Joseph Lister, Baron
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Vaccines \H"
#Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
#Jenner, Edward
#cow pox
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Ross and the Malaria disease \H"
#Ross, Sir Ronald
cfrd\cfrd0021.jpg,0,"Malarial plasmodium life cycle. The top half of the diagram shows the parasite's development in the mosquito; the bottom half shows its development in humans. Plasmodia are injected into human blood during the bite of a mosquito (A). These reach the liver and invade liver cells, where they divide and develop (B), eventually being released (C) as forms that invade red blood corpuscles. Plasmodia divide inside red blood cells (D) and are eventually released (E). At this stage, the plasmodia can either re-invade red blood cells (F), or they can enter mosquitoes during another bite (G). In the insect, plasmodia undergo a sexual process involving male and female plasmodia (H, I) and bore through the gut wall of the mosquito, where they produce forms that are infectious to humans (J). These burst out from the gut wall of the mosquito (K) and migrate to the salivary glands. They re-enter a human victim in mosquito saliva when the insect feeds on a human. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#Ross, Sir Ronald
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Discovery of Penicillin \H"
#Ehrlich, Paul
#Domagk, Gerhard (Johannes Paul)
#Penicillin: the Discovery
#Fleming, Sir Alexander
cfrd\cfrd0022.jpg,0,"Penicillin: molecular structure. The molecule contains a 'nucleus' and a side-chain, X-C=0. By varying X, diverse penicillins with different properties can be obtained. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#genetically determined disease
#recombinant DNA
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"DNA, The Alphabet of Life \H"
cfrd\cfrd0024.jpg,0,"Griffith's transforming principle. The transforming principle, later identified as the genetic material, DNA, was discovered in 1928 by Griffith whilst he was studying the bacteria that cause pneumonia. When living, non-infectious bacteria (rough, or R forms) were mixed with dead, infectious bacteria (smooth, or S forms), and the mixture was injected into mice, pneumonia occurred and infectious S bacteria were recovered from the mice. Evidently, DNA was being transferred from the dead S bacteria to the living R bacteria and becoming part of the genetic material of the R forms, endowing them with infectivity. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#Avery, Oswald (Theodore)
cfrd\cfrd0025.jpg,0,"DNA. Hershey and Chase confirmed the idea that DNA is the genetic material in the early 1950s. They 'labelled' the DNA of one bacteriophage population and the protein of another population and allowed them to infect bacteria. Only the labelled DNA entered the bacteria: the labelled protein remained outside the bacterium. This demonstrated that bacteriophage DNA is the part that enters bacteria and allows more copies of the phage proteins and DNA to be produced. In other words, all of the information for phage production - the phage genetic material - is present in the injected DNA. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Manipulating DNA \H"
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#recombinant DNA
cfrd\cfrd0026.jpg,0,"Bacterial restriction of phage infections. Phage can multiply well in bacteria of strain A (a), but not well in bacteria of a restrictive strain, B (b). If the small numbers of phage produced in strain B are now used to infect strain B bacteria, restriction no longer occurs (c): strain B has somehow modified the phage to allow it to multiply. The phage that have passed through strain B bacteria are now restricted by strain A (d). \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#recombinant DNA
cfrd\cfrd0027.jpg,0,"Restriction enzymes cleave DNA to produce 'sticky' or 'blunt' ends. Sticky ends are produced when the enzyme cuts DNA at a site away from the centre of the recognised sequence, as with the enzyme, EcoRI (top). When the enzyme cuts DNA at the middle of the recognition sequence blunt ended fragments result, as with the enzyme, HaeIII (bottom). \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0028.jpg,,"Production of 'sticky ended' fragments of DNA by restriction enzymes is useful for joining two DNA molecules together. Here, different fragments of DNA (A and B) produced by digesting two separate DNA molecules with the same restriction enzyme stick together and the gaps between their strands can be closed when chemical bonds form between the two 'free' ends so as to join them together. This produces a hybrid (recombinant) DNA molecule containing both sequences, A and B. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0029.jpg,,"Restriction enzymes frequently bind to and cut within DNA sequences that possess symmetry. The sequence recognised on one strand of the DNA double helix is identical to the sequence on the opposite DNA strand. This can be seen here with the EcoRI recognition sequence: when the sequence is turned through 180 degrees, the sequence remains the same. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#genetic engineering
#recombinant DNA
#Transgenic Corn in France
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Discovery of DNA Fingerprinting \H"
#DNA profiling
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#forensic medicine
#amino acids
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#genetics discoveries
#DNA profiling
cfrd\cfrd0030.jpg,0,"DNA fingerprints amongst family members. Lane 1 shows the mother's DNA fingerprint; lane 2 shows the father's DNA fingerprint; and lanes 3,4 and 5 show three of their children's fingerprints. Note that each child receives bands from each parent and all of a child's bands are found in one parent or the other. The DNA fingerprint in lane 6 comes from someone who is not a member of the family: the bands are quite different from those seen in the parents or children. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0031.jpg,,"DNA fingerprinting. DNA is extracted from the sample (blood, semen, etc.) to be fingerprinted and fragmented into defined pieces. The DNA fragments are separated by the process of electrophoresis on the basis of their size, then studied with a DNA probe that detects fragments containing minisatellite DNA sequences: the final step produces a fingerprint showing the DNA fragments containing minisatellite DNA. Fragments containing 'fingerprint' sequences are marked with a star. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid
#DNA profiling
carr\carrtech.jpg,0,"Immunology on a global scale \H"
#monoclonal antibody
#Milstein, Cesar
cfrd\cfrd0032.jpg,0,"Theories for antibody production. Instructive theories held that all antibody molecules were identical and that they folded into specific structures when they came into contact with antigens (shown in purple here). Clonal selection theories stated that antibodies were different from each other before they came into contact with antigens, and that antigens merely selected the antibodies they could bind: this triggered production of further antibody molecules of the type selected. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0033.jpg,,"Antibodies are Y-shaped molecules consisting of four chains: two heavy and two light chains. Each chain contains a variable and a constant region. The variable regions give each antibody its unique antigen-binding properties. Variable regions also contain hypervariable regions, which are especially important for antigen-binding specificity. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#Bordet, Jules (Jean Baptiste Vincent)
#Ehrlich, Paul
#Landsteiner, Karl
#serum sickness
cfrd\cfrd0034.jpg,0,"Method for monoclonal antibody production. Spleen cells from immunised mice are fused with myeloma cells and the resulting hybridomas are cloned. Each hybridoma (represented by a black circle) secretes a single and unique monoclonal antibody. Antibodies are represented as Y-shaped structures. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
cfrd\cfrd0035.jpg,,"Monoclonal antibodies joined to poisonous substances to produce 'magic bullets'. Some poisonous proteins contain two subunits, A and B (top): the B subunit binds to cells whilst the A subunit then enters the cells and kills them. These poisons usually kill cancer and normal cells equally. If a monoclonal antibody was obtained that bound to a molecule specifically on the surface of the cancer, but not normal, cells, and this antibody was joined to the poison's A subunit, the antibody-poison complex would bind to and kill only cancer cells. \H\BDiagram:\b Carrie Webster"
#Milstein, Cesar
carr\carrastr.jpg,bint018.wav,"History of Astronomy \H"
100a\100a0405.jpg,0,"Zodiacal Light \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
pdp1\pdp10092.jpg,0,"Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, is perhaps the best known manifestation of ancient astronomy in northwestern Europe. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0739\07390095.jpg,0,"Astronomy was part of the system of ceques, conceptual straight lines radiating out from the Temple of the Sun, the central religious monument in the Inca capital of Cuzco (illustrated). \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Incas or Inka
yaoy\yaoy0370.jpg,0,"Astronomy, or more likely, astrology was part of the Mayan civilization. Illustrated is the Rain God from the Mayan religion. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
stpd\stpd0183.jpg,0,"Astronomy is important to the people of the remote Andean village of Misminay. The Milky Way (illustrated) is regarded as a celestial river which is a reflection of the terrestrial Vilcanota river. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
carr\carrastr.jpg,0,"Astronomy in Antiquity \H"
100a\100a0417.jpg,0,"Chaldean tablet of solar eclipse 1062 BC \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
2728\27280083.jpg,0,"Ancient Egyptian life revolved around an annual event ù the mysterious rising of the River Nile (illustrated), which covered much of the land in the valley. By chance, the 'helical rising' of the star Sirius took place around the same time as the Nile flooded. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Egyptian history, Ancient
100a\100a0408.jpg,0,"Egyptian view of the Heavens \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Egyptian history, Ancient
100a\100a0318.jpg,0,"Moon's phases \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Eudoxos of Cnidus
#Greek history
100a\100a0105.jpg,0,"Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) was the greatest astronomical observer of the pre-telescopic era. He provided an invaluable body of information for later astronomers, particularly Johannes Kepler. \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Apollonius (of Perga)
#Greek history
#Hipparchos / Hipparchus
#Solar System
#Aristarchus (of Samos)
#Aristarchus (of Samos)
#Solar System
100a\100a0317.jpg,0,"Earth -- rotundity of the Earth \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Solar System
#Hipparchus's Model of the Motion of the Sun
#Hipparchus, Astronomer
#Solar System
#Ptolemaic system
stpd\stpd0155.jpg,0,"Ptolemy, in the second century, provided written information covering geometrical models and related tables by which the movements of the Sun, Moon (illustrated), and the five lesser planets could be calculated for the indefinite future. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Solar System
#Solar System
carr\carrastr.jpg,0,"Astronomy, Early Islamic \H"
#Islamic philosophy
#Islamic philosophy
#Middle Ages
100a\100a0320.jpg,0,"The Sun's Place \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0418.jpg,,"Old quadrant (Hevelius) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Greek history
#Paris, University of
1406\14060080.jpg,0,"Paris University was in turmoil for much of the thirteenth century. Its major difficulty was in assimilating a pagan world-picture conceived by Aristotle (illustrated) into a culture that had been dominated for a millennium by Christian theology. \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
elpd\elpd0125.jpg,0,"Ornate clock in Prague \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
caoy\caoy0017.jpg,,"Clock (c.1760) from France made during the reign of Louis XV. Here the clock is a globe representing the world, supported by the three elements of Greek classical antiquity: air, fire and water. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Clock Origins
#latitude and longitude
#Copernicus, Nicolas
100a\100a0107.jpg,0,"Copernicus \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
carr\carrastr.jpg,0,"Astronomy Transformed: From Geometry to Physics \H"
100a\100a0321.jpg,0,"Moon -- Eclipse of the Moon \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0324.jpg,,"Sun -- Eclipse of the Sun \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0322.jpg,,"Moon -- Eclipse of the Moon \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0323.jpg,,"Sun -- Eclipse of the Sun \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Kepler's laws of planetary motion
#Mars (astronomy)
100a\100a0108.jpg,0,"Galileo Galilei \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Descartes, Rene
#analytic / analytical geometry
#Copernicus, Nicolas
#Descartes, Rene
100a\100a0105.jpg,0,"Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Astronomy and Brahe's Quest for Accuracy
#Copernican system
#Kepler, Johannes
#Ptolemaic system
#Stjerneborg: 'Castle of the Stars'
100a\100a0423.jpg,0,"Comets -- Old drawings of comets \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0106.jpg,0,"Aristotle \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
stpd\stpd0048.jpg,0,"Man using sextant \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#latitude and longitude
#Brahe, Tycho
#Gregorian calendar
100a\100a0104.jpg,0,"Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Brahe, Tycho
#Kepler's laws of planetary motion
#Refracting Telescope in the 17th Century
100a\100a0108.jpg,0,"Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0109.jpg,0,"RenΘ Descartes (1596-1650) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Descartes, Rene
stpd\stpd0061.jpg,0,"Telescopes of today are a far cry from the ones first used by Galileo in the early 1600s. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Kepler, Johannes
100a\100a0112.jpg,0,"Isaac Newton \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Kepler's laws of planetary motion
#Hooke, Robert
#Royal Society
#Newton, Isaac
#Royal Society (RS)
#Hooke, Robert
100a\100a0419.jpg,0,"Newton's Reflector \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Newton, Isaac
nas2\nas20049.jpg,0,"Halley's comet was discovered by Edmond Halley as being the same comet that appeared in 1531, 1607 and 1682. Halley was a colleague of Newton's, and used some of Newton's research in proving the comet theory. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
100a\100a0403.jpg,0,"Moon-induced tides \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Solar System
#Bode's law or Titius-Bode law
#Lost Friendly Planet?
#Uranus (astronomy)
#Neptune (astronomy)
#celestial mechanics
nscn\nscn0025.jpg,0,"Plaque in Oxford commemorating the deeds of Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke. Hooke was very much involved in astronomical discoveries and was a colleague of Newton. \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#Hooke's law
#Hooke's Suppositions
#Newton and Newtonianism
100a\100a0111.jpg,0,"Christiaan Huygens (1629-95) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Huygens' principle
100a\100a0110.jpg,0,"Edmond Halley (1656-1742) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Halley's comet
#Newton's Principia; the Impact
#Southern Skies, Early Observations of
#Cassegrain telescope
#Newton, Isaac
#Newtonian telescope
#Newton and Newtonianism
#Einstein's Theoretical Physics
#Reflecting Telescope, History of
#Newton and the Dynamics of Elliptical Orbits
#Newton's Explanation of 'Variation'
#Universe of Stars: The Structure and History of
#Cosmology in the Eighteenth Century
#differential calculus
#Flamsteed, John
#Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
#Newtonian mechanics
#Newton's laws
#Newton, Isaac
#Newton, Isaac (physicist)
100a\100a0407.jpg,0,"Early telescope development \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0414.jpg,,"Telescope mounted onto rotating circular base \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
nasa\nasa0036.jpg,0,"Montage of Jupiter and the Galilean (moon) satellites: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. These were photographed by Voyager 1 and assembled into this collage. They are not to scale but are in their relative positions. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
100a\100a0113.jpg,0,"Pierre-Simon de Laplace \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#celestial mechanics
nasa\nasa0141.jpg,0,"These two pictures of Uranus -- one in true colour and one in false colour -- were compiled from images returned on January 17, 1986, by the narrow-angle camera of Voyager 2. The spacecraft was 9.1 million km (5.7 million miles) from the planet. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Herschel, Sir William (Frederick)
#Uranus (astronomy)
#Ceres (astronomy)
nasa\nasa0009.jpg,0,"Asteroid Ida and its moon, Dactyl \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
100a\100a0316.jpg,0,"Stars -- The Fixed Stars \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#variable star
#Solar System
#Newton, Isaac
#Newton, Isaac (physicist)
#Newton, Isaac
#Newton, Isaac (physicist)
nas2\nas20138.jpg,0,"Herschel was very interested in the construction of the heavens, inlcuding nebulae (clouds of gas and dust in space), and was aware of the Orion Nebula. Illustrated here is a mosaic of 45 images taken between January, 1994, and March, 1995, of M42, the Orion Nebula. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0133.jpg,0,"View of Saturn taken by Voyager 2, July 21 1981, 33.9 million km (21 million miles) from the planet. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
100a\100a0422.jpg,0,"James Bradley \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0103.jpg,0,"Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846) \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0116.jpg,0,"William Herschel \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0114.jpg,0,"Caroline Herschel \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Herschel, Sir William (Frederick)
#binary star
nas2\nas20046.jpg,0,"Black hole candidate in the spiral galaxy M87 \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#black hole
#NASA Research Provides New Insights on Black Holes (20 June, 1997)
stpd\stpd0183.jpg,0,"The Galaxy is the huge star family to which our Sun belongs, and is seen as the Milky Way. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Galaxy (astronomy)
#Herschel, Sir William (Frederick)
100a\100a0115.jpg,0,"John Herschel \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
stpd\stpd0098.jpg,0,"Public observatories did not exist in the southern hemisphere until one was set up at the Cape of Good Hope by Fearon Fallows. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Halley, Edmond
#Magellanic Clouds
#Milky Way
carr\carrastr.jpg,0,"Astrophysics, the Rise of \H"
pdmt\pdmt0256.jpg,0,"White light can be dispersed through a prism, as shown here, to produce its constituent colours. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Fraunhofer lines
#Fraunhofer, Joseph von
100a\100a030e.jpg,0,"Annular eclipse of the Sun \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0404.jpg,,"Aurora Borealis \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#butterfly diagram or Maunder diagram
#Solar System
#Zurich sunspot number
nas2\nas20163.jpg,0,"Image of the sun as seen through filters \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
3214\32140051.jpg,,"Sunrise \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Solar System
100a\100a0406.jpg,0,"Telescope -- Developments of the telescope \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0413.jpg,,"Telescope - A telescope supported by scaffolding \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0409.jpg,,"Telescope -- Developments of the telescope \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0407.jpg,,"Telescope -- Early developments of the telescope \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0414.jpg,,"Telescope mounted onto rotating circular base \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0416.jpg,,"Telescope -- Early developments \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
nasa\nasa0016.jpg,0,"Comets could be studied more easily using the large refractors of the later ninetenth century. Astronomers of that time would be amazed at the illustration portrayed here. This photograph shows the comet Hyakutake as seen with the Hubble Space Telescope as the comet passed at a distance of 9.3 million miles (14.9 km) from earth on March 25, 1996. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Canals on Mars
#Mars (astronomy)
#Neptune (astronomy)
#Solar System
#Uranus (astronomy)
stpd\stpd0045.jpg,0,"Stars and nebulae, in the early years of the twentieth century, became more popular as items of interest than planets. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#binary star
#Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
#main sequence
#Stars, Life History of
#atomic spectra
#Eddington, Sir Arthur S(tanley)
#white dwarf
naoy\naoy0131.jpg,0,"Orrery - A clockwork model of the solar system named after the fourth Earl of Orrery in England for whom one was made. The movement demonstrated the revolution of the planets around the sun. \H\BDiagram:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Galaxy (astronomy)
#Milky Way
#Galaxy (astronomy)
100a\100a0319.jpg,0,"Andromeda \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Solar System
nas2\nas20091.jpg,0,"Hubble Space Telescope named after Edwin Hubble \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Cepheid variable
#Galaxy (astronomy)
#Hubble, Edwin (Powell)
100a\100a0117.jpg,0,"George Ellery Hale \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0314.jpg,0,"Solar prominences \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0305.jpg,0,"Norman Lockyer \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
nasa\nasa0133.jpg,0,"Saturn and its rings \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Saturn (astronomy)
#Solar System
nasa\nasa0124.jpg,0,"Pluto and its moon, Charon \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Lowell, Percival
#Pluto (astronomy)
100a\100a0118.jpg,0,"William Huggins \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0121.jpg,0,"Henry Russell \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
#H-R Diagram
100a\100a0311.jpg,0,"Harlow Shapley \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Universe Structure: The 'Great Debate'
#Shapley, Harlow
nas2\nas20120.jpg,0,"Hubble Telescope image of Mars. The Hubble Space Telescope was named after Edwin Hubble. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
0739\07390098.jpg,0,"Machu Picchu archaeological site \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Incas or Inka
#Machu Picchu
#Machu Picchu
#archaeology / archeology
carr\carrarch.jpg,0,"Archaeology Comes of Age, 1920-1960 \H"
0713\07130046.jpg,0,"Stonehenge -- the first archaeological air photographs were taken from a captive balloon as early as 1906. \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#aerial photography
#archaeology / archeology
#pollen analysis
#radiocarbon dating
#Sutton Hoo
#Wheeler, Sir (Robert Eric) Mortimer
#Wheeler, Sir (Robert Eric) Mortimer
#archaeology / archeology
#bog burials
#rock art
#rock art
#World War II
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#Cold War
#Nazi Party
#archaeology / archeology
#radiocarbon dating
#Libby, Willard (Frank)
#Childe, (Vere) Gordon
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#classical architecture
#classical art
#Leptis Magna or Lepcis Magna
#Greek art
#Etruscan art
#Minoan art
#Minoan civilization
#Bronze Age
#Evans, Sir Arthur (John)
#Trojan War
#Mycenaean / Mycenean civilization
#Mycenaean architecture
#Linear A
#Linear B
#Ventris, Michael (George Francis)
#archaeology / archeology
#Palaeolithic / Paleolithic art
#Peking Man
#Egyptian architecture
#Egyptian art
#Egyptian history, Ancient
100a\100a0218.jpg,0,"Howard Carter \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0217.jpg,0,"Tutankhamen's tomb \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Carter, Howard
#Herbert, George
#Tutankhamen or Tut'ankhamun
#Valley of the Kings
#Woolley, Sir (Charles) Leonard
#Sumerian and Assyrian architecture
#archaeology / archeology
#Mallowan, Max
#Ras Shamra texts
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#Dead Sea Scrolls
#Zagros Mountains
#Persian architecture
#Indus Valley Civilization
#Wheeler, Sir (Robert Eric) Mortimer
#archaeology / archeology
#Archaeological Finding in Beijing
#Zhoukoudian or Choukoutien
#African history
#Darwin, Charles (Robert)
#Dart, Raymond (Arthur)
#archaeology / archeology
#Middle America
#Mesoamerica or Middle America
#San Lorenzo
#archaeology / archeology
#prehistoric art
carr\carrarch.jpg,0,"New Techniques and Competing Philosophies, 1960-1990 \H"
#archaeology / archeology
#radiocarbon dating
#Sahara Desert
#African art
#archaeology / archeology
#carbon dating
#archaeology / archeology
#Mycenaean / Mycenean art
#Mycenaean / Mycenean civilization
#Minoan art
#Minoan civilization
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#Binford, Lewis (Roberts)
#archaeology / archeology
#Frankfurt School
#archaeology / archeology
#Humans Older Than Thought?
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#underwater camera
#archaeology / archeology
#Bronze Age
#Palaeolithic / Paleolithic
#cave art
#archaeology / archeology
#Philip II (of Macedon)
#Alexander the Great
#Macedonia (Greece), Gr Makedhonia
#Minoan civilization
#Minoan art
#Minoan and Mycenaean / Mycenean architecture
#Aswan High Dam
#Nile, River
#Nubian monuments
#Abu Simbel
#Levant, The
#Dead Sea
#archaeology / archeology
#Catal Huyuk
#archaeology / archeology
#Japanese architecture
#Fujiwara Style
#Korea or South Korea
#Mount Li
#Humans Older Than Thought?
#Iron Age
#Johanson, Donald (Carl)
#Olduvai Gorge
#radiocarbon dating
#Bronze Age
#Igbo or Ibo
#African art
#Aboriginal art
#Arnhem Land
#Palaeolithic / Paleolithic art
#Aboriginal land rights
#archaeology / archeology
#Papua New Guinea
#archaeology / archeology
#Irian Jaya
#Lapita people
#Pedra Furada
#archaeology / archeology
#World Heritage List United States of America
3611\36110032.jpg,0,"Pueblo Bonito ruin in the Chaco Culture National Historic Park, New Mexico \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#American Indians
#Chaco Canyon
#Levant, The
#archaeology / archeology
#Mesoamerica or Middle America
1749\17490079.jpg,0,"Chacmool altar in the Temple of Warriors, ChichΘn Itzß, a Mayan site with which Proskouriakoff is particularly associated. \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst"
#Chichen Itza
carr\carrarch.jpg,0,"Current Controversies and Future Trends \H"
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#women's studies
#gender (sociology)
#archaeology / archeology
#Indigenous People
#Aboriginal Burials
#Indians, American
#Aboriginal land rights
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
#archaeology / archeology
carr\carrushy.jpg,bint028.wav,"History of the United States \H"
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"An Outline of American History - Acknowledgements \H"
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"America, The First Americans \H"
#United States of America (USA)
#Mesa Verde
#Chaco Canyon
#American Indians
#Erik the Red
#L'Anse aux Meadows
#Cabot, John
#Columbus, Christopher
#Vespucci, Amerigo
#de Soto, Hernando or Fernando
#Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
#Cartier, Jacques
#Raleigh, Sir Walter
#Jamestown (USA)
#migration (population)
#Jamestown (USA)
#Smith, John (1580-1631)
#United States of America (USA)
#Instructions for the Virginia Colony (1606)
#Winthrop, John (1588-1649)
#Williams, Roger
#Mayflower Compact (1620), The
#Charter Of Massachusetts Bay (1629), The
#New Netherland
#Hudson, Henry
#Indian Wars
#Iroquois Confederacy
#Bacon, Nathaniel
#Charleston (South Carolina)
#Governor William Berkeley on Bacon's Rebellion (May19, 1676)
#Indian Wars
#New England Confederation
#New Netherland
#Penn, William
#United States of America (USA)
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"America, The Colonial Period \H"
#Instructions for the Virginia Colony (1606)
#New England
#New York City or New York
#North Carolina
#South Carolina
#United States of America (USA)
fp03\fp03098.jpg,0,"Jonathan Edwards \H\BDrawing:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03102.jpg,0,"Cotton Mather \H\BDrawing:\b Library of Congress"
#Edwards, Jonathan, Protestant clergyman
#Franklin, Benjamin
#Great Awakening
#Mather, Cotton
#school (education)
#Whitefield, George
1601\16010001.jpg,0,"Constitution -- Signing the Constitution (Painting by Christy) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#United States of America (USA)
1602\16020009.jpg,0,"Washington and his Generals \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Albany Congress
#English history
#Franklin, Benjamin
#French and Indian War
#French history
#Seven Years' War
#United States of America (USA)
#Washington, George
#Salem (Massachusetts)
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"America, Road to Indpendence \H"
1601\16010068.jpg,0,"John Adams \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010022.jpg,0,"John Adams \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
#American Revolution
#Sons of Liberty
#Stamp Act
#Sugar Act
#United States of America (USA)
1602\16020007.jpg,0,"Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Boston Massacre
#Townshend Acts
1601\16010078.jpg,0,"Samuel Adams \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
#Adams, Samuel
#Committees of Correspondence
#East India Company, British
#Boston Tea Party
#Intolerable Acts
#Continental Congress
1601\16010071.jpg,0,"American Revolution -- Retreat from Concord \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010024.jpg,0,"Inauguration of George Washington \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Bunker Hill, Battle of
#Gage, Thomas
#George III
#United States of America (USA)
#Washington, George
1602\16020024.jpg,0,"Thomas Jefferson \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
1600\16000001.jpg,0,"Thomas Jefferson \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020010.jpg,,"Declaration of Independence -- Drafting of the Declaration of Independence. The Committee: Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Livingston and Sherman \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Declaration of Independence
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Locke, John
#Paine, Thomas
1602\16020025.jpg,0,"Benedict Arnold \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010026.jpg,0,"Abraham Lincoln \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Brandywine, Battle of the
#Burgoyne, John
#Cowpens, Battle of
#French history
#Gates, Horatio
#Howe, William Howe, 5th Viscount
#Valley Forge
#Washington, George
#Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess
#American Revolution
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"America, Formation of Government \H"
1601\16010073.jpg,,"Thomas Jefferson \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#bill of rights
#United States of America (USA)
#Northwest Territories
1601\16010070.jpg,0,"Alexander Hamilton \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
#Constitution (September 19, 1787), The
#Constitution of the United States
#Constitutional Convention
#Hamilton, Alexander
#Letter of Transmittal (September 17, 1787), The
#Madison, James
#New York City or New York
#Washington, George
fp03\fp03050.jpg,0,"Constitutional Convention. Drafting in Benjamin Franklin's garden, Philadelphia. Left to right: A. Hamilton, J. Wilson, J. Madison and B. Franklin \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Constitutional Convention
#House of Representatives
#Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de la Brede et de
#proportional representation
#Senate (USA)
#United States of America (USA)
fp03\fp03050.jpg,0,"Drafting the Constitution in Benjamin Franklin's garden, Philadelphia \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
1601\16010031.jpg,0,"John Jay, first US Supreme Court chief justice \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#bill of rights
#Constitution (September 19, 1787), The
#Federalist Party
fp03\fp03085.jpg,0,"Washington presiding in the Convention, 1787 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03048.jpg,0,"Constitution of the United States \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#United States of America Political Rulers and Leaders
#Washington, George
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Federalist Party
#Hamilton, Alexander
#Jay, John
#Jay's Treaty
#Adams, John, U.S. president
#Alien and Sedition Acts
#Jefferson, Thomas
#United States of America Political Rulers and Leaders
fp03\fp03095.jpg,0,"Thomas Jefferson served as President of the United States from 1801-1809. During this time the United States doubled in size due to the Louisiana Purchase, which he authorized. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03078.jpg,,"Thomas Jefferson's arrival at the White House for Inauguration \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Louisiana Purchase
#United States of America Political Rulers and Leaders
1602\16020016.jpg,0,"Treaty of Ghent -- Signing Treaty of Ghent with Great Britain \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010084.jpg,0,"General 'Stonewall' Jackson CSA \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010074.jpg,0,"President James Madison \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
fp03\fp03038.jpg,,"John Marshall, second US Supreme Court chief justice \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03013.jpg,,"Henry Clay \H\BDrawing:\b Library of Congress"
1601\16010075.jpg,,"George Washington, the Virginia Colonel \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
#Marshall, John
#Supreme Court
1602\16020022.jpg,0,"John Adams \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010100.jpg,0,"James Monroe \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
#Latin America
#Monroe Doctrine
#Monroe, James
#United States of America (USA)
1602\16020018.jpg,0,"Battle of New Orleans, January 1815 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020020.jpg,0,"Washington -- The taking of the city of Washington by the British \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020017.jpg,0,"General Andrew Jackson \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
#Adams, John Quincy
#franchise (politics)
#United States of America (USA)
#United States of America Political Rulers and Leaders
#Jackson, Andrew
#Democratic Party
#Whig Party
#Webster, Daniel
fp03\fp03026.jpg,0,"Elizabeth Cady Stanton \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03008.jpg,0,"Susan B. Anthony \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03027.jpg,0,"Lucretia Mott \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Dix, Dorothea (Lynde)
#labor union
#Mott, Lucretia
#public school
#Stanton, Elizabeth
#temperance movement
#women's liberation movement
fp03\fp03055.jpg,0,"Slavery -- Reward offered by W. M. Russell for apprehension of his slaves, St Louis, October 1, 1847 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
1600\16000010.jpg,,"Abraham Lincoln \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Tocqueville, Alexis (Charles Henri Maurice Clerel) de
#United States of America (USA)
#Fugitive Slave Law of 1793, The
fp03\fp03074.jpg,0,"Slavery - Negro slave in chains \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03072.jpg,0,"Slavery -- Handbill dated April 24, 1851, warning colored people of Boston to beware of enforcement of Fugitive Slave Law \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#abolitionist movement
#Douglass, Frederick
#Fugitive Slave Law of 1793, The
#Garrison, William Lloyd
#Underground Railroad
1601\16010092.jpg,0,"James K. Polk \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Mexican War
#Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de
#United States of America (USA)
1601\16010085.jpg,0,"George Washington at Dorchester Heights \H\BDrawing:\b US National Archives"
#Compromise of 1850
#Fugitive Slave Law of 1793, The
fp03\fp03018.jpg,0,"Dred Scott \H\BDrawing:\b Library of Congress"
1601\16010081.jpg,0,"Stephen A. Douglas \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Brown, John, abolitionist
#Douglas, Stephen A(rnold)
#Dred Scott decision
#Fugitive Slave Law of 1793, The
#Harpers Ferry Raid
#Lincoln, Abraham
#Republican Party
#Stowe, Harriet (Elizabeth) Beecher
fp03\fp03075.jpg,0,"Rebellion -- The Outbreak of the Rebellion in the United States, 1861 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
1601\16010088.jpg,0,"Abraham Lincoln \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010089.jpg,,"Jefferson Davis \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Confederate States of America
#Davis, Jefferson
#Lincoln, Abraham
#Secession, Right of
#United States of America (USA)
1601\16010090.jpg,0,"Abraham Lincoln \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Bull Run, Battles of
#Emancipation Proclamation
#Farragut, David (Glasgow)
#Shiloh, Battle of
1601\16010028.jpg,0,"Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Gettysburg Address
#Gettysburg, Battle of
#Lincoln, Abraham
#Sherman, William Tecumseh
1600\16000012.jpg,0,"Rutherford B. Hayes \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#franchise (politics)
#Jim Crow Laws
#Democratic Party
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"United States, Coming of Age (1865-1914) \H"
fp03\fp03005.jpg,,"Thomas Alva Edison \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Carnegie, Andrew
#Business and Industry
1600\16000015.jpg,0,"Grover Cleveland \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#United States of America (USA)
#United States of America (USA)
#McCormick, Cyrus (Hall)
#United States of America (USA)
#Homestead Act
1601\16010082.jpg,0,"Major General George A. Custer \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
cast\castl139.jpg,0,"Indian work at San Juan, Spanish California, early 1800s \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#American Indians
#Jackson, Helen (Maria) Hunt
#Plains Indians
1602\16020053.jpg,0,"\IMaine\i, The -- The \IMaine\i entering the Harbor of Havana, Cuba, January 1898 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1600\16000014.jpg,0,"Theodore Roosevelt \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Hawaii (state)
#Puerto Rico
1602\16020064.jpg,0,"Pancho Villa with other 'Generals' (Mexican bandits): General Fierro, General Villa, General Ortega and Colonel Medina. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020065.jpg,0,"Mexican punitive expedition to capture Pancho Villa bandits \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1600\16000024.jpg,0,"Herbert C. Hoover \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Panama Canal
#Pan-American Union
#US Marines or US Marine Corps
#Open Door
#Boxer Uprising in China (1900)
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"United States, Discontent and Reform \H"
1600\16000008.jpg,,"William McKinley \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Granger movement
#Populist Party
#United States of America (USA)
#United States of America (USA)
#industrial relations
#Social Darwinism
#Knights of Labor
#American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL / CIO)
#Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
fp03\fp03041.jpg,0,"Theodore Dreiser \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03015.jpg,0,"Jane Addams \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
1601\16010039.jpg,0,"Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Progressive Party
#Roosevelt, Theodore
#Square Deal
#United States of America (USA)
1602\16020066.jpg,0,"President Wilson before Congress \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1600\16000009.jpg,0,"William H. Taft \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Federal Reserve System (FRS)
#Taft, William Howard
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
#migration (population)
#United States of America (USA)
#Ellis Island
1602\16020067.jpg,0,"German submarine in rough seas \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1600\16000016.jpg,0,"Calvin Coolidge \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020094.jpg,0,"President Wilson reading armistice terms of Congress \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Fourteen Points
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
#World War I
#League of Nations
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
1601\16010045.jpg,0,"Langston Hughes \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
fp03\fp03081.jpg,,"Henry Louis Mencken \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Harlem (USA)
#Hoover, J(ohn) Edgar
#National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
#Prohibition Becomes Law in USA (1920)
#United States of America (USA)
#Great Depression
#United States of America (USA)
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"United States, The New Deal and World War \H"
fp03\fp03092.jpg,,"President Roosevelt signing the Declaration of War against Italy and Germany, Washington D.C. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#New Deal
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#United States of America (USA)
#Works Projects Administration (WPA)
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#United States of America (USA)
#social security (USA)
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"United States, Eve of World War II \H"
1602\16020087.jpg,,"Mussolini and Hitler in Munich \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Declaration of War on Germany (December 11, 1941), The
#Declaration of War on Japan (December 8, 1941), The
#Lend-Lease Agreement
#Neutrality Act of 1939 (November 4, 1939), The
#United States of America (USA)
#World War II
1602\16020076.jpg,0,"Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 -- USS \IArizona\i burning after Japanese attack \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Documents on Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941)
#Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor (1941)
#Pearl Harbor
#United States of America (USA)
#World War II
1602\16020088.jpg,0,"General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, ETO \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1600\16000026.jpg,0,"Dwight D. Eisenhower \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#F. D. Roosevelt's Statement on North African Policy (November 17, 1942)
#World War II
1601\16010018.jpg,0,"Marines storm Tarawa on Gilbert Island \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Coral Sea or Solomon Sea
#World War II
1602\16020086.jpg,0,"Big Three -- Conference of the Big Three at Yalta makes final plans for the defeat of Germany. (Left to right: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Atlantic Charter
#Cairo Conference (November, 1943)
#Casablanca Conference
#Tehran Conference
#World War II
#Yalta (Crimea) Conference (February, 1945)
#Yalta Agreement
#Yalta Agreement: The Problems
#Yalta Conference
#Yalta Conference (1945)
1601\16010009.jpg,0,"American GIs at the Rainbow Corner Red Cross Club in Paris, France, whoop it up after buying the special edition of the \IParis Post\i, which carried the banner headline 'JAPS QUIT'. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010010.jpg,0,"President Truman at the White House announces Japan's surrender \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010037.jpg,0,"Colonel Paul W. Tibbets, Jr -- pilot of the \IEnola Gay\i, the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima -- waves from his cockpit before the take-off. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010035.jpg,0,"Atomic bomb -- A dense column of smoke rises more than 60,000 feet into the air over the Japanese port of Nagasaki, the result of an atomic bomb, the second ever used in warfare, dropped on the industrial centre, August 8, 1945, from a US B-29 Superfortress. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010008.jpg,0,"New York City celebrating the surrender of Japan. They threw anything and kissed anybody in Times Square. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Atom Bombs Dropped on Japan (1945)
#Iwo Jima
#Manhattan project
#Nuremberg Trials
#Potsdam Conference
#United Nations (UN)
#United States of America (USA)
fp03\fp03021.jpg,0,"Frances Perkins \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL / CIO)
#Lewis, John L(lewellyn)
#trade union
#Cold War
#United States of America (USA)
#Soviet Union
#Truman, Harry S
#Cold War
#United States of America (USA)
#Soviet Union
#Cold War and Iron Curtain (1946)
#Marshall Plan
#Berlin Airlift
#Berlin Blockade (1948)
#National Security Council
1601\16010002.jpg,0,"Korean conflict -- Armistice signed, ending the 3-year Korean conflict. General Harris (left table) and North Korean General Nam IL (right table) signing documents. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010006.jpg,,"Cold War -- General Douglas MacArthur signs as Supreme Allied Commander during formal surrender ceremonies on the USS \IMissouri\i in Tokyo Bay. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1602\16020090.jpg,,"General Douglas MacArthur \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Korean War
#Eisenhower, Dwight D(avid)
1601\16010003.jpg,0,"Korean conflict -- Initialing of North and South boundaries of demarcation zone at Panmunjon cease fire-talks by US and North Korea \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010004.jpg,,"Korean conflict -- Crossing the 38th Parallel, UN forces withdraw from Pyongyang \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
fp03\fp03061.jpg,0,"New York City -- Demonstration of coloured inhabitants of New York in honour of the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, April 8, 1870 \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03060.jpg,0,"Fifteenth Amendment and its results \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03043.jpg,0,"Martin Luther King, Jr at a press conference at the Capitol \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03042.jpg,0,"Martin Luther King, Jr \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
1600\16000017.jpg,0,"Richard Nixon \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#civil rights
#Civil Rights Act of 1991
#King, Martin Luther, Jr
#Little Rock
#National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"United States, Decades of Change \H"
1600\16000022.jpg,,"John F. Kennedy \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Carter, Jimmy
#Great Society
#Helsinki Conference
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#SALT (politics)
ssp1\ssp10099.jpg,vl16tr24.wav,"Moon\p\BSound\b - John F. Kennedy talking about putting a man on the moon, May 25, 1961 \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Vietnam War
#United States of America (USA)
#Eisenhower's Letter to Ngo Dinh Diem (October 23, 1954)
#Nixon, Richard M(ilhous)
#United States of America (USA)
#OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
1600\16000018.jpg,0,"Gerald R. Ford \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1600\16000019.jpg,,"James E. Carter \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Carter, Jimmy
#Ford, Gerald R(udolph)
carr\carrushy.jpg,0,"United States, Decades of Change \H"
1600\16000022.jpg,,"John F. Kennedy \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Carter, Jimmy
#Great Society
#Helsinki Conference
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#SALT (politics)
#United States of America (USA)
#civil rights
#King, Martin Luther, Jr
#Civil Rights Bill (1964)
#women's liberation movement
#Friedan, Betty (Naomi)
#Hispanic American
#American Indians
#United States of America (USA)
fp03\fp03091.jpg,0,"Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
1600\16000028.jpg,,"Ronald W. Reagan, 40th President of the United States of America \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Reagan, Ronald (Wilson)
#United States of America (USA)
1600\16000029.jpg,0,"George Bush \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Iran-Contra scandal
#nuclear disarmament
#Stock Market Crash (1987)
#United States of America (USA)
#Bush, George (Herbert Walker)
#United States of America (USA)
#Cold War Ends (1990)
#Gulf War (1980-8)
#United States of America (USA)
#Noriega, Manuel (Antonio)
#North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
#United States of America (USA)
#Clinton Elected US President (1992)
#Clinton, Bill
#migration (population)
1600\16000020.jpg,0,"Woodrow Wilson \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#La Follette, Robert M(arion)
#Perot, (Henry) Ross
#Progressive Party
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#Wallace, George (Corley)
#Wallace, Henry A(gard)
carr\carrcast.jpg,bint002.wav,"Castles and Cathedrals \H"
carr\carrpreh.jpg,bint007.wav,"The Coming of Civilization \H"
carr\carrpreh.jpg,0,"Before Civilization \H"
3402\34020061.jpg,,"\IStegosaurus stenops\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
wrpd\wrpd0123.jpg,0,"Indonesian catacomb filled with burial effigies \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Hunting as a Necessity
#Three Age System
#Palaeolithic / Paleolithic art
3452\34520072.jpg,0,"English farming field system \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
#Three Age System
carr\carrpreh.jpg,0,"Earliest Civilizations, The \H"
mapl\maplwmap.jpg,0,"World Map \H"
1695\16950050.jpg,0,"Temple of Hathor - Abu Simbel \H\BPhotograph:\b Johnathan King / Webster Publishing"
0721\07210079.jpg,0,"Sunset on the River Nile in Aswan, Egypt. \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
maoy\maoy0006.jpg,0,"Assyrian ornament c.1300BC. Assyria is an ancient kingdom in Mesopotamia (modern day northern Iraq and south-eastern Turkey) which lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
3611\36110095.jpg,0,"Jericho, Israel \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
nwte\nwte0190.jpg,0,"Mangrove snake -- Less than half of all snakebite wounds actually contain venom, but medical attention should be sought any time a bite wound breaks the skin. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
carr\carrengl.jpg,bint019.wav,"History of Great Britain and Ireland \H"
carr\carrengl.jpg,0,"Britons and Romans c.100 BC - AD 409 \H"
#Britain, Roman
#English history
#Roman history
#4th-century revival of Britain
#Barbarian conspiracy of AD 367
#Barbarian invasions of Roman empire
#Belgic peoples
#Boudiccan revolt AD 60
#Britain, Roman
#British deputation to Rome AD 185
#Causes of Boudiccan revolt
#Celts in Britain
#Civilian governors and military commanders
#Civitas capital
#Division of Britain
#Elevation of Constantine III AD 407
#Elevation of Constantine the Great
#End of Roman rule
#English history
#Gallo-Belgic coinage in Britain
#Loyalty of Cogidubnus AD 69
#Praetorian Prefect
#Provincial Council
#Provincial procurator
#Purges of Paulus Catena ('The Chain')
#Reforms of Count Theodosius
#Revolt of Carausius AD 287
#Revolt of Clodius Albinus AD 193
#Revolt of Magnus Maximus AD 383
#Roman citizenship
#Roman history
#Vicar of Britain
#Year of Four Emperors AD 68-9
#Agricola, Gnaeus Julius
#Antonine Wall
#Battle of Mons Graupius
#Britain, Roman
#Campaigns of Agricola
#Campaigns of Severus
#Classis Britannica
#Defeat of Caratacus
#Disappearance of IXth legion
#English history
#Field army
#Forts and fortresses
#Hadrian's Wall
#Invasions of Julius Caesar 55, 54 BC
#Marching camps
#Motive for invasion of Claudius
#Roman history
#Amphorae and wine trade
#Ard; coulter; mould board
#'Celtic fields'
#Corn dryers or malt kilns
#English history
#Inflation in the 3rd and 4th centuries
#Lead pigs
#Roman trade with Iron-Age Britain
#Salt workings
#Samian ware
#Woollen industry
#Agricultural innovations
#Butser Iron-Age farm experiment
#City walls
#English history
#Hengistbury Head
#Iron-Age farm settlements
#La Tene art
#Lexden tumulus
#Roman roads
#Roman towns
#Small towns
#Storage pits
100a\100a1223.jpg,,"First preaching of Christianity in Britain \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a1224.jpg,,"Anglo-Saxon relics \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Britain, Roman
#Celtic religion
#Chi-Rho monogram
#Christianity in Britain
#Classical temples
#Dress in Roman Britain
#English art
#Genius and numen
#Imperial cult
#Interpretatio Romana
#Literary knowledge in Britain
#Mithraism and eastern cults
#Olympian gods and religion.
#Pax Romana
#Romano-Celtic temples
#Seviri Augustales
#Spread of Latin language
#Sulis Minerva
#Temple of Deified Claudius
carr\carrengl.jpg,0,"Saxons, Danes and Normans 409 - 1154 \H"
#English history
#Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
#Anglo-Saxon law codes
#Bernicia and Deira
#Bretwaldas ('Britain rulers' or 'wide rulers')
#Cantref, commote
#English history
#Expansion of Wessex
#First Viking attacks on England
#Hides and hidage
#Royal dues in Wales
#Royal succession
#Sheriff ('shire-reeve')
#Tuatha, ri
#Witan ('counsellors')
#Civil War under Stephen
#Domesday Book
#Duchy of Normandy
#English history
#Extension of Norman control
#Hastings, Battle of
#Henry I's Coronation Charter
#Land Pleas
#Military quotas
#Norman aristocracy
#Norman Church
#Norman Conquest
#Norman influence before 1066
#Royal justice
#Alfred's resistance
#Battle of Brunanburh 937
#Battle of Maldon 991
#Burhs ('boroughs')
#Celtic Christianity
#Christian conversion
#Contemporary sources for raids
#English missionaries
#Late Anglo-Saxon army (fyrd)
#Lay investiture
#Military organization in early Scotland
#Size of Viking armies
#Vikings in Ireland
#William's diplomacy
#Church dues
#Early coins
#English history
#Feorm (food rent)
#Field systems
#Royal control of trade
#Settlement continuity
#Wool and textiles
#Aneirin, Taliesin
#Bayeux tapestry
#British survival
#Clientship in Ireland
#Domesday Book as evidence for settlement
#Evolution of the parish
#Gesith, thegn
#Irish law
#Late Anglo-Saxon settlement
#Rectitudines Singularum Personarum
#Scots law
#Sermo Lupi
#Sutton Hoo
#Theodore's Penitential
#Welsh law
#Women and property
#Aelfric's works
#Alfredian renaissance: problems
#Alfredian renaissance: remedies
#Early books and learning
#English literature
#Monastic revival
#Ruthwell Cross
#Saints' lives
100a\100a0503.jpg,0,"Richard II -- Funeral of Richard II \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0505.jpg,0,"Lollards conducted to death \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0504.jpg,0,"Convocation of clergy \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Middle Ages
#Angevin administration
#Angevin inheritance
#Barons' Wars
#Common law
#Court of Common Pleas
#Henry II's government
#Magna Carta
#Provisions of Oxford 1258
#Provisions of Westminster 1259
#Rebellion of 1215
100a\100a0514.jpg,0,"Costumes of Henry IV and V \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a040e.jpg,0,"Henry IV -- Coronation of Henry IV \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0424.jpg,,"Henry IV \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0509.jpg,,"Henry V \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Consequences of Bannockburn
#English history
#Good Parliament 1376
#Henry III (of England)
#Justices of Peace
#Local officials
#Merciless Parliament 1388
#Ordinances 1311
#Richard II's 'Tyranny'
#Statutes of Provisors 1390 and Praemunire 1393
#Wonderful Parliament 1386
#Deheubarth, Powys, Gwynedd
#Edward I's castles
#Statute of Rhuddlan 1284
#Treaty of Conwy 1277
#Welsh March
#Welsh Polity
#Bannockburn, Battle of
#'Cum Universi' 1192
#Scottish revolt
#Scottish succession
#'The Bruce'
#Treaty of Perth 1266
#Irish Parliament
#Laudabiliter 1155
#Scottish invasion
#Statutes of Kilkenny 1366
#The Pale
#The Scandinavian ports
100a\100a0506.jpg,0,"Two-handed sword found at Battle of Shrewsbury \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Bouvines 1214
#Chateau Gaillard
#Edward I
#Edward I as peacemaker
#Edward I's Crusade
#Edward I's Grand Alliance
#English history
#French history
#French invasion 1216-17
#Third Crusade 1187-92
#Treaty of Paris 1259
#War of Saint-Sardos 1323-25
100a\100a0523.jpg,0,"Military costume, mid-15th century \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0518.jpg,0,"Siege, 15th century \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0519.jpg,0,"Ship of war, 15th century \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0512.jpg,0,"Mantlet for attack \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Agincourt 1415
#Agincourt, Battle of
#Armagnacs and Burgundians
#Battle of Crecy 1346
#Battle of Poitiers 1356
#Crecy, Battle of
#English history
#French history
#Hundred Years' War
#Treaty of Bretigny 1360
#Treaty of Troyes 1420
#Truce of Tours 1444
100a\100a0515.jpg,0,"London, 15th century \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Black Death
#Bullion outflow
#Cloth exports
#English history
#Expulsion of the Jews 1290
#Labour legislation
#Urban regulation
#Wool trade
100a\100a0513.jpg,0,"Masquers \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0511.jpg,,"Religious habits of the Middle Ages \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#English history
#Franciscan friars
#Parliamentary peerage
#Peasants' Revolt
#Peasants' Revolt 1381
#Secular clergy
100a\100a0508.jpg,0,"Erpingham Gate, Norwich \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Decorated style
#English art
#Gothic architecture
#mediaeval art
#Order of Garter
#Perpendicular style
#Vernacular poetry
#Wycliffe or Wicliffe, John
100a\100a0605.jpg,0,"Ships in reign of Henry IV \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0812.jpg,0,"Medieval London by night \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a060e.jpg,0,"Trial of heretics \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0804.jpg,,"Archbishop Cranmer -- The martyrdom of Archbishop Cranmer \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Image"
#English history
100a\100a0521.jpg,0,"Margaret of Anjou \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0705.jpg,,"Wolsey's Gateway, Ipswich \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0522.jpg,,"Edward IV \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Accession of Edward IV 1461
#Act of Accord 1460
#Act of Six Articles 1539
#Acts of Attainder
#Amicable Grant 1525
#Bastard feudalism
#Battle of Bosworth 1485
#Battle of St Albans 1455
#Battle of Stoke 1487
#Battle of Towton 1461
#Battle of Wakefield 1460
#Battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury 1471
#Books of Common Prayer 1549 and 1552
#Cade's Rebellion 1450
#Chantries Acts 1545 and 1547
#Council of the North
#Court of Star Chamber
#Dissolution of monasteries 1536-40
#English Bibles
#English history
#Fall of Anne Boleyn 1536
#Fall of Cromwell 1540
#Henry VIII's will
#Henry VI's readeption 1470-71
#King's divorce
#Livery and maintenance
#Oxford, Provisions of
#Perkin Warbeck's claim
#Pilgrimage of Grace 1536
#Princes in the Tower
#Roses, Wars of the
#Royal Injunctions of 1536 and 1538
#Submission of the clergy 1532
#Succession Act 1534
#Supremacy Act 1534
#Treason Act 1534
#Valor Ecclesiasticus 1535
100a\100a0814.jpg,0,"Queen Elizabeth's State carriage \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0811.jpg,,"Exiles departing for Holland \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Image"
100a\100a0817.jpg,,"Queen Elizabeth -- Last hours of Queen Elizabeth \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Accession of Mary 1553
#Addled Parliament 1614
#Admonitions to Parliament 1572
#Catholic missionaries
#Cope's bill and book 1587
#Elizabethan 'settlement' 1559
#Elizabeth's marriage schemes
#Essex's Rebellion 1601
#Fiscal feudalism, wardship, purveyance
#Great Contract 1610
#Gunpowder Plot 1605
#Hampton Court conference 1604
#Hooker's 'Ecclesiastical Polity'
#Marprelate Tracts
#Mary I, Tudor
#Northern Rebellion 1569
#Papal Bull of excommunication 1570
#Plots for Mary, Queen of Scots
#Protestation 1621
#Recusancy laws
#Restoration of Catholicism
#Royal Injunctions 1559
#Sale of honours
#Spanish marriage 1554
#Thirty-Nine Articles
#Vestiarian controversy
#Acts of Union
#Council in the Marches of Wales
#Great Sessions
#Justices of the Peace
#Welsh Bible
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100a\100a0808.jpg,0,"Execution of Mary Queen of Scots \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Abdication of Mary 1567
#Aberdeen university
#Battle of Flodden 1513
#Battle of Solway Moss 1542
#Devotio moderna
#Parliament of 1541
#Poor law
#Reformation Parliament 1560
#Restoration of episcopacy
#Synod of Perth 1618
#Witch-hunts 1590s
#Connacht and Munster Councils
#Kildare Rebellion 1534
#Kingdom of Ireland
#Leix-Offaly Plantation
#Lordship of Ireland
#Nine Years War 1594-1603
#Plantation of Ulster 1608-12
#Post-Tridentine Catholicism
#Poynings' expedition 1494-96
#Reformation Parliament 1536-37
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100a\100a0707.jpg,0,"Military costumes in the time of Henry VIII \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0618.jpg,0,"Armour from Emperor Maximillian to Henry VIII \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0617.jpg,0,"Battle of Seeks \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0616.jpg,,"Suit of demi-lancer \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Cleves marriage 1540
#English history
#Field of Cloth of Gold 1520
#Garrisoning of Scotland
#Henry and the Lutherans
#Henry's early wars 1512-14
#Henry's last wars
#Magnus Intercursus 1496
#Maritime enterprises
#Military developments
#Peace of Cateau-Cambresis 1559
#Peace with Spain 1604
#Spanish Armada
#Spanish Armada 1588
#Spanish match
#Treaty of Blois 1572
#Treaty of London 1518
#Treaty of Medina del Campo 1489
#Treaty of Nonsuch 1585
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100a\100a0604.jpg,0,"Merchants' marks \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Cottage industries
#East India Company
#East India Company, British
#English history
#Fen drainage
#Great debasement
#Levant Company
#Manorial villages
#Muscovy Company
#Open fields
#Wood pasture
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100a\100a080e.jpg,,"Costumes in the time of Charles I \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
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100a\100a0718.jpg,,"Costumes in the time of Henry VIII \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#College of Arms
#Peasants' revolts 1549
#Population trends
#Sabbath regulation
#Statute of Artificers 1563
#Sumptuary laws
#Tudor poor laws
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100a\100a0603.jpg,0,"Costumes, 1480 \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0813.jpg,0,"Costumes 1550-1580 \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0903.jpg,0,"Public reading room, 17th century \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Arundel collection
#English history
#Greenwich pageant 1527
#Household administration
#Inns of Court
#Portraits of Elizabeth
#Privy Chamber
#University reform
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100a\100a1108.jpg,0,"Lamplighter \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Ireland (republic)
100a\100a0923.jpg,0,"Houses of Parliament, time of Charles II \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Act of Settlement 1701
#Bill of Rights 1689
#Canons of 1640
#Clarendon Code
#Convention Parliament 1660
#Declaration of Breda 1660
#Exclusion crisis 1678-81
#Execution of Charles I 1649
#Independents and Presbyterians
#King's Answer 1642
#Long Parliament 1640-60
#Nineteen Propositions 1642
#Petition of Right 1628
#Popish Plot
#Popish Plot 1678
#Pride's Purge 1648
#Ship money
#Short Parliament 1640
#Test Acts
#Triennial Act 1694
#Whig Junto
#Whigs and Tories
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100a\100a1105.jpg,0,"Chairing the member \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Broad Bottom Ministry 1744-46
#English history
#Excise Crisis 1733
#Fall of the Whigs 1710
#Fox-North coalition 1783
#George I and Prince of Wales quarrel 1717
#Middlesex elections 1768 and 1769
#Ministerial instability 1760-70
#Political journalism 1701-56
#Political journalism 1756-83
#Schism Act 1714
#Septennial Act 1716
#South Sea Bubble
#South Sea Bubble 1720
#Supremacy of the Pelhams 1744-57
#Walpole's resignation 1742
#Bishops' Wars
#Bishops' Wars 1639-40
#Charles I (of England)
#Decline of clans
#Engagement and Scottish royalism
#Fifteen Rebellion
#Forty-five Rebellion
#Killiecrankie, July 1689
#Lords of the Articles
#Massacre of Glencoe 1692
#National Covenant 1638
#Rebellions of 1679 and 1685
#Scottish englightenment
#Scottish industrialization
#Solemn League and Covenant
#Treaty of Ripon 1640
#Union of 1707
#Act of Explanation 1660
#Catholic rebellion 1641
#Drogheda and Wexford 1649
#Ireland (republic)
#Legislative independence 1782-83
#Navigation Acts
#Navigation Acts 1662, 63, 67
#Protestant ascendancy and resistance
#Townshend and the Undertakers 1767-72
#Wentworth and 'Thorough' 1633-41
#Wood's halfpence 1722-24
#Amboina massacre
#Charles I (of England)
#County committees
#English history
#First Dutch War and Spanish War
#Militia Ordinance and Commissions of Array 1642
#Monmouth's Rebellion 1685
#New Model Army
#Rule of Major-Generals
#Second Civil War
#Second Dutch War 1665-67
#Treaties of Dover 1670 and Third Dutch War 1672-74
#War with Spain and France 1624-30
100a\100a0914.jpg,0,"Defeat of the Dutch Fleet by Admiral Blake \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#American War of Independence 1775-83
#Austrian Succession, War of the
#Boston Tea Party 1773
#East India Regulating Act 1773
#English history
#Jenkins' Ear, War of
#Seven Years' War
#Spanish Succession, War of the
#Stamp Act
#Stamp Act 1765
#Stanhope and Sunderland 1715-20
#War of Jenkins' Ear 1739
#War of the Austrian Succession 1740-48
#War of the League of Augsburg 1689-97
#War of the Spanish Succession 1702-1713
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100a\100a0921.jpg,0,"Original East India House \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Agriculture improvements
#Arkwright's waterframe
#Bank of England
#Canal development
#Crompton's mule
#East and West Indies trades
#English history
#Hargreaves' spinning jenny
#Hargreaves, James
#Industrial Revolution
#Navigation Acts
#Navigation Acts 1651-96
#steam engine
#Steam engines
100a\100a0904.jpg,0,"Dress of the commonalty, time of Charles I \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a1107.jpg,0,"Head-dresses, mid 1700s \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a1106.jpg,0,"Caricature against ladies' dress \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Act of Settlement 1662
#Coffee houses
#English history
#Famine and dearth
#Great Plague and Great Fire 1665-66
#Hardwicke's Marriage Act 1753
#Holidays and recreations
#Millenarianism and the sects
#Royal Marriages Act 1772
#Societies for the Reformation of Manners
#Somerset Case 1772
#Waltham Black Acts 1724
100a\100a0918.jpg,0,"Wren's first design for St Paul's \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a1019.jpg,0,"Furniture, time of Anne \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a1018.jpg,0,"Costume, time of Anne \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0908.jpg,0,"John Milton, author of \IParadise Lost\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Court art
#English art
#English history
#English literature
#Gin Lane
#Grand Tour
#Hogarth, William
#Hume, David
#Johnson, Samuel, poet
#Libraries and scholarship
#Literature: mock epic to novel
#Locke, John
#Locke's 'Essay Concerning Human Understanding' 1690
#Mantuan collection
#Music in England
#Newton, Isaac
#Newton's 'Principia' 1687
#Royal Academy
#Royal Society
#Swift, Jonathan
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100a\100a1508.jpg,0,"The Bank of Ireland, College Green and Trinity College \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a1208.jpg,,"Interior of the House of Commons \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a1207.jpg,0,"The interior of the House of Lords \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Catholic Emancipation
#Catholic emancipation 1829
#Combination Acts
#Corn Laws
#Corn laws
#Electoral registration
#English history
#Factory movement
#First Reform Act 1832
#General Election 1841
#Income tax
#London Corresponding Society
#Ministry of all the Talents 1806-7
#Monetary legislation 1819-44
#New Poor Law 1834
#Peterloo 1819
#Peterloo Massacre
#Pitt's financial reforms
#Pitt's Reform Bill 1785
#Postwar depression and repression
#Pre-1832 franchise system
#Repeal of corn laws 1846
#Repeal of property tax 1816
#Repeal of Test and Corporation Acts 1828
#Resumption of cash payments 1821
#Secret ballot
#Speenhamland system
#Alabama claims
#Budgets of 1860s
#Bulgarian atrocities 1876
#Cobden Treaty 1860
#County councils
#Disraelian social reform
#English history
#Fabian Society
#First Home Rule Bill 1886
#franchise (politics)
#General Election 1868
#Great Exhibition
#Great Exhibition 1851
#Independent Labour party
#Irish Church disestablishment
#Irish coercion legislation 1881
#Irish University Bill 1873
#'Kilmainham Treaty' 1882
#Liberal Unionism
#Midlothian campaigns 1879-80
#National Liberal Federation
#'New Unionism'
#Newcastle programme
#Northcote-Trevelyan report 1853
#Phoenix Park murders
#Phoenix Park murders 1882
#Redistribution of Seats Act 1885
#Reform Bill 1866
#Second Home Rule Bill 1893
#Second Reform Act 1867
#Social Darwinism
#Social Democratic and Labour party
#Third Reform Act 1884
#Trades Union Congress
#Trades Union Congress (TUC)
#Unauthorized programme
#Workmen's Compensation Act 1897
#Act of Union 1800
#Fall of Parnell 1891
#Great Famine
#Home Government Association/Home Rule League
#Irish Catholic relief in 1790s
#Irish cultural revival
#Irish land legislation 1860-81
#Irish land legislation 1885-1903
#Irish Local Government Act 1898
#Irish National Land League
#O'Connell's party
#Parnell, Charles Stewart
#Parnell's Irish Nationalist party
#Rebellion of 1798
#Society of United Irishmen
#Tory Irish policy 1841-45
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100a\100a1214.jpg,,"Russian soldiers \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Image"
#Battle of the Nile 1798
#Battle of Trafalgar 1805
#Battle of Waterloo
#Belgian Revolt 1830
#Boer Wars
#Concert of Europe
#Congress of Berlin 1878
#Congress of Vienna 1815
#Crimean War
#Crimean War 1854-56
#First Boer War 1880-81
#French Revolutionary War 1793-1802
#French Revolutionary Wars
#Gordon and Khartoum
#Greek Revolt 1821-30
#Mediterranean agreements 1887
#Napoleonic War 1803-15
#Napoleonic Wars
#Occupation of Egypt 1882
#Reconquest of Sudan
#Second Boer War 1899-1902
#Straits Convention 1841
#Two-Power Standard
#Vienna, Congress of
#Waterloo, Battle of
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100a\100a1123.jpg,0,"Adam Smith \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Capital exports
#Coke smelting
#Coming of the railways
#Cort's puddling process
#Employers' associations
#Handloom weavers
#Industrial mergers in 1890s
#Limited liability legislation
#Monetary policy after 1844
#Retailing revolution
#Birth control
#Booth and Rowntree social surveys
#Censuses and registration
#London and English civic universities
#Municipal Corporations Act 1835
#New Lanark/Saltaire
#Professional associations
#Professional football
#Public Health Act 1848
#Seaside resorts
#Suburban transport
100a\100a1219.jpg,0,"Charles Dickens \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Burke's 'Reflections on the Revolution in France' 1790
#Education Act 1870
#Gibbon's 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
#Gothic Revival
#Lake poets
#Mechanics' Institutes
#Oxford Movement/Tractarianism
#Political and literary reviews
#Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
#Transformation of public schools
#University reform
carr\carrengl.jpg,0,"From Imperial Power to European Partner 1901 - 1975 \H"
#Abdication crisis 1936
#Beveridge Report 1942
#British Communist party
#British Union of Fascists
#Carlton Club meeting 1922
#Devaluation 1967
#First Coalition 1915
#Fourth Reform Act 1918
#Geddes Axe 1922
#General Election 1906
#General Election 1918
#General Election 1922
#General Election 1923
#General Election 1924
#General Election 1929
#General Election 1931
#General Election 1935
#General Election 1945
#General Election 1950
#General Election 1951
#General Election 1959
#General Election 1970
#General Elections 1964 and 1966
#General Elections 1974
#General Strike 1926
#'In Place of Strife' 1969
#Industrial Relations Act 1971
#Labour Representation Committee
#Mosley Memorandum 1930
#National Government 1931-40
#National Health Service
#New Liberalism
#Parliament Act 1911
#People's Budget 1909
#Political crisis 1931
#Popular front
#Progressive alliance
#Second Coalition 1916
#Taff Vale judgement 1901
#Tariff reform
#Wartime Coalition
#Withdrawal of Labour from Coalition 1917
#Land and Religion
#National Union of Mineworkers
#Plaid Cymru
#Welsh devolution
#Welsh language
#Welsh Office
#Devolution for Scotland
#Kilbrandon Commission
#Labour's National Plan 1965
#Munitions Act 1915
#National Party of Scotland
#Scottish Covenant movement
#Scottish Economic Committee 1936-39
#Scottish National Party
#Scottish Office
#Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921
#Anglo-Irish war 1919-21
#British intervention 1969
#Civil Rights movement
#Democratic Unionist party
#Easter Rising
#Easter Rising 1916
#Fianna Fail
#Fine Gael
#Government of Ireland Act 1920
#Home Rule Act 1914
#Irish civil war 1922-23
#Irish Republican Army
#Irish Republican Brotherhood
#Paramilitary groups
#Power-Sharing Assembly and Executive 1973-74
#Resumption of direct rule 1972
#Sinn Fein
#Social Democratic and Labour party
#Sunningdale Agreement 1973
#Ulster Unionist Council
#Ulster Unionist party
#Ulster Volunteer Force
#Aerial bombing
#Alamein 1942
#Anglo-French entente 1904
#Anglo-German naval race
#Anglo-Japanese alliance 1902
#Anglo-Polish Agreement 1939
#Anzus pact 1951
#Atomic bomb
#Battle of Britain 1940
#Battle of Jutland 1916
#Battles of Imphal-Kohima 1944
#British recognition of Communist China 1949-50
#Commonwealth of Nations
#Czechoslovak crisis 1938
#European Economic Community (EEC)
#European Economic Community.
#Imperial conferences
#Independent nuclear deterrent
#Indian independence 1947
#Italian invasion of Ethiopia 1935
#Korean war 1950-53
#League of Nations
#Malayan independence 1957
#Manchurian crisis 1931-33
#Marshall aid 1948-51
#Munich Agreement 1938
#North Atlantic Treaty Organization
#Pearl Harbor 1941
#'Phoney war' 1939-40
#Referendum 1975
#South Africa
#Suez crisis 1956
#Surrender of Singapore 1942
#Treaty of Versailles 1919
#Truman doctrine 1947
#United Nations
#Western front 1916-17
#1931 Crisis
#Beeching Report 1963
#Bretton Woods Conference
#Bretton Woods Conference 1944
#General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947
#Gold standard
#Incomes policies since 1949
#Inflation 1945-75
#Lend-Lease Agreement
#Lend-Lease aid 1941
#Ottawa Agreements
#Ottawa Imperial Conference 1932
#Treasury view
#Unemployment 1921-41
#Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
#Church membership
#Divorce reform
#Enfranchisement of women
#Immigration legislation
#Industrial unrest 1911-20
#Peace Pledge Union
#Reform of House of Lords
#Spanish Civil War
#Wolfenden Report 1957
#1902 Education Act
#1918 Education Act
#1944 Education Act
#Arnold, Matthew
#British Broadcasting Corporation 1926
#Comprehensive education
#Eliot, T(homas) S(tearns)
#Orwell, George
#Robbins Report
#Yeats, W(illiam) B(utler)
#Scottish History 1450-1625
#Butler, R(ichard) A(usten), Baron Butler
#consensus politics
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#Gaitskell, Hugh (Todd Naylor)
#Britain: Early Economy
#English Government and Politics 1553-1625
#Wales' Medieval Government and Politics
#Scotland in the Middle Ages
#English and Welsh Government and Politics 1625-1701
#Scottish History 1450-1625
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#British Government and Politics 1846-1901
#Welsh Politics in the 20th Century
#English Pre-Industrial Economy 1450-1625
#British Government and Politics 1846-1901
#Germanic languages
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#British Culture: Revolution, Romanticism and Victorianism
#Wales' Medieval Government and Politics
#Scottish History 1450-1625
#English and Welsh Government and Politics 1625-1701
#English Culture 1625-1783
#British Culture: Revolution, Romanticism and Victorianism
#Scotland in the Middle Ages
100a\100a1114.jpg,0,"Mob reformer \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Renaissance in England 1450-1625
#British Culture in the 20th Century
#British Culture in the 20th Century
#British Economy in the 20th Century
#British Culture in the 20th Century
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#Scottish History 1450-1625
#Scottish History 1450-1625
100a\100a0524.jpg,0,"Costumes in the time of Edward IV \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#English Government and Politics 1553-1625
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#Ireland 1625-1783
#English Society 1625-1783
#English and Welsh Government and Politics 1625-1701
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#Ireland: From Ascendancy to Democracy 1783-1901
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#Welsh History 1450-1625
#Wales' Medieval Government and Politics
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Wales' Medieval Government and Politics
#English Culture in the Heroic Age
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Hundred Years War 1337-1453
#British society in the Iron Age
#English Economy: Towards Industrialization
#American Civil War
#British Government and Politics 1846-1901
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#English Society 1625-1783
#British Warfare in the Dark Ages
#English Culture in the Heroic Age
#English Culture in the Heroic Age
#English Warfare 1625-1689
#English Warfare 1689-1783
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#Britain: Early Economy
#British society 409-1154
#Government and Politics in England 1154-1272
#Government and Politics in England 1154-1272
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Anglo-Irish Relations 1901-1975
#Anglo-Irish Relations 1901-1975
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Anglo-Saxon Rule of England 409-1042
#Anglo-Saxon Rule of England 409-1042
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#English Society in the Middle Ages
#Britain, Roman
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#Britain: Early Economy
#English Economy: Towards Industrialization
#Hundred Years War 1337-1453
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#Renaissance in England 1450-1625
#atomic bomb
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#British Economy in the 20th Century
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#English Economy: Towards Industrialization
#Last Monday In August
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#English Social Upheaval 1450-1625
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#Britain: Early Culture and Religion
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
psfp\psfp0035.jpg,0,"Battle of Britain - St Paul's Cathedral was ringed by fires on the night of 'The Great Blitz' \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Britain, Battle of
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#World War II
#World War II: Overview
#British Warfare in the Dark Ages
#Scottish History 1450-1625
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#British Warfare in the Dark Ages
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Hundred Years War 1337-1453
#Scottish History 1450-1625
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#British Warfare and Relations with Europe 1783-1901
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#British Warfare and Relations with Europe 1783-1901
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#British Warfare and Relations with Europe 1783-1901
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#British society 409-1154
#Britain, occupation by Saxons, Danes and Normans 409-1154
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#British Economy in the 20th Century
#British Warfare and Relations with Europe 1783-1901
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#English Culture in the Heroic Age
#Anglo-Saxon Rule of England 409-1042
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#English and Welsh Government and Politics 1625-1701
#British Urbanization 1783-1901
#Scotland 1625-1783
#Black Book Or Blacklisted
#Black Death in Europe
#Black Death, Explanations of
#British Economy in the Middle Ages
#Disease, The Spread of
#Diseases in The New Worlds
#Foreboding Nuns
#Introduction, History of Medicine
#Plague, The Cause of
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#British society 409-1154
100a\100a0722.jpg,0,"Prayer Book -- Title page of the First Prayer Book, 1549 \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Image"
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
#British Urbanization 1783-1901
#English Warfare 1689-1783
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#Angevin Empire
#British Economy in the 20th Century
#Anglo-Saxon Rule of England 409-1042
#Britain: Roman Occupation
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#British Culture in the 20th Century
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#British government and politics during Roman occupation
#Anglo-Irish Relations 1901-1975
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#British society 409-1154
#England: 20th Century Government and Politics
#English and Welsh Government and Politics 1701-1783
100a\100a1218.jpg,0,"Right Hon. Gladstone \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Image"
#British Government and Politics 1846-1901
#British Government and Politics 1846-1901
#British Economy in the Middle Ages
#British Warfare in the Dark Ages
#British Culture: Revolution, Romanticism and Victorianism
#British society in the Iron Age
#Cabal or Kabbalah
#Charles II
#Charles II (of England)
#English Government and Politics 1450-1553
mapl\maplll.jpg,0,"Calais, approximate location"
#English Warfare 1450-1625
#Rodin, (Rene Francois) Auguste
#Wales' Medieval Government and Politics
#British Society in the 20th Century
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Britain: Warfare and Relations with Rome c100BC-AD409
#Britain, Roman
#British society in the Iron Age
#English Economy: Towards Industrialization
#English and Welsh Government and Politics 1625-1701
nwte\nwte0105.jpg,0,"Sioux Indians believed all animals possessed a spirit. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#sign language
3611\36110034.jpg,0,"American Indians of today dancing in remembrance of fallen warriors. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#American Indians
carr\carrindi.jpg,0,"Struggle for land \H"
mssg\mssg0043.jpg,0,"By 1865 only the barren plains and the Rocky Mountains (seen here) remained unconquered by white people. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#American Indians
#Great Plains
#Little Bighorn, Battle of the
#North America
#Oregon Trail
#Plains Indians
#Great Plains
#North America
#Indian Wars
#Plains Indians
#Little Bighorn, Battle of the
#Ghost Dance
#Wounded Knee
#Crazy Horse
carr\carrindi.jpg,0,"Land of the White People \H"
3611\36110037.jpg,0,"Traditional dance by a Northern Indian \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#American Indians
3611\36110036.jpg,0,"American Indian traditional dance \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#American Indians
#North America
3611\36110035.jpg,0,"Resurgence of pride and cultural identity in indigenous youth. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
fa06\fa060014.jpg,0,"Joan of Arc \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#French history
#Isabella I
carr\carrrena.jpg,0,"Italy and the Renaissance \H"
caoy\caoy0005.jpg,0,"Renaissance artifact originally carved in oak in 1540. Although Flemish, the influence of Italian art, particularly Raphael, is present. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
aaoy\aaoy0034.jpg,0,"Part of the facade of the Palazzo Rucellai at Florence, c.1445-1470 by Leon Battista Alberti \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Alberti, Leon Battista
#Castiglione, Baldassare, conte di (Count of) Novilara
#Everyday Courtesies
#Machiavelli, Niccol. (di Bernardo dei)
carr\carrrena.jpg,0,"New pattern of war \H"
#Italian Wars
#Charles V (Emperor)
#Francis I
#French history
carr\carrrena.jpg,0,"Germany and the Protestant Reformation \H"
caoy\caoy0116.jpg,0,"Seal of the Emperor Maximilian I \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Catholic Church
#Holy Roman Empire
#Maximilian I
100a\100a0624.jpg,0,"Martin Luther \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Erasmus, Desiderius
#Luther, Martin
#ninety-five theses
#Peasants' War
#Tetzel, Johann
100a\100a0716.jpg,0,"John Calvin \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Ximenes (de Cisneros) Francisco Jimenez, Cardinal
#Loyola, Ignatius of, St
#Catholic Church
#Trent, Council of
#Catholic Church
carr\carrrena.jpg,0,"Wars of Religion \H"
#Religion, Wars of
#Philip II (of Spain)
#Thirty Years' War
#English history
carr\carrrena.jpg,0,"Elizabeth and her people \H"
#George I, Great Britain
carr\carrrena.jpg,0,"Towards civil war \H"
100a\100a0818.jpg,0,"Charles I \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Charles I (of England)
#Divine Right of Kings
100a\100a0920.jpg,0,"Cavaliers \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Cromwell, Oliver
#English Civil War
#English history
#Marston Moor, Battle of
#Naseby, Battle of
#New Model Army
#Rupert, Prince
carr\carrrena.jpg,0,"Dictator of England \H"
100a\100a0913.jpg,0,"Oliver Cromwell dissolving the Long Parliament \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Cromwell, Oliver
#Rump Parliament
carr\carrrena.jpg,0,"Happy Restoration and Glorious Revolution \H"
#Charles II
#Oates, Titus
#Monk or Monck, George, 1st Duke of Albemarle
#Bunyan, John
#Popish Plot
#Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of
#James II
#Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of
#William III
#English history
#James II, England
100a\100a1008.jpg,0,"Battle of Boyne \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Dundee, John Graham of Claverhouse, 1st Viscount
#Boyne, Battle of the
#William III
#George I, Great Britain
#James II, England
carr\carrenvi.jpg,bint013.wav,"Taking Action on the Environment \H"
pdec\pdec0002.jpg,0,"Replanting trees \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
carr\carrenvi.jpg,0,"Taking Action Table of Contents \H"
pnwe\pnwe0234.jpg,0,"Forest -- typical forest scenery in autumn \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0069\00690060.jpg,0,"Partial logging of forests, as seen in this picture, leads to an unbalanced ecosystem even in the remaining tree cover. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
pdec\pdec0014.jpg,,"Excessive logging is posing a serious threat to the world's forests. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0048.jpg,0,"White rhinoceros is an endangered species \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0304.jpg,0,"All life on Earth is linked in an intricate web. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0001.jpg,0,"Planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere helps offset the effects of global warming. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0052.jpg,,"Recycling of many products is an excellent way to reduce energy requirements within your community. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0131.jpg,,"Putting a check on industrial emissions can help to reduce the greenhouse effect. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0251.jpg,,"Rising flood levels are often a result of the worsening greenhouse effect. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
3607\36070094.jpg,0,"Wild flowers bloom amongst the variety of plants and other organisms that flourish in this delicate countryside ecosystem \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
pnwe\pnwe0234.jpg,0,"Forest -- typical forest scenery in autumn \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0069\00690060.jpg,0,"Partial logging of forests, as seen in this picture, leads to an unbalanced ecosystem even in the remaining tree cover. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
pdec\pdec0014.jpg,,"Excessive logging is posing a serious threat to the world's forests. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0012.jpg,0,"One of the resources that humans exploit the most is the forests. Care must be taken to ensure that forests are not depleted to the point of extinction thus making them non-renewable resources. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0084.jpg,,"Products made from non-renewable resources can end up as landfill, adding to the problem of accumulated solid waste. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0325.jpg,0,"Cooling towers of nuclear power plant \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
#Health and the Global Population
nwte\nwte0224.jpg,0,"Earth from space \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0296.jpg,0,"Recycling waste is a step in the right direction for making the Earth a cleaner place. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pnwe\pnwe0267.jpg,0,"Some chemical companies discharge toxic waste into rivers or lakes killing the aquatic life and polluting drinking water. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3608\36080024.jpg,0,"This ocean liner docked in St Petersburg is an example of a trade in which there is more than one party responsible for the pollution caused in the transportation; the company importing the goods, the company exporting the goods and the freighter. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
2068\20680012.jpg,0,"Poverty of this degree has been linked to environmental degradation \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
ulpd\ulpd0210.jpg,0,"Oil production, like many leading world industries, has harmful effects on the environment when not properly managed. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0016.jpg,0,"Logging -- The logging industry needs to better manage the earth's limited resources. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0155\01550006.jpg,0,"Farmers and primary producers such as this rice farm in Miyagi, Japan, are at risk of being driven to poverty because they are unable to compete with multinational trade. \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
ulpd\ulpd0121.jpg,0,"Overdeveloped Miami beach is one example of a holiday spot damaged by 'sun-and-sand' tourists. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1005\10050071.jpg,0,"One of the categories of \IMajor groups\i is indigenous persons, such as this Ladakhi woman who is a member of the Tibetan ethnic group, Photoksar, India. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
pdec\pdec0080.jpg,0,"It is generally acknowledged that women have considerable experience and insight when it comes to managing and conserving natural resources. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#United States Movements 1960 - 1980
0,unchildv.avi,"Children around the globe. \H\BVideo:\b United Nations"
#American Indians and European Settlement
#Archaeology and Minority Groups
nwte\nwte0301.jpg,0,"Industrial waste is a community problem and the blame should not be leveled directly at the people responsible for disposing of this waste. Solutions should be sought for appropriate disposal methods. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1083\10830080.jpg,0,"Palestinian tradesmen in factory represent the workers of the world who will be most effected by sustainable development. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
nwte\nwte0300.jpg,0,"The public should be aware of environmental dangers and become actively involved in the decision-making process for sustainable development. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1005\10050026.jpg,0,"Ever since the outbreak of civil war in Lebanon in 1975 the economy has been greatly damaged. This group of children are in a refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon, an example of a \ISouthern\i community. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
pdec\pdec0055.jpg,0,"Community action is essential for a cleaner environment. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0004.jpg,,"Growing trees to help preserve our environment \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0305.jpg,0,"Target the issue that concerns you the most -- this might be the destruction of marine life from oil spills. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0253.jpg,0,"Communities have unlimited opportunities to contribute to sustainability and a safer, cleaner environment. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0093.jpg,0,"Most people are not aware of the consequences of their actions with regard to environmental issues. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0007.jpg,0,"Pursue partnerships with your government representatives \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0046.jpg,0,"Develop an action plan when addressing environmental issues in your community. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0053.jpg,0,"Rotary International has instituted a plan of action to help reduce pollution and garbage, thus making the world more aware of the delicate balance of the environment. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1083\10830074.jpg,0,"Schools and universities are ideal surroundings to educate the majority of the new generation on environmental issues. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
pdec\pdec0057.jpg,0,"There are a number of options for environmental research \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0105.jpg,0,"Computers have revolutionized global communications for large and small organizations alike. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0156.jpg,0,"Geologists studying the environment of Mt. St. Helens, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2068\20680002.jpg,0,"Education has always been one of the key factors in bringing awareness to a community about important issues. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
stpd\stpd0209.jpg,0,"Personal computers are an ideal tool to assist with writing proposals. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2068\20680003.jpg,0,"Giant crowd of people swarm the streets of New Delhi, India, 1993 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
3218\32180045.jpg,0,"Energy and consumption levels of a community can place as much pressure on the environment as its growth in population. For example, a developing country such as China has a high pollution rate because it still burns fossil fuels for energy. Sunrise over Chengde, Hebei Province, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
1005\10050100.jpg,0,"New houses (such as pictured here in Palestine) are constantly being built to accommodate migrants and the growing population. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
pdec\pdec0088.jpg,,"Pollution caused by automobiles is far greater in cities than it is in country areas. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1005\10050094.jpg,0,"Medical advancements since the 1800s have contributed to population growth, especially in developing countries. This Palestinian doctor is performing a medical check-up on a young Palestinian refugee. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
pnwe\pnwe0289.jpg,0,"In Brazil, the primary reason for deforestation is to raise livestock. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0069\00690017.jpg,0,"Agricultural land, such as the rice paddies in this picture, is under increasing strain as food consumption increases with the population. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
3218\32180072.jpg,0,"China's \IOne Child Policy\i is one solution to the control of population growth. Here we see a rare site in China today: parents with twin daughters. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Health and the Global Population
pnwe\pnwe0179.jpg,0,"Population growth, if left unchecked, will increase consumption and the levels of waste being produced, including hazardous waste. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1005\10050032.jpg,0,"Hindu students praying before their midday meal, Orissa, India \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
pnwe\pnwe0178.jpg,0,"Reversing the high resource consumption and pollution of today's world would substantially reduce the instances of major environmental tragedies such as oil spillage pollution. In this photograph we see an otter totally covered in oil. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0323.jpg,0,"Wind turbines are an alternative source of energy. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Photovoltaic Cells--Practical Applications
#Photovoltaic Cell--What is it?
pdec\pdec0004.jpg,0,"Each year, according to UNEP, people clear and burn 22,000 square kilometres of trees to cook food and heat their homes. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3606\36060077.jpg,0,"Windmills are an example of harnessing a natural element (wind) and using it to produce power without wasting energy in the process. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
pdec\pdec0135.jpg,0,"Solar power is one way of harnessing natural energy. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pnwe\pnwe0233.jpg,0,"Recycling aluminum cans is one example of saving energy and reducing waste. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0195.jpg,0,"Cattle plays a large role in biogas development. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0045.jpg,,"Toxic waste -- Professional dealing with hazardous waste \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3219\32190084.jpg,0,"Being the country with the largest population, China has an enormous amount of rubbish to dispose of each year. It is thus a great development of SRRUC to recycle rubbish and convert it into productive resources. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
pdec\pdec0061.jpg,,"Recycling centres help society deal with the waste issue. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0062.jpg,,"Recycling notice on paper bag -- giving consumers an incentive to reuse their shopping bags. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Health and the Global Population
pdec\pdec0071.jpg,0,"Recycling glass -- Communities can be encouraged to recycle used glass. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0073.jpg,,"Recycling phone books is another way to save the trees. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0083.jpg,,"Recycle -- The message to everyone \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0064.jpg,0,"Tying newspapers for recycling \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0068.jpg,,"Recycling -- Even children can get into the act. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0065.jpg,0,"There are various ways you can reduce waste in the office, and wherever possible use recycled substances. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0048.jpg,0,"Junk cars could be recycled into useful metal again. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0315.jpg,0,"Smog and cityscape \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3402\34020079.jpg,0,"Morning pollution over Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
1005\10050037.jpg,0,"Sand storm on the shore of Lake Baringo, Kenya is an example of a change in weather patterns. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / R.Witlin"
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
nwte\nwte0299.jpg,0,"Sulfuric acid is detrimental to all plant life. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0284.jpg,0,"Ozone research \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Fire and Ice: Arctic Expedition Probes Roles of Clouds in Climate Change (May 29, 1998)
#Increasing Greenhouse Gases May Be Worsening Arctic Ozone Depletion (8 April, 1998)
0124\01240082.jpg,0,"Sunbaking can be dangerous as UV-B rays penetrate the skin causing skin cancer. This health risk is increasing as the depletion of the ozone layer worsens. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
ulpd\ulpd0333.jpg,0,"Ozone depletion increases the chances of skin damage, and sun-bathers must take precautions to protect themselves from risk. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1085\10850038.jpg,0,"Flooding in Venice, Italy could be related to global warming and the resulting sea-level rise. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
pdec\pdec0005.jpg,,"Tree farm -- Planting trees can help combat global warming \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3218\32180050.jpg,0,"Almost everyone living in China uses bicycles for transportation, which is much better for personal health, as well as global pollution. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
#Fire and Ice: Arctic Expedition Probes Roles of Clouds in Climate Change (May 29, 1998)
#Increasing Greenhouse Gases May Be Worsening Arctic Ozone Depletion (8 April, 1998)
2046\20460068.jpg,0,"Logging the great rainforest trees of Sabah, Borneo \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
#Health and the Global Population
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
nwte\nwte0269.jpg,0,"Nature can be an important source for industry. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0015.jpg,0,"Scientist measuring a plant species as part of a biological diversity study after a volcanic eruption. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0025.jpg,0,"In 1992 the world agreed to legislate action to combat the destruction of biological diversity. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdec\pdec0309.jpg,0,"Many actions that can be taken to stem the loss of biodiversity do provide short-term economic benefits, such as maintaining natural forests so that wild species can be harvested for food, medicines and industrial products. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
nwte\nwte0036.jpg,0,"The exportation of animal pelts goes against biodiversity. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
#Health and the Global Population
#Earth Summit
#sustainable development
#World Commission on Environment and Development
0154\01540061.jpg,0,"Rhinoceros in Kyle National Park, Zimbabwe \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
3606\36060085.jpg,0,"Canals are artificial waterways used for navigation, drainage and irrigation \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#water supply
1412\14120041.jpg,0,"Toxic river algae thriving in the Darling River, Wilcannia, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120052.jpg,0,"Scientist showing freshwater pollution: before and after water treatment \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
1412\14120039.jpg,0,"Clean up Australia Day, Melbourne, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
3606\36060065.jpg,0,"As the global population expands so does the pressure to keep oceans and waterways clean and safe. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
pdp1\pdp10086.jpg,0,"Fog may be a promising source for solving the freshwater needs of communities around the world. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
3608\36080042.jpg,0,"As approximately one third of the earth's surface is ocean, the ability to convert this plentiful resource to freshwater presents great advantages for coastal communities. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3606\36060075.jpg,0,"Leisure cruisers sail across much of the world's surface, and they are one of the contributing factors to growing pollution problems in the oceans. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
ulpd\ulpd0120.jpg,0,"Highways over the Florida Keys are one example of the way human development has negatively impacted the fragile ecosystem of the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
3607\36070016.jpg,0,"Coastal towns, such as this settlement by the Mediterranean Sea, must be well managed to avoid placing further pressure on the marine environment. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
1412\14120040.jpg,0,"Community clean up of the ocean shores on Clean Up Australia Day \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
ocean animals and populations.tbl,0,"Dying ocean statistics \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
2046\20460048.jpg,0,"Sunlight filters down to the forest floor, rainforests of North Borneo \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
pdec\pdec0006.jpg,0,"Sawdust and boards -- A mountain of sawdust, a by-product of the logging industry \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0069\00690048.jpg,0,"Logger using a chainsaw to cut down a forest tree \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690051.jpg,0,"Rainforests are rapidly depleting around the globe. Pictured is yet another tractor picking up newly-felled forest timber leaving a bare hillside in its place. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690056.jpg,0,"Education is the key to bringing communities together worldwide to fight against logging and save forests. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690059.jpg,0,"Individual action is just as important as community action to protect forests such as this one (half of which has already been cleared for agriculture). \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690017.jpg,0,"Innovative rice farmers maximize the available land resources by planting crops in steps. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050024.jpg,0,"Rio de Janiero is an example of a city buckling under the pressures of overpopulation. Pictured are high-rise dwellings juxtaposed against slums of the poor. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / S.Rotner"
ulpd\ulpd0153.jpg,0,"With growing world populations, farmers must find a way to increase food production without jeopardizing land resources for the future. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
2060\20600091.jpg,0,"Asmat tribespeople in the southwest coastal swamplands of Irian Jaya now breed pigs as a cash crop. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
0069\00690003.jpg,0,"Neglect of soil in agriculture can lead to soil degradation, resulting in a reduction of quality and quantity of crop produce. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690062.jpg,0,"Soil suffering from desertification such as this can be so damaged that it may never be able to support agriculture again. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#Health and Medicine, Impact of a Warmer Planet
0894\08940099.jpg,0,"Forestry ranger explaining the importance of protecting forest reserves at West Pennant Hills, Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
2046\20460094.jpg,,"Communities combating desertification could learn from the practices of indigenous people, such as the Kayapo tribe located in the Xingu National Park, Brazil. \H\BPhotograph:\b Claire Leimbach"
1005\10050018.jpg,0,"Pictured are eucalyptus saplings that were planted by community groups with the help of UNEP, to prevent soil erosion in Lompaul, Senegal \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
#Bacon's Declaration in the Name of the People (July 30, 1676)
#Berkeley, Sir William
#British Colonies in America
#Robert Beverley On Bacon's Rebellion (1704)
#Governor William Berkeley on Bacon's Rebellion (May19, 1676)
#Governor William Berkely on Bacon's Rebellion (May19, 1676)
#Robert Beverley On Bacon's Rebellion (1704)
#William III
#Bacon's Declaration in the Name of the People (July 30, 1676)
#Governor William Berkeley on Bacon's Rebellion (May19, 1676)
#Governor William Berkely on Bacon's Rebellion (May19, 1676)
#Governor Gabriel Johnston's Request to Repeal the North Carolina Biennial Act (October 18, 1736)
#Disposition of the North Carolina Biennial Act (1737)
#North Carolina Biennial Act (1715), The
#North Carolina Biennial Act (1715), The
#Reason Against A General Prohibition of the Iron Manufacture In His Majesty's Plantations (Ca. 17..
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Washington, George
#Indian Wars
#American Indians and European Settlement
#Dulany, Daniel
#Stamp Act
#Stamp Act 1765
#William Pitt's Speech on the Stamp Act Congress (January 14, 1766)
#Resolutions of the Stamp Act (October 19, 1765)
#Stamp Act
#Stamp Act 1765
#Dickinson, John
#Boston Massacre
#Boston Massacre
#Declaration of Rights
#Virginia Declaration of Rights (June 12,1776), The
#Adams, John Quincy
#Burke, Edmund
#Henry, Patrick
#Thomas Paine, The American Crisis (1780)
#Thomas Paine, The Rights Of Man (1791-1792)
#Washington, George
#Hancock, John
#Declaration of Rights (October 14, 1774), The
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Declaration of Independence
#Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776), The
#Declaration of Independence continued
#Declaration of Independence continued 2
#Declaration of Independence continued 3
#A Hand-Written Receipt for Nine Guns and Nine Bayonets (July 5, 1776)
#Jefferson's Draft of the Declaration of Independence
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Declaration of Independence
#Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776), The
#Declaration of Independence continued
#Declaration of Independence continued 2
#Declaration of Independence continued 3
#Valley Forge
#Annapolis Convention (September 14, 1786), The
#Constitution (September 19, 1787), The
#Constitution of the United States
#Constitution of the United States - Actual Document
#Constitution of the United States continued
#Constitution of the United States continued 2
#Jefferson, Thomas
#A Political Pamphlet by Thomas Paine (February 14, 1776)
#Paine, Thomas
#Washington, George
#Articles of Confederation (July 9, 1778), The
#Constitutional Convention
#Articles of Confederation
#Ordinance of 1787
#American Constitution, Federal Convention 1787
#Constitution (September 19, 1787), The
#American Constitution, Federal Convention 1787
#American Constitution, The Bill of Rights
#Articles of Confederation (July 9, 1778), The
#Letter of Transmittal (September 17, 1787), The
fp03\fp03060.jpg,0,"The Fifteenth Amendment and its results. Celebration at Baltimore on May 19th, 1870. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03061.jpg,,"Demonstration of the coloured inhabitants of New York in honor of the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, 8 April 1870. (Wood engraving in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 20 July 1872) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Constitution of the United States
#Madison Speech (June 8, 1789)
#Constitution of the United States
#Henry, Patrick
#Constitutional Amendments
#Washington, George
#A Political Pamphlet by Thomas Paine (February 14, 1776)
#Paine, Thomas
fp03\fp03072.jpg,0,"Handbill dated 24 April 1851, warning 'colored people of Boston' to beware of enforcement of Fugitive Slave Law \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Slavery, The Compromise of 1850
#Slavery, United States, A Divided Nation
#United States History, Slavery and Abolitionists
#United States History, Slavery and Sectionalism
#Jefferson, Thomas
#Whiskey Rebellion
fp03\fp03097.jpg,0,"Treaty of Greenville, 1795. Major General Anthony Wayne led American troops to victory against Indians at Battle of Fallen Timbers. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03100.jpg,0,"Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03069.jpg,0,"The Hon. Anthony Wayne Esq. - Major General led American troops to victory in 1794, forcing Indians to sign Treaty of Greenville. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Washington, George
#Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
#national anthem
#United States of America (USA)
#Star-Spangled Banner
#Marshall, John
#Marshall, John
#Marshall, John
#Marshall, John
#Marshall, John
#Marshall, John
#Monroe, James
#McClellan, George B(rinton)
fp03\fp03062.jpg,,"Emancipation proclamation. (Wood engraving in \IHarper's Weekly\i, 12 January 1867) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Emancipation Proclamation
1601\16010088.jpg,0,"Abraham Lincoln \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Open Door
#WWII: Germany's Easy War
#WWII: Germany's Easy War
#WWII: Fall of France
#WWII: Battle of Britain
#WWII: Germany's Easy War
#United States, Eve of World War II
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)
#Atlantic Charter
#Pearl Harbor
#Pearl Harbor 1941
#Pearl Harbor, Japan, and War
#WWII: Japan's Expansion
#United States, Eve of World War II
fp03\fp03056.jpg,0,"Franklin D. Roosevelt's declaration of war against Germany and Italy \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03092.jpg,,"President Roosevelt signing declaration of war against Germany and Italy (Washington DC, 1941) \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#United States, Eve of World War II
#WWII: Germany's Easy War
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#WWII in North Africa and Europe
#Casablanca Conference
#WWII, The Politics of War
#WWII, The Politics of War
#WWII: The End in Europe
#Truman Doctrine
#Vietnam War, United States History
#Vietnam War: Reasons for US involvement
#Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
#Civil Rights Movement 1960 - 1980
2919\29190046.jpg,0,"William J. Clinton \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Clinton, Bill
fp03\fp03091.jpg,0,"William J. Clinton \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
fp03\fp03091.jpg,0,"William J. Clinton, President of the United States \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#Clinton, Bill
2919\29190048.jpg,0,"Bill Clinton, President of the United States \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Adams, John Quincy
carr\carraust.jpg,bint009.wav,"Australian History \H"
fp21\fp2148.jpg,0,"Captain James Cook \H\BPhotograph:\b National Maritime Museum of Greenwich"
1635\16350063.jpg,0,"University, seat of higher learning - shown here is the University of Sydney in Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Australian States
#Aboriginal art
#Drysdale, Russell
#Nolan, Sir Sidney (Robert)
#Roberts, Tom
#Australian Industrial Disputes
#Australian Labor Party (ALP)
#Australia's Identity Develops, 20th Century
psfp\psfp0014.jpg,0,"Banjo Paterson - this poster was used to advertise Paterson's lecture tours as he travelled across NSW. \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0054.jpg,0,"Gallipoli landing during WWI - April 25, 1915 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0018.jpg,0,"WWII - Australian troops in Paris \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#World War II
psfp\psfp0003.jpg,0,"American troops in Australia during WWII \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon
1635\16350061.jpg,0,"University of Sydney grounds \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Australian art
#Australian literature
#White, Patrick (Victor Martindale)
#Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon
#Whitlam, (Edward) Gough
3612\36120004.jpg,0,"Mabo the name has become synonymous with the fight for Aboriginal land rights in Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Australian republicanism
carr\carrmedi.jpg,bint020.wav,"History of Medicine \H"
pdmt\pdmt0056.jpg,0,"Antibiotics - 'magic bullets' that have made otherwise fatal diseases like meningitis and pneumonia curable. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0078.jpg,,"DNA Experiments - In 1953 Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the structure of DNA and cracked the genetic code. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Barnard, Christiaan (Neethling)
#Black Death
#tuberculosis (TB)
carr\carrmedi.jpg,0,"History of Disease \H"
#ascorbic acid
#Osler, William
#Stone Age
pdmt\pdmt0027.jpg,0,"Bacteria Cultures - Humans acquired most of their diseases after becoming farmers and domesticating wild animals. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
naoy\naoy0300.jpg,0,"Placenta - provides the newborn with some defence against the invasion of germs \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#roundworm infestation
#influenza or flu
#Japanese Gion Festival
#Black Death
#tsetse fly
#slave trade
#yellow fever
#Black Death
#yellow fever
#Koch, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert
#beri beri
#Conquest of Beriberi
#Vitamin Statistics
#ascorbic acid
#Lind, James
pdmt\pdmt0020.jpg,0,"Microscopic Cancer Cell -- In 1775 London surgeon Percivall Pott identified the first cancer-causing occupation, the chimney sweep. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0019.jpg,,"Microscopic HIV Virus -- has this disease been silently spreading for years? \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Alzheimer's disease
#cancer (medical)
#industrial disease
#blackwater fever
#Dengue Fever (Travel Information)
#Night Air and Malaria
#Pioneer Medico and Malaria Fighter
#Quinine's Discovery
#Black Death
#tsetse fly
#Ehrlich, Paul
#Fleming, Sir Alexander
#venereal disease (VD)
#Wasserman, August Paul von
#tuberculosis (TB)
#Addison's disease
#Calmette, (Leon Charles) Albert
#Koch, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert
#lupus vulgaris
#Mantoux test
#Waksman, Selman (Abraham)
#Koch, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert
carr\carrmedi.jpg,0,"Rise of Medicine \H"
naoy\naoy0097.jpg,0,"Dissection - a 19th century illustration \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#pyramid healing
naoy\naoy0097.jpg,0,"Human body -- a nineteenth century dissection illustration \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Alcmaeon, (of Croton)
#faith healing
#Byzantine Empire
#Dark Ages
#Black Death
#Middle Ages
#Hippocratic Oath Origin
#Hippocratic oath
#Alcmaeon, (of Croton)
#Vesalius, Andreas
#Black Death
carr\carrmedi.jpg,0,"What is Disease? \H"
fa06\fa060013.jpg,0,"Healing a sick woman \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#faith healing
#holistic medicine
naoy\naoy0002.jpg,0,"Anatomy - Illustration of a human skull \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#faith healing
naoy\naoy0002.jpg,0,"Human skull -- illustration of a human skull by Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) of Brussels, Belgium. This image was published in his landmark 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica' (The Construction of the Human Body) published at Basel, Switzerland in 1543. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0158.jpg,0,"Human body -- illustration of a human body showing the major muscle groups by Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) of Brussels, Belgium. This image was published in his landmark 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica' (The Construction of the Human Body) published at Basel, Switzerland in 1543. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
pdmt\pdmt0089.jpg,0,"Chest X-Ray -- mechanical means have successively permitted scientific medicine to peer right through the body. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Pepys, Samuel
pdmt\pdmt0019.jpg,0,"HIV under the microscope \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
100a\100a0214.jpg,,"Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science movement \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#alternative medicine
#colour / color therapy
#crystal therapy
#health foods
#holistic medicine
#traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
100a\100a0922.jpg,0,"Samuel Pepys \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Pepys, Samuel
#tuberculosis (TB)
#Hahnemann, (Christian Friedrich) Samuel
carr\carrmedi.jpg,0,"Primary Care \H"
100a\100a0612.jpg,0,"Bleeding a patient \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Early Medicine
pdmt\pdmt0072.jpg,0,"Clinical investigation swept the traditional approach to primary care out the window. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0046.jpg,0,"The hypodermic syringe -- Alexander Wood made it known in 1855 that morphine could be administered directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the stomach. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
naoy\naoy0078.jpg,0,"Upper circulatory system - a 19th century anatomical illustration \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Schick Test
pdmt\pdmt0089.jpg,0,"The X-Ray helped greatly in areas where physical diagnosis produced confusion, particularly in the chest area. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0081.jpg,0,"ECG Machine -- The Electrocardiograph \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0050.jpg,0,"The microscope reached university medicine in the 1840s \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Abbe, Ernst
#Celsius, Anders
#Fahrenheit temperature
#Fahrenheit, Gabriel (Daniel)
#mercury (chemistry)
#Rontgen, Wilhelm Konrad von
#X-Ray's Accidental Discovery
naoy\naoy0055.jpg,0,"Human body -- during the eighteenth century, the movement towards elaborate and accurate anatomical drawings began, such as this illustration of the pelvis. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0078.jpg,0,"Human body -- the upper circulatory system as depicted in an early 1800's sketch. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
100a\100a0306.jpg,0,"Andreas Vesalius \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Vesalius, Andreas
100a\100a0204.jpg,0,"William Harvey \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#blood vessels
#Harvey, William
#Circulation of the Blood
naoy\naoy0086.jpg,0,"Human body -- a nineteenth century illustration of the stomach and surrounding areas \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0084.jpg,0,"Human body -- a nineteenth century illustration of the human hand \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
pdmt\pdmt0008.jpg,0,"By 1850, laboratories were transforming physiology and pathology and beginning to make their mark on medicine. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von (Baron)
pdmt\pdmt0016.jpg,0,"Plant cells -- In 1838 Theodor Schwann extended the cell theory, previously applied to plants, to animal tissues. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0010.jpg,,"Slides and dropper -- accessories for microscopy \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Abbe, Ernst
#Lister, Joseph Jackson
#red cross
#yellow fever
pdmt\pdmt0078.jpg,0,"DNA Experiments -- Francis Crick and James Watson elucidated the double-helical structure of DNA, paving the way for the cracking of the genetic code. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0015.jpg,0,"Lung Cancer -- The Medical Research Council set up a conference to discuss the rising mortality from lung cancer in 1948. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#blood vessels
#Harvey, William
#Circulation of the Blood
#Fahrenheit, Gabriel (Daniel)
#Hales, Stephen
#Santorio, Santorio (Ital), Sanctorius (Lat)
#electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
#gender (sociology)
pdmt\pdmt0027.jpg,0,"Bacterial Cultures -- Louis Pasteur, a superb microscopist identified streptococci and staphylococci, waving the banner for bacteriology as a science. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Pasteur, Louis
naoy\naoy0106.jpg,0,"Oral Surgery - mouth, teeth, surgery, tongue, dental \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#communicable disease
#Night Air and Malaria
#Pioneer Medico and Malaria Fighter
#Quinine's Discovery
#Ross, Sir Ronald
naoy\naoy0001.jpg,0,"Human body -- an illustration from the 18th century depicting an operation on the skull \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0106.jpg,0,"Surgery -- a nineteenth century illustration of oral surgery \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0108.jpg,0,"Surgery -- nineteenth century illustration of a leg amputation done without anesthetic. \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Barber's Pole
#Hippocratic oath
#Surgeons Addressed As 'Mr'
naoy\naoy0325.jpg,0,"Human body -- an eye instrument as illustrated in Heister's Surgery, a medical text published in 1743. It was billed as a 'general system of surgery in three parts. It contained the doctrine and management (i) of wounds, fractions luxations, tumors and ulcers of all kinds, (ii) of the several operations performed on all parts of the body, and (iii) of the several bandages applied in all operations and disorders.' \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0309.jpg,0,"Bandages - illustration \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Howard, John
naoy\naoy0321.jpg,0,"Human body -- an illustration from Heister's Surgery, a medical text published in 1743. It was billed as a 'general system of surgery in three parts. It contained the doctrine and management (i) of wounds, fractions luxations, tumors and ulcers of all kinds, (ii) of the several operations performed on all parts of the body, and (iii) of the several bandages applied in all operations and disorders.' \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
naoy\naoy0309.jpg,0,"Human body -- an illustration on bandages from Heister's Surgery, a medical text published in 1743. It was billed as a 'general system of surgery in three parts. It contained the doctrine and management (i) of wounds, fractions luxations, tumors and ulcers of all kinds, (ii) of the several operations performed on all parts of the body, and (iii) of the several bandages applied in all operations and disorders.' \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#anaesthetics / anesthetics, general
#anaesthetics / anesthetics, local
#angel dust
#nitrous oxide
#Lister (of Lyme Regis), Joseph Lister, Baron
#ether, chemistry
#plastic surgery
#blood bank
#blood transfusion
#heart-lung machine
#in vitro fertilization
pdmt\pdmt0065.jpg,0,"X-Rays were discovered by Wilhelm R÷ntgen and perfected by English scientist, William Crookes. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0201.jpg,,"Electron Microscope being operated by a technician \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0066.jpg,,"Cat Scan results -- a major breakthrough in the non-invasive diagnosis of disease. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0080.jpg,,"The electrocardiograph -- Dutch physiologist, Willem Einthoven first published details of the ECG in 1903. This machine picks up electrical activity from the heart. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#computerized tomography (CT)
#X-Ray's Accidental Discovery
naoy\naoy0301.jpg,0,"Child Birth Procedures - Illustration \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#plastic surgery
naoy\naoy0301.jpg,0,"Human body -- childbirth procedure illustration from Heister's Surgery, a medical text published in 1743. It was billed as a 'general system of surgery in three parts. It contained the doctrine and management (i) of wounds, fractions luxations, tumors and ulcers of all kinds, (ii) of the several operations performed on all parts of the body, and (iii) of the several bandages applied in all operations and disorders.' \H\BPhotograph:\b All Our Yesterdays"
#Hunter, John
#Hunter, William
#Smellie, William
#Hunter, John
#Hunter, William
#Jenner, Edward
#Physick, Philip Syng
100a\100a0303.jpg,0,"Florence Nightingale \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Nightingale, Florence
#Nurse's Uniform
#Lister (of Lyme Regis), Joseph Lister, Baron
#Barnard, Christiaan (Neethling)
#Burnet, Sir (Frank) Macfarlane
#Kolff, Willem (Johan)
#Medawar, Sir Peter (Brian)
carr\carrmedi.jpg,0,"Drug Treatment and the Rise in Pharmacology \H"
pdmt\pdmt0056.jpg,0,"Drugs and medication \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
100a\100a0123.jpg,0,"Paracelsus \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
pdmt\pdmt0056.jpg,0,"Vitamins and antibiotics \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#ascorbic acid
#Funk, Casimir
#Lind, James
#nutritional medicine
#Vitamin Statistics
#Domagk, Gerhard (Johannes Paul)
pdmt\pdmt0011.jpg,0,"Breast Cancer Cell Study \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#cancer (medical)
#drug resistance
#mustard gas
pdmt\pdmt0059.jpg,0,"Laboratories synthesize and test millions of compounds for pharmacological and antimicrobial properties. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0007.jpg,0,"'Potent drugs are as dangerous as a surgeon's sharp knife, and must be handled with equal care if they are to do good.' \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0033.jpg,0,"Microscopic cells -- the key to better drug design \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Milstein, Cesar
#monoclonal antibody
pdmt\pdmt0138.jpg,0,"Modern technology -- will computers ever replace real surgeons? \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
pdmt\pdmt0067.jpg,0,"EMI Brain Scanner -- only a matter of time before X-rays, scans and other visual data will be stored on computer. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Appendix 4 Fingertips Fact File (Ch 11-15)
#Biodiversity Introduction
#Changing Relationship
#Seeking Solutions to Unsustainable Population Growth
#artificial insemination (AI)
#Cloned Monkeys
#Concern Over Gene-Therapy Experiment
#gene therapy
#genetic engineering
#in vitro fertilization
#Sheep Cloning a Success
#Switzerland: The Gene Protection Initiative
#test-tube baby
#alternative medicine
#self-help group
#Alzheimer's disease
#Parkinson's disease
pdmt\pdmt0035.jpg,0,"Microscopic anti-infection medicine \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#communicable disease
#Appendix 4 Fingertips Fact File (Ch 11-15)
#Appendix 4 Fingertips Fact File (Ch 6-10)
#Biodiversity Introduction
#Changing Relationship
#Climate Change
#Desertification Introduction
#Environmental Ideas to Preserve Biodiversity
#Population, Consumption and the Environment
#Addressing the Individual to Combat Smog, Global Warming and Acid Rain
#Cause and Effect
#Earth Summit
#global warming
#greenhouse effect
#Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change
#Seeking Solutions to Combat Smog, Global Warming and Acid Rain
#yellow fever
#congenital abnormality
#Down's syndrome
#chorionic villus sampling
carr\carrwar.jpg,bint022.wav,"History of Warfare \H"
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Introduction: The Western Way of War \H"
ww1m\ww1m0007.jpg,0,"'You Are Needed Now', and similar slogans have assisted recruitment for many Western battles. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0017.jpg,0,"British Vickers .303in -- after the introduction of gunpowder weapons and defences, the cost of each war proved significantly higher than the last. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#military science
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Genesis of the Infantry 600-350 BC \H"
#Three Age System
#Greek history
#Greek history
#Darius I
#Persian Wars
#Sparta (Greek history)
#Greek history
#Persian Wars
#Greek art
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"From Phalanx to Legion 350-250 BC \H"
#Greek history
#Philip II (of Macedon)
#Philip II (of Macedon)
#Alexander the Great
#Persian Empire
#Roman history
#Roman history
#Fabius Maximus, Quintus
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Roman Way of War 250 BC-AD 300 \H"
#Marius, Gaius
#Roman history
fa05\fa050047.jpg,0,"Antony and Cleopatra -- defeated by Octavian in 31BC. Octavian assumed the title Augustus Caesar, the first roman Emperor, in 27BC. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Crassus, Marcus Licinius
#Roman history
#Sulla, Lucius Cornelius
#Augustus, (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
#Roman history
#Josephus, Flavius
#Roman history
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"On Roman Ramparts 300-1300 \H"
#military science
#Roman history
#Roman history
#Byzantine Empire
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#military science
#Byzantine Empire
#military science
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"New weapons, New Tactics 1300-1500 \H"
#military science
#Charlemagne or Charles the Great
#William I (of England), known as the Conquerer
#Harold II
#English history
cast\castl132.jpg,0,"Fortified Mountain Village with Church. (Illustration by Howard Pyle) \H\BPhotograph:\b Wildside Press"
#Hundred Years' War
#Agincourt, Battle of
#English history
#French history
100a\100a0518.jpg,0,"15th century siege \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
100a\100a0519.jpg,0,"15th century warship \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Ships of the Line 1500-1650 \H"
fa05\fa050007.jpg,0,"Galleon on fire \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Lepanto, Battle of
#Philip II (of Spain)
#Spanish Armada
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Conquest of the Americas 1500-1650 \H"
#Columbus, Christopher
#United States of America (USA)
#Columbus, Christopher
#Incas or Inka
#Montezuma II
#Cortes, Hernan
#American Indians
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Dynastic War 1494-1660 \H"
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"States in Conflict 1661-1763 \H"
#Louis XIV
#Louvois, Francois Michel le Tellier, marquis de
#Colbert, Jean Baptiste
#French history
#Ottoman Empire
#Peter I
#Russian history
#Frederick II (of Prussia), known as the Great
#English history
#British Empire
#Seven Years' War
#Frederick II (of Prussia), known as the Great
#French and Indian War
#Wolfe, James
#Montcalm (de Saint Veran), Louis Joseph de Montcalm-Grozon, marquis de
#French history
#English history
#America, French and Indian War
#Blenheim, Battle of
#French history
#War of Independence, US
#American Revolution
#Washington, George
#Howe, William Howe, 5th Viscount
#United States of America (USA)
#military science
#French history
#French Revolution
#French history
#French Revolution
#Dumouriez, Charles Francois (du Perier)
#French history
#French Revolution
#Bonaparte, Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul
#Nelson, Horatio
#French history
#Bonaparte, Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul
#Kutuzov, Mikhail Ilarionovich, Knyaz (Prince)
#French history
#Peninsular War
#French history
#Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of
#Napoleonic War 1803-15
#Russian history
#French history
#Bonaparte, Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul
#Continental System
#Napoleonic Wars
#Kutuzov, Mikhail Ilarionovich, Knyaz (Prince)
#Scharnhorst, Gerhard Johann David von
#Waterloo, Battle of
#Napoleon I
#Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of
#French history
#English history
#Nelson, Horatio
#English history
#East India Company, British
#British Empire
#English history
#Greene, Nathanael
#Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Industrialization of War 1815-71 \H"
#comparative history
#Industrial Revolution
#British Warfare and Relations with Europe 1783-1901
#Balaclava, Battle of
#Crimean War
#Russian history
#French history
#English history
cwm1\cwm10043.jpg,0,"Hat, knapsack and canteen \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10048.jpg,0,"Jeb Stuart's hat, sword and gloves \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10075.jpg,0,"Shoes from the Civil War \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10009.jpg,0,"American Civil War drums and bugle \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10087.jpg,0,"Sword, knife and pistol \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10019.jpg,0,"American Civil War uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
cwm1\cwm10091.jpg,,"Union bugler uniform \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Fought In The American Civil War
#Chattanooga Campaign
#Confederate States of America
#Fort Sumter
#Gettysburg Address
#Peninsular Campaign
#Bull Run, Battles of
#Cold Harbor, Battles of
#Fredericksburg, Battle of
#Gettysburg, Battle of
#Seven Days' Battles
#Grant, Ulysses S(impson)
#Lee, Robert E(dward)
#Lincoln, Abraham
#McClellan, George B(rinton)
#Sheridan, Philip H(enry)
#Sherman, William Tecumseh
#Harrison, Benjamin, 23rd U.S. president
#Bull Run, Battles of
#Lincoln, Abraham
#McClellan, George
#Lee, Robert E.
#Antietam, Battle of
#Grant, Ulysses S(impson)
#Shiloh, Battle of
#Grant, Ulysses S(impson)
#Chattanooga Campaign
#Grant, Ulysses S(impson)
#Lee, Robert E(dward)
#Sherman, William Tecumseh
#Moltke, Helmuth (Karl Bernhard), Graf von (Count of)
#German Confederation
#Bismarck, Otto Eduard Leopold, Furst von (Prince of)
#Ems telegram
#Moltke, Helmuth (Karl Bernhard), Graf von (Count of)
#Franco-Prussian War
#Bismarck, Otto Eduard Leopold, Furst von (Prince of)
#Napoleon III
#French history
#Antietam, Battle of
#Gettysburg, Battle of
#Lee, Robert E(dward)
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Towards World War 1871-1914 \H"
#British Empire
#English history
#South Africa
#Crazy Horse
#Indian Wars
#American Indians
#United States of America (USA)
#British Empire
scan\scan0021.jpg,0,"Boer War \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Boer War (1900)
#Boer Wars
#South Africa
#English history
#Tokugawa shogunate
#Russian history
#Bismarck, Otto Eduard Leopold, Furst von (Prince of)
#Tirpitz, Alfred (Friedrich) von
#English history
#French history
#arms race
#Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)
#Bosnia and Herzegovina
#Russian history
#Balkan Wars
#military science
#Schlieffen, Alfred, Graf von (Count of)
#Russian history
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"West at War 1914-18 \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
#military science
#French history
#British Expeditionary Force (BEF)
#Marne, Battle of the
#Joffre, Joseph Jacques Cesaire
1602\16020069.jpg,0,"German General Headquarters (Left to right: von Hindenburg, Kaiser Wilhem, and Leudendorff) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Hindenburg, Paul (Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und) von
#Britain's Response to German invasion of Poland (1939)
#Mussolini, Benito (Amilcare Andrea)
#Hitler, Adolf
#Rommel, Erwin (Johannes Eugen)
#Yugoslavia or Jugoslavia
#Soviet Union
#Hitler, Adolf
#military science
#Spanish Civil War
#Spanish Civil War (1936 to 1939)
#Zhukov, Giorgiy Konstantinovich
#Soviet Union
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"World at War 1941-45 \H"
1601\16010027.jpg,0,"Declaration of a state of war between the United States of America and Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Red Army (USSR)
#Stalingrad, Battle of
#Stalingrad, Battle of
#Rommel, Erwin (Johannes Eugen)
#Speer, Albert
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
#North African Campaign
#military intelligence
#Doenitz or Donitz, Karl
#Harris, Sir Arthur Travers
#Royal Air Force (RAF)
#aeroplane / airplane
#Soviet Union
#Hitler, Adolf
#Eisenhower, Dwight D(avid)
#Rommel, Erwin (Johannes Eugen)
#Rundstedt, (Karl Rudolf) Gerd von
#Patton, George S(mith)
#Bulge, Battle of the
#Hitler, Adolf
#Soviet Union
#German Surrender Documents of World War II (May 8, 1945), The
#Axis Powers
#Declaration of War on Japan (December 8, 1941), The
#Pearl Harbor
#US Marines or US Marine Corps
#United States of America (USA)
#Coral Sea or Solomon Sea
#military intelligence
#Battle of Midway Islands (1942)
#MacArthur, Douglas
#aircraft carrier
1601\16010006.jpg,0,"General Douglas MacArthur signs as Supreme Allied Commander during formal surrender ceremonies on the USS \IMissouri\i in Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010008.jpg,,"New York City celebrates the surrender of Japan in Times Square. Lt. Victor Jorgensen, 14 August 1945. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010009.jpg,,"GI's at the Rainbow Corner Red Cross Club in Paris, France, whoop it up after buying the special edition of the Paris Post, which carried the banner headline, 'JAPS QUIT', 10 August 1945. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010010.jpg,,"At the White House, President Truman announces Japan's surrender. Washington DC, 14 August 1945. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Japanese Surrender Documents of World War II (September 12, 1945), The
#MacArthur, Douglas
#Nimitz, Chester W(illiam)
#United States of America (USA)
#atomic bomb
#air force
#Axis Powers
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Post-War World 1945-95 \H"
#Cold War
#Soviet Union
#Truman, Harry S
#United States of America (USA)
#Marshall Plan
#Korean War
0069\00690096.jpg,0,"US Marines in action on the Korean front, Korea, 1951. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / US Army"
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#Korean War: US involvement
#Korean War: Chinese intervention
#Communism: US containment
#WWII: The Aftermath
#Korea or South Korea
#Korea, North
#United States of America (USA)
#MacArthur, Douglas
#Truman, Harry S
#UN in Korea
#Cold War, Asia and The Middle East
#Seoul or Soul
#United Nations (UN)
#Vietnam War
#French history
#Ho Chi-Minh
#Viet Minh or Vietminh
#de Gaulle, Charles (Andre Joseph Marie)
#French history
#Algerian Independence (1962)
#Vietnam War
#Viet Cong or Vietcong
#Viet Minh or Vietminh
#McNamara, Robert S(trange)
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Ho Chi Minh City
#Nixon, Richard M(ilhous)
#Camp David Accords
#Gaza Strip
#Golan or Golan Heights
#West Bank
#Yom Kippur
#Cold War and the Middle East
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#Wingate, Orde (Charles)
#English history
#Nasser, Gamal Abdel
#Suez Canal
#Gulf War (1980-8)
#Hussein, Saddam
#Iraq Invades Kuwait (1990)
#Reagan, Ronald (Wilson)
#United States of America (USA)
#air force
#Falkland Islands
#Falklands War (1982)
#Haig, Alexander (Meigs)
#Thatcher, Margaret (Hilda)
carr\carrwar.jpg,0,"Warfare Glossary \H"
#Breast Implants Dangerous?
#Vancomycin Unravelled
#Breast Implants Dangerous?
#Breast Implants Dangerous?
#Vancomycin Unravelled
#Breast Implants Dangerous?
#Breast Implants Dangerous?
#Vancomycin Unravelled
#Breast Implants Dangerous?
#Breast Implants Dangerous?
#Vancomycin Unravelled
#Breast Implants Dangerous?
carr\carrunit.jpg,bint023.wav,"United Nations"
1005\10050011.jpg,0,"Female member of the Swedish Infantry Battalion with UNFICYP at target practise Larnaca, Cyprus, June 1980 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
1005\10050022.jpg,0,"Female work crew building a road, Lesotho \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / K.Muldoon"
1005\10050023.jpg,0,"Hillside village in Baghlan, Northern Afghanistan, August 1967 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690040.jpg,0,"Trade represents employment for production workers, as their produce (in this case coloured yarns) is sold on the international market. This in turn is part of the steady evolution from a developed country into a developed country. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050051.jpg,0,"Farmer in northern Thailand, where UNDCP encourages the cultivation of alternate crops to replace the opium poppy, 1991 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Sailas / UNDCP"
1005\10050014.jpg,0,"Lebanese women caring for cypress seedlings as part of UNDP and FAO's project with the Lebanese Government to restore the forests of Lebanon, August, 1967. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
2038\20380077.jpg,0,"Dramatic example of rainforest destruction; left: Amazon rainforest and right: what was once Amazon rainforest \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
3452\34520029.jpg,0,"United Nations Environment Program headquarters, Nairobi \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
1005\10050035.jpg,0,"Crowds attend a meeting prior to the Chinese census, carried out with UNFPA assistance, Inner Mongolia, China, summer, 1982 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
1005\10050058.jpg,0,"Cambodians aboard a UNHCR train return home from refugee camps in Thailand, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, June 1992 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / P.S.Sudhakaran"
0069\00690088.jpg,0,"Austrian boy in post-war ravaged Europe awaits hot milk from UNICEF \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050065.jpg,0,"UN aims to provide women around the world with privileges which they may not otherwise receive. These young girls in the Baidoa Orphanage (operated by the Irish NGO and GOAL with UN support) are learning how to sew, Somalia, 1993. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Grant"
1005\10050081.jpg,0,"UNITAR is devoted to educating the UN team so that they are equipped to teach about contemporary issues, such as birth control, in developing countries. Here Moroccan women attend a UNICEF-assisted family planning clinic (made possible by UNITAR), Settat, Morocco, 1987. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
1083\10830044.jpg,0,"UNRWA funded this 1949 temporary settlement for Palestinian refugees who fled their homeland and were forced to survive under severe conditions. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1083\10830085.jpg,0,"Palestinian refugee, educated at a UNRWA teacher training centre, passes on his knowledge to the new generation at a refugee school aided by UNRWA. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1083\10830078.jpg,0,"UNRWA provides funding to give bright young Palestinians the skills necessary to earn a living. Pictured is a group of students at a vocational training centre. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1083\10830073.jpg,0,"UNRWA has established hundreds of health clinics to monitor health among Palestinian refugees. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690073.jpg,0,"UNU is committed to resolving the many challenges we face in the modern world, through interactive research with universities and research centres around the globe. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050091.jpg,0,"WFP provides food aid to countries in times of emergency. In this case, support was given to Palestinians who fled to refugee camps in 1967, as fighting broke out again between the Israelis and Arabs. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050013.jpg,0,"Leather worker in Afghanistan, where the ILO works with the government to develop small-scale industries, Kabul, Afghanistan. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1083\10830031.jpg,0,"Palestinian workers sift through oranges, choosing the most fresh produce for distribution. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
2068\20680004.jpg,0,"UNESCO - founded by a joint assembly of forty-nine nations on 16 November 1945 \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
3452\34520069.jpg,,"UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France \H\BPhotograph:\b Bryony King"
2068\20680007.jpg,,"UNESCO believes that education for all is the first condition for sustainable development. \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
2068\20680010.jpg,,"UNESCO education programs aim to eliminate illiteracy. \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
2068\20680035.jpg,,"UNESCO scientists studying video tape \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
2068\20680017.jpg,,"UNESCO programs promoting artistic and creative expression in children \H\BPhotograph:\b UNESCO"
pss1\pss10190.jpg,0,"Thunderbirds \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
1005\10050028.jpg,0,"Congolese mothers and children being vaccinated following an outbreak of smallpox, Leopoldville, Congo, January 1962 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / B.Zarov"
1005\10050084.jpg,0,"World Bank provides financial support to developing countries in need. In this case, aid has been given to build a new village shelter in the Hararge region, Ethiopia, 1986. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Natons / J.Isaac"
1005\10050020.jpg,0,"IBRD project in Northern Thailand improving rice production - the photograph illustrates farmers threshing rice. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / P.Teuscher"
2068\20680018.jpg,0,"Silk production, UNESCO's 'Integral study of the silkroads' \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1083\10830079.jpg,0,"IDA assists countries such as Palestine who are below the 'poverty line' with costly projects such as education, in this case young Palestinians are taught the skills necessary to earn a living. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1083\10830060.jpg,0,"In 1967, 19 years after the first conflict, Palestinians were again uprooted when fighting broke out between Arabs and Israelis. Refugees fled eastwards over the River Jordon. This is an example of war/civil disturbance that MIGA can provide insurance against. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
2068\20680010.jpg,0,"Many nations of the world need monetary assistance for necessities such as literacy. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
2068\20680028.jpg,0,"One in three people around the world have never made a telephone call. ITU aims to improve global telecommunications so that every person has equal opportunities for communication. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050039.jpg,0,"WMO facilitates worldwide co-operation in the study of the atmosphere, particularly global weather patterns. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / R.Kollar"
1005\10050036.jpg,0,"Fisherman casting net off side of ship, Senegal \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Mohr"
0069\00690015.jpg,0,"Quality of life begins with a productive primary industry, for example yielding fruitful crops year after year. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
3608\36080060.jpg,0,"WTO encourages trade between nations, an industry that relies on freighter ships as a major source of transport. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
0069\00690083.jpg,0,"Atomic mushroom cloud over Hiroshima at 8.17pm, two minutes after the bomb was dropped, 6th August 1945, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Matsushige"
2068\20680029.jpg,0,"United nations has to maintain order in all nations of the world. They deal with countless problems such as conflict between two territories resulting in war. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690078.jpg,0,"League of Nations at its opening session, Geneva, Switzerland, 15 November 1920 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / Jullien"
0069\00690081.jpg,,"Signing of the Declaration by United Nations, Washington DC, USA, January 1 1942. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690082.jpg,,"Declaration by United Nations, Washington DC, USA, January 1 1942 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690085.jpg,,"Meeting of women delegates, called together by Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt to address an open letter to the women of the world, London, UK, January 1946 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Bolomey"
0069\00690099.jpg,,"Dwight Eisenhower delivers his 'Atom for Peace' speech before the general assembly, New York, USA, December 8, 1953 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Bordy"
1005\10050004.jpg,,"Flags of sixteen new Member States are raised at UN headquarters, New York, USA, March 9, 1956 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050006.jpg,0,"Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold in Katanga, Congo, August 1960, ONUC (UN Operation in the Congo) \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Haile"
1005\10050005.jpg,0,"Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev makes a point during the 15th general assembly. Listening (in light jacket) is Yugoslav President Marshal Tito (middle), New York, USA, 26th Sept, 1960. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / Y.Nagata"
1005\10050008.jpg,,"Chagall window in New York is a gift of the artist and UN staff in memory of Dag Hammerskjold and 15 others killed in a plane crash in the Congo. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / L.Connor"
1005\10050016.jpg,,"Delegation from the People's republic of China is formally seated in the General Assembly, New York, 15 Nov. 1971. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / Y.Nagata"
1005\10050009.jpg,,"UNFICYP (UN Force in Cyprus) is founded. Pictured is a Turkish Cypriot refugee camp, Hamitkoy, Cyprus, April 7, 1964. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / B.Zarov"
1005\10050015.jpg,,"Security Council unanimously adopts resolution 242 affirming the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, New York, 22 Nov. 1967. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / Y.Nagata"
1005\10050017.jpg,,"Kurt Waldheim of Austria was elected the 4th UN Secretary-General, 22nd Dec. 1971. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / Y.Nagata"
0069\00690064.jpg,0,"U Thant of Burma was elected the third UN Secretary-General on 30th Nov. 1962. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / Y.Nagata"
1005\10050027.jpg,0,"UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim visits Norwegian peacekeepers with UNIFIL, South Lebanon, 18 April 1978 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
1005\10050031.jpg,0,"Javier PΘrez de CuΘllar of Peru was elected the fifth UN Secretary-General, 15th December 1981. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
1005\10050056.jpg,,"Boutros Boutros-Ghali from Egypt was elected the 6th UN Secretary-General on 3rd Dec. 1991. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Grant"
0069\00690096.jpg,0,"US Marines in action on the Korean front, Korea, 1951. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / US Army"
1083\10830040.jpg,0,"1948 fighting broke out between Arabs and Jews - fleeing Palestinians left the coastal plain. (See next slide) \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1083\10830041.jpg,,"Palestinian refugees took refuge in other parts of Palestine and in Jordon, Syria and Lebanon. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050007.jpg,0,"Congolese youth volunteers, supplied by ONUC, UNICEF and FAO, rebuilding 20 km of road, Leopoldville, Congo, April, 1962 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / B.Zarov"
0069\00690064.jpg,0,"Sithu U Thant of Burma was elected the third UN Secretary-General of the UN on 30th November 1962. Thant played a vital role in resolving the conflict between Cuba and USA in 1962. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050054.jpg,0,"Group of UNSCOM inspectors standing at the base of Iraq's 300-mm. long-range 'supergun', Jabal Hamrayn, Iraq, 11 August 1991 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / H.Arvidsson"
1005\10050025.jpg,0,"Young children outside their home in a riverside village in Cambodia, 1992 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / P.S.Sudhakaran"
1005\10050079.jpg,0,"Russian UNAMIR soldier plays with a baby in a camp for Rwandan refugees, Ruhengeri, Rwanda, 26 July 1994. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
1005\10050053.jpg,0,"Burning Kuwait oil wells with a destroyed Iraqi tank in the foreground, Al Maqwa, Kuwait, 25th March 1991 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
1005\10050075.jpg,0,"Somali mother and child await food at a UNICEF/Swede Relief feeding centre, Shirei, Somalia, October 1992 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Grant"
1005\10050048.jpg,0,"Many children, like this young Indian girl and her baby brother, have experienced poor quality of life because of the long conflict between India and Pakistan. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
1005\10050005.jpg,0,"Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev makes a point during the 15th general assembly. Listening (in light jacket) is Yugoslav President Marshal Tito (middle), New York, 26th Sept, 1960. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / Y.Nagata"
0,untroopv.avi,"UN troops keeping peace throughout the world \H\BVideo:\b United Nations"
1083\10830012.jpg,0,"Metal worker in Palestine concentrating on a delicate task in a metal factory \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
0069\00690095.jpg,0,"Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt holding a Universal Declaration of Human Rights poster, Lake Success, New York, USA, 1949 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1085\10850071.jpg,0,"One of life's greatest necessities is having food to eat \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050030.jpg,0,"New and renewable sources of energy are increasingly being integrated into industries worldwide. This windmill is providing the power needed for grinding corn, Mykonos, Greece. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / M.Tzovaras"
0069\00690014.jpg,0,"Majority of the world's population still depends on manual labour in agricultural production. IFAD aims to introduce modern technology to assist developing countries. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
1005\10050067.jpg,0,"Vulcanizing plant, Copsa Mica, Romania \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / R.Marklin"
International Time Differences.tbl,0,"International Time Differences"
1005\10050080.jpg,0,"United Nations is committed to developing pragmatic solutions in an attempt to control the exploding global population. Pictured is a crowd in Bangalore, India \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
2068\20680031.jpg,0,"Children of Asia \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
carr\carrnatu.jpg,bint033.wav,"UNESCO World Heritage List \H"
#Cultural Resource Management
#conservation (earth sciences)
wrpd\wrpd0108.jpg,0,"Angkor Wat Temple \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#NASA Radar Reveals Hidden Remains At Ancient Angkor (12 February, 1998)
nas2\nas20116.jpg,0,"A b/w view of the planet Mars, taken from the lander. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20110.jpg,0,"Rover explores its first rock, nicknamed 'Barnacle Bill', for its rough surface. The other two arrows indicate the next two rocks that Rover would explore, 'Ginger' and 'Yogi'. The inset shows the 'petal' pattern that Rover has taken in exploring the various rocks. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20111.jpg,,"Close-up view of 'Ginger'. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20112.jpg,,"False color image of Rover and 'Barnacle Bill'. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20113.jpg,,"Rover makes first contact with Martian soil. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20114.jpg,,"A Rover's-eye view of the lander. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20115.jpg,,"Rover's view of the Mars Pathfinder lander. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20016.jpg,0,"The Apollo 7 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20017.jpg,0,"The Apollo 8 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20018.jpg,0,"The Apollo 9 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20042.jpg,,"Apollo 9 in space \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20008.jpg,0,"The Apollo 10 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20009.jpg,0,"The Apollo 11 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20036.jpg,,"Apollo 11 on the launch pad. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20033.jpg,,"The Apollo 11 initial launch as viewed from the ground. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20034.jpg,,"An aerial shot of the Apollo 11 launch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20022.jpg,,"An artist's impression of the Apollo 11 landing. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20023.jpg,,"An artist's impression of the Apollo 11 ascent launch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20024.jpg,,"The Apollo 11 making its descent. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20032.jpg,,"An artist's impression of the Apollo 11 landing. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20025.jpg,,"Neil Armstrong making his exit from Apollo 11 \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20026.jpg,,"Neil Armstrong about to land on the moon. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20056.jpg,,"The first American footprint made on the moon by astronaut Neil Armstrong. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20027.jpg,,"An artist's drawing of Neil Armstrong planting the American flag on the moon. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20028.jpg,,"Neil Armstrong and the planted American flag. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20029.jpg,,"The Apollo 11 landing site compared with the state of Washington D.C. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20030.jpg,,"The Apollo 11 landing site compared with the state of New York. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20035.jpg,,"The golden olive branch that the astronauts carried with them to the moon as a symbol that they have come in peace. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20037.jpg,,"The plaque that the Apollo 11 astronauts later planted on the moon. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20038.jpg,,"An American coin on the left, with President Kennedy on it and a silicon disc. These were carried to the moon by the astronauts. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20021.jpg,,"Apollo 11 spacecraft 107 in orbit. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Aldrin, Buzz
#Apollo Missions Contents
#Armstrong, Neil (Alden)
#Collins, Michael (1930-)
nas2\nas20010.jpg,0,"The Apollo 12 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20011.jpg,0,"The Apollo 13 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20011.jpg,0,"The Apollo 13 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20012.jpg,0,"The Apollo 14 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20014.jpg,0,"The Apollo 16 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Apollo Missions Contents
nas2\nas20015.jpg,0,"The Apollo 17 mission patch. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20075.jpg,0,"Another view of Galileo-probe separation. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20070.jpg,0,"Galileo entering the Jupiter atmosphere. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Jupiter Fact Table
#Jupiter's Dry Spots and Glowing Auroras To Be Unveiled
#Space News Update 1997
#Background on Europa Data From The Galileo Mission To Jupiter (2 March, 1998)
#Detailed Images From Europa Point To Slush Below Surface (2 March, 1998)
#Galilean Project Information Update
nas2\nas20002.jpg,0,"Cut-out view of the icy moon Ganymede \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Galileo Returns New Insights Into Callisto and Europa
nas2\nas20001.jpg,0,"Galileo shot of the network fractures on Jupiter's moon Ganymede. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Galileo Mission Status (5)
#Galileo Returns New Insights Into Callisto and Europa
#Galilean Project Information Update
nasa\nasa0111.jpg,0,"Image of the moon from Clementine spacecraft \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#No Successor To Clementine Mission
nasa\nasa0118.jpg,0,"False color image of Neptune, taken by Voyager 2's wide-angle camera through an orange filter and two different methane filters. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Mars (astronomy)
#Neptune (astronomy)
#Saturn (astronomy)
#Two Voyager Spacecraft Still Going Strong After 20 Years (2 September, 1997)
#Ulysses Project
#Uranus (astronomy)
#Voyager project
nasa\nasa0015.jpg,0,"Comet P/Halley, which the Giotto mission was designed to study. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Giotto project
#Halley's comet
nasa\nasa0166.jpg,0,"Photograph of Venus taken from the Hubble Space Telescope \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Hubble Space Telescope
#Hubble, Edwin (Powell)
nas2\nas20109.jpg,0,"A storm is sighted on the planet Mars. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mars Global Surveyor Updates
#Mars Observer project
#Mars Pathfinder Status
#New Global Surveyor Data Reveals More (13 March, 1998)
#Space News Update 1997
nas2\nas20120.jpg,0,"Hubble Telescope image of Mars \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mars Fact Table
nas2\nas20117.jpg,0,"Images of Mars taken by HST's Wide Field Planetary Camera-2. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mars (astronomy)
#New Global Surveyor Data Reveals More (13 March, 1998)
nas2\nas20046.jpg,0,"Blackhole candidate M87 in the Virgo cluster. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#First Observation of Space-Time Distortion by Black Holes (6 November, 1997)
#Hubble Provides Views of How To Feed A Black Hole (May 14, 1998)
#NASA Research Provides New Insights on Black Holes (20 June, 1997)
#Old Faithful Black Holes Ejects Mass Equal to an Asteroid (7 January, 1998)
#Space News Update 1997
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#Shock Wave Sheds New Light on Fading Supernova (10 February, 1998)
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
nas2\nas20142.jpg,0,"Close-up view of the 'Twisters' in the Lagoon Nebula (M8) in the constellation Sagittarius. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20136.jpg,,"Columns of cool interstellar hydrogen gas and dust in M16, the Eagle Nebula. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20137.jpg,,"Closer view of the leftmost 'pillar' of interstellar hydrogen gas and dust in M16, the Eagle Nebula. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#Space News Update 1997
nas2\nas20092.jpg,0,"Hubble Space Telescope view of the Hale-Bopp comet. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#gamma rays
#gamma-ray astronomy
#Gamma-Ray Bursts Common To Normal Galaxies?
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#Space News Update 1997
#Hubble Looks At M84
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#New Lab Studies Death of Stars, Origin of Planets (6 April, 1998)
#Space News Update 1997
#star cluster
#First Observation of Space-Time Distortion by Black Holes (6 November, 1997)
#Hubble Looks At M84
#Hubble Provides Views of How To Feed A Black Hole (May 14, 1998)
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#NASA Research Provides New Insights on Black Holes (20 June, 1997)
#Old Faithful Black Holes Ejects Mass Equal to an Asteroid (7 January, 1998)
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#Ex-sun 1987A Still Going Strong
#Hubble Instruments Provide Steady Stream Of Discoveries (9 June, 1997)
#Hubble Is First To Spot Colliding Supernovas (10 June, 1997)
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#Shock Wave Sheds New Light on Fading Supernova (10 February, 1998)
#Fireball From A Cataclysmic Explosion
#Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Update
#Hubble Stays On Trail of Fading Gamma-Ray Burst Fireball (16 September, 1997)
#Hubble Tracks Fading Optical Counterpart Of Gamma-Ray Burst
#Most Powerful Explosion Since the Big Bang Challenges Gamma Ray Burst Theories (6 May, 1998)
nas2\nas20066.jpg,0,"Volcanic hot spots and auroral emissions on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas2\nas20062.jpg,0,"Volcanic features on Io. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Galileo Finds Arizona-Sized Volcanic Deposit on Io (5 November, 1997)
#Galileo Spacecraft Sees Volcanic Fireworks On Jupiter's Moon Io
#Io (astronomy)
nasa\nasa0097.jpg,0,"Image of Mercury taken from Mariner 10 spacecraft, 1974 \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Mariner programme
nasa\nasa0085.jpg,0,"Contact was lost with the US Mars orbiter spacecraft in 1993. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Ulysses Project
#Mars (astronomy)
#Russian Space Agency
nasa\nasa0145.jpg,0,"Ultravoilet image of Venus' clouds as seen from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, 1979 \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Pioneer programme
scan\scan0022.jpg,0,"Halley's comet, the destination of the Sakigake and Suisei spacecrafts. \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#Sakigake and Suisei project
nasa\nasa0153.jpg,0,"Image of surface of Venus from Venera 13 \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0099.jpg,0,"Mosaic of the Discovery quadrangle of Mercury \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0100.jpg,0,"Mosaic of the Shakespeare quadrangle of Mercury \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0101.jpg,0,"Mosaic of the Bach area of Mercury \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0096.jpg,0,"Mosaic of one hemisphere of Mercury.\p\pThis mosaic of Mercury was taken by the Mariner 10 spacecraft during its approach on 29 March 1974. The mosaic consists of 18 images taken at 42 s intervals during a 13 minute period when the spacecraft was 200,000 Km (about 6 hours prior to closest approach) from the planet. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0097.jpg,,"Mosaic of the other hemisphere of Mercury.\p\pThis mosaic, also by the Mariner 10 spacecraft on the 29 March 1974, was taken while it retreated from the planet. Again consisting of 18 images, these images show somewhat more of the illuminated surface. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0098.jpg,,"Mosaic of the Caloris Basin and surrounding area.\p\pThis mosaic shows the Caloris Basin (located half-way in shadow on the terminator). Caloris is Latin for heat and the basin is named this because it is near the subsolar point (the point closest to the sun) when Mercury is at phelion (the closest point in its orbit to the sun). \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Mercury (astronomy)
#Mercury programme
nasa\nasa0124.jpg,0,"This is the clearest view yet of Pluto and its moon, Charon, as revealed by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The image was taken by the European Space Agency's Faint Object Camera on February 21, 1994, when the planet was 2.6 billion miles (4.4 billion km) from Earth; or nearly 30 times the separation between Earth and the Sun.\p\pHubble's corrected optics show the two objects as clearly separate and sharp disks. This now allows astronomers to measure directly (to within about 1 percent) Pluto's diameter of 1,440 miles (2,320 km) and Charon's diameter of 790 miles (1,270 km). \p\pCharon is bluer than Pluto, indicating that each world has a different surface composition and structure. A bright highlight on Pluto suggests it has a smoothly reflecting surface layer.\p\pA detailed analysis of the Hubble image also suggests there is a bright area parallel to the equator on Pluto. This result is consistent with surface brightness models based on previous ground-based photometric observations. However, subsequent HST observations will be required to confirm whether the feature is real.\p\pThough Pluto was discovered in 1930, Charon wasn't detected until 1978. That is because the moon is so close to Pluto, that the two worlds blurred together when viewed through ground-based telescopes. If our moon were as close to Earth, it would be as big in the night sky as an apple held at arm's length. \p\pThis image was taken when Charon was near its maximum elongation from Pluto of 0.9 arc seconds. The two worlds are 12,200 miles apart (19,640 km).\p\pHubble's ability to distinguish Pluto's disk at a distance of 2.6 billion miles (4.4 billion km) is equivalent to seeing a baseball at a distance of 40 miles (64 km). \p\pPluto typically is called the double planet because Charon is half the diameter of Pluto (our Moon is one-quarter the diameter of Earth).\p\pCredit: Dr Albrecht, ESA/ESO Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility; NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Pluto (astronomy)
#Pluto (mythology)
nasa\nasa0141.jpg,0,"These two pictures of Uranus - one in true color (left) and the other in false color - were compiled from images returned on January 17, 1986, by the narrow-angle camera of Voyager 2. The spacecraft was 9.1 million km (5.7 million miles) from the planet, seven days before its closest approach.\p\pThe picture on the left has been processed to show Uranus as human eyes would see it from the vantage point of the spacecraft. The picture is a composite of images taken through blue, green, and orange filters. The blue-green color results from the absorption of red light by methane gas in Uranus' deep, cold, and remarkably clear atmosphere. The darker shadings at the upper right of the disk correspond to the day-night boundary on the planet. Beyond this boundary lies the hidden northern hemisphere of Uranus that remains in total darkness as the planet rotates.\p\pThe picture on the right uses false colors and contrast enhancement to bring out subtle details in the polar region of Uranus. Images obtained through ultraviolet, violet, and orange filters were respectively converted to blue, green, and red colors to produce the picture. The very slight contrasts visible in true color are greatly exaggerated here. Here, Uranus reveals a dark polar hood surrounded by a series of progressively lighter concentric bands. One possible explanation is that a brownish haze or smog, concentrated over the pole, is arranged into bands by zonal motions of the upper atmosphere.\p\pSeveral artifacts of the optics and processing are visible. The occasional doughnut shapes are shadows cast by dust in the camera's optics; the processing necessary to bring out the faint features also brings out these camera blemishes. In addition, the bright pink strip at the lower edge of the planet's limb is an artifact of the image enhancement. In fact, the limb is dark and uniform in color. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0143.jpg,,"Three-filter color image of Uranus' satellite Titania, obtained by\pVoyager 2 on January 22, 1986, 3.11 million km (1.93 million miles) from the satellite.\p\pThis image, which has a resolution of 56 km (35 mi), is a computer reconstruction from three frames, exposed with the Voyager narrow-angle camera's clear, orange, and violet filters. The grayness or apparent lack of strong color is a distinctive characteristic of the satellites and the rings of Uranus, and can serve as one indicator of the possible composition of the satellites' surfaces. \p\pTitania has a diameter of about 1,600 km (1,000 mi) and orbits the planet at a radial distance of 438,000 km (272,000 mi). Titania's surface displays areas of lighter and darker material, probably associated with impact craters formed during its long exposure to bombardment by cosmic debris. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0144.jpg,,"Three-filter color image of Uranus' satellite Umbriel, the darkest of Uranus' five moons, taken by Voyager 2 on January 23, 1986. The spacecraft was 1.04 million km (650,000 miles) from Umbriel.\p\pThis picture was synthesized from frames exposed with the Voyager narrow-angle camera's violet and clear filters. Umbriel is characterized by the darkest surface, and smallest brightness variations of any of the large satellites of Uranus.The surface is generally gray and colorless. Umbriel's surface is covered by impact craters. The brightest spot (top, near the equator at approvimately 270 degrees longitude) appears as a bright ring. Its geological significance is not yet understood. Umbriel has a diameter of about 1,200 km (750 mi) and orbits 267,000 km (166,000 mi) from Uranus' center. The satellite's name, from Alexander Pope's 'Rape of the Lock,' means 'dark angel.' \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0142.jpg,,"Three-filter color image of Oberon, Uranus' outermost satellite, taken by Voyager 2 on January 22, 1986. The spacecraft was 2.77 million km (1.72 million miles) from Oberon. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Uranus (astronomy)
nasa\nasa0121.jpg,0,"Voyager 2 obtained this high-resolution color image of Neptune's large satellite Triton during its close flyby, August 25, 1989. Approximately twelve images were combined to produce this comprehensive view of the Neptune-facing hemisphere of Triton.\p\pThe large south polar cap at image bottom is highly reflective and slightly pink in color; it may consist of a slowly evaporating layer of nitrogen ice deposited during the previous winter. From the ragged edge of the polar cap northward, the satellite's face is generally darker and redder in color. This coloring may be produced by the action of ultraviolet light and magnetospheric radiation upon methane in the atmosphere and surface. \p\pRunning across this darker region, approximately parallel to the edge of the polar cap, is a band of brighter white material that is almost bluish in color. The underlying topography here is similar to that in the darker, redder regions surrounding it. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0122.jpg,0,"Computer rendering of Triton's surface, as it would appear if viewed from the northeast, obtained by geometrically reprojecting part of a Voyager high-resolution frame taken August 24, 1989, about 181,800 km (112,900 miles) from Triton. \p\pInformation about surface topography needed to generate the oblique view was obtained from the same image by a technique called photoclinometry (also called 'shape from shading'). A computer is used to construct a map of the elevation at every point on the image, then it repeatedly adjusts the map until its appearance (calculated using the known light-scattering properties of Triton) matches the actual image as closely as possible. \p\pThe topography was vertically exaggerated 20 times. Actual relief in the region has a maximum range of about 1 km (3,000 feet) in the 13 km (8-mile) diameter impact crater visible in the center of the image. The caldera floor, approximately 200 km (120 miles) in diameter, is extremely flat and was probably formed by a volcanic eruption of ice lavas of very low viscosity. The bench in the foreground may be a remnant of earlier flooding to a level about 200 meters (600 feet) higher than the present caldera floor. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0123.jpg,0,"Image of the first of six new moons discovered by Voyager 2 at Neptune, Proteus, obtained on August 25, 1989, 146,000 km (91,000 miles) away. The resolution is about 2.7 km (1.7 miles) per line pair. The satellite has an average radius of some 200 km (120 miles). Hints of crater-like forms and groove-like lineations are visible. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0117.jpg,0,"Hubble Space Telescope image showing that the Great Dark Spot has disappeared.\p\pTwo groups have recently used the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC 2) to acquire new high-resolution images of the planet Neptune. Members of the WFPC-2 Science Team, lead by John Trauger, acquired the first series of images on 27 through 29 June 1994. These were the highest resolution images of Neptune taken since the Voyager 2 flyby in August of 1989. A more comprehensive program is currently being conducted by Heidi Hammel and Wes Lockwood. These two projects are providing new information about the structure, composition, and meteorology of Neptune's atmosphere.\p\pNeptune is the most distant planet from the sun, with an orbital radius of 4.5 billion km (2.8 billion miles, or 30 Astronomical Units). Even though its diameter is about four times that of the Earth (49,420 vs. 12,742 km), ground-based telescopes reveal a tiny blue disk that subtends less than 1/1200 of a degree (2.3 arc-seconds). \p\pNeptune has been difficult to study from Earth because its disk is badly blurred by the Earth's atmosphere. Ground-based astronomers have still learned a great deal about this planet since its position was first predicted by John C. Adams and Urbain Leverrier in 1845. \p\pThey have determined that Neptune was composed primarily of hydrogen and helium gas, and that its blue color was caused by the presence of trace amounts of the gas methane, which absorbs red light. They had also detected bright cloud features, whose brightness changed with time, and tracked these clouds to infer a rotation period between 17 and 22 hours.\p\pWhen the Voyager 2 spacecraft flew past Neptune in 1989, its instruments revealed a surprising array of meteorological phenomena, including strong winds, bright, high-altitude clouds, and two large dark spots attributed to long-lived giant storm systems. These bright clouds and dark spots were tracked as they moved across the planet's disk, revealing wind speeds as fast as 325 meters per second (730 miles per hour). \p\pThe largest of the giant, dark storm systems, the 'Great Dark Spot', resembled Jupiter's Great Red Spot, a storm that has persisted for more than three centuries. The lifetime of Neptune's Great Dark Spot could not be determined from the Voyager data alone, as its encounter was too brief. GDS's evolution was impossible to monitor with ground-based telescopes, because it could not be resolved on Neptune's tiny disk, and its contribution to the disk-integrated brightness of Neptune was confused by the presence of a rapidly-varying bright cloud feature, called the 'Bright Companion', that usually accompanied the Great Dark Spot.\p\pThe repaired Hubble Space Telescope provides new opportunities to monitor these and other phenomena in the atmosphere of the most distant planet. Images taken with WFPC-2's Planetary Camera (PC) can resolve Neptune's disk as well as most ground-based telescopes can resolve the disk of Jupiter. The spatial resolution of the HST WFPC-2 images is not as high as that obtained by the Voyager-2 Narrow-Angle Camera during that spacecraft's closest approach to Neptune, but they have a number of other assets that enhance their scientific value, including improved ultra-violet and infrared sensitivity, better signal-to-noise, and greater photometric accuracy.\p\pThe images of Neptune acquired by the WFPC-2 Science team in late June clearly demonstrate these capabilities. The side of the planet facing the Earth at the start of the program\p\p(11:36 Universal Time on July 27) was imaged in color filters spanning the ultraviolet (255 and 300-nm), visible (467, 588, 620, and 673-nm), and near-infrared (890-nm) parts of the spectrum. The planet then rotated 180 degrees in longitude, and the opposite hemisphere was imaged in a subset of these colors (300, 467, 588, 620, and 673-nm). The HST/WFPC-2 program more recently conducted by Hammel and Lockwood provides better longitude coverage, and a wider range of observing times, but uses a more restricted set of colors.\p\pThe ultraviolet pictures show an almost featureless disk that is slightly darker near the edge. The observed contrast increases in the blue, green, red, and near-infrared images, which reveal many of the features seen by Voyager 2, including the dark band near 60 S latitude and several distinct bright cloud features. The bright cloud features are most obvious in the red and infrared parts of the spectrum where methane gas absorbs most strongly (619 and 890 nm). These bright clouds are thought to be high above the main cloud deck, and above much of the absorbing methane gas. The edge of the planet's disk also appears somewhat bright in these colors, indicating the presence of a ubiquitous, high-altitude haze layer.\p\pThe northern hemisphere is occupied by a single prominent cloud band centered near 30 N latitude. This planet-encircling feature may be the same bright cloud discovered last fall by ground-based observers. Northern hemisphere clouds were much less obvious at the time of the Voyager-2 encounter. The tropics are about 20 % darker than the disk average in the 890-nm images, and one of these images reveals a discrete bright cloud on the equator, near the edge of the disk. The southern hemisphere includes two broken bright bands. The largest and brightest is centered at 30 S latitude, and extends for at least 40 degrees of longitude, like the Bright Companion to the Great Dark Spot. There is also a thin cloud band at 45 S latitude, which almost encircles the planet.\p\pOne feature that is conspicuous by its absence is the storm system known as the Great Dark Spot. The second smaller dark spot, DS2, that was seen during the Voyager-2 encounter was also missing. The absence of these dark spots was one of the biggest surprises of this program. The WFPC-2 Science team initially assumed that the two storm systems might be near the edge of the planet's disk, where they would not be particularly obvious. An analysis of their longitude coverage revealed that less than 20 degrees of longitude had been missed in the colors where these spots had their greatest contrast (467 and 588 nm). The Great Dark Spot covered almost 40 degrees of longitude at the time of the Voyager-2 fly-by. Even if it were on the edge of the disk, it would appear as a 'bite' out of the limb. Because no such feature was detected, we concluded that these features had vanished. This conclusion was reinforced by the more recent observations by Hammel and Lockwood, which also show no evidence of discrete dark spots.\p\pThese dramatic changes in the large-scale storm systems and planet-encircling cloud bands on Neptune are not yet completely understood, but they emphasize the dynamic nature of this planet's atmosphere, and the need for further monitoring. Additional HST WFPC-2 observations are planned for next summer. These two teams are continuing their analysis of these data sets to place improved constraints on these and other phenomena in Neptune's atmosphere. \p\pFigure Captions:\p\pThese almost true-color pictures of Neptune were constructed from HST/WFPC2 images taken in blue (467-nm), green (588-nm), and red (673-nm) spectral filters. There is a bright cloud feature at the south pole, near the bottom right of the image. Bright cloud bands can be seen at 30S and 60S latitude. The northern hemisphere also includes a bright cloud band centered near 30N latitude. The second picture was compiled from images taken after the planet had rotated about 180 degrees of longitude (about 9 hours later) to show the opposite hemisphere. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0118.jpg,0,"False color image of Neptune, taken by Voyager 2's wide-angle camera through an orange filter and two different methane filters.\p\pObjects deep in the atmosphere are blue, while those at higher altitudes are white. Light at methane wavelengths is mostly absorbed in the deeper atmosphere. The bright, white feature is a high-altitude cloud just south of the Great Dark Spot. The hard, sharp inner boundary within the bright cloud is an artifact of computer processing. Other, smaller clouds associated with the Great Dark Spot are white or pink, and are also at high altitudes. \p\pNeptune's limb looks reddish because Voyager 2 is viewing it tangentially, and the sunlight is scattered back to space before it can be absorbed by the methane. A long, narrow band of high-altitude clouds near the top of the image is located at 25 degrees north latitude, and faint hazes mark the equator and polar regions. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0119.jpg,0,"Close-up view of the Great Dark Spot showing the last face-on view that Voyager made with the narrow-angle camera. \p\pThe image was shuttered 45 hours before closest approach at a distance of 2.8 million km (1.7 million miles). The smallest structures that can be seen are of an order of 50 km (31 miles). \p\pThe image shows feathery white clouds that overlie the boundary of the dark and light blue regions. The pinwheel (spiral) structure of both the dark boundary and the white cirrus suggest a storm system rotating counterclockwise. Periodic small-scale patterns in the white cloud, possibly waves, are short-lived and do not persist from one Neptunian rotation to the next. This color composite was made from the clear and green filters of the narrow-angle camera. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0115.jpg,0,"Color image of Neptune's 'Great Dark Spot' \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0116.jpg,,"Closer view of the Great Dark Spot and the 'scooter', the first image that tests the accuracy of the weather forecast made eight days earlier, to select targets for the Voyager narrow-angle camera. \p\pThree of the four targeted features are visible; all three are close to their predicted locations. The Great Dark Spot with its bright white companion is slightly to the left of center. The small bright scooter is below and to the left, and the second dark spot with its bright core is below the scooter. Strong eastward winds - up to 400 mph - cause the second dark spot to overtake and pass the larger one every five days. The spacecraft was 6.1 million km (3.8 million miles) from the planet at the time of camera shuttering, and the image uses the orange, green and clear filters of the camera. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0120.jpg,,"Close view of some high clouds in Neptune's atmosphere, taken two hours before closest approach, from Voyager 2. It provides obvious evidence of vertical relief in Neptune's bright cloud streaks. These clouds were observed at a latitude of 29 degrees north near Neptune's east terminator. \p\pThe linear cloud forms are stretched approximately along lines of constant latitude and the sun is toward the lower left. Shadows are visible on the side opposite the sun. These shadows are less distinct at short wavelengths (violet filter) and more distinct at long wavelengths (orange filter). This can be understood if the underlying cloud deck on which the shadow is cast is at a relatively great depth, in which case scattering by molecules in the overlying atmosphere will diffuse light into the shadow. \p\pBecause molecules scatter blue light much more efficiently than red light, the shadows will be darkest at the longest (reddest) wavelengths, and will appear blue under white light illumination. The resolution of this image is 11 km (6.8 miles per pixel) and the range is only 157,000 km (98,000 miles). The width of the cloud streaks range from 50 to 200 km (31 to 124 miles), and their shadow widths range from 30 to 50 km (18 to 31 miles). \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Neptune (astronomy)
#Neptune (mythology)
nasa\nasa0169.jpg,0,"Topographic map of Venus from Pioneer Venus (Mercator projection) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0147.jpg,,"Topographic map of Venus (Sinusoidal projection) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0149.jpg,,"Gravity maps of Venus (Mercator projection) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0151.jpg,,"Surface photographs from the Soviet Venera 13 spacecraft \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0152.jpg,,"Color version of the left half of the Venera 13 image \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0153.jpg,,"Color version of the right half of the Venera 13 image, the first of the Venera missions to include a color TV camera, and the first to succeed in obtaining pictures since Venera 10. The Venera 13 lander touched down on 3 March 1982. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0154.jpg,,"Surface photographs from the Soviet Venera 14 spacecraft. The Venera 14 lander became the second Venus surface probe to transmit color images after setting down on 5 May 1982. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0155.jpg,,"Computer generated surface view of Eistla Regio. The viewpoint is 1,310 km (812 miles) southwest of Gula Mons at an elevation of 0.78 km (0.48 mile). The view is to the northeast with Gula Mons appearing on the horizon. Gula Mons, a 3 km (1.86 mile) high volcano, is located at approximately 22 degrees north latitude, 359 degrees east longitude. The impact crater Cunitz, named for the astronomer and mathematician Maria Cunitz, is visible in the center of the image. The crater is 48.5 k, (30 miles) in diameter and is 215 km (133 miles) from the viewer's position. \p\pMagellan synthetic aperture radar data is combined with radar altimetry to develop a three-dimensional map of the surface. Rays cast in a computer intersect the surface to create a three-dimensional perspective view. Simulated color and a digital elevation map developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, are used to enhance small-scale structure. The simulated hues are based on color images recorded by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft. \p\pThe image was produced at the JPL Multimission Image Processing Laboratory and is a single frame from a video released at the March 5, 1991, JPL news conference. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0157.jpg,,"Computer generated surface view of Eistla Regio. The viewpoint is 1,100 km (682 miles) northeast of Gula Mons at an elevation of 7.5 km (4.6 miles). Lava flows extend for hundreds of kilometers across the fractured plains shown in the foreground to the base of Gula Mons. \p\pThe viewpoint is to the southwest with Gula Mons appearing at the left just below the horizon. Sif Mons, a volcano with a diameter of 300 km (180 miles) and a height of 2 km (l.2 miles), appears to the right of Gula Mons. The distance between Sif Mons and Gula Mons is approximately 730 km (453 miles). \p\pMagellan synthetic aperture radar data is combined with radar altimetry to develop a three-dimensional map of the surface. Ray tracing - rays as if from a light source are cast in a computer to intersect the surface - simulates a perspective view. Simulated color and a digital elevation map are used to enhance small scale structure. The simulated hues are based on color images recorded by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft. \p\pThe image was produced at the JPL Multimission Image Processing Laboratory by Eric De Jong, Jeff Hall and Myche McAuley, and is a single frame from a video released at a March 5, 1991, JPL news conference. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0159.jpg,,"Computer generated surface view of Sif Mons. The viewpoint is located 360 km (223 miles) north of Sif Mons at a height of 7.5 km (4.7 miles) above the lava flows. Lava flows extend for hundreds of kilometers across the fractured plains shown in the foreground to the base of Sif Mons. The view is to the south.\p \pSif Mons, a volcano with a diameter of 300 km (186 miles) and a height of 2 km (1.2 miles), appears in the upper half of the image. \p\pMagellan synthetic aperture radar data is combined with radar altimetry to produce a three-dimensional map of the surface. Rays, cast in a computer, intersect the surface to create a three-dimensional perspective view. Simulated color and a digital elevation map are used to enhance small-scale structure. The simulated hues are based on color images recorded by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft. \p\pThe image was produced at the JPL Multimission Image Processing Laboratory and is a single frame from a video released at the March 5, 1991, JPL news conference. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0160.jpg,,"Computer generated surface view of a corona, tentatively named Idem-Kuva. The viewpoint is located 150 km (93 miles) north of Gula Mons at a height of 1.6 km (1 mile) above the corona. The corona has a diameter of 97 km (60 miles). \p\pThe proposed name for the corona is Idem-Kuva, a Finno-Ugraic harvest spirit. Lava flows extend for hundreds of kilometers across the fractured plains shown in the background. The viewpoint is to the north with Gula Mons to the south. \p\pMagellan synthetic aperture radar data is combined with radar altimetry to produce a three-dimensional map of the surface. Rays cast in a computer intersect the surface to create a three-dimensional perspective view. Simulated color and a digital elevation map are used to enhance small-scale structure. The simulated hues are based on color images recorded by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft. \p\pThe image was produced at the JPL Multimission Image Processing Laboratory and is a single frame from a video released at a March 5, l991, JPL news conference. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0161.jpg,,"Computer generated surface view of Alpha Regio. The viewpoint is located at approximately 30 degrees south latitude, 11.8 degrees east longitude at an elevation of 2.4 km (1.5 miles). The view is to the northeast at the center of an area containing seven circular dome-like hills. The average diameter of the hills is 25 km (15 miles) with maximum heights of 750 meters (2,475 feet). \p\pThree of the hills are visible in the center of the image. Fractures on the surrounding plains are both older and younger than the domes. The hills may be the result of viscous or thick eruptions of lava coming from a vent on the relatively level ground, allowing the lava to flow in an even lateral pattern. The concentric and radial fracture patterns on their surfaces suggests that a chilled outer layer formed, then further intrusion in the interior stretched the surface. An alternative interpretation is that domes are the result of shallow intrusions of molten lava causing the surface to rise. If they are intrusive, then magma withdrawal near the end of the eruptions produced the fractures. \p\pThe bright margins possibly indicate the presence of rock debris or talus at the slopes of the domes. Resolution of the Magellan data is about 120 meters (400 feet). \p\pMagellan's synthetic aperture radar is combined with radar altimetry to develop a three-dimensional map of the surface. A perspective view is then generated from the map. Simulated color and a process called radar-clinometry are used to enhance small-scale structures. The simulated hues are based on color images recorded by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft. \p\pThe image was produced by the JPL Multimission Image Processing Laboratory by Eric De Jong, Jeff Hall, Myche McAuley, and Randy Kirk of the United States Geological Survey, and is a single frame from the movie released at the May 29, 1991 Magellan news conference. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0162.jpg,,"Computer generated surface view of Maat Mons. The viewpoint is located 560 km (347 miles) north of Maat Mons at an elevation of 1.7 km (1 mile) above the terrain. Lava flows extend for hundreds of kilometers across the fractured plains shown in the foreground, to the base of Maat Mons. The view is to the south with Maat Mons appearing at the center of the image on the horizon. \p\pMaat Mons, an 8 km (5 mile) high volcano, is located at approximately 0.9 degrees north latitude, 194.5 degrees east longitude. \p\pMagellan synthetic aperture radar data is combined with radar altimetry to develop a three-dimensional map of the surface. Rays cast in a computer intersect the surface to create a three-dimensional perspective view. Simulated color and a digital elevation map are used to enhance small-scale structure. The simulated hues are based on color images recorded by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft. \p\pThe image was produced at the JPL Multimission Image Processing Laboratory. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0156.jpg,,"Ultraviolet image of Venus' clouds as seen by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (Feb. 26, 1979) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0163.jpg,,"False color image of Venus' clouds as seen by the SSI instrument on Galileo, taken on February 14th, 1990, from a distance of almost 1.7 million miles, about six days after Galileo's closest approach to the planet. \p\pIt has been colorized to a bluish hue to emphasize subtle contrasts in the cloud markings, and to indicate that it was taken through a violet filter. Features in the sulfuric acid clouds near the top of the planet's atmosphere are most prominent in violet and ultraviolet light. This image shows the east-to-west-trending cloud banding, and the brighter polar hoods familiar from past studies of Venus. The features are embedded in winds that flow from east to west at about 230 mph. \p\pThe smallest features visible are about 45 miles across. A filimentary dark pattern is seen immediately left of the bright region at the subsolar point (equatorial 'noon'). North is at the top and the evening terminator is to the left. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0164.jpg,,"False color image of Venus' clouds as imaged by the NIMS instrument on Galileo as it approached the planet February 10, 1990. Taken from an altitude of about 60,000 miles above the planet, at an infrared wavelength of 2.3 microns (about three times the longest wavelength visible to the human eye), the map shows the turbulent, cloudy middle atmosphere some 30-33 miles above the surface, 6-10 miles below the visible cloudtops. \p\pThe image shows the radiant heat from the lower atmosphere (about 400 degrees Fahrenheit) shining through the sulfuric acid clouds, which appear as much as ten times darker than the bright gaps between clouds. The colors indicate relative cloud transparency; white and red show thin cloud regions, while black and blue represent relatively thick clouds. This cloud layer is at about 170 degrees Fahrenheit, at about half Earth's atmospheric pressure. About two thirds of the dark hemisphere is visible, centered on longitude 350 West, with bright slivers of daylit high clouds visible at top and bottom left. \p\pNear the equator, the clouds appear fluffy and blocky; farther north, they are stretched out into East-West filiments by winds estimated at more than 150 mph, while the poles are capped by thick clouds at this altitude. The Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) on the Galileo spacecraft is a combined mapping (imaging) and spectral instrument. It can sense 408 wavelengths from 0.7 microns (deep red) to 5.2 microns, and can construct a map or image by mechanical scanning. It can spectroscopically analyze atmospheres and surfaces and construct thermal and chemical maps. \p\pDesigned and operated by scientists and engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NIMS involves 15 scientists in the U.S., England, and France. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0165.jpg,,"False color image of Venus' clouds as imaged by the NIMS instrument, obtained from the Galileo spacecraft as it approached the planet's night side on February 10, 1990. Bright slivers of sunlit high clouds are visible on the limb at top and bottom. The spacecraft is about 100,000 km (60,000 miles) above the planet. The image was constructed using an infrared wavelength of 2.3 microns (about three times the longest wavelength visible to the human eye).\p\pThe map shows the turbulent, cloudy middle atmosphere some 50 to 55 km (30 to 34 miles) above the surface, 10 to 16 km (6 to 10 miles) below the visible cloud tops. The red color represents the radiant heat from the lower atmosphere (about 400 degrees Fahrenheit) shining through the sulfuric acid clouds, which appear as much as 10 times darker than the bright gaps between clouds. This cloud layer is at about -30 degrees Fahrenheit, at about one half Earth's surface atmospheric pressure.\p\pNear the equator, the clouds appear fluffy and blocky; farther north, they are stretched out into east-west filiments by winds estimated at more than 70 meters per second (150 miles per hour), while the poles are capped by thick clouds at this altitude. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0166.jpg,,"Ultraviolet image of Venus' clouds as seen by HST's Wide-Field/Planetary Camera 2, taken on January 24 1995, when Venus was at a distance of 70.6 million miles (113.6 km) from Earth.\p\pVenus is covered with clouds made of sulfuric acid, rather than the water-vapor clouds found on Earth. These clouds permanently shroud Venus' volcanic surface, which has been radar mapped by spacecraft and from Earth-based telescopes.\p\pAt ultraviolet wavelengths cloud patterns become distinctive. In particular, a horizontal 'Y'-shaped cloud feature is visible near the equator. Similar features were seen from Mariner 10, Pioneer Venus, and Galileo spacecrafts. This global feature might indicate atmospheric waves, analogous to high and low pressure cells on Earth. Bright clouds toward Venus' poles appear to follow latitude lines.\p\pThe polar regions are bright, possibly showing a haze of small particles overlying the main clouds. The dark regions show the location of enhanced sulfur dioxide near the cloud tops. From previous missions, astronomers know that such features travel east to west along with the prevailing winds, to make a complete circuit around the planet in four days.\p\pBecause Venus is closer to the Sun than Earth, the planet appears to go through phases, like the Moon. When Venus swings close to Earth, the planet's disk appears to grow in size, but changes from a full disk to a crescent.\p\pThe image was taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera-2, in PC mode.\p\pCredit: L. Esposito (University of Colorado, Boulder), and NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0167.jpg,,"Hemispheric view of Venus \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0168.jpg,,"Five global views of Venus, composites of the complete radar image collection obtained by the Magellan mission. \p\pThe Magellan spacecraft was launched aboard space shuttle Atlantis in May 1989, and began mapping the surface of Venus in September 1990. The spacecraft continued to orbit Venus for four years, returning high-resolution images, altimetry, thermal emissions and gravity maps of 98 percent of the surface. \p\pMagellan spacecraft operations ended on October 12, 1994, when the radio contact was lost with the spacecraft during its controlled descent into the deeper portions of the Venusian atmosphere. \p\pThe surface of Venus is displayed in these five global views. The center image (A) is centered at Venus' north pole. The other four images are centered around the equator of Venus at (B) 0 degrees longitude, (C) 90 degrees east longitude, (D) 180 degrees and (E) 270 degrees east longitude. Magellan synthetic aperture radar mosaics are mapped onto a rectangular latitude-longitude grid to create this image. Data gaps are filled with Pioneer-Venus Orbiter altimetric data, or a constant mid-range value. \p\pSimulated color is used to enhance small-scale structure, based on color images recorded by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft. The bright region near the center in the polar view is Maxwell Montes, the highest mountain range on Venus. Ovda Regio is centered in the (C) 90 degrees east longitude view. Atla Regio is seen prominently in the (D) 180 east longitude view. \pThe scattered dark patches in this image are halos surrounding some of the younger impact craters. This global data set reveals a number of craters consistent with an average Venus surface age of 300 million to 500 million years. \p\pThe image was produced by the Solar System Visualization Project, and the Magellan science team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Multimission Image Processing Laboratory. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0148.jpg,,"Microwave emissivity map of Venus (Mercator projection) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Venus (astronomy)
#Venus (mythology)
nasa\nasa0005.jpg,,"Montage of 11 images from Galileo spacecraft passing asteroid Gaspra, October, 1991. Gaspra is 17 km (10 miles) long, 10 km (6 miles) wide. Gaspra spins counterclockwise every 7 hours. \p\p \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0006.jpg,,"Comparison of Gaspra with Mars' two moons, Phobos and Deimos - Gaspra (top), Deimos (lower left) and Phobos (lower right) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0009.jpg,,"Asteroid Ida and its moon, Dactyl \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0010.jpg,,"Asteroid Ida (reconstructed color) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0011.jpg,,"Montage of images of Ida.\p\pImages are arranged chronologically before closest approach (upper left), through upper right, middle left; middle right, lower left, and lower right (33 minutes before closest approach). \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0012.jpg,,"High-resolution image of the asteroid Ida \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0004.jpg,,"Montage of images of the asteroid Vesta. This is a NASA Hubble Space Telescope series of 24 images showing full rotation of 325-mile diameter (525 km) asteroid. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0002.jpg,,"Close-up of Ida's moon, Dactyl.\p\pThis is the most detailed picture of the recently discovered natural satellite. More than a dozen craters larger than 80 m (250 feet) in diameter are visible. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0003.jpg,,"Four radar images of asteroid Toutatis made during the object's recent close approach to Earth. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0013.jpg,0,"Comet C/Hale-Bopp as taken with the Hubble Space Telescope\p\pThese NASA Hubble Space Telescope pictures of comet Hale-Bopp show a remarkable 'pinwheel' pattern and a blob of free-flying debris near the nucleus. The bright clump of light along the spiral (above the nucleus, which is near the center of the frame) may be a piece of the comet's icy crust that was ejected into space by a combination of ice evaporation and the comet's rotation, and which then disintegrated into a bright cloud of particles. Although the 'blob' is about 3.5 times fainter than the brightest portion at the nucleus, the lump appears brighter because it covers a larger area. The debris follows a spiral pattern outward because the solid nucleus is rotating like a lawn sprinkler, completing a single rotation about once per week. Ground-based observations conducted over the past two months have documented at least two separate episodes of jet and pinwheel formation and fading. By coincidence, the first Hubble images of Hale-Bopp, taken on September 26, 1995, immediately followed one of these outbursts and allowed researchers to examine it at unprecedented detail. For the first time they see a clear separation between the nucleus and some of the debris being shed. By putting together information from the Hubble images and those taken during the recent outburst using the 82 cm telescope of the Teide Observatory (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain), astronomers find that the debris is moving away from the nucleus at a speed (projected on the sky) of about 68 miles per hour (109 km per hour). The Hubble observations will be used to determine if Hale-Bopp is really a giant comet or rather a more moderate-sized object whose current activity is driven by outgassing from a very volatile ice which will 'burn out' over the next year. \p\pComet Hale-Bopp was discovered on July 23, 1995 by amateur astronomers Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp. Though this comet is still well outside the orbit of Jupiter (almost 600 million miles, or one billion km from Earth) it looks surprisingly bright, fueling predictions that it could become the brightest comet of the century in early 1997. The full-field picture on the left, taken with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (in WF mode), shows the comet against a stellar backdrop in the constellation Sagittarius. The stars are streaked due to a combination of Hubble's orbital motion and its tracking of the nucleus, which is now falling toward the Sun at 33,800 miles per hour (54,000 km/hr). In the close-up picture on the right, the stars have been subtracted through image processing. Each picture element is nearly 300 miles (480 km) across at the comet's distance. \p\pIn this false color scale the faintest regions are black, the brightest regions are white, and intermediate intensities are represented by different levels of red. Even more detailed Hubble images will be taken with the Planetary Camera in late October to follow the further evolution of the spiral, look for more outbursts, place limits on the size of the nucleus, and use spectroscopy to study the enigmatic comet's chemical composition.\pCredit: H.A. Weaver (Applied Research Corp.), P.D. Feldman (The Johns Hopkins University), and NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0015.jpg,,"Comet P/Halley as taken March 8, 1986 by W. Liller, Easter Island, part of the International Halley Watch (IHW) Large Scale Phenomena Network \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0016.jpg,,"Comet Hyakutake as taken with the Hubble Space Telescope when the comet passed at a distance of 9.3 million miles (14.9 million km) from Earth (03/25/96).\p\pThese are NASA Hubble Space Telescope images of comet Hyakutake (designated C/1996 B2), taken at 8:30 P.M. EST on Monday, March 25 when the comet passed at a distance of only 9.3 million miles from Earth. \p\pUnlike most of the published images of Hyakutake, these Hubble images focus on a very small region near the heart of the comet, the icy, solid nucleus. The Hubble images provide an exceptionally clear view of the near-nucleus region of comet Hyakutake. \p\pThe images were taken through a red filter with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (in WF mode). The sunward and tailward directions are at approximately the 4 o'clock and 11 o'clock positions, respectively. Celestial North and East are at approximately the 5:30 and 2:30 positions, respectively. \p\pFull-field view [Left] \pThis image is 2070 miles across (3340 km) and shows that most of the dust is being produced on the sunward-facing hemisphere of the comet. Also at upper left are three small pieces which have broken off the comet and are forming there own tails. \p\pIcy regions on the nucleus are activated as they rotate into sunlight, ejecting large amounts of dust in the jets that are faintly visible in this image. Sunlight striking this dust eventually turns it around and 'blows' it into the tailward hemisphere. What might be another jet is emanating from the nightside of the nucleus, but this direction might be misleading due to the angle of the jet relative to our line-of-site. \p\pClose-up of nucleus [Bottom Right] \pThis expanded view of the near-nucleus region is only 470 miles (760 km) across. The nucleus is near the center of the frame, but the brightest area is probably the tip of the strongest dust jet rather than the nucleus itself. Presumably, the nucleus surface lies just below this bright jet. Further analysis may allow scientists to disentangle the nucleus from its atmosphere (coma); presently it's difficult to estimate the nucleus' size.\p\pClose-up of comet fragments [Top Right] \pThis image shows pieces of the nucleus that apparently broke off and were first detected during ground-based observations on March 24. The Hubble image shows at least three separate objects that are probably made up of coarse-grained dust. Large fragments of the nucleus would not be accelerated into the tail, which appears to be the case in this image. \p\pCredit: H. A. Weaver (Applied Research Corp.), HST Comet Hyakutake Observing Team, and NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0018.jpg,,"Shoemaker-Levy 9 as taken with the Wide-Field/Planetary Camera on HST \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0014.jpg,,"Comet P/Halley as taken with the Halley Multicolor Camera on the ESA mission Giotto \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0022.jpg,0,"The Earth rising over the Moon as seen by the Apollo 8 astronauts 12/22/68.\p\pThe rising Earth is about five degrees above the lunar horizon in this telephoto view taken from Apollo 8 near 110 degrees east longitude. The horizon, about 570 km (250 statute miles) from the spacecraft, is near the eastern limb of the Moon as viewed from Earth. On Earth, the sunset terminator crosses Africa. The south pole is in the white area, left end of terminator. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0020.jpg,,"Image of the Earth and Moon from Galileo.\p\pEight days after its encounter with Earth, the Galileo spacecraft was able to capture this view of the Moon in orbit, taken from about 6.2 million km (3.9 million miles), December 16. The Moon is moving from left to right. The image has been computer-enhanced.\p\pAntarctica is visible through clouds (bottom). The Moon's visible side shows the south-Pole/Aitken Basin, one of the largest and oldest lunar impact features, studied from Galileo in 1990. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0028.jpg,0,"Galileo image of Antarctica.\p\pThis picture of Antarctica is a mosaic of 40 images obtained by the Galileo spacecraft's camera using the red, green, and violet filters. When the images were taken several hours after Galileo's Earth flyby on December 8, 1990, the spacecraft was about 200,000 km (124,000 miles) from Earth.\p\pSurrounding the icy continent, the dark blue of three oceans may be seen: the Pacific to the lower right, the Indian to the upper right, and a small section of the Atlantic at the upper left. Nearly the entire continent was sunlit at the time, just two weeks before Antarctic midsummer. The South Pole is left of center; the arc of dark spots extending below there and to the right is the Transantarctic Mountain Range. To the right of the mountains is the vast Ross Ice Shelf and its sharp border with the dark waters of the Ross Sea, merging into the South Pacific. The faint blue line along the curved limb of Earth, at the bottom, marks our planet's atmosphere. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0029.jpg,,"View of the Mid-Pacific Ocean \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0030.jpg,,"View over the nominal position of New Zealand. (New Zealand, however, is not visible in the image as it is beneath the clouds.) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0031.jpg,,"View of Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0032.jpg,,"View of the Indian Ocean \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0033.jpg,,"View of Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0034.jpg,,"View of the South Atlantic Ocean \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0035.jpg,,"View of South America \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0024.jpg,,"View of Eastern Pacific Ocean (just off the coast of South America) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0025.jpg,,"View of Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0026.jpg,,"View of India and Saudi Arabia \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0023.jpg,,"View of Africa and Saudi Arabia from Apollo 17. \p\pProbably the most requested picture of the Earth, this picture was taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts as they left earth orbit en route to the Moon. Taken on Dec. 7, 1972, it was the first time that the trajectory of an Apollo mission enabled a view of the south pole. \p\pView of the Earth as seen by the Apollo 17 crew traveling toward the moon. This translunar coast photograph extends from the Mediterranean Sea area to the Antarctica south polar ice cap. This is the first time the Apollo trajectory made it possible to photograph the south polar ice cap. Note the heavy cloud cover in the southern hemisphere. Almost the entire coastline of Africa is clearly visible. The Arabian Peninsula can be seen at the northeastern edge of Africa. The large island off the coast of Africa is the Malagasy Republic. The Asian mainland is on the horizon toward the northeast. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0027.jpg,,"View of Lake Victoria \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0058.jpg,0,"Infrared and visible images of Jupiter. The left image was recorded by Dr Richard Terrile, January 10, 1979, with the 200 inch Hale telescope at Palomar Mountain, California, using an infrared detector. Photo at right was taken January 10, 1979, by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0060.jpg,0,"Three-color filter image of Jupiter's best known feature, the Great Red Spot, obtained by Voyager 1 on February 25, 1979, 5.7 million miles (9.2 million km) from Jupiter. Cloud details as small as 100 miles (160 km) across are visible. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0061.jpg,0,"False-color image of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, computer enhanced to show subtle variations in color and shading. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0062.jpg,0,"This false-color image of Jupiter's Great Red Spot, taken from Voyager 1, shows a white oval with its 'wake' of counter-rotating vortices. North is at the top. The distance from top to bottom is about 24,000 km. \p\pNote the 'reverse-S' spirals inside both the GRS and the oval. The large white feature north of the GRS was observed to revolve around the GRS center every 6 days. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0044.jpg,0,"Mosaic of Jupiter's Great Red Spot taken by Galileo's SSI camera through three different near-infrared filters taken over a period of 6 minutes on June 26, 1996. \p\pThe Great Red Spot appears pink and the surrounding region blue due to color coding used. The red channel reflects Jupiter at a wavelength where methane strongly absorbs (889nm). Only high clouds reflect sunlight in this wavelength. The green channel reflects in a wavelength where methane absorbs, but less strongly (727nm). Lower clouds reflect sunlight in this wavelength. The blue channel reflects in a wavelength where there are no absorbers in the Jovian atmosphere (756nm), showing light reflected from the deepest clouds. \p\pThe deepest clouds are in the collar surrounding the Great Red Spot, and also northwest of the high (bright) cloud, northwest of image. Preliminary modelling shows these cloud heights to range about 50km in altitude.\p\pThe Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0045.jpg,0,"Color mosaic of Jupiter's Great Red Spot taken by Galileo's SSI camera, June 26, 1996. Galileo imaging system captures more than what the human eye can see. To simulate red, blue and green as our eyes see it, near-infrared and violet filters were used.\p\pThe result is an image similar in color to that seen looking through a telescope at Jupiter, but the detail is approximately 100 times finer.\p\pThe Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0046.jpg,0,"Three-color filter image of Jupiter's satellite, Callisto.\p\pThis picture of Callisto was taken by Voyager 2 from a distance of 2,318,000 km (1,438,000 miles). Callisto is covered with bright spots which are meteorite impact craters ù a fact orginally discovered from the high resolution pictures taken by Voyager 1 last March. Scientists believe that heavily cratered terrains like these on Callisto are indicative of ancient planetary surfaces.\p\p \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0054.jpg,0,"Images of Io (taken by HST) showing surface feature changes.\p\pThis NASA Hubble Space Telescope pair of images of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io shows the surprising emergence of a 200-mile diameter large yellowish-white feature near the center of the moon's disk (photo on the right). This is a more dramatic change in 16 months than any seen over the previous 15 years, say researchers. They suggest the spot may be a new class of transient feature on the moon. \p\pFor comparison the photo on the left was taken in March 1994 ù before the spot emerged ù and shows that Io's surface had undergone only subtle changes since it was last seen close-up by the Voyager 2 probe in 1979. The new spot seen in the July 1995 Hubble image replaces a smaller whitish spot seen in about the same place in the March 1994 image. Note the much more subtle changes seen elsewhere on this face of Io over the 16 months between the images. \p\pEach image is a composite of frames taken at near-ultraviolet, violet, and yellow wavelengths, with Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2. 'The new spot surrounds the volcano Ra Patera, which was photographed by Voyager, and is probably composed of material, probably frozen gas, ejected from Ra Patera by a large volcanic explosion or fresh lava flows...,' according to John Spencer of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. The new bright spot is also unusual because it is much yellower than other bright regions of Io, which are whitish in color. The unusual color may result from the freshness of the deposit and will probably provide clues as to the composition of new volcanic materials on Io. The temperature on Io's surface is about -150 degrees Celsius (-238 degrees Fahrenheit); however, 'hot spots' associated with volcanic activity may be as warm as 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit). \p\pFollow-up observations by Hubble, in coordination with the Galileo spacecraft, scheduled to arrive at Jupiter and fly by Io in December 1995, will reveal the evolution and lifetime of the new feature. Galileo will be able to see much greater detail on Io in visible light, but will still rely on information gleaned from Hubble UV observations and Hubble observations taken at times when Galileo cannot observe Io. These further observations should also tell whether astronomers have witnessed, for the first time, one of the processes which creates the bright regions on Io.\p\pThe research team: J.R. Spencer (Lowell Observatory); A.S. McEwen (U.S. Geological Survey); D.B. Nash (San Juan Capostrano Research Inst.); M.A. McGrath (STScI); J.T. Clarke, G.E. Ballester (U. Michigan); P. Sartoretti (NOAO); J.T. Trauger (JPL).\p\pCredit: J. Spencer (Lowell Observatory), and NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0056.jpg,0,"Three-color filter image of the Jupiter's innermost satellite, Amalthea.\p\pTiny, red Amalthea, Jupiter's innermost satellite, whizzes around the planet every 12 hours, only 1.55 Jupiter radii from the cloud tops. In this view taken from a range of 255,000 miles (425,000 km) on March 4 by Voyager 1, the satellite appears about 80 miles (130 km) high by 100 miles (170 km) wide. Since the phase angle is 29 1/4, part of the longer dimension is not illuminated. The terminator is on the right, north is at the top, Jupiter is to the left. \p\pThe reflectivity of the surface is less than 10%, making Amalthea much darker than the Galilean satellites. Amalthea's irregular shape probably results from a long history of impact cratering. Some of the indentations near the bottom and at upper right may be marginally resolved craters. The effective resolution of this image is about 5 miles (8 km). An important question is whether the red color is characteristic of the bulk of Amalthea, or whether, as is more likely, it results from a coating or alteration of the surface material. \p\pThis irregular satellite probably keeps its long axis pointed toward Jupiter in its motions around the planet so that the spin period around its own axis equals its period of revolution around Jupiter (12 hours). Unlike the four large Galilean satellites which have been known since 1610, Amalthea was discovered as recently as 1892, by the American astronomer Edmund Emerson Barnard at Lick Observatory. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0036.jpg,0,"Montage of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.\p\pJupiter and its four planet-size moons, called the Galilean satellites, were photographed by Voyager 1 and assembled into this collage. They are not to scale but are in their relative positions. Startling new discoveries on the Galilean moons and the planet Jupiter made by Voyager 1 have been factored into a new mission design for Voyager 2. \p\pReddish Io (upper left) is nearest Jupiter; then Europa (center); Ganymede and Callisto (lower right). Nine other much smaller satellites circle Jupiter, one inside Io's orbit and the others millions of miles from the planet. Not visible is Jupiter's faint ring of particles, seen for the first time by Voyager 1. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0047.jpg,,"Three-color filter image of Jupiter and Ganymede.\p\pVoyager 1 took this photo of the planet Jupiter on Jan. 24, while still more than 25 million miles (40 million km) away. As the spacecraft draws closer to the planet (about 1 million km a day) more details are emerging in the turbulent clouds. The Great Red Spot shows prominently below center, surrounded by what scientists call a remarkably complex region of the giant planet's atmosphere. \p\pAn elongated yellow cloud within the Great Red Spot is swirling around the spot's interior boundary in a counterclockwise direction with a period of a little less than six days, confirming the whirlpool-like circulation that astronomers have suspected from ground-based photographs. Ganymede, Jupiter's largest satellite, can be seen to the lower left of the planet. Ganymede is a planet-sized body larger than Mercury. This color photo was assembled at Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Image Processing Lab from three black and white images taken through filters. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0057.jpg,,"Three-color filter image of Jupiter and Io.\p\pThis picture of Jupiter was taken by Voyager 2 on June 10, 1979 from a distance of 24 million km. On top of Jupiter's brightly colored cloud patterns is the shadow of Ganymede, the largest of the Jovian satellites. Io, the innermost of the large satellites is visible to the right of Jupiter. \p\pThis satellite has been found to be the most volcanically active body so far discovered in the solar system. Plumes of volcanic material erupting as high as 280 km above the surface have been found. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0059.jpg,,"Image of Jupiter taken by HST.\p\pNASA's Hubble Space Telescope is following dramatic and rapid changes in Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere that will be critical for targeting observations made by the Galileo space probe when it arrives at the giant planet later this year.\p\pThis Hubble image provides a detailed look at a unique cluster of three white oval-shaped storms that lie southwest (below and to the left) of Jupiter's Great Red Spot. The appearance of the clouds, as imaged on February 13, 1995 is considerably different from their appearance only seven months earlier. Hubble shows these features moving closer together as the Great Red Spot is carried westward by the prevailing winds while the white ovals are swept eastward. (This change in appearance is not an effect of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's collision with Jupiter.)\p\pThe outer two of the white storms formed in the late 1930s. In the centers of these cloud systems the air is rising, carrying fresh ammonia gas upward. New, white ice crystals form when the upwelling gas freezes as it reaches the chilly cloud top level where temperatures are -200 degrees Fahrenheit (-130 degrees Centigrade).\p\pThe intervening white storm center, the ropy structure to the left of the ovals, and the small brown spot have formed in low pressure cells. The white clouds sit above locations where gas is descending to lower, warmer regions. The extent of melting of the white ice exposes varied amounts of Jupiter's ubiquitous brown haze. The stronger the down flow, the less ice, and the browner the region.\p\pA scheduled series of Hubble observations will help target regions of interest for detailed scrutiny by the Galileo spacecraft, which will arrive at Jupiter in early December 1995. Hubble will provide a global view of Jupiter while Galileo will obtain close-up images of structure of the clouds that make up the large storm systems such as the Great Red Spot and white ovals that are seen in this picture.\p\pThis color picture is assembled from a series of images taken by the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, in planetary camera mode, when Jupiter was at a distance of 519 million miles (961 million kilometers) from Earth. These images are part of a set of data obtained by a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) team headed by Reta Beebe of New Mexico State University.\p\pCredit: Reta Beebe, Amy Simon (New Mexico State Univ.), and NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0063.jpg,,"Mosaic of the Great Red Spot taken by Galileo.\p\pThis view of Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a mosaic of two images taken by the Galileo spacecraft. The image was created using two filters, violet and near-infrared, at each of two camera positions. The Great Red Spot is a storm in Jupiter's atmosphere and is at least 300 years old. Winds blow counterclockwise around the Great Red Spot at about 400 km per hour (250 miles per hour). \p\pThe size of the storm is more than one Earth diameter (13,000 km or 8,000 miles) in the north-south direction and more than two Earth diameters in the east-west direction. In this oblique view, where the Great Red Spot is shown on the planet's limb, it appears longer in the north-south direction. The image was taken on June 26, 1996. The Galileo mission is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0048.jpg,,"Close-up image of Jupiter's satellite, Callisto.\p\pThis picture of Callisto was taken by Voyager 1 Tuesday, March 6, during its approach to Jupiter's outer large satellite. The spacecraft was 350,000 km from Callisto at the time and shows features about 7 km across on the surface. Callisto is a little smaller than Ganymede (about the size of the planet Mercury) and is apparently composed of a mixture of ice and rock. \p\pThe darker color of Callisto (about half as reflective as Ganymede but still twice as bright as the Moon) suggests that its upper surface is 'dirty ice' or water-rich rock frozen at Callisto's cold surface (approximately 120 degrees K or -243 degrees F at the equator). Callisto shows far more craters on its surface than Ganymede, leading scientists to believe that its surface is the oldest observed so far in the Galilean system, possibly dating back to final accretional stages of planet formation 4-4.5 billion years ago. \p\pThe prominent bullseye type feature in this picture is believed to be a large impact basin, similar to Mare Oriental on the Moon and the Caloris Basin on Mercury. The brighter circular spot is about 600 km across. The outer ring is about 2600 km across. This is the first recognized basin in the Jovian system and supports the concept of an old surface for Callisto. The lack of relief (high ridges, ring mountains, or a large central depression) suggests that the impacting body may have come close to penetrating Callisto's crust. \p\pThe differences in appearance of this basin compared with those of the inner solar system may result from fracturing of Callisto's crust. The lack of obvious basins on the side of Ganymede observed by Voyager 1 and smaller number of craters on Ganymede's surface suggest to scientists that Callisto may have a thicker crust than Ganymede. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0049.jpg,,"Three-color filter image of Jupiter's largest satellite, Ganymede.\p\pThis picture was taken on March 4, 1979 at 2:30 A.M. PST by Voyager 1 from a distance of 2.6 million km (1.6 million miles). Ganymede is Jupiter's largest satellite with a radius of about 2,600 km, about 1.5 times that of our Moon. Ganymede has a bulk density of only approximately 2.0 g/cc or almost half that of the Moon. Therefore, Ganymede is probably composed of a mixture of rock and ice. \p\pThe features here, the large dark regions, in the northeast quadrant, and the white spots, resemble features found on the Moon, mare and impact craters respectively. The long white filaments resemble rays associated with impacts on the lunar surface. The various colors of different regions probably represent differing surface materials. There are several dots on the picture of single color (blue, green, and orange) which are the result of markings on the camera used for pointing determinations and are not physical markings. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0050.jpg,,"Three-color filter image of the smallest Galilean satellite, Europa.\p\pThis picture of Europa, the smallest Galilean satellite, was taken in the afternoon of March 4, 1979, from a distance of about 2 million km (1.2 million miles) by Voyager 1. This face of Europa is centered at about the 300 degree meridian. The bright areas are probably ice deposits while the darkened areas may be the rocky surface or areas with a more patchy distribution of ice. \p\pThe most unusual features are the systems of long linear structures which cross the surface in various directions. Some of these linear structures are over a thousand km long and about 2 or 3 hundred km wide. They may be fractures or faults which have disrupted the surface. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0051.jpg,,"Close-up image of Europa.\p\pThis color image of the Jovian moon Europa was acquired by Voyager 2 during its close encounter on Monday morning, July 9. Europa, the size of our moon, is thought to have a crust of ice perhaps 100 km thick which overlies the silicate crust. The complex array of streaks indicate that the crust has been fractured and filled by materials from the interior. \p\pThe lack of visible relief on its bright limb is consistent with a thick crust. In contrast to its icy neighbors, Ganymede and Callisto, Europa has very few impact craters. One possible candidate is the small feature near the center of this image with radiating rays and a bright circular interior. The relative absence of features and low topography suggests the crust is young and warm a few km below the surface. The tidal heating process suggested for Io also may be heating Europa's interior at a lower rate. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0053.jpg,,"Close-up image of Io.\p\pThis picture of Io, the innermost Galilean satellite, was taken by Voyager 1 on the morning of March 5, 1979 at a range of 377,000 km (226,200 miles). The smallest features visible are about 10 km (6 miles) across. The reddish, white and black areas are probably surface deposits, possibly consisting of mixtures of salts, sulfur and sublimate deposits of possible volcanic origin. Many of the black spots in these pictures are associated with craters of possible volcanic origin.\p\p The lack of impact craters on Io suggests that the surface is relatively young compared to the other Galilean satellites and some of the terrestrial planets such as Mercury and the Moon. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0055.jpg,,"Montage of images of the Galilean satellites (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto) taken by HST.\p\pThis is a Hubble Space Telescope 'family portrait' of the four largest moons of Jupiter, first observed by the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei nearly four centuries ago. Located approximately one-half billion miles away, the moons are so small that, in visible light, they appear as fuzzy disks in the largest ground-based telescopes.\p\p Hubble can resolve surface details seen previously only by the Voyager spacecraft in the early 1980s. While the Voyagers provided close-up snapshots of the satellites, Hubble can now follow changes on the moons and reveal other characteristics at ultraviolet and near-infrared wavelengths.\p\pOver the past year Hubble has charted new volcanic activity on Io's active surface, found a faint oxygen atmosphere on the moon Europa, and identified ozone on the surface of Ganymede. Hubble ultraviolet observations of Callisto show the presence of fresh ice on the surface that may indicate impacts from micrometeorites and charged particles from Jupiter's magnetosphere.\p\pHubble observations will play a complementary role when the Galileo spacecraft arrives at Jupiter in December of this year.\p\pCredit: K. Noll (STScI), J. Spencer (Lowell Observatory), and NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Jupiter (mythology) or Iuppiter
nasa\nasa0094.jpg,0,"Topographic map of Mars (Sinusoidal projection) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0065.jpg,0,"Mosaic of Olympus Mons \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0083.jpg,0,"View of the Martian surface (Viking 1).\p\pThis image was acquired at the Viking Lander 1 site, but with camera number 2. There were two cameras on each of the two Viking Landers, so stereo imagery could be acquired for a portion of each of the sites. Thus, three-dimensional products, such as topographic maps, could be constructed.\p\pThis scene shows a rocky field. In the foreground activity from the sampler arm is evident in the trenched and disturbed surface. Patches of drift material and possibly bedrock are visible further from the Lander. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0084.jpg,0,"View of the Martian surface (Viking 2).\p\pThis image was acquired at the Viking Lander 2 site with camera number 1. Some parts of the Lander are visible in the foreground and to the left and right. The angular rock, also visible in the fourth image, is visible to the far right in this frame. This image illustrates that the drifts at this landing site are generally smaller than those at Lander 1, while blocks at the Lander 2 site are, in general, larger and more abundant.\p\pThe high resolution images used to make this image were processed to remove distortion introduced by the special electronic cameras on board the Landers. The sky has also been smoothed so as to appear more natural. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0085.jpg,0,"Another view of the Martian surface (Viking 2).\p\pThis image was acquired at the Viking Lander 2 site with camera number 2. The rounded rock in the center foreground is about 20 centimeters wide. The angular rock to the right and further back than the rounded rock is about 1.5 meters across. The dark facet on the upper right edge of the angular rock has a color similar to basalts on Earth. \p\pThere are two trenches that were dug in the regolith to the right of the rounded rock, as well as one behind and slightly to the left. The gently sloping troughs between the artificial trenches and the angular rock which cut from the middle left to the lower right corner of the picture are natural surface features. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0064.jpg,0,"Visible in the center of this mosaic of Mars is the largest known chasm, Valles Marinaris.\p\pThis mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars is projected into point perspective, a view similar to that which one would see from a spacecraft. The viewer's distance is 2,500 km from the surface of the planet. The mosaic is composed of 102 Viking Orbiter images of Mars. The center of the scene (lat -7, lon 78) shows the entire Valles Marineris canyon system, over 3,000 km long and up to 8 kilometers deep, extending from Noctis Labyrinthus, the arcuate system of graben to the west, to the chaotic terrain to the east.\p\p Many huge ancient river channels begin from the chaotic terrain and north-central canyons and run north. Many of the channels flowed into a basin called Acidalia Planitia, which is the dark area in the extreme north of this picture. The three Tharsis volcanoes (dark red spots), each about 25 km high, are visible to the west. South of Valles Marineris is very ancient terrain covered by many impact craters.\p\pImage Processing by Jody Swann/Tammy Becker/Alfred McEwen, using the PICS (Planetary Image Cartography System) image processing system developed at the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0080.jpg,,"Another mosaic of Mars, Cerberus region, similar to view that you would see from a spacecraft, 2,000 km above the surface of the planet. The mosaic is composed of 104 Viking Orbiter images, taken February 11, 1980 during orbit 1,323 of Viking Orbiter 1. At that time, it was early northern summer on Mars (aerocentric solar longitude 65 degrees) and the sub-solar declination was 22.6 degrees N. Centre of image is at latitude 12 degrees and longitude 190 degrees. Thin white clouds are dispersed over the northern hemisphere. \p\pFor the GIF formatted files, color variations were enhanced by a factor of two.\p\pThe large dark area, (centre-left) is known as Cerberus. The Elysium volcanic construct shows as a bright yellow area north of Cerberus. To the right of the center is the crater Tettit, with its peculiar dark 'tail' extending to the southwest. The arcuate markings, upper right, are in the south-west Amazonis plains and are thought to be extended sand drifts. The three bright spots north of Cerberus, upper left of image, are volcanoes partially veiled by thin clouds.\p\pImage Processing by Jody Swann/Tammy Becker/Alfred McEwen, using the PICS (Planetary Image Cartography System) image processing system developed at the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0089.jpg,,"Mosaic of Mars showing the Syrtis Major region, 2,000 km above the surface of the planet. This mosaic is composed of about 100 red and violet filter Viking Orbiter images, taken in 1980 during early northern summer on Mars. The center of this image is near latitude -1.0, longitude 306. \p\pThe large bright colored area, upper left of the image, is known as Arabia. The dark area to the right of Arabia, called Syrtis Major Planus, is a low-relief volcanic shield of probable basaltic composition. Bright white areas to the south, including the Hellas impact basin at extreme lower right, are covered by carbon dioxide frost. Regions to the west and south of Syrtis Major are heavily cratered and relatively old. The dark feature around the western horizon is known as Sinus Sabaeus.\p\pImage Processing by Jody Swann/Tammy Becker/Alfred McEwen, using the PICS (Planetary Image Cartography System) image processing system developed at the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0090.jpg,,"Valles Marinaris region, taken with Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. The 16 mile-high volcano Ascraeus Mons pokes through the cloud on the western (left) limb of the planet. Other geologic features include (lower left) Valles Marineris; an immense rift valley the length of the continental United States. Near the image center lies the Chryse basin, made up of cratered and chaotic terrain. The oval-looking Argyre impact basin (bottom) appears white due to clouds or frost.\p\pCredit: Philip James (University of Toledo), Steven Lee (University of Colorado), NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0091.jpg,,"Tharsis region (centered on roughly 160 degrees longitude), taken with Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2.\p\pA crescent-shaped cloud right of center identifies the shield volcano Olympus Mons, which is 340 miles (550 km) across its base. Further east (right), a line of clouds forms over a row of three extinct volcanoes which are from north to south: Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Arsia Mons.The clouds are part of an unusual, recurring 'W'-shaped cloud formation that once mystified ground-based observers.\p\pCredit: Philip James (University of Toledo), Steven Lee (University of Colorado), NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0092.jpg,,"Syrtis Major region (centered on roughly 270 degrees longitude)\p\pThe dark 'shark fin' feature left of center is Syrtis Major. Below it is the giant impact basin Hellas. Clouds cover several great volcanoes in the Elysium region near the eastern (right) limb. As clearly seen in the Hubble images, past dust storms in Mars' southern hemisphere have scoured the plains of fine light dust and transported the dust northward. This leaves behind a relatively coarser, and less reflective sand in, predominantly, the southern hemisphere.\p\pThe pictures were taken with Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2.\p\pCredit: Philip James (University of Toledo), Steven Lee (University of Colorado), NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0095.jpg,,"Mosaic showing the southern polar cap of Mars \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0066.jpg,0,"Close-up mosaic of Olympus Mons' caldera \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0067.jpg,0,"Mariner 9 image of the 'Inca City'.\p\pDuring the Mariner 9 mission, scientists found an unusual rectilinear structure associated with the south polar pitted terrain which they dubbed the 'Inca City'. Located near -80 degrees latitude and 64 degrees longitude, it is likely the result of wind deflation of deposits from underlying rough terrain. The 'cells' in the image are about 4-5 km in width. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0072.jpg,,"Raw image of Cydonia Mensae region that contains the feature commonly known as the 'face'. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0073.jpg,,"Processed image of Cydonia Mensae region that contains the feature commonly known as the 'face' (top left). \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0086.jpg,0,"Mars' largest satellite, Phobos.\p\pThis image is a montage of three separate images taken by Viking 1 during one of its flybys of Phobos. The montage was created by Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II (NSSDC/Hughes STX Corp.). The images were separately contrast-enhanced and then montaged with Adobe Photoshop (tm). The images were taken from ranges between 613 and 633 km on 19 October 1978. The large crater (mostly in darkness) on the upper left of the image is the crater Stickney. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mars (mythology)
#Mars Observer project
#Mars programme
nasa\nasa0109.jpg,0,"False-color image of the Mare Tranquillitatis and Mare Serenitatis regions on the Moon.\p\pThis false-color image of part of the Moon was constructed from four images taken by Galileo's imaging system as the spacecraft flew past the Moon on December 7, 1992. The images were processed to exaggerate the colors of the lunar surface for analytical purposes. \p\pTitanium-rich soils, typical of the Apollo 11 landing site, appear blue, as seen in Mare Tranquillitatis, left side; soils lower in titanium appear orange, as seen in Mare Serenitatis, lower right. Dark purple patches, left center, mark the Apollo 17 landing site and are ancient explosive volcanic deposits. Most of the lunar hiqhlands appear red, indicating their low titanium and iron content.\p\pThe Galileo project, whose primary mission is the exploration of the Jupiter system in 1995-97, is managed for NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0110.jpg,0,"False-color image of the Moon.\p\pThe image shown here is a three-filter false-color image produced from Galileo Solid State Imager (SSI) data. It was created by Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II (NSSDC/Hughes STX Corp.). It was produced by combining colorized versions of the green, red, and infrared (9680 nm) filters of the SSI. \p\pThe green filter was colorized as blue, the red filter as green, and the IR filter as red and the resulting images combined. The software used to colorize and blend the individual images together was Color It!(tm). \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0111.jpg,0,"Star tracker mosaic.\p\pThese images of the Moon are a selection of images taken by the Clementine spacecraft. This image is a mosaic of the near side of the moon as taken by the star trackers. The images were taken on March 15, 1994. In this view, north is up. The bright crater near the bottom of the image is Tycho. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0114.jpg,0,"Ultraviolet/Visible (UV/Vis) imager.\p\pThis Clementine image is a 'sample' image taken by one of the four imaging experiments on-board the spacecraft. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0107.jpg,0,"Three-filter color image of the Moon.\p\pThis color image of the Moon was taken by the Galileo spacecraft at 9:35 a.m. PST Dec. 9, 1990, at a range of about 350,000 miles. The color composite uses monochrome images taken through violet, red, and near-infrared filters. The concentric, circular Orientale basin, 600 miles across, is near the center; the near side is to the right, the far side to the left. \p\pAt the upper right is the large, dark Oceanus Procellarum; below it is the smaller Mare Humorum. These, like the small dark Mare Orientale in the center of the basin, formed over 3 billion years ago as basaltic lava flows. At the lower left, among the southern cratered highlands of the far side, is the South-Pole-Aitken basin, similar to Orientale but twice as great in diameter and much older and more degraded by cratering and weathering. The cratered highlands of the near and far sides and the Maria are covered with scattered bright, young ray craters. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0108.jpg,,"False-color image of the Moon.\p\pThis false-color mosaic was constructed from a series of 53 images taken through three spectral filters by Galileo's imaging system as the spacecraft flew over the northern regions of the Moon on December 7, 1992. The part of the Moon visible from Earth is on the left side in this view. The color mosaic shows compositional variations in parts of the Moon's northern hemisphere. \p\pBright pinkish areas are highlands materials, such as those surrounding the oval lava-filled Crisium impact basin toward the bottom of the picture. Blue to orange shades indicate volcanic lava flows. To the left of Crisium, the dark blue Mare Tranquillitatis is richer in titanium than the green and orange maria above it. \p\pThin mineral-rich soils associated with relatively recent impacts are represented by light blue colors; the youngest craters have prominent blue rays extending from them. The Galileo project, whose primary mission is the exploration of the Jupiter system in 1995-97, is managed for NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0112.jpg,,"Mosaic of the center of Tycho.\p\pThis image of the Moon is a mosaic taken by the Clementine spacecraft on March 15, 1994. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0113.jpg,,"Color ratio image of Tycho.\p\pThis image of the Moon is a mosaic taken by the Clementine spacecraft on March 15, 1994. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0103.jpg,,"Long-Wavelength Infrared (LWIR) imager.\p\pThis Clementine image is a 'sample' image taken by one of the four imaging experiments on-board the spacecraft. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0105.jpg,,"High-resolution (HIRES) image, taken from the Clementine by one of the four imaging experiments on-board the spacecraft. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0106.jpg,,"Image taken by the star trackers. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0127.jpg,0,"Montage of Saturn and several of its satellites - Dione, Tethys, Mimas, Enceladus, Rhea, and Titan, from images taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft during its Saturn encounter in November 1980. \p\pThis artist's view shows Dione in the forefront, Saturn rising behind, Tethys and Mimas fading in the distance to the right, Enceladus and Rhea off Saturn's rings to the left, and Titan in its distant orbit at the top. \p\pThe Voyager Project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0133.jpg,,"View of Saturn, taken by Voyager 2, July 21, 1981, 33.9 million km (21 million miles) from the planet. Two bright, presumably convective cloud patterns are visible in the mid-northern hemisphere, and several dark spoke-like features are visible in the broad B-ring (left of planet). The moons Rhea and Dione appear as blue dots to the south and southeast of Saturn, respectively. \p\pVoyager 2 made its closest approach to Saturn on August 25, 1981. The Voyager project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0134.jpg,,"Hubble Space Telescope image of a storm on Saturn, appearing as a white arrowhead-shaped feature near the planet's equator. The storm is generated by an upwelling of warmer air, similar to a terrestrial thunderhead. The east-west extent of this storm is equal to the diameter of the Earth (about 7,900 miles). This image shows that the storm's motion and size have changed little since its discovery in September, 1994.\p\pThe storm was imaged with Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) in the wide field mode on December 1, 1994, when Saturn was 904 million miles from the Earth. The picture is a composite of images taken through different colour filters within a 6-minute interval to create a 'true-colour' rendition of the planet. The blue fringe on the right limb of the planet is an artifact of image processing used to compensate for the rotation of the planet between exposures.\p\pThe Hubble images are sharp enough to reveal that Saturn's prevailing winds shape a dark 'wedge' that eats into the western (left) side of the bright central cloud. The planet's strongest eastward winds (clocked at 1,000 miles per hour from analysis of Voyager spacecraft images taken in 1980-81) are at the latitude of the wedge.\p\pTo the north of this arrowhead-shaped feature, the winds decrease so that the storm center is moving eastward relative to the local flow. The clouds expanding north of the storm are swept westward by the winds at higher latitudes. The strong winds near the latitude of the dark wedge blow over the northern part of the storm, create a secondary disturbance that generates the faint white clouds to the east (right) of the storm center.\p\pThe storm's clouds are ammonia ice crystals, that form when an upward flow of warmer gases moves its way through Saturn's frigid cloud tops.\p\pHubble observed a similar, though larger, storm in September 1990, which was one of three major Saturn storms seen over the past two centuries. Although these events were separated by about 57 years (approximately 2 Saturnian years) there is yet no explanation why they apparently follow a cycle - occurring when it is summer in Saturn's northern hemisphere.\p\pCredit: Reta Beebe (New Mexico State University), D. Gilmore, L. Bergeron (STScI), and NASA \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0135.jpg,,"False-color view of Saturn and its rings, taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft on October 18, 1980. It has been color-enhanced to increase the visibility of large, bright features in Saturn's North Temperate Belt. It is believed that these spots might closely resemble gigantic convective storms (similar to, but much larger than thunderstorms in Earth's atmosphere), with upwelling from deep within Saturn's atmosphere. \p\pThe nature of the dark spots like the one visible on the northern edge of the belt is not yet clearly understood, though they seem to resemble equally mysterious features seen on Jupiter. The largest violet-colored cloud belt (its true color is brownish), is Saturn's North Equatorial Belt. The distinct colour difference between this and other belts and zones may be due to a thicker haze layer, covering the northern portion of the belt. \p\pThe Southern Hemisphere of the planet (below the rings), appears bluer than the Northern Hemisphere because of the increased scattering of sunlight upon that area due to the spacecraft's point-of-view. \p\pNumerous gaps and divisions in the rings are becoming more apparent as Voyager 1 approaches Saturn. The newly discovered dark radial features in the rings, are shown faintly on the lower right portion of the rings. Three separate Voyager images taken through ultraviolet, green and violet filters were used to construct this blue, green and red color composite of Saturn. The lower edge of the rings were 'clipped' due to a slight drift of the spacecraft. Color spots in the rings are an artifact of image processing. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0130.jpg,,"Black and white images of some smaller satellites of Saturn as photographed by Voyager 2. These irregularly shaped bodies have been highly cratered by the impact of cosmic debris. \p\pThe irregularity is probably due to fracturing by large impacts, and is sustained by the rigidity of the bodies. The lighting angles and ranges here are different for each satellite; thus, true relative sizes are not shown. These objects range from about ten to several hundred km across. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0132.jpg,,"Synthesized image of Saturn's F-ring, illustrating the brightness contours that represent the fine structure of the ring. Image created using a stellar occultation profile compiled by the Voyager 2 photopolarimeter. \p\pBecause of the instrument's high sensitivity and the small apparent size of the star used, Delta Scorpii, structure was observed on a much finer scale - hundreds of meters - than would otherwise be possible. The highest-resolution of the Voyager imaging system is seldom better than 10 km. \p\pA great deal of radial structure at the subkilometer scale, is evident in this image. The azimuthal symmetry and lack of kinks or knots here are only artifacts of the representation, which takes a single narrow slice of the rings. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0136.jpg,,"Image of Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, taken from Voyager 2, at a range of 4.5 million km (2.7 million miles). Separate violet, blue and green frames where combined to make this photograph, in which cloud features of diameters greater than 85 km (50 mi) are visible. \p\pSeen here are the bright southern hemisphere and the dark north polar region. At this resolution, Titan appears to be completely shrouded by a thick atmosphere; visible features consist of cloud bands parallel to the equator. There is the suggestion of a northern hemisphere feature diagonal to the equator, but this is the result of a loss of data in one of the images used to compose this photograph. The Voyager Project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0137.jpg,,"Hubble Space Telescope images of Titan's surface.\p\pFour global projections of the HST Titan data, separated in longitude by 90 degrees. Upper left: hemisphere facing Saturn. Upper right: leading hemisphere (brightest region). Lower left: the hemisphere which never faces Saturn. Lower right: trailing hemisphere. \p\pThese assignments assume that the rotation is synchronous. The imaging team says its data strongly support this assumption - a longer time baseline is needed for proof. The surface near the poles is never visible to an observer in Titan's equatorial plane, because of the large optical path. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0138.jpg,,"Image of Saturn's satellite, Rhea, computer enhanced to show color and brightness variations. Image taken by Voyager 1 on November 12, 1980, at a distance of 1.3 million km (808,000 miles). \p\pRhea's surface is composed mostly of ice. Of particular interest to Voyager scientists are the bright streaks seen crossing Rhea's face. Scientists believe the streaks may be caused by fresh ice ejected from beneath the satellite's surface. Voyager 1 made its closest approach to Saturn November 12, 1980, and is now en route out of the solar system. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0139.jpg,,"Image of Saturn's satellite, Dione, taken by NASA's Voyager 1 on November 12, 1980 from a distance of 695,000 km (417,000 miles). Higher resolution views of Dione taken by Voyager 1, show some of the white streaks to be grooves that may be the result of fracturing in the satellite's surface. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0140.jpg,,"Image of Saturn's satellite, Tethys, taken November 12, 1980, by Voyager 1 from a distance of 570,000 km (354,000 miles). Other photos of Tethys showed the opposite hemisphere, dominated by what appears to be a large impact crater or hill.\p\pTethys is about 1,000 km (600 miles) in diameter and is composed largely of ice. Voyager 1 made its closest approach to Saturn November 12, 1980. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0128.jpg,,"Colour-enhanced image of Saturn's satellite, Enceladus, taken by NASA's Voyager 1 on November 12, 1980 from a distance of 655,000 km (393,000 miles). The lack of visible surface detail on the satellite indicates that Enceladus' surface is dramatically different from the surfaces of the other larger Saturnian moons. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0129.jpg,,"Image of Saturn's satellite, Mimas, taken by NASA's Voyager 1 on November 12, 1980, 540,000 km (324,000 miles) from the satellite. The massive crater, whose proportionate size (approximately 100 km or 60 miles) is about one-quarter of the satellite's diameter (390 km or 235 miles). The impact that formed the crater was probably almost large enough to shatter Mimas into two or more fragments. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nasa\nasa0131.jpg,,"False-color image of Saturn's rings assembled from clear, orange and ultraviolet frames obtained Voyager 2, from a distance of 8.9 million km (5.5 million miles).\p\pPossible variations in chemical composition from one part of Saturn's ring system to another are visible as subtle colour variations that can be recorded with special computer-processing techniques. In addition to the previously known blue color of the C-ring and the Cassini Division, the picture shows additional color differences between the inner B-ring and outer region (where the spokes form), and between these and the A-ring. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Saturn (astronomy)
#Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster (1986)
#space shuttle
#Space Shuttle System
#space physiology and medicine
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
nas2\nas20057.jpg,0,"Satellite Computer Shuttle Tracking System \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
stpd\stpd0222.jpg,vl16tr28.wav,"Shuttle landing\p\BSound\b - Discovery space shuttle landing at Edwards Air Force Base, October 3, 1988 \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Space Shuttle, Living in a
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Orbiter Structure
#Orbiter Forward Fuselage and Cabin Windows
#Orbiter Crew Compartment
#Orbiter Airlock
#Orbiter Forward Fuselage
#Orbiter Wing
#Orbiter Midfuselage
#Orbiter Payload Bay Doors
#Orbiter Aft Fuselage
#Orbiter OMS/RCS Pods
#Orbiter Body Flap
#Orbiter Vertical Tail
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Abort Modes
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Abort Modes
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Abort Modes
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Abort Modes
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Abort Modes
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Abort Modes
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Orbiter Operational Improvements
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM)
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM)
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM)
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM)
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM)
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#Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM)
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Shuttle Orbiter Structures
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Space Shuttle System
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
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#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
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#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Shuttle Crew Equipment
#Space Shuttle Orbiter Systems
#Space Shuttle Orbiter Systems
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#Space Shuttle Orbiter Systems
#Space Shuttle Orbiter Systems
#Space Shuttle Orbiter Systems
#Space Shuttle Orbiter Systems
#Space Shuttle Orbiter Systems
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Launch Control Center (LCC)
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Shuttle Launch and Flight Operations
#Space Year Review 1994: China
1994 Space Launches.tbl,0,"1994 Space Launches"
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1995
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Year in Space 1994
#Space Year Review 1994: China
1995 Space Launches.tbl,0,"1995 Space Launches"
#Year in Space 1995
#Year in Space 1995
#Year in Space 1995
#Year in Space 1995
#Year in Space 1995
#Year in Space 1995
#Year in Space 1995
#Efforts To Recover SOHO Spacecraft Continue (16 July, 1998)
#SOHO Spacecraft Sees Two Comets Plunge Into Sun (June 3, 1998)
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1995
#Space Year Review 1994: China
1996 Space Launches.tbl,0,"1996 Space Launches"
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Efforts To Recover SOHO Spacecraft Continue (16 July, 1998)
#SOHO Spacecraft Sees Two Comets Plunge Into Sun (June 3, 1998)
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#ALH84001 Less Likely To Contain Signs of Life
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Year in Space 1996
#Europa (astronomy)
#Galileo project
#Galileo Returns New Insights Into Callisto and Europa
#Galileo Returns To Europa For Another Close Look
#black hole
#Black Hole Signature Recorded By STIS
#Black Holes Dwell In Most Galaxies, Hubble Census
#Hubble Captures Volcanic Eruption Plume From Io
#Io (astronomy)
nas3\nas348.jpg,0,"Blue stragglers captured by Hubble Telescope. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#globular cluster
nas3\nas347.jpg,0,"Colliding Galaxies NGC 4038 and NGC 4039. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Hubble Instruments Provide Steady Stream Of Discoveries (9 June, 1997)
#Hubble Is First To Spot Colliding Supernovas (10 June, 1997)
#STS-82 Set For Second Hubble Telescope Servicing Mission (31 January, 1997)
#Background on Europa Data From The Galileo Mission To Jupiter (2 March, 1998)
#Detailed Images From Europa Point To Slush Below Surface (2 March, 1998)
#Europa (astronomy)
#Europa is Seismic
#Europa, Natural and False Color Views
#Europa's Ocean
#Europa's Surface Reshaped
#Space News Update 1997
#Space News Update 1997
#NASA Concurs With Independent Review Of Bion 11 Mission (22 April, 1997)
#Space News Update 1997
#Space News Update 1997
#Mir (Peace) space station
#Mir 23 Status Report
#Mir Collision (25 June, 1997)
#Mir Conditions Improving
#Mir Conditions Stable
#Mir Space Station
nas3\nas333.jpg,0,"Object named 'Klingon'. \H\BPhotograph:\b Nasa/Marshall Space Flight Center"
nas3\nas337.jpg,,"This 'Mickey Mouse' shape (seen at left) is actually part of a colony of fluffy microbes buried for several thousand years in the Antarctic ice. What appears to be Swiss cheese (in the enlargements) is actually the filter through which the melted ice was drained. Electron beams drilled holes. \H\BPhotograph:\b Nasa/Marshall Space Flight Center"
nas3\nas338.jpg,,"'Mickey Mouse' upclose. \H\BPhotograph:\b Nasa/Marshall Space Flight Center"
nas3\nas339.jpg,,"'Mickey Mouse' from a different angle. \H\BPhotograph:\b Nasa/Marshall Space Flight Center"
nas3\nas343.jpg,,"More unusual shapes found in the Vostok Station ice. This one here is called 'porpoise' because it resembles the creature. \H\BPhotograph:\b Nasa/Marshall Space Flight Center"
nas3\nas328.jpg,,"This one has been labeled 'diatom'. \H\BPhotograph:\b Nasa/Marshall Space Flight Center"
nas3\nas334.jpg,,"Labeled 'leftovers' because it resembles Thanksgiving leftovers. \H\BPhotograph:\b Nasa/Marshall Space Flight Center"
nas3\nas345.jpg,,"Probably the least strangely shaped object - 'sphere'. \H\BPhotograph:\b Nasa/Marshall Space Flight Center"
#NASA Receives Approval To Launch Cassini Mission (3 October, 1997)
#Spacecraft Watch For Comet Hale-Bopp Tail Disruption (5 May, 1997)
#Spacecraft Watch For Comet Hale-Bopp Tail Disruption (5 May, 1997)
nas3\nas310.jpg,0,"The 'Face on Mars' feature in the Cydonia region . \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mars Observer project
nas3\nas304.jpg,0,"The third rectangle on the right is where the 'Face on Mars' is located. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Viking Mission to Mars
nas3\nas349.jpg,0,"January 1997 temperatures beneath the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas350.jpg,,"June 1997 temperatures beneath the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas351.jpg,,"November 1997 temperatures beneath the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas352.jpg,,"March 1998 temperatures beneath the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas319.jpg,,"January 1997 temperature anomalies beneath the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas320.jpg,,"June 1997 temperature anomalies beneath the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas321.jpg,,"November 1997 temperature anomalies beneath the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas322.jpg,,"March 1998 temperature anomalies beneath the sea. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#New Satellite Data Show Retreat of El Nino, Pacific Ocean in Transition (26 June, 1998)
nas3\nas330.jpg,0,"Images sent back by the Galileo spacecraft orbiting Jupiter show that Europa is covered with sheets of ice that move, break open, and expose slush and possible liquid water. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas331.jpg,0,"Close-up of Europa's surface. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas332.jpg,0,"Artist's concept of a Europa orbiter. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Europa (astronomy)
#Europa, Natural and False Color Views
#Europa's Surface Reshaped
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Jupiter's Dry Spots and Glowing Auroras To Be Unveiled
#Callisto (astronomy)
#Callisto Summary
#Galilean moons
#Galilean Satellites (Jupiter)
#Galileo Returns New Insights Into Callisto and Europa
#Hubble Captures Volcanic Eruption Plume From Io
#Io (astronomy)
nas3\nas335.jpg,0,"The magnetic loop system. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#magnetic field
#Additional Experiments Selected For Mars 2001 Missions (22 January, 1998)
#Scientists View First Close-Ups of Strange, Layered Polar Terrain (11 February, 1998)
#Upcoming Shuttle Missions
nas3\nas344.jpg,0,"The giant eruption on April 9, 1997 as witnessed by scientists. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas302.jpg,,"This image shows auroral activity was high on April 10, about 9 p.m. CDT over Hudson Bay and Eastern Canada. The north pole is in the lower quadrant of the image; Greenland is at the bottom. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Jupiter (astronomy)
#Saturn (astronomy)
#Uranus (astronomy)
#Neptune (astronomy)
nas3\nas305.jpg,0,"Relative positions of Voyagers 1 and 2. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas306.jpg,,"The different phases that Voyager 1 will have to complete in the Voyager Interstellar Mission. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#SOHO Spacecraft Sees Two Comets Plunge Into Sun (June 3, 1998)
#Space Flight 1995: United States Space Sciences and Astronomy Activities
#Sun's Place In The Galaxy (14 February, 1997)
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mars Observer project
#Mars Pathfinder Status
#Pathfinder Sets New World Record (12 June, 1997)
#Pathfinder: Entry, Descent and Landing
#El Nino
#El Nino Visualizations
#Efforts To Recover SOHO Spacecraft Continue (16 July, 1998)
#Neptune (astronomy)
#Triton (astronomy)
#Mars (astronomy)
#Efforts To Recover SOHO Spacecraft Continue (16 July, 1998)
#Solar Storm Spotted By Spacecraft (9 April, 1997)
#Space Flight 1995: United States Space Sciences and Astronomy Activities
#Sun's Place In The Galaxy (14 February, 1997)
#diabetes mellitus
nas3\nas316.jpg,0,"The Sun's magnetic energy release captured. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas317.jpg,,"Another spectacular solar display captured. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#Low Ozone Measured Over North Pole (8 April, 1997)
#NASA Earth Science Research Aircraft Soars To New Heights (13 May, 1997)
#Ozone Hole Grows (1993)
#ozone layer
#Seeking Solutions to Combat Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
#Stratospheric Ozone Layer
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mars Observer project
#solar flare
#magnetic field
#Mir (Peace) space station
nas3\nas353.jpg,0,"Information obtained from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center"
nas3\nas354.jpg,,"The impact of Cyclone Tracy on rainfall rate is being measured. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center"
#Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Set For October 31 Launch (25 June, 1997)
nas3\nas324.jpg,0,"Black hole in space devouring nearby galaxy. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
#black hole
#Black Hole Signature Recorded By STIS
#Black Holes Dwell In Most Galaxies, Hubble Census
#NASA Research Provides New Insights on Black Holes (20 June, 1997)
#gamma rays
#Gamma-Ray Bursts Common To Normal Galaxies?
nas3\nas327.jpg,0,"Sunspot cycle so far and the prediction by NASA/Marshall scientists. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Space Sciences Laboratory"
#Mars (astronomy)
#Mars Observer project
#Low Ozone Measured Over North Pole (8 April, 1997)
#NASA Earth Science Research Aircraft Soars To New Heights (13 May, 1997)
#Ozone Hole Grows (1993)
#ozone layer
#Seeking Solutions to Combat Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
nas3\nas326.jpg,0,"\BTop Row Left To Right:\b Hydrogen Lyman-alpha, H I 121.6 nm, 20,000 K (11,000 deg. F) / Ionized helium, He II 30.4 nm, 80,000 K (44,000 deg. F) / Ionized iron, Fe XIV 21.1 nm, 1,800,000 K (1,000,000 deg F).\p\p\BBottom Row Left To Right:\b Ionized iron, Fe XII 19.3 nm, 1,500,000 K (833,000 deg. F) / Ionized silicon, Si XII 4.4 nm, 2,000,000 k (1,100,000 deg. F) / White light (comparison image by Big Bear Solar Observatory) \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas307.jpg,0,"The Sun as seen in the glow of highly ionized iron. Such images are really taken in black and white. Scientists assign them false colors to help in studying different images. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA"
nas3\nas308.jpg,0,"Picture 1 is a plot of the pulse profile from 2058+42. The span from peak to peak is 198 seconds. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA/Marshall Space Center"
nas3\nas303.jpg,,"The X-ray pulsar in its lopsided orbit. The flash on the right indicates its 'burst' point. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA/Marshall Space Center"
nas3\nas325.jpg,,"The position of GRO J2058+42 is known within 4 arc-min based on its detection by BATSE (red diamond), and scans by Compton's OSSE (yellow diamond) and scans by Rossi's proportional counter array instrument. \H\BPhotograph:\b NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center"
#Hubble Monitors Weather On Neighboring Planets
#Hubble's Look At Mars, Conditions For Pathfinder Landing
mayf\mayf82.jpg,0,"Mayflower and Speedwell set sail for New Plymouth \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf70.jpg,,"Animals of the New World \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf11.jpg,0,"Cape Cod Bay where the Pilgrims landed in 1620 \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf34.jpg,,"Early map of Virginia \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf48.jpg,0,"Pilgrims were imprisoned for their religious beliefs in England \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf60.jpg,,"Pilgrims dressed formally at all times \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf26.jpg,0,"Austerfield, UK where Bradford was born \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf12.jpg,0,"New England where the pilgrims settled America \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf72.jpg,0,"Mayflower en route to America 1620 \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf85.jpg,0,"English village of Austerfield where William Bradford came from \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf88.jpg,0,"English architecture in the Pilgrim's day \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf81.jpg,0,"Church of St Peter's in England \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf83.jpg,0,"English church in the 1600s \H\BPhotograph:\b Webster Publishing"
mayf\mayf16.jpg,0,"Leyden, Holland - where the Pilgrims left from \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
#Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers
mayf\mayf84.jpg,0,"Harbor of Leyden, Holland \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
#Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers
mayf\mayf80.jpg,0,"Leyden, Holland (a base for the pilgrims) \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
#Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers
mayf\mayf89.jpg,0,"Powerful English business centre in the time of the pilgrims \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf30.jpg,0,"Ships captain preparing to transport Pilgrims to America \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf17.jpg,0,"Dartmouth Harbour - where the Pilgrims paused en route to America \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
#Plymouth (UK)
mayf\mayf32.jpg,0,"Mayflower sets sail for America 1620 \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf36.jpg,0,"Pilgrims worship in their new hall at Plymouth \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf23.jpg,0,"New Plymouth - the first church \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
mayf\mayf6.jpg,0,"Trees in America were different to English trees \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470006.jpg,0,"Re-enactment of Mayflower Pilgrim guards on parade \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470007.jpg,0,"Pilgrim/Indian battles were unequal as the Pilgrims had superior weapons \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470008.jpg,0,"Pilgrim couples were encouraged to marry \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470009.jpg,0,"Map of early US settlement, east coast \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470015.jpg,0,"Pilgrim women cooked on open fires \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470016.jpg,0,"Pilgrims made all their own goods \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470017.jpg,0,"Exhibit showing the Mayflower Compact being signed on board the Mayflower, 1620 \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470018.jpg,0,"Plymouth rock is housed in a grand marble enclosure with columns \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470019.jpg,0,"Cradle made by Pilgrims \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470020.jpg,0,"Re-enactment of Pilgrim women returning from the fields \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470021.jpg,0,"Pilgrims worked extremely hard \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470022.jpg,0,"Pilgrims grew their own food \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470023.jpg,0,"Pilgrims cooked on open fires \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470026.jpg,0,"Pilgrims were well armed \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470027.jpg,0,"Re-enactment of Pilgrims hard at work in New Plymouth \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470035.jpg,0,"Pilgrims were jailed in England for their religious beliefs \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470036.jpg,0,"Pilgrim settlement, New Plymouth, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470037.jpg,0,"Pilgrims conducted meetings on board the Mayflower \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470038.jpg,0,"Exhibit of Pilgrim women washing clothes \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470040.jpg,0,"Exhibit showing Pilgrims on board the Mayflower ship, 1620 \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470041.jpg,0,"Pilgrims ù many died in the new colony \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
2747\27470042.jpg,0,"Exhibit showing a Pilgrim working on board the Mayflower ship \H\BPhotograph:\b Plymouth Wax Museum, Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth Plantation: Massachusetts"
carr\carrmode.jpg,bint021.wav,"Modern World History \H"
psfp\psfp0054.jpg,0,"Gallipoli landing - April 25, 1915 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#World War I
#arms race
#Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy of
psfp\psfp0006.jpg,0,"WWI trench warfare in Europe \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#World War I
#Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy of
#Marne, Battle of the
#Somme, Battle of the
#Jutland, Battle of
#Armistice Day
2919\29190009.jpg,0,"Vladimir Lenin \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Russian Civil War
#Russian history
#Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of
#Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
#Russian Revolution
#Russian Civil War (1918)
#Russian Revolution (1917)
#April Theses
#February Revolution (Russia)
#July Days
#Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
#October Revolution
#tsar or czar
#Paris Peace Conference (1919-20)
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
#Lloyd-George (of Dwyfor), David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl
#Clemenceau, Georges
#World War I
#Fourteen Points
#Clemenceau, Georges
#Fourteen Points
#League of Nations
#League of Nations Formed (1919)
#Lloyd-George (of Dwyfor), David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl
#Paris Peace Conference (1919-20)
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
1600\16000020.jpg,0,"Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Clemenceau, Georges
#Lloyd-George (of Dwyfor), David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl
#Paris Peace Conference (1919-20)
#Treaty of Versailles
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
#Paris Peace Conference (1919-20)
#Weimar Republic
#Hitler's Munich Putsch (1923)
#Polish Corridor
#Versailles, Treaty of
psfp\psfp0063.jpg,0,"Treaty of Versailles inauguration celebrations at Sydney, Australia in 1919 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Treaty of Versailles Introduction (1919)
#Keynes (of Tilton), John Maynard Keynes, Baron
#Fourteen Points
#Peace Treaties of 1919-23: Overview
1600\16000020.jpg,0,"Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Clemenceau, Georges
#Lloyd-George (of Dwyfor), David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl
#Paris Peace Conference (1919-20)
#Treaty of Versailles
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
#League of Nations
#League of Nations Formed (1919)
#Versailles, Treaty of
#League of Nations
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
#collective security
#League of Nations
#International Labour Organization
#World Health Organization (WHO)
#Dawes Plan
#Dawes, Charles G(ates)
#Stresemann, Gustav
#League of Nations
#Locarno Pact
#Lloyd-George (of Dwyfor), David Lloyd-George, 1st Earl
#Locarno Pact
#French history
#Kellogg-Briand Pact
#Briand, Aristide
psfp\psfp0046.jpg,0,"Adolf Hitler (far right) \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Hitler, Adolf
#Nazi Party
#storm surge
#Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany (1933)
#Hitler's Munich Putsch (1923)
psfp\psfp0030.jpg,,"Great Depression - New York street scene \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
2265\22650040.jpg,0,"Village of Belchite in northern Spain destroyed by the 1936 Civil War \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
2265\22650041.jpg,,"Village of Belchite in northern Spain destroyed by the Civil War \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
0722\07220012.jpg,,"United Nations - now responsible for several organizations created by the League of Nations \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#collective security
#International Labour Organization
#Italy Invades Abyssinia (Ethiopia) (1935)
#Japan Invades Manchuria (1931)
#League of Nations
#United Nations (UN)
#Versailles, Treaty of
#Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow
2246\22460022.jpg,0,"Linz - home town of Adolf Hitler \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Hitler, Adolf
#Locarno Pact
elpd\elpd0107.jpg,0,"Cityscape with church tower, Munich, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Sudeten or Sudetenland
#Hitler, Adolf
#Munich Agreement
#Munich Crisis (1938)
psfp\psfp0038.jpg,vl16tr4.wav,"Franklin D. Roosevelt\p \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville
#Roosevelt, Franklin D(elano)
psfp\psfp0077.jpg,vl16tr6.wav,"Joseph Stalin\p\BSound\b - Stalin, A rare recording of his speech, July 3, 1941 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Nazi Party
#Hitler, Adolf
#Stalin, Joseph
#League of Nations
#Soviet Union
#Nazi Party
#Hitler, Adolf
#Stalin, Joseph
#Soviet Union
#Voroshilov, Kliment Yefremovich
#Ribbentrop, Joachim von
1602\16020087.jpg,,"Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Hitler, Adolf
#Nazi Party
#World War II
#World War II
#Great Depression
#Locarno Pact
#League of Nations
1602\16020076.jpg,0,"Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 -- USS \IArizona\i burning after Japanese attack \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
psfp\psfp0029.jpg,0,"Churchill inspecting the RAF Guard of Honour \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Cold War
#Cold War and Iron Curtain (1946)
#Reagan, Ronald (Wilson)
#Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich
1602\16020086.jpg,0,"Conference of the Big Three at Yalta makes final plans for the defeat of Germany. (Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Premier Joseph Stalin, February 1945) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Yalta Conference
#Yalta Conference (1945)
#Red Army (USSR)
#Yalta Conference
#Yalta Conference (1945)
#United Nations (UN)
#WWII, The Politics of War
#Yalta Conference
#Yalta Conference (1945)
#WWII, The Politics of War
#Truman, Harry S
#Potsdam Conference
#Stalin, Joseph
#iron curtain
pssg\pssg0092.jpg,0,"Old Town Gdansk, Poland -- Stalin's first priority of control \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
2266\22660052.jpg,0,"War Memorial, West Berlin, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Berlin Blockade (1948)
#Berlin Airlift
#Stalin, Joseph
#Berlin Blockade (1948)
#Berlin Airlift
#Berlin Blockade (1948)
#Warsaw Pact
#Warsaw Pact (1955)
psfp\psfp0028.jpg,churchil.wav,"Churchill (centre) at the Allied Force Headquarters during the Allied Planning Conference, North Africa 1943\p\BSound\b - Churchill talking about the pressures of war \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#iron curtain
#Marshall Plan
#Potsdam Conference
#Tehran Conference
#Truman, Harry S
#Warsaw Pact
#Yalta Conference
3219\32190038.jpg,0,"Forbidden City entrance with Mao Zedong portrait, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Mao Zedong
#Cultural Revolution
#Gang of Four, China
#Jiang Qing
#Tiananmen Square
0069\00690096.jpg,0,"US Marines in action on the Korean front, Korea, 1951 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / US Army"
#Kim Il-sung
#Korean War
#Korean War (1950-53)
#MacArthur, Douglas
#Truman, Harry S
1602\16020090.jpg,vl16tr13.wav,"General Douglas MacArthur\p\BSound\b - MacArthur, 'Appeasement is a sham peace...', April 19, 1951 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Korean War
#Korean War (1950-53)
#Eisenhower, Dwight D(avid)
#MacArthur, Douglas
0201\02010076.jpg,jkenedy.wav,"John F. Kennedy's response to news of missiles on Cuba was to prepare for an invasion of Cuba.\p\BSound\b - Kennedy speaking about the crisis \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Bay of Pigs
#Bay of Pigs (1961)
#Castro (Ruz), Fidel
#Cuban Missile Crisis
#Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#Kennedy, Robert F(rancis)
#Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich
ssp1\ssp10057.jpg,0,"Suez Canal from space \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#America's Involvement in the Vietnam War (1964-75)
#Vietnam War
#Ho Chi-Minh
#Tonkin Gulf Resolution
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#Tonkin Gulf Incident (1964), The
laos\laos0111.jpg,johnson.wav,"Dragon tooth bomblets used during the Vietnam War to maim, not kill.\p\BSound\b - Lyndon Johnson, President of the USA, speaking about the Vietnam War \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#America's Involvement in the Vietnam War (1964-75)
#Ho Chi-Minh
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Viet Cong or Vietcong
#Vietnam War
1600\16000017.jpg,,"Richard M. Nixon (1913-94) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Johnson, Lyndon B(aines)
#Nixon, Richard M(ilhous)
#Vietnam War
1005\10050059.jpg,,"Young children at the 'Killing Fields' memorial, located on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, 1993 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
#My Lai incident
#Vietnam War
0201\02010001.jpg,0,"Henry Kissinger -- adviser to Richard Nixon \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#America Withdraws from Vietnam (1972)
#Vietnam War
0201\02010042.jpg,0,"Jimmy Carter (1924-) \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
1407\14070034.jpg,,"Hungarian street, Veszprem -- 1956 unrest in Hungary led to the appointment of Imre Nagy \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#arms race
#Berlin Wall
#Dubcek, Alexander
#Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich
#Hungarian uprising
#Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich
#Soviet Union
0722\07220010.jpg,,"United Nations Security Council Chamber \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#United Nations (UN)
#League of Nations
1005\10050007.jpg,0,"Congolese youth volunteers, supplied by ONUC, UNICEF and FAO, rebuilding 20 km of road, Leopoldville, Congo, April, 1962 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / B.Zarov"
#Cold War
#United Nations (UN)
#United Nations (UN)
#Korean War
#United Nations (UN)
#Security Council
1005\10050006.jpg,,"Hammarskj÷ld in Katanga, Congo, 1960 \H\BPhotograph:\b J.Haile"
#United Nations (UN)
#Lumumba, Patrice (Hemery)
#Hammarskjold, Dag (Hjalmar Agne Carl)
carr\carrmaj2.jpg,bint014.wav,"Major Events of the 20th Century \H"
scan\scan0021.jpg,0,"Boer War \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Boer Wars
#Boer War
#Boxer Rising
#United States and Asia
psfp\psfp0086.jpg,0,"Queen Victoria in 1885 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0087.jpg,,"Queen Victoria of Great Britain \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
100a\100a1524.jpg,,"Queen Victoria's State Crown \H\BPhotograph:\b Public Domain Images"
#Victoria, in full Alexandrina Victoria
psfp\psfp0060.jpg,0,"Marconi with his wireless telegraph \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Marconi, Guglielmo
psfp\psfp0088.jpg,0,"Wright brothers biplane in late 1903 \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
1601\16010029.jpg,0,"Orville and Wilbur Wright, Pioneer airplane builders, 1910. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
ulpd\ulpd0098.jpg,0,"Wright brothers memorial at Kitty Hawk \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Wright brothers
fp03\fp03003.jpg,0,"Henry Ford and his first car. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
vam4\vam40110.jpg,0,"Ford's 1930 Model A Ford coupe \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam4\vam40112.jpg,,"1932 Ford 5 window coupe \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
vam1\vam10248.jpg,,"Ford's company has lived on and is known today as one of the world's top car producers. \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0201\02010067.jpg,,"Henry Ford \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Ford, Henry
#Russo-Japanese War
elpd\elpd0144.jpg,0,"Winter Palace, St Petersburg, Russia \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#St Petersburg
ulpd\ulpd0289.jpg,0,"Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco skyline \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
1202\12020063.jpg,,"Turkish soldiers \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
2883\28830097.jpg,0,"Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
psfp\psfp0045.jpg,hitler.wav,"Hitler receiving guests at the Berlin Olympic Games, 1936\p\BSound\b - Hitler addressing a rally \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
psfp\psfp0044.jpg,0,"Hitler receiving flowers from Tyrolian children in traditional costumes \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0046.jpg,0,"Adolf Hitler (far right) \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
1602\16020087.jpg,,"Hitler and Mussolini in Munich \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Hitler and the Nazis
#Hitler, Adolf
#Peace Treaties 1919-23: The Aftermath
2919\29190009.jpg,0,"Vladimir Lenin \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
0124\01240010.jpg,0,"Lenin poster, Moscow, 1967 \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
#Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
1412\14120070.jpg,0,"Exposed coal, Peak Downs, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
#General Strike
psfp\psfp0084.jpg,0,"Great Depression home for the unemployed - Sydney, Australia. \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
psfp\psfp0035.jpg,0,"Battle of Britain - St Paul's Cathedral was ringed by fires on the night of 'The Great Blitz' \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Britain, Battle of
#British Warfare in the 20th Century
#World War II
#World War II: Overview
psfp\psfp0045.jpg,0,"Nazi Germany invades Soviet Russia \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
1602\16020076.jpg,0,"Pearl Harbour, 12/7/1941 - USS Arizona burning after Japanese attack. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Pearl Harbor
#Pearl Harbor, Japan, and War
#World War II
1601\16010018.jpg,0,"War in the Pacific \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Midway Islands
#World War II
#WWII: War in the Pacific
#Stalingrad, Battle of
#World War 2
#World War II
1602\16020078.jpg,0,"D-Day landing on the coast of France, 6 June 1944 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
ww1m\ww1m0023.jpg,0,"D-Day American signaller equipment \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0006.jpg,0,"American Normandy patches \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0024.jpg,,"D-Day gear for a GI \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#World War II
0069\00690083.jpg,truman.wav,"Atomic mushroom cloud over Hiroshima at 8:17pm, 2 minutes after the bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945.\h\H\BSound:\b - Truman (US President) telling the world about the first war-time atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima, Japan. \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations/M. Matsushige \BSound:\b ABC"
#atomic bomb
#Manhattan project
#World War II
#WWII, United States Victory and The Bomb
1601\16010006.jpg,0,"Gen. Douglas MacArthur signs as Supreme Allied Commander during formal surrender ceremonies on the USS MISSOURI in Tokyo Bay. September 2, 1945 \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#World War II
1602\16020086.jpg,0,"Conference of the Big Three at Yalta makes final plans for the defeat of Germany. (Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Premier Joseph Stalin, February 1945) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#WWII, The Politics of War
#Yalta Agreement
#Yalta Agreement: The Problems
#Yalta Conference
#Yalta Conference and the invasion of Warsaw
0069\00690081.jpg,,"Signing of the Declaration by United Nations, Washington DC, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#United Nations (UN)
psfp\psfp0029.jpg,0,"Churchill inspecting the RAF Guard of Honour \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Cold War
#iron curtain
#Cold War: Causes
#Truman Doctrine
#Cold War, The Origins
2884\28840027.jpg,0,"View over Jaisalmer, India \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Berlin Airlift
#Berlin Blockade and Airlift
#West Germany: The formation
#NATO: The formation
#Cold War, The Origins
3219\32190038.jpg,0,"Forbidden City entrance with Mao Zedong portrait, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Mao Zedong
1601\16010002.jpg,0,"Korean Conflict armistice signing -- ending the 3 year Korean conflict, 23 July 1953. General Harris (left table), North Korean General Nam IL (right table) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010003.jpg,,"Korean Conflict -- Initialing of North and South boundaries of demarcation zone, at Panmunjon cease-fire talks: US and North Korea, 11 October 1951. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010005.jpg,,"Korean Conflict -- Jacob Malik, Soviet Representative to the UN, casting the only Security Council dissent calling for Chinese withdrawal from Korea. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
1601\16010004.jpg,,"Korean Conflict - Crossing the 38th Parallel, UN forces withdraw from Pyongyang. \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Korean War
#Korean War: Chinese intervention
#Korean War: US involvement
psfp\psfp0077.jpg,,"Joseph Stalin \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
#Stalin, Joseph
2881\28810076.jpg,0,"Mt Everest from the Tibetan side \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Everest, Mount
#Hillary, Sir Edmund (Percival)
rssg\rssg0074.jpg,0,"Queen Elizabeth II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Elizabeth II
#William I (of England), known as the Conquerer
#Harold II
#English history
#Warsaw Pact
#NATO: The formation
2919\29190045.jpg,kruschev.wav,"Nikita Khrushchev\p\BSound\b - Khrushchev at the United Nations \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Stalin, Joseph
#Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich
ssp1\ssp10057.jpg,0,"Suez Canal from space \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Suez Crisis
#Suez Canal
#Nasser, Gamal Abdel
#Cold War and the Middle East
1407\14070034.jpg,,"Hungarian street and ancient castle, Veszprem \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Hungarian uprising
#Nagy, Imre
#Hungary and the Soviet Empire
ssp1\ssp10108.jpg,0,"Orbiting satellite \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Soviet Union
elpd\elpd0091.jpg,0,"European Economic Community building, Brussels, Belgium \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#European Economic Community (EEC)
3219\32190035.jpg,,"Forbidden City, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
3219\32190005.jpg,,"Great Wall of China, Badeling Pass, N of Beijing, Hebei Province \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Soviet Union
0201\02010076.jpg,jkenedy.wav,"John F Kennedy was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.\p\BSound\b - Kennedy speaking about the crisis \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
1600\16000022.jpg,,"John F. Kennedy (1960-63) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Kennedy, John F(itzgerald)
#Oswald, Lee Harvey
#Ruby, Jack L
laos\laos0070.jpg,0,"Nam Kok River, Laos. This river was an important North Vietnamese route for moving supplies to South Vietnam for the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#Vietnam War
#Vietnam War: Reasons for US involvement
#Vietnam War: US troops sent
2919\29190088.jpg,mlking.wav,"Martin Luther King Jr\p\BSound\b - Excerpt from Martin Luther King's famous civil rights speech \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos/American Stock Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
laos\laos0109.jpg,0,"This 750lb bomb was found at a school site in Laos. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#Vietnam War
3219\32190043.jpg,,"Dragon statue at the Forbidden City in Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Mao Zedong
1406\14060092.jpg,0,"Parthenon, Athens, Greece \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Constantine II
0721\07210057.jpg,0,"Desert road in Sinai, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Arab-Israeli Wars
#Korea, North
#Soviet Union
#Dubcek, Alexander
#Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Empire
fp03\fp03043.jpg,0","Martin Luther King Jr. Press Conference at Capitol, March 26, 1964 US News & World Report Collection. Photo by Marion S. Trikosko. \H\BPhotograph:\b Library of Congress"
#King, Martin Luther, Jr
#Vietnam War
#Soviet Union
#Mao Zedong
0201\02010019.jpg,vl16tr33.wav,"Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the Moon.\p\BSound\b - Armstrong, 'One small step for man...', July 20, 1969 \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
#Aldrin, Buzz
#Apollo programme
#Armstrong, Neil (Alden)
1005\10050025.jpg,0,"Riverside village in Cambodia, 1992 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
#Sihanouk, Prince Norodom
#Vietnam War
laos\laos0070.jpg,0,"Nam Kok River, Laos. This river was an important North Vietnamese route for moving supplies to South Vietnam for the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#Vietnam War
0201\02010061.jpg,nixon.wav,"Richard Nixon\p\BSound\b - Nixon resigning as US President \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Mao Zedong
#Nixon, Richard M(ilhous)
laos\laos0107.jpg,,"Vietnamese B40 rocket used during the Vietnam War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#Vietnam War
#Vietnam War cease-fire: 1973
2245\22450016.jpg,0,"Views across Munich, Germany \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Olympic Games
ulpd\ulpd0063.jpg,0,"Watergate was traced back to the White House, Washington, DC. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Nixon, Richard M(ilhous)
pnwe\pnwe0049.jpg,0,"Chile -- Torres del Paine mountains \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0721\07210057.jpg,0,"Desert road in Sinai, Egypt \H\BPhotograph:\b Irene Hanna"
#Arab-Israeli Wars
2919\29190044.jpg,0,"Haile Selassie I \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos/American Stock"
#Haile Selassie I
1600\16000017.jpg,nixon.wav,"Richard M. Nixon (1968-74)\p\BSound\b - Nixon resigning as US president \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives \h\H\BSound:\b Valentino, Inc"
0154\01540060.jpg,0,"Xhosa women carrying heavy loads upon their heads \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#South Africa
0201\02010042.jpg,0,"Jimmy Carter \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Carter, Jimmy
#Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali
ssp1\ssp10072.jpg,0,"Shuttle launch \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#Uranus (astronomy)
#Voyager project
1005\10050059.jpg,,"Young children at the 'Killing Fields' memorial, located on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, 1993 \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations / J.Isaac"
#Pol Pot
#Khmer Rouge
1405\14050073.jpg,0,"Zulu woman in Zululand, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#Biko, Stephen (Bantu)
#South Africa
#Central African Republic
2919\29190106.jpg,0,"Elvis Presley doing the jail-house rock \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos/F. Driggs"
3611\36110081.jpg,0,"Elvis Presley's resting place at Graceland \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
#Presley, Elvis (Aron)
#Zaire or Za∩re
#Somoza (Garcφa), Anastasio
rssg\rssg0054.jpg,0,"Pope John Paul II with Elizabeth II (Queen of England) \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#John Paul II
3219\32190083.jpg,0,"Traditional Chinese costume \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#United States of America (USA)
2919\29190052.jpg,thatcher.wav,"Margaret Thatcher\p\BSound\b - Margaret Thatcher \H\BPhotograph:\b Reuters/Gary Hershorn/Archive \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Thatcher, Margaret (Hilda)
1766\17660087.jpg,0,"Mountains of Tanzania, Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
#Amin (Dada), Idi
wrpd\wrpd0046.jpg,0,"Muslim women praying \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
#Soviet Union
2882\28820002.jpg,0,"Hoi Anh, Vietnam \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Pol Pot
#Khmer Rouge
#Somoza (Garcφa), Anastasio
0201\02010068.jpg,0,"Lord Louis Mountbatten \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos"
#Mountbatten (of Burma), Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl
1765\17650004.jpg,0,"Robert Mugabe and wife at military day parade in Zimbabwe \H\BPhotograph:\b Gary Watkins Sully"
1600\16000028.jpg,reagan.wav,"Ronald W. Reagan (1981-89) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#Reagan, Ronald (Wilson)
0172\01720019.jpg,0,"Street in Alesund, Norway \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Brundtland, Gro Harlem
#Gang of Four
#Jiang Qing
#Gang of Four, China
vas6\vas60202.jpg,,"Arc de Triomphe, Paris \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Mitterrand, Franτois (Maurice Marie)
rssg\rssg0040.jpg,,"Young Princess Diana \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
rssg\rssg0001.jpg,0,"Prince Charles \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Charles (Philip Arthur George), Prince of Wales
wrpd\wrpd0046.jpg,0,"Muslim women praying \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Sadat, (Mohammed) Anwar el-
ssp1\ssp10094.jpg,0,"Launch of \IDiscovery\i \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#space shuttle
pdmt\pdmt0022.jpg,0,"Microscopic HIV Virus \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
stpd\stpd0003.jpg,0,"Equipment used to test for AIDS \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#Falklands War
#PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
stpd\stpd0147.jpg,0,"Computer technology has become a vital part of business in the twentieth century \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#International Business Machines Inc (IBM)
#personal computer (PC)
nwte\nwte0304.jpg,0,"Greens are concerned with the effect human activity is having on the environment. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0201\02010038.jpg,reagan.wav,"Ronald Reagan\p\BSound\b - Ronald Reagan as US President talking about defense and nuclear weaponry. \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
1005\10050038.jpg,0,"British Red Cross worker assisting drought victims in a camp in Ethiopia \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations"
2881\28810061.jpg,,"Sri Lankan boy \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
#Sri Lanka
#Tamil Tigers
#United States of America (USA)
#America's Cup
1261\12610045.jpg,0,"Dried river bed \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1405\14050056.jpg,0,"South Africa -- Tribal dance in Johannesburg, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
nwte\nwte0306.jpg,,"Dumping of toxic waste at sea can have a devastating effect on wildlife. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
0201\02010010.jpg,0,"Madonna in concert \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos/fotos international"
#Geldof, Bob
psfp\psfp0078.jpg,0,"\ITitanic\i 1912 before she sunk \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library"
0713\07130040.jpg,0,"Titanic memorial, Southampton, England \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#space shuttle
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
#Shuttle CHALLENGER (10) 51-L (25)
#Marcos, Ferdinand (Edralin)
1600\16000028.jpg,reagan.wav,"Ronald W. Reagan (1981-89) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
#United States of America (USA)
diag\diag0012.jpg,0,"Nuclear reactor, showing an example of an advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR) section through an electricity-generating power station \H\BDiagram:\b Webster Publishing"
#Chernobyl Still A Risk
#Chernobyl, Health Risks to Travellers
#nuclear reactor
2265\22650075.jpg,0,"Drottningholm Palace, Sweden \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
3612\36120006.jpg,0,"Anti-nuclear protesters in Sydney Harbour \H\BPhotograph:\b Michael Sinosich"
0722\07220004.jpg,0,"Wall Street, New York, USA \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#stock market
#United States Foreign Affairs in the 1980s
2038\20380035.jpg,0,"Australia's First Fleet Re-enactment Expedition sails into Sydney Harbour on Australia Day, 1988. This was a re-enactment of the first British fleet to arrive in Australia in 1788. \H\BPhotograph:\b Jonathan King"
1203\12030058.jpg,0,"Part of the international fleet for the bicentennial celebrations in Sydney 1988 \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
0155\01550029.jpg,,"Australia Day 1988 at Watson's Bay, New South Wales \H\BPhotograph:\b Peter Power"
1600\16000029.jpg,,"George Bush (1989-93) \H\BPhotograph:\b US National Archives"
3219\32190040.jpg,,"Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"
#Tiananmen Square
ulpd\ulpd0292.jpg,0,"Lombard Street, one of the world's most winding streets. \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#San Francisco
#United States of America (USA)
#Noriega, Manuel (Antonio)
psfp\psfp0058.jpg,mandela.wav,"Nelson Mandela waving to his supporters.\p\BSound\b - Mandela speaking about his hopes for a new South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Fairfax Photo Library \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Mandela, Nelson (Rolihlahla)
#African National Congress (ANC)
#de Klerk, F(rederick) W(illem)
ssp1\ssp10040.jpg,0,"The greenhouse effect is the warming of the planet's atmosphere \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Birds Indicate Warmer Climate
#Earth Getting Hotter?
#Global Warming Confirmed
#Global Warming Theory in Doubt
#Global Warming--Too Early To Judge
#greenhouse effect
vwar\vwar0120.jpg,0,"US marines observing US naval jets bombing in Oman, before the assault against Iraq began. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vwar\vwar0121.jpg,,"US Marine Explosive Ordnance team reviewing orders in Saudi Arabia during Gulf War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vwar\vwar0122.jpg,,"US marines landing in Oman in preparation for the assault against Iraq. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vwar\vwar0119.jpg,0,"USS Iwo Jima patrolling the Persian Gulf during the Gulf War where the US forces attacked Iraq for their invasion of Kuwait. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vwar\vwar0124.jpg,0,"Desert Storm. A US Marine in front of an Iraqi helicopter flown by a defecting Iraqi officer just before the initial US attack began. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vwar\vwar0123.jpg,0,"US Marines in the Oman Desert during the Gulf War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vwar\vwar0125.jpg,0,"Desert Storm. US Marine Explosive Ordnance Disposal team diffusing an unexploded bomb in the United Arab Emirates. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
vwar\vwar0131.jpg,0,"US Marines camouflaged in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
2267\22670052.jpg,,"Spa town of Marianske Lazne (Marienbad), Czech Republic \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#Czech Republic
#Slovak Republic
1750\17500058.jpg,0,"Smart bomb television guidance system - used by American forces in the Gulf War. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
1750\17500057.jpg,0,"Gulf War bombs used by the US forces, Explosive Ordinance Disposal Museum at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, USA. \H\BPhotograph:\b Terry Collins"
#SALT (politics)
ulpd\ulpd0041.jpg,0,"World Trade Center at night \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
#World Trade Center
1405\14050061.jpg,,"Transkei, House of Assembly, Umtata, South Africa \H\BPhotograph:\b Colin Taylor"
#South Africa
#African National Congress (ANC)
3402\34020078.jpg,0,"Morning pollution over Sydney, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
#Fire and Ice: Arctic Expedition Probes Roles of Clouds in Climate Change (May 29, 1998)
#Increasing Greenhouse Gases May Be Worsening Arctic Ozone Depletion (8 April, 1998)
0,mandelav.avi,"Nelson Mandela's 1994 victory \H\BVideo:\b United Nations"
#Mandela, Nelson (Rolihlahla)
#South Africa
1005\10050056.jpg,boutros.wav,"Boutros Boutros Ghali\p\BSound\b - Boutros Boutros Ghali speaking about the UN \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations/M Grant \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
0722\07220013.jpg,,"United Nations with New York in the background \H\BPhotograph:\b Graeme Gee"
#United Nations (UN)
#Rabin, Itzhak
2919\29190048.jpg,clinton.wav,"Bill Clinton wins a second term in office in November 1996.\p\BSound\b - Bill Clinton speaking on the peace process in Bosnia \H\BPhotograph:\b Archive Photos \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#Clinton, Bill
#Bosnia and Herzegovina
vam4\vam40175.jpg,0,"Sunset over the Pacific \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
0888\08880068.jpg,0,"Guard standing outside a building in Taiwan \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
1750\17500038.jpg,,"Cows grazing in the fields \H\BPhotograph:\b Adrian Van Wierst \h\H\BSound:\b Animal Trax"
#bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
1005\10050056.jpg,boutros.wav,"Boutros Boutros Ghali\p\BSound\b - Boutros Boutros Ghali speaking about the UN \H\BPhotograph:\b United Nations/M Grant \h\H\BSound:\b ABC"
#United Nations (UN)
0623\06230034.jpg,0,"Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia \H\BPhotograph:\b DFAT"
ulpd\ulpd0108.jpg,0,"Atlanta skyline at sunset \H\BPhotograph:\b PhotoDisc"
ssp1\ssp10097.jpg,0,"Mars surface from Viking lander \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ssp1\ssp10098.jpg,,"Mars from the Viking orbiter \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
#Life on Martian Meteorite?
#Mars (astronomy)
#NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
0,bulimore.avi,"Tony Bullimore (U.K.) and Thierry Dubois (France) were both rescued from the round-the-world yacht race by the Australian Defence Force. \H\BVideo:\b Department of Defence, Network Ten Limited, Nine Network Australia, Channel Seven Australia, ABC Television"
ww1m\ww1m0080.jpg,0,"S mine and French anti-tank mine from World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0081.jpg,0,"Mines \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
ww1m\ww1m0034.jpg,,"German anti-personnel mines from World War II \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0888\08880066.jpg,0,"Hong Kong \H\BPhotograph:\b GEO"
ssp1\ssp10097.jpg,0,"Mars surface from Viking lander \H\BPhotograph:\b Seattle Support Group"
0,diana.avi,"Diana, Princess of Wales -- a nation mourns the loss of Diana, 'the people's Princess'. \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King / Webster Publishing"
nscn\nscn0013.jpg,0,"Diana, Princess of Wales' funeral \H\BPhotograph:\b Lowanna King"